The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 12, 1899, Image 2

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"All the Hens Thai's Fll to Print."
Pilbllsliril every rvrnlnif, ewpt Humlny,
South Jartlin street, Shoimutlonh, l'n,
i.ono iiistanch Ti:i.i:rnoNH.
The Hernlil la delivered In Rlirnnmlnah mul the
surrounding towns for six cents n wek, pay
able to the carriers. Ity mail W.00 n yeiir. or
S5 oentg n montli payable In ndrniice. Ail
vertlncments chanted nccarilinK to space and
Position. Th publishers reserve the rlxlit
to chango the position of advertisements
whenever tlio puldlcntlon of nmn demand
It. Tlio right Is reserved to reject nny
ndvcrtisflncnt whether paid for or not, thnt
the publishers nwy deem lniprowr. Auver
tlslnir rates mado known iinonapplloatloii.
Entered nt tho post office nt Shenandoah, l'n., ns
second class innll matter.
FRIDAY. JIAY 12, 1899.
OUR COUNTRY : First.- Last and Forever.
Thk only way to ninke sonic ofHce-
holders aptH-eolato n good thing is to
use a club on them.
EvKN our Democratic friends nn
xte a "monkey and parrot time"
neir approaching county conven
on. Thkiik are those who profess to be
lieve that Shenandoah will not be
represented on either ticket next fall,
unless it is for a miuor office.
Skkkrai. months ago an appeal
was issued in behalf of the Lafayette
monument to be uuve'led at Paris on
July 4th. It is to made a popular
movement, and the public schools of
this and other states have contributed
their portion. Pennsylvania gives
$3,015.55, and of this amount the
public schools of this county con
tributed as follows : Pottsville, $25 ;
Mahanoy City, $10.94; Ashland, 15;
Schuylkill Haven, $13.70. The
scholars of Shenaudoah are not rep
PltKSIDErfT McKinley and his
closest advisers think they see the
end of the war in the Philippines', but
they also recognize the fact that it
Avill take several years to pacify the
islands and set up the kind of govern
ment that is to be determined by the
logic of events. Those who profess
to enjoy the confidence of the Presi
dent state that he has not made up
his mind definitely as to what will be
the policy he will pursue. "What he
is striving for first is to restore order
and impress upon the minds of the
Filipino leaders that they cannot run
things without the consent of the
United States. The question of an
nexing the Islands will be decided by
The Democratic Jonah.
From New York Journal.
So they took up Jonah, and-cast
him forth into the sea; and the sea
ceased from raging. Jonah i., 1C
It was hard on Jonah, but justifi
able, under the circumstances. And
the example of Jonah's shipmates
contains a lesson for modern naviga
tors in similar straits.
The Democratic party, for Instance,
is navigating a stormy sea. The ship
is stanch and well found, and the
crew is loyal, but tho elements seem
adverse. Nobody knows what may
happen next. There are rocks and,
breakers ahead, and navigation in a
howling gale is precarious.
There is a Jonah on board the
Democratic ship, and there is reason
to believe that if he were thrown
overboard the sea would "cease her
raging." He is called Small Ameri
canism. If there were no possibility
of Identifying the Democracy with
the policy of opposition .to national
growth the outlook forDemocratic
success next year would be exceed
ingly bright.
Throw Jonah overboard,
As important case has just termin
ated in the Luzerne county courts, in
w.iich the Treasurer of the Miners
Mills School Board, oharged with mis
demeanor in office, must pay to the
Hoard $1,151.00. It was the case of
Treasurer James McCaba vs. the
School Board, and was on an appeal
from a surcharge made by the audi
tors of $1,161.50, the amount paid by
the schoof district for the famous
school district library which was
purchased in 1807, Mr. McCabe being
a member of the board. M. J. Mul-
vey was president of the board and
two or three weeks before his term
expired he called a speoial meeting of
the school directors to buy a sohool
library, Messrs. Mulvey, MoCabe
nnd Tusker were appointed to make
a selection of books. After the meet
ing adjourned it Is alleged that Mul
vey and McCabe mot T. M, Moyles,
the book agent,' at Featherstone's
hotel, where the library was pur
chased for $1,151.50. At the timq
there was no money in the treasury
and the teachers had not received
salaries for four months. On Jnne 5,
the Saturday night before the term
of the sohool directors ended, a
Hpecial meeting was held and an order
made for the books, payable to
Hoyles. On Monday following it was
paid by McCabe with money received
Hood's PMs
Do not gripe nor Irritate the alimen
tary 8iuil. They act gently yet
promptly, cleanse effectually and
Give GomfoH
Sold by all d rut-g s '1, 25 cents.
