The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 12, 1899, Image 2

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nsT,viir,ism:i) IH70,
"All the News Thai's Fll lo Print."
Published every ovrtilrifc, except Sunilny, nt 8
South JnrUli. strer t, Hliennmlonh, 1'ft.
Tlio ITcmM ta delivered In Sliennmlonh mul the
surrounding towns fonOxcontnn w ck, pny
nbto to the cnrrlers. lly mail 13.00 a yrar, or
S3 cents n month payable In ndvnncc. Ad
vertisements charged according to s pace and
position. Thn publishers reserve the rlftht
to chanpo tho position tf advertisements
whenever the publication of news demands
H. Tho right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement whether mld for or not, that
tho publishers may deem improper. Adver
tising rftte made known upon application,
Entered at tho pot ofllee at Shenandoah, !., as
second class mall matter.
WEDNESDAY. AI'ItlL 12. 18(10,
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Tub "son of his father" is certainly
having his troubles in New York.
Dkmociiatic issues are multiplying
these days and so are the Jefferson
Ian dinners.
A Lebanon editor has been charged
with arson. That the risk all who
write red-hot stuff run, comments the
North American.
The Mazot investigating committee
in New York bids fair to rival the in
tense interest In the affairs of that
city which tile Lesow investigation
of a few years ago aroused.
California's new law requiring
newspaper communications to be
signed by the writer is a good thing.
At last "Old Subscriber" is to be un
masked, and "Pro Bono Publico"
made to disclose his real name.
The Buffalo newspapers do not ap
pear to be very proud of Uncle Sam's
cruiser named after that city. One
of them rises to remark that the
cruiser Buffalo is making a fine
record for herself as a ferryboat be
tween New York and Manila, if noth
ing more.
"War has been declared against Col.
Guffey, the Democratic boss in this
state. The gentleman who is after
his scalp is Chairman Howley, of
Allegheny county, who has higher
aspirations. In an interview the
latter saya he has sufficient votes now
pledged to succeed State Chairman
The opinion prevails very gener
ally at Washington that the Presi
dent will before long find it necessary
to avail himself of the discretionary
power conferred upon him by the
new army uui, ana can ror at least a
portion of the 35,000 volunteers he
has authority to enlist for a period of
two years.
Wk desire to say to a correspondent
signing himself "Justice" that the
subject upon which lie writes is a
matter for court inquiry and not
newspaper controversy ; besides, his
language would not look well in
print. The Herald is a family news
paper and does uot admit such
"literature" in its columns.
The political opponents of Senator
Quay should now be satisfied. They
claim to have prohibited his re-elec
tion to the Senate, and not satisfied
with that have him arraigned in court
for conspiracy. - The "old man" isn't
saying much, but 'he has evidently
been doing some mighty tall thinking
these past six months. When he goes
at his defamers, there will likely be
trouble in the Keystone state for
somebody. Keep your ear to the
ground t
Young Carter Harrison, whom
Dick Croker and his Tammany out
fit are grooming for a place on the
Democratic Presidential ticket
knocked out, in great shape, both
the Republican machine and the
Bryan apostle in the person of the
famous former Governor, John Peter
Altgeld. The latter's canvass was so
near to the cause of Bryanlsm that
the Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee gave it the com
mittee's endorsement, and yet Dick
Crocker's friend beat him over two
to one. Altgeld is now considered
feather-weight, even by the Bryan
Mr. Bryan, in his candidacy for a
presidential nomination next year, is
again dealing in a choice set of epl
grams, something on the line of his
famous erown of thorns and cross of
t;old. In one of his recent attacks on
the expansion policy of the McKlniey
Administration he said : "The Re
publican party came into existence in
an attempt to apply the Declaration
of Independence to the black man
it seems likely to go out of existence
for its refusal to apply the same
principles to a brown man only half
black." In this instance, Mr. Bryan's
epigram is liable to react ; it's a two.
edged sword.
No Grip, Psin
Or discomfort, no Irritation of the in
testines but gentle, prompt, thorough
healthful cleansing, when you take
Hood's Pills
.Sold by all druggists, 25 cents.
reason Mrs. Pinkhatn's
promptly is that they have confidence in her.
Through some of the many thousands of Mrs. Pink.
ham's friends an ailing woman
Pinkham at her home in Lynn,
Mass., and will tell her symptoms.
The reply, made without charge of
any kind, will bear such evidence
of knowledgo of tho trouble that
belief in her advloe at once Inspires
This of itself Is a great help.
