thlt'nhStS Cure will relieve Iunv lingo, sclnticn nnd all rheumatic pain In two or three hours, and curs la a few day. MTJNYON. At all druggists, 25c. a vial. Quide to Health and medi cal advice free. 1C05 Arch at. Thlla. QO TO FLORIDA Seb That Youn Ticket Heads via. the SoUTIIKItN RAILWAY, The Southern Railway operates three through tinlns on each week day and two on Sunday, It U an Inland route, clean and through an Interesting section of tbo South. The schedules of Us trains are fast, but not too fast to be maintained. Write to John M. Bcall, District Fasseuger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, for full information, Illustrated matter and advance Fnllman esorvatlons. 2-21-lOt A'Card. Wo, tlio undersigned, do hereby agroo to rofund tbo monoy on a 50-ceut bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls to euro your cough or cold, Wo also guarap tee a 25-cont bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A, Wasloy, C. II. Hagen buch, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and P. W, Blersteln & Co. lM t-33t-dw Dr. Humphreys' Specifics net directly upon tho disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of tho system. They Care tho Sick, no, cores. mess 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations. .23 3 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic-. .25 3- TeetliinK.Colle,Crjlng,WRkefulnos3 .23 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adaltl...... .23 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 23 8 euralsla. Toothache, Faceache..... .23 O Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo,. .25 10 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, WeakStomach.23 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods... .25 12 Whites, Too Profuso rcrlods 23 13 Croup, Laryngitis, noarseness .23 14 Sslt nheum, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .23 15 nheumatlam, Rbeumatlo Pains 25 16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague..... .23 19 Catarrh, Influenta, Cold In the Head .23 20- VhoopIntCougu .25 37-Kldney Dlaeaaes .23 33-Nervous Debility 1.00 30 Urinary Weakness, WetUng Cod... .23 77 Grip. Hay FeTcr .25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual ot all Diseases at your Druggists or llalled Free. Bold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price, Humphreys' Med. Co, Cor. William & John Bts Maw York. P hiiadelphia & Reading R'y- Engines Burn Hard Goal No Smoke. IN EFFECT MARCH 18. 1898. KTralns leave Shenandoah as follows 1 For New York via Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, s 8S, 7 w, ao a, m., iz a, a o ana e ra p. m Sundays, 2 10 n in. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days 1 SO a. m.. 12 26 and 8 09 p. m. For Heading and Philadelphia, ,week days, z 10, 0 00, 7 cu, v 00 a. m., V 2t, a uy and o w p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a in. For Pottsvllle. week davs. 2 10. 7 80. 9 63 a. m, 12 29,8 09, 0 09 and T 80 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week daya 210, 780, 9S3 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m, Sundays, 2 10 a m. For Wllllamport, Sunbury and Lewlabnrg week days. 3 27, 11 82 a. m.. 12 26, 7 80 p. m Sundays, 8 27 a m. For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27, 5 88, 700, oo, 11 Ha a.m., jz zo, o uv, owi, 7tjj, v n. m. Sundava. 2 10 and 3 27 a ra. For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 3 27, 7 BO, II 82 a. m 12 26, s 09, o 07, 7 25 ana M p. m. Bunany, a 27 a m, For Baltimore. Washington and the West via B. AO. It. 11., through trains les-t Heading Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & It, H K.) at 8 20, 7 65, 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. l. Sundays, B 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. m., 8 is DJHI 7 Z7 p. m. AUUI tlonal tralna from Twenty-fourth aud Cheat nut streets station, week days, 10 SO a. m. 12 20 Hunuaya, i ao, a a p. m. TRAINS FOB SHENANDOAH, Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m and. 1 45, 4 BOO n.m. Leave New Fork via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Beading Terminal, week days, o 40, s oo, lu zi a. m. ana i so, uo, o so, 11 83 p. m. Leave Reading, week daya, 187, 700, 1008, a. m.. 12 13. 4 17. 600. 826 o. m. Leave Pottavllle, week days, 7 17, 7 40 a. m. 12 80. 1 20. 4 80. 