The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 15, 1899, Image 2

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"All the Nevs Thai's Fit to Print."
Published every.evenltiB, except Snntlny, nt 8
South Janlln street, Hliennmlimli, l'n.
The Herald la delivered In Shenandoah nnd the
aurrotimlliiR town fornix cent ft wck, pay
able to the carriers, lly mnll JS.OO n yenr, or
25 centi n month pnynble In lulrnnee. Ad
vertisements charged nccordltiR to siec nnd
position. The publishers reserve the rluht
to clinngo tlio position f advertisements
whenever the publication of news demnnds
It. The right Is reserved to reject nny
advertisement, whether Ild for or not, tlmt
the publishers may deem Improper. Advcr
tlslnn rates maile known upon application.
Entered at the post odlce at Hhcnandonh, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
MONDAY, MAY 15. 18W.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
If the number of Democratic can
didutes continues to increase with the
same rapidity for tlio next four
weeks, as they have in tlio past,
Chairman Mover will have money to
Unclk Jimmy Minoquk, whose
pungent paragraphs a number of
politicians have severely felt, is never
content unless he is poking some one
undor the ribs. lie is now gunning
for County Chairman Mover, und in
timatesthat that gentleman is Buffen'
ing from du enlargement of the head
Governor Stonk has shown his
good judgment in vetoing the bill
increasing the inimimum salary to be
paid county Superintendents to
$1,500 per annum. The Governor
thinks the county School Directors
can better judge what salary should
be paid their Superintendents than
the Legislature.
An interesting and long drawn out
suit has closed in the Luzerne county
court, In which Michael Dougherty,
of Hazleton, wasniwarded $175 dam
ages. The case was begun in 1890
and the plaintiff claimed $4,000 for
injury to his property by a naighbor
filling up a waterway, flooding his
lot and causing sickness and death in
his family. The plaintiff expended
five times the amount of damages re
covered in counsel fees alone.
.TriB political contest in Schuylkill
. county this year is an important one.
From a party standpoint, it is one
that will require much hard work on
the part of the Republican leaders to
s conduct successfully. Very little has
T)een done to harmonize the party
factions, and it behooves the leaders
to give this matter their serious con-aVion-iyW2a
us rtJ"V'2iW yiilTiffu tlltttf fee
Republicans can elect their ticket, or
a majority of it; but this cannot be
accomplished with the party divided.
Get together, gentlemen; there is
room enough in the party for all fac
tions, and each to have an equal di
vision of the spoils.
Wk are in receipt of a copy of the
seventh annual edition of Petingill's, which is a hand
some volume of 1000 pages, the most
complete and comprehensive work of
its kind reaching our office. It pre
sents a statistical and business pic
ture, as it were, of oyer 90QO towns
and cities, giving their population
and valuation, the county they are
located in indicating if they are
county seats their distance from the
nearest important place, the railroads
touching them, their transportation
facilities by water, their water
powers, their principal hotel and
bank, enumerates their principal
manufacturing industries, stating the
number of people employed in each,
and the annual wage payments.
list of local papers is given, a totul of
20.000 classified in alphabetical order.
Altogether it is a model work of its
Thk position of the Catholic church
on divorce is clearly and forcefully
demonstrated by. Cardinal Gibbons
in a signed statement, issued on Sat
urday. The American Cardinal do
fends the contention of the church
that death only should sever the
bond of marriage. Ife ays : "Mar
riage, in the view of the the
most inviolable and irrevocable of all
contracts that were ever formed,
Every human compact may be law-
fully dlgolved but this. Nations may
be justified in abrogating treaties
-with each other, merchants may dis
solve partnerships, brothers will
eventually leave the paternal roof,
and, like Jacob and Esau, separate
from one unother ; friends, like
Abraham und Lot, may be obliged' to
part company, bat by the law of God
the bond uniting husband and wife
can be dissolved only by death. No
earthly sword can sever the nuptial
knot which the Lord has tied ; for
'what God hath Joined together let
no man put ustinder."
After ESimmer
To assist digestion, relieve distress
after eating or drinking too heartily,
to prevent constipation, take
Hood's WIS
Sold everywhere. 25 cents.
