heHerald 1MT U'USlIKt) 1H70. "All the News Thai's Fit to Print." j ibllslicd every evening, except Sunday, at 8 South Jardln street, Hlirnnn1nnli, l'n. LONQ DISTANCI! TlU.Kl'IIONi:. 10 Herald la delivered In Slionnndoah nnd tlio surrounding town for ill cents n welt, pay Mle to the curriers. l!y mnll (3.00 n year, or 15 cents a month, pnyable In advance. Ad vertisements charged according to space nml position. The publishers reserve tlio right to change the position of advertNemouts whenever tlio publication of news demands It. The right la reserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid for or not, thnt the publlahera may deem Improper. Adver tising rates made known iinonnnpllcntlon. ntered nt the post ofllce nt Blicitnndonh, ra., na eccond class mnll matter. WPDNESDAY. MAY 3. 1899. The county convention of School "ilrntor liolil In Pnttsvllln vpstonlnv una a anrl vaflanflnn tlfinll tti.i Ininlll- 'Aiipn nf Snmi vllrlll. Tim inrtli whn lirect the education of the youth uouiu But a uener exivmme. Thk announcement is liuulo that 'Fighting Jack" Itobinson proposes uuueyB uuu nun lur ins wurii m obbying in the interest of the $350,- J 1 - - 1 . ( . 1 liolrs or tne late Jolm lloacli. Tile ex-Congressman threatens to lay bare the whole transaction unless he is compensated. The fight was princi pally made before the Committee on Claims. Politics out quite a figure in the nlifHnn nf nrmnr.v siinnrfntnnilanf et schools. The Losch people openly advocated the re-election of Weiss. while the Uruuini-Whitehouse-Sohrink triumvir are said to have worked to secure his defeat. Tho Schuylkill Haven statesman secured a victory that will develop in the flonufnrlnl alnnftnn in tlinf .llafrlnf one year hence. "We agree with the Inquirer that Losch is the slickest politician in the county. Thk poem, "Meinself und Got," thatcausedso muoh discussion since Capt. Coghlan, of the Raleigh, recited it at the New York banquet, first ap peared nearly two years ago in the Montreal Herald, the product of a Scotchman, an attache of that paper. Shortly afterward ha died from an Affliction of the brain. 1 1 is said that Emperor William, when he read the doggerel, enjoyed a hearty laugh. No one for a moment thought he would take clre matter seriously. Democratic candidates for county offices are bobbing up in every quarter. Councilman Joseph Bell seeks to broaden his influence, and bos finally consented to allow the use of his name in that connection. Mr. Bell, we are informed by the gentle' man himself, will endeavor to succeed County Treasurer Davis. The Fourth ward Councilman's Nemesis' is not known, but his identity is expected to be developed before the county convention, probably at the primaries in this town. With all the pomp and symbolic beauty of the Roman Catholic ritual. t.A TAnnMn Tl,n Ttr CM ban, late reotor of the Church of Our Mother of Sorrows, Philadelphia.and superintendent of parochial schools in that city, was consecrated Bishop of Harrisburg, at the Cathedral, on Monday. By a happy c.oincidence Bishop Shanahan is second in succes sion to his- brother, Right Rev. Jere miah F. Shanahan, first Bishop of Harrisburg, his immediate prede cessor havfng been Bishop McGovern. The Passing of Bryan. The News ardently supported Bryan and the Chicago platform In ISM, but we doubt the wis dom of again going before the country on the 16 to 1 Issue. There are Indications everywhere to be found that sliver has lost itsflKdd on the Democratic manses, and wa predict that it will again meet with Inglorious defeat at the hands of the American voter, ft It la made the "battle cry" In 1900. Wllkesliarre News. Our contemporary plainly sees the hand-writing on the wall. As a na tional Issue, the financial question, as enunciated in tho Chicago plat form, is relegated to the rear. The News is one of the leading papers of Luzerne county, and materially as sisted in carrying that oaunty for the Democracy last year and the year provious. Unlike those who have ulterior motives, the News sees the error of Its ways and freely confesses that the American people have no faith in the Bryan dogmas. The penny-a-liners, however, will continue the fight along the linns of the Chicago plat form. They will again steer the good old ship of Democracy, If they are continued in