6 10 and 6 50 n. m. Leave Taraaqua, week days, S 18, 8 86, 11 23 m.. 1 49. 3 66. 7 20. 9 41 D. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 43, 9 03, 11 XI a. m.. 2 22. S 23. 6 24. 7 44. 10 08 o. m Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00 80, 922 10 28,1200, a. ro., 289, 586, 642 768 10 Z4 p m. Leave Wllltamaport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a u., u ut ana uu. u uu p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and South street wharf for Atlantle City. Weekdays Uxpreaa, 9 00, a. ra., (Satur days only I bo J 2 oo, auu i oo, a oo, 7 13 p in Accommodation, 8 00 arm., 630, 6 80 p m Sunday Express, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accommoda tion, 8 00 a tii, 4 43 p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, comer Atlantic ana Arcansas avenues. Weekdays Express. 7 83. 813. 9 00 am 10 45 a m., 8 80 and 5 80 p m Accommodation, 4 23, 8 17 a. m,, 4 05 p. m. Sundays Express, 4 00, 0 no, a 00 p, in. Accoramouation, 7 10 a. m 4 15 p. m. For Cape May, Sea Iale City and Ocean City Weekdays 9 00 a m. Suudays, Cheatnul street V 13 a in.. South street, 9 00 a. m. Ad dltlonal. weekdays, for CaDe Mav. 4 13 n in, for Sea Isle City, 6 00 p m., for Ocean City, 4 13, 5 00 p m. Parlor Cars on all express tralna. For further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent oraaaress 7, A. ttwRinmn Tcnsniv J. Whisks Qen'l Sunt, Gen'I Pass'r Agt. Reading; Terminal, i'Mladelpbl EVAN J. DAVIES "MvrTV anil Undertaking No 13 Nnrth Jardln St. fRABOWSKY HOTEL, H. GRABOWSKY, Prop. 819 N. Centre St., Pottavllle, Pa. Fine old Whiskeys, dins and Wines, at the ba A cuoioe line 01 i.icars ana leinper anoe Drinks. Accommodations for traveler. Meals at all hours MARCHING MM) General Lawton's Troops Moot With Littlo Oppositions TWO MORE TOWNS OAPTUBED. LoiiRni nnd Snn Antonio Now In tho I I'omculon of Our Solillern-A Sktr- mtsh tiiWhlchlMvoMoiiorthoNortli Dakota IVero Killed. Manila, April 15. (lonoral Lawton Is marching north, along tho road bo- tween tho hills and tho lako, with tho gunboats Napldan and Laguna de Bay abreast of his troops. Tho enemy is retreating northward. On Wednesday tho troops crossed the Paghanjan nnd concentrated at Lam- bun, nt tho mouth of tho river. After leaving two companies of tho Four teenth regiment to guard tho ontranco of the rlvor tho troops marched to Longas and found it deserted. Furni ture which had been dropped In tho flight of tho natives was scattered along tho trails leading Into the hills. Major Welsenbergor's sharpshooters woro sent toward I'actos Ancontonia in tho forenoon. They ran upon a nest of rebels in somo thick bushes, which afforded a splendid cover. Five men of tho North Dakota regiment wero killed and two were wounded, two of tho former dying after having been brought to Longas church, whero Father McKlnnon administered the sacrament to them. The main body of tho American troops, whilo at dinner in Longas, heard tho firing and advanced to the support of the sharpshooters. A scout, from a bill, saw the little fight and many whlto coats running into tho hills. Tho Laguna do Bay, at tho be ginning of the fight, shelled tho hills. making them too hot for tho onomy. Tho Amoricans cntored San Antonio at sunset without meeting with any resistance. Twenty unarmed prison ers, bearing copies of the proclamation of the united States Philippine com mission, which, they had somehow se cured, were afterwards released and sent outside our lines with bundles of proclamations to distribute. The Fourth cavalry is guarding Santa Cruz. Two companies of the Fourteenth regiment are at the mouth of the river, two are at Paslngham, two at Lambun and ono at San An tonio. The remainder of tho troops arc at Longas. General Lawton is on board tho Laguna do Bay and thu Cascetes are off San Antonio. The country just occupied is thickly populated, and produces much fruit. McKenna, of the signal corps, Is in- defatiglable. Ho ran a wire through the hostile country without having a guard with him. Additional Filipino dead found north of Santa Cruz swell the number of the enemy killed on Monday to 150, in cluding Paole Agulrre, one of the leaders, and 12 officers. At Pansanghan a woman was found hidden in a basket and a youth burled in mud, except as to his head. Both were given food and money, to their great astonishment. Robned the Grave. A startling Incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho subject, is narrated bv him as follows : 1 was lu a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, totiRUO coatea, pain continually in back and sidea, no appetite gradually crowing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given mo up. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Hitters.' ana to my great joy ana surprise. the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at A. Wasloy's drug store. Sulcldo ifollowort Advloo. Corning, N. Y April 15. Joseph Groen. aced 70 years, of Cedarville, asked his nephew the easiest way to kill himself. The nephew Jokingly told him to tie a stone about his neck and Jump into the river. Green took the advice, and drowned himself In the Chamunc river. His uoay was recov ered. Family trouble Is assigned as the cause for the act. State of Ohio, City or Toledo, I M 1.UCA8 UOUKTY. I'uank J. Ciieney makes onth that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Ciieskt & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabbu Ccek. r-A-O A. W. QLEASON, v 1 . Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh. Cure Is takenlnternally andr-ts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces f the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CnENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DruRststs. 75c. Hall's Famllv Pills are the best. xno l,nii rutin Atrnm m rrouhio. Victorin, B. C, April 15, The steamer Laurada, which became famous as a Cuban filibuster during the war, has been ordered seized and confiscated should she ever enter Canadian ports. Her offense Is dumping stowaways and paupers at Bella Delia. Many a Lover lias turned with disgust from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Bold for years on absolute guarantee. Price SS cts. and 60 cU. Bold by P. D. Ktrlln aud a guarantoo. Helen Oould's Soltllor Album. New York. April 15. Helen Gould was presented yesterday with an al bum containing the autographs of 4,000 soldiers and sailors In the regular and volunteor service of the army and navy as a mark of appreciation of her services during tho recent war. On tha first nage are the names of Major Gen eral Shatter and Colonel Theodore Jloosovclt. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of UnHolmll SoQtToii Opened. Tha Wnrlnnnl T.pnrnlA hflRphnll semon Ripened yesterday, tho games resulting as ioiiowb: ai jrnuaueipnia riumuei phla, 6: Washington. 6. At Louisville Ohlcago, 15; Louisville, 1. 'Ordinary household accIdenU have no terrors when there's a bottle of Dr. Tbomaa' EclectrlcOIl In the medicine chest. Ileals burns, cuts, brulsos, sprains. Instant relief. THE BEST gPRING TONIC. As winter parses o.wa.y it Ica-vcs many people feclind weak, depressed and easily tired. This means that the blood needs attention and sensible people always take a tonic at this time of year. Purgatives are not the ridht medicine they weaken insttaA of strengthening. Dr. Williamv Pink Pills for Pale People arc the best tonic medicine in the world and do not act on the bowels. They stimulate the appetite, enrich the blood, strengthen the nerves and make people feel brlijhti active ana strong No ono la better able to speak of ,m uuuiutiuK uuuit wuiuuii ui ivriuiiiinn, inu. iimiu am) una rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes und n plump form, which prove that sho Is I In good health. A year njo M la Snider wna very thin, her checks pnlo, eyes sunken nnd dull. Hue was troubled with nervousness and general debility, Ahe sav 1 a.iier several momnr treatment saw he could do no good, I was what to do. One day I rend an curntlva Qualities of Dr. Wllllaina' the mtdlolne, and when nearly through with the second box notlrrd a chango for tha better. After 1 had tnken alcht boxes I was cured, nnd have had no ocnislon to take any kind of medicine since. I owe much to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, probably my life, and I advise anyone suilerlng with troubles similar to mine, to take these pills." Miss IlAixt, Bsidcr. Sold by all drug gist or sent post aia oy ur. Villiams' Medlcina Co., Schenectady, N.Y.,on receipt of price, 5oper box RIGHT AT IT ! ft We startthe ball rolling ot trie beginning of tne season Alth a banner sale of fen's, Boys' and Ghildren's Clothing I We have given