We a re the wholesale and' retail agents for Veronica Water. The Great Rheu matism Cure. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, Sotitia Main Street, Sfcciun4ato, fi DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nw. H9-I2I-I2J North fUln Street. Your Attention ! Your Patronage ! Your Good Will ! We are striving for and will use our best en deavors to command it and to give you good values. We have lots of new Furniture Just in and lots coming. We have not room enough for all of it unless we unload some of our stock, so we will Gut Prices In order to get more room for our new goods. Please come in and order the goods you need now and save money, as ! you will pay higher prices in j the future. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St. Shoes ! Shoes ! ! A gTeat slaughter sale of Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's shoes for the next 30 days at the Boston Factor' Shoe Store to make room for a new stock. 1,000 pair nisses' shoes, for merly Si. 00, $1.25 and Si.SO, now 75 cents and 9O cents. 5OO pair of Ladies' shoes, for merly $ 1 .35 , to go at 85 cents. Men's S1.35 snoes are selling at 85 cents. Another lot of sample shoes, were $3.00 and $3.00, can be had for $1.00. Our line of Men's hand-sewed shoes, all latest styles, are going at sweeping reductions. Everybody Is welcome to come and examine our stock. BOSTON I SHOE 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. 8PONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. El Of ATI Kelly & Conway, TAILORS, -TO- 14 W. Centre St., FERGUSON HOUSE BLOCK. Directly opposite stand. our old Forethought IS TIIK HHRT Thought. It is wisdom to eare lor your hairs! Mo vent the loss of It. K-p the aealu healthful Bhaespoos are indispensable We irive them aad a-We them right. The lirif U onlv QOoents. Inslgninoant when forn pared to the re sults. We do It at your home every oy wiw sli exception of Sat urday. Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors, Ferguson House Block. IT'S AN IMPOSSIBILITY FOR MAN I To eooV at all and It la nevt to Impossible for a v.uinsn to cook satisfactorily unless she has the pVorr niaterlala to prattlte the culinary art. ifaou tried our staple and fausy palate pleasersf E. B. FOLEY, 27 Centre fit. peep T Coughing at . 1 ..Vc incur i of nothing better to tear the lining of your throat and lungi. It ii better than vet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up long enough and yoa w ll succeed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a Slav fever ana making everything exactly right for the germs of con sumption. Stop coughing and yon will get well. cures coughs of every kind. An ordinary cough disap pears in a single night. The racking coughs of bronchitis are soon completely mas tered. And, If not too far along, tbe coughs of con sumption are completely cured. Ask your druggist for one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster. It "rill aid the action of the Cherry Pectoral. If 711 bat any romatate wtt ev.r sort Utr the b e ro.dw.l alTie jr,ix n vntW.j obtain, vri- at frlT. Ttiwlt receive a prompt r'ply tMt mxj t of txtl LYON-DUNN CONTEST. The Opinion of the .Judges It Now I.ong Overdae. Tbe opinion of tbe court in tbe I.yon Donn Orpbaoa' Court Judgeship coetestbaa not yet been died, aod mm of tbe eon mot will Tentnre an o piston aa to wbeo it will be died. One of tbe eoantel far tbe contestant, in ffln re rm tion with a Chronicle representa tive, Utwl be nu at a lose to understand tbe delay in tbe filinz of an opinion, Holes tbe court could not reconcile tbe tew with tbe facta. He stated fiat but November Jodgee Craig, Ebrood and Herring held a con ference when, after a thorough discussion of the taw, ft wu agreed tbat Joe jrc Craii', as tbe senior member of tbe eoort, shook! write the opinion, and alao that the opinion should be Sled in time for tbe contestant to file ob jection before Judge Herring retired from the beach, which wu tbe first Monday of January butt. April bu arrived, Jodge Uemng ha re tired from the Bench, and still no opinion baa yet been filed. Tbe lawyer referred to aaid Judge Craig had written an opinion, bat he wa