TheHerald VHT M'l.ISIIIII) 1BT0. "All 'he Hm Thai's Fit to Print." 1'ublUhetl every evening, except Hominy, nt s Bouth Jardln street, Slii'nnittlonh, lt. I.ONO M3TANOI5 TIH.IU'HONK. The Herald la delivered In Bhcnntulonh nnd tlio surrounding towns for el x cents a wi ck, my able to the cnrrlcrs. Ily innll J3.00 n yriir, or 25 cents n month. pnynblo In ndrntice. Ad vertisements charireil nccordlnir to space nnd position. The publishers reserve tlio rlnht to chnnfro tlio position t ( advertisements whenever tbo publlcfttlon of news deiunnds It. Tlio right is reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether paid for or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Adver tising rsteji raade known upon application. Fntered at the post office nt Hhcnandonh, l'a., as second class mall msttcr. THURSDAY. MAY 1. 1800. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever. One of the reasons for the general advance along the line of business improvement can be found in the in creased exports of goods of Ameri can manufacture. Bishop Tuiinku's declaration that "It is the will of God that the negroes should go back to Africa" places the Georgia lynohers in the incongruous position of being the spokesmen of the Almighty. Thk Democrats will be compara tively weak in the next United States Senate, owing to the great losses they have sustained at the more recent elections. The changes of the past three years have- retired the great leader of his party in that body, Gorman, of Maryland. Thk largest estimates of the Klon dike gold yield this season ranges from $12)00,000 to $20,000,000. The Klondike Nugget puts the output at from $12,000,000 to $15,000,000. The Midnight Sun says it will be nearly $20,000,000. The gold supply is not diminishing, by any means. Public opinion, though not always an infallible test of the truth, is usually right, and there can be no reasonable doubt that it indorses ad vertising when the same is conducted along legitimate lines. The mer chant who makes regular and judi cious use of a popular newspaper's columns is in accord with public opinion, and may expect to reap good results therefrom. Record. Onb of the, most convincing evi dences of the return of -prosperity is the advancing of wages in many of the large industrial establishments of the country almost every day records the gratifying intelligence that thousands of employes in differ ent sections of the country have had their pay increased. This is far more pleasant news than the gruesome tales of reductions in wages. The free silver press was filled with articles bearing upon stagnation in business a year ago, but why do they fail to publish the increase being daily granted to wage-earners ? New Hercantile Law. The new mercantile tax law, signed by Governor Stone, has not been re ceived very favorably by the mer chants of Shenandoah, as it imposes upon them additional taxation, and additional responsibilities. The new law imposes an annual tax of two dollars on retail dealers and one mill additional on each dollar of the whole volume of business transacted annu ally. Wholesale dealers shall pay an annual tax of three dollars and one half mill additional on each dollar of the whole volume of business trans acted annually. Dealers at exchanges and boards of trade are required to pay a tax of twenty-five cents on each $1,000 worth of goods so sold. Mercantile Appraisers shall be np pointed by the County Commission- era annually on or before December 30. The blanks to be distributed by the Mercantile Appraisers are to be prepared by the Auditor General, and shall contain an affidavit to which the dealer shall subscribe. The whole volume of business, including cash receipts and merchandise sold on credit, shall be the basis on which the license is to be rated. If the owner, proprietor or any other person connected with a bus! ness refuses to produce the books and papers and appear before the County Treasurer to give information on which to base his tax, he is made liable to a penalty of $1000. All deal ers coming under the act are required to place permanently at the entrance to their place of business a sign de scribing the business in which they are engaged, under a penalty of $10 for each and every offence. It is estl mated that the new law will raise an annual revenue of over $1,000,000. The Governor