The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 01, 1899, Image 2

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lMTrMSIIHI 1870.
"All 'he Hr.vs Thai's Fll to Print,"
1'iibllslicd every evening, except 8unlny, nt 8
South Jnnll 11 street, Klienmulonli, l'n.
Tlie Iterold Is delivered In Shenandoah nml tlio
surrounding towns for nil renin n week, pay
able to the enrrlrra. Hy mull J3.00 a year, or
25 cents a month, payable In mlnuice. Ail
TertUementu charged according to space nnil
position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of ndvcrtWcmcnts
whenever the publication of news demnndi
It. The right In reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether pn!d for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known uponnppllcntlon.
Fntered at the post ofllce at Shcnandonh, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
MONDAY. MAY 1. 1800.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
Aouinaldo'S plans to pass the
summer at Culumplt have been
rudely disturbed.
Silent men in the army and navy
never stood higher in public opinion
than at the present time.
Gen. Gombz is suid to be writing a
plea for an American protectorate of
Cuba until a stable government can
be formed. There are many who be
lieve that a government of that kind
necessarily implies annexation.
Mit. Wharton Baiikkk declares
that the campaign of 1000 will not be
fought on the financial issue. This is
an adroit move on the part of the
Populist candidate, and will bring
many supporters to his standard no
matter what it may be.
Thk trade papers are all enthusias
tic over the business situation. They
say, what every intelligent person
knows to be true, that trade was
never more active in the United
States than it is at this moment. The
outlook, too, is that this activity will
increase instead of diminish.
A Democratic paper In New Eng
land says : "We must expand our
markets abroad, and that is why we
-want the Philippines as a distributing
centre of the vast markets in the East
that are developing." On expansion,
as on other questions, the Democratic
party is completely torn up.
Things Are Different Here.
Governor. Stoneta naturally tho object of
abuse by' Democratic "newspapers. That tsUn
accordance with the eternal fitness of things.
A Republican Governor cannot be expected to
please the organs of a party which did all that
was possible to prevent his election. Altoooa
Our contemporary may be correct
In its conclusion, in so far as its refer
ences are confined to the Demooratic
press of the western part of the state,
but not in this section. Schuylkill
connty, for instance, presents an en
tirely different brand of party regu
larity. Here we have alleged Demo
cratic editors using their columns to
defeat the regular caucus nominee,
Geo. A. Jenks. While Col. Guffeyand
other Democratic leaders were exert
ing every effort and with success, to
keep their lines unbroken, the Schuyl
kill brand of Jeffersonian Democracy,
enunciated through the editorial
quill in question, was sowing seeds of
dissension. Fortunately for the
honor of the Democratic legislators,
they repudiated these interlopers, and
stood loyally by their colors.
The Wilkesbarre Record, which on
every occasion shows its opposition
to the followers of former Senator
Quay, is entirely wrong in saying that'
the persons charged with bribery at
Harrisburg were "in the employ of
the Quay machine.'' A little investi
gation on the part of our contempor
ary would have satisfied itself that
such Is not the case. The men who
managed Senator Quay's fight at
Hurrisburg had no knowledge of the
work of these alleged bribers until it
was made public. This fact has even
been admitted by the Wanumaker
people. If the latter could have
connected the Quay leaders with the
bribery charges, they would have
grasped the opportunity, for political
effect, if for no other reason. The
men who occupied expensive and
luxurious rooms at the leading hotels
at Harrlsburg, during the entire ses
sion, were provided with the "where
with" from unknown sources, and the
Quay leaders themselves say they did
not know who was paying the freight;
that they furnished not one penny for
that purpose. While the men charged
may have worked in their own
peculiar way for the election of Quay,
with the hope of future recognition,
our contemporary is wrong in charg
ing that they were employed by the
Quay leaders. Let us be just eyen
in political matters.
Your Lbwgs
Will bo roused to its natural duties
and your biliousness, headaehe and
constipation bo cured If you take
Hood's Pffls
Sold by all druggists, 25 cents.
nopamriwi juu
If you wear tbo
One Sponker- Orootcil With Shout of
"Tron "oil."