A Handsomo Complexion
one or Lbs sreaieut cnaruii a woman can
possess. I'ozzoxra uourutxiov rowoiui
No One Can Remain Well, No Cbronio Dis
ease Can be Cured Unless the Btomach
Is First Made Stronc and Vigorous
This Is plain because every organ In tlio
body depends on Hie stomach for 1U nomlsli
ment. Norvo, bono, sinew, blood tiro made
from tlio food which the stomach converts to
our use.
How liseloss to treat disease with tills, that
nnd the other remedy ami neglect tlio most
uiportant of nil, tlio stomach.
The earliest symptoms of indigestion are
sour risings, bad brtla In tlio mouth, gas in
stomach and bowels, palpitation, all-gone
feeling, fnlutuess, headaches, constipation ;
later cumes loss of llesh, consumption, liver
und heart troubles, klduoy diseases, nervous
prostration, all of which nro the iudircct re
sult of poor nutrition.
Any person sullorlng from indigestion
should make It a practice to take after each
meal one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, al
lowing it to dissolvo in the mouth aid thus
niinglo with tlio saliva and enter the stomaoh
in the most natural way. Theso Tablets nrc
highly rccommonded by Dr. Jcnulson bo
cattso they nro composed of thb natural di
gestive acids aud fruit osencos which assist
the stomach in digesting nil wholosomo food
before it has timo lo ferment nnd sour.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nro sold by
druggists, full sized packages at CO conts.
They are also excellent for invalids and
children. A book on stomach diseases nnd
thousands of testimonials of genuino cures
sent free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich.'
Anson M. Stratton, the pioneer of
Coney Island, died in New York, aged
62. He left $2,000,000.
A monster mass meeting in Minne
apolis adopted resolutions strongly up
holding McKinley's Philippines polloy.
Plummor S. .Pago, the street railway
mawiato of Scranton, Pa., dropped
dead yesterday irom the rupture or. n
blood vessel in the head.
New York's Central Labor Union
adopted resolutions denouncing Gen
eral Merriam for ordering the dlsband
ment of miners' unions in Idaho.
Donald McLean, a western railroad
promotor, fell over the balustrade of
the Palmer House, Chicago, to the
stone flagging two floors below, and
was kllkd.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from nn otherwise
lovable girl with an olTcnslvo breath. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath by its
action on tho bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
and a guarantee.
nevt rear n .rnrxiieo rear.
Washington, May 16. The papal
bull issued in Rome within the last
few days decreeing the year 1900 shall
be a Jubilee year throughout the
church is expocted hero shortly, and
will be announced in all churches
throughout the country. Tho issuanco
of a bull on tho subject gives it special
solemnity, nnd there will doubtless be
many notable pilgrimages to Rome
and the gathering there of distinguish
ed churchmen. Tho jubilee next year
Is considered more important than
that held every 25 years, as it ushers
In a new century and comes at a
time when Pope Loo Is old and very
feeble, his 00th year having been com
pleted in March.
Shake Into Your Slioes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for tho feet. It
enres painful, swollen, smarting, nervous
feet, and instantly takes the stink out of
corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort
discovery of tho age. Alleu's Foot-Ease
makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a
certain cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for
25c in stamps. Trial package FKEE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Boy, N. Y.
A Iteftisnl to Tlold to tho J.ntest lie.
inand of tlio Cznr.
Shanghai, May IB. Tho tsung-11-
yamen (unlneso iorelgu ofllce) has re
pliod to the Russian minister at Pekin,
M. De Glers, that the government is
unable to accede to the Russian do
mand, made last Wednesday, for a new
railway concession connecting Pekln
with Russia's present system in Mart'
churia.Not since the taking of Port
Arthur by Russia have the Chinese
been so agitated as over this domand
The concession asked for would ruin
the existing Northern railways, in
which British capital to the amount of
52,000.000 is Invested. It is believed
that Russia's action in this matter Is
Intended to demonstrate to the world
that tho recent convention with Great
Britain respecting shares of Interest
In China, which was notified to tho
Chinese government almost immcdl
ately before this latest concession was
demanded, has not fettered the ac
tion of Russia at tho court of Pekln.
lias (irantod Authority For Filipino
t-ourerrees to Enter Mnnlln.
