The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 18, 1899, Image 2

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K3T,llMHIir.O 18TO.
"All the News Thai's Fit 'a Print."
- - 3 -
Published every ovctilnic. t xcrpt Humloy, nt 8
Boutli Jardln slroit, Slioninidoftti, Pn.
The Herald Is delivered In gliennmloali nm1 tlio
surrounding towns for six cent a w elc, my
Able to the curriers. Ily mull n ycnr, or
23 oonts i month payable In advance Ad
vertisement chnrirecl according to nonce nnd
position. The publishers rewve the right
to change the position f advertisement
whenever the publication of news demands
It. The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement whether paid for or not, thnt
the publishers nvy torn Improper. Ailvcr
Using rates made known uponnppllcntlon.
Kntored nt the post oflleo at Hlienandoah, !., as
second class mall matter.
TUESDAY. AI'IUL 18. 1800.
OUR COUNTRY ; First, Last and Forever.
Thk spring elections of 1899
silver in the scattering column.
In the absence of an olive branch,
we woulil suggest a Ilfty-cent dinner
for the Democratic factions.
The justice whodedded that under
some circumstances a husband has
the right to strike his wife with his
fists, neglected to saywhat. the wife
would be justified in doing to the
husband under the same circum
stances. Editor Wilson, of the Mt. Carmel
News, who is reported to have pur
chased the Pottsville Chronicle, and
to assume charge the first of next
month, corroborates the report in an
editorial in his paper of Saturday.
His actions, he says, may be in
fluenced for a time by the disposition
of his Mt. Carmel plant, which he
offers for sale.
The Democratic Brooklyn Eagle,
in referring to the fact that the New
York Times favors the nomination
of Richard Olney by the Democrats
in 1900 for the presidency, remarks
that "the probability is Mr. Olney
will yoto for AVilliam McKinley for
that office, and the Times will ask its
readers to do the same thing." This
forecast is probably correct.
The publishers of Profitable Ad
vertising have purchased the well
known advertising journal of New
"York city known as "Art in Advertis
ing." This high-class magazine will
now be consolidated with tho first
named publication. Profitable Ad
vertising is recognized as the leading
advertising publication and the con
flolidation will greatly augment its
worth alike to its readers and its ad'
vertising patrons.
The bribery investigating com
mittee at Harrisburg has made its
report in fact, a double-ender was
presented. Doth reports, however,
reach the same conclusion, but by
different ways. The majority report
recommends that criminal prosecu
tions be instituted against Coyle,
Costello, Moyles and Spatz, us impli
cated by the testimony. The minority
report recommends that the eyidence
be submitted to the District Attorney
of Dauphin county. If the latter
plan be adopted, it would probably
mean that the evidence would be
filed away, and acted upon at the
leisure of the. District Attorney.
Republicans Warned.
The speeches delivered at the ban
quets which have been held to coin
memorate Jefferson's birthday indi
cate very clearly that while the Dem
ocrats may be divided on the subject
of money, while some of them may be
in favor of expansion and others op
posed to it, there is one thing upon
which they are agreed, and which it
will behoove the party in power to
take notice of...
All factions of the Democratic party,
whether in New York, Chicago or
Milwaukee, are a unit in demanding
that some governmental action shall
be taken to check the growth and
spread of trusts. The greut burden of
the remarks at all the banquets has
been "anti-trust."
Tho Republican party Is now in
power. Before a presidential election
occurs there will be a session of Con
gress. If that Congress, which is Re
publioan, does not do something in
the way of legislation for the people
as against the trusts, the Democratic
party will be in a position to drop all
other planks and make the fight on
the single plank of anti-monopoly.
The consensus of opinion is that
trusts are inimical to the welfare of
the people, and the party in power
will be held responsible, whether
justly or not, for their existence. It
will be a most difficult problem to
handle, but the Republican party has
proved itself capable of settling other
great questions, and will no doubt be
able to settle this one.
Fana's Elootlon TTndor Martini Law,
Pana, Ills., April 18. Captain Couch
has placed on duty throughout tin
city a double provost guard to pre
vent an outbreak at today's municipal
election. The issue is non-union negro
labor, and there is much feeling on
both sides. Thirty union miners yes
terday entered pleas of guilty to hold
ing up a train bearing 100 negroes
from Washington, Ind., to Pana, on
Sept. 29 last and were fined 20 and
costs and sentenced to 30 days In jail
each. The Jail sentence was remitted,
the union paid the fines, and tho men
were released. Tho cases of 100 more
miners indicted for the offense were
continued until June.