Chicago, May 1. Central Music Hall
was yestordny afternoon fllld with an
auillenco gathered to protest ngalnBt
tlio course of the administration with
reference, to tlio I'hlllpplno Islands.
Once or twice the proceedings wero In
terrupted by protests of those who dls
ngrood with the sentiments of tlio
Professor J. Lawrence Latighlln, of
tho Vnlvorslty of Chicago, In Bpoak
Ing of the national policy toward the
Filipinos, said:
"Tlioro the flag Is the omblom of
tyranny nml butchery." Voices of
"Treason," came from the gnllory, hut
tho cries woie quickly drowned out by
approving chcors.
When Dlsliop J. L. Spalding, of
Teorla, doclnred that "England has
never been n friend of this country,"
nn Ensllsliman near tho platform
cried, "That's a He." Without noticing
tho Interruption tho Bishop contluuod
his address.
Tho resolutions adopted declare:
"Wo honor our soldiers and sailors
In the Philippine islands for their un
questioned bravery; and we mourn
with tho whole nation for tho Amort
can Uvea that havo been sacrificed. Wo
hold that our government created the
conditions which havo brought about
tho sacrifice.
"Wo earnestly condomn tho policy of
the present national administration in
the Philippines, and protest ngalnst the
extension of American empire by Span
ish mothods, and demand tho Im
mediate cessation of the war against
liberty, begun by Spain and continued
by us."
Fill a bottle or common glasss with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours:
a sediment or settling indicates an unheal
thy condition of the kidneys ; if it stains
your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble ;
too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the
back is also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
Thete Is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the
urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold
water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to go often during the day,
and to get up many times dupng the night.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. At druggists fifty cents
or one dollar.
You may have a sample bottle and a book
that tells more about it, both sent absolutely
free by mail, if you send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing be sure and mention that you read this
generous offer in the Shenandoah Heraltj
Murdered, Robbed nnT Cremntcd.
San Antonio, Tex., May 1. Mrs. M.
L. Mandarasy, a wealthy lady of this
city, wife of a Hungarian nobleman
who was banished, from his country 25
or 30 years ago, was murdered and
her body burned here yesterday. Rob
bery Is believed to have been the In'
centlve, and a Mexican laborer who
worked on the place has been arrested
on suspicion. Her body was found In
the ruins of her home, badly charred
and covered with knlfo wounds.
"Cure tho cough and save the life." Dr,
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and
colds, down to the very verge of consumption
Murder Follows Women's Qlmrrol.
Charleston, W. Va., May 1. Rub
ell Sorver. a saloon keeper of Coal-
burg, this county, was found dead on
the Chesapeake ana unio tracKs yes
terday with a bullet wound in his body,
John Killinger, a merchant of Coal-
burg, has been arrested for tho crlmo.
The wives of Killinger and Sorver
quarreled, and their husbands took
part Killinger emptied both barrels
of a shotgun into Sorver's side, killing
him instantly.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath by Its
action on tho bowels, etc., as nothing elso
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee
Price 25 eta. and 50 cU. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
and a guarantee.
This Is the trade
mark of the Bhort
line to Florida th
Southern Railway,
Two daily trains are operated all tho year,
and during tho winter season, a third, tho
Florida Limited, is added. If you are sola
to Florida or anywhere else in the South, ask
for a ticket via the Southern Bailway. Write
to John M. Beall, District Passengot Agent,
828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Jlnd lioon Aotlvo In Domoerntlo Poll'
tics Vor Many Vonrs.