Then tho knowledge that women only see the letters asking
for advlco and women only assist Mrs. Pinkham In replying
makes It easy to be explicit about the little things that define
the disease.
Mrs. Eliza Thomas, of 634 Pine St., Easton, Pa., writts:
Dfar Mrs. Pinkham I doctored with two of the best
wiHi mm
about four years I was a great sufferer from female troubles. I
had backache all of thetime, no appetite, pains in stomach, faint
ing spells, was weak and my system was completely run down.
I also had falling of womb so bad that I could scarcely walk
across the floor. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable
Compound and one box of Lozengers, con say I am cured."
Totnl Destruction oflrtlo Hour.
New York, April 12. The country
house of William K. Vanderbllt, known
as Idle Hour, at Oakdale, L. I., was
completely destroyed by firo at an
early hour in the morning. Not a por
tion of the handsome building remains
standing. William K. Vanderbllt, Jr.,
and his recently wedded wife escaped
unhurt, as did all the other occupants
of the house, 'most all 01 the costly
paintings and handsome furniture
were destroyed. The bridal couple re
turned to this city, and are stopping at
the Waldorf-Astoria.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The beat salvo in the world for cats.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt thenm, over sores,
, 1 7 1 .7 - i. n 1,1.. : .. - 1
all skin eruptions', and positirely cures piles,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
porfoct satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
35 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy.
As Itollected bv Dentines In rbllndol-
phln and llaltlmoro.
Philadelphia, April 11. Flour weak:
winter superfine. J2.152.40; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, $3.1G'3.33: city mills, extra,
J2.ECff2.73. Itye flour quiet and unchanged
nt J3.20S3.25 per barrel for choice Penn
sylvania. Wheat firm; No. 2 red, spot,
in elevator, 7?i75c. Corn strong; No. i
mixed, spot. In elevator, 3S?i39c.; No. 1
yellow, for local trade, 0V4Sc Oats
quiet and steady; No. 2 white. 34&(235c.;
No. 2 white, clipped, 3535Hc Hay
steady; choice timothy, J13 for large bales.
Beef quiet but steady; beef hams, J190
19.50. Pork quiet; family, $12312.60. Lard
weak; western steamed, $5.60. Butter
steady; western creamery, lG21c. ; do.
factory, 13015c. ; Elglns, 21c; Imitation
creamery, UQlSHc; New York dairy, 13
20c; do. creamery, lGf21c; fancy Penn
sylvania prints Jobbing at 21W27c; ilo.
wholesale, 23c. Cheese firm; large, white
and colored. 1212i4c; small do., 123i13c.
Eggs firm; New York nnd Pennsylvania,
13c; western, fresh, 13y413V4c; south
ern, 12H613Vic. Tallow easier; city, 4V4W
4V4c; country. 4HS4c Turpentine firm
er at UUiiMc
Baltimore, April 11. Flour quiet ana
unchanged. Wheat strong and higher;
No. 2 red, spot, 75&f8T6i.4c. ; tho month.
75;H07514c. ; May. 7070Vic; July, 75c;
steamer red, 7575?ic; soutnern. Dy
sample, 70676c; southern, on grade, 71$iSJ
75ic. Corn strone and higher; mixed.
spot. S039Uc; the month, 3839c; May,
28i4fi3Mic: June. 3911c: steamer mixed,
2S3SUc; southern, white, 40Hc: south
ern yellow corn. 39c. oats uuu: jmo. a
white. 354j35Hc: No. 2 mixed, 32032140,
live firmer: No. 2 nearby, 5Sc; No. 2
western. 60c. Hay steady; No, 1 timothy,
$12.60013. Grain freights weak; steam to
Liverpool, per busliel, J'fcu. April; uor,
for orders. Der ouarter. 2s. 3d. April;
nutter steady: fancy creamery. 2202214c.:
fsinrv Imitation. lSI19c: fancy ladle, 15
018c: cood ladle. 13014c; store packed,
11012c: rolls. 12llc. Eggs steady at
12c. Lettuce at $1.7502 per bushel box.
Live Stock MnrUots.
New York, April 11. No trading In
beeves: feeling weak: cables s.ow. No de
mand for calves; teellng weak. Sheep
and lambs nominally firm. Hogs steady
at J404.25; 2 cars of western pigs sold at
ti hum is.
