Bound To Come. What? Oh, That Tired Feeling. You mutt fortify ntul help Kntiiro to resist the l&ssltudoof spring by taking (rood tonic. Wp ell or compound them to your special order. And your medlctno bIiaII bo pure, and tasto nn "jfood" M wo can make It SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. Telephone Connection. Too Many Baby Coaches, Go-Carts. We must get rid of them. They are not going fast enough. To tncourage our sales we invite you to see our stock and our prices. We cau sell you any style you may desire at sacrificing prices. See Our Picture Stock. Another sweeping reduction. We have some beautiful designs. For one week only you can buy them at 50 per cent, below the value. You won't regret your visit to our store. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 1 19-121-123 North Main St. SPRING SHOES A big line of Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's shoes await your approval. We call special attention to our exquisite line of Russet Shoes. Men's $s.oo Shoes at $3.50. 3.50 " 2.25. 2.00 " 1.25. Ladles' 3.oo " " 2.00. 2.25 " ' 1.50. 1.50 " 1.00. These prices range in comparison with the Misses' and Children's stock. Another lot of shoes going at 85 cents that are really worth $i .25 and $1.50. BOSTON 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Spring Suitings. We have some of the choicest suits made by the leading manufacturers in spring suitings at $10. $11 and $12 and upwards. They are the nearest approach to perfection ever seen in men's garments. Trouserings.-0- "7, 'onott You won't want anything: else when yotrsee We make trousers from 83.00 upward. Kelly & Gonway, TAILORS, 14 W. Centre St., FERGUSON HOUSE BLOCK. CHEAP GROCERIES. Hay, Flour and Feed. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK. Our goodi nre staple and sell retail at wholesale prices. FOR SATURDAY. Kcrirs. 13 cent per dozen farmer roll butter, lCc and 18o; beat creamery butter, 2jc; uaras, tt?io; anouiuera, oa Ellis Guzinsky, 216 West Centre St., Shenandoah Three doors below brick achool. IT'S AN IMPOSSIBILITY FOR MAN To 000k at all and It la next to Impossible for a woman to eook satisfactorily unless she lias the r roper material to practice the culinary art. tare you tried our ataple and fancy palate pleueaT E. B. FOLEY, 27 Centre 81, .onsympiioit? We are sure you do ..u(. Nobody wants It. But It comes to many thousands every year. Itcomes to those who have had coughs and colds until the throat Is raw, and the lining mcmorancs or tnc lungs are Inflamed. Stop your coueh when It first appears, and you remove the great danger of future trouble. terry stops coughs of all kinds. It does so because it Is a sooth ing and healing remedy of great power. Thlsmakesitthegreat est preventive to consumption. Put one of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs A wholo Madlcal Library fVoo. For four conti In stamps to pay rost Mge. ws will sendyuuilxtaea medical bookt. Medical Atlvlca foo. Wb hart, ths sxolutlve services of some of the most eminent physicians in the United Slates. Unusual oppor tunities and Ian? exuerlence tml. n.ntlv fit th.m fnr irlTlniPTnu medical adrlce. Write freely au the partic ulars In your case. You yril receive a 1 prompt reply, wiinoui coii. Fire I Fire I Fire I Insure your property from loss iu tlio oldest and strongest cash companies: I'hlla. Underwriters Insuranco Co. of North America and Firo Association, Hartford Fire Ins, Co., American Firo Insurance Co., West Chostor Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 123 S. JartJin St., Shenandoah. Try Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season yeur feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoos, try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and com fort. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial package FrtEE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. Q TJR extraordinary big values, in the purchase of 25 cents worth of our choice meats, has become a winner. The people are all talking about it and they con tinue to become customers at our meat market daily. Try our inducement and join the rush. J. Dalius' Meat Market, 203 East Centre Street. Our market is not exactly centrally located but that little extra-walk will benefit your purse. Ice Cream, All flavors. Man u f a c - tured daily. Delivered to all parts of town. Sealed PINK BAND Package. &6 FAMOUS Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Made Only By TENNEY COMPANY, ITOU fcULU BY FRED. KEITHAN, Baker and Confectioner, 104 N. Main St. ELLIS DEULL, "JEWELER, -Has removed to- 123 S. Main St., SHENANDOAH, PA. REMOVED I The underVnad dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES bat removed to 206 South Main St., Where repairing will be neatly done and cheap. Custom work a specialty. A, CATTEL POTTSVILLE NEWS. Happenings In Court Hint i:tanliere nt tlio County Sent. Pottsvlllo, May 4tli So much has heen wild about tlio uproar In tho Srhonl Directors riiiinty convention tint It Is but fair to abito Hint tlio hubbub wan caused by a limited number of porsonf, say fifteen or twenty. The marriKo or MIm Mno Bailor, Brand d milliter of Charles Sailor, deceased, lato n lumber morchant of l'ottsvllfo, took r1ac nt lirlilgcport. Jocph O'Loary, a member of tlio Rumo theatrical company, was tho groom. Mrs. O'Lcary Is a sweet sinner of illustrated aoiiRsnnd has friends In Mahanoy City and Nlionanilonh Tlio funonil of Mis. McCoy passed throush hero from Suffolk on tho wny to Mlnorsvlllo. Controller Muldoon says tho reason ho docs not sIrii tlio warrants for tho payment of Constables for fighting forest tiros Is b(-cauo tho County Commissioners Intro not yet approved of tho hills, nud they must do bo first. , Joseph F, Patterson was rc-cloctcd presi dent of tho Mid Winter Educational Club; Mr. Luhold. Vice President nnd Hunco Smith, Sccrotary. "Brot Hartc nud bis Works" by A. 1). Knlttlonnd ,t. Harry Fil bert was tho subject discussed and proved ery entertaining. The Controller reported to tho Commls Bioners that tho county receipts for April amounted to $20,314 nnd tho total oxpcimes were $57,027.74. Tho balanco In tho treasury Is $103, 410 SI, and tho outstanding treasury warrants amount to $1,082.01. Tho feeling caused by tho now chaugo lu Almshouse management has bequeathed a sourco of contention between Leo Urns , grocers, of Pottsvlllc, and tho Controller, who refuses to approve a bill of thcir's amounting to $070 for potatoes furnished at the rate of 85 cents rcr bushel. Tho Tax payers' Association sustain tho Controller ho causo no bids were asked for on theso potatoes and tho organization claims tho market price at the tlmo was 85 cents per bushel. The action of the County Almshouse officials in buying tho potatoes without asking bids is claimed to be a violation of that section of tho Controller's act which roquircs bids on supplies costing $100 nnd moro. John F. Schooner, tax collector of Maha noy City, niado a payment to tho County Treasurer on bis 1807 ami 1803 duplicates. A marriage licenses was granted to Charles A. Roislg and Miss A. Jones, both of Kyan township. W UNLOCK CONVICTED. Qcorgo Wetilock was found guilty of lar ceny of a dog, on oath of William llopkins. of Shenandoah. Ho received a scntenco of $10 fine, costs, and 30 days. THE CASE SETTLED. A truo bill was found at tho last term of criminal court against tho School Directors of Now Castle township, charged with mis demeanor in uflice in issuing fradulent orders, on oath of Daniel Christian, of tho Coal and Iron police Tho case was to have beon tried this term of court, but an amicable settlement of tho matter was reached and tho court allowed tho cases to bo nol prossed. SUIT FOB DAMAOES. Mrs. Margaret Mclntyro, of Eagle Hill, In behalf of herself and her now ten fatherless children, filed suit at tho Prothonotary'soflico to recover $10,000 damages against tho Marion Coal Company for tho loss of her husband, Jainos Mclntyro, killed in tho defendant company's mine nt Mill Creek sovcral mouths ago, and negligenco is alleged, CM AUG ED WITH