The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 24, 1899, Image 2

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"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
South Jardin street, Hlirimudonh, l'n.
'he Herald Is delivered In Shennndonli nnd tlio
surrounding iowns forslxcentsn wok, pay
ablo to tho carriers. Iiy mall 88.00 n year, or
nnnFi n .nn.ift, nnvfililn 111 nilvntioe. All-
verttsemenls charged according to nimccnnd
position Tlio publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisements
whenever tho publication of news demands
It Tho right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement whether paid for or not, that
I the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application.
Cntered at tho post ofllce at Shenandoah, I'a., as
second class mall matter.
MONDAY. AVRlh 21. 1800.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
The question is being nsked, where
was Major Finney at when the Sena
torial contest was on.
s i hk lmiirrtLioiiH lire luh urviLiumH
m . xl T t ! 1
.are weakening, nnd are anxious to
nave tue privilege ot welcoming uacK
the "gold bugs."
1! s
1 Thk fine weather of the past few
j days reminds the fnsliionable preach
ers that the season for sore throats
and vacations is coming on apace.
There has been an increase of
$1 70 per capita in the circulation of
the country in the past twelve months.
It now amounts to $25.45. Business is
gaining at a rapid rate, but the
growth in the currency keeps pace
with it.
As an evidence of total incom
petency, the District Attorney of
New york city last week called for
the appearance of half u dozen dead
men to stand trial for excise misde
meanors. Such is Tammany rule In
New York.
Pennsylvania's Legislative in
vestigation is over, but New York's is
still going on and growing in interest.
"Private business" is the answer now
given by witnesses who desire to
avoid "giving away" their friends in-
stead of the old chestnutty one "I
don't remember."
The supposition that Mr. Croker
wus devoting his time to politics for
mere amusement is rudely dispelled
by his own admission that he is in the
business for the more dignified pur
pose of making an honest living. It
ts even hinted that he is "building
rick houses" and employs "a private
The Lancaster tobacco trade, which
has grown to large proportions by the
industry and business capacity of her
utizens, has received a serious blow
n the Jacobs counterfeit stamps case,
jne which has already made every
dealer who handles Lancaster cigars
suspicious. These precious rascals
.have caused unjust doubts to be cast
upon all the dealers of that thriving
The soldiers hereabouts were inter
ested in a bill introduced by Senator
Losch which granted $10 additional
pay to the soldiers serving in the war
with Spain, and there have been a
great many inquiries regarding the
fate of the measure. It appears that
the bill passed the Senate, but was
choked off by Chairman Marshall, ot
the House Committee on Appropria
tions, to which it was referred and
did not come up for final passuge.
Mr. Bryan has a big job on his
hands in finding a common ground
upon which Democrats can stand.
Mr. Bryan himself is opposed to an
ne-r ition as strongly as he is in favor
of free silver; but he will find many
Democrats who, while they are as
earnest in their advocacy of free
silver as he is, they are at the same
time endorsers of expansion. On the
other hand, he will find numerous
gold Democrats who share his views
against expansion and others in the
gold Democratic ranks who are ex
pansionists. American manufacturers, the
Treasury Bureau of Statistics informs
us. continue to extend their "spheres
of influence" throughout the world.
During the eight months ending with
1'ebruary 28, 180D, the exports of man
ufactures were not only $87,000,000 in
excess of the imports of manufactures,
but more than 20 000,000 In excess of
those exported in the corresponding
months of the fiscal year 1808. In the
fiscal year 189a the United States for
the first time exported more munu
factures than she imported, and the
fiscal year 1890 wll make another and
even better record!
After OSnnesr
To assist dvcitlon, relieve distress
after eating t,r Urlnklnjr too heartily,
to prevent constipation, take
Hood's P.M&
Sold everywhere. 23 cents.
Jio pain iiwi ytrai
If you wear the
Marin Rtf
.Mali li 1 1 III r
Jrom 9?frs. Suntor
to 9ffrs. tPinkham,
"Ono year ngo last Juno thrco doc
tors gavo mo up to die, and us I hnd at
different times used your Vcgotnble
Compound with good results, I lind too
much faith In It to dlo until I had tried
it again. I was apparently an invalid,
was confined to my bed for tun weeks.