East Liberty, i'a., April 11. uame 111
light supply; extra, $5.60; prime, J5.20g6.35;
common, J3.5Oiij3.S0. Hogs steady; prime
mediums, JJ.054.10; heavy hogB, $184.06;
best Yorkers, J8.9564; light Yorkers and
pigs. J3.75&3.90: roughs, J2.503.50. Sheep
steady; choice wethers, J65.10; common
$163.75; choice lambs, J66.10; common to
good, J1.7506.S5; clipped sheep, J3.7504.4O;
clipped lambs, J4.0OS6.30; spring lambs, $1
9; veal calves. J&66.50.
Whether on pleasure bent or bmiucss, take
on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it
acts most pleasantly and effectually on tbe
kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fevers,
beadacbes, and other forms of sickness. For
sale in 50 cent bottles by all loading drug
gista. Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
The Ilouols, n Usual, Wero Driven
On" by Our Troops.
Manila, April 12. At about midnight
the rebels cut th'o telegraph lino at
several places between here and Malo
los and signal nres were lighted and
rockets sent up along the foothills to
the right of the railroad. Later the
enemy attacked the outposts of the
Minnesota regiment between BIgaa
nnd Bocave, five miles south of Maio
los, killing two mon and wounding 14.
Simultaneously the outposts of the
Oregon regiment at Marilao, the next
station on the way to Manila, wore at
tacked, with the result that three
Americans wore killed and two wound
ed. The loss of the enemy was ten
men killed and six wounded. Tha
Americans also captured two prisoners.
It Is supposed that many of ths
rebels who attacked General MacAr
thur's line of communication and who
were repulsed by the troops command
ed by General Wheaton wero natives
who entered that region in the guise
of frlendlles. They had seemingly se
creted arms In several places, and
fired on the Americans from the
buslio,at so close a cance that, thv
treatment helps women so
will bo led to write to Mrs.
I doctors In the city for two
years and had no relief until I
began the uso of your remedies.
My troublo was ulceration of
the womb. I suffered
something terrible, could
not sloop nights and
thought sometimes that
death would be such a
relief. To-day I am a well
woman, able to do my
own work, and have not
a pain. I used four bottles
of Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound and
throo packages of Sana
tive Wash and cannot
thank you enough for tho
good it did me."
Mrs. M. Stoddard,
Box 268, Springfield, Minn.,
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham For
could be heard talking. One of the
Filipinos yelled in English: "We -will
give you damned Americans enough
of this before we aro through."
The rebels undermined the railroad
at Marilao and unspiked the rails in
nn effort to wreck a train, while the
railroad gang participated in the
fight. The work of tho rtfbels was dis
covered and repaired before the train
General Wheaton Is preparing to
punish the Filipinos.
Tho military gunboats Napidan and
Laguna do Bay captured a small un
armed Spanish gunboat and three
launches in tho Santa Cruz river.
It is now known that 93 Insurgents
were killed during the capture of
Santa Cruz.
Aconclllo Talking Acaln.
Paris, April 12. In an interflow
printed in Tho Patrio yesterday Agon
clllo is quoted as saying: "Tho Ameri
cans have fully realized that they will
never subdue the Filipinos nnd that
the policy of Major General Otis has
completely failed. The Filipinos have
resolved to defend themselves to tho
death. They have in their power 1,500
American prisoners. Tho wet season is
arriving, and fever will soon attack
the American troops and disorganize
them. During this enforced truce wo
will increase tho strength of our or
Regardless Of Age.
The kidneys are responsible for more sick
ness, suffering, and deaths than any other
organs of the body.
A majority of the ills afflicting people to
day is traceable to kidney trouble. Itprevades
all classes of society, in all climates, regard
less of age, sex or condition.
The symptoms of kidney trouble are unmis
takable, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, sleep
lessness, pain or dull ache in the back, a
desire to urinate often day or night, profuse or
scanty supply.
Urii- acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine
are signs of clogged kidneys, causing poisoned
and germ-filled blood. Sometimes the heart
acts badly, and tube casts (wasting of the
kidneys are found in the urine, which if
neglected will result in "right's Disease, tbe
most dangerous form of kidney trouble.
All these symptoms and conditions are
promptly removed under tbe influence of Dr,
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It has a world wide
reputation for its wonderful cures of tbe most
distressing cases.
No one need be long without it as it is so
easy to get at auv drug store at fifty cents or
one dollar. You can have a sample bottle of
this wonderful discovery, Swamp-Root, and a
book telling all about it, both sent to you
absolutely free by mail. Send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y., and
kindly mention that you read this liberal offer
in the Shenandoah Herald.