THE constantly recurring monthly Buffering gives women
tho bluest
How hopeless the future appears, month after month
tho same siege with menstrual ntiinl
Comparatively few women understand that excessivo pain
Mrs. Lizzie Coleman, of Wayland, N, Y., writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham For years I suffered with painful
menstruation and falling of womb. The bearing-down pains
in my back and hips were dreadful. I could not stand for
more than five minutes at a time when menstruation began.
But thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege
table Compound, my sufferings nre now
a thing of the past. I shall gladly
recommend your medicines to all my
Miss C. D. Morris, 3 Louisburg
Square, Boston, Mass., writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I have
been using Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vcgetablo Compound and it has
Helped me wonaertuuy. 1
troubled with headache, backache
and that weak and tired feeling. I
cannot say enough in praise of your
medicine for it has done me so much
crood. I shall recommend it to
mv friends who suffor."
Despondency is a dis- Sk
ease. Nervousness and "fv
snappishness come with
it. Will power
WThe 7emU
Overcome it.
nine organs are con
nected by nerves with
the brain and all parts
of the body. These organs must be healthy or the mind is
not healthy.
All low-spirited or suffering women may write to Mrs. Pink
ham at Lynn, Mass., and receive her advice free of charge.
Don't wait until your life is wrecked by neglect and suffering.
Get advice in time.
from the tax collector. The school
directors were then arrested for con
spiracy, it being alleged the library
could be purchased for $300. The
case was tried and the jury disagreed.
Tho auditors subsequently surcharged
the Treasurer, with a verdict as in
dicated abovfi.
Two million Amoricans suffer tho torturing
pangs of dyspepsia.
No need to, Burdock
Blood Bitters cures.
At any drug storo.
A JLoniUhe Virginia I'ronclier Donrt.
Norfolk, Va., May 12. Hev. Georgo
D. Armstrong, D. D., L.L. D., emeritus
pastor of tho First Prosbytorlan
church of this city, died yesterday af
ternoon. Dr. Armstrong was horn in
Mendham, Morris county, N. J in
1813, tho sou of a minister. He was
graduated from Prlncoton in 1832. In
183G ho entered Union Theological
seminary, and while a student of di
vinity was elected professor of chem
istry and mechanical philosophy at
Washington college, In Lexington, Va.,
entering upon his studies in 1838. He
supplied Timber Ridge church from
1830 to 1851, when he resigned his
professorship to assume the pastorate
of tho First church of this city, and
served It for 40 years.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for tho feet. It
cures painful, swollen, smarting, nervous
feet, and Instantly takes tho stink out of
corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery of tho age. Allen's Foot-Easo
makes tight or now shoes feel easy. It is a
certain euro for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for
25c in stamps. Trial package FltEE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Itoy, N. Y.
Tlio I'l'ovldcnt'-i Vacation.