Washington, May 1. Hon. Lewis
Baker, widely known and prominent
In journalism and politics for more
than a third ot a century, aiea ai nis
homo in this city at noon yesterday,
need G7. Durinc the past seven weeks
h had Buffered from an attack of per-
nlolous aenemia, wmcn steaouy grew
worse. He owned and edited various
Ohio newspapers, among them the
Woodsfleld Democrat, Cambridge Jef
fersonlan and the Ohio State Journal
at Columbus, being associated with the
late Hon. S. S. Cox in the conduct of
tho last named Journal. He was active
In politics, serving as a member of
the Ohio state Democratic committee
for several years, and was a delegate
to nearly every national Democrat!'
convention from 1860 to 1892. He was
chairman of tho Democratic state com
mlttee in West Virginia for 12 or 15
years, and served two terms in the
state senate. In 1803 he was appointed
minister to Nicaragua, CoBta Rica and
Salvador by President Cleveland. At
that time he was publishing tho St.
Paul (Minn.) Globe.
Jlooldod Attalnst General Miles
Washington, May L -Tho Wade court
of Inquiry, in its report now in the
hands of President McKinloy, finds the
charges of "embalming" the fresh beef
to have been unsubstantiated by the
testimony, and snya no chemicals were
used to preserve It. It also finds that it
would have been irapracucaDio 10 se
ture beef on the hoof for the Cuban
lampaign. The finding la likewise in
ipposition to the assertion on the part
it General Miles that the use of tho
leef was an experiment,
Jtf Jfcappy TTfothors
"Draw Mns. Pinkham I havo many,
many thanks to give you for what your
Vegetable Compound has dono for me.
After ilrst confinement I was sick for
nlno years with prolapsus of the womb,
had pain In leftside, in small of back,
a great deal of headache, palpitation
of heart and leucorrheca. I felt so
weak and tired that 1 could not do my
work. I became prognant again and
took your Compound all through, and
now have a swcot baby girl. I never
boforo had such an easy timo during
labor, and I feel it was duo to Lydia
13. Plnkhnm's Vegotablo Compound. I
am now ablo to do my work and feel
better than I have for years. I cannot
thank you enough." Mils. En. En
LiNQE'n, Devise, Tex.
Wonderfully Strengthened.
"I have been taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegotablo Compound, Illood
Purifier and Liver Pills and feel won
derfully strengthened, lleforo using
your remedies I was in a terrible state;
felt like fainting every little while. I
thought I must surely die. But now,
thanks to your remedies, those feel
ings are all gone." Mns. Emime
Schneider, 1341 Helex Ave., Detroit
Tlio last of tho present series of Pennsyl
vania Railroad three-day personally-con
ducted tours to Washington, D. C, will bo
run on May 11. The rato. $1 1 50 from New
York, $11.50 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other points, includes
transportation, hotel accommodations and
Capitol guido fees. An experienced Chaperon
will also accompany tho party.
For Itineraries, tickets, and full information
apply to nearest ticket ngents; Tourist
Agont, 1100 Broadway, New York, and 780
Broad street, Newark, N. J. ; or address Geo,
W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Flret Fire! rlrel
Insnro your proporty from loss In
oldest and strongest cash companies: Phila.
underwriters Insurauco Co. of North
America and Flro Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Flro Insurance Co.,
Wost Chester Flro Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah
Knights Golden Eagle Farnde,
On account of tho parado of the Knights of
the Golden Eagle at Lancaster, Pa., May 0,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
arranged to sell oxcursion tickets, from all
stations on its line In tho state of Tennsylva
nla. to Lancaster and return, at rato of
single fare for tho round trip, minimum rate
twenty-flvo cents. Tickets will bo sold on
May 8 and 9, good to return uutll May 10,
inclusive, but will not be valid for passage on
tho Pennsylvania Limited.
It Is JJxpootcd Bohols Will Open Fnr
ther Noeotlntlons.
Washington, May 1. Not a lino of
official nowu from. Manila, was ro.eelved
yesterday by either the war or the
navy department. Since the opening
of the campaign against the Insurgents
scarcely a day has passed without dis
patches from General Otis, and the
absence of advices yesterday la taken
by the war officials to moan that.
pending further negotiations on tho
part of the Filipinos for peace, the sit
uation is precisely as General Otis re
ported it on Saturday.
