ICE CREAM SODA, All llavors. Delicious mcl thirst quenching. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Telepbono Connection, DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 119-121.123 North Haln Street, Baby Coaches and Go-Carts Your heart bents over one nun- h 1 over dred thousand times each day. One hundred thousand supplles or good or bad mooa to your cram. Which Is it? If bad. Impure blood, then your brain aches. You are trotiDica with drowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired In the morning as at night. You have no nerve power. Your food docs you but littlo good. Rilmnlnnts. tonics, headache powders, cannot cure you; but PITHY POINTS. Our go-carts are something new They are just the thing for a child too larce for a carriage and not large enough to walk. Our baby carriages are like the coming spring. They are just as "warm" as the first rays of sun shine. You ought to come and look at them and then we could say to you : DO YOU SEE how well prepared we are with this stock, the largest ever yet brought here. DO YOU SEE that we have put the very smallest prices on these goods yet quoted here. DO YOU SEE that our goods have a better make and finish than ever. will. It makes the liver, kidneys, skin and bowels pertorm weir proper work. It removes all lm- -..-.! r k1Anr1 AnH It purines num 111c u.uvw. n . makes the blood rich in Its life giving properties. To as ion Recovery. Ynn will hf more ranldlv cured IF vnn will tnke a laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness. Wn in nun Doctors, We hare the excliulto surrlces of some ot the moit eminent phjrilclans .In the United Statu. Write freely all the paitloular In yoorcase. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 1 19-121-123 North Main A GRANT DAY SOUVENIR. St. SPRING SHOES A big line of Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's shoes await your approval. We call special attention to our exquisite line of Etusset Shoes. Men's $5.00 Shoes at $3.50. 3.50 " " 2 35. 2.00 " 1.35. Ladles' 3.oo " " 3.oo. 3.25 " ' 1.50. i 1.50 1.00. These prices range in comparison with the Misses' and Children's stock. Another lot of shoes going at 85 cents that are really worth $1.25 and $1.50. Important Incidents of the Great Soldier's Lire Mlide Known for the First Time. Grant Day will bo observed all over the United States on April 27. Philadelphia will particularly commemorate it by tbo dedica tion of a magnificent monument on the river drive in Falrmount Purk. President Mc Kinloy will bo on hand and the Kalelgh from Dewey's fleet will join in tho festivities. Tho Philadelphia Press, in observance of tho occasion will issue next Sunday (April 23) a magnificent souvenir of Grant Day. It will contain as a frontispiece a reproduction in colors of a splendid painting of tho new monument. It will also have many features, throwins side lights upon the great Uoneral, which have never before been published and will be exclusively published In next Sun- day's Press. Among them is "The Story of Apoomattox from tho Confederate Point of View," written by Colonel Charles Marshall who is tho only living officer on the Con federato side who witnessed tho greatest day In Grant's career. Prominent men of the nation have written for next Sunday's Press their estimate of Grant. Thoso features, along with many others of general interest, will make this souvenir edition or Mho bun day Press tho most notable of the year. Be sure and order next Sunday's Press in ad vance, as the demaud will bo great aud you may not be ablo to secure 11. 'mpnlng Throughout the Country C)!nnte!'"l for Haul? 1'eruaiit. A Are company will bo orgaulzod at Mt. Carbon. The unusual heavy demand for rlco coal till continues. The P. & It. railway employes will bo paid at Mahanoy Piano to-morrow. Georgo Douglass was yeslorday appointed fourth-class postmaster at Hulmovillo, Property owners should tnko advantago of tho wrathor and clean ill) their premises. An Insuftidcnt allotment of empty cars is still tho prevailing obstacle at tho collieries. Every Indication points to tho establish mont of an exchango here by tho Hell Tele phono Company. Seneca Lodge. I. O. of It. SI., of Pottsvlllo, last night celebrated their 42d anniversary with a banquet. Mrs. Catharine McCarthy left Ashland yes lorday for California, whero sho will spend tho summer with her daughters. Robert MoNameo, Esq., formerly of Potts- vllle, has been elected speaker of tho IIouso of Reprosontatlvcs, In Florida. llev. II. A. Frautz, who lias been pastor of Tamaqua'a Reformed church tho past ten years, on Sunday resigned the pastorate Aged James Grltnor was driving across i all road tracks at Williamsport, when cars on a "flying switch" struck him and crushed out li s life. A dyuamlto cap which 18-ycar-old Joseph Goresk. of Shamokin, was carelessly hand ling, exploded, and toro off his arm. Ho will probably die. Jacob Shoop. a retired farmer, aged 73 years, and Mrs. Annlo Hartz, aged 00 years, both oi Royalton, Dauphin county, were married yesterday at Lebanon. Much uuoaslness is said to exist among tho individual coal operators, as to what de cision the several carrying companies will make as to their production tho coming season. Tho Philadelphia & Reading Railway Com pany Is planting hedge fences along its Etst t'enn branch between Allentown aud Read ing to prevent tho drifting of tho tracks with snow. Georgo C. Brungard, who two weeks ago was arrested on a chargo of having sot flre to tho barn of Miss Puclla Dornblazer, near Williamsport, yestorday made a full con fcssion. Letters of administration wcro granted to Hannah P. Beach ou tho cstato of William A. Beach, latoof Pottsvlllo, deceased. Also to W. S. Leib on the estate of Wm. Moroditb, lato of Ashland, deceased. . The Liberty bicycle can ho purchased from Max Lovlt. Ho has accepted tho agency for Shenandoah and vicinity. A flag stone crossing is being laid across East Centre street at Market alley. JIahanoy City people contemplate forming a bicycle club, Another New Train. A new train has been inaugurated between Philadelphia and Southern poluts via the Southern Railway. It is called "Tho Wash Ington and Chattanooga Limited" and leaves Broad street station daily at 5:34 p, m. carry ing Pullman Drawing Room Bullet Sleeping cars from Philadelphia to Memphis and Now Orleans via Washington, Lynchburg, Bristol nnd Chattanooga. This train also carries through Pullman cars, Philadelphia Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville and Tampa via Charletto and Columbia, lhe fast Man leaving at 7:20 a. m. and tho Southwestern Limited at 0:55 P. m. makes a total ot three dallv trains from Broad street station, which will enable you to reach almost overy city of ImDortanco in tho South without change. Further information will bo cheorfully furnished bv Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agont, 828 Chestuut street, Phita delphta. 'tilK WKATIIElt. Thero la a decided fall in toinpora ttiro today from tho Ohio valley ovor tho gulf statoa, nnd high north easterly winds will prevail on tho mlddlo nnd west gulf coast. Tho display of wind signals on tho great lakes will not be resumed until tho breaking up of ico opons navigation. This may not occur ho- foro April 25. Forecast for this sec tion until 8 p. tn. today! Fair nnd warmor; fresh east winds. Probably fair tomorrow. Sunriso, 5:21; sunset, 6:49; longth of day, 13h., 28m.; moon rises, 3:08 p. m.; moon sets, 2:44 a. m. Mammoth Clothing House, PERSONAL MENTION. Louis Goblin returned homo last evening from Now York whore ho spent the past week buying an Immenso stock of summer clothing. Tho goods have mostly all arrived and are now displayed In his mammoth stoic room Councilman P. F. Dawson, of Mt. Carmel, was a visitor to town yostcrday. Councilman William McGuiro Is common to his homo by Illness. F. C. Reeso Is enjoying a tour through tho West. Mrs. T. D. Davles, of North Jardin street. Is reported as recovering from her 6oriotis Illness. Corporal Harry Hafncr, an attacho of tho U S. recruiting office at Scranton, Is visiting his parents in town. Mrs. John Klolndcntz, or Jlalianoy uiiy, ns In town yesterday, visiting her son, C. & . Policeman Charles Klelmlentz, and family. Owon B. Williams, of Mt. Carmel, was a isltor to town yesterday. Miss Katio Schoener, of Mt. Carmel, is tne guest of town friends. Mrs. William II Morrison, of Jlrownsviuo, has gone to Reading to visit acquaintances. Michael Gavin and family, Mrs. iraucis Carney, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell, all ol Mlners- vllle, attended tho funeral of James Urogan In town to-day. The sure La Grippe Cure. Is nn usn (mflnrinif from this dreadful malady.if you will only get!ho right remedy. You nro having pain all turougu your uouy, your liver i3 out of ordor, bavo no appetite. no Mo or ambition, navo a uau com, in iaci aro completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will givo you prompt aud sure reliof. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tono up tne whole Bystcm and mako you feel like a new being. They are guarantetd to cure or price refunded. For sale at A. Wasley's Drng Store, only 50 cents per hottlo. WIiooIIiik'h Htroeb Cur Strlko Ended. Wheolinir. W. Va., April 21. A bet ter feellnc prevails, and It Is bolleved thero will bo no more obstructions nlaced in tho path of the street car comnany In operating its line. Cars were running last night for tho first time after dnrk since tho strlko was Inaugurated, two weeks ago. L. GOLDIN, Proprietor. Nos. 9 & 11 South Main St. Shenandoah, Pa. HAPPY BOYS ARE THOSE WHO ARE WELL DRESSED. The same thing may be said of the men. If you would be happy, pleased, and contented, don't fnil to examine the immense stock of summer clothing that is now displayed in our mammoth store room. A special trip to Philadel phia and New York this week is the cause of it. All the latest styles in serges, tweeds, and mixed goods with double breasted vests. Countless styles in lignt colors of every description you will find in our stock. A look at our children's department will astonish you. The styles displayed are a revelation of beauty and design. Everything that is stylish and up to-date is in the lot, and the best of all is, that this stock bought by us at cash prices at considerably less than cost, enables us to offer you inducements that you will be surprised at. We guarantee a saving to you of at least 30 per cent. M And now we have something to say about pants. Three large cases arrived this morning ; every one was filled with the newest and choicest patterns, all styles and sizes, and, like the clothing bought at sacrifice prices, will be sold accordingly. MISCELLANEOUS. FOll KHNT. A nine-room dwelling house, bath-room, hot nnd cold water throughout tho house, and all conveniences, located on North Jardin street. Apply at this ofllco If IMPKOVIS YOOU WWTINO lly Bending 25o .L for 30 nssortcd pens for business and line corresponding purposes to Tub Hart M'f'o Co , 3-29-tf I'ott-vll e. 1'a. VTOTICn. Desirable properties ror snie. ap IN ply to 8. O. M. Hollopeter, attorney, Shenandoah. R-31-tf 1 MEATY PROPOSAL. THIS IS A GOOD, MEATY, SUBSTANTIAL. PROPOSAL. I JIB passssH Manufacturer -of . . Wire Screens, Iron Fences, Fire Escapes, Window Guards, Stable Guards, oeiiar uuru, Iron Railings, &c. ditpair WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FACTORY: 221-240 K. EmerlclfSt. RESIDENCE : 221 H. West St. Wo sell tho best meat ever produced, clean and sweet, on a bone. We can get plenty of thin kind of meat, and wo want the biggest meat trade in this city., Try our meats and you will becomo a permanent customer. Sacrifice removal sale of jewelry, silver ware, watches, clocks, optical goods and musical instruments at Orkin's, 129 South Main street. if BOSTON 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Pa. Deeds Itecorded. From Sheriff of Schuylkill county to Pidelitv Building and Loan Association, memises in JIahanoy City : from Fidelity Building and .Loan Association to ueorge Lefkowith, premises In JIahanoy City ; from Qeorgo C. Itecd to Howard S. Mengel, prem ises in Wayne Township; from Jacob. A Scharadin aud wife, to Abraham Scharadln, nretnises in Orwlcshurc; from JI. II. Iloyer let al. to Charles Dewald, promises In Wash ington township , from Mary Barrett to Mary Hnl ster. Drem ses in Ulrardvlllo; iroro jonn Itadzick aud wife to Peter Slezin, premises in St. Clair. Spring Suitings. We have Some 01 the Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and other : a. u !, 1,'no- distressing eruptive diseases yield quickly CDOicouuau. ujr v . " and permanently to the cleansing, purifying manuiacxurers ni spiuig sun..! "" power of Burdock Blood Bitters, $10, $11 and 55 IS ana upwards. They are the nearest approach to perfection ever seen in men's garments. Trousering nn want nnvthin ye make trousers from $8.00 upward, Our line vplendid Is a one. Kelly & Conway, TAILORS, 14 W. Centre St., FEROUSON HOUSE BLOCK. Ashland' Klcycle Path. About forty wheelmen of Ashland have acreed to contribute $1.00 each for the pro jected bicycle path between that town and Gordon, and tho right 01 way naving uecu spr.ll red. tho work thereon will hegin at onco. The provisions of tho bicycle bill, recently nuam bv the leg siature. will oo taneu advantage of. Can't Shenandoah have path ? . Odd Fellows' Hall Sold. In spite of tho protests of the committee of the Grand Lodge, the old Odd Fellows' hall property In Philadelphia, at Sixth and Corisou streets, was yesterday sold at auction to Lewis J. Qrubb for $30,100. CHEAP GROCERIES. , Hay, Flour and Feed. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK. Our goods are staple and sell retail at wholesale prices, imn HATiTiiriAV Em. 13 cents per dozen; farmer roll butter, 16c and 18?i best creamery butter, 23o ; bams, 8Ho; shoulders, vyta. Ellis Guzinsky, 2 1 6 West Centre St., Shenandoah. Three doors below brick school. it's an:impossibility for man To cook at all end It Is next to Impossible for a womtn to cook satisfactorily unless she has the f roper materials to proem. Uveyou tried our staple nnd fancy palate PlME.' B. FOLEY, "VeH,. Ice Cream, tured daily, of town. AH flavors Man u i a c Delivered to all parts 2S&J. FOR Sealed PINK BAND Package. .de-TTIilflV.M.r.flBsBBHtJSS"' Accidents como with distressing frequency on tho farm. Cuts, bruises, stiugs, sprains. Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil relieves tho pain instantly. Never safo without it. AST IEH)ONAI.I.V.CONIUCTEI TOUIt TO WASHINGTON VIA PENNSYL VANIA ICAILUOAD. The last of the present series of Pennsyl vania Eallroad three-day personally-con- dnrtpd tours to Washington, D. C, will be run on Mnv 11. Tho rate, fill 50 from New York. Sll.50 from Philadelphia, and proper tlnnata rates from other points. Includes transportation, hotel accommodations and Capitol guide fees. Au experienced Chaperon will also accompany tno party. Foritinerarics, tickets, and full Inlormation apply to nearest ticket agents; 'lourlst Agent, 1100 Broadway, flew lorK, auu ou Broad street, Newark, N. J. ; or address Geo. V. Boyd, Assistant Ocneral Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. It's the littlo colds that grow Into big colds; the big colds that end In consumption and death Watch tho littlo colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. Heel Muslied. William Reese, of Mayherry alley, had tho heel of his left foot mashed In the Indian Bldgo colliery, this morning, by a lump of coal rolling on it. Dr. Stein removed several pieces of bono and coal from tho heel. The Apnlicimt. "By tho wny, Mr. Fonton, how many applicants nro thero for that ofllcef " In quired the West Union citizen. "How many?" repented tho congress man. "Let 1110 sco," ho continued thoughtfully. "Why, I forgot Just how many votes wo uiu pou mere. umu Stato Journal. BELL S, 19 1. H . COLLARING A MAN IS EASY IF YOU HAVE AS MANY STYLES OF COLLARS AS WE HAVE. Largest Stock. Largest Stores. Largest Profits to Buyers. These are a few ol the many inducements, our new stores offer to patrons. Come and see our stocK 01 sioves, iuiuuuk., uu ware and carpets. We can save you more money in less tune than any other store in town. No necessity 01 running iu "urauu furnish a home. We can furnish you one from the cellar to the garret. Our stock and prices will cause you mucli astonisnmeiu. w c are umu- quarters for baby coaches. STOVE REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. PICTURE FRArlES HANUFACTUREU, ALL SIZES. D. and J. Siegel, - 103-105 south Mam st. It Is stated that flvo-olghths of the pas tors of tlio Methodist church of Cnnndn livo on salaries ranging from J500 to ?1,- 000. Threo hundred nnd eighty receive less than $500, nnd only ten rccelvo $2,000 a year. There nro more than 2,000 Gorman wnlters In tho hotels nnd restaurants of London mi 1 1 m Sroro Ilorolo Derwl Ilomownrd Bound. Santiago do Cuba, April 21. Tno transport Crook left this port today with bodies ol soldiers Kiueu in me Cuban campaign. She will proceed to Guantanamo, where the bodies of the dead marines will be taken on board, and will then sail for the United States, having on board 414 dead soldiers and sailors. Of thoGlobofor RHEUMATISM UEURALGIA and similar Complaints, ana preporea nnaer tne struigcnc GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS,, .prescribed by eminent physicians DR. RICHTER S f iMnuno EXPELLERl WnrM rnmxmfl t TtomflVahlv BnCCeflSf dl I inniT rronninn with Trade Mark " Anchor," KOCdtOOCBDOtUO. AiailOTUpiriSMUruiroupu I r. as. ei:etz2 & w., w rein si. hsw iu 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Houses, Own Glassworks. Endorsed and Jlecommerutea pu imimilatt. Hlnttttrt. ami rvd ntlutr nromlnent .'Vj Dlt. BICHTER'S' "ANCnOlt" STOaiACnAI, best for I fl.illn, Tpepla&Htomarll Cnmplnlntn. I The very fashlonnblo nnd sensible round pointed cuds nnd collars nro meeting with crcat I (avor Wo show all tho styles made. All the new colorings in shirts for spring; ties, gloves, I canes, and umbrellas, at clo o prices. Preserving The Beauty. Every woman wants 1 to preserve her beauty ns long ns possible. This can be done uy I our system ot LADIES' SHAHPOOINQ. Ladies' Shampooing:. Tho hair weVl oareif for keeps the face attractive and maltcs hair dressing soj. easy task. We do It at your homo every day, Saturday excepted. Dusto's Tonsorlal Parlors, Ferguson IIouso Block. 24 Portz Bros., North Main Street. We Sell the Lowest in Price. 1 1 A Handsome Complexion J one of tho greatest ctiarms a woman cani possess rozzoNI'S uouix&xioji i'uwuaui gives w t Groceries, Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishings. W nro tho farthest down West Centre Btreet nnd tho farthest down In prices. A few more steps to our store Is well worth the reword you I receive in unrguins. Peter Greenberg, 320 West Centre Street, Shenandoah. COMPETENT RETOUCHERS ! LATEST APPLIANCES IN PHOTOGRAPHY I AWreck From Grippe, Catarrh and Asthma. A FEW BARGAINS. It seems funnv to talk of bargains in a store where everything is a bargain. But sometimes we have just a few things to close out to make rnnm for larger and newer stocks. For instance : follr? iniMFV shoes have uuu jauULnJ heen re duced 75 cents to 1.00 on all grades. See our stock of ladies' shoes from 90 cents to $1.25 our nffl's shoes are a surprise t o every buyer. When we say bargains we mean it. And we o just have them. We are sole agents for the W. L. Douglas $3 and $3.50 shoes. WEARING GLASSES You can go contrary to the wishes of your friends and neigh boTs and sometimes get the best' of them ; but attempt to go contrary to the dictates of Nature and you always get the worst ot it. There is no use to "kick" about wearing glasses. If Nature says spectacles why spectacles it must be. Thos. Buchanan,, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. RESTORED WITH BRAZILIAN BALM Atourenllery you get n photograph that Good photos at 35 cents will make yon look pleasant and run no chances on belns utsnppoinieu. coughed in Catarrh had NewYork. FAMOUS Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Made Only lly TENNEY COMPANY, FOll SALE BV FRED. KEITHAN, Baker and Confectioner, 104 N. Main St. I was known as "The Woman who Coughs," for I school teacher till mv health failed. eaten away the partition in my nose. It had produced Bronchitis, Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles and weak kidneys. In fact it had gone all through my system, making me an easy victim for the Grippe which left me a wreck in mind and body. This was the condition the doctors left me in, after dosing me with opium, quinine, etc. Then I boucht cough cures without end but they only made me worse, I was in despair till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets. They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured and better than I had been in years. Talk about wonderful remedies, Brazilian Balm and Toxlcoln saved my life. Miss L. I,. Clark, 917 Horton St. per dozen. Frames and Crayons of Every Des cription at Reduced Prices. Dabb's Studio, Wi West Centre street. F RIEDMAN'S ENLARGED GROCERY, 213 W. Centre St. Wholesale : and : Retail. VoUKtt more doses of BrzlUaa Balm for the money than any other remedy. 2S,60cents andslOO a botile at drugitlsts. With every $1.00 hottle you get one month's treatment of TriMlWtUt toI'te. ne"e BnJ trene1' lallda In the world.-Il. V. Jackson ic Co., Mtg, Chemists, Indpls, Ind. Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents. 3 bJggest mackerel, 25 cents, 1 poutid box Climax Baking Powder, 10 cents. 1 8 bars yellow soap, 25 cents. E3. A. Friedman, 3X3 West Centre Btreet, A. WOMER, 124 NORTH MAIN STREET. 25c GROCERIES, Hay, - Flour - and - Feed Are selling cheaper at our now place than ever before, because we have less expenses and give the benefit to the buyer. Hay, Wo per hundred; straw, lOo per bundle; eggB, lie per dozen: farmer roll butter, io 10 ia cents per pumm. Don't foreet us when In need of drv goods. notions, boots and shoes. Philip Yarowsky, No. 233 West Centre Street, Will get you more meat at our market than any where else Our always fresh beef, pork, teal, mutton, sausages, pickled and smoked meats are the finest to be procured. J. 203 El. Centre St. Our market Is not exactly located centrally but tliat little extra walk will bcnellt your purse. 5C- SHAVE. I announce to the publlo that begin, nlng to-day, March 22nd, my rates will boi - Shave Be Hair Cutting 10o HIRAM SPADE, 131 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Ta. REMOVAL." Tho Otngop Qowlng Ma- WIIIIIW mwiiihuiij . movod to 1 1 5 North Main i street, next door to ! J Price's dry goods store