Washington, May 15. The follow
ing dispatches from Major General
Otis, giving the status of the military
situation as it now exists in the oper
ations against the insurgents, were re
ceived at the war department yester
day: 'Situation is as follows: Lawton,
irom Jjajlnag, has taken Hde Fonso
and San Miguel to north with slight
loss and driving popslderable force of
enemy; gunboats and canoes accom
ipany 1,500 men under Kobbe up Rio
Grande river from Cnlumplt, depart
16th; MacArthur remains at San Fen-
nando, covering country.
"It is reported that at Zaraboanrw
Insurgents attacked Spanish troops
11th Inst., using quick firing guns and
arms capturea irom Spanish gunboats,
Spanish general and two officers were
wounded. Fewcasualtlos among troops.
Spanish garrison now besieged. Water
supply cut off and troops calling for
"Yesterday a messenger from Aguln-
aiao expressea a wisn to send a com
mission to Manila for conference witn
the United States commission to ar
range terms of peace; directions given
to pass body of representative fnsur
sents to Manila should it present It
self." Colorado IlneVto Itoo'pen.
Leadyjlle, Colo., May 15. Eight
large mines, which were closed down
In 1800 on account of the strike, will
resume operations by June 1, furnish
ing employment to '700 men and pro
ducing about 500 tons of pre dally.
When doctors fall try Burdock Blood
Bitters. Cures dytpepsla constipations
invigorates the whole system.
Smttlh Troops In tlio Philippines Or
itoroil to Itotiu-n Homo.
Madrid, May IE. Sonor Don Fran
cisco Bllvoln, tho Spanish premier, in
nn intorvlow regarding tho attack by
tho Filipinos upon tho Spanish gar
rison at Znmbonngn, Island of Min
danao, In which two Spanish offlcers
and three men wore wounded and one
man was killed, said:
"It is very painful to us to havo
suffered these losses in a territory
that does not bolong to us. Wo lott
these troops in the Philippines in tlio
hopo that they might aid in securing
the .release of tho Spanish prisoners in
tho hands of tho Filipinos. Our efforts
in this direction havo boon fruitless.
Aguinahlo refuses to troat with us, and
n Frenchman (M. Dumarals), who had
offered on our behalf to treat with tho
enemy, was killed by them.
"America has not yet succeeded, as
she has no moro authority that wo
had. Wo cannot loavo troops any
longer in a territory that we aro not
obliged to defend, and I havo tele
graphed General Itios to uso three
Btoamcrs for tho lmmodtato trans
portation of our troops from Zam
boanga and Yolo, and to acquaint
Major General Otis with those in
structions, so that tho American com
mander may possoss tho territories wo
are abandoning."
Tho Filipino committee, has issued
a manifesto to the press declaring that
tne Filipino government will rojoct
all negotiations for poace on the part
of tho Americans basod upon any
scheme of autonomy, and will demand
that the United Statos fulfill the en
gagement made before the declaration
of war with Spain. The manifesto
denies that General Antonio Luna has
surrendered, and asserts that Major
General Lawton is routed and that tho
hospitals aro "filled with Americans,"
hundreds of whom are insubordinate
What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely mat it
is often firmly seated before we arc aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back,
rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
flow of urine beiug copious or scant with
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
passing, small quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel lias
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected
The Third stapc is llright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr,
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered n Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases aud known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery. Swamp-Root, a sample bottl
and book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in the Shenandoah HERALD.
Invitation to Cotonol Hryan Annulled
.Lucuiuuuau, nuu,, amy 10. XUO
board of regents of the Stato Agrt
cultural college, which is now com
posed of Ave Republicans and two
Populists, two Republicans having
been seated last Friday In place
two Populists removed by Governor
Stanley, has adopted a resolution an
nulling the action of President Will
Inviting Colonel William Jennings
Bryan to deliver the commencement
oration next month.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curso of overworked womankind, aro
quickly and surly cured by Karl's Clover
Boot Tea, the groat blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory,
Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
Wales Itnpnrchnses Ills Yncht.
London, May 15. It turns out that
tho real purchaser of the cutter Britan
nia, recently disposed of at private
sale to W. Jameson, former helmsman
to the Prince of Wales, is the prince
himself, the former owner of the cut
You Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which Is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 50
eta. and (1 00, docs not cure take the bottle
back and we will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and
a guarantee.