It is known that supplies are ueing
pushed forward from Manila to the
troops at 'the front in order that they
may be prepared for an advance
movement, should such action become
necessary. There has been no sus
pension of hostilities, but it is re
garded as likely that General Otis,
while not losing any of tho advantage
he has gained, will afford the Filipinos
reasonable time to consider the situa
tion and terms as ho presented them
to the envoys of General Luna. It Is
expectod confidently by officials of the
war department that tho way to peace
now being paved, further negotiations
will bo opened by the Insurgents.
Steof BrldcoH For Buinln.
Philadelphia, April 29. Tho Phoenix
Bridge company, whose works are lo
cated at Phoenlxvlllo, Pa., and the ex
ecutive offices in Philadelphia, has re
ceived a contract to build 12 steel
bridges for tho Russian government,
and work will be commenced on the
structural material In a few days, the
designs and plans having already been
received. Tho bridges are for the
Eastern Chinese railroad, the south
eastern extension of the Trans-Siberian
II on ton HorHcshoers on Strike.
Boston, May 1. Three hundred of
the 500 journeymen horseshoors in tho
city went on strike today for an in
crease of wages and extra pay for
overtime work. Soveral weeks ago
tho horseshoers' union of this city pre
sented to the master horseshoers a
reauest that wages should be $19 per
week for fitters and Yl for drivers,
and that they pay one-half more than
the regular rato for overtime work.
Yesterday the union and non-union
men hold a meeting and over 150 re
ported that their employers had agreed
to the demands. The others went on
Newtown's Cyolono Victim.
Chllllcothe. Mo., May 1. The death
list at Newtown from Thursday even
ings storm has reached 13, and prob
ably will reach 10 in the next day or
two. Mrs. Flagg died yesterday from
her injuries, after terrlblo suffering.
Her house was one of those blown
away by the tornado. Three others
of the injured are thought to be dyin.
Our Bannor Kxport Month.
Washington. May 1. American
manufacturers made their highest
rocord In foreign markets last month,
The March exportation of manufac
tures were $36,025,733, or moro than
25 per cent, in excess of any proceed
lng month, and 50 per cent, more than
In February, 1893,
Forsaken' tho Sword For ho Pen.
Ban Francisco, May 1. Brigadier
General Harrison Gray Otis, U. 8. V.,
who arrived from Manila Saturday on
the transport Sherman, came on shore
yesterday. Genoral Otis asked to be
allowed to resign as soon as he fore
saw the termination of hostilities with
the fall of Malolos, and expects to
leave for Los Angeles this afternoon,
where ho will immediately resume his
position of editor-in-chief of tho Los
Angeles Times.
Colored lllRhnt) nnolnron Noaroos'
MIkMou In to Clvlllzo Africa.:
Athens, On., May 1. Bishop II. M.
Tumor, of tho African M. B. church,
preached at tho court houso hero yes
terday to white nconlo. Durinc his
sermon ho said ho would prefer to boo
his poopio, tho black raco, again In
slavery, slnco slnvcry afforded them
moro protection than In tholr nrosont
condition, Ho ewes littlo fntnro In this
country for the negro In competition
with tho white race. Ho does not be
llovo It posslblo to bring about as
similation or cnuallty. lacking which
thoro must contlnuo to bo raco preju
dices. The npgro was brought to Amer
ica, ho said, by dlvlno will and taught
uy oxnmpio tho has s of n higher
civilization. Now it is manifestly the
will of God that tho negro should go
hack to Africa and clvlllzo tho savago
races there. Tho raco Question, he
concluded, would nover bo settled until
tho black man returned to his native
Two 'Killed- In llnttlo With Jtobuors.
Salt Lako City, May 1. Two des
peradoes who hold up soveral men near
uriguam city, Utah. Saturday n lent.
wero brought to hay by a posso in tho
hills eight miles from Ogden, yester
day. A battle took place, in which
Captain Brown, of the Oregon pollco
forco, and ono of tho robbers woro
killed. Tho other robbor was cap
tured. Great oxcltemont prevails.