J'lio Cnso Mny (Jo to tlio Jury on
Thttrwilay Koxt.
Charleston, S. C, April 18. After
eottlng up alibis for Webstar,. Joyner
and Godwin yostorday the dofonso In
the trial of the alleged Lako City
lyncliors closed ltn case. Alibis were
put forward for Rodgera, MelCnlght,
Bpps and Ward last week, so the only
man In whoso behalf efforts havo not
been made to ostalillsh one Is Stokes,
the merchant who has been alleged by
the government to have been the
loader of the mob that killed Uaker.
It was claimed on the stand that Cod
win was Blck at home; that Joynor
slont at his own residence with a
school boy and that Webster was nt
his own residence with the grip the
night of the lynching.
The sensation of the day enmo nftor
tho defenso had closed Its caso. Among
IU effort- to break down the testimony
of Newman, the man who turncdstate's
evidence, was a pay certificate. It was
not dated, tho date evidently having
been scratched out; but tho defenso
claimed It was Issued Feb. 21. In re
buttal the government placed tho stub
book of tho county supervisor In evi
dence, showing that the stub before
and tho one after that of Newman
was each Issued Feb. 23. Tho Infer
ence that the Newman ticket had been
directly falsified was directly made,
and Is oxpected to cut n considerable
flguro In the case In tho futuro.
The government has about 25 more
witnesses to examine so argument
will scarcely begin beforo Wednesday.
Tho caso may reach the JuryThursday.
A Square. Denl.
How often do you get it. All kinds of reme
dies on the. market are "guaranteed," but
who gots his money back in caso of failure?
It Is encouraging to find an oxocptlon. Dr.
J S. Kistlor.of this city.bouglit NO-TO-11AC,
tho original guaranteed tobacco-habit cure,
from his dtuggist, A. Wasley. Ho failed to
get cured, applied for a refund of tho pur
chase money through the druggist, aud tho
Sterling Remedy Co., who manufacture NO-TO-BAC.
promptly sent him a check. This
proves that the number of dissatisfied pur
chasers of NO-TO-I1AO must bo very small,
otberwlso tho Sterling Remedy Co. could cer
tainly not mako good its guarantee as it
does. It is a story of merit as well as
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho mouov If It fails to cure.
25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each
tablet. tf
Stolo to Snvo'Ufs Crippled ChlM.
St.LouIs. Anril 18. Walter Gray, as
slstant bookkeper In the United States
sub-treasury, was arrested yesterday
chnrced with embezzlement. The
amount specified Is $7C0. Gray is CO
years of ace. and has a largo family.
He broke down and admitted having
taken the money, saying he did so to
get medical attention for his crippled
child and Intended later to repay the
amount taken.
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most cases it will
wear them away. Could they be induced to
try the successful medicine called Kemp's
Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they would immediately see the ex
cellent eflect after taking the first dose. Price
25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug
gists. Cnnnocntpef Hotter Tlinn Frosh Hpof.
Washington, April 18. After devot
ing the forenoon to a practical ex
amination of the beef supplied to the
army In cans the Wade court of inquiry
recalled Professor Atwater yesterday
afternoon. He expressed the opinion
that, pound for pound, the canned roast
beef was of greater nutritive value
than fresh beef, but sugested that If
unmixed with vegetables It would not
prove so acceptable a ration. Col
onel Weston, of tho commissary depart
ment, was also recalled and examined
with reference to thesuppliesfurnlshed
the troops in the field at Santiago.
In many impor
tant particulars,
Hood's Sarsa
parilla is Peculiar
to Itself. It is
a medicine as
far ahead of tho
us ual preparation
as the electric light is
ahead of the tallow dip. The
ingredients used in making it are
selected with tho very greatest, care,
and are catherXedforus f ) at the
time theypos sess the
great est remedial
v a 1 ue. The pecuU
parilla, are unknown
other, thus making Hood's
saparillanecwf iar to itself.
valuo of this peculiarity is tSeat sho J
by actual results. And Hood's Sa yrst
parilla has a record of cures unequal
ed in medical history. Hasmore of
them, greater successosXm serious
cases, better gen uino, unsolicited
testimonialSfJban- anv other
modicinein exist! f (l lence. It
cures W I ft II extreme
cases of
blood dia
ases, hn Scaon, scrof
ula, salt yT-heura, rheu
matiim, cataryrh, and all other
troubles traceableto impure or vl
tiated blood. Possessing great stom
ach-toning qu f allties, it cures indi'
gestion, dypoplc la, catarrh
of thestomach,etoT I 11 builds
up the nerves, J renewing
and reviving brain, nerve I and mental
strength and curing nervous
prostration. As a natural tonic, ,
it strengthens the whole J
system and cures
that tired feeling.