ISIck-Hoad -lacho
and Llvor
Sold by all druggists
or sent by mall.
Nmlti Meflctl Co., CblflfO
5o box contains 15 pills. Bold by KIrlln's drug
store, Bhenandoab, Pa.
Livery and
rvo 13 North Jardln St.
riUUons of Dollars
Go up In nrooku every year. Take so
risks, but get your houses, stock, far
nltnre, etc., Insured in first-class re
liable companies u represented by
DAVID FAUST, insurance Agent
Alio Lift n(lLMldoti ompaalM
25 CTS. I
Mrs, Plnkham's Madlclnc Matte
a New Woman of Mrs. Kuhn.
tint to unu rmrniAU no. 64,491
" Dkaii Miis. Pinkiiam- t think It la
my duty to wrlto to you expressing
my slnccro gratitude for tho wonder
ful relief 1 havo oxporlenccdhy the uso
of LyiXa E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I tried different doctors, also
different kinds of medicine. I would
feel hotter at times, then would bo
as had as ever.
" For eight years I wusa great suf
ferer. I had falling of tho womb nnd
was in such misery at my monthly
periods I could not work hut a llttlo
bofore I would have to lie down. Your
medicine has mado a now womnn of me.
1 can now work nil day and not got
tired. I thank you for what you havo
dono for mo. I shall always praiso
your mcdicino to all sullorlng. womon."
Mits. E. E. KunJ4. Geiuiako, Ohio.
' I have taken eight bottles of Lydla
E. Plnkham's Vogotablo Compound
and used two paokagos of your Sana
tlvo Wash, also somoof tho Liver Pills,
and I can say that your remedies will
do all that you claim for them. Ueforo
taking your remodlos I was very bad
with womb troublo, was nervous, had
no ambition, could not sleep, and my
food seemed to do mo no good. Now I
am well, nnd your mcdloino has cured
mo. I will gladly recommend your mcd
icino to every ono whorevor I go."
Mrs. M. L. Shbam, Gun Mjlbsu, Mion.
Sohoonor and Nino Llvos Lost.
Sault Sto. Mario, Mich., May 15.
The schooner Nolson, deeply laden
with a cargo of coal, foundered in
Lake Superior, off Grand Marals, Sat
urday evening and carried down all
hands. So far as known here no one
escaped from this, the first disaster of
the season, except the captain. Tne
crew consisted of the following: Cap
tain Andrew Haghncy of Toledo, tho
captain's wife and 2-year-old child;
Fred Haas, sailor, residence unknown;
six sailors, names unknown. Tho Nel
son was in tow of the steamer A. Fol-
som, which also had tho schooner
Mary B. Mitchell as a consort. Tho
towline broke and the Nelson sunk
In 300 feet of water.
Girls Objoot to Overwork.
Trenton, May 15. Twenty girls em
ployed in tho Roebling Wire works
have been discharged for refusing to
work overtime in the evenings. The
girls appealed to Mr. Charles G. Roeb
ling from the action of tho foreman.
Lewis Snow, who discharged them.
Mr. Roebling declined to Interfere.
The girls threaten to bring the matter
to the attention of the stato factory in
spoctors, claiming that working over
time is contrary to law. Mr. Roebling
claims that the overtime was an emer
gency and was unavoidable.
Needs assistance it may bo best to render it
promptly, but one should remember to use
even the most perfect romedles only whon
needed. Tho best and most simple and
gentle remedy is tho Syrup of Figs, manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Itnly'B Now -Ministry.
Rome, May 15. King Humbert yes
terday approved tho selections for the
reconstructed cabinet made by General
Pelloux. The new ministry will be
made up In accordance with the orig
inal nominations cabled last Friday,
except that Slgnor Pletro Carmine will
take the portfolio of finance and Slg
nor Salanfra will take that of agri
culture, Udustry and commerce, in
stead of the finance portfolio, for which
he was ntmed at first. The ministry
of posts and telegraphs goes to Sig
nor Islnllano.
Don't let the little onos sutler from eczema
or other tortunug skin diseases. No need
for it. Doan's Ointment cures. Can't harm
tho most delicsto Bkln. At any drug store,
50 cents.