waiting nntil Judge Ebrgood'a tight would perm.t him to read it and ign it. if he aoitieeed. Jndfre Scarlet, who followed Judge Herring on tbe Bench, will also bare aahy.t tbe opinion, and when tbe three will nnally get together ia a problem no mortal can noire. The coatretant feela confident the lower Court taa gone wrong, and tbat when it doea file its opinion it will teat Jodge Dunn, a finding which, the contestant's lawyers de clare, tbe Sour erne Court will speedily over- rale. This eowinsion will be awaited with some interest, if it ever is reached. hent to the Ifo.pltal. Ignace Povara, one of the men Injured by an explosion of powder in tbe Indian Ridge mines yesterday, was removed to the Miners hospital this morning. Dr. Stein was called to attend tbe patient test night and pro nounced the injuries dangerous. Cut-Price Shoe Sale ! For 30 Days Only ! These goods are of un equalled quality and can be relied upon to give perfect satisfaction. 1 .1: ' f.,. u.. formerly $3.50. now ipaC.OU Ladies' unrivalled shoes, for merly S3. 00, now $2.25 1 .1:. u.. juuica suuuo, iui - . merly $2.25, now 4)1. 01) We have a nice stock of ladies' shoes, cheaper grades, from 90c to $1.25. Our stock of men's shoes speak for themselves. They are far above the standard. We are sole agents for the W. L. Douglas $2 ancl $3-5 shoes. A. WOMER, 124 NORTH MAIN STREET. Ellis Guzinsky's Cheap Grocery Is now at its new place 216 W. Centre St., Shenandoah. Three doors below brick school. I yers Kerry CtNPHl E P0TTSVILLE NEWS. Itspa..nhg hs ftmrt aad Elsewhere at the Cmarfy Seat. Potts rill. April . The fsasrsl f the Iste Henry Kbu Unk. pUcsj Teste rdsy after norm frees bin bMat boat mn street and was tantcly attesded. Mr. Kssr was a native of Hanover. Oeiassny. aad eaaae to PotM vil'e in IMS. wvrkioc stbat towie of tsi'or ior sstil reeratly. Ris wis in lv Tb fsllowinv cbiMrea sarvire : fleor and W,l:iam Philadelphia; Catharine Miller. Xsw Haves. Casus ; Christian. Mrs. Fred, erics; Porta, Mrs. PreaWrfcek Ekerle. Mrs. Mary Hildebraadt. Heary. CbarbM and Oeswfe. "f Pottavilfs. Deceased was held in tbe bisjtMas esteem by bis fellow eitisena and lived to the ripe oki at of W years, his later rears atta aunt hid all the aseve ears fairy by bis cbiMrea a acesstat at tbe ealt iof away of bis aula ts faarteaa years be fore. Haydsa Lo4a X. t, I. O. O. T , aad Welballa Mga Xo. . D. O. Baracari. at tended tba faneral. Sen teas were eoadaetasl ia tbe Trinity Oeraasa Itberaa eboreb by toe pastor. Bev. J. H. t'aabeobea. the eherr assWitins;. latevineat was aaade ia tbe 044 Fellows' cemetery. Mr. Kfatra was tba eld est Odd Ceilew ia Schaylkill canty. Tbe B. P. O. EJkn, headed by the Third Brltade Bead, aaet a defeaaOaai of fellow members froaa Mahasoy City test eveaiag ip.rf arrival of the li I- V. K. K. train nd after feastior tbeir eyes with a look it the finest pair of eiks aatlers this side of tbe MissiMippi river, toe route sf asrade was gone over amid a brilliant display of (re works. A gsard of honor escorted tbe jrift and a terse number of Elks took part ia tbe parade. Maay colored ribbon decorated tbe antlers aad Centre street was lined with immense crowds who eraaed th'ir neeka to get a view of tbe princely gift. Tbe Antlers otsavrare S feet inches from bead to tips aad their late bearer was winged ia Wyoming. At tbe rooms a social aessioa was held, a concert by tbe hand preceding tbe presentation by Ex Jodge K. H. Koch. He made a brilliant speech and was warmly appteaded. James F. Carim received tbe gift in behalf of tbe lodge. Songs, story telling aad musical selections concluded one of tbe bappiest events in tbe society's history. Following ia a list of the visitors: Jaanes MeSlbeany, Charles Barehill. Harrison Ball, Elmer Ball, Michael O'Connor, Edwsrd Sellenun, Frank Reed, Eogene Me A tee, James Qairk. Elmer Opp, George Llewellyn, E. A. Griffith and Harry Krebs, Mabanoy City ; Dr. Monagban, Shenandoah and J. A. Depew aod George Brill, Delano. Mabanoy City's street paving of vitrified brick is making the town famoas throagbmt tbe county. Mrs. Hannah Beber was baried from tbe home of her eon-in-tew. Frederick Flail, 4-tt West Race