It has done alii
this for others and
what it does torj
will do for you.i
All we ask for
Hood's SaraapanUa, is a necessity, an
opportunity and a fair trial. Be sure
to get Hood's. Sold by druggists.
Prepared only by O. I. Hood & Co.,
Lowell, Mass. If never disappoints.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softness of the ikln Is Inva
riably obtained by tbors who use Vozzotn'a
Complexion Powder
Ortr Two Hundred Thousand Trial
Bottles Sent Free by MalL
By special arrangement with the man
Vfacturera of that justly famous Kldnejrj
raedlclno, Dr. David Kennedy' Favors'
Ite Itemedy, tho readers of this paper
ro enabled to obtain a trial bottlo and
pamphlet of valuable medical advic
absolutely froo, by simply sending their
full name and post oflleo address to the
TION, Rondout, N. Y., and mentioning
this pnpor.
Ocourso this involves enormous ex
pense to the manufacturers, but they
havo received so many grateful letters
from thoso who havo been benefited
and cured of tho various diseases of the
Kidnoys, Livor, Bladder and Blood,
Rhoumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronla
Constipation, and all weaknesses pecu
liar to women, that they willingly send
trial bottles to all BUfTorers.
Upon investigation it was found thai
61 per cent of those who had used the
trial bottlo had received Bitch benefit
from it that they purchased large sized
bottles of their druggists.
It matters not how sick yon are e
how many physicians hare failed t
help you, send for a trial bottle of this,
great medicine, it costs you but a pectal
card, and benefit and cure will most
Mrtainly bo the result
Pat somo urine in a glass tumbler and
let it stand 24 hours: if it has a sediment
or if it is palo or discolored, milky vt
eloudy. stringy or ropy, your Kldaeya
or Bladder are in a bad condition. Ih
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
poedlly cures such dangerous irrnp,
toms as pain in tho back, inability to
hold urine, a burning scalding pain la
passing it, frequent deslro to urinate,
especially at night, the staining of linen
by your urlne'and all tho unpleasant
and dangerous effects on the system
I produced by tho uso of whiskey, wint
or beer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favor
'ito Remedy is sold at all drug stores at
(1.00 for a largo bottle; six bottles fox
Coming Kvents.
May 1, Illustrated lecture "A Journey to
Jerusalem." by Key. J. T. Swindells, in the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Juno 0. Ico cream festival, Rohbins' opera
house, under tho auspices of the Olio
Mandolin Club.
Regardless Of Age.
The kidneys are responsible for more sick
ness, suffering, and deaths than any other
organs of the bddy.
A majority of the ills afflicting people to
day is traceable to kidney trouble. It prevades
all classes of society, in all climates, regard,
less of age, sex or condition.
The symptoms of kidney trouble are unmis
takable, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, sleep
lessness, pain or dull ache in the back, a
desire to urinate often day or night, profuse or
scanty supply.
Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine
are signs of clogged kidneys, causing poisoned
and germ-filfed blood. Sometimes the heart
acts badly, and tube casts (wasting of the
kidneys) are found n the urine, which if
neglected will result in Bright's Disease, the
most dangerous form of kidney trouble.
All these symptoms and conditions are
promptly removed under the influence of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It has a world wide
reputation for its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases.
No one need be long without it as it is so
easy to get at auv drug store at fifty cents or
one dollar. You can have a sample bottle of
this wonderful discovery, Swamp-Root, and a
book telling all about it, both sent to you
absolutely free by mail. Send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and
kindly mention that you read this liberal offer
in the Shenandoah Herald.
Two C'hftdron f'robnbly fvldnnped.
Chicago, April 18. Another sup
posed kidnaping case which promises
to rival Gerald Laplne's abduction Is
causing the police much concern. Ruth
and Hazel Stonehouse, aged 5 and G
years, repectlvely, disappeared from,
their homo In Calumet avenue a week
ago, and since that time no traco of
them has been found.