Hot Springs, Va., May 12. President
McKinley ventured from his apart
ments and the porches on oach side
of them only twice yesterday, except
for his bath. Each time he went for
a short walk with Secretary Gago
about the grounds, once in the fore
noon and again after luncheon. His
method of exercise Is becoming known
to the natives and yesterday several
summouned sufficient courage to ad
dress the chief executive, in each case
receiving a hearty handshake. Secre
tary Gago will return to Washington
tomorrow, and It is expected that some
other member of Mr. McKinley s of
ficial family will join him for a few
Catarrh cannot be Cured
reach the seat o! the disease. Catarrh fs a blood
or constitutional disease, and in order to cure
it you must take Internal remedies. Hall a
Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acta
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces.
nail's catarrn uure la not a quacK meiucine. it
was prescribed by one of the best physicians In
this country for years, and Is n regular preicrl ra
tion. It Is composed of the brat tonics known,
combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting
directly on tno mucous suriacee. ine perieci
combination of the two Ingredients Is what pro
duces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
V. J. CHENEY & Co., I'rops., Toledo, o.
Bold by druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
New York LeKlHlatiiro'H Kxtrn Session
Albany, May 12. There will un
doubtedly be an extra session of tho
legislature for tho double purpose of
amending the Ford franchise tax bill
and passing over the veto of the nv.yo"
of New York the rapid transit bill. Tho
pith of the argument against the Ford
franchise tax bill is that it Is to be ad
ministered by local authorities and
that the local authorities will admin'
ister it Just as they please and In
different ways, Imposing a heavy tnx
In some instances and a light tax in
others, as best suits the wishes of the
local board.
Coughs and colds, down to tho very border
land of consumption, yield to tbo soothing,
healing iutluences of Dr. Wood's Norway
Pino Syrup.
A Nntlomi! ( oiif'.'ri'iii-p in Trusts.
Chicago, May 12. The Civlr Feder
ation of Chicago has selected Juno 20
to 29, inclusive, as the dates for a na
tional conference In Chicago to discuss
trusts. The eall for the gathering
states that Its purpose Is "to consider
the HubJect of trusts In their relation to
economic conditions generally." Tho
big Industrial combinations of tho
country will be Invited to send repre
sentatives. lliirncwl to Doatli nt Ir Homo.
New York, May li. Mrs. Emma
Schuster, the wife of George Shuater,
a member of the wholesale firm of
Schuster Brothers. New York oity. was
burned to death yesterday in her home
in Mount Vernon. She was In the
kitchen when her clothes caught Are
J3he ran Into the yard blazing, and be
fore the flanisa oulrt lis extinguished
was so badly burned tirnt she died soon
indicates ill-health, or somo
serious derangement of the
feminine organs.
A million women have been
helped by Mrs. Pinkham. Read
what two of them say.
Will You Winter In Florida ?
This will bo tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via tho Southern Railway. Its tho best
routo. If you will writo Charles L. Hopkins,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut Btrcct,
Philadelphia. Pa he will arrango all tho
details of your trip for you.
Fire I Virol rlrel
Insnro your proporty from loss in tho
olde8talul stroUgost cash companies: Phlla
Underwriters Insurance Co. of Nortli
America and Firo Association, Ilartford
Firo Ins. Co., American Firo Insurance Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United FIromon's
Ins. Co. T. T. WILLIAMS,
123 8. Jardln St., Shonandoah
Lehigh Valley Htllrund.
Grand parado and celebration, I. O. O. F
at Allentown. Pa., May 15 and 10, 1809. Itato
from Shenandoah $1.87 for tho round trip.
Tickets good going and returning on all
trains except Black Diamond Express, May
15 and 10 with final return limit to May 17,
1890. Consult Lehigh Valley Agents for
further particulars.
Miss Sadie Wertheim. ntro 14. of Tnle.
do, O, was the winner of Ihejirsi prize for
execution on the violin at the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
say she is a won
derlul player. It
is me greatest
distinction to be
Jirst in ally
thing. For this
in statemenship
literature, atu
letics, science
I '1 " vTkTonienTnit forth
. aaauari.menano
their griatcst efforts. Washington was
.aid to be "first in war, first in peace aud
first in the hearts of his countrymen." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind and brings great
er happiness than a good remedy. Many
tiling will relieve but the one that will
cure is best. Brazilian Balm Is such a rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. For 15 yrs. it has nev
erfailedinasingle ise to cure Asthma,
And its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped up or wher.e
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated aud raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were nil permanently cured. Such a rec-
Dra, utiKuown to any otner remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
olace in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20.0fJ0.000 Catarrh victims
ind countless Asthma sufferers in fifia
lountry, all of wnom can be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each $1.00 bottle a
nonth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Tosicola is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is thegrealestofferevermade. Ask
vour druggist aud take no substitute. B.