Drnjrcod From n Trnln nnil "Itobbed.
Chicago, April 12. Two highways
men performed a daring robbery at
the Lake Shore depot In Grand Cross
Ing Monday night. The two robbers
boarded a Lake Shore train, abducted
a passenger who was standing on the
rear platform, bound and gagged him,
despite his struggles, and then dragged
him into an empty freight car, where
thoy left him after taking everything
of value he had in his possession. Tho
victim is Harry Ketcham, who llyes
in Laporte, Ind.
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, ' 'Oh,
will wear away," but in most cases it will
wear them away. Could they be induced to
try the successful medicine called Kemp's
Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they would immediately see the ex
cellent eflcct after taking the first dose. Price
25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug'
Million Dollar Lincoln Monumont
Springfield, Ills., April 12. The
house yesterday passed a bill providing
for the erection here or a new Llncol.i
monument at a cost of $1,000,000. The
bill appropriates $100,000 nnd provides
that $100,000 be raised by popular sub
scription. Congress will be asked to
appropriate the balance.
I"or Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boors the
fntl Ilcpiilillcnni nnd Domoornts Cnn
Point to Buccors
Trenton. April 12. Tho Hcnubllcans
rarrlcd Trenton yesterday, electing
Frank O. Urlggs mayor by about 500
majority and C. Hurry Baker tax col
lector by 1,000 majority. Tho Repub
licans retain control of common coun
Lnwrenco Kazan. Democrat, was re
elected mayor of Hobokon. Tho coun
cil wilt stand olght Domocrats, 0110
nopuhllcnn and one independent Dem
ocrat. In Jersoy City Mayor Hoos, Demo
crat, was re-elected by 0,9C9 over Wat
son, Henubllcan. Tho Domocrats car
ried overy councilman except one. Tlw
board of aldermen stands; Demo
crats 22 j Republicans, 3.
Frank L. Ton Broeck, Republican,
was re-elected mayor of Asbury Park.
in I'atorson Mayor Illnchcliffo, Dem
ocrat, was elected by about 2,600.
Board of aldcrmon, four Democrats
and four Republicans.
A. Urlnkorholr. Republican, was
elected mayor of Englewood over Dr.
D. A. Currio. tho present mayor.
Tho Ronubltcnns can led Newark.
Goorgo M. Ballard and C. V. Baumann,
who headed tho Republican ticket on
the street and water board, are elected
by about 800, Tho Republicans appear
also to have carried tho council.
With ono exception tho entire Demo
cratic ticket in Orango was olectcd. In
Bast Orango tho Republicans elected
their nominees.
At Bayonno Mayor Seymour was re
elected by about 800 over William C.
Farr, Republican. Hyman Lazarus,
Democratlo nominee for recorder, was
elected by about tho same majority.
New common council will stand three
Republicans and eight Democrats.
Charles M. Howe, Republican, was
elected mayor of Passaic, unopposed.
Democrats elected freeholder, council-
men and school commissioner.
In New Brunswick Mayor William
son, Republican, was re-elected with
out opposition. Tho common council
stands: Democrats, 10; Republicans, 3.
What Is Shllon 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through the world for
half a century, has cured Innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you aro not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your money.
Price 25 eta., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D.
Klrlin and a guarantee.
Allotrcd Abduotorn Out 011 Hail.
Chicago, April 12. John Collins and
Mrs. Ann Ingersoll, who aro under in
dictment for tho kidnaping of little
Gerald Laplner, on Decoration day,
were released on bonds of $10,000
each yesterday. Tho alleged abductors
will be placed on exhibition in a local
dime museum.
Young Mothers.
Croun is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like maeic in cases of
croup, it has never been known to lau,
worst cases relieved Immediately. PricoSS
cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
and a guarantee.
Tho I.nlco City T.ynchlnpr Cnie.
Charleston, S. C, April 12. The trial
of tho alleged Lake City lynchers was
resumed yesterday. Four members of
the Baker family, tho wife nnd three
children of the dead postmaster, who
wero themselves sufferers at the liands
of the mob, testified and exhibited
scars to tho Jury. They related tho
story of tho firing of tho postofllce and
tho Bhooting of tho family and how
they escaped and found refuge with
the neighbors. Early P. Lee, one of
the prisoners, Xtho turned state's evi
dence, was called by the government,
but the defense objected and called
witnesses to prove he had been con
victed of crime. Court adjourned bo
fore the point was settled.