(I believe my trouble was ulceration of
"After tnltinp; four botllos of tho
Compound and using somo of tho Llvr
Pills and Snnatlvo Wash, at tho end of
two months I had ft-roatly improved
and woighed 155 pounds, when I never
beforo weighed over 138. Lydia E.
I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound is tho
best medicine I ever used, and I recom
mend it to all my friends." Itfns. Anna.
Mrs. Harnhart Enjoys LLCo Ones Mors).
"Dcaii Mns. Pinkham I had been
sick ever since my marriage, seven
years ago) have glvon birth to four
children, and had two miscarriages. I
had falling of womb, louoorrhooa, pains
in back and legs; dyspepsia and a
nervous trembling1 of tho stomach.
Now I havo none of thqso troubles and
san enjoy my life. Your medicine has
worked wonders iqt me." Mbs. S.
Baiixhaut, New extras, Pa.
Iloomlnir Hi. Scnn l-'or (lurornor.
Chicago, April 2-1. Friends of Dr.
Nicholas Senn, surgeon general of the
Illinois National Guard, and head pro
fessor of surgery In Rush Medical col
lege, have announced his name as a
candidate for tho Hepubllcan nomina
tion for governor of Illinois next year.
Dr. Sonn has been president of the
American Medical society and the
Amerlcnn Surgical society, and during
the Spanish war was chief operating
surgeon In tho field beforo Santiago
and on the Island of Porto Itlco.
It does not require an expert to detect the
sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow
cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puffy
circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip
colored complexion indicates it.
A physician would ask if you had rheuma
tism, a dull pain or ache in the back or over
the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate
often, or a burning or scalding in passing it ;
if after passing there is an unsatisfied feeling
as if it must be at once repeated, or if th'e
urine has a brick dust deposit or strong odor.
When these symptoms are present, no
time should be lost in removing the cause.
Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the
bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and
sometimes requiring the drawing of the
urine with iustruments, or may run into
Blight's Disease, the most dangerous stage of
kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great dis
covery of the cmineut kidney and bladdet
specialist, is a positive remedj" for such dis
eases. Its reputation is world-wide and it is
so easy to get at any drug store that no one
need suffer any length of time for want of it.
However, if you prefer to first test its
wonderful merits, mention Evening Herald
and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghainton,
N. Y., for a sample bottle and book telling all
about it, both sent absolutely free by mail.
Tlio I'ouceninkor Killed.
Houston, Tex., April 24. In a shoot
ing affray near Treval, in Trinity
county, Edward Harding and James C.
Trebalhan were killed and C. L. Hard
ing fatally wounded. The original dif
ficulty was between L. C. Harding and
Trebalhan. Edward Harding Inter
fered and was killed by Trebelhan.who
fatally wounded L. C. Harding before
being killed himself. The cause of the
trouble Is not Known.
"I had a Tunning, itching sore on my leg.
Suffered tortures. Doan's Ointment took
away the burning and itching instantly, and
quickly effected permanent cure." C. W.
Lenbart, Rowling Green, O.
Hunirnrlnn Counterfeiters Arrested,
Vienna, April 24. Tho police have
-arrested tho burgomaster and eight
members of the town council of Bazor,
Hungary, on a chargo of forging bank
notes. The operations of the criminals
have been going on for two years.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists rofund the money If It fails to cure.
25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each
tablet. tf
For Every Dollar Spent Abroad We
Sold Two HoHnr' Worth.
Washington, April 24. The fiscal
year of 1898 was the banner year of
the foreign trade of tho United States,
our exports being the largest over re
corded for a like period and our lm
ports exceptionally small. According
to a comprehensive report Just pre
pared by Mr, Frank H. Hitchcock,
chief of the section of foreign mar
kets of the agricultural department, the
total, value of our domestic exports
reached the enormous sum of $1,210,-
291,913, exceeding the record breaking
figures of the preceding year by 1178,-
284,310. On the other hand, the im
ports during 1898 were the smallest
sinct) 1886, their value being $616,049,
654, a decline of $148,680,768 from the
figures of 1897, Broadly stated, for
every dollars' worth of foreign mer
chandise brought into the United
States two dollars' worth of our pro
ducts found a market abroad. Our
domestic exports as compared with our
imports showed an excess of $694,242,-
269, or more than twice the excoss for
1897, which was tho largest previously
An interesting fact developed by the
report of Mr. Hitchcock Is tho lncroaso
In the exports of agricultural products.
being 70.93 per cent of the total, or
$868,607,942, a gain of nearly 25 per
cent over 1897. Exports of this class
also show a greater gain proportion
ately than non-agricultural exports.