Sick Headaches,
The curso of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surtly cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood pnrlfler aud tissue
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. aud BO cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
13rIdeoton'8 Strtklntr Glnss 'Workers.
Bridgeton. N. J., April 17. Nine
non-union men arrived hero yesterday
afternoon to take the places of strikers
at the Cumberland glass works. The
union officials claim that these men
are not bottle blowers, and that
they came here simply to get union
cards and money to stop work. The
arrival of the men caused considerable
excitement, but they wore not Inter
fered with. There are now 1,500 Idle
window glass and bottle workers. The
strikers claim they are bound to win.
The manufacturers are, however, firm
In tho refusal to grant the demands of
the men.
What is Shlloh 1
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages. If you are pot satisfied
with the results we will refund your monoy,
Prlco 25 cts., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D,
Kirlin and a guarantee.
llvo Stoolc Markets.
New York, April 17. Beeves active
steers hlirher: bulls and cows firm to 1
shade hleher: medium to prima steer,
?, 1uwu.1v, " ,1 " -
4&1.70; bulU, ,t.Wi&4; choice fat do., 1.?5
4.40; cows. J2&3.70. Calves brisk and
higher; common to choice veals, 11.500
6.36; bulla and litttle calves, 34. Sheep
and lambs nrm; wooiea sneep, mjo.uu
nulls. 18.60: cllDPed sheep, M.504.W; un
shorn lambs, E.B0e.5; clipped do., 14.759
5.50; clipped culls, S4; spring lambs, i3M
Q4.25. Hog firmer at 4.104.30; western
pigs, I4.104i4.26.
East Liberty. Pa., April 17. Cattlo
Arm: flxtra. IS. 4096.50: prime, J5.258&.20
common. M.5O3.90. Hogs steady; best
milium welehta. 14.0564.10; heavy, 4
best Yorkers. 3.64; lleht Yorkers, J3.80O
2.96: DlH. t3.763.&6; rougns, a.ouJ.i.
Sheep steady; choice wethers, J4.36at.40,
common. S4A3; choice lambs, t5.2Oii6.30i
spring Iambs, $98; veal calves, 15186.25,
Ho Fooled Empornr WIIMnm.
Berlin, April 18. Last December a
Dr. Esser. who then claimed to nave
Just returned from an extended tour
or tho German colonies, was grantea
a long audlonce by Emperor William
who was creatly mterestea in nis nar
ratlve and who rewarded Esser with
the Second Class Crown Order. A
number of doubting officials have been
investigating and examining Esser,
who, it now appears, has been shown
to be a rank Impostor. It Is added
that he now admits he never saw the
places ho described.
Hurtled to i)onth ttt Prnlrlo Flro.
Brady Island, Neb., April 18. A
pralrlc flro noar Vrooman destroyed
much proporty. While lighting tho
flnmo3 Mrs. Anderson, n widow, was
frlphtfully burned, and will die. Hor
nepliow, John Westerland, T. Flick
in;,er and son Charles woro badly
burned about tho laco and hands. Tho
town was barely saved. Tom Mor
rlssey, of Kuroka valloy, and John
Koch woro burned to death whllo try
ing to savo their property. Noar Atns
worlh thousands of dollars' worth of
proporty Is bolng dostroyed.
Hllt'iitutr Aijfldont Ito-liltH In Dentil.
Pittsburg, April 18. Mrs. MaryJano
MeAUams, aged 68 years, of Phila
delphia, died yostorday at tho resi
dence of her son-in-law, Charles Herb,
on Friendship avenuo. Tho woman's
death wns tho result of an accident
that happonod nbollt two weeks ago,
when she was badly burned by hor
clothes catching firo from an open
grate. Mrs. McAdams, accompanied by
hor husband, came to Pittsburg about
a month ago to visit hor daughter, Mrs.
Horn. i
Von Dor Alio' Itiimnirn Suit.
St. Louis, April 18. Chris Von Dor
Abe filed suit In tho circuit court yes
terday for $50,000 damages against
Frank Dollaas Ilohison and Edward C.
Becker, tho new owners of the St.