street. Rev. Murray, of tbe First Baptist eboreb. conducted tbe services. In. tennent at Odd Fellows' cemetery. George J. Smith and Edward Heffner are oat for Chief Burgess at this early date. Friends of Democratic County Chairmen Joseph W. Moyer are booming bim for tbe State Chairmanship. At a meeting held test evening it was de cided to reorganize Co. H, 3th Regiment, In to the National Guard of Penna. Tax Collector Jobs Coleman, of Begin township, made a payment on Ms IStrS da pli cate, at the Treaaorer'j office this morning, and David Camming, of Schaylkill Hareo, paid on hia 167 duplicate, and Edward Sboener. Orwigsbarg. on bis 1683 duplicate. David Stanffer died test evening, aged hd years. He is survived by two children, Mrs. Charles Schmeltzer and Mrs. William Mus ket. He was for many years gardner for tbe late John Barman, Ew , and bis beira. Letters testamentary were granted to Bertba J. and Frank C. Palmer on the estate of Isabella Palmer late of Pottsville, de ceased. John Phillips, of Frackville. baa announced himself as a candidate for delegate to tbe Republican state convention. He is now School Director, and is very prominent in tbe polities of tbat town. DEEDS RECORDED. Samuel K. Moyer and others to Josiah Berntheieel, premises in South Manheim township ; Josiah Berntheisel and wife to Reuben Moyer premises in Auburn ; Renben F. Moyer and wife to Samuel Bur key. premises in An born ; John A. Uenry and wife to John G. Reber. premises in South Manheim township ; John 6. Reber and wife to Elizabeth J Henry, premises in Anburn; Sheriff of Schuylkill county to George F. Klminel, premises in Sooth Manheim town ship ; Cornelius Spearent to Johanna Spearent. premises in Cressona : Henry Perkins and wife to Mary J. Glenn, premises in TanvMjua ; Ready Trust Co. to A. K Frederic!, premises in South Manbelm towD ship; Augusta Rettig and others to John H. Gaeeer, premises in Pottsville; Annie M. Mortimer to Emily A. Mortimer, premises in Pottsville. BETTJQ HRKWKRY SOLD. A deed was offered for record this morning conveying the Rettig brewery on West Market street from Augusta Rettig and others, executors, to John 11. Goeser, of Dan ville. Pa., and an assignment of the personal property of tbe eettte was also filed with Re corder Emanuel Jenkyn, along with a copy of the agreement between Wm. O. Rettig and others, executors. The amount is cot specl Sod. How Ia Your Wife 1 Has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Siek Headache are tbe principal causes. Karl'a Clover Root Tea has eared these ills for half a century. Price 26 eta. and SO ets. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. KJrlin and a guarantee. Last Two Toara To Washington. The last two of the present series of Penn gylvania Railroad three-day personally-con ducted tours to Washington, D. C, will leave April 20 and May 11. The rate, 11.50 from N'ew York. (11.54 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points, Includ transportation, botol accommodations and Capitol guide fees. An experienced Chaperon will also accompany tbe party. For itineraries and full Information apply to nearest tiektt agents; Tourist Agents, WW Broadway, Xew York, and 7S Broad street, Newark, N . J. ; or address Geo W. Boyd, Assistant General Ianger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Flrel Fire I flrel Insure your property from loss In the oldest aod strongest cash companies : PhiU Underwriters Insurance Co. of North America and Fire Association, Hartford Fire Ins O)., American tire Insurance Co West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen' Ids. Co, T. T. Williams, 123 8. Jardln Rt.. Shenandoah. Ask your grocer for the "Boyal Patent dour, and take no other brand. It Is the beet floor made. Ihlgli Valley Itallroad, fipeeial low rate ezeuraiou to Washington I). V.. Monday, April lOtli. Jbtle from Hlien andoab, M81 for the round trip; Tickets pood goiug and returning on all trains, ex cept Illaok Diamond Kxpreas. and good fu return to and including April 201 li, S09. For particulars apply to Lehigh Valley ticket agents. A Itackwooda Town, From the MInsrs' Journal. Ten families left Pottsville for Ohio on Sunday ; fourteen