command, against the rocks of popular disapproval. Yes, s'lver has lost whatever hold it had on the people. No Grip, Pam Or discomfort, no Irritation of tho in testines - but gentle, prompt, thorough healthful cleansing; when you take Hood's Pills Sold by an druggists, 25 cents. mm BY THE CHASE jfUBSERIES RNintfif.rii aiKVu solicit orders fur on, lurdy Norii'ir Stock. K'Pie6 b,i tubrj to thosa leaking hotuR, vr uoumUaioti t lo ssl siretits. IVrmsuvat eL. oUvtoent Tbs ImuJjhss serif lesrnsa. Address Tin- rt.O.CIIAblit'O. lt-n S J'um kiu Wis. MANY a dutiful daughter pays In pain for licr mother's Ignoranco or perhaps neglect. The mother sufforcd nr.d she thinks her daughter must suffer also. This Is true only to a limited extent. No excessive- pain is healthy. Every mother should Inform her INDULGENT MOTHERS Many a young girl's beauty Is wasted by unnecessary pain at time of menstruation, and many indulgent mothers with mistaken kindness permit their daughters to grow careless about physical health. Miss Cakrie M. Lamii, Dig Beaver, Mich., writes: "Dkar Mrs. PiSkham A year ago irregular menstruation and lcucorrhcoa. My appetite was variable, stomach sour and bowels were not regular, and was subject to pains like colic duringmenstruation. I wrote you and began to take Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used two packages of SanativoWash. Youcan't imagine my relief. My courses are natural nnd general health improved." Mrs. Nannie Adkins, La Due, Mo., writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham I feel it my duty to tell you of the good your; Vegetable Compound has done my daughter. She suffered untold agony at time of menstruation bo fore takingyourmedicine ; but the Compound has relieved the pain, given her a better color, and she feels stronger, and has improved every way. I am very grateful to you for the benefit she has received. It is a great medicine for young girls." Dontli or n. I.plldf.iir IiiHiirnnco Man. New York, May 3. Henry B. Hyde, president of tho Equitable Life As surance Society of tho United States, died at his home in this city yesterday afternoon of heart failure. Mr. Hydo had been suffering for more than a year with inflammatory rheumatism, which left him with an nffection of tho heart. On Monday he was seized with an alarming attack, which grew con tinually worse until the end. Ho was C5 years old. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glasss with your water and ct it stand twenty-four hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble j too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Tiieie is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary cflect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If ynu need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dinghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this1 generous offer in the Shenandoah IIurald Oerm'nn Murdoror Convicted. Brest, May 3. The trial of Herr mann, charged with the murder of his three wives, whose bodies he was said to have walled up in a cellar, was concluded here yesterday. He was convicted of manslaughter and sen tenced to 15 years' Imprisonment and ten years' loss of civil rights. In ad dition to the murder of his wives. Herr mann was charged with having caused the death of his 12 children, who all died young. On Every Bottle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this soar anteo : "All wo ask of you is to nso two- thirds of the contents of this bottlo faith' fully, then if you can say you are not benefited return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund tho price paid." Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D, Kirlin and a guarantee. A lonnsylvnn! Jinn Hunt. Dubois, Pa., May 3. Officer Frank McClure, of Llndsey, Jefferson county, was fatally shot last night by a color ed man at Patton tunnel, on the ex- tension of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway, threo miles from Punxsutawney. The colored man was charged with having stolen good3 from a store at Llndsey, and McClure had a warrant and attempted to ar rest him. After the shooting the as sassin fled. The police of Punxsutaw noy and a large posse of citizens arm ed with Winchesters started In pursuit, There is talk of lynching. Tne HomelleBt Man In Shenandoah At well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump ion. Price 25c and 50c. Tenterdny's llaiobiill Gnm. National Leaguo: At Cleveland First game: Louisville, 3; Cloveland, 2. Second game: Cleveland, 9: Louis ville, 5. At New York New York, 4; 1'Hlladelpbla, 3. At Pittsburg Pitts' burg, 4; St. Louis, 3. At Baltimore Boston, 9; Baltimore, 2. At Washing tonBrooklyn, 7; Washington, 0. Atlantic League: At Reading Read ing, 12; Richmond, 11. At Newark Scranton, 8; Newark, 7. At Wilkes- harre Ailentown, B: Wilkosbarre. 