also signed a bill re quiring transient retail merchants in cities and borough to pay a license of not lees than $25 nor more than $200 a month, the amount to be fixed by Council. The license in townships for such dealers U fixed at $25 a tnonth and is mode payable to the County Treasurer for the use of the school fund of the township, All licenses are to be renewed monthly, and failure to obtain such a license is mode payable by a fino of not less than $100 nor more than $200, TIID BLACK MAN'S APPEAL A T)ty or Prayer to tlio lliilur of tlio tTnlvnrno. Now York, May 4. Tho National Afro-Amorlonn Council of tho United States hnfl Issued a proclamation call ing upon tlio colored peoplo of this country to set apart Friday, Juno 2, vs a day of fasting and prayer, and lia railed upon all colored ministers to do voto tho sunrise hour of the following Sunday, June 1, to special oxorclsos In order that "God, tho father of mor clos, may tnlte our doplnrablo caso in his own hands and that it vengoanco Is to ho meted out lot God himself ro pay." Tho proclamation says In part: "Wo pay out millions of dollars yoarly to ride in Mlm Crow' cars, some of them scarcly fit for cattle, yet we nro compelled to pay as much as those who lmvo ovory accommoda tion and convenience. Indians, China men and ovory other race can travel as they ploase, Such unjust laws make tho railroads highway robbors. In some sections wo may rldo for thou sands of miles and are denlod a cup of toa or coffoo becauso no provision Is made or allowed to bo mndo to ac commodate us with Bomothtng to eat. while wo aro ready to pay for It. 'Wo are prnctlcally outlawed by many states nnd also by tho gonoral gov ernment In Its indorsement of silence and Indifference. "Wo are dragged boforo the courts by thousands and sentenced to every form of punishment, and oven exe cuted without tho privilege of having n jury composed in wholo or In part of members of our own raco. "In many sections wo aro arrested and lodged In Jails on tho most friv olous suspicion of being tho perpetra tors of most hideous and revolting crimes. Mobs are formed of Ignorant, vicious, whisky besotted men, at whoso approach tho koys of thes9 jails and prisons are surrendered and the sus picloned party Is ruthlessly forced from the custody of the law and tor tured, hung, shot, butchered, dismem bered and burned in tho most fiend ish manner. "Wo must appeal to tho bar of in finite power and justice, whoso judge holds the destinies of nations In his hands." Terrible plagues, those Itching, pestering diseases of the skin. Tut an end to misery. Doau's Ointment cures. At any drug store Fatal Colliipse nt Dnsolinll Gmne. Toledo, May 4. Four men were In jured yesterday afternoon at the Ar mory Baseball park by the collapse of a shed adjoining tho grounds. Ono man, Frank Harmon, will die. He is Injured Internally. A game waB In progress between Fort Wayno and To ledo when the shed collapsed. There were nearly 50 peoplo on tho top of it, but they all escaped with the ex ception of Harmon, Frank H,ogan, who was also internally injured, Frank Wil son, leg broken, and Fred Banks, wrist broken. On Every Bottlo Of Shlloh's Consumption Cure Is this guar antco : "All we ask of you Is to uso two thirds of tho contents of this bottlo faith fully, thou if you can say you aro not benofited return tho bottlo to your druggist and ho may refund the price paid." Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee. Exasperated Kx-Soldlers nt San Jnnn. San Juan de Porto Rico, May 4. Several hundred soldiers who were dis charged from tho United States army three weeks ago are awaiting trans portation homo. They are without funds and are becoming exasperated over the delay. Major General Henry has authorized them to sleep and eat at tho military barracks. Many of the men are without a cent. The Uni ted States transport Buford sailed yes terday for Santiago and New York with 400 discharged soldiers on board. GenernI AVnlker's ARnllitnt Acquitted Bristol, Va., May 4. Yesterday, In the case of tho commonwealth against George E. Davis, charged with shoot ing ex-Congressman James A. Walker, only two witnesses wero examined. Their evidence was not material, and at 4:30 o'clock the Jury brought in a verdict of not guilty, and the pris oner was discharged. An attempt at applause was quickly suppressed. A Good Paymaster Starts Not At Assurances." There is one good pay master ivho is around on time, gives full value, and never fails in his duty. It is your privilege to select him, and his name is pure, ivholesome Blood. Tfiis paymaster makes the rounds of the body, visits brain, stomach, kidneys, liver, heart and head alike. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts as a guaran tor that this paymaster ivill do his duty. If tho blood is impure, it cannot do its duty, and you are tho sufferer, but you need not bo. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood. It never disappoints. Poor Health "I never saw anything beat tbe way Hood's Sarsaparilla llfUd me op. It sharpened my appetite and gave me a now lease of life. I can work every day." Fkeeman N. Bixby, Meredith, N. II. Scrofula Sores "My baby at two months had scrofula sorts on cheek and arm. Local applications and physicians' medicine did llitla or no good. Hood's Sar saparilla cured him permanently. Ho Is now four, with smooth fair skin." Mas. S. S. Wroth, Farmlngton, Del. Weakness-" I bless the day I heard of Hood's tiarsaparllla as It cured me of extreme weakness after grip, built my husband up after pneumonia, cured eczema and blood poisoning In our children." Mrs. M. A. DawoRTH, Box i, Kmbreeville, Pa. Head and Back " For one year pains In my back and head prevented my house hold duties. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and am a well woman. It also cured the grip In our family." Mas. Mattie Henderson, Cor. Flrsjt and Franklin Ave.,Columbus,Iud. Rheumatism -"Myself and a friend both fluttered from severe attacks of rheu matism. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured both. We would not be without it." Wm, II. Lester, 03 Leonard St., Fall Hirer, Mass. flood's Flllf cr llrer till, th nnn-lrrlutlnir anil nlr dithrQ to Ufc with Hood'sBrafqrlUa FIND OUT YOUIISELF. Why ask a nhvslcinn to find out whothor your Kldnoys aro diseased.! Tnl.n .. r- 1 1.1 I 111 1L Tnko a class tumblor and fill it wit: 3 urino. If thcro is a sediment aftci standing twenty-four hours, vour Kid- Vint'd nrn atr Tf frt 1 nr n ilnolm 4a' urfnato often, a pain in tho back, or it your urino stains linon, you should nt onco tako Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Ilomcdy, as delay is dangerous. Thoro is no question about its being tho best nnd surest mcdiclno in tho world for any and all diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and of tho urinary passages, Hlicumallsm, Dys popsia or constipation of tho bowols. it quickly relieves innbility to hold; urino, and tlio necessity of getting up' often during tho night. It stops that Bcaldlng pain when passing urino and corrects tho bad effects of whiskey and beor. It is sold by all druggista at ono, dollar a bottlo. You can havo a trial bottlo and pamphlet of valuablo medical advlco sent free by mail postpaid, by mentioning this paper and Bending vour address to tho DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Kondout, N. Y. Tho publishers of thla papor cunrantoo tho genuineness of this' liberal offer. ltiily'A Cufi'ltii r ItpltrAs. Itomo, May 4,Tho Itnllan ministry has resigned. Tho ministry was con stituted June 29, 1898, as follows: President of tho council and minister of tho interior, Gonoral Lulgl Polloux; forolgn affairs, Admiral Felice Na poleono Canovaro; treasury, Peltro VacchollI; financo, Paolo Carcano; Justice and ecclesiastical affairs, Ca mlllo Finocchiaro Aprllo; war, Gon oral Alossandro Aslnari do San Mar zano; marine, Admiral Giuseppe Pa lumbo; commence, Industry and agri culture, Alessandro Fortls; Instruc tion, Professor Guldo Ba.ccelll; pub lic works, Plotro Lacava; posts and telegraphs, Nunzlo Nasi. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glasss with your water and ct it stand twenty-four hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys j if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in tbe back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Tlieie is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or had effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary cflect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of "the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and n hook that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer in the Shenandoah IIeraui I'lillmlolplili'i Disastrous Fire Mystery Philadelphia, May 4. A Are of mys terious origin yesterday totally de stroyed tho big clothing Btore of Bach arach & Co., occupying tho triangular building at Ridge avenue, Thirteenth nnd Green streets, and gutted 26 other buildings. The big building was a mass of ruins In 20 minutes. The loss Is estimated at $500,000. Four per sons, Including three firemen, were Injured, and Fireman Duncan, who had hla skull fractured, will probably die. The flames started In tho cellar, and although tho firm employed both an engineer and fireman, neither were in the cellar at the time. There will be a rigid investigation. Catarrh, Hay Fever. Kill the Catarrh microbe and you cure Catarrh. These parasites nest deep in catarrh the tissues and folds of cjyff) the olfactory membrane, y Vov and are difficult to reach jmfllfL f) and kill ; but Brazilian eteBV Balm will utterly destroy them if used persistently microbe, as directed. It also des troys the Hay Fever germ in a few days. Use full strength, or nearly so, for Hay Fever. Cure permanent. Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents. SInctilnr Trnjjpdy in Clilcnco. Chicago, May 4. David J. Wilo, an attorney, lies at tho Post-Graduate hospital probably fatally wounded by three shots fired by a young woman named Mabel Blrk. After wounding Wile Miss Birk shot and killed herself. The shooting occurred yesterday after noon In a parlor of the Hotel An thony. According to the lawyer's statement he had met Miss Blrk In a professional way. He claims that they met on the street yesterday accidental ly, and that tho young woman asked him to accompany her to tho hotel, where she would sing for him. Wile was seated on the piano stool, running over the keys, when without any warn ing his companion shot him three times. Wile is married. Ho says ho cannot conceive of any reason for tho young woman's rash act. A Tlorilal by Mrs. Chllds. Philadelphia, May 4,Tho Ledger to day makes an authoritative denial of the widely published statement that a marriage was contemplated between Mrs. George W. Chllds and General Joseph Wheeler. The denial of the truth of the report was mado by Mrs. Chllds to Major J. M. Carson, the Washington correspondent of Tho Ledger. Mrs. Chllds, after expressing surprise at the original story and in dignation with the persistence with which It has been adhered to, re quested that tbe fullest and broadest denial ho given it. There was not at any time the slightest foundation for tho story or justification for Its pub lication. To Itoslst nu Invasion. Little Rock, May 4. Governor Jones has been Informed of a movement to bring Into the coal mining district an armed body of mon to take the places of the strikers. Ho has given in structions to state authorities to sum mon overy able bodied man In Sebas tian county, If necessary, to enforce the Injunction of Judge Rowe pro hibiting the Importation of laborers. All such armed men are to be met at the state line and placed under ar rest, ns are also those who supply tho arms, Mine operators will also be ar rested by state authorities when they attempt to bring In armed laborers under protection of deputy marshals. I'lillndolphln'nf'ommorclnl Exposition i'lilladelnyila, May 4. Forolgn coun tries nro rapidly devoloplng Intorost In tho coming national exposition of man ufacturers and tho International com mercial congross which Is to convono In connection with It on Oct. 10 noxt. From ono end of tho world to tho othor letters, constantly Increasing In number, aro coming dally, giving ns suranco of a largo attondanco of dole gates from tho leading forolgn com mercial oi ..mlzatlons during tho ses Blons of tl.o congross. Tho first Cu ban 'chamber of commorco to announce Its delegates Is that at Santiago do Cuba, Honduras, South African ro publlc and Peru will also send dele gates. YoHtorday'B llnsolmll (Juntos. National League: At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 7; Now York, 3. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 7; Loulsvlllo, C. At Baltimore Boston, 4; Baltimore 3. At Cincinnati St. Louis, 9; Cincinnati, 1. At Washington Brooklyn. 