LARCENY. George Ewella, of Mahanoy City, charged with larceny as baileo, on oath of P. & I!, C. & I. Co. police, was called for trial. Tho suit isbronght to rccever $12 50, moucy said to have been taken from pay-envelopes not the proporty of tho dofendaut. Tho jury ro tired this afternoon. TUE BOND CASE. Tho County Commissioners to-day com pleted tho signing of one hundred and soventy-eight of the $1,000 bonds negotiated for with H. II. 1'iorson, tho Philadelphia broker. Tho Commissioners say they have now completed their part of the contract, and await Controller Muldoon's slgnaturo to the bonds. The latter agreed to tho con tract when first made, but has since indicated his unwillingness to sign tho bonds, and it is not likely that he will do so. The bonds are countersigned by Chief Clork Zerbey. Mr. Pierson's name docs not appear on tho bonds and will not until tho cash for the faco valuo of tho bonds and tho premium are paid over. TUE GRAND JURY'S WORK. Tho grand jury is disposing of much busi ness, and in a number of cases tho bills are being Ignored and costs places on the prose cutors. One of these is the case of Theo. Ilawllchock, of Turkey Hun, who was charged by Q. F. Selbort with selling liquor without a licenso; another against Peter Ilolden, on the same charge by tho same prosecutor, the latter being ordered to pay tho costs in each caso. A truo bill was found against M, E. Doyle and M. J. Lawlor, publishers of the Shenan doah News, charging them with libel. The prosecutor is II. C. JJoycr, publisher of tho Miners' Journal. The complaint is au article appearing in the former paper reflecting upon the character of Mr. Boyer. Tho caso will likely bo tried next week. Other cases disposed of, and in which true bills wero found, are : Ilonora and Maggie Reardon, common scolds, Susan Flock, pros ecutor; Nicholas Pnuloski, larceny, Daniel Bradley, prosecutor; Wassel Kulan and Mary Kulan, selling liquor on Sunday, Felix Nemkewicz, prosecutor ; John Thomas, carrying concealed weapons, Martin Mullahy, prosecutor; Lizzie Medialls, common scold, Joseph Medialls, prosecutor. Not true bills Chas. Kadzlewicz, assault and battery, A. J. Schocner, prosecutor, for costs ; Annie Rodoskoy, assault and battery, Annie McNavish, prosecutrix, for costs; Matt Trewella, selling liquor without a license, E. Breiscb, prosecutor, county for costs; Adam Rajas, assault and battery, Joseph Yonsbonkls, prosecutor, for costs ; Joseph Yadu sky, violating liquor laws, oath of Daniel Davis ; Peter Alzukls and George Kripke, assault and battery on oath of Anthony Muskullnus; Lloit Demosholdt, larceny, oath of Frank Yankoski ; Matt, and Rollcn Bugness, Anthony Crolasscs and Anthony MattchulU, malicious mischief, oath of Aggie Rutkowski ; Edmund Harris, larceny of chickens, oath of Mrs. Yusifa Alkewicz, for costs. MINOR CRIMINAL COURT NOTES. The following eases have been disposed of: Frank Bollman, larrceny, on oath of Jacob Shamonsky, not guilty, each pay half the costs. Jacob Erby, usual charge, on oath of Cora A. Zettlemoyer, pleaded guilty, usual sent once. Jamoa Mahaney, surety, oath of William Kuehn. Court heard the parties and directed the prosecutor to pay one third and the de fendant two thirds of the costs. A. Patchulis was found guilty of assault and battery, on oath of Martin Powasena. Peter Laconis, assault and battery on oath of Bob Zotkanski, not guilty; prosecutor pay 1 and defendant i of the costs. The Jury is out In tho caso of Anthony WaUltia, charged with assault and battery on 6ath of John Koslusky. James Brennan and Michael Dougherty, of New Philadelphia, are on trial before Judge Bocbtel, charged with assault and battery. Joseph Weaezak Is on trial charged with larceny as bailee. The prosecutor is Michael Scanlan. DEEDS RECORDED. From Vloletta V. Shock to Howard Trout, premises lu Orwigsburg; Schuylkill Trust Company and others to Esther Jennings, premises in Pottsvlllo; Samuel Sheetz to Esther Jennings, premises in Pottsville, Bad blood and indigestion are deadly enemies to good health. Burdock