Louis baseball team. Every club In
the National Lcaguo Is also mado u
pj.rty to tho suit and $25,000 damages
Is asked from each of them. The al
legation is that a combination existed
in tho league to forfeit .tho membership
of the Sportsman's Park and club for
the pecuniary profit of tho defendants.
Tho Ituloluli will Visit C'lmrloston.
Charleston, S. C, April 18. The ex
ecutive comtnlttco In charge of tho
preparations for tho annual reunion
of tho United Confederate veterans that
Is to be held here May 10, 11 and 12,
was officially notified yesterday by Sec
rotary Long, of the navy, that the
cruiser Raleigh, Just returned from
Manila, had been ordered to this port
for reunion week. Tho cruiser will
take part In the Grant monument cele
bration at Philadelphia on April 27,
and will go thence to Raleigh, N. C.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The beat salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises. Bores, ulcers, salt rlicnm. fever sores.
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or mony refuudod. Price
. 1 T. 1 - 1... I Xt?1
Ilmlynrtt Klpllnsr nt J.nUowood.
Lakewood, N, J., April 18. Rudyard
Kipling arrived hero yesterday, ac
companied by his wife and three ser
vants. His children had arrived earlier
In the day. It is expected that after
the author has rested for a week or
ten days in Lakewood ho will go to
Brattleboro, Vt. Ho has Improved
well, but Is uot very strong yet.
Does CofTee Agree With You 7
If not, drink Grain-O made from pure
grains. A lady writes: ."ine nrst time i
made Grain O I did not like it but after using
it for one week nothing would induce me to go
back to cofiee." It nourishes and feeds the
system. The children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a packnge to
day from your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old and young.
15 c. and 25 c.
Fined For lmiorlfiU ml Injunction.
Omaha. April 18. Judge Fawcett
last night held Mayor Ensor and Offi
cer Hydock, of South Omaha In con
tempt and fined thom ?200 each for
ejecting Ed. Johnson irom a registra
tion booth In the face of a restraining
order. The Judge also Indulged In a
scathing denunciation of the mayor for
his actions.
' You Try lt.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is sold for tho small price of 25 uts., 50
eta. and $1 00, docs not cure take tho bottle
back and we will refund your monoy. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price
25 eta. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and
a guarantee.
Indian I'lislifurs (Tif Vcir Manila.
San Francisco, April 18. The
Twenty-flrst United States Infantry.
the fnmons Indian fighting regiment
of tho earlier days, and later very ac
tive participants In the Cuban cam
paign, arrived In this city last night
and departed early this morning for
tne Philippines on the transport Han
cock. The Utile folks lovo Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take; perfectly
harmless; positive cure for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, asthma.
Flro FlBlitors Injured ity Explosion.
Denver, April 18. While the Are
department was working to extinguish
a fire at the Plntscn uas works yes
terday afternoon an explosion of gas
occurred Inside the building, Injuring
nine men connected with the flro de
partment. Several of the men wero
severely burned, but it Is thougut none
fatally. The property loss is small.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea puriflos the breath by its
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
Tho Olllfcnsro Probers.
Chicago, April 18. Some of the pre
limlnaiy work of the Lexow commit
tee which Is to investigate the city ad'
ministration was done at the Great
Northern hotel yesterday. Chairman
Baxter and Senators Asplnwall, Tem
pleton and Begolo talked over the gen
eral plans for tno work and tne scope
It would take. The first general meet
ing of the body will not be hold under
two weekB
nim, Beware j
. v Aj, expectant mother had better f
not tike anything at all than those
I li! I.. J ..7. .!.!.... .M.I..
advertised to relieve her discomfort and
nausea. She ought to know that outside
external treatment is the only way that
f can possibly be of any benefit. She ought
- it, know that Mothor'a Fflonuit
the only remedy that will help her, and
it is an external liniment. It takes hex
through the entire period in comparative:
comfort, shortens labor, and childbirth is
ccioncer to be dreaded. MorethanthaU
it preserves her girlish shape after the i
ordeal, anfl Jier utue one wtu come into
the world perfect in form and health.
Get Mother's PrUnd at thedrug
stores for tl a bottle, or stod to
I Wrltt for our free book. " Before Bin? ll Bora, ro, intuitu wkiu.h uhij
Tostifios Beforo tlio Mazot Investi
gating Committoo.
l'roorpil In pMiiyllo
tlio Tiiiiiiiiiiny I.j-ndor and Joint F.