Wnlttnir toltpnr I'rom Cochlnn.
Washington, April 24. Navy de
partment officials say that no word has
been received from Captain Coghlan,
of the Raleigh, in response to a re
quest made of him by Secrotary Long
for a statement as to whother he was
correctly reported in his rocent speech I
at New York respecting the relations!
between the Germans and tho Ameri
cans during the blockade of Manila bay
last year. Captain Coghlan's answer
to tho department's request will be
awaited before any further official ac
tion is given to the matter.
iiowoy Still I'mililo to T.nunto tlio Cap
ttirt-il Aiiir-rliiinn,
Washington, April 24. From a dis
patch received by Socrotary Long from
Admiral Dowoy yostcrday it is ovidont
tho lattor Is still In tho dark respecting
tho whereabouts of Lieutenant Qilmoro
and patty, of tho Yorktown, who, It Is
thought, wcro ambuscaded nnd cap-
tirred by a party of Filipinos whllo on
a voyago to roscuo Spanish prisoners
near Baler. Tho admiral says ho Is en
deavoring to ascortaln the situation
of tho lieutenant and his party. Tho
dispatch Is In response to an Inquiry
sent by Secrotary Long, not bocauso
tho lattor thought tho admiral was not
making effery effort to rescuo tho men,
but to bIiow tho frlendB of tho prisoners
that tho department was not Indif
ferent to their fate or remiss In its
endeavors to assist In regaining their
"Cure- tho cough and savo tho ll'o." Dr.
Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures conghs anil
colds, down to tho very vorgo of consumption.
MlH'sjiirl Alovo Dnncor Lino.
OmahoVAprll 24. Tho Missouri river
is now abovo the danger lino, anl Is
rising steadily. At tho toot ol Varnara
street, whero tho big Omaha and Orant
smelter is located, tho water is within
about two Inches of the top of the
bank, and any additional rlso will In
flict great damage on tho smelter prop
erty. The Union Pacific tracks along
the river a block or two are par
tially under water. Below tho Union
Pacific bridgo tho river is three mlle3
wide. Somo 20 families havo been
driven out and tho bottoms are now
completely covered.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs. It is curing more cases of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than auy
other medicine. The proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give you a sample bottle
free to convince you of the merit of this great
remedy. Price 25c and 50c.
Burned to Dentil In School FIro.
San Francisco, April 24. The Sel
borno school, a boarding Institution for
boys, located in the suburban town of
San Rafael, was burned yesterday.
There were a number ot daring res
cues, but Charles Armstrong, the 6-
year-old son ot a California soldier
now at Manila, was burned to death In
his bed. Tho lire originated in the
furnace room, and Is attributed to ths
carelessness of a servant.
Rheumatism Cured In a Say.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralsia radically cures in I to 3 da5-s. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
Othor Arrests Expected, Hut the Of-
llclnlHAro Itotlcent.
Philadelphia, April 24. There are
no developments In the counterfeiting
plot which was unearthed In this city
last week. Chief of the Secret Service
Division John E. Wilkle, Captain of the
Secret Service William J. Burns and
United States District Attorney James
M. Beck went to Lancaster yesterday
afternoon and returned to this city
late last night. On their arrival here
each of them refused to say anything
about their visit to Lancaster. Each
of the government officials carried
small satchel, but It could not be learn
ed whether they contained counter
felt plates or not.
Rumors are still being circulated
that further arrests will be made, and
when the three officials were question
ed they refused to talk about the mat
ter except to say that no additional
warrants had been Issued, It Is under
stood, however, that two warrants
have been Issued for the arrest of per
sons unknown to any one but the
secret service people.
Although the secret service men will
PflR HPI P mut b gotten rid of
rUn nCLli a warning that can
Boils and Pimples
To neglect to purity the blood at this
time means more than tho annoyance of painful boils and
unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to
remain, the system succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is
unable to withstand the many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L. Gentile, 2001 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash ,
says : " I was alHicted for a long time with pimples, which
were Terr annoying, as they disfigured ray face fearfully.