Blood Bitters destroys thorn. VH'M'1 1 1 M.H44-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , f Constipation, l.l! BEbUHAM'd i ,1, uuHjusiiun, V Biliousness, Sick Headache, T In men, women or PILLS Gctthogcnulneifyou T want to bo cured. J 10 cents & 23 cents, X ennaren, cured by e t it n-UMi mm mm n Till! WKATIIISIt. An area df high barometer Has cov ered tho St. Lawrenco vnlley and Now England, causing brisk to high northeast winds nnd much lower tomporaturo in tho Middle Atlantic and Now England states. From tho Ohio river ovor tho east gulf states the tomporntura has continued very hlfli TiVirnnnai trr 58 this section until 8 p. m. today; Fair and cool; frosh northeasterly winds, becoming vari able. Fair tomorrow. Sunrlso, 6:05; sunset, 7:01; length of day, 13b.. BOm.; moon rises, 2:05 a. to.; moon sets, 1:37 p. m. HTHY POINTS. 'uppenlngs Throughout the Country UliruiilclBfl for Ilnsty l'erinal. To-night tho big homo tnlont entertain ment at Ferguson's opora hguso. A delight ful program. Tlio Borough Council meets this ovcuing in regular session. Beer Is now selling in Pottsvlllo at $apor barrel, a reduction of $1.00. The Pottsvlllo Council issued a temporary loan of $15,000 nt its last mooting. A pension of $0 per month has been granted to Thomas Brown, of Mahanoy City. Sido path commissioners are being ap pointed in almost every county in tho stato. Curtis Stornor, of Mt. Carmol, lias accepted tho position of reportor on the Minors' Journal. Dr. P. O. Bleilor, tho well known physi cian, is lying dangorously ill at his homo at Glrardvlllo. T. D. Frlteh has presented a 81,000 brass lecturn to tho Salom Lutheran church, of lietuleucm. Danlol E. Thomas, the Mahanoy City liotolkeepor, is dangerously 111 at his homo in that town. Awnings aro in course of erection in front of tho properties of Owen Brennan, on South Main street. John Coon, editor of tho Frackvillo Ledger, has resigned to accept a position under the P. & R. railway. At Mt. Carmel incandescent globes have been reduced ten cents. They formorly wero 30 cents each. An ordinance prohibiting tho distribution of circulars in tho stroots of Harrisburg will be strictly enforced. Antonio Derosa, who was stabbed at Steel- ton Sunday nlgbt by a baud of assassins, died yesterday nt Harrisburg. Falling rock at Hickory Sivamp, North umberland county, killed Georgo Pido and seriously injured Thomas Lloyd. Mincrsville wants a military company. A commlttco visited Harrisburg recently in the interest of tho pmposcd organization. A Pittsburg woman whoso name" is with held has founded tho Thomas Coke College of Missions in tho American University, Wash ington, D. C, by tho gift of $00,000, Investigation of tho accounts of John Blovins, the murdered City Treasurorof New Castle, shows that suspected discrepancies do uot exist. , Tho anthracite coal trado is reported to bo in a stagnant condition, littlo coal being sold and the largo companies are said to bo storing tho output. Soldier boys of tho Bethlchems havo organized "Tho Volunteers Association of tho Spanish-American War, 1893," with over 100 members, A bolt of lightning struck John Bred benner, near Hazleton, and tore off his shoe, but asido from a littlo numbness in his leg he was not iujurod. Charles Kluindenst, tho Coal and Iron policeman, will chango his residence from tho corner of Lloyd nnd West streets to South White street. Tho members of tho Eclipso Club, of Pottsville, will hold their, sccoud May as sembly at Union hall on Tuesday eveuing next. Seltzer's orchestra will furnish the music. Dr. Harriet P. Hooper, tho only woman physician of Lebanon, was yestorday held under $300 bail, charged with practicing mediclno without being registered. Tho re-organizatlon of Company K of St. Clair, is assured, 30 members of the old com pany haviug signed tho inustor rolls. Fifteen of these have already passed tho physical examination. With a cord taken from his bed, Joseph Sigman, a Philadelphia and Reading weigh master, at Reading, committed suicide by hangiug. Ho was OS years of age and had been in poor health. The Tamaqua Land Co. have a large force of men at work cleaning and grading their land at the eastern end of that town. The tract owned by the company will bo divided Into lots and offered for sale. Millions Given Away. It Is certainly gratifying to tho public to Know ot ono concern in tne lauu wuo are not afraid to bo cenerous to tho needy and suttor ing. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's Mew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, havo civen away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and havo the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of boneless cases. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat. Chest and Lunes are surely cured by it. Call on A. Wasley, Druggist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 500. apd fl Every bottlo guaranteed, or price refunded. COLLARING A MAN IS EASY IF YOU HAVE AS MANY STYLES OF COLLARS AS WE HAVE. The very fashionable and sensible round pointed cuffs and collars are meeting with great favor Wo show all the styles made. All the new colorings In shirts for spring; ties, gloves, canes, and umbrellas, at clo o prices. Portz Bros., 24 North Main Street. jglOU COUNTY COMMISSIONER, FRANK J. KANTNER, Op Lofty. flubject tn Republican rules F OR COUNTY ItllGISTBR. F. C. REESE, Or SlICSANDOAU. Subject to Republican rules. PERSONAL MENTION. William Butlor is visiting friends at Atlantic City. James X. Hllbort Is spondlng a fow days with friends at Miuorsvillo. Danlol Doughorty returned homo from Philadelphia whoro ho underwent an oyo operation. His eyesight has boon greatly Improved. Miss Paulino V, Casper has gone to Nauga tuck, Conn., whoro slio expects to locate permanently. Robert Morton has gone to Philadelphia to locato permanently. J. G. Mctz, of tho Forgnson Hotiso, has gono to Shamokln to spend a few days with his family. I. J. Lcrch, of Reading, representing tho Pennsylvania Tolophono Company, is iu town, J. J. Durkin, of tho Knlcrllouso, of Mah anoy City, was a visitor to town to-day. Two KlUurt by Kxploilon. Benton, Mo., May 4. Charles Skill Ins and Edward Truoworthy wore kill ed and several Injured by an explo sion nt the Konnobcc Fibre Pulp mill, at Benton Falls, yesterday. Part of tlio mill was destroyed. The accidont resulted from sulphuric acid gas In ono of the "cookers." WrA fo" over (fT cunouioDoior If EURALQIA, and similar Complaints' GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS, prcsoriDoa try ominostpnysioian DR. RICHTER'S i PAIN EXPELLER World renowned ! TtrmArlrnljltf Rnccosfif ill I I Only connlno with Trade Mark " Anchor." J uoo.&Mio.aDotue. Atauanigguuorinrongu f. is. nsm:s t co., sis rem ct, nsw nss. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Houses, Own Glassworks. jmaorsca ami lucommtnaeu ou I -' "it .-- .w-.D...- -. - --- vruamitt, ji! mi litre, ana other prominent vtovle DR. niCHTEFVO ANCnOU STOMACIIAI. boat S Oollc.DvnnppnIii&Rtoninch Complain MISCELLANEOUS. TrANT15I). lly a young couple, rooms with , T bonruuig. Auui recs, with terms, "11,' ilKnALu oQluo. 0-4-o-a FOIl ItKNT. A nine-room dwelling house, bath-room, hot nnd cold water throughout tho house nnd nil conveniences, located on North Jnnlln street. Apply at tills ofllco tf TMI'ltOVK YOUlt WHITING. By sending 25c J for 80 assorted pens for business and line corresponuing purposes ro Tug Habt M'f'o Co., 8-29-tf Pottsville, I'o. TOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap 1 ply to S. G. M. llollopetcr, attorney, Shenandoah. 8-3141 FOR SALE. uiic Biuurv ui ihiiic Houses - - - Situated on West Conl street, Shenandoah. Tho property entire is 1)2 feet front n ml 70 feet tlet p. Kach house has a frontage of 12 feet by 2G feet deep, with kitchen 10 by U feet; ull urn two stories, six rooniB, tin roof. They have jupi uten inorouguiy rcpaireu, newiy piuntcu nud papered, and new sills, outhouses and coal nouses constructcu. i nesu properties aro FOR SALE OK RENT Either as a wholo or separately nnd on reason able terms ltents reduced to SO per month. For further information apply to M. P. Fowler, We Have It, Just the Piece of Meat You Want. Wo'll (It tho niche In your appetite nnd fit the piculliirity ol your pocket lioolc. tielectetl cutH cost more than ordinary ones, but you'll find our prices tot the best ones are less than others charge for equally Kood pieces: Come after It If yon prefer or we'll deliver It If you say the word. BELL'S, 19 1. 