Cut-roll Ilnrore tlio Adjournment of
tlio, Stnto T.ouMsliituro.
Now York, April 18. In tho session
of the Mnzot Legislative Investigating
committee yesterday Richard Croker
was ngnln tho principal ohjoct of Mr.
Moss' examination, nnd tho most Im
portant development was tho probabil
ity that the Tammany chloftaln and
John F. Carroll will ho the subject of
contempt proccdlngs beforo tho stnto
legislature shall adjourn. All during
yesterday's evldenco Mr. Crokor par
ried the questions of tho counsel of tho
cotnmlttco and refused to satisfy tho
members with tho amount of Informa
tion ho was willing to givo regarding
certain matters which ho classified as
"personal affairs."
An adjournment of tho committee
was taken yesterday until next Fri
day morning, and Mr. Crokor was sub
penaod to reappear beforo the session
next Monday morning. By tho Initia
tive of Mr. Moss, tunny of whoso ques
tions Mr. Crokor repeatedly refused to
answer, and with whom ho had several
sallies that came vory near being per
sonal, the chairman of tho commit
tee took such action as would leave
Mr. Croker In technical contempt. It
was stated thnt when Mr. Fallow, of
tho committee, left yesterday aftor
noon for Albany he had instructions
to prepare papers adjudging Mr. Croker
and John F. Cnrroll In contompt.
When tho commltteo began yester
day's Inquiry, about tho first thing
brought up was a resort known as tho
Broadway Garden, which had flour
ished In the upper Broadway district
for some time. In this place the alleged
robbery of the former mayor of Tren
ton. Frank Magowan. took place, and
Simon Buttner, the former proprietor
of tho nlaco. and soveral of nls waiters
wore examined. Duttner made some
startling charges against police Cap
tain Price, and his waiters corrobor
ated, In part, his testimony. Buttner
said that at his Broadway Garden
everything had gone well until Cap
tain Prlco came to tho precinct. Then,
Buttner said, It wns a case of "hands
up." Buttnor swore that the first
thing Price did was to threaten to
close tho Broadway Garden up unless
he received $150 and half of any rob
bery that was accomplished In It. On
one occasion, Buttner said, a woman
robbed a man of $3,000 and gave the
whole amount to tho wardman. The
money was returned to the loser and
the woman lot go. She was "pro
tected." Buttner told of numerous
cases of persecution and "bleeding" by
Captain Price.
Assemblyman Hoffman offered
resolution to havo certain promlnont
men summoned beforo tho committee,
because of a rumor that a certain
law firm "by and with the assistance
of other persons, by corrupt methods
secured the passage through the as
semhly" of the Astoria gas franchise,
whose real purpose "was to enable the
Consolidated Gas Company to force a
consolidation of all the gas interests of
the city, to the end that the supply of
gas might be controlled and the price
regulated by the .so-called consolida
tion." Mr. Hoffman wanted to sub
poena the law firm of Tracy, Boardmau
and Piatt; EHhu Root, tho incorpora
tors of tho Astoria Heat, Light and
Power Co.; Thomas F. Piatt, Benjamin
J. Odoll, Lemuel Quigg and John D.
Trlmmlns. The resolution was de
feated, however, flvo Republicans op
posing it and two Domocrats favoring
Richard Crokor testified that the
police did not contribute a cent to tho
Tammany campaign last year, but that
the officeholders did. He could not
tell the amount of money raised last
year, nor dm ne Know in what bank
the funds wero kept. Ho said he had
never received a cent from Bourke
Cockran. He also swore he was never
caught short with Manhattan "L"
stock, and did not lose $27,000, as re
Wnen Mr. Mosj saia tnat Mr. Crokor
had found that in business matters,
like that of Peter Meyer & Co., mem
bers of the organization could help
each other, Mr. Croker said angrily:
"You are trying to make us out a
pack of thieves in one combination to
gether, and you can t do It."
"And you tblnk that these questions
indicate that persons who do these
things are thieves?" queried Mr. Moss.
"That Is what you are trying to get
at," said Mr. Crokor, thoroughly arous
ed. "I say that the people of the city
of Now York, when they voted for our
ticket, voted to put In the organiza
tion and believed in the organization
and believed that the organization
should run this city. And when you
were put out of tho police board that
is what you were put out for becauso
you wero not an organization man."