After using many othor remedies in vain, S S. S. promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in
a good complexion, which I never had before."
iapt. w . ii jjuniup, 01 mo a. u a.
It It.. Chattanooca. Tenn.. writes:
Is the best blood
and is the only
one that is absolutely
promptly purines the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system, builds up
the general health and strongtb. It cures Sorofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma
tism, Tetter, Bolls, Bores, eto., cy going
forolng out all impure blood.
Cooks free to any address by the Swift
neither affirm nor dcnyHt, ins rTo
liovod that thoro Is a connecting link
missing botweon tho counterfeiters and
Harvoy K. Nowltt, tho ox-United States
district nttorncy, who was arrested on
tho chargo of attempting to brlbo ono
ot tho secret sorvico operatives. Tho
secret sorvico men admit that Jacobs
and Kondig, tbo chief counterfeiters,
novor mot Nowltt, and It Is holloved
that tho man who worked between
them Is tho man thoy nro looking for.
It Is also bollovod that this man Is a
prominent ono.
It Is learned that something over
100,000 cigars havo boon found by tho
Intornnl rovenuo offlcors In Pittsburg
bearing stamps Issued by tho Jacobs
firm at Lancaster.
And a Sketch or Colonol Stotonlcr,
Who Foil nt tho Front,
Washington, April 24. Tho follow
ing message regarding tho fight nt
Qulngua was received at tho war de
partment last night from General Otis:
"Casualties nt Qutnqua today: First
Nebraska, two officers nnd two en
listed men killed, two officers and 20
enlisted men wounded; Fourth cav
alry, two onllstcd men killed, flvo
wounded; Fifty-first Iowa, soven on
listed men wounded; Utah light nr
tlllfiry, ono officer and two enlisted
mon wounded. Total, 49."
Colonol John Mlllor Stotsonborg, of
tho First Nebraska Infantry, who hold
tho rank of captain In the regular
army, was born In Indiana on Nov.
24, 1858, and was appointed a cadet
at tho Military academy In July, 1877
and graduated number 41 In his class
Ho was appointed second lieutenant
of tho Sixth cavalry In 18S1 and bo-
came a captain Doc. 14, 1898.. Ho serv
ed with his regiment In Arizona nnd
Now Mexico from 1887 to 1890. at tho
close of the latter year participating In
the Sioux campaign In tho action at
Wounded Knee, S. D. Ho was at Fort
Niobarra from 1891 to 1894, and then
served for a few months at Fort
Myer, near Washington, going thence
to tho Infantry and cavalry school at
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where ho was
graduated with distinguished honors.
Colonol Stotsonborg then served with
his regiment at Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., until December, 1897, and from
that time to the following April was
professor of military sclonco andtacttcs
at the University of Nebraska. Ho was
mustered In as major of tho First Ne
braska Infantry May 9 last, and as a
colonel of tho same regiment Nov. 10,
BucMen's Arnica Salve.
Tho beat salve In tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rhonm, fovor Bores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all akin emotions, and nositWolv cures piles.
or ao pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
nerfect satisfaction or mony refundod. Price
35 cents per box. For sain lv A. Waslor.
Tlio Receipts of Cnttlo In Plillmloltihln
nnd J.ntost Quntntloiis.
Philadelphia, April 24. Tho receipts of
cattlo In this city Inst week were as fol
lows: Beeves, 2,364; sheep, 5,065; hogs,
5,502. Receipts for the previous week
were: Beeves, 3,155; sheep, 6,165; hogs.
Beef cattle wcro steadily held on nil
grades, nnd especially for Pennsylvania
fed. Quotations: Extra. GJiflsHc; good,
4?M?554c; mediums, 44c.; common, 4V4
Sheep were In fair demand nnd Arm,
We quote: Extra wool, 5VJ'!j'5?ie.; good.
5ft5Hc; medium, 4045ic: common, 4
4VLc; extra clipped, 4t4T4?ie.; good do.
4fi4'ic.: medium do., 3VtSiYiC; common
do., 3?3Vic; wool lambs, 4',46C?4r.: clip
ped do., 41,405 c: sprinB do., .$3.5006.60.
Hogs were all sold under a good de
mand nt nn advance. We quote: Best
western, 5?i06c.: other kinds, 645ic.
Fnt cows were steady at 2143ic.
Thin cows were unchanged at $3015.