special attention to the new novelties for this spring's trade and, as a result thereof, we expect to draw throngs of new buyers to our establishment. THESE PRICES ARE TRADE-MAKERS. Men's fine blue serge suits, 2II wool, $4.50, worth double the money. Men's One checks in all desirable styles, $3.50 to $8.00. Every suit guaranteed. Boy's fine serge and clay diagonal suits, $3.00 to $8, 00. Other stores' wouldn't think of selling the same goods for such money. Vestee suits for the little fellows. Any number of styles of fancy mixtures or plain blue, trimmed with inlaid collars, sizes 3 to 9, $1.25 and upwards. Extreme novelties in double breasted suits, 8 to 16, $1.00, $1.50 and up to $4.50. We call your special attention to our magnificent line of confirmation suits, which can not be beaten anywhere for style, quality and price. Spring Overcoats for men, boys and children, We have a special drive In a man's all-wool Covert coat at $4.50 that Is well worth your Inspection. One-Price Clothing House, 10 S. Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. l. REFOWICH, Proprietor. WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY" STRONG AGAIN! if vigor to the whole being. Alt draloi Mailed sealed. Price It per box: 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tka a- i i - r i t . a ' i n r- t n mi Hi ur" n ,... a it uoucy, vs-oo. gcuu luiino hwk. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Dnur Store, Shenandoah, Pa. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN 18 GREATER THAN DR. E. C. Nerve and Brain? i i mem i The Original. Alt Others Imitations. Is sold nndcr a positive Written Guarantee, by authorized apents only, to core Weak Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quickness, N'.fht Losses, Kvll Dreams, Lack ot Confidence, Nervousness, Liassitude, all Drains, loathful errors, or Excessive Use of Tobacco. Opium, or Ltnuor. whloli leads to Mlserv. Consumption. Insanltv and Death. At store or by mall, 11 a box; six for (j; with Written Guarantee to Cure or Refund Money. Sample Package, containing live days' treatment, with i nil luatruo- Vious, -jo cents, une sampio amy boio. 10 eacn Red Label Special Extra Strength. l?nr Trnnnr.pnnv. TiAfiR nf Power. Lost bix ior to, wua wmna uuaxajatee to euro Sold at Klrl In's Last Two Tours To Washington, The last two of the present scries of Penn sylvania Railroad tbree-day personally-cou- ducted tours to Washington, D, C, will leave April 20 and May It. The rate. $11.30 from New York, f 11.50 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points.includes transportation, hotel accommodations and Capitol guide fees. An experienced Chaperon will also accompany the party. For itineraries and full Information apply to nearest ticket agents; Tourist Agents, 1100 Broadway, New York, and 780 Broad street, Xewark, N. J. ; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. What Is Stuloh 1 A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured innumerable cases of Incipient consumption and rolleved many In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 23 eta., 50 cts. and 1.00. Sold by P. D. Ktrlln and a guarantee. Will You Winter In Florida? This will be tbo greatest soason Florida has bad for years. You oiiaht to go and go via the Southern Ballway. Its tho best route. If you will write John M. Beall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa he will arrange all the details of your trip for you. this fact than Miss Hniel 8nlder, from tne ramnr physician wa discouraged and did not know Hera In n paper of the wonderful Pink l'llli rhrPala Pennle. I trlp.l Thev have stood the test of rears anq hav? cured thousapdf Q( iCases of Nervous Diseases, such as Debilitv. Dizziness. Sleepless ness and Vartcocele,Atropoy,&& They clear the brain, strengthen tne circulation, maice digestion trcrfect. and impart a hetlthv and losses are checked fermanintly. Unless patient aouigii, rtAl. in LulblliB LID. cianu, I OLIO ROYALTY ITSELF. WEST'S person, ac score or oy mail. Manhood, fiterllltv nr ilarrrtntinHu. il linr! la ov uayt. ai sioro or uy mail. Drug Store. COLUMBIA BOCK D EER Is drank by everybody. It is now on tap supplied. Pri-rit fomilloc LAKESIDE! Tlio only pleasure resort and picnic ground in tins region. 