Does Coffee Agree With You 7
If not, drink Grain-0 made from pure
grams. A lady writes: '"Ihehrst time 1
made Grain O I did not like it but after using
it for one week nothing woidd induce me to go
back to coflee.' ' It nourishes and feeds the
system. The children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a package to
day from your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old and ysung.
15c. and 25c,
Knutz Will Bo Supported Unloas II
locnl Action Is Shown.
Washington, April 12. As it has
been strongly intimated In the Berlin
dispatches that the German govern
ment was about to make a demand for
a disavowal of Admiral Kautz's actions
it may be stated that our government
will certainly not accede to any such
request in advance of a full knowlegdo
of all the facts in the case and a con
viction that tho admiral acted wrongly,
the presumption always being that our
Officers have acted with due propriety
until the contrary is shown to he tho
If Admiral Kautz found Mataafa, tho
self constituted king, with his 13 chiefs,
dominating the affairs of the island,
involving the suspension of tbe func
tions or the supreme court and of the
municipal council, formally and duly
established by treaty, then It was his
duty, according to the state depart
ment, to bring the conditions at once
Into conformity with the treaty. If
this involved the dissolution of tbe
provisional government there can be
no legal complaint, it Is said. The
fact that tbe three consuls at Apia,
In a moment of excitement, sanctioned
the establishment of the provisional
government, though regretted here, is
not regarded as affecting tho merits of
the American and British contention.
1'olHonod Cnndy nn n flirt.
Hastings, Neb., April 12, An nt
tempted poisoning on the lines of the
Adams case of New York occurred
yesterday, An unknown person left
at the studio of Mrs. O. F. Morey a
box of bonbons, with tbe card of a
prominent society woman attached.
Mrs, Morey ate freely of the candy,
as did several of her lady friends,
Later the lady whose card was at
tached to the box called, and Mrs.
Morey thanked her. but the lady said
she did not send It. Mrs. Morey and
the other women who nto the candy
were soon taken sick and narrowly
escaped death. There Is no clew,
Conntrr Munlt, 1'orfjr-flve Lost.
Malta, April 12. Tho British steam
er Kingswell, Captain Humphreys,
just urrived here, reports being In col
Uslon with tho Greek coaster Maria on
April 9 in the Mediterranean, off the
coast of Tripoli. Tho Maria was sunk,
45 persons going down with her. The
Kingswell wa3 uninjured.
oiiiiylrniiln Soldiers, lloworer, Do
olnre It Mndo Mon Slok.
Washington, April 12. Mnjor Gen
eral Shaftor, who conductod tho cam
paign against Santiago, was tho prin
cipal witness boforo the beef Inquiry
hoard yesterday. Ho said he nto can
ned roast hoof cold and found it not
disagreeable The rofrlgorated beof
was ns fine as any ho had over eaten.
Tho mon who had suffered for lack of
food had only themsolves to blamo.
If there had been mistakes congross
was responsible Ho admitted that ho
had never hoard of canned roast beof
boforo tho tnr. While it was not very
palatable In tho tropics, ho thought It
would bo very good in the cold climate.
A. A. Kirk, a conk of Philadelphia
City Troop, testified that ho saw re
frigerated beef aboard tho Massachu
setts that had spoiled. In Porto Rico
tho troop bought its own beef on the
hoof. One-third of tho canned beef
he saw was unfit for uso. John W.
Springor, of Now Cumberland, Pn.,
who acted as commissary sergeant of
the Governor's Troop of Pennsylvania,
gave similar testimony, as did Arthur
W. Felght, of Carlisle, Pa also of the
Governor's Troop. The latter declared
maggots wore found In tho beof broth
aboard tho Mississippi. It made tho
men sick.
Lieutenant Alexander Frank, of Cin
cinnati, commissary and subsistence
officer of the First Ohio, said canned
roast beef made the men sick. He had
refused a considerable quantity of
beef furnished by Armour. It was
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovablo girl with an offensive) breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea puriDes the breath by Its
action on tho bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Prico 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
and a guarantee.
ITndtcnl Gormun Snclnllvt Tto-oloctpd.
Berlin, April 12. In tho bye-election
to tho reichstag held yesterday In tho
Second electoral division of Berlin
Herr Fischer, tho well known Social
Democrat and agitator, was returned,
replacing a member of the Freislnnign
party. At tho Socialists' annual con
ference at Stuttgart last October Herr
Fischer, in discussing Emperor Will
lam's strike bill, said: "Wo should
have the souls of dogs it wo refrained
from replying to this eternal harping
on tbe 'domestic enomy,' and we should
be follows without a country If, the
emperor having thought it advisable
to throw down the gauntlet In this
manner, wo did not havo the courage
to pick It up. Down with tho mon
archical idea."