Veal calves were active at 4',47Vic
Milch cowb wero In seasonable demand
at $25945.
City dressed heeves wero In good de
mand at G3c.
Will You Winter In Florida 7
This will be tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via tho Southern Hallway. Its tho best
route If you will write John M. Beall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., be will arrange all the
details of your trip for you.
Stnndlngof Nntlonal Loaeuo Clubs In
tho Contest I'or tho Pennant.
W.L. P. W.L. P.
Bt. I.ouIs..5 0 1.000 Cincinnati ..4 4 .500
Phllod'a ..6 2 .750 Brooklyn ...3 4 .429
Chicago ...6 3 .667 New York. ..3 4 .423
Boston ....5 2 .714 Cleveland ..1 5 .167
Baltimore 4 3 .671 Pittsburg ...1 5 .167
Louisville 4 4 .500 Washington 1 7 .125
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 5; Brook
lyn, 3. At Cleveland First game; Louis
ville, 5; Cleveland, 0. Second game: Cleve
land, 15; Louisville, 2. At New York-
New York. 8; Baltimore, 7. At Cincin
nati-Cincinnati, 4; Chicago, 1. At St.
Louis St. Louis. 5; Pittsburg, 3. At
Washington Boston, 7; Washington, 4.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 8; Chicago, 6.
"Yhen Nature is overtaxed, she has
her own way of giving n Jtice that assist
ance U needed. She does not ask for
help until it is impossible to get along without
it. Doils and pimples are an indication that
system is accumulating impurities which
; thoy are an urgent appeal for assistance
not safely be ignored.
m o &
' Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon mo, causing
great pain and nnnoyanco. My blood seemed to be In
a riotous condition, and nothing I took seemed to do
any good. Six bottles of S S. S. cured me completely
and my blood has been perfectly puro ever since."
remedy, because it is purely vegetable
free from potash onu merourv. It
direct 10 the causo 01 the trouble and
Specifics Co., Atlanta, Ga,
Lots of Claims Like This But so
Different Local Proof Is What
Shenandoah People Want.
There arc a great many of thorn,
Kvery paper hai It's share.
Statements hard to believe, harder lo
Statements from far-away places.
What people say in Florida,
Public expression from California,
Outlines good indorsements there,
But of little service here at home.
Shenandoah people want local proof.
The sayings of neighbors, friends and
Home indorsements counts.
It disarms the skeptic ( is beyond dis
I his Is the backing that stanas oenina
every box of Doan's Kidney Pills.
Here is a case or it :
Mr. Matt. Lambert, of 10 East Centre
treet, proprietor of a restaurant, says : "I
went to Kirliu's Pharmacy and cot a box of
Doan's Kidney Pills for an attack of lameness
n mv back, I had never had it before. Ac
companying it there wns an aching in the top
and back of my hetd and at times pains in the
abdomen. I found out It was due to my
kidneys for I had much pain over my lclt
klney and the secretions from those organs
were not normal, and caused me both incon
venience and pain. Doan's Kidney Pills
proved to be just the thing I needed, for they
relieved me at once."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price So cents. Mailed by I-oster-Milburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U
S. Remember the name Doan's and take no
An Alli'trcd Iiitiliinii Borgia.
Terro Haute, Ind., April 24. Dr. B.
E. Patton, a physician who Is known
throughout thrco states as a specialist
In tho cure of cancer, and who Is tho
proprietor of a largo sanitarium In
this city, Is lying at the point of death
from what he claims Is tho effect of
arsenic and chloroform poison ad
ministered by his wife. A sworn state
ment accusing his wife of poisoning
him was made by tho dying man, who
requested that a post mortem exami
nation of his body be made. Mrs
Julia Patton, the accused woman, has
tiled proceedings for a divorce, and Is
now at ono of her farms near New
market, Ind. She has been married
four times, and Is worth something
over $100,000. No steps have yet been
taken to apprehend her. ltnlrd'H Kunornl.
Washington, April 24. Religious
services over tho remains of tho late
Representative Samuel T. Balrd, of
Louisiana, who died here on Saturday,
were hold yesterday afternoon In tho
parlors of the Rlggs House, where the
deceased resided whllo In Washington.