1 his season will be the most successfully conducted since its existence, The boais for the lake are now undergoing repairs at Reading. The grove will be cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to prepire and preserve meals for picnic parties win ue lurmsnea iree. jn orcnestra will De established at this resort for the entire season For particulars address B. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesville, Pa, VUiTER Tho Tammany Loador Bofora tbo Investigating Oominittoe. HIS DRAMATIC DECLARATION. "If You Cnn Show Mo Wliorp I llnvc Tnkou n Stnulo Dollnr l'rntii Tliln City You Cnu Cut Tlint Arm OfT." Doolluofl to Movent lltiHtnim Aimtrx, Now York, April 15. Richard Croker was on the stand yesterday before the Mazet Investigating committee, anil was called again today. John F. Car roll, the Tammany leader's chief dep uty, was also put through a course ol questioning. Judge Joseph P. Daly, whom the Democrats refused to renom inate for Justice ot the supreme court last rail, told of his treatment by Mr. Croker and Tammany, while other prominent witnesses contributed tes timony that went to make the day a most notable one In the Investigation into tho city s affairs. The examination of Richard Croker was a remarkable ono, chiefly byroason of tho answers which he returned to the questions propounded to him by Mr. Moss. He wag brief nnd direct, and took advantage of the many op portunities afforded him to retort in a manner that evoked applause many times from thoso gathered In tho com mittee room. Mr. Croker gave evonts n somewhat dramatic turn when, aftor refusing to answer several questions concerning his private affairs, he held up his right hand and said Impressively: "If you can show whero I have taken a single dollar from this city, you can cut that arm on." When tho Tnmmany chief first went on the stand Mr. Moss conducted a lino of questioning which Mr. Croker evi dently believed was a loss of tlmo, for he suddenly leaned forward and said: "It is not necessary to bring up what everybody knows. There is no usa playing to tho gallery; there is no use making speeches. I am the leader of the party, and I acknowledge It. All theso people are my friends, and I am going to stick to them all tho tlmo." Mr. Moss drow from Mr. Croker the fact that tho Tammany chief believed that all the offices of administration of all departments should go to the vic torious political party. Mr. Croker said that when tho Democrats placed men In office the party expected to have those men do what the leaders of the party asked them to do. Ho himself had recommended the appointment of various officials and the distribution of patronage. Not In every case, how evor, he said, had his wishes been car ried out. He admitted, nevertheless, that ho had considerable amount of po litical Influence. A matter that Mr. Moss gave atten tion to was Mr. Croker's connection with the auctioneering business con ducted by Poter F. Meyer, by whom the majority of the Judicial sales are conducted. Mr. Croker said he had been a member of the firm for some years, and as a true Democrat ho ex pected to bo befriended In the way of profit from the sales. "Then you are working for your own pocket?" said Mr. Moss. "All tho time, the same as you are," "To the boss belongs tho lion's share of the plunder," sneored Mr. Moss. "No plunder, no," said Croker. "You can call it what you like. You can call the bill you sent to the legislature for the work you aro now doing plunder, If you pioase. Mr. Croker told the committee that It was customary for candidates to office to contribute to election expen ses, and stated that some contributions had been as high as $8,000 or $10,000. He said that the contributions were not compulsory, but were, In many cases, on the contrary, voluntary. Perhaps the most interesting part of the investigation was that In which Mr. Croker was questioned closely aa to how ho had made his monoy. Mr. Croker refused to tell of his private affairs, but admitted that he was a member of several companies, one of which Is the Air and Power company, with a capital stock of $10,000,000. He said: "I've got nothing to conceal. If any one comes to me with a good stock to buy, I buy It, and so would you. I will not go Into any details of my private business." Mr. Moss endeavored, in a persuasive way, to induce Mr. Croker to give further information on the subject ot money making, but the witness