A DescrirWIon of the Queer Institu
tions Found In China.
The inns arc tho Inns of tho east tho
inns that prorall overywhoro In Asia,
though tho nverago tourist docs not eco
them. Lot mo describe ono of thcso Chl
neso Inns. Turning sharp off tho main
street of tho town and passing through a
gateway In n mud wall you find yourself
In n courtyard. Ono sldo Is ocouplod by
several rooms for guests. At one end of
each room, filling about a third of tho
space, Is a matted dais raised about two
foot high. But undor tho dais Is a flro
placo of brick. On tho dnls is a small ta
blo standing nbout six Inches high.
Tho travelers spread tholr bedding on
tho dais and sloop thoro, or they squat
crossloggod on tho dais and cat their food
from tho six Inch high tablo that rests
there. Tho larger portion of tho room,
tho spaoo not occupied by tho dais, has a
floor of beaten earth, and it may contain
a table or a couplo of chairs, or it may
contain nothing. Its purpose is to storo
tho travelers' baggage or merchandise. On
the other throe sides of tho courtyard, aro
tables for tho pock animals and a kitchen
uied by ovory ono.
As tho inn is enlarged to meet Increased
trnfflo thoro may bo added to It additional
courtyards, or corner pieces, or long al
leys, as tho proprietor is able to buy or
lease ground. But the principle of tho
extension is the samo as that of the orig
inal design. Tho inn lets to tho trnvolor
stable accommodation and a place where
ho may lay his bedding, nnd it provides
him with tho uso of a kitchen and a well.
That is all in theory. The traveler must
bring, nnd often does bring, his own food
and fornge. Ho ought to draw his own
water and himself boll It But in prac
tice and undor pressure of trafflo tho Inns
havo fallon Into the way of keeping for
sale a quantity of forago aud of food, sueh
as mutton, fowls and eggs, and the care
takers or servants of the inn supply water
drawn trom the well and boiled over tho
common Are.
At every Ohlneso inn we stopped at boil
ing water was brought as soon as wo
alighted, Jn order that we might refresh
purselvos with tea, which we wore sup
posed to havo with us, and If wo hadn't
tea, as by outrunning our baggage, tho
ton was promptly supplied and afterward
pnd for by our servant whon ho sottlod
the hill. For that purpose tho payments
woro all In oopper cash, each being of the
valuo of a halfponny.
Ail tne inns at which we stopped bo
twoon Peking nnd Knlgln wcro hullt of
beaten mud. Tho stablos and the man
gers wcro of tho samo material. Wood,
whioh is dear, was only In use for door
ways nnd window pnnos. Tho latter wcro
Inttlocd, and tho lattlcos wcro In part
blank and In part pupcrcd ovor. As the
weather got colder moro and mora of tho
inttlcos would ho pupcrcd up, until in
winter frosh air would bo practically ex
cluded My custom was to examine the
window frames, and if I thought there
was not enough nir space I mode us much
more as I thought fit by poking holes In
the paper with my walking stick. No
objection was mado, for paper is cheap.
A rust Held in Cblcugo Ilocord.
iiitffitrY'rTTi in-r
Will ilo l'rosontod to Our Oovotlinlertt
liv Unirlrtnil, Fritiioo nnd Gorintlltyi
Washington, Hay 15. Tho stato dd
artment has boon informally advised
that claims aggregating a consldorablo
amount havo boon mado by British.
French and Gorman residents In Cub.t
during tho recent Insurrection, and
that those ultimately will be pressed
ngalnst the United States government.
Tho French claims aggregate between
12,000,000 nnd 15,000,000 francs. Tho
Gorman claims aro understood to ba
slightly undor those of tho French,
while tho British claims aro said to
bo considerably more than cither tho
French or Gorman.
Thcso foreign claims aro quite dis
tinct from thoao . of citlzons of tho
United States, orlglnnlly ngalnst Spain,
for damngos sustained In Cuba dur
ing tho Insurrection. Tho peace
treaty specifically provided for these
American claimants, releasing Spain
and stating that tho United States
would make such settlement as was
proper. Undor this clause claims ag
gregating sovoral millions havo boen
fllod. No provision, however, was
made by tho treaty for foreign claim
ants, nnd there appears to bo much
doubt as to who is liable, sinco tho
sovereignty ovor Cuba has passed out
of the hands of Spain. The United
Btatos having undortaken to look aftor
the Amorican claimants, the foreign
ers are desirous of being troatcd in tho
same manner. It is appreciated In tho
foreign establishments here that pay
ments will be largely n matter of dis
cretion with, the United States.