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralcia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
Fire I Fire I If ire I
Iusuro your property from loss in tho
oldest and strongest cash companies: Phila.
Underwriters Insurance Co; of North
America and Firo Association, Hartford
Firo Ins. Co., American Firo Insurance Co.,
West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah.
Nnnoy "OuIlTord Oiifs Ton Yonrs.
Bridgeport, Conn., April 12. Upon
the opening of tho afternoon session
of tho court in the trial of Nancy Gull
ford yeslerday for tho murderof Emma
Gill State Attorney Fessenden an
nounced that he had consented to ac
cept from tho prisoner a plea of guilty
to manslaughter provided the ap
proval of Judge Wheeler was secured,
Judge Wheeler approved of tho decis
ion and Mrs. Guilford wns then put to
plea To the question of the court
clerk she firmly said: "Guilty of man
slaughter." Judge Wheeler sentenced
Mrs. Guilford to pay a nominal fine of
$1 and to serve ten years In the state
prison. When tho Judge concludedMrs.
Guilford sank in her chair without any
evidence of emotion except a slight
blinking of the eyes.
Taken Back to l'rovont a Lynching,
Baltimore, April 12. John Berry,
who has been confined In Jail here
to prevent probable lynching by Prince
George's county citizens, left here at 9
a. m. yesterday in charge of Sheriff
Roboy for Upper Marlboro, to answer
to the charge of murder. At 5 p. m.
the sheriff returned with his prisoner,
Ho will be tried in the criminal court
here by order of the Prince George's
county court. Berry, a young mulatto,
beat to death with a billet of wood his
benefactress, Miss Mary A. Clark, at
her home near Bowie, Prince George's
county, on the night of March 18.
Berry was removed surreptitiously
from the court house at Upper Marl
boro yesterday to prevent a probable
lynching, by .an infuriated mob.
Alter Six Years of Intense
Suffering, Promptly Cured
Du ? C 0 entire circulation is in a depraved condition. Thoy
uj Oi Oi Oi are a severe drain upon tho system, and are con
stantly sapping away the vitality. In overy case tho poison must
bo eliminated from tho blood, and no amount of oxternal troatmont
can havo any effect.
Thero is no uncertainty about tho merits of S. S. S. ; every claim
inauu iui in in uawou up BUUUKiy Uj liUH vmuilly
testimony of those who havo noen curod by it
and know of its virtues by experionco.
Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orango Courthouse, Va., writes:
"For six years I had an obstinate, running ulcer on my
anklo, whloh at times caused me intense suffering;. I was
so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unfit for
business. One of the best doctors treated me constantly
but did me no good. I then tried various blood remedies,
without the least benefit. 8. 8, S. was so highly recom
mended that I oonoludsd to try it, and the effeot was
wonderful. It seemed to get right at tlio seat of the
disease and force the poison out, and I was soon com
pletely cured." Swift's Speolflo
8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD
driveB out every trace of impurity in tho blood, and in this way
euros permanently tho most obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcor. It
is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and con
tains not a particle of potfiBh, morcury, or other mineral. S. S. S.
oures Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema,
Ithoumatism, Soros, Ulcers, Boils, or any other blood troublo. Insist
upon S. S. S. ; nothing can tako its place.
Valuable booka inailod f roo by Swift Specifics Company, Atlanta, Qa,
The Uest Spflna-Tlme Tonk"A Seaslinre
When sprlng-tlmo comes, aftor the dull,
heavy winter weather, we all feel the need
of something to tone up tho system. For
merly this wns douo by the nso of bitter de
coctions, but now-a-days tho knowing ones
havo found that the bot tonio Is a trip to the
ocean beach, and tho practice of spending a
few dsys on tho Slioro Is finding moro and
moro dovotrcs every year, so much so tlist
tho Seasldo Hotels make extra arraiikCincnU
tonccommodato tlio early Bprltig visitors.
Atlautio City, with its numerous open-all-tbe-ycar
hotols, sun parlors and nisgnlflcent
boardwalk with a southern exposure, giving
pronicnadors a splendid view of tho occiii
wbllo inhaling the warm Invigorating salt
air wafted up from tho gulf stream, is es
pecially suited for the purpose, ami thruugl'
the good train sorvlco of the Philadelphia &
Rending roilio (Atlantic City It. It ) has
quick railroad connection with nil puiuts
Fast trains leave Chestnut St. nnd South St
Ferries at convenient hours and through
tickets aro sold aud baggaco checked through
from or to all points ou tho Philadelphia &
Reading Railway and Its connections.