2. At Paterson Lancaster, 6; Paterson, 3. Eastern League: At Providence Sy racuse, 3; Providence, 2. At Spring fieldSpringfield, 12; Rochester, 0. At Hartford Toronto, 8; Hartford, 0. Terrible plagues, those itching, postering diseases of the skin. Put an end to misery. Dual's Ointment pures. At any drujf store. self for her own sake and especially for the sake of her daughter. Wrlto to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for her adviCo about all matters concerning tho Ills of the fcminlno organs. I suffered from profuse and 'YOU'LL GET ALL THAT'S A-COMINO TO YOU." If, when contemplating a trip to any point West or Southwest of tho Mississippi River, you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific I!'., or Iron Mountain Kouto (whtcli nro on Kilo at nil principal ticket offices in tho United States), you will havo all tho comforts nnd luxuries of modern railway equipment, nud tho finest opportunities for viewing all of nature's museums and marvels of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxrp, Old and Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex cursion tickets to all principal points at greatly reduced rates. On account of tho National Education Association meeting at Los Angeles in July, wo will make special low round trip rates. When contemplating a trip West or Southwest, writo us for full information and rock bottom figures. W E. Hoyt, U. E. P. Agent, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent, 301 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf This Is tho trado mark of tlio short lino to Florida tho Southern Railway. Two daily trains aro operated all tho year, and during tho winter season, a third, tho Florida Limited, is added. If you aro going to Florida or anywhero olso iu tho South, ask for a ticket via tho Southern Railway. Wrlto to Charles L. Hopkins, District Passengot Agent, 623 Chostnut street, Philadelphia. LAST riSIt5()NAIil.Y-CONIUCTKI TOUIl TO WASHINGTON VIA l'UNNSVL VAN1A 1CAILKOAU. Tho last of tho present scries of Pennsyl vania Railroad three-day personally-con ducted tours to Washington, D. C, will bo run on May 11. The rate, ?11 50 from Now York, f 11.50 from Philadelphia, and propor tionate rates from other points, includes transportation, hotel accommodations and Capitol guide fees. An experienced Chaperon will also accompany the party. For itineraries, tickets, and full information apply to nearest ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway, New York, and 780 Broad street, Nowark, N. J. ; or address Ueo W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Will You Winter In Florida? This will bo tho greatest season Florida has had for years. You ought to go and go via the Southern Railway. Its tho best route. If you will writo Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange all tho details of your trip for you. Fire I Tirol JTIrel Insure your proporty from loss in tho oldest and strongest cash companies: Phlia. Underwriters Insuranco Co., of North America and Fire Association, Hartford Fire Ins. Co.. American Fire Insurance Co., West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 123 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah. Sampson's Sqitndron'nt 'Sew YorU. New York, May 3. Admiral Samp son's squadron of three battleships and two armored cruisers dropped anchor oft Tompklnsvillo yesterday afternoon after a ten weeks' cruise in the West Indies. Tho New York, Brooklyn, In diana, Texas and Massachusetts aro riding at anchor off the Staten Island shore. They will remain there for some time and visitors to the ships will be welcomed. One by one they will be placed in drydock at the Brook lyn navy yard to have their bottoms scraped, preparatory to the summer evolutions off the New England