simply refused to give details. He declared, however, that ho waa willing to let Moss see the books of his office for the jast seven years and seo what he had made. Incidentally Mr. Croker praised Chief Dovery and the police depart ment. Former Judge Joseph F, Daly tes tified that he had been notified In the early part of last October that ho need not expect a renomlnatlon. This noti fication came directly from Mr. Croker, and It was, he said, the result of his refusing to appoint a chief clerk of the court of common pleas recommend ed by Mr. Croker, and becauso he had refused to make a judicial order for the removal of tho legal sale to 111 Broadway, where Peter F. Myers' firm l lnrntprt .Turlfr Tlnlv Rnltl flint ho linrl paid $7,000 In assessments for his two nominations by Tammany Hall. former Juugo uoger A. l'ryor testi fied that he, too, had contributed to Tammany on account of his nomina tion, he having sent a check for $10, 000, payable to the order of Richard Croker, chairman of tho finance com mittee of Tammany Hall. He was sub sequently asked to make the check payable to the bearer, and he did so, John F, Carroll, Mr, Crouer s chief lieutenant, did not prove a very easy witness, and because of his refusal to answer questions, Mr, Moss suggested that bo might have to nave Mr. car roll sent to prison for contempt of court. Later he asked that Mr. Car roll's refusal to answer questions be reported to tho legislature. The cause of all this was the question as to whether Mr. Carroll had any connec tion with the Consolidated Ice Co., or whether he held any stock therein. U Mr. Carroll had given up a $7,500 position to accept bis present position In Tammany Hall, which, theoretic ally, Is without salary. Mr. Mchs pointed out that therefor Mr. Carroll was without visible means of support, and was, technically, a pauper. The witness, however, denied this, while at the same time he do nled that he was receiving a salary from Mr. Croker or from Tammany Hall, or from anybody that the coun sel could name "Daro you tell of the money you have received In the last thirty days?" asked Mr. Moss, and Carroll rotorted: "I decline to answer such questions, Von cannot frighten me." Mr. Carroll made the admission that "what Mr, Crpker saja goes." TIIU LAKU CITV LYNCIIIN0. S'hrep or tlin IinllPtwl nrtM'l"-! from tlio l.lst or ncftemlnut. Charleston, 8. C, April IB When the government rested Its esse In the Ijtke City lynching trial here yester day counsel for the defense sujgested that tho names of Clark, Kelly and E. 1 tod nam he dropped from the Indict ment, as they had not been connected with the murder by the evidence. Dis trict Attorney Ijtthrop accepted the suggestion, thus leaving eight men at the bar. rho defense annonced that It would seek to show that Uaker was killed by a masked mob that rode Into Lake City, and further to establish alibis for the defendants. J. A. Green swore Kpps was at his home on the night of the lynching till near midnight Admitting this he might still have beeu with the lynch ers. J. D. Godwin, a brother-in-law of McKnlght, swore lie was at the house of the latter until midnight on Feb. 21. Clerk of Court Grayson, of Wil liamsburg, and other witnesses were put up to show that Newham, the man who turned state's evidence, was In Kingstree the day before the lynch ing. Newham testified he. waa In Lake City all that day. Sen nteen witnesses woro examined for the defense. Tho most material ot thorn admitted being closely related to ono or another of the defendants. Gin Workirs' Iloinnnils IreentrI. Urldgoton, N. J., April 16. The de mand of the window glass workers that they will quiet work If the manufac turers employ non-union men In tho places of the striking bottle blowers, was presented to the Cumberland, tho Cohansey and tho More-Jonas com panies yesterday afternoon. They also Informed tho companies that they will refuse to work If the Cohansey and the More-Jonas companies assist tho Cum berland company by sending men to the latter company. The oefflers of the Cohansey and the More-Jonas In formed tho committee that they would neither employ non-union men nor as sist tho Cumberland company. The committee received no reply from the Cumberland company, tho principal of ficers being out of town. Tho situa tion is regarded as very serious. "Dimness of sight, palpitation, shortness