--.ri-Yiii. Miss Smile Werthcini. Rue 14. of Tole. do, 0, was the winner of first prize foi execution on the violin at tile UrunseU Conservatory of music. German critics Bavsiiciaawoti' derlul player. It is the greatest distinction tobe first in any thine. I'orthis iustatcmcuship literature, atu lelics, science nt,rl nrf.tnpfl mill women cut forth in rgr.'atcst ciiotts. Washington was c. Uobo'f.ir.tiiiwar, first in peace nnd fir ' iuthehc irtsof IiIb couutrymcrr." It isugreatthito he first. Nothing is of more valtielo mankind and brings great er 'I'lprMiiPsst'.i.m ngood remedy. Many Uniija will rciitfe but the one that will f.v isliest. l)r 17-ilianBalm issucharem i .1 v . 1 fun of thousai'i's have found that it is ,i.'y thing that would cure Ca tm.h.: 1 Vithtnn. lfor IS yrs. it has nev er l.ii'i it i single "ise to cure Asthma, nud lis record has been as wonderful in Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan ces, run into Consumption, or where the Host 1 1 1 s were entirely stopped up or where the poisonous pus had eaten holes into the throat an inch deep, or where the stomach hud become ulcerated and raw fiom swallowing the germ latlen matter, wereallpermaneutlycuie.!. Such arec ord, unknown to any other remedy, just ly entitles the Brnrilirti Balm to the first place in thereganl of the American peo ple. Th'-re are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims and countless Astuuii sufferers in Cuis couutry, all of whom cmi lie cured with Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil Ian Balm contains a month's treatment for c i' irrh or asthma, and for 6 months we will wrap with each 1.00 bottle a month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets, free. Toxicola is the best topic. and nerve and strengf.h,builder known to science. This is thecreatcst'offer ever made. Ask vonr drugglstand.'take.lio substitute. B. V. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, lac v nopolis, Ind. SHENANDOAH DRUd STORE, Wholesale Agents Dr. Humphreys5 Speclilcs act directly upon tho disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the system. Tlicy Curo Hits Sick, no. cents. .raiCKS- 1 Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations. ,25 2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. .25 3 Teething. ColIo.Crylng.Wttkefulness .23 4 IMarrhco, of Children or Adults .23 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .23 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache. 23 D-IIeadache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 10- DvDepsIa,IndIgestlon,WeakStomach.25 11- Suppressed or Painful Periods.... .23 12- Whltea. Too Profuse Periods .23 13- C'roup. Laryngitis, noarscness .23 14- 6nUBheum,ErysIpeIas.Eruptlons., .23 18 nheumatlsm, Ithenmatlo Pains. .25 10-Malarla, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 10-Oatarrh. Influenza, Cold In tho Head .23 SO Whooping-cough . .23 27- Kldney.Dlsensee .25 28- Norvoua Debility 1.00 30-Urlnarv Weakness. Wetting Bed... .25 7r-Orlp. Hay Fever .25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual or all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co, Cor. William & JohnBts, Hew York. THE BEST OP THEM ALL! I :LIPP1NC0TTS 1 NONTHLYAaAZlNE .luadditiSrSaiario HUU CUKU,U1U1K 1BUU1UK I t i i ...... n.A. So contlnuel itorlct, ithteH are eo objtctlonable to mott reaaerm. ...Initnn HM-flfl 1W. Vim,". Agents' wanted la every town, to whom the most liberal Inducements will bo offered. 3. B. UPFTHOOXT COMPANY, Publishers, PHILADELPHIA IN EFFECT FEBItUAltY 5, 1899. Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Perm Haven Junction, MaucU Chunk, Lclilehton, Hlatlnfrtou, Whltq Jlall, Cotosauquo, Allwtown, Bethlehem, Huston New York and Philadelphia at 8 28, 7 49 a. m.. 12 68 and 3 14 p. m. For Wilkcsbarre, White Haven and PitUton, 5 28, 10 13 B. in., 12 68 and 9 11 p. m. For LoceyviUo, Towondo, Sayre, Waverly, Elmlra, ItoeheBter; Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the West, 10 13 a. ra., 12 68 and S 14 p. in. For Belvldcre, Delaware Water Cap and Stroudsburg, 5 28 a. in., 5 14 p. in. For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 7 49 a. m. For Jeanesvllle, Loviston and Beaver Meadow, 8 28 b. in., 12 68 p. in. For McAdoo, Audenrled, Ilazleton, Stockton and Lumber Yard, 8 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. ui., 12 68 and 6 14 p. m. For Jeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 5 23, 10 13 B, m., 8 14 p. m. For Scranton, 5 28. 