2; Wash ington, 1. At Cloveland (10 Innings) Chicago, 7; Cloveland, 4. Atlantic League: At Patorson Pat orson, C; Lancaster, 2. At Reading Richmond, 10; Reading, G. At Wllkes barre Wilkcsbarre, 8: Allcntown, 2. At Newark Newark, 3; Scranton, 2. Eastern League: At Worcester Worcester, 15; Syracuse, 1. At Spring fiold Springfield, 8; Toronto, G. At Hartford Rochester, 13; Hartford, 2. TUB PRODUCE At ARRETS As nonooted by Dcnllncs tn riillndol pliln nnd llnlttmoro. Philadelphia, May 3. Flour wenk: win ter superfine, $2.1502.40; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3C?3.2o; city mills, extra, t3.D0B3.75. Itye flour quiet nt $3.20 per barrel for cholco Pennsylvania. Wheat firm; No. 2 red, spot. In elevator, 7GV4f! 7G14c. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, spot, In elevator, 395T39HC,; No. 2 yellow, for locnl trade, 4204214c Oats quiet and steady; No. 2 white, 3H$c.; No. 2 white clipped, 35c. Hay well maintained; choice tim othy, $12.60 for large bales. Beef steady; beef hams, $19319.50. Pork easy; family, $11.7512.25. Lard weak; western steamed, $5.40. Butter steady; western creamery, 14HQ17C.; western factory," 12W13c; Imitation creamery, 13Vfe15c; Now York dairy, 13V431ic.; New York creamery, 14 17c; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 2124c.; do. wholesale, 20c. Old cheeso easy; larco, whlto, 12c; small do., 12 12i4c. Escs firm; New York and Penn sylvania, 13i134c; western, fresh, 12 13c; southern, ll12c. Turpentino steady at 4444Vic. Baltimore, May 3. Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat dull; spot, month, Juno nnd July, 7676Mc; steamer No. 2 red, 7171l4e.; southern, by sample, 7077c; southern, on grade, 7U4"GU.c. Corn firmer; spot, 3S3S?ic; month, 38& 8854c; June, 3S0S8!tc; steamer mixed, 3C?403Oc; southern, white, 414U4c: do. yellow, 30V440c Oats dull; No. 2 white, 3535V4c; No. 2 mixed, 32032V4c Ryo easier; No. 2 nearby, 03c; No. 2 western. G3&C Hay steady; eholco timothy, $12 12.50. Grain freights very quiet for parcel room; steamers firm; steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 2d. May; Cork, for orders, per quurter, 3s. May. Eggs quiet at 12V413c. Lettuco at $101.25 per bushel box. Llvo Stock Mnrkotg. Now York, May 3. Beeves steady on light supply; steers, $4.5005.40: tops, $5.05; common oxen, $2.18; bulls, $3.2504.20; cows. $203.SO. Calves firm; common to cholco veals, $3.5005.75. Sheep and lambs slow for all grades; good stock steady; under grades weak; unshorn sheep, $405.50; clipped do., $506.15; clipped culls, $4.50; spring lambs, $305.50 each; car of south em do., $5. Hogs slow and lower at $3.60 04.15. East Liberty, Pa., May 3. Cattle steady; extra, $5.3005.40; prime, $5.2005.30; common, $3.5003.90. Hogs steady; me diums and best heavies. $3.93; Yorkers, $3 90; light Yorkers, $3.SO03.85; pigs, $3.05 3 75; roughs, $2.5003.40. Sheep steady; choice wethers, $4.9003; common, 2.500 3.50; choice lambs, $5.050 5.75; sprlns lambs, $C9; veal calves, $305.60. Mrs. Hamilton Died From Poison. New York, May 4. MrB. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., 30 years old, wife of the son of General Schuylor Hamilton, died yesterday afternoon at her homo In this city from morphine poisoning. It is said that an overdose of tho poison was taken by mistake. Mrs. Hamilton awoke yesterday morning and found his wife unconscious. Phy sicians were called at once, but they failed to revive her. Mrs. Hamilton was Miss Jano Bird Mercer when Schuyler Hamilton married her in Bal timore on Aug. 14, 189G. She was a granddaughter of ex-Governor Mercer, of Maryland, and was well known in Baltlmoro society before her marriage. Tim Strike In Buffhlo. Buffalo, N. Y., May 4. Tho State Federation of Labor has Issued a charter to tho striking scoopers, thm practically giving them the support of the United Trades and Labor coun cil and withdrawing It from tho men who havo stood by the contractors. Up to midnight 50 grain boats had arrived In port since the opening of navigation, Of this number 14 only havo been unloaded, and another big fleet will arrive today. Everything is quiet along tho docks. All of the elevators are closed and a big force of police Is patrolling the elevator dis trict to prevent the gathering of crowds. Tlio Glass Eyo Not a Fraud. Cincinnati, May 4. Judge Jelke yes terday granted divorce and alimony to Catherine Kraus from Charles Kraus. When Mrs. Kraus sued for divorce her husband's attorney filed an answer, Betting forth that bis wife had a glass eye, and