The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 17, 1899, Image 1

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    (Coring imMk Mttdk
; . :
VOL. XV.-NO 120
Get in the Push.
It is a good thing. We
have opened for the
spring and summer sea
son an immense line of
Baby Carriages.
J. P. Williams & Son,
13 5. Main St.,
A carload is the extent
of our stock, the larg
est yet consigned to one
dealer in Shenandoah.
Our prices suit the con
dition of the times.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Illie Proceeding nt Ills A. 1 I.. A. Con
vention Till Morning,
The first session of second day's conven
tion of tlio Natloual Grand Lodge, American
Protestant Ladies' Association. In Hcfowich's
hall this niornlug. was devoted to tlio elec
tion of olllrors' for tlio ensuing year. This
afternoon's session was principally taken up
by the installation of the olucors.
The elections niarto were as ioiiows :
National Grand Mistress, Mrs. Kllzabcth
Davlcs, Scranton ; National Vlco Grand
Mistress. Mrs. MarRHret E. Jones, Plymouth;
National Grand Secretary, Mrs. Klla Stowart.
Pittsburg j National Grand Assistant Secre
tary, Airs. Lizzie Ilarr, Philadelphia; Na
tional Grand Treasurer, Mrs. Kllzabeth
Monlhan, Luzerno; National Grand Chap
lain, Mrs. E. A. Graham, Johnstown ; Na
tional Grand Conductress, Mrs. Kate
Aienueman. Shenandoah ; National Grand
Assistant Conductress, Mrs. Julia S. Todd,
Chester; National Grand Iusido Guard, Mrs.
Fannio C. l taino, Pittston; National Grand
Outtldo Guard, Mrs Mary A. Clokey, Pitts
burg. Tlio sessions of the convention will
be contiuued to-morrow.
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.,
rialn Street,
American and German Compressed Yeast Is
sold by all grocery keepers. All first class
I bakers uso It. 1' resh, relUblo and quick.
Makes the best broad. Try It. 4-24-lm
Glass Entertained.
Miss Mary Griffiths, of West Oak street,
Ioutertalned her Sunday School class last
evening. Those In attendance were Ethel
Haskins, (Jessie, Amiio and Mary Kowo,
Lizzie and Euth liolman, Maud Hayes,
Emma Davis, May Zimmerman, Laura
IBrocius, Mabel and Harrison Smith and Mrs
Griffiths. Games were playod and refresh'
ments were nerved, after which tlio little
I guests departed well pleased with the even
lug's entertainment.
For Sale,
$1,!00 first mortgage bonds for silo. Will
sell part or all of them. Interest five per
cent , pavablo quarterly. Apply at Herald
office. 5 17-lt
Paying taxes is like buy
ing many of the so
called bargains in many
stores you generally
pay out a good deal of
money for very meagre
Did you boo tlio t3o Keating Iiicyclc iu
Biuuini s show window? o-12-tf
Our line of Chlldrcns Dresses is complete the
styles the latest the fit, perfect and the prices
-well, they fit the purse ot the buyer a no
"special" bargains can do.
RIBBON'S G ALOttE Our stock 1 all right In
quantity quallt) and price. We have the
narrow widths for trimming dress skirts, and
we have the wider for neck ribbon and waist
Telephone Movements.
The Borough Council of Pottsville held
meeting last night and the committee ou law
and ordinances presented two ordinances, one
granting franchise to the Schuylkill Tele'
phono Company aud the other granting fran
chise to the Anthracite Telephone Company.
The recommendation was made that both
companies be required, should the ordinances
bo adopted, to use one set of poles. Action
on the ordinances was Indefinitely postponed,
Gas Mantles for 10c.
At Bru turn's.
Complete lamps, 50c,
Morgan's Fancy Bazar, 23 worth mn st.
Ofllt GflUSED
Curiosity Led to Yesterday's Sacrifice
of Human Lite.
Taken Into custody Shortly After the Dis
aster Near Taraaqus, a Farmer Lad
Bays.He Placed tie Fatal Spike
to See a Tralfl'natten It,
The Elopement.
Gossip over tbo Peters-Gorman elopement
was renewed to-day by a report made on
efforts Instituted to traco toe couple. It was
learned that they went as far asShamokin
and last night retraced their steps, traveling
via the P. & 11. Railway to Philadelphia, with
New York City as their destination. No
T I T TvYffTYVr TkTl'rrfcT'r,Th k TTVTfcO ctlorts aro being made to overtake them.