Stnnrtlnu of tho Club In tho Itnco Tor
Championship I'onnuntH.
Jtfntlonnl Lensuo.
"w.u ret i w.ti. Pet
St. Louis.... 9 2 .818 1 Baltimore ..7 6 .513
Phlladelp'la 10 4 .714, Louisville .. 5 6 .500
Chicago .... S C .600 New Tork.. 4 8 .333
Cincinnati ..7 5 .CKl.'Washlngt'n 4 9 .30
Boston 7 G .5331 Pittsburg .. 2 8 .200
Brooklyn ..7 6 .538 Cleveland ..'17 .123
At Now York Philadelphia, 8; New
Tork, 5. At Baltimore Baltimore, 3;
Boston, 1. At Washington Washington.
6; Brooklyn, 4. At Pittsburg St. Louis,
2: Pittsburg, 1. At Chicago Cincinnati,
4; Chicago, 0.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 9; Cleveland,
0. At Chicago Chicago, 4; St Louis, 0.
Atlantlo JLenuuo.
"W.L. Pet W.L. Pet
Newark .. 4 0 1.000 Wllkcsba'e 1 2 .333
Beading .. 3 0 1.000 Paterson ..13 .250
Scranton ..3 1 .750 Allentown 0 3 .000
Blcbrnond 2 1 .CC" Lancaster 0 4 .000
At Wilkesbarre Blchmond, 11; Wilkes
barre, 1. At Newark Newark, 15; Allen
town, 7. At PaterBon Scranton, 9; Pater
son, 4. At Beading Beading, 11; Lan
caster, 8.
At Newark Newark, 8; Lancaster, 3. At
Paterson (10 Innings) Scranton, 4; Pat
erson, 3.
Tho ltocolpts or Cattle lu I'hllndolphla
nml Latent Quotntlons.
Philadelphia, May 1. Tho receipts of
cattle in this city last week were as fol
lows; Beeves, 3,019; sheep, G.CG9; hogs,
6,172. Becelpts for the previous week
wero: BeeveB, 2,364 : sheep, 5,003; hogs.
Beef cattle were firm under a good de
mand; 251 head were exported to Glasgow
par tho steamer Corean. We quote:
Extra, 6tf5!4c.; good, 4?5c.; medium,
4W?lc.: common, 4HSlc.
Sheep wero active for good stock, while
other grades wero unchanged, wo quote;
Extra wool sheep, 5V45?io.; goou qo. ao.,
64l5Ue.; medium do. do., 401c.: com
mon do. UO.. 4TMW.C.r wool lambo, Ct0
6c.; spring lambs, 13.2506.29; extra clip
ped sheep, 4?i5o.; good do. do., iwffivfcc.
medium, do. do.. 3yic.; common uo,
rin av.73Uc.: dinned lambs, &imic.
Hons were steuay under a lair in
quiry. We quote: Best western, oriwue,
other erratics. WMhViC.
Fat cov6 were steady unuer lair de
mand nt 2J43c.
Thin cows were firm nt isnjis.
Vpnl rnlves wero active nt 57Uc.
Milch cows were In fair request at
City dressed beeves wero in goou uc
maud ut Gias&c.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curso of overworked womankind, are
quickly and Burtly cured by Karl's Clover
Hoot Toa, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
Price B5 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirliu
and u guarantee.
Drnnk Wood Alcohol nnd Tiled.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 1. When tho
fast freight from Jersey City arrived
at tho Coxton yards of the Lohlgh Val
ley railroad Saturday a trainband
found the body of a doad man In a
box car, and by his side another man,
who was alive, but in an unconscious
condition. A doctor was summoned
and tho man revived. He said his
name was John Hannan, of Wee-
hawken, N, J., and the name of his
companion was Georgo Gassoway, a
waiter of Now York city. They got
on tho train at Jersey City and were
going to steal a ride to Buffalo. They
had with thorn two quarts of whisky
and Borne wood alcohol. Thoy drank
It all and then became unconscious.