10 13 a. m., 8 14 p. ra. For Lost Creek, Olrardville, and Ashland, i 00, and 7 27 p. m. For ltaven Bun, Centralta, Mount Carmel and Shamokin, 10 68 a. m., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. m. For Mahunoy City, Park Place and Delano, 0 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. m.. and 12 68, 8 14 p. m. For Yatenvllle, 0 z, 10 13 a. m. Trains will leave Shamokin at 7 CO. 9 20 a. m., 12 10 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah Bt 7 49; 10 13 b. m. , 12 68, 8 14 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, St. Clair, Newcastle, Morea and New Boston, 7 49 and 10 18 a. m , and 12 58 p. m. , Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 9 43 a. ro., 12 83, 803, 8 IS p. ra. , , Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a. in. ' 1 12 48; 8 09, 6 2d, 8 32 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Kaven Run, Centralia, Mt. Carmel and Shamokin, 9 43 a. m., 7 21 p. m., Trains leave Shamokin tor Shenandoah at 8 60 a. ra., and 8 S3 p. in. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City, Park Place, Delano, MeAdoo, 'Audenrled, Ilazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly anu Mauou ununc, v i a m., anu u m p..iu ngtonVcatasauoua. White rff BU ami iror ieuignton, man Hall. CoDlav.'Allenlowi hunt. 0 47 a. m.. and 6 82 tl. For New York and Philadelphia, 9 . m. Leave Ilazleton for Bbenandoab, 800, a. m., and 8 27 p. m. Mi B, gOTTEK, Bupt. Traneportatlon. Bouth Bethlehem, I'a, HOLLIN H. WILBUU, denl. Supt.. Boutb Iletblenem, Pa. CIIAKLE3 S. LKK, Oenl. Pau. Art., New York, N. Y. A. "ST. NONNEMAOIIKlt, Dlv. P. A., Bouth Ilethlehem, Pa. JJIHIJl. CHEW STOKE -DEALER IN- Fruit, Confectionery, ' CigarS and TObclCCO. SQ West Contra Street. ruted lew l'o wlers nevor f .. amfd and .ure (after fallinr Ml? i-. T'hoy Will Oloar tho, Filipinos Oat of Bacolor. SIX THOUSAND REBELS THEBE. They Are Well Supplied WlthArins and Ammiiultlou, But JInvo Never Yot Mot tho American SoldlyrB Tlioo Troops l)o No "Work Dut Ftirhtlnir. Manila, May 8. General Lawton'a column advanced to a position two and a half mllos north of Dalinag on Saturday. Tho advanco met with but slight opposition. Outside of Mansiu 2,000 rebels "who occupied an entrench ed position were routed In short order. Many corpscB of rebels havo been dis covered In tho river at San Tomas. Scores of rifles and other armB havo been recovered from tho rlvor, Into which they wcro thrown by the ro treatlng rebels. To clear the Filipinos out of Bacolor, about flvo miles southwest of San Fer nando, will be tho noxt task of tho Americans. The rebel General Mas cardo has a force of 6,000 men there, well armed and possessed of plenty ammunition. Ills troops havo never met American soldiers, and they think, according to reports carried to San Fernando, that they can "whip tho whole lot." Bacolor is well ontrenchod, and thousands of natives are working like beavers digging trenches and carry ing the dirt in muskets. Tno enemy uses his riflemen for fighting only, but compels the Bolomen and Chinese, and oven the women, to labor inces santly. The rebels have an outpost about a mile beyond San Fernando, with a trench that holds between 200 and 300 men. From that point several volloys were flred Saturday night upon the camp of tho Twentieth Kansas regi ment. Neither General MaoArthur nor Gen eral Lawton moved yesterday, although each rcconnoltered the country In hl3 own vicinity for some miles from hoad quarters, developing tho presence of small forces of the enemy. In the vicinity of Laguna de Bay tho rebels are extremely active, but the lines of General Ovenshtne and Colonel Wholley, who Is commanding General King's brigade during the lat ter's illness, havo been materially strengthened, and there Is no danger In that direction. The armed steamers Laguna de Bay and Cavadonga, under Captain Grant, hayo gono to Guagua, about' five miles southwest of Bacolor, presumably to establish a base of supply for tho troops engaged In the northern cam paign. It Is rumored that Mabtnl, president of tho cabinet and minister of foreign auairs in me bo-cuiiou mupiuu &uv ernment, who is a Radical, is to be succeeded by Paterno, the framer of the Spanish treaty of 1896. This change Is regarded as significant at the present juncture. Tho entrance of tho Americans Into San Fernando was virtually unoppos ed. Tho Filipinos, who expected the Invaders to approach from the sea, had that side of tho town strongly guarded, hut there was only one line of trenches beyond San Tomas. Two battalions of the Flfty-flrst Iowa regi ment, which swam the river north of the city, were smartly peppered while In the water, but the rebels disappeared as soon as the Americans reacted the shore. In the meantime the hospital squad had walked across the bridge I was a scliool teacher warn inpTfl nnv fiiu'im 11 1 f run uu 1111- i were there. . Uvea. ThA row Sn.inin.rn a ana l1 llimnoa who were left welcomed the Americana 3 -. -. ,1 lnlH 