of breath, black spots or else shining lights before my eyes, terrible headache, numb ness in my arms and hands and tongue, also my jaws would get numb constipation, prolapsus, debilitating drains, soreness through my bowels; in fact I was diseased from head to foot," writea Mrs. Mollie E. Q Carpenter, of Linaria, Cum- , berland Co., Tenn. "When Ct, I St wrote to Dr. Pierce con- cerning my nealtu, l was so weait l couia oniy write a few words when I would have to rest. I could hardly walk. Words cannot ex press my suffer ings. Now I can do my own wash ing and cooking. I can take a ten quart pail in one hand and a six quart pall In the other (full of water) and carry both one fourth of a mile and never stop to rest. I am as heavy as I was at 19 years (135 lbs). I also had dimness of sight and impaired memory. I had spells that when I would try to speak I cou! rv to sneak I couldn't think of tne words I wanted to say, but would say something else, I have im proved, oh, so much, and Dr. Pierce's med icines have done the good work. It has been about a year since I commenced to ise the medicines. My health has been improving slowly but surely. We cannot expect a disease that has been coming on for years to be cured in a few days. It any lady, suffering as I have, will write to Dr. R. y Pierce, at Buffalo, N Y.. and get his advice and use his medicines according to directions, a cure will surely result " Most dealers in medicine sell Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. There is no other piediclue that Is "the same" or "just as good." Don't accept a substitute. NERVITA PILLS Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood. Cures Impotency, Nlcht Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A ncrvo tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. Bv mall BOc Tier box, C boxe3 for $-.50; with a wittcn fyunraii tee to euro or refund tlio money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILU Sold at Klrlln's drug store. Shenandouli, Pa SIR TUPPI 604 Hortu Sixth St: Jill 18 srSldsEc Entrance on Green St Philadelphia, l'su. cares after tdrertlslnR doctors, Medical tnstl tntes.famlry pnTsIctans,spec!alota, M Sworn TBstlraonlalsS?! dav'sPhltadelphlaTlmes prove. 11 1 w Alt Ethefateof thousands who iM eg are roDQeo. ana rninea ny nnsuurui On 3rj worded and alluring advertisements. I posing as old and experienced speo , lallats, offering free consultations. 8 : tree advice anil cheap or, moderate ; priced treatment. Their victims you I nnd by thousands In Poorhonses or lnsaneAsrlama.Gonsnltllr.Theel wuu la sutiWD aa luo uuij nunvata skillful and arenulna) tti.clalus lnthlsconntrv wlthSveara Enronean as-9 3 - rn Hospital and It years' practical ex PaH operlence. Sends for book Truth." tha onlr 0 two-cent stamps tru e meoicai dooc advertised giving valuable I nformatlcn to yonng Sn(ioia.Banennffxrom aeu.ADnie, -riTmi Ueaaea,LoatManhood.Varlcocele&8tr1crure. and exposlcgslldeceltsln the practice of medicine ad electricity, lloarsi t-3, ergs, t-i, 8undar,rl3 Canaries, Sweet singers. Also some for breeding purposes. Japanese (lold Fish and globes. Pigions Common fancy. MINING SUPPLIES. DAVID HOPKINS, VXi East Centre street, Shenandoah. Pa THE BEST OP THEM ALL! I .LIPPINCOTTS ) nONTHLYJWJAZINE Contains a complete novel In every num ber, in addition to a targe quantity of useful and entertaining reading matter. So cionffnttcdT sforlrs, irhlrh are jy bJscHonaM to must rtaJsri, 1- It should be In every household. Bab script Ion, S3.00 per year. Agents wanted. In every town, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be offered, J. b. urracorr company, publisher, PHILADELPHIA. mm JT?aBBTfsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVa y. L U ill WP WA AXmk'ZM If You Peel "Fagged Out," Have HEADACHE, BACKACHE, POOR APPETITE, BAD COMPLEXION. and wonld Ilk to feel and look well, let in rcvornmmd CELZRT KUIOtoyon held Wy Drasglit. Vil,2i. a M. I Those who once uy SI ELIQ'S keen cciciinc back for it. This ad mixtire makes the flavor of cof fee drill 1' 'US. A.1 Grocers. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. M. BURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Eean bulldlna. corner ot Main an Centre Rtreetn, Shenandoah. JKOF. JOUH JONES, ?I0SICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa. HaTlne (tmlled nndcr some of the beat matters In London and Pari, will iclve leuons on the Tloltn, mandolin, eulur and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In care ot Birotua. Ihfi 1ffw!r HhArtftndrukh. ennsylvania RAILROAD. RCHUYKILt, DIVISION. March a, 1899. Trains will lejsve Hhcnandoah after tha snavf date tor VflRiran, Ollberton, Frackvllle. Dark water. Hi. Clair, I'ottanue. Hamburg, Koadlng, Pottotown, 1'hoenlxvllle. Norristown and Phil 4elphla(llrAdatreet station) at 615 and 8 IS . m.,2 10.6 1) d. m. on week dara. Sundavs. 8 1.1 a. m.. 4 80 p. m. Tralna leave Frackville for Bhenandoah al 7 86, 11 46 a. ra. and S 46, 7 SS p. m. Sunday. ll ui a. m. anu o to p. m. Leave Pottavllle for tihenandoab (vtaPrack. vllle) 7 10, 11 30 a. m., a 20, 7 10 p. m. Bunday iu i a. in., a'ju p. m. Iave Philadelphia. (Broad street station), foi Hhrnandoab at 8 S3 a. m., 4 10 p, m. week days. Sundays lenve at 6 50 and 9 33 a. m. Lave l'liiiiwieipnin luroau street aianoa) lor Pottsville, & 17, an, 1019 a. m., 310, 4 10, 711 p. ra. weekdays. Sundays, 6 SO, 9 33 a. m, and 6 02 p m. lyeavo tiroau Hireei ntaiion. rnuaaoipnia, FOH NEW YOItK. Express WeelcKlays, 3 30, 4 05, 4 50, S OS, 8 IS, 660,7 33.830, 9 50, 1021, 1100, 11 43 a ra, 12 00 noon, 1233, Limited MCOand 4 33 n ra, 1 40, 2S0.8 30, SS0, 4 02. SCO, 3S6,600, 7 02, TOO, 10 00 p m, 12 01 night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 03, 4 SO 3 03,313,8 30, 9 GO 1021, 10 43, 11 43 a m, 1203, 12 35. 230.4 02 Limited. 4 221. 3 20. SBo. fi 85. 7 02, 7 SO, 10 OO p ni, 12 01 night. r-xpress ior i to ion without change, 11 00 a na,, week-days, and 7 SO p. m., dally. For Sea Qlrt. Ashurv Park-. npMn flrnvft. Long Branch, 8 30, 11 14 am, 3 30, 4 02 p m weekdays. For Lambertvllle, Easton and Bcranton, 6 SO, 9 00 a m, 12 03 noon, 8 82, S 00 (Lambertvllle and Easton only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally. Buffalo, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekday, and 7 02 p m dallv. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. ITa, DklllmnM anil Wa.hln-lnn S RA QM 10 20. II 23 a m. 1209. 1231. ! 12.3 12. 4 41 I 'SOB Congressional IJm.1, S31, 6 17, '653, 7 81 p. m, and 12 05 night weekdays. Sundays, 3 SO, 720, 912, 1133 am, 12 09, 112. 3 12. 4 41 '530 Oon grensional Llra.,33l, HSS, 731p m and 12 OS qikus. For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 12 a ra. 1 S2 and 4 01 p in week days, 3 OH and 11 16 p m dally. Atlantic loaai une. l.xprrsa 12 1 p m, ana 13 05 nlghl, dally. Southern ltallwav. Express A SI and 6 S3 n rn. dallv. Norfolk and Western Railway for Mempbl and tv Orleans, 5 31 p ra dally. inesapeaa-e ,u unio ifanway, 7BI pm,ciaiiy. For Old 1'olnt Comfort and Norfolk. 10 20 a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. ieave .Maraci street wharl aa follows: ti pre for New York, 90am, 430pm week, days. For Iong Branch, via Seaside Talk, 8 SO a ni weekdays. ror island Heights, 8 30 a m and 4 00 p m weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Ieave Broad street station via TVIawam vfvr bridge Kxpresa.9 40 a m4 00, 7 05 p. ra. Sun- uys, uais, m., i uo p. m. Leave Market Street Warf Express, 1 00 a m, II SO Saturdays only, 3 00, 4 00,5 00 p m. Sun days, 9 00, 10 00 a m (accommodation 4 SO and 300pm. for cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City. ftiwui dhiho uuruur, Anairsea, n iiuvt . jti and Holly Ileach Express, 900 a m, 4 Uv, p m wresuaya. aunuava. v oo a m. For Somen Point KxmMs. 9 DO . m loo. 4 00, SCO, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and 10 00 a. rn The Union Transfer Comnanv will rail for and check bairiraita from hotels and residences. joining car I B IIiTt iiissos. j. R. Wood. tlnn'l Manaaot. News and Opinions OF National Importance THE - SU ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday ,by mail,8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape in the world. Price 5c a copy. By mall, S2 i yea Address TOT SUM, New York. a&fcSSY PILLS. EStrt! A"EUHEStMtiAo.lOS-WOAIISBf for at rovtnsky's drac store, B Oanlre strasL AWN'S TANSY PILLS Atiiin.iiriiTDiiniVOMM.l8 RELIEF. Alwfct Dram nt aDd rcLitbA. Avci lmtatttm flat Cavob'sb TiiiT litti tnd kAta miaBiTB. Al dnir atoru. or fBt dtrttl MaJt4. rric. tU CJTO Sri. V ikW Uusv Ott IrMa i. ItW Um Wr . 1 adding a lit tic of SccIIr's - rt rr I n o r ti o m For ul IKlrliu'tdrugtoraadSanndn line Wr