Wo would also call tho attention of tho
traveling public to tho fact that Philadelphia
& Reading eugllics bum hard coal, thus
avoiding smoko. Tho Atlantic Cltv Railroad
is double track all tho way. nnd is ballasted
with anthracite cinders, thus eliminating the'
very disagrccablo feature of dust, and that
this route has tho record of inaugurating tho
(10 minute train service between Philadelphia
and Atlantic City, running and maintaining
for 60 dnys without a break tho fastest train
In the world A book has been compiled by
tho Company, giving interesting statistics re
garding tliesojacte. It will be sent by mull
to any one who will address with a two cent
stamp Edson J. Weeks, General Passenger
Agent, Philadelphia.
To Old Point Comfort, Illrliinnml nnd
Wunliingtoii Under I'orcoTiul Kicnrt.
Tho next six-day personally-conducted tour
to Old Point Comfort, Richmond and Wash
ington via the Pennsylvania Railroad will
Icavo Now York and Philadelphia on Satur
day, April 15.
Tickets, including transportation, meals en
route In both directions, transfers of passen
gers and baggage, hotel accommodations at
Old Point Comfort. Richmond and Washing
ton, and carriago ride about Richmond will
be sold at rate of $31.00 from Now York,
Brooklyn and Newark; $32.50 from Trenton;
$31.00 from Philadelphia, and proportionate
rates from other stations.
Tlckots to Old Point Comfort only, includ
ing luncheon on going trip, ono nnd three-
fourths days' board at that place, and god to
return direct by regular trains within six
days, will be sold In connection with this
tour at rato of $15.00 from Now York; $13 50
from Tronton; $12.50 from Philadelphia, and
proportionate rates from other points.
For Itineraries and full information
apply" to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent,
1100 Broadway, Now York ; 789 Broad
street, Newark, N. J. ; or address Goo. W.
Boyd, Assistant "General Passonger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
GlnKsblowors Lcnvlnlr Urldeoton.
Bridgeton, N. J April 12. Some of
tho glassblowers who went on strike
from tho factories here are leaving to
take places at union factories in other
cities. It is expected that by the end
of the week at least 150 will have left.
President Hayes says he has plenty of
applications, and that most of the
striking blowers will be provided with
places. It is reported tho window glass
workors will come to the aid of the
bottle blowers. The Cumberland fac
tory Is the only one in operation hero,
but tho Cohansoy company is getting
ready to start up. The companies have
agents out endeavoring to employ
Ttnnk or EiiKlnnd's Now Governor.
London, April 12. At yesterday's
meeting of the Bank of England Sam
uel Stewart Gladstone ana Augustus
Prevost were appointed governor and
deputy governor, respectively, of that
institution. Mr. S. S. Gladstone, J. P.,
is a son of Thomas Stewart Gladstone,
of Copenoch, and married, In 1869,
Sophia, daughter of Sir G. Mueerava
Eden Hall. Both he t'nd Mr. Prevost
wero directors of tho bank.
Spoedlost Wnr Vessel Allont.
London, April 12. The Albatross, a
new type of torpedo boat destroyer,
Just built at the yards of Thornycroft
& Co., Chiswlck, Has attained a speed
of 33 knots, making this recprd on her
trial trip, with the admiralty offlcors
on board. This is the highest speed
reached by any war vessel. The de
stroyer is 227 feet long and 21 feet in
the beam, with a draught of 8 feet,
Dlsoonsoluto Dnnkor's Suioldo,
Philadelphia, April 12. Worrlment
over business troubles which Beemed
to cloud his life in rapid succession
during the past Boveral years led Fred
erick Narr, the widely known banker
and broker of this city, to end his life
yesterday by sending a bullet Into his
brain. The scene of the tragedy was
the Narr residence, charmingly located
In Tioga.