1. norma In tham f!an. aim uycucu mou oral MaoArthur accepting ; entertain- ment at the hands of Senor HIzon, a sugar magnate. . If tho Inhabitants or tno Ban 'er- in despair mi i got noia 01 orusmuu ounu ana iuaicuiu iuuicis. tlmatum to the Lake Carriers' asso nando region are to bo believed there They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured elation today. The substance of tho Is little sympathy with the insurrection anri better than I had been in vears. Talk about wonderful remedies, ultimatum will bo that If tho strike the cuy te rebels burned the church I Vnf niinvtar MnfAPA tn PlTUTln 7 and the public buildings and looted the Chlnosp quarter. They drove many rich Filipinos, with tholr families, out of the city before them, as well as hundreds of Chinese, to prevent them helping tho Americans. They cut the throats of some. Many Chinese hid on roof tops or- in cellars, and some escaped by cutting off their quequos. There aro 50 freah graves, in the church yard. The country beyond Calumplt is full of all sorts of Ingenious trenches and pitfalls in the roads, with sharpened bamboo. Fortunately the Americans escaped the latter. In the swamps near San Tomas, where Genera Wheaton's, troops did their hardest ngbtlng, tne men smit ing to their waists In mud, are, many bodies of Filipinos, smelling, horribly. The army Is really enjoying life at San Fernando, wjilch Is the most plo turesque and wealthy town the Amer icans have entered since the occupa tion of Manila. It Is largely built of stone, the river la oloso at ,hand, and high hills almost surround it. Many sugar factories Indicate a thriving In dustry In that respect, and there are numerous flno residences, General MacArthur's permanent headquarters la established In the best house in the town, which Is richly decorated with frescoes ana carvea woous. After Bacolor has been cleared water communication with Manila may be established, Catarrh Cannot be Cored r"V, or constitutional disease, and In order to cure J g t 'K"nKternTlW 'n d oCaurt0h6'8 "Jd . ".urfaceS! tee &3!g& In this country for yean, and is a regular prescrlp I,I.M.mnnu.lnflhllhHi tOnlCB UllOWIl. combined with the but blood purifiers, actine directly on the raucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients Is what pro duces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. . . F. J. CHENEY St Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold hy druggists, price 75c Hall's Family Pills are the beat. An Agreeable Snrpi'tso to Workers. Chattanooga. Tenn,. May 8. The stove manufacturers of this city, three In number, and of South Pittsburg, Tenn.. .u" """f1?0"' . T, , T-l! J HU,,, OUU VMW V A aWW IMiU Foundry company of this city, have notified their employes of a 10 uer ronf InrrnaRft In wacea. beginning- this morning, These plants employ about 8uu men. iiju ujvubo vauj u bui- A card. We. the undersigned, up horeby agree refund the money on a 60-cont bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrn'p of Tar If it falls to enre your cough or cold. Wo also guaran. tee a 85-cent bottle to prove satisfactory money,refunded. A. WaBley, 0.--H. Uageu buch, Shenandoah Drug Btore, and P. W. Blerstcln & Co. IMUBMif The Monarch of (Ausolutklv rums.) Its Rrrfincrrh oomoa frnm Ita freshly roasted, and is sole! rjflCknEGS. Each nncknirn will ago Is sealed at tho Mills so weaKonoa. iz nns a aoncious flavor. Incompa.ablo nnuiigui, n is u luxury wunin mo roacn or a.i. Insist on "Lion" Coffoo Novor ground nor sold In bulk. None Cenulno without Lion's hoad. If your Grocer NEW YORK Send for Our Book, "A Bird's Eye View 218 pages beautifully illustrated and Tery York and how to go about. Frse for Tiia w LlHIH glEOELOoaPERCO. 0 SIXTH AVE. fed1!h1ithlTS. W 1 1 1 0 A Wreck From Grippe, Catarrh and Asthma. RESTORED WITH T nine trtiriWM ne "TMir TXfj-trr ti - ..... eaten away the partition in ximuuiu( uicuuiul uiumam uuuuita gone all through my system, making , . i r-. , . . . . , wmcn leit me a wrecK in mmu. ana uoay. mis was uie conamon me doctors ieft me in, after dosing me with opium, quinine, etc. Then I , , 7 , j u i j T bought cough cures withou :end but they only made me worse I was I . " Brazilian Balm and Toxicola saved You get more doses of Brazilian Balm tor tho money than any other remedy. 23, 80 cents and Si. 00 s bottle at druggists. With every $1.00 bottle you get one month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets free: the best tonic, nerve and strength builder In the world. B. F. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind. Shenandoah Drug Store, "A FAIR FACE A? AY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO wt-iPM im nftiim Tnv lhevl STRONG AGAIN! vigor to the whole being, are DrODerlr cured, their All drains condition For Sale at KIRUN'S GO TO FLORIDA See That Yooe Ticket Heads via the sodtiiebn eailwav. The Soutberp Hallway operates three throush trains on each week dav and two on It is an Inland route, clean and through an Interesting section of the South. t13 Br0 but not too fast to be maintained. Write to Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger AEent. 628 Chest - 1 nut streot, Philadelphia, for full information, illustrated matter eservatlons. and advanco Pullman 2-24-10t A little life may be sacrificed to a sudden attack of croup, If you don't have Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil on band for the emergency. Reduced Rates to Ilarrlshurg. On account of the nnvelling of the Hart- ranft Monument at Harrlsburg, Pa., May 12, the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company has .. Ul"lW arranged to sel excursion tickets from all stations on Its line In the State of Pennsyl- vania to Harrlsburg and return, at rate of single fare for the round trip, minimum rate twenty-flvo cents. Tickets will be sold on May 10, 11, and 13, and will be good to re. turn until May 13, inclusive, but will not be valid for passage on the Pennsylvania. Limited. Tell Your Sister to A beautiful complexion is an impossibility without good pure blood, the sortt that only exists In connection with tho good digestion; a healthy liver and bowels, Karl's Clover or Eoot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver - and kidneys keeping them in perfect health I Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P, D. Klrlin I and a guarantee. Mailed sealed. Price ( I per boz; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund taa money, J5.00. Send for free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.. Strength is mirlhr II- Id nil t-,,-n -rrr. only In ono-pounj f-ealeti mnUnd.D mtrm. Tun nnl. that tho aroma is novor i" ' Hr I.lnn Coffer. In I H nlor. f. tut uia nnini. nnu i-uili .-an tbat we may plniv It on Hale thcrr llu nct arrt WOOLS! i.NSPICn CO. T l.i. M,lo Prices always the lowest. Paid Purchases of 35 or more will bo sent FREIGHT PREPAID to any railroad station In MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE IS LAND, CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, and NEW JERSEY. of New York" and Its Oreatf st Store interesting, Tells you all about New asking. BRAZILIAN BALM wli - r fMin-lie " frr T Ofil1ciTlf1 in fill my health failed. Catarrh had I my nose. It had produced Bronchitis, mbles and weak kidneys. In fact it had .... u.uu. wvr. muih-vo. ah w uu i me an easy victim for the Grippe , tA, ' . . 1 1 ' i . .1 . . I my life, Miss L-. L. Clark, 917 Horton St. Wholesale and Retail Agents. uu uive tuicu iiiuujiuus cases of Nervous Diseases, such as Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless neis and Varicocele. Atroohv.&c They clear the brato, strengthen the circulation, make- digestion Derfect. and imDart a health and losses are checked ttrmanentlY. Unless oatlenti oiten worries tneminto insanity, consumption or uczuu Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa. LAST PEHSONALLY-CONDUCTEU TOUR TO WASHINGTON VIA P13NNSYL- YANIA KAILKOAD. The last of tho present series of rennsyl - vania Eailroad three-day personally-con- ducted tours to Washington, D. 0., will bo run on May 11. The rate, f 14.50 from Now York, fll.50 from Philadelphia, and propor tionate rates from other points, includes transportation, hotel accommodations and Capitol guide fees. An experienced Chaperon will also accompany the party. For Itineraries, tickets, and full information apply to nearest ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway, Hew York, and 780 Broad street, Newark, N. J. ; or address Geo, W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. A. Remarlcnblo Curo. Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable bus! ness man, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel- phia, Pa., says: "I contracted a violent cold which settled all over me. The min In mv chest and side was exemel atinir. The doctor cave me medicine and blistered my side, but I only grew worse. Then you gave me a bottle of Brazilian Balm. I had little or no faith in it, but decided to try it. I took 3 or 4 good doses before bed time, and rubbed it well over my blistered side. That night I slept like a top my first good rest jor over a wee anu awoKe in tue morning cured. Brazilian Balm Is sim ply Invaluable." Shenandoah dm; store, wholesale accnts. Bny Keystone flour. Bo nre that thoname Laws & Haee, JUhland, Fa., is printed every tack, TI BUFFAL0STR1KERS. Urging a Bishop to Assist in End ing the Contest. COlITRAOTOR IMPORTING MEN. Tho l'lrnt Lot llnnrnttoil In Now York. However, llpsortt'il lr Itouto nnd Artr Arrlvnl-ClntntPd That Thar Voro l)ccolv"d. Uurtalo, May 8. I'raililent Johnson, of tho stnto hoard of mediation and nrhltratlon; II. D. Ooulder, of Cleve land, attorney for the Lake CnrrlorB association, nnd Mr. Douglass, repre senting tho Wogtorn Elevating asso ciation, called on Uishop QulRloy, of tho Catholic dlocoso of Buffalo, yos torday and asked hire to endeavor to Induce tho grain shovolors to nccopt tho proposition mado hy Contractor Conners. Tho result of tho conforenco could not he ascertained. It Is understood, however, that Dlshop Qutgley request ed time for consideration and consul tation with the priests In whoso par ishes tho trouhle is centered, tno fact that Mr. Goulder intends to re main over In Buffalo until tonight Is believed to indicate that Blfhop Quig- ley will mako known his anewor some tlmo today. Nearly all of tho grain ahovelers are Irishmen, and attend tho Catholic church. It is thought, therefore, that a suggestion coming from the bishop would carry with it great weight. The monthly men at tne elevators hold a big meeting yesterday after noon. Resolutions wore adopted OX' pressing sympathy with tho causo of tho grain shovelers, nnd It wns unani mously voted that whenever there aro any signs of growing strength on tho part of Contractor Conners a strike will be declared. The monthly men thought It would bo best to stick to their elevators so long as Mr. Conners is unable to obtain a sufficient num ber of shovelers to unload the grain A delegation from the grain shovelers union was present at the meeting. Contractor Connors is beginning to import men from other cities to take tho place of the striking grain shov clers. One of his boss shovelers, Peter Dalton, has opened headquarters in a saloon at 46 Bowery, New York, and Is hiring men to work on tho docks hero. Dalton started 160 men for Buf falo at midnight Saturday. One hun dred and seven deserted at the ferry landing In Now York. The rest woro put aboard a Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train. On the way to Buffalo a stop was made and the men were given 25 cents each for break fast. Only 29 of the 43 onrao back to the train. When the train reached Buffalo a delegation of strikers, who had received notice of tho coming of the New Yorkers, appearod at the de pot and enticed all but IS of the new comers away. The IB who stuck wero taken to tho Marino elevator In a bus guarded by two patrol wagaons full of police. No attempt was made to molest them. Last night a delegation of grain shovelers waited on the superintendent of police, the mayor and tho superin tendent of the poor for tho purpose of having the Now Yorkers sent homo at the expense of tho city. Last night they were lodged In tho grain Bhovel- ers hall. They claim that the situa tion here was misrepresented to them, and they have sent a telegram to their friends on the Bowery warning them to keep away from Buffalo. The situation along tho water front remains unchanged. Only seven ole vators wore working yesterday. It is h3"m? lh.lb'e.D"I"lh . ,Vik n..u.A v.f lng l8 m lt wm take several weeks, . . .... . . . . witn a run rorco 01 snoveiers, to clear the harbor and catch up on the work, Late last nloht It was civon out that thVln1h0veie Is not ended this week the 'longshore men all along the chain of lakes will be ordered out, and that tho entire lake traffic will be tied up, and that for every week hereafter that Mr. Con ners holds the contract the grain shov elers' union will add 50 cents to the contract prlco. Tho union Is willing now to take the contract for 2 flat per thousand hushels. President Keete, ot tno Interna tional 'Longshoremen's association, came hero yesterday. The impression that Secretary Henry C. Darter, of the association, created here by his signed statements that the association would not support tho striking grain shovel ers' union was dispelled by Presi dent Keefe. Mr, Keefe said: 'The only way by which the trouble can be ended is by the abrogation of the oontract which Mr. Conners holds. The Lake Carriers' association cannot hope to bring about a compromise. Tho old union, whose officers are now working for Mr. Conners, has ceased to be recognized by the 'longshore men's association. Tho now union has taken its placo." A Cleyer'Tric" T, 1.1.1. 1 U1.A 1 . 