'.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, ImJ-
lapolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents
iSlck-Hoad -
lacho and Livor
Sold by all druggists
or eent by mall.
Sc box contains IS 1 Ills. Bold by Klrlln' drug
store, Bhcnandoah, l'a.
tStk TMliatr'a Eaillib Diamond Jlrmnd.
'yHj'N. SAFE. tJJ rllUtU. lAOICS sit
brniiUi for Chick fieri Wi via j
..fAfln 1tA nd Lt luatkllt'
IhAvra irt al lin DID ri l.ull. 'I awn
no other. Refuti dangtoui tubifitu- V
( r r jurtiruiiri, d
f far Ladle. fat"", b ri-VB
MatlL 10.0041 TVsthuonUl. Wmtat Vaptr.
Bold by all Local lfrugtfta. i'IIILAUA.1
Olebmted Veuiui
I'owderfl novtr fat
f win y&TmiLxUTi'am
iiw i mmm life and tuniuter famn
w4th Tin rid PamrroTal Ilui and othar
3& rowxllM). AJwyibuytUtand4oWdit.
25 CTS.
1 ir
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva-
naoiy ooiainea df taarewaouse i-ozxgirs
Complexion "owder.
Tho llitMi to Vlutt the Xnilivlllc.
St. Louis, Mav 12. Thousands of
pooplo thronged tho lovoo all day yes
terday awaiting an opportunity to ho
forricd out to tho gunboat Nashvlllo,
anchored in midstream. Tho priv
ilege of transportation has boon grant
ed to hut ono forry company, In order
mat tlio Nashvlllo may not no over
crowded, and this fact noarly resulted
in a serious nccidont. In tho eagerness
of tho pcoplo to board tho ferryboat tho
company's wharf boat became over
crowded. Suddenly a child was push
ed oil tlio wharf Into tho river. It was
immediately rescued by a pollcoman.
but In tho oxcltoment that followed
sovcral mon woro shoved into the shal
low water nnd at loast 25 women faint
ed in the crush. All wcro rescued with
out Injury.
To Tunnel Umloi1 i:nt lllvoi.
Albany, May 12. Governor Itooso-
plt yesterday signed tho Atlantic ave-
nuo tunnol bill, which will givo the
Long Island railroad ontranco to Man
hattan Island. Tho bill gives to tho
municipal assembly tho power to grant
a tunnel franchlso for a term of 50
years, with tho option of renowal for
another 25 years after a revaluation.
Tho tunnol will cost in tho neighbor
hood of $0,000,000, and will require
nhout two and a half years to build.
Tho only expense to tho city will ho
about $1,200,000, or half tho cost of
depressing the tracks on Atlantic avo
nuo betweon Eldridgo and Flatbimh
avenues. Tho tunnel under East river
will consist of two tabular conduits,
thoroughly ventilated and lighted by
Women SI ay Join tlio CntlinlloKnlnlit
Kansas City, Mo., May 12. A con
troversy of ton years' standing was
sottlod by tho Catholic Knights of
America yesterday when tho delegates,
meeting hero In annual convention,
voted to ndmlt women to the order.
On Wednesday tho resolution propos
ing this change In tho constitution was
voted down, falling by 34 votes to ro-
cciVe the necessary two-thirds major
ity. Yesterday there was a complete
change of front, a vote being retaken
without debato. Tho result was tho
surprising total of 432 votes in favor
of tho women to 29 against them. Tho
convention greeted tho result with ap
plause. What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely mat it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct singes is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back,
rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
flow of urine being copious or scant with
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, tip's reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
pasiing, small quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel has
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected.
The Third stare is Blight's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr,
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered a Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of-the most distressing
ca;js,aud known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
and book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in die Shenandoah Herald.