D ALU YY UN iErIIliEiii 1 U i5 . ,1
Airs. j. uouman nas removed nermiiuuery
This is our fifth year with the BALDWIN and we "tore to HO North Main street. A call from
are pleased with our sales. Every Refrigerator sold '.
Sons of
8. Of
makes us a lnend ana helps to sell others. I ney use
less ice and keep the food sweeter than any others.
Ask your neighbor who has a Baldwin.
ALL SIZES FROM $10 to $30.
Swalm's Hardware Store.
Come right through the
serve you well in the
brick buiiding.
Henry Ilorncastlo Camp No. 49,
Veterans, Ladies' Aid Society No. 13,
V., and Women's Relief Corps will accompany
Watkins Waters Post No. 140, G. A. It., to
the All Saints Protestant Episcopal church ou
Sunday evening. May 23th, when Rev. Van
Fossen will deliver an appropriate Momoral
Day sermon. The above societies receive
general orders each year in which thoy are
requested to attend divino service at some
We will church and they have made a good selection
for this year's services.
Hef.ciiam'8 Pills euro Sick Headache.
Comedo see us ill our new and enlarged quarters. Our stock
is far larger than the last time you visited us. But our prices
remain as low as ever. We are the headquarters for
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, musical
ruments and Optical Goods.
2 Orkin's Jewelry Store,
No, 7 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Penna.
Kelt door to Goldln's Mammoth Clothing House.
Oil Cloth,
A full line of new spring
styles in--
i Tapestry,
Velvet and
Body Brussels.
INGRAINS' New- styles, extra qualities.
RAG GARGETS All kinds and prices
Going to 1'hlladelphla.
Stephen G. Middleton, the well-known Re
publican politician of the Middle ward, Gil
berton, has sold out his hotel business at that
place, and left yesterday to take up his res!
dence In Philadelphia. A sun of Mr. Middle
ton's has been living in Philadelphia for
some time, and profitably employed, and Mr,
illddletou hopes to secure favorable openings
far his growing family. The departure of
Mr. Middleton removes one of the most
active of north-of-the-cuountaiu Republicans,
who has many warm friends in this town
who regret hla departure,
The best gaa mantle at the cheapest price,
At Orkin's, 7 South Main street. tf
rrothonotary Deegan Stricken.
Colonel James R. Deegan, Prothontary of
this county, was stricken Monday evening
wane wanting nioug ucntre street, Asmanu,
and fell to the sidewalk unconscious. He
was carried into a near-by storo, and Inter
conveyed to his home and this morning was
somewhat improved. Col. Deegan bas not
been enjoying the best of health, for some
Onr Improved chipped dry beef is a sue
coss. Its tuluness amis to ine uavor. w. u.
Brohst, cor. Jardln and Centre Sts. 5-5-lm
l'annsy Train Changes.
There will be a change In tho time tables
all over the Pennsylvania railroad system on
the 2lst inst. On the P. & E. division the
train which now leaves Pottsville for Shen
andoah at 0:20 p. m., will hereafter leave at
5:10 p. m. The train which now leaves this
town at 8:15 a. m., will leave at 8:03, arriving
atPottsvllle at 8:43.
Trouserings as Taixt as 83 00.
Splendid assortment. Kklly & Coy way.
Ferguson House block, 4-5-tf
Fun at FottsvlIIe's Expense.
From Ilazleton Plain-Speaker.
Pottsville's Board of Trade having failed
to secure any new industries, it is suggested
that the Board appoint a committee and send
Its members out to induce Lowery's circus to
spend a day at the Schuylkill county seat.
They might be successful in that.
strawberries 8tratrberrlea
Received daily. All largo berries. 10 to IS
pent per quart box. Coswrrr's, 3d South
Main street, o-iu-tt
New Itoadway,
For the put several days surveyors of the
Glrard ostato are engaged in stakiug off a
new road, fifty feet wide and fifty feet long,
on Locust mountain. It runs south of the
Odd Fellows' cemetery and connects with
the road to Ringtown at the southwestern
corner of the Soldiers' Monument park.
All kinds and all fresh caught. 0 cents per
pound. Coslett's, So South Main St. St
Hoarders Wanted.
At 281 East Centre street. Excellent ac
commodations. First-class management and
table. The house Is In charge of Mrs. Mann
needs no introduction as to her abilities
boarding mlitretss. 8-17-4t
The wreck of the passenger train on the
. it R. Railway, near Tamanua, yesterday.
whereby Kngine er Grior was killed and two
firemen were fatally Injured, has been
followed by surprising developments and tho
arrest of tho party responsible for tho dis
aster, who is a young Irian whose curiosity
over-balanced his common sense and has
caused his Incarceration In jail.