National Lcniriin.
W.Li.Pct 1 TV.t,.Pet
St. Louis.. ..17 6 ,739'naltlmore ..1113.458
Phllad'a ....17 7 .703
Chicago ....16 7 .690
Now York., 9 13 .409
Loulavlllo .. 9 13 .403
Pittsburg .. 8 14 .864
Wash'tn ... 4 20 .167
Brooklyn ..16 8 .667
'Cincinnati ..14 8 .636
Boston 14 10 .683
Cleveland .. 3 19 .136
At Philadelphia-Philadelphia, 9; New
York, 0. At Brooklyn First game: Brook
lyn, 13; Washington, 1. Second gnme:
Brooklyn, 7; Washington, 3. At Pitts
burg PlttBbure, 6; Cleveland, 0. At Bos
tonBoston, 2; Baltimore, 1. At Cin
cinnatiCincinnati, 7; St. Louis, 3. At
Chicago Chicago, 6; Louisville, 4.
At St. Louis (11 Innings) St. Louis, 6;
Clnclnntl, 6.
Atlantlo Lcncuo.
Wllkcsba'e 11 4 .733
Richmond ..11 6 .CS3
Reading .... 8 6 .615
Scranton ... 8 8 .500
Newark ..
8 8 .500
5 11 .313
5 12 .294
Allentown .. 3 10 .231
At Blchmond Lancaster, 3;Rlchmond,2.
At Newark Newark, 9; Scranton, 6. At
Paterson Wllkesbarre, 7; Paterson, 2.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 60-cent bottle of
Qrceno's Warranted Synip of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottlo to provo satisfactory or
monoy rcfandod. A. Wasloy, O. II. Hacon
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Blerstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
The Bocoipts or Cnttlo In rhllndelphln
nnil Latest Quotations.
Philadelphia, May 15. The receipts of
cattle In this city last week were as fol
lows: Beeves, 2.993; sheep, 7,418; hogs,
4,359. Receipts for the previous week
were: Beeveu, 3,033; sheep, 6,001; hogs,
Beef cattle were In good demand and
higher; 200 hsad wre shipped to Glasgow
"on the steamer Manltoban. We quote:
Extra, 6S5V4c; good, BSStfc; medium,
4H4Ttc; common, 4WH4c
Shep were active and Arm. Wo quote:
Extra clipped, 6Vi5Hc; good do,, 4?iO
Ee.; medium do., 4V44c.; common do.,
34c; lambs, BSOHc.i spring do., J3Q6.
Hoes were Jlrm under a seasonable de
mand at 5Vi85c. for best western and
6UQ5Vie. for other grades.
Fat cows woro In fair demand at 2HO
Thin cows were In good request at J10
Veal calves were active at B71ic.
Milch cows were In reasonable demand
at $25045.
Dressed beeves were steady Rt 65J8V4C
Killed For neftislnR to Tronc.
Chicago, May 16. Henry Reltz, a
Janitor at tho Jefferson sohool, Elburn
avonue and Laflin street, refused to
buy drinks for two men whom he met
in a saloon yesterday, and a short
time later ho' was struck a fatal blow
by ono of his companions. Ho was
found unconsoious by two policemen,
and died in a few minutes without
making a statement. Reltz was tho
father of tho well known baseballlst.
Bi otlitr Avenecd n Terrible Crime.
Bridgeport, Conn,, May 15. Luigi
Mlnotti, an Italian, aged 42, outraged
the 6-yoar-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fonderello Cabassa at his homo
yesterday afternoon, and last night he
was shot dead by Clementl Cabassa,
an 18-year-old brother of the girl,
Young Cabassa was later arrested' and
admitted to the officers that he did the
Boils and Pimples
Give Warning.