Rev. Dr. R. H. McKlm, of the Churcn
of the Epiphany, officiated. There were
many floral offerings, including a mag
nificent cross of roses and llllles from
the Louisiana delegation In congress
nnd a beautiful Masonic emblem from
tho state lodge of Louisiana. The body
was placed In a private car and Is
scheduled to reach Bastroy, La., tho
late home of the deceased, on Wed
nesday. A number of senators and
representatives accompany the remains.
Tho Spanish Sonnto Elections.
Madrid, April 24. The senatorial
elections for the now cortes wero held
yesterday and passed off tranquilly
throughout the country. They have
resulted in giving the government a
larger majority In the sen to than 11
had secured In tho chambi of depu
ties. It is reasserted In different roll-
able quarters that the attempts of Don
Carlos to raise a loan on tho security
of his Italian and Austrian estates
havo failed.
Whether on pleasure bent or business, take
on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It
acts most pleasantly and effectually on the
kidneys, liver, nnd bowels, proventing fevers.
headaches, and' other forms of slcknoss. For
sale In E0 cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
1 . 1 i w M4m am an Am n 011 n
snoriie U Wo-
AJLCXlllOIl T T C4.1
in The Century Magazine.
THE CENTURY is malting a wonderful suc
cess of its creat series of articles on the Snan-
ish War by the men who fought it. Captain m
Sigsbee has told the story of the Alain
icuicnaut, iiuuMJu itas eivcu nis rapmc nar
rative of the sinking of the Mtrrtmacj Gen
eral Shafter haj described the Santiago campaign.
( In March General Greene begins bis descrip
tion of the Manila campaign; and in April is
Of the Capture of Ceryera.
THE MAY CENTURY contains ono of the
I most remarkable features erer printed in an
American mag ame,-nothing lest than
The Santiago Naval Battle
Described by the Commanders.
Iowa., by Capt, R. D. Evans,
Indiana, by Capt. H. C. Taylor,
Texas, by Commodore J. w. Fillip,
Brooklyn, by Capt. F. A. Cook,
Gloucester, by Lt.-Com.Walnwfight,
New York, by Capt. F. E. Chidwick,
Oregon, by Lieut. E. W. Eberle
(in command of the forward turret).
EACH man tells the story of his own and of his
ship's exeriences in the fight, Ml with
novel illustrations taken from the decks ottacA
of the above vessels during the action.
RESIDES the War Articles, Tim Cbntokv
U lias an unprecedented list of general attrac
tions, including a new life of Alexander the
Great, superbly illustrated; Marion Crawford's
histoncal romance of the Second Crusade; Paul'
Leicester Ford's articles on llenjamut Franklin;
capital short stories; etc.
MEW SUBSCRIPTIONS may begin at any
' time (price $4.00). The magazines are at
ways for sale on the newsstands by the first day
of the month, price 35 cents.
Union Square, New York.
Celebrated reuitt
l'owdrr never foAL
LW) UJit. Cluf ITS
Ufa and sun (ifttr ftllml
srlth Tniy rid Pennrnjal 1111s and other Hal
remedies I. Alvavs buy the best and avoid dlutta
ointment . Outranteed superior so all c&en?euiif
, in ine mits, a no-1. nnnmim$tgS
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Hlvcr,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
aclflo Hy , or Iron Mountain Route (which
nro on sale at all principal ticket oillcos In
the United States), you will havo all tho
comforts and luxuries of modern rallwit
cqulpment, and the nuost opportunities for
lowing all of naturo's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, ArkantAS, Tcxhf.
Old and Now Mexico, California, ele. Ex
cursion tickets to nil principal puitits at
greatly rcducod rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting nt
Los Angeles In July, wo will mako special
low round trip rates. When runlcuiplatlng
trip West or Sontliwcat, writo 11s for full
nformatlou and rock bottom flguroj VV,
E. Hoyt, Q. E. I'. Agent, J. V. McCniiu, T.
P. Agent, 301 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf
Do You Enow
Consumption Is proventnblo? Science hai
provou that, and also that neglect Is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or cough can be cured with
Shllob's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantco for over fifty years.
Sold by P. I), Klrlln and a guaranteo.
Skk That Youn Ticket Reads via the
Soutukuk Railway.
The Southern Railway operates three
through tiatns on each weok day and two on
Sunday. It Is an inland route, clean am)
through an interesting section or the Smith.
Tlio schedules, of Its trains are fast, but nut
too fast to bo maintained. Write to John 11.