John Short, the fireman of tho freight
train who suffered In tho wreck, is an inmate
of tho Pottsville hospital. The officials thcro
stated to-day that tho victim's condition con
ttuued as It was yesterday, and that there
are no hones for recovery. A report from
Sbamoklu to-day regarding the condition of
Fireman Kerstvller was of a similar nature.
Tho other victims aro Improving.
The young man under arrreat for causing
tho disaster is Oliver Ohl. Ho is in the 1'otU
vlllo jail, aud will in all pr ibbility remain
there uutll after the Grand Jury acts Ou his
case, and possibly until he is tried by a jury
In court.
Ohl Is seventeen years old. He was accom
panied at the scene of the wreck by Arthur
Sticgerwalt, who is about tho samo age
Both are sons of farmers of West Pcnn
Sticgerwalt is under surveillance as a wit
Both parties reside about ulna miles from
Tamariua. Yesterday morning they drove
from their homes to a place along tbo rail
road near the point of the wreck with a
load of railway sills, which they loaded on a
railway truck standing ou a siding. While
there Ohl placed a spike on a rail of the
main line for the purpose of seeing how-
train would flatten the spike. It was this
spike, in connection with the sharp curve
near tlie place, that caused tlio passenger
tralu to leave the track.
After the wreck occurred Ohl and his com
naulon drovo homeward. Their actions had
excited suspicion and two officers wcro sent
in pursuit of them, Tho men detailed for
tills work were O. & I. Policeman Daniel
Goudge, ot Askland, and T. D. Fister,
special P. & R. Railway officer located at
Tamaqua. Young Stiegcrwalt was first over
taken, at his homo. When charged with the
terrible deed he dented it, but suggested that
tho officers arrest Ohl, as be could tell all
about It. Tho latter was arrested shortly
after. He made no denial, but said that ho
was not prompted by malicious intent In tbo
act ; that he had simply placed tho spike on
tho rail to see what effect a train would have
n passing over it, tho idea that tho train
ould be thrown from tho rail, or that any
othor accident would happen, never entering
his bead.
Tho officers took Ohl to tho Pottsville jail,
hero he was held until this morning, when
was taken before Justlco Stidfole, at
Tamaqua, and given a hearing. Ohl pleaded
guilty and told his story with reservation,
exonerating his companion from any com
plictty iu tho matter. Ohl was then com
initted to jail without bail.
The' Deputy Coronor at Tamaqua and
ury viewed tbo scene of the wreck and took
testimony last night and this morning. A
verdict will not be rendered until this even
llurgess Itcaigns
At a special meeting of tho Mahanoy City
Borough Council last night Chief Burgess
Bowman asked If the Council was of the
samo opinion as It was at tho previous meet
ingthat he should pay up his arrearages
and resign. He said he was ready to settle
the acconnt of $61 charged against him and
did not know that he owed any moro. Some
Councilmen insisted upon the payment and
resignation, while others thought the Burtress
should bo given more time to consider the
matter. A vote was taken and It stood 0 to 3
favor of the resignation. The Burgess
Necrology Itepnrts uf This anil Other
Towns of thn County,
An infant child of Mstthias Smarowski
died at tho family residence on South Main
street last evening. It was H months old.
Tho funeral of Georgo Godber took place
this afternoon, from tho family residence.
337 South Chestnut street Services were
held in the Primitive Methodist church, at
2 o'clock, Rev. James Moore officiating. In
terment was made in the Odd fellows
ccmotcry. Among the out-of-town rtoldcuta
at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Trcgembo, Sr., of Llewellyn ; Mr. and Mrs.
James I'ataleyand Harry Jevons, of Morea ;
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Paisley, of West Ilazle
ton: Mr. and Mrs. George Fishburn, of
Llewellyn : and Miss Phyllis Godber, of
Hyde Park, Mass. E. J. Davles was the
funeral director.
The funeral of Lizzie Ellen, daughter of
Robert and Mary Sboup, took place yesterday
afternoon from tho family residence nt DID
West Coal street. Tho services wcro held at
tho residence and Interment was made in the
Odd Fellows' cemetery. J. P. Williams & Son
were tho funeral directors.