had deceived him, as he did not know of the glass eye till aftor tholr marrlago. Court held that facial and othor physical blemishes were not grounds for frauds In marriage con tracts. Hnvnim's Health Improvlncr. Havana, May 4, The most recent reports regarding the health of Ha vana's population show a great and continuing improvement, with a death rate only two-thirds of that officially recorded for the corresponding period of last year. Not a single case of yel low fever is known to exist hero. If You Feel "Fagged Out," Have HEADACHE, BACKACHE, POOR APPETITE, BAD COMPLEXION, nnd would Ilko to feel and look well, let tu recommend CELERY JOflG to you. Uld Wr Brngsuts. Pr!,25. o. I PRESIDENTIAL CLEMENCY. two Prisoners Bontonoes Commuted nnd Ono Given Full Pardon. Washington, May 4. The prosldont in tho caso of John D. Magnor, Bon tenced In Colorado In 1897 to flvo yoarB Imprisonment for having counterfeit silver coins In his possession, has cum mutcd tho scntenco to two years In vlow of tho asBistanco glvon tho gov ernment by Magner's wlfo in bring ing tho principal offender to Justice In the caso of Charles C. Mooro, con victed In Cincinnati In 1899, and sen tenced to two years In prison, tho president has commuted tho sontenco to six months. Mooro was the editor of tho Bluo Grass Blado In Lexing ton, Ky., and his offenso was pub lishing and sending ohscono literature through tho malls. W. J. F. Thomason, convicted In Georgia In 1890 of con spiracy nnd sentenced to five years in prison, was granted a full pardon, as Thomason Is said to bo dying of con sumption. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho boat salvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, nlcors, salt rhenm, fevor sores, 1 1 . 1. ........ ,1 Ml.lll,1nlnB f 1 T"tl O anil nil skin eruptions, and poaltlTOly cures pIUs, or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo norfoct satisfaction or tnony rofundod. Prlrf 8f conts Dor box. For sain by A. Waal nr. Tho Itttircmuii liidlotinontu DIriiiIhhoiI Dover, Del., May 4 Tho two Indict ments found last week against B. D. C. liegeman, assistant clerk of the state senate, charging him with tam pering with and forging ondorsemonts In the bill passed by the lato legisla ture penalizing horso racing and gam bling, were yesterday dismissed by tho Kent county court on motion of Hegeman's counsel. lie was dis charged. The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on nuy druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat nnd Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump ion. Price 25c and 50c. - Kltolipnor's Knvoy Itoutcd. Cairo, May 4. Ibraham AH, whom General Lord Kitchener sent upon a mission to Ibraham's uncle, tho sultan of Darfour. has returned to Cairo. Ibraham AH found upon reaching Dar four that his uncle had been dethroned by All Dinar. The latter, on tho ap pearance of Ibraham AH, turned out with his troops and routed tho escort of General Lord Kitchener's envoy, numbering ISO. of whom 120 were killed. A little life way bo saciificed to a sudden attack of croup, if you don't havo Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil on hand for tbo etnorEOUcy. Fnllod to ItcHouo Htindlt Chlof. Santiago de Cuba, May 4. At May arl, in this province, between Holguln and Sagua de Tanamo, an attempt was made by four outlaws to rescue the bandit chief Miguel Gonzales and five othor bandits who were in custody of tho rural guards. The sentinel who dotected tho attempt fired, wounding one of the outlaws. The guards rush ed to the assistance of the sentry, and a sharp fight ensued, all the would-be rescuors being killed. Two of the guards wero wounded. Tho prisoners have sinco been removed to Baracoa. How Is Your Wife 7 Has she lost her beauty t If so, Constlpa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the principal exuscs. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured theso Ills for half a century. Prlco 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results aro not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee. Arrestinor tlio Wnrdnor motors. Wardner, Idaho, May 4. A hundred and one of the rioters concerned In last Sunday's disturbances have been ar rested since the arrival yesterda of Company M, Twenty-fourth iufantry. As soon as the serving of warrants began the rioters scrambled over the hills In frantic efforts to escape. About 60 were caught and others will be pur sued. Only ono tried to resist. Ha waB promptly overpowered. Tho pris oners wero marched to camp. Nearly all are Swedes and Italians. Fifty nine men of tho Fourth cavalry arrived here from Walla Walla yesterday. Coroner France has empanelled a Jury and the Inquest of the victims of tho mob began yesterday afternoon. No more rioting is feared until arrests begin an Canyon creek. "BEFORE BABY IS BORN." A Valuable Little Book of Intorost to All Women Bent Tree. Every woman looks forward with feel ings of joy indescribable to the ono great event In her life, com pared with which all others palo into in significance. How proud she will feel when her babo nestles on her breast how B'weet the name of'Mother 1" And yet, her anticipation of this evont is clouded with dread of tho pain and dan cer of the ordeal, so that it Is impossi ble to avoid tho feelinp; of foreboding which creeps over her. Tho danger and Buffering attendant upon being a mothor can do entirely prevented, bo that the coming ot the little stranger need not 00 looked forward towithlear. Every woman who reads this, can obtain free a valuablo little book entitled "Be fore Baby is Born," by sending her ad dress to the Bradfldd Regulator Co., Atlanta, ua. This boon contains urlce less information for all women, end no ono gnoum iau to sena lor it. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, D:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer dtid Porter. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S BOCK BEER ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. IE "GOLD DUST." Something New? Largo package of the World's cleanser for a nickel. Still greater omy In 4 pound package. Alado only by THE N. K. PAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, St. Loul, New York, Boston, Philadelphia 'YOU'LL GET ALL THAT'S A-COMINO. TO YOU." If, when contemplating a trip to any point West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Klver, you will ptirchitso tickets via tho Missouri 1'uolflo Ky , or Iron Mountain Kouto (which uro on salo at all principal ticket offices In the United States), you will have all the comforts and luxuries of modem rullwa- cquipinent, and the finest opportunities fur viewing all of uaturo's museums and marvels of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxar, Old and Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex cursion tickets to all principal points at greatly reduced rates. On account of tliu National Education Association meeting at Los AukcIcs In July, wo will mako special low round trip rates. When contemplating a trip West or Southwest, wrio us for full information and rock bottom flguret. V E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCauu, T. P. Agent, 301 Broadway, Now York. 4 22-tf Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease Immediately disapiears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t 00 TO FLORIDA She That Youk Ticket Rkam via tub Southern Railway. The Southern Railway operates three through tialns on each week day and two on Sunday. It Is an inland route, clean and through an interesting section of tho South. The schedules of its trains aro fast, but not too fast to bo maintained. Writo to Charles L Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 838 Chest nut street, Philadelphia, for full information, Illustrated matter and advance Pullman eservatlous. 2-24-10t "Neglected oolds mako fat graveyards."' Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup helps mon and women to a happy, vigorous old ago. Coining Kvents. Juno 0. Ice cream fostlval, Robblns' opera house, under the auspices of the Olio Mandolin Club. Will You Winter In Florida 7 This will bo tho greatest season Florida has had for years. You ought to go and go via tho Southern Railway. Its tho best route. If you will write Charles L. Hopkins, District Passengor Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange, all the details of your trip for you. Tell Yonr Sister A beautiful complexion is an impossibility without good pure blood, tho sort that only exists in connection with tho good digestion; a healthy liver and bowols. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping them In perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee This is tho 'trade mark of tho short lino to Florida tho Southern Railwav. Two daily trains aro operated all the year, and during tho winter season, a third, tho Morula Limited, Is added. If you aro going to Florida or any whoro olso in the South, ask for a ticket via tho Snuthnm Tfnltwau wrlt to Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, aaa unestnnt street, Philadelphia. & III I . 1 I 11 '.i w t 1 1-1 r w si r 14 a in The Century Magazine. THE CENTURY ii malcW a wonderful tqc 1 cess of iu Eteat terie of articles on the Span ish War by the men who fought it. Captain Sigsbee lias told the itory of the Maint ; Lieutenant Hobson has given his graphic nar rative of the sinking of the lltrttmac; Gen eral Shafter has described the Santiago campaign. In March General Greene begins his descrip tion of the Manila campaign ; and in April is ADMIRAL SAMPSON'S PERSONAL NARRATIVE Of the Capture of Cervera. THE MAY CENTO UY contains oneiiihe, most remarkable features ever printed iu an American mag.tzine, nothing less than The Santiago Naval Battle Described by the Commanders., Ionia, by Cact. R. D. Evans, Indiana, by Capt. H. C. Taylor, Texas, by Commodore J. W. Philip, Brooklyn, by Capt. F. A. Cook, Gloucester, by Lt.-Qm.Wainwright, New York, by Capt. F. E. Chadwtck, Oregon, by Lieut. E. W. Eberle (in command of the forward turret). EACH man tells the story of his own and of his ships experiences in the fight, all nith' novel illustrations taken from the decks of lath of the above vessels duiing the action. RESIDES the War"Articles, Tub Century s- has an unprecedented list of general attrac uons, including a new life, of Alexander the Great, superbly illustrated; Marion Crawford's historical romance of the Second Crusadei Paul Leicester Ford's articles on Benjamin Franklin: capital short stories ; etc XIEW SUBSCRIPTIONS may begin at any time (price $4.00). The nugarines are al ways for sale on the news-stands by the first day of the month, price 35 cents. THE CENTURY CO. f Fn Inn Qitint rV ? -i. 6 .u.r. . "HOLD DUST." best ccon last i,i:nsoNAi.i.r-coNitJ'THi) toi'k TO WASHINGTON VIA I'KNNtYI VAN1A ItAIT.UOAI). The last of tho present scries of Pennsyl vania Itailroad throc-day personally-conducted tours to Washington. D. O , will bo run on May 11. Tho rate, $14 CO from New York, f 11.60 from Philadelphia, and propor tionate rates from other points, includes transportation, hotel accommodations and Coplti.l guldo fees. An experienced Chaperon will also accompany tho party. For itineraries, tlcknts.and full Infonntition apply to nearest ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway, New York, and 789 It road street, Newark, N .1. ; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. IS NOW ON TAP. It can be had -At all the lead jngsaloons. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street 5 H E N A NDOAH YOUR EYES. J. D. COLDREN, Of Schuylkill Haven, Tho noted itcfrnctlonist, who lias testimonials from tho best peoplo of the county, as to his ability, will bo at GRUHLER'S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK. If your eyes cause you any trouble call and see him, O lasses furnished If needed and no medicine. EXAMINATIONS FREE. EVM J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No 13 North Jardln St LAKESIDE! The only pleasure resort and picnic ground in this repion. TliU sMnn will Ka il, net- successfully conducted since its existence. tu 1 . .. r .1. . , . , xuc uuw3 ,ui iuc iaKc tire now undergoing repairs at Reading. The grove will be cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties will be furnished free. An orchestra will be established at this resort for the entire season. For particulars address B. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesvllle, Pa. COLUMBIA BOCK EER Is drank by everybody. It is now on tap. Private families supplied. fflM-CHERT -STORE 0 DEALER IN Fiiuit,- Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO West Oentre Street. nillions of Dollars Go up In nmoko overy year. Take ro risks but get your houses, stock, fui nlture, oto insured In first-class re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, Js"ra? ACBt " ' 120 South Jardln 8t '"TlfaiilAlvMill nmMnU. A Ha Is one of possoaa gumt. Handsome Complexion 2 roe greatest cnarms a woman can! Pozzoni'b Oourusziox I'owcuuf IIOm s H BEER