After a further exchange of sharp
words, Mr. Croker becoming enraged,
Mr. Moss remarked that It was evi
dent that Mr. Croker realized the "seri
ousness of the occasion." The Tam
many loader retorted;
"Not very serious. I am not going
away. I am going to stay here until
tho circus Is over. You can have mo
any day you want."
Later on Mr. Moss asked: "Have
you not during the last year received
large sums of money from Individuals
which were not your profit or earnings
from nny business?"
"No!" Bhouted Mr. Croker, and he
repeated his answer.
Mr. Croker was seen at the Demo
cratic club last night and asked If he
had any comment to make upon the
refusal of the Mazet commlttteo to
subpoena Tracy, Boardman, Piatt and
others alleged to have been Interested
in the Astoria Gas franchise. "I am
not at all surprised by that action,"
said Mr. Croker. "Why should the
commltttee call Tracy, Boardman and
Piatt? What would it amount to?
Why, simply that Tracy,Boardmanand
Piatt had summoned Tracy, Boardman
and Piatt to be investigated."
Statb of Ohio, Citt op Toledo, I
I.ccas County. j
Fbakk J, Ciiksey makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of tha firm of F. J. Ciiknkt & Co.,
doing business Inthe City of Toledo, County
and state aforesaid, and tliat said Ann will pay
the sum of ONF. HUNDRED DOLLAKS for each
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Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internully and" -Is
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the system. Bend for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
Bold by Druggist. 7Bo.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Woman s
The terror of many women's lives is men
struation. Such women wear themselves out with
suffering and seem to think there is no relief
from the monthly pains.
Miss Emily F. Mass, of 148 Freeman Street, drecnpolnt,
Brooklyn, N. Y., wntc$:
" Deau Mrs. Pinkham I
wish to stn'to that I used your
Vegotablo Compound with
the greatest success, l was
very sick for nearly a year
with hysteria, was down
hearted nnd nervous; also
suffered with painful mens
truation and pain in back
nnd limbs. I often wished
for death, thinking nothing
would euro me. I had
doctors, but their medicines
did me no good. At Inst, by
the advice of a friend, I be
gan to take Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
with very little hope of its
doing me any good, but I am
happy to say I am entirey
cured. Thanking you for
the good your medicine has
done me, I am sending you
my testimonial, hoping it
will help others."
Special advice for
every suffering wo
man can be secured
free of cost by writ-
i. tv n l.i
in to mi s. i iius.iii.iin -j
at Lynn, Mass., for it
Mrs. C. D. Smith, 221
Eleventh St., Racine,
Wis., writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham
I gladly give you my
testimonial in favor of
your remedios. When I
first commenced your
treatment I had been
suffering from female
troubles and weakness for
some timo. Menses were
irregular, coming too of
ten, and were very pain
ful. I eould not walk
a great distanoe, had those
terriblo bearing-down feeling
in the lower part' of bowels,
backache, and pain in left
ovary. I used five bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and my menses
have become regular, and am
cured of that bearing-down
feeling after walking.
I consider your Com
pound one of the best
medicines there is for
those complaints pecu
liar to women. I thank
you for the good advice
you gave me. I will
gladly recommend your
medicine, and hope
that every one who
suffers as I did will
give it a trial."
To sacrifice beauty,
to a false idea is folly. Generations of ignor
ance have handed down belief in the necessity
of monthly suffering. A healthy woman
should experience but little pain and only a
moderate amount of inconvenience.
Mrs. Van Ooft Advises Women.
"Dear Mrb. Pinkham For soveral years my health was
miserable. I suffered the most dreadful pains, and was almost
on the verge of insanity. I consulted one of the best physi
cians in New York, and he pronounced my disease a fibroid
tumor, advising an operation without delay, Baying that it was
my only chance for life. Other doctors prescribed strong.and
violent medicine, and one said I was incurable, another told
me my only salvation was galvanic batteries, which I tried,
but nothing relieved me. One day a friend called and begged
me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I began
its use and took soveral bottles. From the very first bottle
there was a wonderful change for the better. The tumor has
disappeare4 entirely and my old spirits have returned. I
heartily recommend your medicine to all suffering women."
Mr. Van Cleft, 416 Saunders Ave., Jersey City Heights,
N. J.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound A Woman's Remedy
for Woman's Ills.
Will You Wlater In Plorlda7
This will be tho greatest season Florida
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k. r n
disposition and health
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