coast. Tlio Sprint: IlusU of ImmlKrants. Now York, May 3. The spring rush of Immigrants into thlscountry through the nort of Now York has been un- usually great. Since the opening of the season some weeks ago there has been an average of 2,000 persons land ed each day. Italians are arriving In extraordinary numbers. The officials at the barge office say that not - for years have there been so many of them entering tho country as at tho present time. During Saturday, Sunday and Monday thoro were landed 4,892 Ital ians. Jtx-Govornor HooTt Htrlofcon. Napoleon, O., May 3. Ex-Governor E. R. Scott, of South Carolina, was stricken with apoplexy early yesterday morning at nis residence in mis city. The following bulletin has boen is sued: "Governor Scott's condition is Improved, and he Is resting easily." Friends who have boen admitted to the sick room bollevq that the gov ernor's condition is more serious tbau the physicians admit. Dorondnr May Again Dofaiicl the Cnp, Bristol, R. I., May 3. C. Oliver Iso lln said today that the old Defender is as good as new, and that If In tho trial races of July 1 and Sept. 1 the Defender should prove her superiority over the Columbia the former will be selected for the race with the Sham rock to defend the cup. -ft MR, ATKINSON'S MtOTKST. noolnrrs Ills I'nmphlnt Aro lloprlnts oi Knnnto llocutnonrn. Ronton. May 3. ifnn ldlwnrd At kinson, discussing tho statement that mo postmaster general had directed that certain pamphlotn prepared by Mr. Atkinson be taken from tho malls to Manila, said that the documonts woro compilations of facts and fig tiros takon from tho debates in tho national house and senato nnd calling nttentlon to points ovnrlonkod in de bate Mr. Atkinson said: I Hero nro two pamphlets only. Tho first edition of the first, printed In No vember, was dedicated to President McKlnloy, in support of his stntoment that 'forcihlo annexation would bo criminal aggression.' Tho facts nnd figures given in that pamphlet woro made the froquont subject of dobato in the houso of representatives nnd tlio senate during tho session, nnd thf, pamphlot ns a wholo was finally print ed by order of tho senato as senato document No. 02. "Tho second pamphlet was issued lato in February, when It appeared that acts of criminal aggression wero being committed in tho Philippines. In that pamphlet cortaln facts and statements woro submitted to tho at tention of tho sonnte, and wero the subject of dobato, and that pamphlet again, by order of tho senato, was printed in tho senato document. "Those pamphlets wero, on April 24 and 25, addressed by mo to Admiral Goorgo Dowey, President Schurmann, Professor Worcester, General Otis, General Lawton, General Miller and tho correspondent of a Now York il lustrated weokly in Manila. Nono othoys have to my knowledge been sent to any onq else. I desired to send them to other officers, and for that purpose notified tho war depart ment of my intention, and asked for a list that would give mo the names. "If It Is unlawful for a citizen of tho United States to communlcato with other citizens In Manila by sending thnm documents In a prlvato edition which havo been printed by order of tho United States Benate as public docu ments I am content to leavo tho mat ter at that exact point which requires no comment from mo. "I would, however, call the attontlon of tho postmaster general to tho neces sity of requiring that all nowspapers lately printed horo and elsewhere which contain the lato speech of Sen ator Hoar, given at tho Republican club in Boston, In which ho used this expressive phraso: 'I can see no dif ference In lynching a southern post master and lynching a people because thoy think a government derives its Just powers from the consent of the governed,' bo taken from the mails. "If this attempt to forbid freo speech and free malls to the people of this country has been made I think the people will decido themselves what to do about It." Tell Your Sister A beautiful complexion is an impossibility without good puro blood, tho sort thatonlj cxists in connection witli the good digestion; a hoalthy llvor and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on tho bowels, llvor and kidneys keeping them in perfect health. Prlco 25 cts. nnd 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and a guarantco. Killed by nif 'Infiirfiitcd'ilpiir. Harrisburg May 3. An infuriated boar bit George W. Snoko, tenant on a farm a half mile wesf of New Cum berland, in the right groin Monday ovenlng, severing a main artery and causing Mr. Snoko's death by loss of blood a half hour later. Mr. Snoko entered the pig sty to ring tho hogs. This angered the boar, which made a sudden lunge forward, closing its heavy Jaws on tho farmer's body. Mr. Snoko called for help, and tho boar was driven away. Before a physician arrived tho victim of tho boar's rago was dead. Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t yorirol f!lllllif rltrViimi TltLc If, Pi-lann Cleveland, May 3. C. N. Cunning ham died yesterday in tho Ohio peni tentiary, where he was serving a torm for forging the narao of Judge E. T. Hamilton, of this city, to a check for $75,000. His was a peculiar case. His attorneys tried to prove that he was insune, us uio result 01 pressure on tho brain, caused by an injury received In early manhood hv linlm?- thrown fmm a horse. While tho prisoner was out on Dan ne was taken to a hospital, whoro he underwent the operation ot trephining. Three physicians gave it as their opinion that there had been sufficiont pressure on tho brain to cause Insanity. Cunningham was hold to bo sano, howover, and was convict ed. A post mortem will be conducted, UNNING ON HIS After Six Years ot Intense Jgtttstf&gES. Suffering, Promptly. Cored rasnsMjX'S Dy Q Q ? entire circulation is in a tlopravod condition. They uj Ui Ui 01 ar0 a Bovero drain upon tho system, and aro con stantly sapping away tho vitality. In every case tho poison must bo eliminated from the blood, and no amount of external treatment can havo any effect. Thoro is no uncertainty about tho merits of S, 8. S. j every claim testimony of thoso who havo boon curod by it and know of its virtues by oxporioneo. Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orango Courthouso,Va., writes: " For six years I had an obstinate, running ulcer on my ankle, which at times caused me intense suffering. I was so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unfit for business. One of tho best doctors treated me constantly but did me no good. I then tried various blood remedies, without the least benefit, o. o. d, was mended that I conoluded to tr to trv It. wonderful. It seemed to get right at disease and force the poison out, and 3. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD drives out evory trace of Impurity in tho blood, and in this way cures permanently tho most obstinate, doop-seated soro or ulcer. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed puroly vegetable, and con tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or othor minoral. S. S S. cures Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh. Eczoma, Eheumatism, Soros, Ulcers, Boils, or any other blood troublo. Insist upon S. 8. 8. ( nothing can take its place. Valuable books mailed freo by S witt Specific Company, Atlanta, Qa. 0RA1N SII0VDLERS RIOTOUS. ,no Man Kntnlty Shot ty a Buffalo fitrlko Sympnthlzor. Buffalo, N. Y May 3. Tho trouble between tho contractors and tho grain shovelcrs becomes jnoro serious and complicated each hour. Yesterday af ternoon a shooting affray occurred, In which ono man was possibly fatally shot nnd another slightly wounded. Another largo flood of grain carriers reached port last night, and tho con gestion In tlio harbor Is beconflng most pronounced. Tho threats that ovory union man on tlio docks will ho called out shortly aro reiterated by tho strik ers. Yesterday afternoon William K. Kennedy, a nephow of one of tho grain contractors, was shot through tho right lung whilo walking at tho head of a gang of scoopors, who were on thoir way to unload a boat. Thoro woro about 60 men behind Konnedy. At tho foot of Main street thoy woro met by a largo crowd of strikers and troublo began at onco. Buck Skinner, who was apparently tho leading spirit among tho strikers, although he is not a scoopor, drow a rovolver and began firing indiscriminately. His second shot struck Kennedy, who fell to tho ground. Another shot struck James J. Hennessy, a flroman, who was stand ing in a doorway. Honnossy's wounds aro slight. A largo forco of pollco hur ried to tho sceno and forced tho crowd to disperse. Half a