bricklayers left Potlaville for Homestead on Tuesday ; two other worK aien left Pottsville yesterday to secure work in Heading or Alleutown. And Vet one of our contemporaries says Pottarllle Is to have a boom tbia aumtuer, THE TrrATttER. Xa vmperatnre bas ritlen is the ad - ii"- ky mountain r-gioo, sail has rin over tte fixith Atlantic stsfs aad ia the extreme aortb wesr. Tae wvsc ther rrmriBBMeoM for the smuts, rx cept in the Lake Superior rvaiea and tV MiaVlbi and North Psria cof dUfticts. TlM Ohio river caaitiar avs to fall slowly. The Mississippi river is falliaa; sbrwly at Memphis and rises sltarhtly at Vicks hTrg and New Orleans. Forecast n til f p. m. today for this sectiott: Fair, with increasias: rloadiorss toward aiskt; winds abiftinc to fmk northeast erfy. Poasibly rain toasorrnw. SnnrW, ft At; soaawt, 629: teacth of day. 12b., 53aa.; awoa rises, 3:16; bmxmi eta, SJS6. PERSONAL MEfiflori. J. J. Fmaey saeat to-day at Haaavsoa, la apeetiaa: the silk mil, with a view to pseibie opera tioos ia that direction here. WiMaa Seatt, of Milton, Past Coleewl Peaaa. WvWoa of the Snns of Vetera, was a visitor to town to-day. Mh Katie Dedewortb left tows to-day for Xew York City, where she is leads I raaaaia. Bev. and Mrs. O. W. Van Fosses aad chil dren left town this aaoraiag for Bethlehem, to spoad a few days with Mrs. Van Foaiea's parents. H. A. Acker, of Beading, saeat several boars ia traaaaeatag basiacss here yesterday. Mrs. Joba L. Willis dm aad daochter, Mrs. Thoawj Saager, of Ml. (armet. were gaesta of friend i la town to-day. Robert Yost, of East Mabaaoy Joaetioa. visited friends la town to-day. T. W. Taylor has ehaaced his reside ace from West Centre to South Jardia street. Mrs. Joba A. Beffjy and daughter. Mb Nellie, of towa. spent yesterday in Sbamokia witb the Misses Mallen. WHT LOW VITA LITT 13 DANOtKOCS. Low vitality, bad blood and shattered nerves are tbe eaace of a majority of diseases tbat affect mankind. Xenons exhaustion a both men and w men is the evil of tbe age. and tax tbe skill of tbe greatest medical specialists. Ordinary practitioners make no serioas pretence to tbe saceessful treatment of tsch eases. Dr. Greene, tbe leading specialist in curing nervous and chronic dis eases, invites free consultation in all cases of chronic and lingering complaints. Dr. Greene is especially desirous of being con -suited in eases tbat others have failed to cure. His office Is at 36 West 11th St.. New York City, and he makes no charge for consulta tion and advice. If it is not convenient to call write Dr. Greene a letter describing yoar symptoms, and you will receive a prompt and satisfactory reply. Shenandoah Will Participate. Misses Horr and Dnnkel. who are conduct ing a class in physical eoltore at this place, will give a debnrtean and dramatic enter tainment at Mabanoy City, on Tuesday aad Wednesday evenings of next week. A man dolin club under the direction of Prof. Elmer Wilde will take part in the eierefaee. Hospital Patients. Roger Dixon, of Loeast Dale, who was in jured internally while at work in tbe mines some time ago, and who baa been under treatment at tbe Miners' hospital for some weeks, was taken home. It is very doubtful if he ran recover. Peter McGinn is, of Mt. Cannel. the youth who bad his arm torn off at the shoulder by having it caught in tbe machinery at one of tbe breakers a week or so ago, is improving Tbe report that he was at the Miners' hos pital ia not true, lie is still at his borne. Hazleton's Silk 31111. Final arrangeisents were made at Hazle- ton yesterday between local capitalists aDd J managers of the Daolap Silk Company, of Lyons, France, for tbe erection of a siik 1 mill at tbe former place, which will ec.ploy lbOO bands. Pension Granted. The following have been granted pen-ions Isaac Herb Sacramento, this eoanty. per month, and Levi P. Miller, of Pottsvilie, 8 He I.lmpeU Home. ' Shortly after three o'clock thia afternoon a miner waa seen making bis way painfully. through tbe streets with the aid of a lagging. Upon inquiry he proved te be Mike Kniis, of West Juneberry alley. His left shoulder and foot were bruised by a falling piece of roal in : tbe Knickerbocker