AN UNFAILING KIRN THAT u moa Naturo ,B overtaxed, sho has
HH UIIIHILHIU OlUll InHI her own way of giving ntAice that assist-
iiTiinp in innriim. , anop is needed. She does not ask for
NATURE S APPFA NR u to get along without
I1HIUIIL 10 HI r LHLIIlU it. Boils and pimples aro nn Indication that
run nnn 1 v t"0 system is accumulating Impurities which
FflR HF P must U 'Ptt!? r.ld of 5 ll!0y J an urent aPPeal tor assistance
I Ull 1 1 L LI 1 a warning that can not safely bo Ignored.
Tft tlAfrllhnt trt nnrlfv tl.n 1.1 1 t 11.
- v.w - "i. Ub LUIS
time means more fhan tho annoyance of painful boils and
unsightly pimples, If'thesa impurities arp allowed to
remain, tho system suooumbs to' any 'ordinary illness, and la
unable to withstand tho many ailments whioh ore so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L. Oontile, 2001 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash.,
Bays: "I was aflllated for a Jong time with pimples, whioh
were very annoying, as they disfigured my face fearfully.
After using many other remedies in vain, S. 8. S. promptly
and thoroughly oleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in
i.i n . tir tt W i
vaijw n, ix, uiiiiiajj, ui mo a. it. H.
it. It - Chni i nnnnrfn Tni mlfA.
1 ..u........vk .... . ir.jwqi
" Several boils and carbuncles broko out tipon me, cauaimr
great pain and annoyance. My blood seamed to be In
n. riotous condition, and nothing I took seemed trT Hn
any good. Six bottles of 8 S J. cured me completely
and my blood has been porfeotly puro ever slnca,'"
d to Ih. onjv orTe thatj tely f r7a' ST"g,S
Books free to any address by the Swift Spoclflo Co., Atlanta, Qe,
nnttlioTloUpat tlto Conl and Oro
Hook Threatens atoiiuio.
Buffalo; May 16.-Tho grain shovol
.h .,.t.n,i th work this morning
under tho agreement reached at 1
o'clock yesterday morning ni mo iuu
fcronco hotweon tho laltd carriers,
elovator men and' grain shovolors. Tho
torms of the agreement woru iwu.
to writing and properly signed last
night nt the residence of Bishop Qulg-
Tho agreement provides that thn
grain shovolors shall receive $15 pcf
1,000 bushels; that the contractor shall
not rocolvo high man's pay; that a
superintendent shall be appointed by
tho bishop to guard tho interests of
tho men; that a local board of ar
bitrators shall be appointed to pass
upon any grievances which may arise
In the future, and that 14 of Con
tractor Connors boss scoopors shall
bo susponded ponding an Investiga
tion Into tho ckargei made by thograln
shovolcrs that they are Identified with
saloon Interests or othorwlsa ob
jectionable. Some llttlo trouble Is anticipated as
a result of tho rofusal of Mr. Connors
to discharge tho men who took tho
places of tho strikers. President Mc
Mnhon, of the grain shovolers' union,
said that a good many of tho new men
would bo received Into tho union, but
that some would bo rejected. It Is be.
lloved on all sides, hovover, that no
aplmiB trnnhto will rfltllllt.
hmit n nrm nno hiidhels of
mnln nflnnft timra nnw. TlV thfi middle
of the wook, it is expected, every boat
In tho harbor win no ciearea ana iu-
turo shipments of grain will do nana
lad ovnnrlttlnlfal V
Notwithstanding tho adjustment of
the grain shoveling trouoie, tne moor
situation hero, so far -as tho com
mercial interests of the port are con
cerned, is threatening. Tho tloup of
the coal and oro docks is said to bo
,,,la na eAplnii. rta waa tha Q-rnln aVinv
elers' strike. Practically all the coal
and ore handlers, numbering rdou;
1,500 men are out, The ft eight han
dlers who struck out of sympathy for
tho grain shovelers, now refuse to go
uuck until men wages are ruisea.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In tho world for cats,
bruises, sores, nlcors, salt rhonra, fever sores,
totter, chappod hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cwres piles,
or ao pay roquired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
05 conts per box. For sale by A. Waalov.
Xlioy Tried to Lynok a Motorman and
Buttled With Polloe.