Beall, District Passenger Agent, 82S Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, for full Information,
illustrated matter and advauco Pullman
osorvatlons. 2-24-10t
On Every Bottle -
Of Slilloli'a Consumption Cure is this emir
antco : "All wo ask of you is to use two
thirds of tbo contents of tbls bottle faith
fully, tlion If you can say you ro not
benefited return tbo bottle to your druggist
and be may refund the prlco paid." Price
23 eta., DO cts. and fl.00. Sold by P. D
Klrliu and n guarantee.
Coming Events.
May 1. Illustrated lecture "A Journoy to
Jcrusalom," by Key. J. T. Swindells, In tbo
Methodist Episcopal church.
June 0. Ico cream festival, Kobbhis' open.
house, undor tbo auspices of tbo Olio
Mandolin Club.
Glva tho Children a Drink
called Gtain-O. It is n delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to take the place of
Coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly pre
pared it tastes like the finest coffee but Is free
from all its Injurious properties. Grain-O aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is
not a stimulant but a health builder, and chil
dren, as well us adults, can drink it with great
benefit. Costs about L as much as coffee-
15 and 25c.
Miss Sadie Wertheim. acre 14. of Tole
do, O, was the winner of ihefirst prize f 01
cxcuuuun uu iue vionu at iuc urusseis
Conservatory of music. German critics
derlul player. It
is tne greatest
first m auy
thintr. For thi.
WWaS. literature, ath-
. Ietics, science
It' I ' .amlartmenauo
' " "'wonientiutlirtL
their greatest efforts. Washington was
said to be "first in war, first in peace and
first in the hearts of bis countrymen." It
13 a great thing to be first. Nothi ug is oi
more value tb mankind and brfa.'s creat
cr unppiness man a gooa remedy. Many
tinny win relieve out tue one tnat wir
CHrtusbest. Brazilian Balm is such a rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found tha
tt is the only thine: that would cure Ca-
tarrn ana Astliuia. For 15 yrs. it has nev
er fniletl ill n Rlnirll icr in oi. rtx A ctli.,,..
and its record has been as wonderful in
CatarrU. Cases that had, to all Enocai-au
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
siomacu iiau uecotne ulcerated and raw
irom swallowing tue germ-laden matter.
were an permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to anv other remedv. Inst
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the reirard Of the American nen
pie. There are ZO.OOO.OOO Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in thif
country, all of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Balnu A 1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each $1.00 bottle a
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets.
free, Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
ana. strengtn Dutiaer known to science.
This is thegreatest offer ever made. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute. B
P.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Inuw
uapons, inu.
Wholesale Agents
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
SQ Wast Oontro Qtroot.
The only pkasure resort and picnic ground
In this region. This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence,
yhe boars for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood-to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established ot this resort for the entire season.
For particulars address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Unrnesvllle, Pa.
Sweet singers. Also some for
breeding purposes.
Japanese Gold Fish and globes.
Pigjons Common fancy.
Host Centre street, . Plietuuidoah, l'
Philadelphia &
Reading R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal Ho Smoke.
Train lento 8benniloli m follows-:
Kor New York vlis Philadelphia, week ily,
10. 5 38. ' 8i. 9 M n. 111., 12 SO, U 19 And 6 C9 p. in.
Hillidnra, 2 10 n m.
ror now Tlir via mwuvu vjiuiml, wcok unya
80 n. in., 12 20 anil 8 09 p. m.
K. Uc.idlnc and Phllndelplilft, wenk darn,
10.0 08 7 80, 9M n. in., 12 20, 8 C9 nnd 8 09 p. m.
Hundnys, 2 10 a iu. -
Kor I'nltnvllio, wees uaya. 2 iv. 1 ou, vno a. ti
1 20. 8 09. 809 and TttO p. ui. Huiidaya, 2 10 a 111.
For Tatnaqua and siaiianoy uny, wi-ri uaya
10. 730. M a. in.. 1220, 8 09 and 8 09 0. in.
xillidaya, 2 10 o in.
For Wllllaintport, flunbury anil Lotlnburn.
week dam. R27. 11 82 a. ra 12 20, 7 30 p. m
Sundays, 8 27 fi m.
Kur ainnano) riane, weoauayp, n, tfi(,ow,
30. 9 85. II K2 a. in.. 12 20. 8 C9. 0 09, 7 8 -, 9 58
.1.1 Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 ant.
