Bound To Come. What? Oh, That Tired Peeling. You must fortify and help Nature to iftlnt the lassitude of sprlntf by taking n kimm! tonic We sell or compound them to your sperlnl order. And your modlelne shnll be pure, mid tatc ns "good" as wo can make tt SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. " Telephone Connection. Too Many Baby Coaches, Go-Carts. We must get rid of them. They are not going fast enough. To tncourage our sales we invite you to see our stock and our prices. We can sell you any style you may desire at sacrificing prices. See Our Picture Stock. Another sweeping reduction We have some beautiful designs. For one week only you can buy them at 50 per cent, below the value. You won't regret your visit to our store. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St. SPRING SHOES A big line of Men's, Ladies' Misses' and Children's shoes await your approval. We call special attention to our exquisite line of , Husset Shoes. Men's $5.00 Slioes at $3.50. ' 3.50 " " 2 25. 2.00 " " 1.25. Ladles' 3.oo " " 2.00. 41 2.25 " 1.50. " 1.50 " 1.00. These prices range in comparison with the Misses' and Children's stock. Another lot of shoes going at 85 cents that are really worth $1.25 and $1.50. BOSTON TORY It 1 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Spring Suitings. We have some of the choicest suits made by the leading manufacturers in spring suitings at $10, $11 and $12 and UDwards. They are the nearest approach to perfection ever seen in men's garments. Trouserlngc.-oSfd l Vou won't want nnythlnc else when yon sei "We make trousers from $3.00 upward. Kelly & Conway, TAILORS, 14 W. Centre St., FGRQUSON HOUSE BLOCK. CHEAP GROCERIES. Hay, Flour and Feed. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK. Our goods are staple and sell retail at Tfnn H ATIII1DAY.-Eras. 13 cents per dozen : farmer roll butter, loo and 18oj beet creamery butter, 23e i hams, (f,0; uliouiuera, o?ic Ellis Guzinsky, 216 West Centre St., Shenandoah. Three doors below brick school. IT'S ANIIMPOSSIBILITY FOR MAN To cook at all and It Is next to Impossible for a worn n to cook satisfactorily unless she lias Hie proper materials to practice tbo culinary art. Have you tried our staple and fancy palate pleaaoraf E. B. FOLEY, n,r,Bt. King i leaves Give Wiling of Winter So the falling of the hair tells of the approach of age and declining power. No matter how barren the tree nor how leafless it may seem, you confidently expect leaves again. And why? tsecause tnere is me at tne roots. So vou need not worry about the falling of your hair, the 3 wreaieneu uepunuru ui yuuiu and beautv. And whv? Because If there Is a spark of "9 lire remaining in tne roots of the hair will arouse It Into healthy activ ity. The hair ceases to come out: It begins to grow: and the glory of your youth Is restored to vou. We have a book on the Hair and its Diseases. It is free. Tho Beat Atlvlco Frew. Tf Tnn An not nbtaln all tho bonefltl tou expected from the use of the Visor, ivrltn the doctor about it. 1'robablr there Is lome difficulty with your gen- oral syitera wnicn may uw vmuj remoyea. Aaarem, Fire I Fire I Fire I Insure your property from loss In the oldest and strongest cash companies: Phlla Underwriters Insurance Co. of North America and Firo Association, Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Araorican Firo Insurance Co., West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 123 S. Jardln St Shenandoah "Now good digestion waits on appetite, and health on both." If It doosn't try Burdock Blood Bitters. Ice Cream, All flavors Man u f a c tured daily, of town. Delivered to all parts Sealed PINK BAND Package. NewYork. FAMOUS Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Slade Only By TEN'NEY COMPANY, FOU SALE BY FRED. KEITHAN Baker and Confectioner, 1oa rsl. Main St. COMPETENT RETOUCHERS ! LATEST APPLIANCES IN PH0T06RAPHY! Tit, At our gallery you get a photograph that will make you look pleaaAntand run no chances on being disappointed. u(wupuowsbi,mr;um per dozen. Frames and Crayons of Every Des cription at Reduced Prices. Dabb's Studio, West Centre street. 