colliery. He came to i town on an electric car and trusted to the lagging to help him tbe rest of the way borne. I He was asked why be did notcome home in, an ambulance and replied, "0, I'm all right." Ileturned From .Soft Coal Iteglon. ' 'Baek" Mochamer, who waa one of tbe few English speaking miners who last week lelt Hazleton for the soft coal region in the expectation tbat they were to receive good wages, bas returned. He stys tbat tbe work ia not satisfactory, and tbat wages are below the scale. lllae Know Anniversary. From Hazleton Sentlne!. Forty years ago this month we had tbe Mae snow. Tbe snow was about six Inches deep and the sun waa so warm that people went wading through It carrying sunshades. "Oleo" Healers Arrested. Robert M. Simmons, of Plioenixvllle, pure food commissioner, visited Mabanoy City yesterday anil discovered tbat oleomargarine waa being sold by two local dealers named William Powell and John Hall. Both were arrested and put under 1300 ball, each, fur trial at court. Iued ltopda. Tbe Sharaolcin School Board baa isaued bomla to the amount of $-18,000. They were purebaaed by Hayes & Co., of Philadelphia at 3) per cent, interest. The premium paid was 1,701. More So Than the Other. A new millionaire, after returning from a continental tour on which he bad long wt his heart wns narrating one evening to hia friend the doctor how be bad vieltod ' tbe inujeatle lake of Geneva and trodden the Umkn of blue Loman. " "Excuso me," Interrupted the doctor. "Lake Gen ova and Lake Leman ore sy nonymous. "That, my dear sir," replied the new millionaire, "I know very well. But are you aware tbat Lake Ionian la the more synonymous of the twor" They Needed I'ruyera. A member of parliament tells a good story of an out ot the way country clergy' man who did not keep up to date in what waa going on In the world. One Sunday be asked his sexton : "Is tho prayer for parliament to be used today? Is parlia ment still sitting!"' Tbe sexton's reply camo promptly, "Well, sir, I don't know, but, anyhow, better pray for them, for they're a precious bad lot! London Standard. The Ilriiveat Soldier, Frederick the Oreat ufter a terrible en- gagenwnt aakul his olllours who behaved moat Intrepidly during the engagement. The preference was unanimously given to himself. "You are mistaken. The bravest fellow was a flfer whom I passed SO times dur ing the engagement, and who did not ceoM) or vary u note the whole time." PITHY P0HTTS. rfappsinlBcs Throwzhocrl thvs Caaatry CbjsbJsI' I tor Hasty Ferxhal. Taas at tae wcasker. mtMb CeaaeC aweas raran-iBVs pasak bar wVt be tut 1 1 TaasaaM am 1ST ssrptk eafatlasl ia tbe awbbw Khauss. Aaa Bat laaaaThr. awaaaaty Baafrtatsr f I be East Hsaviv Mahtasa CMr. b) awfusMl- ir tar lb lawe af t strj Intel at Atteatbr City. Jsa F. abiyaaaaVi. sC HaaHaar nsae. ws ass beest jeri isaty sick fcr the attst aaoatk :iad wba was tbeosrht be sat a fair mid W iwwisiy. Wet. a rsteam aad has sasadutiosi aww eritfaML Tba cJatbaK sf tT-yesr-ssd Eva LaaWr- r ninth, sf Lsbaaua. taakfM An fraaa naant with a saatsu asai saw wax sssrSary hsrraedL Bask asat West Pana Twp.. tuasaii are aayfac Jtainliaa, to plaatiau; trees assasr tax kirbwys vtUk a raw af aatttatr a rsSMte sf their saaaa. i Taw Tsaanait aaitatatAet'i art t be beta rs ip lasibie hy taw Bri at Haafth tar paMia raawrate. wbm tbe itatainiid baa dawi (rsaa CVVsBiaaM SataaMaaWQW Tea hi i a rseraita aave beest raeeaved fr tbe reralar arasy at PoMsviDs. Tbe Paaasylvaaia Caavartaaaiaa BHawm yesterday a wanted a taatiitat tar tbe aruiittia of a llsVtWaaitoriaai at XeaM Grssau. The arst Taeeday ia May Ike Senas Di rectors wfli asset ia cea Italian to elect a essraty saperiateadeat. Tbe varisw.i raadi datos are kokiac ap their friaaaj. Trying to beard a freirbt train at Chaas bersbarg. Jamas Hetberly, a QalaeT black Maith. was throws aader tbe wheats tad cat la two Soath Betblabesa Bwsaujb Cm scil has awarded a ivs-year eoatract far street Hzht ing to HesTaiaa A Lauer, at S-t) rests per arc light per aigbt. Frank Dresbler, of Allen tows, wb last Seatesaber bad both legs eat oaT by a traia, bas saed tbe Philadelphia & Reading Rail way Cesupaay for i lO.ef'.O daatagea. