Such Is the Reputation of "The Little Conqueror" In Shcnnniloah. How hard it often Is to cam and maintain a Rood reputation, and how easy it Is to loso ono. As with a man's reputation, bo It Is I wun omor iinngs in me. oonio tilings acliiero a reputation which stays with them. They are founded on intrinsic value. They face tho public backed up hy honesty, and work their way quietly but thorouuhly. Sheuaudoah people want no hotter proof of the merit than Is coutalned in tho following experience of n citizen : Mr. James Bobbins, miner, of 10 South Market stroot says : "Whenever I was ox- powd to bad weather or took cold It always atlVctvd my kidneys and back. I then had diillcul'y with tho kidney secretions ac compared by pains in tho back and top of ray head. Tho lameness In my hack made It Tory difficult for too to stoop or lift anything and If I sat for a whlto it hurt mo to get up. I tried linimenU and plasters but they did not amount to much. At last I was advised to try Bonn's Kidney Pills and procured thorn from Kirlln's drug storo, 1 uovcr had anything do mo so much good before, and I ... Vi.artllir rrnmtnn,1 tlipm for I liavo I proved them to bo reliable in relioiug pains and annoyances of kidney trouble." Doan'g Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Minium Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the V. S. Remember the name Doan's and tako no other. The Uest Sprlng-Tlmo TonlcA Seashore Trip. When sprlng-timo comes, aftor tho dull, heavy winter weather, we all foci tho need of somethlnn to tone ui the system.- for merly this was done by the use of bitter de coctions, but now-a-days tho knowing ones have found that the best touic Is a trip to the ocean beach, and tho practice of spending a few days on the Shore Is finding moro and more dovotecs overy year, so much so that 'the Seasido Hotels mako extra arrangements to accommodate the early Spring visitors. Atlantic City, with Its numerous opeu-all- tho-year hotels, sun parlors and magnificent boardwalk with a southern oxposuro, giving promenadors a splendid viow of tho ocean while Inhaling the warm invigorating salt air wafted up from the gulf stream, is es pecially suited for tho purpose, and through the good train service of tho Philadelphia & Jtoadlng route (Atlantic City R. K.) has i.i. it .i . .it ,!..,. A.. . .. o ....j o u at xusis intuits iVUVO vuvatuuv Ob, uu ouuni an Ferries at convenient hours and, through tickets are sold and baggage checked through from or to all points on tho Philadelphia & Heading Hallway and Its connections. We would also call tho attention of the traveling public to tho fact that Philadelphia & Heading engines burn hard coal, thus folding smoke. Tho Atlantic City Railroad is double track all the way, and Is ballasted with anthracite cinders, thus ollmihatlng the very disagreeable feature of dust, and that this route has tho record of inaugurating tho CO minute train service between Philadelphia and Atlantic City, running and maintaining for CO days without a break tho fastest train in the world. A book has been compiled by the Company, giving interesting statistics re garding these tacts. It will be sent by mail to any ono who will address with a two cent stamp Edson J. Weeks, General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. Ask. your grocer for the "Eoyal Patent flour, and take no other brand. It is the best flftHF TTu1a HUMPHREYS' 'VETERINARYSPECIFICS CCBEsFBVKI18, I,UDe F,,er' MIHt FcTer' D-jU-JsPBAIXS, Lameness, Ilhcumotliin, CjC. J EPIZOOTIC, Distemper. nSsiwonM8' 0,, ral, KjcOUailS. Colds, influenza. ys COLIC, Bellyache. Diarrhea. G.G. Prerents MISOAItniAGE. VL-Jh I HinxEY t bladder disorders. CURES j JjMJWaE, Skin Diseases. J. BAD COXDITIO.V, Staring Coat. COo. each! Stable Case. Tea Specifics, Boot, Jte.. At druggists or i rnt prepaid on receipt ot price. Humpnrejts' Medicine Co.. Cor. William John SU.. Mew York. Vetmusabt Makph, Sett Frck. NERTOUS DEBILITY, VITAIi WEAKNESS nnd Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homoopnthlo Speelflo No. 28, In'uso overdo years, tho only successful remedy. $1 per Tlal,or S vials and large vial powdor.for $3 RnM be DrucitaU. or lent po.t-p.lit on reoalut of price. JicarUKXis' mo, CO., ur, waiiam Job su. , e Tors IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 8, 1899. Passenger trains leave Shenandoah (or Perm Haven Junction, Maucb Chunk, Lehlghton, Hutfniwwh itethiehcm. Eaaton New York and l'hiiadeiDiiia "5 "vSi.t"" ' wfS ii p a r,i S 28, 10 13 a. in.. 12 & and S 14 p. ra. For Laceyyllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly, Elmlra, Rochester,, ItuTtalo, tflagara Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the West, 10 13 a. m., 12 58 and S 11 p. m. For ueiviacre, iejaware aier uap anu Btroudsburg, 5 28 a. m., 5 14 p. m. Vnr T.nmhirtvlllA and Trenton. 7 49 a. m. For Jeaheavllle, Leviaton and Beaver Meadow, 6 28 a. m., 12 &3 p. m. Vot McAdoo, AudenrletT, nazleton, Stockton and Lumber Yard. 6 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. m., 13 68 and For'Jeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 0 28, 10 13 2 11 p: m" oo ,o , . Vol ESt Cree'k. alrardville. a'nd XilUand, 4 00, and 7 27 p.m. ' r or jtaven uun, uemraita, Aiount uarniot anu CI. in j .. .. . i tt A m n on . For Mahanoy City, i'ark' Place and Delano, o zb, y iu la a, m aim ia oe, o 4 p. m. For Yatcavllle. S 28. 10 13 a. m. Trains will leave Sliamokln at 7 00. 0 20 a. in., 12 10 and 4 20 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah at 7 . xu i-J a. in., iz ro, o i p. in. acavu CMLcnuuuuuu tur i uiwimc, c?.. v-iaii New Castle, More a and New Boston, 7 49 and 10 13 a. m , and 12 68 p. in. I.eave 1'ottavllle for Shenandoah, 9 43 a. in., iz S3, ooo, b id p. rn. Leave Haileton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a. m. a 48, 0 VI, o -a, oirip. jxu SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave' for Raven Run, Centralla, Ml. Cannel and Shamokln, 0 40 a. m., 7 21 p. m.. Trains leave Bharaokln for Shcnaudoah at n ou a. in. , and 0 35 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrlcu, Vfl.JT, aOI ,WW, lVI.IIW, ... .J t V. t W , .I ItUI ll-IV-l, HazIeton, Stockton, .Lumber, Yard, Weatherly and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 0 82 p. in For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Cataaaunua, White I llau, copiay, Aiieniown, raston ana 1 burg, 9 47 a. in., and 8 82 n. m. , Phillip.. For New York and l'hlladelnhla. 9 47 a. m. Leavo Haileton for Shenandoah, 8 SO, a. m., anu onp. in. M. B. CUTTER, Supt. Transportation, South Bethlehem. l'i ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Oertl. Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa CUARLUS S. LEE, Oenl. I'ass. Aft., New York. k, r. j, W. NONNEMAC1IEU. Dlv. V. A.. South Bethlehem, Fa. BNBKIltt-riO BIRWM elicit ofdera fur oar bard Nunury Stock. Kapenaea Sad aalarr to tboao Uavlna; orpe, or comrolealou tc lo Cat aKeuta. 1'ermaDeoteL. olarmeut. Tbe biuiaas . , HYlTHE CHASE HUHSRIS eailr learRVd. Andreae n:jf ii.ii.ciiAHiirn. W) So. i'um B s'bfltu J1 EiACOAllON Of tho Philippino Islands Ib Noarly Oouiplotod. qtjr MILITAKY I0E0E TOO BMALL When tho Spaniards Leave tho Sttlu nnd Mindanao Islands General Otis Cnnnut Well Uimro Troops to Oiir rliiou Tham. Manila, April zi. spam's ovacua- tion of the Philippines will be prac tlcally completed by the withdrawal nf tho Rnnnlah trarrlson from Zam- fooanga( island of Mindanao, and from ul0 guiu islands, and If the United Ktntes assumes control of Mindanao and the Sulu Islands on the Spaniards wlthdrawlne tho m ltary authorities hBro must, in order to garrison those islands, diminish the forces or Anion-1 can troons. which are already too flmnll. There was n I most mutiny among tne Spanish troopB in tho islands becauso they wero ordered to proceed to tho Ladrone islands ana tne unronno mi- nildfl. SOtllC of them rOfUBlllK tO do BO, nmmincr tnnt meir cniisinionui iiuu expired. The latter were exempted and were allowed to return to Spain on hoard the transport Alava, Tho native troops in the spamsn garrisons aro in a sad plight They muBt accompany tne Spaniards or risk the vengeance of their compa triots. The Spaniards propose to ais- band them, but they refuse to give up their arms. Tho natives of Zamboanca. embold ened bv tho susnlclbus capture of the armaments on board the Spanish gun boats which wero purchasea there by Francisco Reves. of this place, are likely to provo troublesome when the Spanish garrisons are withdrawn from the coast towns of tho Island of Mln- dnnno. It Is believed that tho smould ering tribal wars will then be resumed, anarchy will prevail and the Inhabi tants of nearly every vlllago will fight their neighbors. A trlnarto exchango or prisoners win be arranged If It 13 poslblo to nego tiate with the Filipinos as if they wero a civilized nation. If the Filipinos consent to release tho Spanish pris oners the Americnns will release the Tagolese they hold prisoners, in return for which Spain would rreo ner ponii- cal prisoners. Tho provisions of the . - At,..- u nn...J fcIs treaty orZCarnat: . T T i, 1lnB hesitates to enter tho Filipino lines, fearing treachery, although Agulnaldo has guaranteed the safety of the com missioners. The release or tne Fili pinos held by he Americans might bo distinctly advantageous, as they all claim to have been converted to the American cause hy the good treatment they have received, and announce themselves to be anxious to influence their friends in favor ot the policy of the United States. A scouting party of tho Minnesota rpelmenti near Guleculnto. between Malolos and Bigaa, met a superior force of Filipinos yesterday. The Americans repulsed the enemy's at tack until, just as their ammunition was falling, the Mlnnesotans were re inforced hy two companies of Ameri can troops and the rebels were scat tered. One soldier ot the Minnesota regiment was wounded. A body of about a hundred rebels tried to break through tho lines of Price's battnllon of the Fourth regi ment at Pasig Wednesday night, but they were repulsed without any loss on the American side. Rheumatism Cored In a Day. "MygtiCiCure" for Rheumatism and Neul ralgia radically cures in X to 3 days. Its I action upon the system is remarkable and I mysterious. It removes at once the cause I and the disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t AlcTIiiu CnbaiiUxflos toltetnrn. New York, April 21. T. Estrada Palma, who until the recent dissolu tion of tho Cuban assesmbly was Its representative In this country, said to day that he was now engaged in facili tating the repatriation ot tne uutrnns who had left the island in consequence of the war. Fully 40,000 Cubans, ho declared, had emigrated from Cuba, nnd virtually all wore anxious to re turn, while few were afcle to do so. being exiled by poverty. Por Infants and. Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I'annoefore'b ITiTpnr'ture For 3'nrope. Washhlngton, April 21. Sir Julian raunceioie, tne tiruisn amoassaaor to the United States and delegate to the disarmament conference at The Hague, called at the state department yes terday and announced his Intention of leaving the United States for Europe on the 26th lnst He will be accom panied by his family. State oi Umo, City or Toledo, I . I Lucas County. I I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the I nW of &m of CuKSBT & I doing business Inthe City OI Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said Ann will- pay he of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabeq Cuke. A. W. QLEASON, Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally andr'ta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces )f the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Famllv Pills aro the beet. Hoof Inveeitlantors' Itoport Dolnycd. Washington, April 21. The Wade court of Inquiry will hold one session tomorrow afternoon for tho purpose of hearing further evidence, Major Leo nf tlia onma o 1 1 1 n er will malra a n.n. I W.W HM.MW , -111. Ill .... U 1. 1 U sentatlon in bobalf of General Miles, summing up what he claims the in- qulry had developed In substantiation of the general's original charges. An other night session will be hold to per mit the reading of the official reports which still remain undisposed of. There is now no expectation of being able to complete the report of tho court's findings before next week. Bow la Your Wife 7 Has she lost her beauty t If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick IleaducUe are tbe principal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price I S3 eta. and CO cts. Money refunded If results I are not sausiaciory, boju uy r. u, ivmin i I and a guarantee. Lucky Look When you sec the new moon over your loft shoulder but it will be n luckier look, over cither shoulder, when you see our new styles and what we nre offering in the way of SPRING SUITS AMD- SPRING OVERCOATS The suits come in nil the very newest styles frocks and sacks, fine serges, Scotch mixtures, imported worsteds, etc. The overcoats in rich coverts, whipcords and the new "herringbone" in several shades. A Word About Our Tailoring Department. We have everything that's newest and brightest in Spring Fabrics, all the latest suggestions, of fashion, fit and workmanship. "The Store That Sets the Price;" One-Price Clothing House, 10 S. Main Street, L. REFOWICH, mm EMM TCLl THE ONLY 7BUE SCIENCE BY WHICH YOUR FUTURE ZASAH, tbe world-renowned 1A wauumtn, luurvuguuu. buiwra ivt u mi uts jc.r., irm gir. iruiami, Bjeurtr rUDethoroHopodeUoe.Uonof four life, lie willcire joor penooe! erP.erenee.di). I rxieition, ehereeter, ebilitj, teete, probeble length of life, tesible nccidente, edrlce eaj euf feeUona on love affaire, marriage, frlen-U, enemiee, aieenlation, mattre, in ninniA Tl Iir tin 1MT TO DP Yoa Inform Tturult thorrnrnlr ea 1 nlUULU 1U DC UD HUI A SINGLE ANSWER MAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, I Rend 10 eente and rive elaet date of birth and I will Iminediatelr return Ten a truthful horoaeepo readingof enil oner el e Mil inae. au ZARAHtho ASTROLOGER, Lock Ftr f&BSS "Irh ih imoiMnli Nrulil; MtanlihlagUMMkij. Bla on4rfai prvdlctUai 4 Uu xzt h4 i Ooft the new r s CORRECT L V .vrvi f V Vii 4T MOM SAVIN Paid Purchases of SO ,or mora will be sent FREIGHT PREPAID to any railroad station In MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE 18' LAND, OONNEOTIOUT, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, and NEW JERSEY. Bend for our Book, "A Bird's Eye View SIS pases beautifully illustrated and very tratea ana very Fsu roB jus y oric ana now to go awus. WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRONG AGAIN! A vigor to the whole belne. All drains Jare properly cured, their condJUon afa3 At fi vi- y m t s tstr i an milieu teaiea. rrtcestperDos;u poavi,wua ironjiKii(u.iui iviy. : . money, $j.oo. Send lor bee book. Addrets, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.V For Sale at KIRLIN'S "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. ISx-Oover'nor nastlntrs Tlonlal. Bellofonto, Pa., April 20. When ex- Governor Hastings read In the news papers the allegation made by At torney Shields, ex-Senator Quay's law yer, that tho ex-governor had bor rowed 118,955.12 from the People's bank on Feb. 12, 1897, he at once sent a telegram to the Philadelphia news papers declaring: "I never borrowed a dollar from the People's bank. I never had any transactions of any kind whatever In my life with It or any of Its officers." Artlstlo Printing, The IIebald's well equipped Job depart ment has just turned out a neat, artistic blotter which has been much admired by our busi ness men. It is printed in cslors and has a calendar for the month of April in one corner, thus keeping the day of tbe month before you all the time. Good printing is tho only kind wo do, and tho blotter referred to Is a fair sample of our work. With our presses, our type, and our "know how," we can accommodate your every want in the printing Hue. The Ukiiald print Is I synonymous with neatness and tasty type effects. We cab furnish blotters, printed in I .tllin, nnn ii, mnm Pnlnr. nil alinrt Tintii'ft dill! w.vuw. vuw w uu.v V.W.... VH Huu.v ......... " at reasonable rates. This is ouo way and a good one of keeping your business bcroro I the public Shall we do some for you 7 Ontnrrh, Hay Fovcr. Kill the Catarrh microbe aud you cure Catarrh. These parasites uest deep in catarrh the tissues and folds of f-fjfp the olfactory membrane, y and are difficult to reach itjaJ and kill; but Brazilian tSMjv Halm will utterly destroy them if used persistently uicaoDK. as directed. It also des troys the Hay Fever germ in a few f0rHay Fever. Cure permanent days. Use tun sirengtu, or nearly so, Sheuandoah drug store, wholesale agonts. ;tlrT f FOR 356.90 Shenandoah, Pa. Proprietor. A nr-MAKCABLf. tC.lENT r' 1,0 WONDERFUL 3C!F.NCE. a "SOLAR DSOWGY. CAN TRULY AltO ACCURATELY BE fORETOLD. Egyptian Aitrologtr, who hie Nen er'itlo; acb j 111 DC. thla and on anr otner qneeuona of josr I past, creeent and fatnre life. jnt life, and r-roTO it to be all troo br yooreelf. X nuJia eommnoicauona .incur ocnooenuai Aoaree. Box 4433, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 1 aok a ea am of New York' in lta Greatest store- tnterei iskiso Interesting. Tells you all about New TtiuK.v-.tnnit llietrtt ofvearf. d have curtd thoueancs oi .rat,. orNervoue Diseases, such as Debility, Dizilneei, sleepless B.ti and Var!coce!e.AtroTjhr.&C. the'liauialioor make diS perfect, and impart a heaitny checked frmaninllt. Unless patlt and loites are checked fermanmltf. Unless patient! oiten worries ineraipioinsanuy, ,onuupuwuur vu. Drue Store, Shenandoah, pa. This Is tho trade mark of the short line to Florida the Southern Railway. Two daily trains are operated all the year, and during the winter season, a third, the Florida Limited, is added. If you are coins . 1-1 .1 ,1 i . . ,1 ,1, . to i lorlda or anywhere else in the South, ask lor a ucKer. via me Domnorn luiuway , it ruo to John M. Beall, District Passengei Agent, oa pi,Ro,nnr trnt Phllnrlnlnliln 8-8 Chestnut street, pniiaueipnia. i'i We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to .i.. .. nn .,.,, i.,,t r n . r . a a r rr. if it Greene's Warranted Syrnp of Tar if It falls to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guarau - tee a 23-cent hottlo to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasloy, 0. II. Hagen- buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W. Blerstein & Co. U.H-33t-dw WU1 You Winter In Florida T This will be the greatest season Florida has had for years. You ought to go and go via tbe Southern Itailway, Its the best route. If you will writo John M. Beall, District Passenger Agent, B28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., be will arrange nil tbe details of your trip for you. Does TalB Strike Yon 7 Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath come from chroma constipation. Karl's Clover Boot Tea Is au absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years oq an absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by P. D, Klrlln and a guarantee-. Bay Keystone flour. Be tare that thenaroe Lkssiq & Baxb, Ashland, Pa., U printed on every ear. HOOD'S PILta cure Idver nis, Olllouaness, Indlgestlou. Headache. X Dleaifut liucatlve. All DruKtvUt VvWvWVNWVWa' 7' AXK 'V A Mil By tho Report of tho Court Inves tigating a Now York Rogiinonti TB00F3 WANTED TO GO FORWARD, IlntWprn Hold Uncle. According to tlto Invcetlnatorn' lteport. "by the I.nok or Ilrnvcry nnd Caurnao nnd Incom petency ofTliolp Commntldor.,, Albany, April 21. A hearing on tho report of tho court which Investigated tho conduct of the Soventy-flrst regi ment of Now York city at Santiago was glvon by Governor Roosevelt yes terday. Tho hoarlng developed tho fact that tho court of inquiry found that Major Smith, who was Lletenunt Colonel ot tho volunteer regiment, Captain Whittle, who was major in that command, and Mnjor Austin, ot the staff of Brigadier General Smith, and who commanded a company in that regiment, wero guilty of lack of bravery and courage and of incompe tency. Aftor tho hearing had closed Gov ernor Roosevelt said in substance that the court had found that Lieutenant Colonel Smith and Major Whittle had betrayed cowardice nnd Inefficiency on July 1, when tho regiment bad been ordered into battle, and should bo or dered before a court martial or court of inquiry to examine as to their fit ness to remain as officers ot the Na tional Guard, and that in relation to Captain Austin It had found that ho had exhibited Incompetency In fall ing to communicate at onco to Colonel Downs, commander of the regiment, a verbal order from General Kent, who commanded the division, to take tho Seventy-first regiment to tho front. Major Buchanan, who acted as Judge advocate for tho court of Inquiry, stated that the findings of tho court had been solely upon tho testimony presented. The testimony of Colonel Downs showed thnt General Kent had ordered him to enter the trail through which that regiment afterward passed and move forward until his right restod on tho San Juan river and then de ploy the enemy. That meant that ho should move across the river and carry on operations In tho open before San Juan hill. Instead of that he had halted his command on this side of the river in protected seclusion; had permitted It to become disintegrated, and ho and other staff line officers had remained behind when the regiment. In detached ordor, had moved forward to San Juan hill. Testimony was glvon before the court which showed that Colonel DownB and other staff line officers had made no effort to ascertain whether they wero to remain in that position or to go forward In action, A great deal of testimony has been given, said Major Buchanan, which the Invalids' shows that, notwithstanding tho fact Hotel and thnt tho Seventy-first regiment was Surgical In needed nt tho front, nnd had been or- stitute, of dered there. It remained idle through- Buffalo. Dur out tho dnv nnd wnn the ntifanr. nf rtrtl- inn this time cule for the men of other organizations who passed it on tho way to tho front. Ono general sworo that the men greet- ed him as ho passed with: "Wo want to go forward, but our officers will not go with us. What will wo do?" Tho general said ho told them to go any- way and leavo their officers behind. Major Whittle claimed to have heard of General Kent s orders to Downs to move forward. Tho major had also admitted that he had lost his battalion and could not find his men when ho had been ordered to move to i tho front. All were gono but Com pany C, and the major did not cross the river until nightfall. Lieutenant Colonel Smlth.sald Major Buchanan, claimed to have no func tions. Ills two principal exploits of the day seemed to havo been being Knocked down by a rush of men to tho rear and reclining on a lot of blankets. Ho said that if all tho lieutenant colonels in the army acted as did Colonel Smith there would have been no victory. Although a lieuten ant colonel of a regiment on tho lino of battle, he had asked to go to tho rear to search for property of tho regi ment. While Captain Austin was -with his oompany, shortly after the regiment entered the trail, he was approached by General Kent, who asked him why the command had not moved forward, ana wno naa given sucn an order -tatlonlng them at the side of tho road. He replied that his commander had. Austin, according to his own testimony, said that Kent had told him to havo tho company moved to tho front. Austin replied that ho would bo pleased to send any order to his commnnder, but that ho could do nothing with his company until or dered by his regimental commander. Major Buchanan said that Austin had made no attempt to communicate General Kent's orders to Colonel Downs, and In that he was guilty of neglect of duty, lie concluded his argument by stating tbat nothing could be done to punish Colonel Downs, because he had resigned from the guard before tho Inquiry was Insti tuted. Smith and Whittle, ho said, should be brought before a court mar tial, and Austin should be punished for'not obeying General Kent's order to take his company into battle. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written br Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Qroton, 8. D. "Was taken with a I UliU COIU WU1CU bUlklCU UU HI J 1 11 Hfc , wufiu Mt ,n and flnal)y torinated fu Consumption. rout- Doctors gave me up, saying 1 coma live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, dotennlnod If I could not stay with r,iinri. nn nrth. T would miet mv absent Mv hnahanrl was advised to tret I i iir. Kluc's new uisoovery lor uonsumpnon. I Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took In all eleht bottles il nns curca me. anu inanK Qod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman ... Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's 1 Drug Store. Regular size ouo and fl.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. Yesterday's National Lencuo Onirics. At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 4: Brooklyn, 3. At New York New York, 6: Baltimore, 4. At Cincinnati Chi cago, 13; Cincinnati, 2. At Washing ton Bostcn, 17: Washington, 1. At Louisville Louisville. 11: Cleveland. Z. At tit. L.OU1S HU LOUIS, 6; 1'UtS- Durg, i. The little folks love Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Byrnp. harmless; positive cure for coughs, colds, I bronchitis, astbuia. Llndbln's llli-tlipliice For'a I'ttrk.' Hodgcnville, Ky April 21. Tho farm on which Abraham Lincoln was bora, two miles south of hero, has been sold to David Grear, of New York. It is probable that tho farm Will bo converted into a parte Bodily pain loses Its terror If you're a hottlo of Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil in the house. Instant relief In cases of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. tug Industrial. Commission. I. M. Arthur nnd I'. .1. Meflttlro ITe iiiit Tliplr Vltw on Industry. WaahlhRton. April . The Itidui trlal rommlsslon yesterday heard statements from V. M. Arthur, chief of the Brotherhood of lUIiroad Loco motlvo Engineers, and V. J. McGulre, secretary of the orgnnlxatlon of Car penters and Joiners of America. Chief Arthur deacrlbed the status of the locomotive engineers as quite satis factory In most respects, both as to their organization ami relations with the railway com pan lee. Strikes have been severe and generally successful In the past, but are on the decrease. The pay of engineers was about the namo us for the past 16 years, but the added purchasing power of tho dollar made It pracllrally largor. Mr. McGulre said the carpenters and Joiners' orgalxatlon had leen known and more or lee dreaded as a striking organization because It was chosen by tho Federation of Ibor to Inaugurate the great strikes for the eight hour day from to 1837. Since 1883, Mr. McGutro said, the carpenters had par ticipated In V)28 strikes, had won 99S compromised 67 and lost Gl. In the past threo years thoy had struck only 83 times, losing twice, winning C4 and compromising seven. Computed In pur chasing pover, the carpenters' wage was 30 to 40 por cent higher than 30 years ago. The social conditions of tho workers as a rule had Improved In tho largo centers. Still, there was a fierce struggle for exlstenco In tho business. Child labor and unrestrict ed Immigration he regarded as tho two great evils of the labor world. llrtroniH lllrxrli'a rortttno. Vienna, April 21. Tho Neuo Frelo Prosso nsserts that tho estato left by tho lato naronoss Maurice de IUrsch do Hcrauth. who died April 1. has been valued nt 25,000,000, of which 2,000.000 will bo expended carrying on the various charities founded or fostered by the baron and baroness. Tho Hlrsch foundation In New York receives 210.000. and tho institute at Montreal one-tenth of that amount, Two Killed" inI)lttllnr.r Kxplnnlon. Norfolk, Vn., April 21. A holler ex. plosion occurred at a distillery occu pied by B. I' . Renfrow, near Wood land, N. C, yesterday, killing Thomas Jones, the United States gauger, and a young man named Charles Odom. The doctor looked wise and said it was "nervouj Indigestion." Hut he didn't cure it. So Mr. Thos. G. Lever, of Lever, S. C, wrote to Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. And now Mr. Lever is well, h u Pierce is and frT.IV for thirty I'M years has been chief consulting physician of lias probably treated more case turumi;, or nugenu, disease than any other physi- an ln wonu. . . Invalids from all ovtr the world vmte 111111 anQ receive aavice irec 01 cxinrge. Durinfj the early year of his practice l. . compounueu ms uoiura Medical Discovery " which ho has used ever since in treating all affections of the lungs and bronchial tubes; for purifying the blood: for tonine up the nerves and whenever an honest reliable non alcoholic tonic was needed. In connec tion with it, he prescribes what other special medicine may be required in ex ceptional cases and gives directions as toJ?,iet d Jiygiene. The result is health. Mr. Lever writes: I was afflicted with what the doctora called rvous Indigestion. Took medicine from ray family physician to no avail. I thought rayselr incurable as I suffered so much with pain under my ribs and an empty feeling In mv stomach. I was getting very nervoui and suffered a great tm linking that death would soon claim me. f was Irritable and Impatient and greatly reduced in flesh. I could scarcely eat anything that would not produce a bad feeling In my stomach. I wrote Dr. Pierce. He pre scribed his 'Golden Medical DUcovery' and 'Pelleta' and gave me some simple hygienic rules. I am well again. I believe the ' Golden Medical Discovery' aud ' Pellets' will cure any case of indigestion, torpid liver, or chronic cold." Insist upon havine "Golden Medical Discovery" for nothing els is "just as good." LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Blllousno88f Constipation, Dyspepsia, SIck-Hoad -actio and Livor Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. Bold by all drufrnlsta or sent by mall. NcrrlUMee-lctlCe., Cnlcsn 5c box contains 15 pills. Sold hy Kirlln's drug store, Shenandoah, Pa. Dr.THEELG04KorthSlxthSt. Private em ranee Orren St-, PMladelnhta. Ci-CURE GUARANTEED totherlchandpoorallkewtio have been deceived, robbed and swindled br self stvled famone, wise and old apeclar LOST VIOOR. Nervous Oebll lLiceeiea, ULOOfJ POISON, Var rU ur-. Ko c i ttlu. Xoet ! anhood stviea xamona, wise ana Ola epeciaiiBis. MtT. Abases and rpla ar.i htr irl co- ana fthrunrrn Orffiiria reetrreil llooe:. 13 Truw,' free. eimelnor nuarka an-1 L-lretrlo Hell fraud.. coj.r cured in 4 to to dayu Treatment by mall. LADIES tKnco mow DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S Steel 1 PenDyroyal Treatment la thn nriirinal and only FRENCH safe and reliable care on the mar. ket. l'rice, uJ; eenr, of man. Ucnulne sold only ty Kirlln's drug store. THE BEST OP THEM ALL! I iUPPINCOTTSI I ttONTHLYjnAGAZINE. Contains a eomrjleta novel In every num. . - i .. ...ti.i . .. i ........ , ... ... r..l , una cuieruuning reaaiug mauer. A'o ronffutff X aforfes, trMri are 0) objectionable fo eriosf reader. ft should be in every household. Sub scription, 93.00 per year. Agents wanted la every town, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be offered. eT. B. LITEffiCOTT COMPANY, Publishers, PHILADELPHIA. Celebrated Tetnaie 'offilen norcr fall 1J.UM LOu Urt-lare tBua safe and eure (after tall) roval lllle aad Mherl 1 rkh Taney e"id I'enarrojel III AlvaTe buy the beet and avoid dleap. Iniruest Uuarauteed eupenor to all oUieraTPMiUTSs u.lmtlatheac&aet,ANrL. IVltwltra. t ats.' (. Tjk. Leak httIliitin. UeVr, in 1 1 I . 1 25 CTS ) Coughs, 6 Colds, i ) Grippe, d Whooping Cough, Asthma, DronohltlB and Inolplont ' Consumption, la h 1Kb gIrman remedy k Cure Wq AwtMd'j. lSjUW Aa$As. 25c50tW I Grocers can tell you why those i.tntiM Cnalln's wnen iceepcomingback used as an .for it. Strange admixture to t ukBei ,e t f ordinary col-jtxy a new thine. fee makes a l delicious drink PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. M. BURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OfllcoKran bulldlnar. comer of Main an Centre rtreets, Shenandoah. pilOF. JOHN JONES, nUSICAL IKSTRDCT0R, Lock Bos U, Mahanoy City, Pa. HavInK (tudled nnder soma of tha beat maatera in London and Paris, will rlre lessons on the vlolln.mandolln. cmltar and -nrl rnllnnt. Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouse, the lewnler Shenandoah. ennsylvania RAILROAD. BCHTJYKILL DIVISION. JUbch 22, 1S99. Tralna will ri. '!'' for WlKpin, Gllberton. Frmcarrtlle. Dark eitr, hi. uiair, 1'ottarllle. Hamburg, Reading,, I', Phoenlzrflle. Xorristown a ad Phil, aaelphla (HrAd atreet atatlont at A IS .nil a is a. m., 2 10, 6 IS p. m. on week days. Sundays. 8 13 a. m., 4 80 p. ra. Trains leave Frackytlle for Shenandoah at 7 SS, 11 44 a. m. and 5 C 7 8 d. m. Sundar. 11 01 a. m. and S ti n. m. Leave PottnTlIln tar rik Tills) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., fi 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday v n. 111. , u m p. III. ICare PhlladelDhla. f Rrtuul atrvrt aiatlnnt. In. Shenandoah nt 8 S3 a, m 4 10 p. to. week dire. Sundays leave at 6 AO and 9 23 a. ro. ijavo rmiadeipula ( 11 road atreet sUtloa) for Pottsvitle. 5 37, 8 33, 10 19 a. m., 2 10, 4 10, 1 11 p. ra. weekdays. Suudaya. 6 30, 9 23 a, m, and 8 02 p m. Leave Broad Btreet Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. Expreaa -Week-days, 8 SO, i 03, 4 SO, B OS, 8 IS, 630,733,820, 900, ei02l, II 00, 11 3 am, 12 00 noon, 12 35, (Limited MOO and N 22 n ml. 1 40. 230.8 20, 8 60, 4 02. 800, 3 56, 00, 702, TOO, 1000 p m, 12 01 nlglit. Sundaye, 8 20, 4 05, 4 30 w, a ia, b m, v oo, io zi, 10 43, 11 13 a ra, 12 OS, 23J? 02 Limited. 4 22, 8 20, S 69, 1 83, Kxnrerw for Boaton without .Iibiim ii ma m week-days, and 7 60 p. m., dally. For 8oa ( J I rl Aahiipv I'a.b- rws..n nM Lone Branch, 8 20, 11 14 a m, 8 80, 4 02 p m weekdays. ror LAmDerivuie, Kaaton and Beranton, 6 60. 00 a m. 12 00 noon. B 52. 3 OO f ljmu,rtlll Enaton only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally Buffalo, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 02 UI UMIT. WASUINOTON AND THE SOUTO. For Baltimore and VTaehlnirton. 8 SCL J an. s. inon ltn.. to nn n,,i .i,nan . . . am Conirreaalonal Llin.J, 3 31, 617, 6 83, 781 p. m, and 12 03 nlchl weekdaya. Sundays, 860, 7 20. 9 12, 11 23 a m, 12 09, 1 12. 3 12. 4 41 lS Oon Krcaalonal Llm.,8S4, 'ess, 781p m and 12 03 IllKU. For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 11 a m. 1 E3 ana iiupm weeer aays, a ua ana uupn daily Atlantic Coast Line. ic i Expreaa 12 09 p m, and 12 03 nmbl, dally. Southern Itailway. Expreas-8 84 and 6 63 m, dally. Norfolk and Western Rallwav for Memnhla and New Orleans, 3 34 p m dally. iiarsapeaae x umo ttauway, ? si p m, dally. For Old l'olnt Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20 m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leava Market atreet wharf aa fotlowat Rx- press for New York, 9 00 a m. 480pm week days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, i 80 m weeKaaya. For Island Ilelzhta. 8 80 a m and i oft n m weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delawara rl,,. brida-e EzDreaa. 9 40 a m.. 4 CO. 7 Off n. m. Hon. daye, 9 20 a. m 7 OS p. m. Leave Market Htreet Warf Bxpreu, (00 am, II SO Saturdays only, 2 00, 4 00, 8 00 p m. Sun days. 900. 10 00 a m (accommodation 4 80 and 8 00 p m. ror uape aiay, lele city, Ocean City. AtiMuu. oiyiio iinrrjor, AQKieees, tvilQwrT3a and Hollj Beach Kiprme, 900 a m, 4 (ak p m weekdays. Sundays. 9 00 a m. For Somen Point Kxprteu,- 9 00 a. m., S 00. 00. 3 CO. n. m. week (lave Handira flOOand 10 00 a, m. The Union Transfer Comrjanv will nail tor and check baggage from hotels and residence. uining car. , B. IlDTcnisnoir, J, B. Wood. Gen'l Manacer. Oen'l Faas'g'r A(l News and Opinions OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday ,by tnail,,S8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape In the world. Price 5c a copy, Bt mall. S2 a tea Address THZ 8 UN, Hew York.. BY PILLS tSsrc Aha soke. Etvbici js-woha-s &f k OUAf"!' Wiktail SPlcirvO Co,PtSLaWe at PoTtnakj's drag store, B Oankra alraai, AWN'S TANSY PILLS A Taian. Til a In 11,1 VvOMAN'S RELIEF. Alvejeiitenirteadretieble. ImiuUwt, Set CiToa'aTAaaTlixaaad aavsateaaTa. Aldru lat. orel Street iMaledL sclea. SL f ,T..w Ce VULa Uiu UarsaaXaaa. For sal st Kirlln's drngstora and Shsaaado riwl For m tr