5C- SHAVE. I announce to the puljllo that begin ning to-day, March 22nd, my ratea will be 1 - Shave Sc Hair Cutting.; 10e HIRAM SPADE, 131 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, Attractiveness Of Penon. Satisfactory bair I one of the most attractive features about your person. Treat it and dress It and it Is to your advan tage. We do It at your homo every dny, Wednesday and Saturday excepted. DEATHS AND FUNERALS. Ni-crnlngy Heparin of Till, mid Oilier Towns of tho County, Joseph W. Geary, Sr., tho well known civil unci mining engineer, who about two months ago reiuovo'l li Is family from 1'otUvllle to Cuinherlaiiil, Md., died at tho latter placo on Monday, ilo had been in 111 health for notno tlmo. Ilo is survived hy a widow and flvo children. Ho will ho buried at Cumberland. Mrs John Heed, aged 23 years, died at her homo In Schuylkill Haven on Monday. Tho funeral will take placo Thursday afternoon. Tho of Daniel 1'iiriicll, aged 10 years, who died at tho homo of his parent in Krackvllte on the 21th Inst., will tako placo to-morrow aftcrnoou, Tho funeral of Mrs. John Scully, of 01 rardvillc, took placo this morning, services being held In St. Joseph's church and Inter, mcnt In tho parish cemetery. Patrick O'llrioo, n former resident o( town, died in Philadelphia on Monday. The deceased was a brother of Mrs, Martin Mc On I re, of town, who, with her husband, left to-day to attend tho funeral, which takes placo in Philadelphia to-morrow morning, Interment will bo mado it) the Holy Cross cemetery, that city. Mary Ann, wlfo of John O'Neill, of 233 East Centre street, died at tho Schuylkill Haven hospital yesterday afternoon, aged 42 years. Mrs. O'Neill had Buffered from complication of diseases for over a year. Sho was In tho hospital about six weeks, The re mains were brought to town last evening, Tho deceased. Is survived by bor husband and a daughter, Anna, aged 14 years. Two sisters, Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Thomas Daltou, and two rothors, James and Michael, also survive. Tho funeral will tako placo on Friday mom ing and Interment will bo mado In No, 3 cemetery, l'ottsvlllo. KnocUWl Out In n M 1 -fit c nnd ntjimrtor Now York, April 20. Nearly 0,000 sports assembled at tho Lenox Athletic club last night in uio nope or seeing rattlinc bout between Joo walcott. the negro boxer, and Dan Creodon, tho Australian. They were matched to go 0 rounds, but although Creedon weigh ed fully 20 pounds more than his op ponent tho negro made short wprk of him. With a left and two right, smashes on tho jaw Wolcott floored Creedon thrice. Tho third tlmo the Australian went down ho was "dead to tho world," and Walcott was de clared tho winner. The bout lasted only a mlnuto and a quarter. Sacrifice removal salo of jewelry, silver ware, watches, ciocks, optical goous anu musical instruments at Orkln's, 120 South Main street. If Cents per yard for home made rag carpet ; others for 40, 45, 50 and 65c per yard. Call and see our new line ol Brussels, Vel vets and Ingrain carpets. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE, i0 South Jardin Street. GROCERIES, Hay, - Flour - and - Feed Aro selling cheaper at our new plnce than ever before, because we havo less expenses and give tho benefit to the buyer. Hay.GScpcr hundred; straw, 10c per bundle; eggs, we per uozen; iiirmer run uuncr, 15 to 18 cent per pound. Don't foruet us when in need of' drv goods, notions, boots and shoes Philip Yarowsky, No. 233 West Centre Street. WEARING GLASSES You can go contrary to the wishes of your friends and neigh bors and sometimes get the best, of them but attempt to go contrary to the dictates of Nature and you always get the worst ot it. There is no use to "kick" about wearing glasses. If Nature says spectacles, why spectacles it must be. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. F RlEDMAN'S ENLARGED GROCERY, 2I3 W. Centre St. Wholesale '. and : Retail. 3 biggest mackerel, 25 cents. 1 pound box Climax Baking Powder, 10 cents. 