Annie, daughter of Rccs Davis, of Buck
Mountain, died yesterday, aged 18 years and
4 months. Intermont will bo made at Free-
land on Saturday.
Henry H., lO-month-old son of Samuel
Trcga, of Gilberton, was buried at Frack-
ville yesterday afternoon.
Card of Acknowledgment.
To tho Officers of the Homo Friendly So-
cioty, of Baltimore, Md.
Gentlemen: I desire to exteud my sin
cere thankfe for the promptness with which I
received, In full, the insurance claim held by
me on your company ou tho death of my be
loved husbaud, Georgo Godber. The pay
ment was mado without delay through your
superintendent, William T. Evans, and
agent, Frederick A cornier. I am satisfied
that great benefit is derived by all who en
roll in your company for protection in time
of need.
Shenandoah, May 17, 1890.
tlain and Hail Croato Havoo in
Many Sections.
In Ono Inatnneo Fifteen Chlldnon Were
Injured, nnclTwotVlll I'robnlily Dlo.
At Cnnnl Hover Nino Soliolnrs Woro
Seriously Unmniro in I'ouimylvatitn.
Detroit, May 17. Severe storms were
tjulto general throughout the state yes
terday. Hudson, Caro, Cold Water,
Marshal and Brant all report consider
able property damage, but no lives
lost. Near Alvordton, just over tho
state line In Ohio, the storm was pre
ceded by a young cyclone, which com
pletely destroyed a small brick school
building. There were about 15 chil
dren In the building bosldoa tha
teacher, Miss Flossy Fisher. Ten of tho
children were injured, and it la re
ported that two will surely dlo. Miss
Fisher was painfully cut about tbo
head. The building was turned com
pletely over on Its sido and then fell
to pieces.
Gentlemen : I take this means of letting
you know that we fully appreciate your
prompt payment of policy on my mother,
through yourSupcrintendcnt and your agent,
Lewis Hughes, and would recommend your
company to all who feel liko taking iu
Thomas O'Haren.
Shenandoah, May 17, 1809.
Spring Suiting., 810, 811 and 813,
Kelly & Conway, tailors, 14 West Centre
street. 4-5-tf
Surprise Tarty.
A farewell surpriso party was tendered
Maud Puruell last evening at tho homo of
her parents, on South Catherine street. It
was attended by Amy Aschenbaucb, Daisy
Price, Bessie Webb, Lizzie Hess, Edith and
Emily Morris, Anna Dcuglcr, Mlnnio Jones,
Ida and Jennio Dawson and Mattie Purncll,
of GUborton, Edna Myers, Lizzie Stauffor,
Maud Purncll, Garflold Jefferson, Joseph
Bowman, Walter Capper, Clayton Loucks,
Elmer Gradwell, Harry Foist, Emmet Walsh
William Purnell, Louis Gable, David and
Arthur Davis, Frank Gradwell, Mr.and Mrs.
William Gradwell, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer
Dramheller and Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Purnell
Ilauaer's, Cherry & Chestnut Sts,
Frosh butter, eggs, choice meataj daily.
rvixx. LEVIT s.
Washable and Silk Neck
wear just received. Buy
our washable tics from
ONE CENT opwards.
: Soft Shirts. i;
J; Very latest designs. ;!
', Qualities: Silks, Madras and ',
! English Crepe. Will wash
and won't fade. Just the
thing for summer wear. J
Ask to see them and our prtoec f
4 will mako the sale. 4,
Cyotono Cnne Clrotm Tent Collnpo.
Akron, O., May 17. A cyclone struck
this city at 3 o'clock yosterday after
noon, and did much damage. The
storm struck the tents of Main's circus
nnd thoy collapsed upon tho crowd.
Policemen had hard work to prevent a
panic, but the spectators were finally
released without injury. In East
Akron tho Dtggs Boiler company'o
shops were, badly damaged and a por
tion of a stono wall fell upon tho of
fice roof, crashing through it and com
pletely wrecking tho interior. Tho
shops of the Akron Sewer Pipe com
pany also suffered heavily. More than
150 feet of tho main building was
blown down and three were slightly
Nino School Children Injured.
Canal Fulton, O., May 17. During
the storm yesterday tho wall of a
school house was blown In and nine
pupils wore injured, some of thota
quite seriously. Tho injured are:
Mary Kurtz, skull fractured; Esther
Kurtz, ankle broken; Helen Klein,
scalp wound; Stella Qroff, skull do-
pressed and ankle broken; Grace Her
bert, leg broken; Susie Dapp, scalp
wound; Tlllle Petz, scalp wounds and
badly bruised about tlie chest; Mabel
Leaver ,sr.alp wounds; Jennio Smith,
Head bruised. Four scholars were
buried beneath the debris of brick and
wooden beams. They wero extricated
by the teacher.