Pittsburg, May 15. Penn avenue and
Twenty-second street was tho scene
yesterday of a riot which threatened
for a timo to result sorlously, but for
tunately no fatalities followed. A
Consolidated Traction car in coming
along the avenue struck and horribly
mangled Katie Three, a Polish child,
3 years of age. While the dead body
was being taken from under the car
a crowd of several hundred, princi
pally Poles, gathered and became so
lnconseu at tho sight that they at
tacked the motorman and conductor.
with the intention of lynching them.
By this time tho patrol wagon ar
rived, and one of tho officers Jumped
Into the cab with tho motorman and
succeeded in getting the car and oc
cupants out of danger. Michael Blgge.
tho only policeman left with tho mob
was then pounced upon and badly
beaten. Ho succeeded, however, in
holding on to one of tho ringleaders
until a squad of roserves came to his
relief. When the officers attempted to
put the arrested man into the. wagon
the mob made, a daah to rescue him,
and a desperate battle followed, last'
Ing half an hour, by which time ro.
inforcements arrived and tho rioters
were dispersed, many of them being
much tho worse for tho rough usage
tne pouoamen were compoiiQil to re
sort to. Five of tho principal ring'
leaders in the trouble were arrested.
Man Hunt In Maryland.
Baltimore, May 15. Louis Hosen-
stein, the storekeeper of Sltdell, Mont
gomery county, who was assaulted Bat'
urday morning and .was brought to
Baltimore for treatment at tho Mary?
ianu university uospiuu, aiea yester
day from the etfeats of his. injuries.
Mrs. Itosensteln, who was also beaten
Into insensibility, Is in a dying condir
tlon at the same institution, A large
Bum of money was stolen by tho inur?
derer. Humphrey Taylor, a negro, is
suspected of the crime. Bodies of
armed citizens aro scouring tho coun
try in search 01 him, and should me
be found thore is little doubt but that
ho will be lynched. vice i-roinoiit iuuoli 8tvongerJ
Washington, May J5. Yice Presl,
dent Hobart Is irnttlnr at ran cor Hoii.
Yesterday, for the first time -In a long
wuuv, ue came aown stairs and onr
juyuu mncneon witn his lamlly and
. i . mm
MlsftSaaUWcrliiclnl. nge i4, tf TW
do, O, was the winner of ihejirsl prize fof
execution on the violin at the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
snyshelsa won
derful player. It
is the greatest
distinction lobe
first in any
thing, For this
literature, ath
letics, science
women nut forth
their greatest efforts. Washington was
said to be "first In war, first In peace and
first In the hearts of his countrymen." It
, . . ; . i .'r.i. xt.i.i i (
IS a grCab IU1U IU Umt A-.UIUIM is ut
morevnluetp mankind and brings great
er happlncssthan'a good remedy. Many
thiujw will relieve but the one that will
cure is best. Brazilian Balm is such a rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. Por IS yrs. It has nev
er failed lu a single ise to cure. Asthma,
and Its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh, Casc9 that had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where tlirj
nostrlHwerc entirely stopped Mnprwherfl
the poisonous pus had eaten b,Q!es In(g
the throat an inch deep, pr where tho
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Suoh a tti
ord, unknown to any other remedy, justt
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place In the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victini3
and countless Asthma sufferers jn rtalg
country, all of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or aelhtna, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each IJ.GQ bottle fl
mouth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets.,
free, Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.'
This is the greatest offer evf r Rjade. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute, ,
P.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Ind'.v
napolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
ia tha oricirml nnd only FRENCH.
sate and reliable enre on the mar
ket, l'rlco, $1.00; sent by mail.
Genuine Bold only by
Klrltn'a drugstore.
It can be had at all the lead
ing saloons. '
Christ. Schmidt
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
The only pliasure resort and picnic ground
in this region This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boals for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established a( tins resort for the eptjre season.
For particulars address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesville, Pa.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Refractlonlst, who has testimonial,
from the best people of the countv. uto hla
ability, wljl be at , . ,
If your eyes couse-you any trouble call and see
him. Qlaaaea furnhjbed If needed and no
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half,' Beer
dud Porter.
. At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Hfok's,
116 South Main Street,
Wil receive prompt attention,
rniLn. enmr - stoke
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
S8 Waat Gantr Strsat.