Jumped Six StorloH to Dentil.
Battle Creek, Mich., May 12. Last
night a woman committed suicide at
the Sanitarium by Jumping out of a
sixth story window. She was terribly
mangled. Doath was instantaneous.
For somo reason tho Sanitarium of
ficials positively refuse to divulge the
woman's name. It Is rumored that
Bhe was a promlcnt Chicago woman.
From Ono Triton to Another.
New York, May 12. Frederick Law
thor, 32 years old, and Thomas Mc
Keon, 32, both well known to the po
lice of most of the cities of the Uni
ted States and each with a number of
aliases, were brought back to this
city last night from the Ohio state
penitentiary, where they had com
pleted terms of imprisonment, to an
swer for crimes committed in New
York. Lawther, who described himself
as Watson, Is wanted to answer for n
diamond pin robbery committed hero
in 1895. McKeon, who calls himself
Murray, and Js also known as Emer
son and Campbell, Is wanted here for
grand larceny in the first degree and
also for being a fugitive from Justice.
Iccrlslntor ClinrKosAttompted Hrlbory
Jefferson City, Mo., May 12. Tho
houso yesterday adopted a resolution
for final adjournment May 22 after a
hot debate, In which Mr, Barrett
charged that the effort to adjourn was
influenced by tho lobby. Amid howling
he said ho understood that adjourn
ment votes brought $50 apiece, that ho
had been offered that Bum to vote for
adjournment, but would not say who
mado the offer. Cleary, of Kansas City,
said people who talked much of Dood
ling and corruption were invariably
depraved. Barrett roplied that he re
gretted the attack made on him, but
would not answer It.
Faith Cur Airnlu Fulled.
Chicago, May 12. Mrs. A. T. Ewing,
slstor-ln-law of former Vice President
Adlal Stevenson, died hero without
medical treatment, under Christian
science treatment, refusing to submit
to the operation that surgeons declared
would havo prolonged her life. The
facts have only heon revoaled since her
death and the cremation of hor body
on Saturday. Mrs. Ewing was a do
voted member of the Christian science
circle in this city and had converted
several morahcrs of her family.
Intlmldutod liy StrlhorH.
Nilos, O..May 12. The Erie Railroad
company brought two carloads of New
York Italians to Nlles Wednesday and
tried to get them to fill the places of
tho striking section men at Nilos, Min
eral Ilidge, Canfleld and Leotonla, on
tho Erie road. The strikers warsed
tho new men, and they did not start
to work. If they do tho'ro may bo a
big fight. The men want $1.26 a day,
and the company will pay but $1.15.
CyolMt MllldT'WItiH In Friinoo.
Paris, May 12. In the 100-hour cy
cling contest at Boubalx Charles W.
Miller, of Chicago, won first prize. Hf
covered 2,258 kilometers.
rrop'o'n niiio nnd Gray rteiinlon.
Charleston, May 12. An effort la
making hero to bring about n grand
reunion of Confcdorato and Union vet
erans, nnd tho matter will bo formally
presented to tho Confcdorato Veterans'
association, now in session hero. In
the city are William Aiken, Jr., mayor
of Evansvlllo, Ind., William F. Flold.
representing tho Confcdorato Veterans
of that city, and C. J. Murphy, repre
senting tho G. A. 11., who are hero for
tho purposo of 'arranging a Joint re
union In Evansvlllo In tho near future
Ihcy will formally lay tho plan beforo
tho convention nnd urgo Its adoption.
To Stninp Out Tnttli Henlcr."
Now York, May 12. Presldont Mur
phy, ot tho board of health, has Is
sued n letter requesting the sanitary
superintendents of greater Now York
to use all means In tholr power to dis
cover "uneducated, Ignorant and evil
minded persons" who take advantage
of their moro ignorant neighbors, pro
fessing that they aro endowed with
wonderful healing faculties. If this
system Is allowed to proceed great ovil
will rosult. President Murphy sug
gests that tho medical societies bo
asked for advlco In this endeavor to
stamp out "faith healers."