Two King Circus.
These enormous shows, greater, grander in
every way. Enlarged iuiprovou and better
than cvor. A grand new departure of J. II.
LaPcarl's great allied shows that will exhibit
at Shenandoah, Friday May 10, is tho new
trained animal exhibit. Tho two rings are
occupied by trained animal actors of surpass
ing interest; prominent among them are the
performing elephants. Thoy appear simul
taneously in two rings. Theso veritable
moving mountains of flesh present a mcst
wonderful and unique display ; manifesting
remarkablo precision and understanding in
their accomplishments.
Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Daily,
SO cents per quart. Delivered at your home.
Schcider's bakery, 27 East Centre street, tf
Wind Velocity Fifty Mile nn Ilonr,
Aitoona, Pa., May 17. A violent
wind,, hail and. rain storm, lasting half
an hour, swept over this section last
evening. Tho wind velocity was 60
miles an hour. Part of the roof of the
big silk mill was blown off and an im
mense reservoir on tho roof was blown
Into the street below. Tho water ran
down Into the mill and saturated bales
of raw material and also finished silk,
causing great damage. A tolegrapa
tower at McGarvey's Station, a couplo
of miles west of here, was blown over
the railroad embankment, with the
operator and watchman in it. They
escaped injury.
A few new shapes have
been added to our enor
mous big stock oi hats.
We are the recognized
leaders in this line.
Loading Store I
then announced that he would hand in his
resignation at a special meeting to bo held
next Friday evening.
A Fecullar Wedding Service.
At Watsontown one evening last week
Gcome M. Ponesmith and Miss Malinda A,
Longenberger, both deaf mutes, wero mar
ried by tho oral and mute means of com'
munication, the contracting parties plight
ing their troth in the sign language. Tbo
parties met at the Institute for Deal Mutes in
Philadelphia, where thoy were educated
The groom is a prosperous farmer of Cum
bcrland county, where they will make their
Hugh Dolan, a mining contractor of Potts.
ville, and Miss Esther B. Jennings, of tho
same place, were married yesterday morning,
In the Episcopal churcn.
Daniel Driscoll, formerly of Meohanlcs-
vlllo, and Miss Kate Langan, formerly of
Palo Alto, but now both residents of New
York, were uuited In marriage at the latter
city yesterday.
The Silk Mill Project.
There are no new developments in connec
tion with the local silk mill project. No
meeting was hold last night, and It is not
likely that there will beany Important move-
mout, in addition to those reported yosterday,
before the early part of next week.
Emigrants by the Drove,
From Mauch Chunk News
Emigrants by tho drove aro again arriving
for tho anthracito coal legion. For tho past
several weeks the little buiUing over at the
Lehigh Valley station called "Castle Garden,"
has been filled every night. They arrive on
the midnight trains from Now York, are
packed into "Castle Garden" like so many
cattle and the next morning they leave for
their destinations in the Hazleton and
Schuylkill coal regions.
Flower l'lants, All Kinds
For Decoration Day. Leave orders now.
John Hall, corner White and Centre
streets. B-ll-10t
Henry Dnranpi In Ilolldnyabnrsr.
Hollldaysburg, Pa May 17. A ter
rific wind storm passed over this sec
tion last night, creating great ruin and
havoc in the city. Tho steeple of tha
Methodist church was blown down, th
Presbyterian church was partly un
roofed and the town clock was dashed
from the court house tower by tha
force of the wind. Several barns weri
completely destroyed. Hundreds ot
Bhade trees wore blown down, and
street traffic Is suspended. The eleo
trlc and telephone service was for a
time at a standstill. There was no loss
of life. The damage will amount to
thousands ot dollars.
Must Repair the ltoads.
District Attorney Edgar W. Bechtel has
sent out letters to those supervisors of dis
tricts where roads were reported bad by the
constables at the opening of the last term of
Criminal court. There were eight or ten
such, and the supervisors have been notified
to make such repairs as required, under the
Act of Assembly, or thoy will bo brought be.
foto tbo court.
Fublio Library Nollco.
All persons holding books belonging to the
Shenandoah Free Public Library will pleass
return them on Thursday afternoon, 18th
Inst., and not later than Saturday evening,
20th inst. By order of the Board of Library
Trustees. Fbank IIanna,
5-15-0t Librarian,
Escaped Fru the Lockup.