No Torture Equal to the
Itching and Burning of
This Fearful Disease.
Kczoma which is more than skin-deep, and can not bo reached by local appli
cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied to the surfaoe. The disease itself,
tho real cause of tho trouble, is In tho blood, although all suffering is produced
through the skin ; the only way to reach tho disease, therefore, is through
the blood.
Mr. Phil T, Jones, of Mixersvlo, Ind writes:
"I had Eczema thirty years, and after a great deal
of treatment my leg was so raw and soro that it gave mo
constant pain. It finally broke into a running sore, and
began to spread and grow worse. For tho past five or
six years I have suffered untold agony and had given up
all hope of ever being free from the disease, as I have
been treated by some of tho best physicians and have
taken many blood medicines, all in vain. With little
faith left I began to take S. 8. B,, and it apparently
made tho Eczema worse, but I knew that this was tho
way tho remedy got rid of tho poison. Continuing
S. B. 8., tho sore healed up entirely, the skin became
clear and smooth, and I was cured perfectly."
Eczema is an obstinate disease and can not be cured by a remedy which is
only a tonio. Swift's Specific
is superior to other blood remedies because it cures diseases which they can
not reach, It goes to tho bottom to tho causo of ths disease and will euro
tho worst case of Eczema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
tho only blood remedy guaranteed ta bo free from potash, mercury or any
other mineral, and never fails to cure Eczema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood
Poison, Cancer, Tetter, Rheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, eto. Insist
upon S, 8. B. ; nothing can tako its place.
Books on these diseases will be mailed freo to any address by Snift Bps
clflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia,
Tho Chlor Mnalntrnto Onvo His Body
(Jtinrd a Day On.
Now York, May 1, Yesterday was a
busy day for President McKinloy. The
president aroso nt 8:30 o'clock in tho
morning nnd had breakfast with Mrs.
McKinloy and Mr. and Mrs. Abnor
McKinloy in ono of tho rooms of his
suite nt tho Manhattan hotel. Whllo
the prcstdont was resting boforo going
to attend church sorvlcca, Major Wohb
C. Hayes, boh of tho late President
Hayes, called. A number of other per
sons called, but nono hod access. Presi
dent McKinloy allowed a day off to
both of tho detectives who havo at
tended him evor since ho has boon
here, saying ho did not bollovo any ono
would harm him.
The president attended scrvlco at
tho Calvary M. B. church, Ono Hun
dred nnd Twenty-ninth street nnd
Soventh nvenuo, of which Rev. Dr.
Willis P. Odell Is pastor. Whon tho
president loft tho hotel with his broth
er Abnor n largo number of persons
woro gathered about tho ontrnnco, and
there was a clapping of hands, to
which greeting tho two gentlemen re
sponded by lifting their hats.
At tho conclusion of tho church sor
vlccs there wbb a rush on tho part of
tho congregation for tho pew occupied
by tho president. Many women strug
gled In the crush to shako hands with
tho president.
On leaving church President McKin
loy was again greeted by a largo
crowd. The crowd cheered as tho car
riage drew nway from tho church.
During tho afternoon thoro wero
many callers, among them General
Wosloy Merrltt and wife. General Fred
Grant and wife nnd ox-Mayor William
L. Strong. In the latter part ot tho
afternoon the president nnd Mrs. Mc-
Kinley went out for a drive. The party
will leave for Washington this after
Twonty-flvo Mllos Burned Over, Car-
rylmr Denth nnd Destruction.
Coleridge, Nob., May 1. A prarlo
flro burning In tho hay flats along tho
northern tier of counties of Nebraska,
ten miles from this place, passed Into
tho track of a tornado-and was swept
with the speed of the wind diagonally
across this county for 25 miles, de
stroying everything In Its path. Tho
only lives lost as far as known were
those of Mrs. Rolla Livingston and her
5-year-old boy. The woman saw the
lire coming and ran to a pasture to re
lease tho' family stock. The boy fol
lowed her. Both were knocked down by
tho terrified animals. The flro passed
over thorn before they could got out
of tho way. The body of the boy was
almost consumed and Mrs. Livingston
lived but a few hours.