dozen men as saulted Contractor James J. Kennedy, but wero driven away by the pollco, Skinner and a number of others wero arrested. PECULIAR CALIFORNIA TRAQBDY. Murder nud Stiloldo Ilvpnl Slnculnr Attitcliinunt Hctwumi Woinnn. Stockton, Cal., May 3--A peculiar tragedy camo to light here yesterday, when tho bodies of Mrs, William Hick man and Mrs. Hassall, clasped In lov ing embrace, but both dead, wero found In a room of a lodging house, a bullet having ended the life of each. Mrs. Hassall had been morbidly Infatuated with Mrs. Hickman for some months. Monday night Mrs. Hassall told Mrs. Hickman that she was goln& to start for London yesterday, and begged Mrs. Hickman to spend the night with her. Mrs. Hickman consented, and her rela tives, growing nlarmed at her non-ap-pearanco yesterday, visited tho lodg ing house and discovered tho bodies. Mrs. Hassall had killed Mrs. Hickman and then herself. Mrs. Hassall came from London, Eng., and called her self the duchess, claiming that her hus band is a duke. She became so madly Infatuated with Mrs. Hickman that her husband left her, but the couple wero about to bo reconciled. Medical men are of the opinion that Mrs. Hassall was Insane. The case is similar to ono which occurred at Memphis a few yearn ago. How Is Your Wife? Has sho lost her beauty? If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache aro tho principal causes. Karl's Clovor Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Mouoy refunded if results aro not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and a guarantee. MiiovV 'Storms In fJormnny. Berlin, May 3. Since Sunday thero has been a radical change In tho weather throughout Germany. Terrific rains and thunder storms have been followed by cold and snow. In many parts of the Brocken and tho Hartz mountains snow has fallen to tho depth of two Inches, r nd the tempera ture is below freezing. A railway train between Thorn and Insterburg was struck by lightning and greatly damaged. Two of tho passengers were killed. The rivers aro rapidly rising. , Prolnlily 11 Fntnl Ittinnwny. Wellsboro, Pa., May 3. Mrs. Thomau M. Thomas and daughter were driving to their homo in Delmare, when their horses became frightened by a piece of fluttering paper. After running up Central avenue about two blocks the team ran into a largo tree, throwing both mother and daughter Into tho street. Both sustained serious injuries and Miss Thomas is not expected to live. Tho Somors Not In Commission. New York, May 3. The little tor pedo boat Somers, which has just ar rived in New York from England, will not be put in commission at present. She was hoisted off the deck of tha steamer and towed to tho navy yard, where sho will be laid up. Dopow l'avorn Seat Inn Qnny. Detroit, Mich., May 3. Senator De pew said in the course of an inter view yesterday that he did not be lieve that Governor Roosevelt will bo looking for a presidential nomination next year. Asked as to what the sen ate is likely to do with Senator Quay he replied that it was hard to say. "If I feel when I take my seat as I do now," said he, "I shall vote first for a rule governing the case, applicable to Republicans and Democrats allko. ana then vote to seat Quay." ANKLE. so highly reoom and the effi the seat of the I was soon com- THE BALTIMORE ELECTION. ft ltaxuttn In nl.nnilslldo T"or tlio Dom oorntlo Tlbfcc-t.j. Baltimore May ;3. Ono of tho most exciting campaign's In tho'hlstpfy of Baltimore city toqultcd yesterday In a Democratic landslide. ' Thomas O. Hayes was elected mayor by nearly 9,000 majority over William T. Mal Btor, Republican, thopresont Incumbent, while his running mates, Sklpwlth. Wilmer, for prcsldont of the second branch of tho city council, and James H. Smith, for comptroller, woro choson by practically tho samo figures. In ad dition to those candidates nt large, the Democrats oloctod all of their candi dates for the second branch of tho city council, nnd 18 of tho 24 members of the first branch. Yestorday's election Is tho first under tho charter for Baltlmoro city ndopted by tho legislature last year. Under its provisions tho municipal electlonn nro held In May, so as to dlvorco as far as possible municipal politics from state and national Issues. It also changes tho torm of tho mayor from two to four years, tho