For Anlilntid and SlianioKln, week day, 8 27,
'80. II ?2. m.. 12 20. 8 09. 6 07723 and S3 p. in.
Sunday, 8 27 a m.
vox iinititnore, wasnington anu ine woes via
is. AO. It. It., iliroiiKli Iratna If 8-1 Reading
rcrminai, nnindcipMa, (i at ic u K.) ai
,v, 11 (l n. m., a 10 and i.a p. 1 tsuiianya,
W T t 1 1 Ht D I. TV, r. 1 .1 . t -
' , V 1 .a . a. 11, . 11 jii auu , . ,i . I . . . . v. 1 1 -
tlonnl trnlns from Twenty.fourth aud Cliest
nut atreols station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 13 20
I3lft8 4upm. stirmaya, 1 us, s a p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays, 12 IS, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a, m., and 1 43, 4 TO,1 '
100 p.m.
lave new xorK via aiaucn sjiiuuk. wees
lays, 4 80, 9 10 a. in., 1 80 p. m.
lAjjwe Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, eok
lays. 8 40.886. 10 21 a. ta. and 18S, 4 00, 088,
II 33 p. "i
sheave itpaainR, weeir uays, is, y uu, tuun,
in , 12 18, 4 17, 8 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave 1'oltsvlfle. weed days. 717. 7 40 a. m..
2 80, 1 20, 4 80, 0 10 and 0 60 p. m.
L.eavo ramariun, wrnic nays, a 18, ago, 11
1.1., I 49, 8 60, 7 20, 44 p. m.
Leave Mahauoy I'll) , week dnyn, 8 43, 9 03,
I 81 a. m 2 22, S 23, 0 21, 7 44, 10 03 p. rn
Leave Mahanov Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
180. 922 1023. 1200. a. Iu.. 289. 880. 042.768
10 2lp m.
Leave Wllllamsjiorl, week nays, 111, luiw a
u., 1284 and 4 00. 1180 p.m.
Leave Phlladolrjhla Chestnut street wart and
tfouth street whnif for Atlantlo City.
Weekday Kxpnws, 9 00, a. m., Satur
days omy ISO J 2UU. 3 00 4 00,8 00, 7 Is p m
.vceomcioaatiou, n w a m., ouu, ouu p m
Sundays Kipress, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 CO a u, 4 43 p. m.
HeterninR lenvn Atlantic uiiy aepoi, eorrer
tlantlonnd Arkansas avenues.
Week?avs Kxnrcas. 7 85. 813. 9 00 nnd
10 41 rn. S.'IOuild 4 8'. pm Accommodation,
1 23, a 17 a. iu., 4 in p. in. ounaaya uxprets,
! Oft. 8 30, 8 00 p m. Accommodation, 7 13 a. m.,
1 15 p. in.
For Cane Mnv. Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Wees days 9 00 a m. Sundays, Chestnut
itri-ct 0 13 a 111., South street, 9 00 a.m. Ad.
dltlonal, weekdays, for Cape May, 4 13 p m..
ror ea isio uiiy. Din p m., lor ucean uiiy,
1 io, dim p m.
farior uarn on an express xrains
PblladelDhla and ReAdlnc Railway ticket agent
or address
iien'i sups., uen-i rass-r ajts.
Reading Terminal. Philadelphia.
"-Agetit for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B-.own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Rclractlonlst, who lias testimonials
from the best people of the county, as to his
ability, will he ut
If your eyes cause you any trouble call and see
him. Olasses furnished tf needed and no
Is drank by everybody. It is
now on tap. PriVate families
Livery and
'o 13 North Jardin St.
819 N. Centre Si., Pottavllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wlnea.' at the ha
A choice line of Cigars and Temper
ance Drinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Mal al all hnnra
nillionsof Dollars
Qo up In nmoko evory year. Take no
risks but got yonr houses, stock, fui -nlture,
oto., insured in flrst-clsBs re
liable companies u represented by
DAVID FAUST. Insurance Agevt
UAMU iiiuoi, m Jardin H
Alto Ufa andAeeldanlal omvanta
f Tho Rosy Froshnoss
I And a velvety softness of the skin la lava
I rlably obtained by thoro who use I'ozioai'a
I Uomplcjlon i'owder.