Joseph Pickaloskt and Peter Lutwin, who
ware committed to the lockup on Sunday
morniug to serve five days as suspicious char
acters, succeeded In escaping from the place
yesterday afternoon.
To Qo to the Klondike.
II. G. Steele, of the Shamokln Herald, will
leave this week for Dawson City, Klondike,
where be will conduct a newspaper for a
Seattlo snydlcato.
Home From Havana,
Henry J. Fogarty, son of Thus. Fogarty, of
Mahanoy City, arrived at his home yesterday
from Hayana, Cuba, He was a private in
Battery L, 2nd U. S. Battery. John Huber,
of St. Nicholas, a member of tho same bat
tery, also arrived home yesterday,
Home on Sick Leave.
Michael Copper, a private la the ISth U. 3.
Inf., stationed at Ciego-de-Avllo, Cuba, has
arrived at his homo in Mahanoy City on
sick furlough.
A Prosperous Institution,
Owing to the largely Increased attendance,
the friends of Bucknell University are at
tempting to raise (75,000 to increase the fixed
and working capital of tho Institution, A
friend In New York city has promised to
give 115.000 of the amount. Not less than
one-third of the amount is to be added to the
working capital; the rest will be. used In
erecting needed buildings.
Ask your grocer for the "Boyal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It Is the best
flour made.
Baked beans and pork to-night. Vegetable
soup to-morrow morning.
Potato salad aud bacon to-night. Pea soup
to-morrow morning.
Vegetable soup, free, to-night. Cold lunch
0 to 11 a. in.
Pea soup will be served, free, to all patrons
Pea soup, free, to-night. The largest and
coolest glass of boor In totn.
We have just opened and placed
on sale several cases ol cotton
fabrics in Dimities, Orirnndies,
Dotted Swiss, Corded and Fancy
Piques, Ginghams, etc. This mag
nificent line of new styles offers
the widest range for popular selec
tion in the very best goods and best
styles to be found in the leading
Fine Dimities, i2 cents.
Dotted Swiss, I2j cents.
Organdies, 8c to I2jc.
i'tques, irom ioc per yam up.
A Large Assortment of Lace Curtains, fron
50c to $15,00 per pair.
School House Itondored
Pittsburg, May 17. A terrific wind
storm, accompanied by rain and hall,
passed over this section yesterday af
ternoon. Great damage was done to
telegraph and telephone wires, while
many troes, fences and roofs wero
picked up aud carried away bodily.
The Tenth ward school house, In Al
legheny, was so badly twisted that
the building Inspector has considered
as unsafe. Hall did conslderablo
damage lu the suburbs, and reports
of like damage are coming from many
nearby towns,
Line if
They will interest you and
so will our prices. Our dis
play is larger than any in
10O S. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
ITnll Damaged the Crops,
Mount Pleasant, Pa., May 17. Tha
storm which caught this section at 5
o'clock last evening was the most se
vere and disastrous In many years.
Rain fell In torrents and hall was so
severe that It la feared that crops are)
badly damaged. Ten houses of tho
Illinois, pteel company, at Moorwood,
lust under way of completion, and one
belonging to the workmen were blown
down and to pieces. The large plata
glass windows In the company's storo
were broken by the wind and hall.
Killed by nlnir.
Dubois, Pa May 17. William Mack-
sye, agod 17 years, was killed by light
ning at Brookvllle yesterday afternoon
during a terrific storm. The boy bad
sought shelter in an outhouse during
the storm, and the building was struck.
The storm did great damago In the way
or uprooting trees, unroofing buildings
ana breaking telegraph and telephone.
Mnny Oil Derricks Blown Down.
Oil City, Pa., May 17. Ono of tho
heaviest wind and hall storms that has
ever visited mis section passed over
Oil City yesterday afternoon, doing
much damage. Oil producers wero tha
heaviest losers, as many derrloks were
blown down. The damage in this vl
ctnlty win reach many thousands at
Leave your orders now for all kinds of
plants and cut flowers. Coslett'i 30 South
Malu street, 13-10-tf
For stylish trimmed hata
Go to the BON TON.
For fine children's hats
Go to the BON TON.
For new style sailors
Go to the BON TON.
For the largest assortment
Go to the BON TON.
Frtcea the lowest at the Don ToB,teadr d
fine millinery.
No. 1 North tola StrNt.