Voitordn.v'H Hniolmll Untnnt.
National Lcaguo: At Pittsburg
Cincinnati, 1; Pittsburg, 0. At Clovo
land St. Louis, 8; Cloveland, 6. At
Boston Boston, 4; Baltimore, 1. At
Chicago (10 innings) Louisville, 5;
Chicago, 4.
Atlantic League: At Wllkosharre
Wllkesbarro, 11; Newark, 2. At Scran
ton Peterson, G; Scranton, 5. At
Richmond Richmond, 4; Lancaster, 0.
Yellow Taundlce Cured.
Suffering humanity should be supplied with
every means possible for its relief. It is with
pleasure we publish the following. "This is
to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from
Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and
was treated by some of the best physicians iu
our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our
druggist," recommended Electric Bitters j aud
after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured.
1 now take great pleasure in recommending
them to any person suffering fron this terrible
malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A.
llogarty, Lexington, Ky.
bold by A. Wasley Druggist.
nowny KvpcH'ti'il Homo In .luly.
Washin gton , Ma y 12. Secretary 1-ong
said today that tho nnvy department
would not seek to Inlllienco Admiral
Dowey In nny way In the Selection of
tho routo by which he will return to
tho United States. The department
now expects that he will reach this
country early In July, though lt is
stated that he will not leave Manila
until he has completed his functions
as one of tho Philippine commission,
at least to the extent of terminating
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hcrchy agree to
refund tho rnonoy on a 50-ccnt hottlo of
Orceno's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls
to euro your cough r cold. We also guaran
too a 25-cout bottle to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasjcy, C. II. llagcn
buck, Shonandoah Drug Storo, and P. W,
Bierstcln &Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Ifnl.V'H New Culiliiot.
Bomo, May 12. Although ttie com
position of the reconstructed cabinet
has not yet been officially announced,
it is considered that the ministerial
crisis is practically over. Last even
Ing Marquis Vlsconti-Venosta notified
General Pelloux rf h!s acceptance of
tho foreign ofiico portfolio, The new
ministry will probably bo made up as
follws: Premier and minister or tho
Interior, Lieutenant General Luigl Pel
loux; f -rign affairs, Marquis Emlllo
Vlsconti-Venosta; war, Lieuteant Gen-
oral G. Turn; marine, Bear Admiral
G. B. Bettolo; public works, Slgnor
Pietro Lagava; public Instruction, Dr,
Guldo Baccelll; treasury, Professor
Paolo Boselli; finance, Slgnor Antonio
Scratch, Scratch, scratch ; unablo to attend
to business during tho day or sleep during
the night. Itching pile', horriblo plague.
Doau's Ointment euros. Novor falls. At any
drug storo, 50 cents.
Spnnlsh Cnnnon nt National jriiwoum
Washington, May 12. Tho National
Museum in this city has received from
Admiral Dewey two cannon captured
from tho Spaniards when Cavlto fell
In one of them two shells and a grape
shot were found, and tho museum of
ficials are wondorlng whether lt had
been loaded by tho Spaniards during
the fight and Incautiously sent homo
by the gallant admiral. Thero was an
incipient panic at the museum when
tho dlscoverey was made that tho can
non was loaded. A gunner, summoned
from the navy yard, extracted the
shells. The transport Buffalo, which
reached Now York several days ago,
has six cannon from naval officers at
Manila consigned to the museum. The
cannon will bo added to the historic
collection of tho museum.