A great many cattle were overtaken
and burned. A large number of farm
houses were destroyed, and the fami
lies escaped by seeking refugo beyond
tho track of the storm. Tho path of the
fire was nearly one mile wide. Tho
losses thus far known aggregate $125,
000. Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbo best salve in the world for cats.
bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rheum, fever soros,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jio pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Prico
85 cento per box. For salo by A. Waalny.
iSovornmoht Inspcto" Was J.oiKlInu
Sholl by n New Method.
Ponnsgrove, N. J May 1. William
Prussel, of tills place, who was ter
ribly injured In tho explosion at the
Dupont powder works, at Carney
Point, N. J., on Saturday, died in the
Delaware hospital yesterday. This
makes the sixth death as a result of
the explosion. The full list of dead is
as follows: Captain Stuart, 45 years
old, government powder Inspector;
George Yeager, 22 years; Amoa Mor
ris, 17 years; William Freint, 28 years;
Harry Smith, 52 years; William Prus
sel. When Francis G. Dupont, a member
of the firm, was asked yesterday what
he thought the causo of tho explosion
was, he said:
"At the timo of tho explosion Cap
tain Stewart was loading a shell by a
new and original method of his own."
Mr. Dupont wouiu not say what this
method was.
Murder and Attompted Sutoldo.
Dubois, Pa., May 1. A woman nam
ei Halillaiul, housekeeper for Fred
erick Walker, of Rockawayvllle, Jef
ferson county, was shot and killed at
Brockport early yesterday morning
and Walker was found near the dead
woman suffering from the effects of
laudanum. It Is believed Walker shot
the woman and then attempted sulcldo
by swallowing the laudanum. The
physicians say he will recover. Walker
Is 64 years of ago and has been a peace-'
ablo and respected resident of Brock
wayvllle for 30 years. Mrs. Hablland
was 39 years of age, had been married
twice and had two children.
Not much attention la often paid ta tho
ilrst symptoms of Eczema, but it is not lone
before the little redness begins to itch and
burn. This is but the beginning, and will
lend to suffering and torture almost unen
durable. It ia a oommon mistake to regard
a roughness and redness of the skin as
merely a local irritation ; It is but an indica
tion of a humor in the blood--of terrlblo
A Pleasant, Simple but Safe and Effectual
Cure for It.
Catarrh of the stomach baa long been con
sidered tbo next' thing to Incurable. The
usual symptoms an ft full or bloating sensx
tlou after eating, accompanied with sour or
watery risings, a formation of basis caustug
a pressure on tho heart and lungs, and dlftl
cult broathlug; headaches, flclcle appetite
ncrvousucsa and a general played out, Ian
quid, feel lng.
There Is often a foul In the mouth,
coated tongue and If tlio Interior of the
stomach eouid bo seed It would show a shiny,
Inflamed condilion.
The cure for this common and obstinate
troublo Is found In a treatment which causes
tlio food to ho readily, thoroughly digested
boforo It has time to ferment and Irritate the
delicate mucous surface of tho storach. To
securo prompt and healthy digestion is the
one noccssnry thing to do and when normal
digestion Is secured tho catarrhal couditlon
will have disappeared.
According to Dr. llurlauson tho pafost and
best treatment is to uso after each meal a
tablet, composed of Dlastaso, Aseptic, Pepsin,
a little Nur, Golden Seal and fruit acids.
Tlicso tablets can now bo found at all drug
stores under tho namo of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tublots and not being a patent Medicine can
bo used with perfect safety aud assurancu
that healthy appetlto will follow their regu
lar uso after meals.