Obstinate sores and ulcers which
refuse to heal under ordinary treat
ment soon become chronio and deep
seated, and aro a sure sitrn that thn
Miss Sadie Wertheim. flgs 14, of tfol
do, O, was the winner of Xtocfirst prize for
execution on the violin at the Brussels
Conservator' of music. German critics
say sue is a won
derful player. It
is the greatest
first in any.
thing. For this
In ntntemptialtln
MrJifflfP literature, ath-
women put forth
their greatest efforts. Washington was
said to be "first in war, first in peace and
first in the Hearts oi ins countrymen." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind and brings great
er happiness than a good remedy. Many
things wilt relieve but the one that will
Wtf lsbcst. Brazilian Balm is such n rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it Is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. For 15 yrs. it has nev
er failed in a single case to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped upor wher.e
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated aud raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, uuknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There ore 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in this
country, all of whom can be cured with
Brazil fan Balm. A f 1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm coutains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
We will wran with each fll.00 bottle n
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic nnd nerve
and strength builder known to 6cience.
This is the greatest offer ever made. Ask
. ,i n,i ini. i .......
f. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India
napolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
rralns leave Shenandoah aa follows i
For New York via Philadelphia, week dnve.
2 10, 5 38. 7 80. 9 BS a. m.. 12 20. 8 09 and 6 09 D. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a in.
For ftaw York via Maucn Uhunk, week days,
7 80 a. ni 12 2S and 8 09 p. m.
For Reading; and Philadelphia, week dars,
210.S88.7SO. 9 55 a.m.. 12 20. 8
Sundays, 2 10 a tu.
For 1'i.ttavllle, week days, z 10, 7 BO, V 65 a. tn.
1216, 8 09, 6 09 and T 80 p. in. Sundsys, 2 10 a m.
For Tamaaua and Mahanoy City, week davs.
2 10, 7 80, 9 53 a. m., 13 28. 8 09 and 0 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Wllllami'port, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
week days. 8 27. 1182 a. m.. 12 20. 7 80 p. m.
Sundays, 8 27 a m.
For Alanano) fiane, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27, o 88,
7 80, 9 55, 11 82 a. m., 12 28, 8 09, 6 09, 7 80, 9 B6
p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a m.
For Ashland and Sharaokln, week days, 8 27,
7 80. II 82 a. m.. 12 29. 8 09. S 07. 7 25 and M n. m.
Sunday, 8 27 a m.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho West via
U.4 0. It. R.. through trains lea") Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. S K.) at 8 20,
7 85, II 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. u.. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. m., 8 48 and 7 27 p. m. Addl
Uonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, wees: nays, iu uu a. m. iz sj
12 18 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m and 1 45, 4 SO,
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 SO p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, week
uays, o 4U,1 o oo, id 21 a. m. ana loo, ua, out).
11 30 p. m.
Leave Rradlng, week days, 187, 700, 10 08,
a, m., 12 15. 4 17, 00, 8 28 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle. week days. 7 17, 7 40 a. m.
iz w, i ju. 4 uu, o iu and o ou p. m.
Leave Tamaaua, weok days, 8 18. 8 88. 11 23
a. in., 1 49, 5 66, 7 20, 9 p. m.
Leave Alananoy Ulty, week days, s 40, V us,
11 51 a. m 2 22, fi 25, 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahaunv Plane, week days. 2 40. 4 00
680. 922 10 23,1200, a. m 239, 688, 642,758
iave wuiiamsport, weeK days, 1 12, luuu a
m.. 12 84 and 4 CO. 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street whaif for Atlantle City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. m., Sotui
days only 1S0J 2 00, 3 00 4 00, 6 00, 7 15 p m
Aceommoaaiion, guu a 111., o UU, t) UU p 111
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a in, 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantto and Arkansas avenues.
Weokdays Express, 7 85, 815, 9 00 and
10 45 a m.. 8 80 and 5 80 Dm.- Accommodation.
4 25,8 17 a. mi, 4 05 p. m. Sundays Express,
w, o ov, o w p. m. Accommodation, t id a.m.,
4 15 p. m.
For Cape Slay, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 900 a m. Sundays, Chestnut
street 915 a m., South street, 9 00 a. m." Ad
ditional, weekdays, for Cape May 4 15, p m.,
for Sea Isle City, BOO p m., for Ooean City,
4 13, S 00 p ra.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
"or further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia aud Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
I. A. SwBKUBn; Epson J, Wkbm,
Gen'l Sunt., Gen'l Pasa'r Agi,
Reading Terminal. Philadelphia.-
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale ,Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and" Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Mnln Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
FniLn.-enmr - store
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
SO Wost Oontra Street.
Sweet singers. Also some for
breeding purposes.
Japanese Gold Fish and globes.
Plgjons Common fancy.
103 East Centre struct, Shenandoah, 1'a,