S. S. S. Is the Only
Remedy Equal to this
Obstinate Disease,
Is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it
goes down to tho seat of the disease, thus permanently eliminating every
trace of tho taint
The serious consequences to which Scrofula suralr Ipnrln
should Impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im
portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a cure, In many eases where tho wrong
treatment nas been relied upon, complicated glandular
swellings have resulted, for which tho doctors insist that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. II. E. Thompson, of MillodgeTille, Ga., writes : "A
bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck,
which had to bo lanoed and caused me much suffering. I
was treated for a long whllo, liut the physicians were un
ablo to cure me, ana my condition was as bad as when I
began their treatment Many blood remedies were used,
but without effect. Some one recommended S. S. 8., and
I bogan to improve as soon as I hod taken a few bottles.
uonunuing tne romeuy, 1 was soon cured permanently,
and havo never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift's Specific
Is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated
blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various
so-called tonics, etc, ail sufferers fromlilood troubles can be promptly cured
Instead of enduring years of Buffering which gradually but surely undermines
tho constitution. 8. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetablo, and nevor fails to
cure Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Itheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Bolls,
Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc. Insist upon B. S. 8. 5 nothing can take Its place!
Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any addreBi by the
Swift Speoiflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Killed Tliroo or lit Itblnttvo nnfl
Woitndod Two Otiiors.
Howard City, Mich., May 12.-Iosoph
Harvey Wcdliosday night killed his
wlfo, undo, Bohert Pierson, nnd his
grandmother. Ho also wounded his
S-mouths-old baby and his fathor-In-law,
John Lcgonslaycr, and finally shot
hlmsolf, inflicting a wound which may
prove fatal. Harvey's undo and grand
mother llvo a mile north of town. Tho
mitrdeier went there Wednesday night.
Ho assorts that Plorson, his undo, was
quarrollng with his grandmother, nnd
that he Interfered, that thereupon Plor
son stabbed and killed tho old lady,
aged 70, and that ho (Harvey) retali
ated by shooting his undo dead.
Harvey then returned to IiIb homo,
two miles southwest of town. Arriving
thero he shot his wlfo twlco, killing
her. Ho then flred nt his 3-months old
baby, the ball going Into Its arm.
Next Harvey entered his fathor-ln-law's
room nnd shot him twlco, In
flicting, however, no fatal Injury. Ho
then turned tho rovolvcr on hlmsolf,
shooting himself in the neck. Har
vey s wife when attacked was sitting
up with the remains of her mother,
who died on Wodhesday.
Harvey hlmsolf yesterday Informed
the sheriff of the murders at Plerson'3
house. Ho wns then arrested for mur
dering his wlfo. Ho has nothing to say
about the tragedies at his own home.
Bucklcn's Arnica falve.
Tho best ealvo In the wonJ for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rhonm, fovor sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin hrnntlnns. and DOsitWoly cures piles.
or ao pay roquircd. It Is guaranteed to give
norfoct satisfaction or tnony refunded. Prir
SS conts nor ho For naln by A . WhaIot .
Ah Ttotloctcd bv DenlliicrH In I'hllnilol-
pliln nnrt Itnlttmnt-o.
Philadelphia, May 11. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, $2.152.40; Pennsylvania
roller, clear. t'Ki3.23; city mills, extra,
$2,507(2.75. ltye Hour quiet and steady at
$3.15 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Wheat weak; No. 2 red, spot. In elevator,
74SJ74HC. Corn llrm; No, 2 mixed, spot,
In elevator, 3703Sc; No. 2 yellow, for
local trude, 4Hi(ii42c. Oats quiet anil
steady; No. 2 white, 31c.; No. 2 white,
clipped, 31ic. Hay llrm; choice timothy,
J12.50B13 for largo bales, lieef steady;
beef hums, J10R1D.C0. Pork weak; family,
J11.50S12. Lurd eusy; western steamed,
$3.25. nutter strong: western creamery,
141J17V4C.; factory. Iiwrfl3c.; Imitation
creamery, UViMHc; Now York dairy, 13
lCc; do. creamery, 14V4S17C.; fancy
Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 21J2lo.;
do. wholesale. 20c. Old cheese weaK
large nnd small, white and colored, ll'.ic;
new cheese llrm; large, 9WU'Jc; small,
9c. Eees steady: New York and Penn
sylvania. 14c: western, fresh. 13013c;
southern, 12ftl3V4c. Potatoes steady; Now
York. Jl.254il.75; Jersey sweets, Jli2.