1... , 41,nm . .Anllv no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame bacE anu weac Kiuneys, maiana or nervous troubles. We mean he can curo himself rinht away by taklntr Electric Bit tors. This medicine tone3 up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the llvor and kidnevs. Is a blood rjurifier and norve tonic. " eures constipation, headache, fainting I spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is 1 nurely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re- stores the system to Its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced .that they are a miracle worker. .vory bottlo cuaran teed. Only 50c, a bottle at A. Wasioy's drug store. Tho noadly Qninllno Stovo Harrlsburg. May 8. Joseph Knoll, aired GO years, a restaurant Keeper, re siding on Fourtn streot, was seriously and probably fatally burned yesterday by tho explosion or a gasoline stove, Does This Strike Yon 7 . Muddy complexions. Nauseating breath come from chronic constipation. Aari Clover Boot Tea Is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years ou an absoluto guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P, D. Klrlin and a guarantee, Andrew Comedo's' ltotiremont Birmingham, Ala., May 8. With ref erence to tne retirement 01 Andrew Carnegie from the Iron aud steel world B. Lt. Bridges, treasurer of the Blr mlngham Rolling Mill company, said "Mr. Carnegles retirement moans a blir Iora tn thn Iron nnrl rIapI wnrlil for he has boon one ot the moat potent factors. His career nas airmailed a wondertul example ot the possibilities Which American life holds out, and his benevolence has shown that ho has ased his wealth rightfully." Terrible Dlacues. those itching, postering on diseases of tbo skin. Put au end to misery. ' Doau's Oiutiueut cures. At any drug etoro. PORTO RICO'S ADVANTAGES. Opportunities 1'or Thrup Who Wonld KniiiiKi' In Agriculture. Washington, May 8. Owing to tho large number of Inquiries that havo been recelred hy tho members of the Insular commission slnco tholr recont return from Porto Hlco Oenoral Ilob ert P. Kennedy 1ms prepared a state ment as to resoureod and conditions In Porto lllco. In which he says: "There can scarcely bo found upon tho globe a more hospttahlo and warm hoartPd people than thoao of Porto Hlco. They are In full sympathy with Amorlcan Institutions. There Is u great deal of poverty In the Island, as It Is understood In tho United Statos. That Is, the people live in lllmslly con structed huts, have a few clotnea and still less of ready money, but owing to tho bounty of nnturo around them they can live with little work and row worldly goods and still not suffer from olther cold or hunger. The stories of starvation upon tho Island are base loss fabrications. "Not one-fourth of tho lands In the Island are now under cultivation, and thousands of acres yet remain to be given over to husbandry. lAnds aro held at good prices, owing to the prom ise of an Influx of peoplo from the United States. Still thoro 1b oppor tunity for many thousands of porsons who really wish to engage In agri culture on tho Island. That thero aro great opportunities In Porto Wco Is unquestionable. But I would dlscour ago the simple adventurer who ex pects to roap a quick and unoarnod re ward. "The opportunities for stock raising, it appears to me, aro superior to thoso In almost any part of the United States, and this without disparage ment of our own cattle country. "The climate of tho Island, In my experience and from what I can gather of It from records, official and other wise, Is all that could be desired. Even tho densely populated city of San Juan Is a romarkably healthy place." OUR BEARDED LADY. Detigtilnirmn, through alluring and cun ningly worded advertisements, constantly endeavor to work upon the feelings of sick and ailing women by inviting them "to write to a woman (I) and secure a tvoman's sym pathy." It is well to remember that the best sympathy Is to had at home nnd not from strangers, perhaps hundreds of miles distant The object of the sick is to get well, and however precious sympathy may be, it never yet cured a seriously afflicted woman. While the sympathy of your m'liitier or dressmaker might bo appreciated and be just as beneficial, if not more so, than sym pathy from a stranger, yet it can not effect your cure If you are an ailing woman. It is loudly proclaimed through the press that " a woman can best understand a woman's ailments," and on this ground sick women are invuea to "write to a woman" and tret the benefit of a woman's advice. The sort of "understanding of her ailments" wanted by a sick woman is a trained medi cal understanding-. 11 a woman lias this trained medical knowledge she Understands woman's ailments not as a woman, but as a physician. If she is not a doctor she cannot understand the aliments at all, and cannot treat them successfully, because she lacks the necessary training. As far as known, there is no regularly qualified woman physician connected with any proprietary medicine especially de. signed for women no one, therefore quali fied by learning and experience, to advise on questions of disease and its cure. It is certain that there Is no one, man or woman, connected with any "put-up" medicine for women, excepting only Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, who, like Dr.