1 8 bars yellow soap, 25 cents. E3. A. Friedman, 213 West Centre Street. REMOVAL. Tho Slngor Sowing Ma ehlne Company has re moved to 1 1 B North Main stroot, noxtdoorto U. J. Price's dry goods storo Tho Rosv Freshness And a velvety softness of tho skin is Inva riably obtained br tbore who use Fozzom's Complexion 'owner. Preservation Of the Hair. The effect our treatment affords will astonish you We give it the attention that help vnu tn atrenorthen and nerserve ft by the application of our ahampoolns method. Duslo's Tonsorlal Parlors, I'erguaon House Wock. CotinteRB ltoMinzyA Dlvoroo Cno. Paris, Anrll 2C Countoss Estorhazr. who yoatorday began proceedings for n dlvorco from Commandant Comm Ferdinand Walsln Estcrhazy, said that tho publication of her husband's let ters to Jules Ilocho left her no other course Sho would havo forgiven him tho ruin and dlsgraco ho had so un deservedly brought upon herself and hor daughters, but now that ho had published degrading, groundlessdotalla of hor bodily Infirmities as an excuse for his own dissipation, and had also united ner namo Ignominousiy wun tjiat of General Glovnnlolll, sho could no longer refrain from taking tho pres ent step. Six ,Mon Struck hy I.lulitnlnp;. Wllkesbarro, Pa., April 20. Six men who woro fishing In tho Susquehanna river ycstordaj afternoon took refugo In a bam nearby, when a storm came up. Tho barn was struck by lightning and all tho men were badly shocked. Their names aro Edward F. Prlngle, Robert and Thomas Collotto, Den Har rison and John and William Price. Tho victims woro taken to their homes In carriages. It Is belloved all will recover but Thomas Collotto, who ap pears to bo paralyzed. Tho lightning left a' spark of firo in tho hay, which burst Into n flamo several hours lator and tho barn was entirely destroyed. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powdor for tho feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, uorvous feet, and Instantly takes the stinK out ut corns and buuions. It's tbo greatest comfort dlscovory of tho ago. Allen's Foot-Easo makes tight or now shoos feel oasy. It Is a certain euro for sweating, callous and hot, tlrod. aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all drucnists and shoe stores. Hy mall for 25o In stumps. Trial package FKEE, Ad dress, Allen 8. Olmsted, to Itoy, X. Y. Deeds Hccorded. Tho following dcods wcro filed for record From Sheriff of Schuylkill county to Henry A Sane, uremisos In Ashland: Henry w, Cako and wifo to Milton Cako, promises In l'ottsvlllo; Missouri A. Follwellor and wifo to William UroUBO, promises In Itush town ship: Samuol Smith aud wifo to Dr. Wm. Lcbo. promises in Valley Vlow: Eingtown Agricultural Society to E. K. Stauffcr otal, premises in Union township. A FEW BARGAINS. It funny to talk o seems bargains in a store wnere 1 everything is a bargain. But sometimes we have just a few things to close out to make room for larger and newer stocks. For instance : 0Uf LADIES' shoes have been re duced 75 cents to 1.00 on all erades. See our stock of ladies' shoes from 90 cents to $1.25. QUK IIEITS shoes are a surprise t o 1 ' every buyer, wnen we say bargains we mean it. And we just have them. We are sole agents for the W. L. Douglas $3 and $3.50 shoes. A. WOMER, 124 NORTH MAIN STREET. COLLARING A MAN IS EASY IF YOU HAVE AS MANY STYLES OF COLLARS AS WE HAVE. Tho very fashionable and sensible round pointed cuffs and collars are meeting with great favor. We show all the styles made. All the new colorings In shirts for spring; ties, gloves, canes, and umbrellas, at clo o prices. Portz Bros., 24 North Main Street. 25c Will get you more meat at our market than any where else Our always fresh beef, pork, veal, mutton, sausages, pickled and smoked meals are the finest to be procured. J. II' MEAT MARKET 203 E. Centre St. Our market is not ciactly located centrally but that little extra walk will benefit your purse. We Sell the Lowest In Price. Groceries, Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishings. We are tho farthest down West Centre street and the farthest down In prices. A few luore steps to our store Is well worth the reward you receive in bargains. Peter Greenberg, 320 West Centre Street. Shenandoah, JjlOIt COUNTY COUMIBSIONEIt, FRANK J. KANTNER, Ok Lofty. Subject to Iteimbllcan rules PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Kato M. Carlln, of Itappahannock, was a visitor to town last ovenlnc MliUJpMln M. Oliver, an attache or the PottavlUo hospital, was In town yostorday, tho guest of Misses Annie Johnson and Emily Loncks. of South Jardln street. Mrs. David Evans visited tnonus ai roiis- vilto yesterday. Frank Wcstervolt and family, Wlio rcsiucu on West Coal stroot, moved to Hazlcton yes terday. Owon B. Cannon left town yostoruay lor Nokonia, Kansas, wlioro ho will locate. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. llrouiihall havo re turned from a visit to the foriuor's relatives at Beading. Mrs. Mary Hampton, of Brooklyn, N. x ., Is a guest of hor sister, Mrs. 11. W. Stout, 011 South Will to strcot. David Widner, of Allentown, was a gocst of town friends yostorday. Charles W. liughes. of Wm. ronu, is tc rovflrlnc from an nttack of quinsy. II. W. Titman has recovered from his re cent ailment. Messrs. J. S. Beddall and J. II . Hughes, of Wm. Penn, attended to official business at tho MaDle Hill colliery yesterday. T. F. Uradigan has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to onablo him to bo about again, Motor Carrlniro Slnnuniottirlnc. Hartford, Conn., April 28. Qeorgo H. Day, vice president of tho Vopt Manufacturing company, and Harold H. Earns, manacor of the motor car rlairo department and tube works, went to New York yesterday to con clude the arrangements for transfer ring tho motor carriage department lo tho Now Columbia Motor Carrlago company, with a capital of $3,000,000, organized two weeks ago In Now Jer sey. The new company will manufac ture motor carriages, both electric and gasoline. In Hartford on a large scalo, having room for tbo employment of 300 men. Henry's Evidence Convlotod Dreyfus. Paris. April 26. According to Tho Temps a member of the Dreyfus court martial named Freystaettor, in testify' lng before tho court of cassation, de clared that It was tho evidence given by Lieutenant Colonel Henry which de cided the court martial to convict Dreyfus, and that tho only document produced In tho presence ot tne priS' oner was tho bordereux. Henry after' ward confessed that he had forged a letter which was largely Instrumental In preventing a revision of the Droy fus wise, and then cut hlB throat In prison. Tlio Now Korean Minister; Washington, April 2G. The Korean diplomat who has been apolnted as minister at Washington to succeed Mr. Chin Pom Ye, who has been transfer red to Russia, France and Austria, is Prince MIn Yong Whan. He Is first cousin to his majesty, second cousin to tho late queen and uncle to the crown nrincess. He speaks English and stands vory high In the estimation of foreigners, as well as Koreans. Ho was special ambassador at tne coro nation of tho czar and acted In a sim ilar capacity at tho queen's Jubileo In London. Ponnsylvnnln Collects War Kxpensos. "Washington, April 2G. -The seen- tary of the treasury yesterday drew hlt warrant for $164,983 In favor of tha governor of the state of Pennsylvania In settlement of the claim of that state for expenses In raising troops for the war with Spain. The warrant was mailed to tho governor at Harrlsburg. Yesterday's Nnttonnl I.cniiio Games, At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 10; Boston, 8. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, G; Baltimore, 0. At Washington Wash ington, p; New York, 8. At Louisville Louisville, 2; Pittshurg, 1. At St. Louis (11 Innings) St. Louis, 3; Chi cago, 2. MISCELLANEOUS. FOU nKNT. A nlno-rooin dwelling house, bath-room, hot nnd cold water throughout the house nnd all conveniences, located on North Jardln street. Apply at this office tf piPItOVB YOUlt AVIUTING.Hy sending 25c .L for So assorted liens for business and line corresponding purposes to Tub IIart JI'f'o Co., 8-29-tf Pottsvllle, Pa. NOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap ply to S. O. M. liollopeter, attorney, Bhenandoah, 8-31-tf We Have It, Just the Piece of Meat You Want. Wfi'll fit tho niche In vournrmetUe nnd fit the pecuuanty 01 your pocicei mqok. Selected cuta cost more than ordinary ones; but you'll nnd our prices for the best ones are less man otnera cnarge zor equally eooa piecci: Come after it if you prefer or we It deliver it 11 you nay me worn. BELL'S, 19 1 m Mill j Correct Measurement p Is strictly adhered to in the making of clothing we handle. The stylish Spring Top Coats and general line of Spring Clothing we are showing may not have been cut