Mr. N. 3. Boohor.of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago III., says: "Catarrh la a local con
dition resulting from a neglected cold lu the
head, whereby the lining membrane of the
nose becomes inflamed nnd the poisonous dls
charge therefrom passing backward Into the
throat reaches tho stomach, thus producing
catarrh of tho stomach. Medical authorities
prescribed for me for three years for catarrh
of the stomach without euro, but to-day 1
am the hupplest of men after using only one
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot
find appropriate words to express ray good
feeling. I have flesh, appetite and sound
rost from their nso.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest as
well as tho simplest and most convenient
remedy for any form of indigestion, catarrh
of tho stomach, biliousness, sour stomach,
heartburn and bloating after meals.
Send for littlo book, mailed free, on stom
ach troubles, by addressing F. A. Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich. Tho Ublets can bo found at
all drug stores.
Su. Mo. Tu. Wo. Th. Fr. Sa.
7J9 10 JL1 U 13
14 JL5 JL6 J7JL8 1 20
21 22 23 245 26 27
28 "29 30 "31
a; Third
j. Quarter
n 0:46
It p.m.
9 0:38
First tr, 033,
J7 Quarter Xf p.m.
a. to.
Wliothcr on pleasure bent or business, take
ou every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it
acts most pleasantly and effectually on the
kidneys, livor, and bowols, preventing fovprs,
headaches, and other forms of ' sickness. For
sale in CO cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrnp Co. only.
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of the Mississippi River,
you will purchase tickets via the Missouri
Pacific By , or Iron Mountain Route (which
aro on salo at all principal ticket offices in
tlie United States), you wll have all the
comforts and luxuries of modern railwa
equipment, and tbe finest opportunities for
viewing all of naturo's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texap,
Old and Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, we will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write ns for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agent, 331 Broadway, New York.
What la Shlloh ? "
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured Innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money.
Price 25 cts., 50 cU. and $ 1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlln and a guarantee.
Will You Winter In Florida 7
This will bo tbo greatest season Florida
has had for years.. You ought to go and go
via the Southern Railway. Its the .best
route. If you will write John M. Beall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., be will arrange all ' the
details of your trip for you.
Rheumatism Cored lu a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures jn I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
Skis That Youk Ticket Bkads via. thk
Southern Railway.
Tbe Southern Railway operates three
through trains on each week day and two ou
Sunday. It is an Inland route, clean aud
through an Interesting section of the South.
Tho schedules of its trains are fast, but not
too fast to be maintained. Write to John M.
Beall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, for full information,
illustrated matter and advance Pullman
eservatlons. 2-21-10t
"I bad a running, itching sore on my leg.
Suffered tortures. Doan's Ointmont took
away tlie burning and Itching instantly, and
quickly effected permanent cure." C. W.
Lonhart, Bowling Oreen, O.
CoiiiIiik Kventa.
May 1. Illustrated lecture "A Journey to
Jerusalem." by Bey. J. T. Swiudells, In the
Mkthodist Episcopal church.
irunefi. Ice cream festival, Bobbins' opera
bouse, under the auspices of tbe Olio
Maudolin Club,
It can be had at all the lead-
nig saloons.
I V I 1 - III I
.10 L kjf WiJULLl A Vll L f
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Refroctlonlst, who has testimonials
from the bent people of the county, as to his
ability, will be at
onniiLER's druo store
If your eyes cnuse you any trouble call anil pee
him. Glosses furnished It needed and no
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Slock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesalo and Retail.
SO West Oontro Street.
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region. This season will Be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boats for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at this resort for tlie entire season.
For lurticulars address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin Stf
Is drank by everybody. It is
now on tap. Private families
supplied. .
819 N. Centre 81., rottaville, Fa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the b
A choice Hue ol df-nra aud Temper
anoe Drink.
Accommodation lor traveler.
MJ at all hour
millions of Dollars
Go up In nmoii, overy year. Take 10
risks bat got your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in flrst-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent
' 130 South Jardln B!
Alio Lit aitdAncldantol pnnl
Celebrated Veu n
l'owilera uover f-j,
mtu mil mit ( uuu
IT M wUh Tswt fid PchejtojiI IIUi ud ottij UU