terms of tho comptroller and president of tho sec ond branch of tlio city council being for a llko period. Tho city is divided into four councllmanlc districts, each district to havo ono representative In tho second brnnch of tho city council, who nro also chosen for four years. Tho flrst branch of tho city council is composed of one representative from each ward and its lifo la two years. All of tho candidates elected yostor day will assume their oftlces on the third Wednesday of November next. J Invlh Kot dirnCy or nrllioVy, Dover, Del., May 3. The trial of Representative Mark L. Davis, Union Republican, charged by Representative Francis Lattomus, regular Republican, with offering him a bribe of $5,000 if ho would vote for J. Edward Addlcks for United States senator, camo off in gonernl sessions court yesterday, and was given to the Jury shortly after noon. Tho Jury, after discussing tho evidence, took but one ballot, and it resulted In a verdict of not guilty. Davis was at onco released. llrlirndlei Oenornl Kunntnii. Washington, May 3. Tho prosldont has appointed Colonel Frodorlck Funs ton, of the Twentieth Kansas, a brig adier general of volunteers. This ap pointmont was recommended by Major General MacArthur and supplemented vory strongly by General Otis In a cable dispatch. General MacArthur said that tho services of Colonel Funs ton during tho campaign, and especial ly in tho crossing of the Rio Grando river, deserved recognition. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhonm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or ao pay reouirea. it is guaranicea to give norfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 15 cents par box. For salo bv A. Wnsl&y. THE PRODUCE MARKETS As noflcotod by Donllnas in Philadel phia nnd Ilnltlmore. Philadelphia, May 2. Flour weak; win ter superfine, S2.1502.4O: Pennsylvania roller, clear. $303.25; city mills, extra, $2.DAffi2.75. Ryo flour steady, but quiet, at $3.20 per barrel for choice Pennsylva nia. Wheat weaker; No. 2 red. spot. In elevator, 76$i7CVc. Corn slow; No. 2 mixed, spot, In elevator, 3939Uc; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 42ff42i4c Oats quiet and steady; No. 2 white, SHJc; No. 2 white, clipped, 35c. liny firm; choice timothy, $12.50 for largo bales. Beet quiet; beef hams, $19019.50. Pork easy; family, $11.75912.25. Lard weak; western steamed, 53.4215. Butter steady; western creamery, HV4S17c; do. factory, 12ViQ 1314c; Imltntlon creamery, 13H15c; New York dairy, 13l4h!c.; do. creamery, 14V40 17c.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 21C724c; do. wholesale, 20c. Old cheeso easy; new steady; large, white, 12c,; amull do., 12Q12Vic. Eggs qulot; Now York and Pennsylvania, 12i12Hc; west ern, freht 12VS13e.; southern, 11&012HC Tallow weak; city, 4o.f country, 44Vic. Baltimore. May 2. Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat dull and easy; spot and month, 75Wfo7594c.: June, 75H75c,; July, 76c.; steamer No. 2 red, 70V4O70o. ; south ern, by sample, 70S76Hc; southern on grade, 7176c. Corn easier; spot, 3JV40 3Sc.; month, 3Stf?SSVc; Juno. 3S3Sc.; steamer mixed, 36ft37c; southern, white, 4141Vc.; southern, yellow, 39H240c, Oats quiet; No. 2 white, 33B36Vic; No. 2 mixed, 3214fl33c. Rye dull and lower; No. 2 near by, 63c; No. 2 western, G39ic' Hay steady; choice timothy, $1212.50. Grain freights firmly held; steady; steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 2d. May; Cork, for orders, per quarter, 2s'. 9d.3s.' May. Lottiico at $10 1.25 per bushel box. Live Stook IMnrkets. New York, May 2. Beeves weak; cables Blow. No trade of importance In calves; nominally steady. Sheep steady; lambs neglected; 8Vi cars unsold; medium wool cd sheep, $5; clipped do., $4.25; southern spring lambs, $5 per head. Hogs lower at $1(34.20 per 100 pounds. East Liberty, Pa.. May 2. Cattlo steady; extra, $5.3035.-10; -prime, t5.20Q5.3Q; common, $3.D0S3.90, Hogs steady; prime mediums and best hoavy, $3.95; Yorkers, $3.90; light Yorkers, 53.80S3.S5; pigs, 53.G5Q 3.75; roughs, $2.503,40. Sheep steady; choice wethers, $1.905; common, $2,500 3.50; choice lambs, $5.C55.75; spring lam u, $6&9; veal calves, $5Q5.50. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Slock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, 'Bottled Pale. Ale, B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer and Porter. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S BOCK BEER ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main .Street, Will receive prompt attention. rUM- CHER! STORD o DEALER IK a Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco Wholesale and Retail. SQ Wast Oantra Gtraat. CATARRH. OP TUB STOMACH. A Pleasant, simple but Safe am'. LuVctu&l Cure for It. t'.t.rrli of the ct.iiimc'i I in- I 'Iik b i-n con plil, r-il tliu next tliliiK In licumlilu Tlio Lbtul symptoms nio a full ir liluntl"e scnsii tlon after eating, aci-uuiimnled with sunt or watery risings, a forinxtloii of gases I'liising a rt'siiru mi tlio I unit mid Iuiiks, Hint dlfll cult liri-nlliitig; limdnclica, flcMu pctite nervousness and A general played out, Inn quid reeling. There lsnficn a foul tuto In tlio niout1, coxted tonguo anil If tlio Interior of tl o stomach could bo seen It wuutd show & slimy, lull imcd condition. Tho euro for this common and olistlnato troublo is found i.n a treatment which causes tlio iood (o lo readily, tborouRhly digested before It lias tlino to f nneut ai d Iriltuto tlio dellcutv mucous surface nf tlio stotrach. To so nro pruinpt and lieallby digestion is tlio one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion ,is secured thu catarrhal comljttou wilt havo disappeared. At cording to Or llnrlftiifon ibo -safest and best treatment is to lino after each meal u tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic, l'cpsln, a littlo Nux, Golden Real and fruit acids. Tl'oso tableU can now Ik) found at all ding stuns under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not I peine a patent incdlclno can lie used with perfect safety aud assurance that healthy appetlto will follow their regu lar use after meals Mr. N. J. Booher, of 2710 Dearborn St., Chicago 111., says: "Catarrh is a local con dition resulting from a neglected cold in thq head, whereby tho lining membrane of tho noso becomes inflamed nud the poisonous dis charge therefrom passing backward into the throat reaches tho stomach, thus producing cntirrli of tho stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for uio for three yoars for catarrh of the stomach without euro, but to-day X am tho hiipplcst of men after using only ono lnx of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot 41 nit appropriate words to express my good fueling. I havo flesh, appetlto and sound rest from their uso. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is tlio safest as well its tho simplest-and most convenient remedy for any form of Indigestion, catarrh of the- stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals Send for littlo book, mailed free, on Btom acb troubles, by addressing F. A. Sluart Co., Marshall, Mich. Tho tablets can bo found at all drug stores. H BEER IS NOW ON TAP. It can be had at all the lead ing saloons. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH - P A. YOUR EYES. J. D. COLDREN, Of Schuylkill Haven, The noted Ilefractlonlst, who has testimonials from the best pcopla of the county, as to his ability, will beat QRUHLER'S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY OP EACH WEEK.. If your eyes cause' you any trouble call aud see him. Glasses furnished If needed and no medicine. EXAMINATIONS FREE. EVAN J. DAVIES. ,: Livery and No 13 North Jardln St. COLUMBIA BOCK JBER Is drank by everybody. It is now on tap, Priv-ate. families supplied. . ' ' " LAKESIDE! The only pleasure resort and picnic ground in this remon. This srnenn will lw ili timet successfully conducted since its existence, 'rt,- i ,.. r . i. - , , uuw iui me ia&u uic now unuergoiug repnirs at Reading. The grove will be cleaned dsilv.hv.wrtrkmi.ri Ipp .n wnn,tin prepare 'and preserve weals for picnic parties win m luiiusucu irec. jn orencsira will oe established at this resort for tile entire season. I'oj iwrticalars address B. J. VOST, Prop., Barnesvllle, Ia. nilllons of Dollars Go np in ftmokb overyyear. Take so risks but get your houses, stock, fu. nlture, etc, Insured in first-class re liable companies m represented by DAVID FAUST. Insurance Apent ' u 1 ' ISO South Jardln fll 1 A He la oneol possess. Hires It. Handsomo Complexion or tne greatest charms a woman can I'OZZOMl'B UOUrUlXlOK roWDBBi