especially for you, but they were cut to your measure. We offer your size at your price in all lines of SPRING ANDJa SUMMER CLOTHING With guaranteed fit and general satisfaction. Don't let go of your money until you have seen what we are offering in clothing. There are no strings to the guarantees we give you. Mammoth Clothing House, Largest Clothing House in the County, 9 and 11 S. Main St., L. Goldin, Proprletpr. Great Modern Remedy ! Paine's Celery Compound Has Driven Out the Old-Fashioned Cure-Ails. Tho old-time tonics, sarsaparlllaB, nervines nnd haphazard remedies of our forefather won't do in the sprlnit of 1899. Your great grandmotberdidn't take Paine's nelery compound any more than sho used the ulectric light or tho telegraph. llut hor children and grandchildren, the Crown-up men and women of to-day, are tak ing this great modern spring remedy and get ting rid of diseases that the old unscientific preparations mado no impression on and are making-no Impression on to-day. Paine's celery compound has as littlo in oommon with any of these obsoleto reme dies as modern, life-saving antiseptic surgery has with tho practico of a few years ago which was attended with so fearful a death rate. The half of century that has elapsed ainco tlions old-fashioned remedies were formulated has been the most fruitful years m medical discovery. It has witnessed the discovery of the most effective medicine tho world has ever known. As a remedy for blood and nerves Paine's celery compound has been wolcomed by physicians, prescribed and publicly recommended. No remedy lias evor approached, Paine's celery compound in Its wouderAil success with diseases and ail ments duo to nervous debility and impure blood. Paine's celery compound is as tinliko any 'remedy that has gone boforo it, and as super ior to its nearest rival, as tho ureat search light Is to tho tallow nip. It Is not a mero improvement nor a development of any of the old-lashlonod remedies, it is a totally Window Guards, Stable Guards, Cellar Guards, Iron Railings, &c. REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FACTORY : 221-240 N. Emerlck St. " RESIDENCE : 221 N. West St. Largest Stock. Largest Stores. Largest Profits to Buyers. These are a few of the many inducements our new stores offer to patrons. Come and see our stock ol stoves, furniture, tinware, hard ware and carpets. We can save you more money in less time than any other store in town; No necessity of running to numerous stores to furnish a home. We can furnish you one from the cellar to the garret. Our stock and prices will cause you much astonishment. We are head quarters for baby coaches. STOVE REPAlRlNd OP ALL KINDS. PICTURE FRAHES flANUFACTUREL), ALL SIZES. D. and J. Siegel, now departure In tho euro of blood and nerve (II senses, and cures wheroother remedies fall, because it embodies the newest investigations into the source of these diseases. And that is tho reason why Paine's celery compound is the most successful remedy in tho world. The following letter from Miss Louise Wolcott, ono of the ofliclals of tho Daughters of the American devolution, shows tha estim ation In which Paino's celery compound is held by persons who havo used It : NKW Yobk, Feb. 21, 1809, Messrs. Wells, Eichardson & Co , Gontlcmcn : Having for several years been subjected to heavy strain on my ner vous system feeliug utterly worn out and discouraged, after consultation with my physician, I began taking Paino's celery compound, and am only too glad to add my testimony to tho many thousands you al ready havo of its efficacy In rebuilding tho nervous system. I now feel like an entirely different person. Very truly yours, LOUISE WOLCOTT. Wcro it posslblo to keep tho nerves always strong and in calm working order, few per sons would know what it is to be ill; but with the changes in climate, work and worry and the "shut-in" llfo alt wintor, nervous dis orders, more or less serious, aro unavoidable. Paino's celery compound Bhould ho In every household, that there may bo no delay in regulating tho nerves when they becomo irritable, poorly nourished and aro wearing out tho strength of tho whole body. Manufacturer of . . Wire Screens, Iron Fences, Fire Escapes, - 103-105 south Main st.