Baltimore. May 11. Flour quiet and
steady. Wheat unsettled nnd easy; spot
and month, 71i"4Vo.; June, 74V4074WO.;
July, 74V44J74c; steamer No. 2 red, 690
eswc: southern, by sample, mwido.
southern, on grade, 69V44f74Hc Corn
strong; spot and montli, 38038HC.; Juno,
37Tif3SV,e.: July. 3Sc; steamer mixed,
sfii'.5i3GM.c.: southern, white, 4141Yc;
southern, yellow, 3SYfec. Oats dull; No. 2
white, 3iit3ic.; No. 2 mixed, 3131c.
rtvo steady; No. 2 western, 6314c. Hay
steady; No., 1 timothy, $12.50. Butter
steady; fancy creamery, 1819e.; fancy
Imitation, 15010c; lnney lauie, imc;
good ladle, 11S12C.; store packed, 115J14c;
rolls, Wile, Lettuce quiet at 3040c
per bushel. .
1 .1 atnnlr Alfirlrnta.
New York, May 11. Beeves nominally
steady; cables lower; live came, iv;4iyi
119'ic; refrigerator beef, SCSVc Calws
nn.l ..fiulnp- fnmmnn to p.hnloo ve.lls.
$1.50450.75. Sheep and lambs steady to
llrm; choice clipped sheep, $5.50; fair to
prima clipped lambs, 3l.uu.MJ; clipped euus,
; TTni... nnmlnnllv weak.
East Liberty, Pa.. May 11. Cattle about
steady; xtra, $5.30(85.30; prime,;
common, $3.50til. Hogs active; prime me
diums, $441.0.); prlmo heavy, $11.05,
heavy Yorkers, $4; light Yorkers, $3.90y
3.95; pigs, J3.7543.S5; roughs, $2.50U3.E0.
Sheep llrm; choice wetners, wuo.iu; com
t9 rjltf,1 r.H- nhnlcn lnmlis. I6.10-fr6.lfi
spring lambs, $GiU; veal calves, $G4i6.75.
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most cases it will
wear them away. Could they be induced to
try the successful medicine called Kemp's
Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they would immediately see the ex
cellent effect after taking the first dose. Price
25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug'
Stlchlcnii's Now llulli-ond Tnx Act
Lansing, Mich., May 12. The Wagar
bill for taxing earnings of railroads
which Is Intended to In a measure take
the place of the Plngreo-Atkinson' rail
road taxation act, , declared unconsti
tutional by tho supremo court, passed
the senate yesterday and wont to tho
house, where it'was referred to a com
mlttee, with instructions to report It
out today. Under Its provisions rail
road taxes are graded according to the
gross income per mile, increased some
what from tho present rates under the
same system.
There aro dozens of remedies recommended for
Scrofula, somo of them" no doubt being able to
afford temporary relief, but 8. S. S. is absolutely
the only remedy which completely euros It.
Bcrof ula Is one of the most obstinate, deop-seated
blood diseases, and is beyond the reach ot the
many so-called purifiers and tonics because some-
thlnr? mnpfl trmn mpnt t.nnl la mnnlrArl H ft H
Palne's Celery Compound
is tho
I Best
Spring -
"I World. -
It makes the weak strong.
We sell and recommend it.
3 South rialn Street.
In hi S
It can be had at all the lead
ing saloons.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boals for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Heading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at this resort for the entire season.
For particulars address
B. J. VOST, Prop.,
Barncsville, Pa.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Refrnctlontst, who has testimonials
from tho best people of the county, as to his
ability, will boat
If your eyes cause you nny trouble call and bco
lilra, Gloeses furnlahcU If needed and no
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
raim-CHBir- STOKE
Fruit,, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail,
SO West Qontre Gtroot.
Livery aind
No. 13 North Jardin St.
H i
nillions of Dollars
Go up In nraoVb every year. Take 1 0
risfc but get ypnr houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured lri nrst-cl&u ru.
liable companioa m represented by
nAVir PATKT Insurance Agent
Also Lit and Acetdantel cmptnlH