1 STREET. We Sell the Lowest in Price. Groceries, Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishings. We arethe farthest down West Centre street and tho farthest down In prices. A. few more steps to our store Is well worth the reward you receiro In bargains. Peter Greenberg, 320 West Centre Street, Shenandoah. .1 i 1 1 I m fnr l Mammoth Clothing Largest Clothing House in the County, 9 and 11 S. Main St., L. Goldin, Proprietor, MSsUUB&vlUB Thousands of lives have been saved by Warner's Safe Cure. Thousands of men and women keep in perfect health to day by Warner's Safe Cure. Your life and health are too precious to be trifled with. Tnke Warner's Safe Cure. Window Guards, Stable Guards, Cellar Guards, Iron Railings, &c. REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FACTORY : 221-240 N. Emerlch St. RESIDENCE : 221 N. West St. Largest Stock. Largest Stores. Largest Profits to Buyers.' These are a few of the many inducements our new stores offer to patrons. Come and see our stock of stoves, furniture, timvare, hard ware and carpets. We can save you more money iu less time than any other store in town. No necessity of running to numerous stores to furnish a home. We can furnish you one from the cellar to the garret. Our stock and prices will cause you much astonishment. . We are head quarters for baby coaches. STOVE REPAIRINO OP ALL KINDS. PICTURE FRAHES riANUFACTUREU, ALL SIZES. D. and J. Siegel, Attractiveness Of Person. Satisfactory hair txno of the most attractive features about your person. Treat Hand dress It and it Is to your ad van tan c Wo do It at your home every ilny, "Wednesday and Saturday excepted. F RIEDMAN'S ENLARGED GROCERY, 213 W. Centre St. Wholesale : and : Retail. Eggs, 2 dozen lor 2$ cents, Strictly fresh. Excellent Farmer Butter, 17 cents. 4 and S pounds of prunes, 25 cents. 3 biggest mackerel, 25 cents. E3. A. Friedman, 213 West Centre Street. rRABOWSKY HOTEL, M. GRAB0WSKY, Prop. 819 N. Centre St, Pottsville, Pn. Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the ba A choice line of Clears and Temper ance Drink. Accommodations for travelers. Meals at all hoor. The Singer Sowing Ma chine Company has re moved to 1 1 5 North Main street, next door to J. J. Price's dry goods store. Cents per yard for home made rag carpet ; others for 40, 45, 50 and 65c per yard. Call and see our new line ot Brussels, Vel vets and Ingrain carpets. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE, i0 South Jardin Street. GLAD TO HEET YOU ! He is a popular man who dresses well and has some money besides. We help you to popularity by enabling you to dress well at a price that will help you have money left. Our splendidly made, best style, all wool and all rilit suits at $6.50 will help you to success. .srryiftyaa ranufac,uTtr of . . Wire Screens, Iron Fences, Fire Escapes, - 103-ios south Main st. Preservation Of trie Hair. Tho effect our treatment affords will astonish you We give it the attention that helps you to strengthen nnd perserre It by tho application of our sliauipoolug method. Dusto's Tonsoria! Parlors, Ferguson House Block. Good Eyesight J People don't realize the enjoyment in reading good advertisements, nor do they always appreciate good eye sight until they feel its power waning. At the first warning consult a competent optician. Examination free. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. 5C- SHAVE. I announce to the publlo that begin nine to-day, March 22nd, my rates will be! - Shavfe Bo Hair Cutting; 100 HIRAM SPADE, 131 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Fa, House, H0NT VIEW. SBOWmPBOVED CTltiUSS