- Pierce, is a regular graduated and quali fied physician, and who has, like him, de voted more than thirty years to the special study and treatment of diseases of women. For more than thirty years Dr. R. V. Pierce, a regularly graduated doctor, has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'- Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y, On his staff are nearly a score of regularly graduated, experienced, skilled physicians, each of whom is a Spec ialist in nls chosen class 01 diseases, uv ery letter addressed to Dr. Pierce as above, ha3 prompt, conscientious attention, is re garded as sacredly confidential and is an- swerea in a plain envelope so your private affairs are kept safe from prying eyes. Df.THEEL604 Horth Sixth SI. GUARANTEES TO CURE after the eu-cUcd greatest, moit celebrated and wlieit adTertlsloc doctors f nil, no matter whtthv rlftlm- LOST MANHOOD "'AND VIGOR, DEBILITY, Early Abuses, Rloodl'oUon, iricturt&. Shrunken or Vn- oraans. JWiiireytoftfionelntha world AUJCQCELEwUliout"utMnr. 1'ookfreo every adrertiMnsf rauti. Electric litit win to com V A Tertilnsfrauii,Klectrl .llnttttmea. etc Freth Clori.f akfl M tdlcal InstltDtea, etc ieA ca$etcurtii InitoiQOatu Trtatment by m&U. InsUnt relief. Philadelphia & Reading R y. Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. IN EFFEOT MARCH 18. 1898. Tral as leave Shenandoah as follows : For New York via Philadelphia, week riava. 2 10, as, J u, D oo a. in., iz J, a I'J ana ui p. m Dunuajs, i iu n m. rornew ioie via Aiaucn vjiiumc, week aays 30 a. in., 12 20 and 3 09 o. m. For RcuUint; and Phit.vleltihla, week days, 210,533,7 30. 9 55 a.m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. ro. aunuays, z iu a m. For fottsvine. week aays. z 10. 7 80. 03 a. ro 12 26, 8 09, 8 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 210 am. or iamaoua ana niananoy tnv. vees aavs 2 10, 7 30, 9 '5 a. Iu., 12 .'6 3 09 and 6 09 p. m. junuays, 2iua iu. For wuiiamspon. aunnury ana iewisburg. wees: aays. a 1102 a. m.. 1220. y au p. m Sundays, 3 27 a m. ForManano) f lane, weeKOays, 2 in, 327, o as, B0. 9 55. 1182 a.m., 12 26. SCO, 6 09, 7 3J, 9 56 , ra. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a m. For Ashlanu and Sharookln. week days. 3 27. 7 80. II 82 a. m 12 26, 3 09, 6 07, 7 26 and 55 p. m. Sunday, 3 27 a m, For Baltimore. Washington and the West via ... J. . ... , iuiuukm . 1 ni nn , , iwwiiug Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. H S.) at 3 20, T It T , Ik...l, I I . r 01, 11 20 a. m., 0 iu anu ,.21 p. 1., ounoays 8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi tional trains irom iweniy.inunn ana unest nut streets station, week daysr1039a. m. 1220 12 16 a to p.m. Hunnsys. 1 so, a 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a, m., and 1 45, 4 30, 9 00 p.m. Leave new iorx via oiaucn ununk. week days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Read lug Terminal, week days, 3 40, 8 86, 10 21 a. m. and 186, 4 06, 6 36, II 00 p. m. leave neaaing, weea aays, isn, i w, 10 Do. , m., 12 15, 4 17. 6 00, 8 26 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle. weekdays. 7 17. 7 40 a. m. 1280. 120. 4 SO. 6 10 and 6 60 p.m. lAsave Taruaqua, weeK aays, s is, a 36, 11 2? in., 1 49, 5 66, 7 20, 9 44 p. m. Iave Mahanoy Oily, week days. -8 43. 9 OS. 11 ui a. iu., a u, a u , , ivwi.in Leave mananoy nane. weex nays. z io. 4 00 680, 922 1028,1200, a. m., 2 89, 6 86, 642,758 iu 2 p m. lave wuiiamspon, weeK aays, U, luuu a m.. 12 34 and 4 00. 11 30 p. m. ATL.4.NT10 CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and south street wliari lor Atlantic (Jit v. Wiekdays Express, 9 00, a. m., lSntur days only 130 J 1 00. 8 00 4 00, 5 00, 7 15 pm Aoaomroodatlou, 8 00 a m., 8 80, 6 30 p ni Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a m Acoommoda tlou, 8 00 a iu, 4 p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantle and Arkansas avenues. Weekdavs Exnress. 7 83. 815. 9 00 and 10 45 a. m., 8 80 aud 6 80 p m. Accommodation, 4 23,817 a. m., 4 05 p. m. 8undiya Express, 4 00, S 80, 8 00 p. m. Accommodation, 7 15 a. m., 4 is p. m. For Cape May, Bea Isle City and Ocean City- Weekdays 9 00 a m. Sundays, Chestnut street 913 a m., South street, 9 00 a. m. Ad ditloual, weekdays, lor Cape Max, 4 15 p m., lor ocm -isie vt.y. w p m.t ipr ucesa uiy. 10, a w i ,u. Parlor Cars on all excreas trains. k v lui.nii imviuiMiuu, J u nearest Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent rn- 1 t . .... ... 1 . . or aaureas r A Uw.MA.Dn Vnanr T Oen'l Bupt., Gen'i Paaa'r AgL, Beading Terminal, I'klhvlelphla. The Cure S hat Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooplnff Coufth, Asthma, uronohltls and Inolplont Consumption, Is Tne German remedV iSj4 Ato,3. 25fc50rts Grocers can tell von whr those ' . whobny SeOlIa'S wcn.keepcjmii!gback U5cda3n for it. Strange though how long it tViiei people to try new thing. admixture to ordinary cof fee makes a 1 delicious drink PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. BURKS, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Gfllc Kmn bulldltir. corner of Main sn Outre streets, Rheoandoah. pilOF. JOHN J0NK8, nUSlCAL IHSTRUCT0R, Lock Box 68, Mahanoy Clly, P. IIylni studied under some ot lb btt mMters Id London and Paris, will irlre lemons on the Tiolln,mndolln, gulur and vocal eallnra. Terms reasonable. Addreu In care of Btrouse, the ieweler Hhenandosh. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. BOHUYKILL DIVISION, SUrch S, 1839, Trains will leave Rhenandoah afler the aooY date for WIersii, Ollberton, FrMknille, r Water, Bt. Clair, rottsrille. IlnmbDrg, Reading, 1'orbitown, FboenlzTflle. Xorrletown acd Fhfi. aelphla (Urd street station) at 8 la and 811 a. m., 2 10, B 19 p. m. on week days. Sunday, 8 15 a. m., i 80 p. m. Trains leave FnclrTtlle for Bbenandoab at 7 86. 11 48 a. m. and Sit, T84 p. m. Sundav, 11 01 a. m. and 5Mp.m. Leave Pottsvllle for Bbenandoab (rlaFraca. vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m,, ft 30, 7 10 p. m. Banday 1085 a. m.. 5 50 p. m. Iave Philadel Dhla. f Broad street iilonV lur Bbeaandoab at 833 a. m.. 4 10 n. m. rlc Sundays leave at 8 50 and S 23 a. m. iare i-ntimiclplila (Uroaa street station) for Pottsvllle. 5 57, 8 5. 1019 a. m., 210, HO, 711 p. in. -weekdays. Sundays, 50, 0 23 a to, and 0 02 p m. Leave Broad Btrcet Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW TOHK. Express Week-days. 8 20, 4 OS, 4 SO, 0 OB, S 18. 650,783.8a), 9S0, 1021, 1100, 1143am, 11 0J noon, 12 35, (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p ml. 1 40. 280.820, 860. 4 02. 600, 558,800, 70S, "780, 1003 pm, 12 01 nlsht. Sundav 3 05,615, 8 20,0 SO, 1021, 10 43, U4S a m. "IS 08. 12 35, 2 80,4 02 Limited, MM), 520, 5M. 7 02, 7 60, 10 00 pro, 12 01 night Express for Boston without chanje, 11 03 a weekdays, aud 7 SO p. m., dally. For Sea Girt. Aburv Park-. Omm. .Lonic Iiranch.8 20, 11 14 am, 880, 408 p m ror LAmbvirlvlIle, Kaston and Bcranton, SSO, 9 00 a m, 13 00 noon, 8 32, 3 00 (Lambertvllle a4 liajvon oniyj, weekdays, and 7 02 p a ttally. IlulTalo, 8 00 a m, 12 CO noon weekdays, and I w p m dallr. -' WASUINQTON AND THE BOOTH. For Baltimore and Washlnston. 8 60. 20. 8 M. Inon 1 1 - ... 11m I..., .i ta . . . V.. m Conirresalonal Llm.1, 384,617, 68, 7 81 p. ta, and 12 05 night woekdays. Sundays, 850, 720. 9 12, 11 23 a m, 13 09,1 12, 8 12, 4 41 SSl3 Con gressionai i.ltn.j,M, ooo, TSl p m aad J1H, nlirbt. For Baltimore, accommodation. Oils m.lsl and 4 01pm week days, 3 08 and 1116 pm dally a A.ianiio toas. i.ino. 1:1pm 12 w pm, wma 12 05 night, dally. Southern Railway. Express S 84 and 6 55 d m. datlv. Norfolk and Western Railway for Msmphla and New Orleans, 5 34 p ra daily. i;neapeaKe ec uuio itauway, 7 si p m, oaliy. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. Mia a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Lave aiaraei street wnarr as loliowst KX press for New York, 900am, 480pm week days. For Long Branch, vtn Seaside Park, Sat) a m weekdays. For Island Heights, 8 80 a m and 4 09 p a) weekdays FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delawara rivar bridge Express, 9 40 a m 4 CO, 7 05 p. m. San aays, v u a. m., , w p. m. Leave Market Street Warf Express. tOOam. II 80 Saturdays only, 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p m. Bun days, 9 00, 10 03 am (accommodation 4 80 and ouupm. Avalon, Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wlldwrsa andlloll) Beach Expreaa, 900 a m, 4 trw, p m Vn Uama II.. I . A AM - .M 4 CO, 5 CO, p. m. week days. Bands ys, 9 00 and 1000a.m. The Union Transfer Company will sail for and check baggage from hotels and residence. liming car. T. B. IlDTcmrrsoar, J, R, Wood, uen i manager. uen'l l-ass'g-r Agt News and Opinions OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, bymail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday.by mail,$8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape In the world. mcs ac a copy. ut mii. u a m Adflresa THE 8 TO, Hew Yorfc. SJ tuRE. Sf NU4o.lBll-waiya turi. at Poriruky's drag rlon, B ' Osntr rrrast. AWN'S IfiNSY PILLS A isiBivTBini m lit WOMAN'? RCLItF. AiVkji prompt Baa ifutuii. jivwa dnir um.. orMBldiircKicftltdL trie. iU For lale t.t Klrlin! drag ttor and BlMado Tot '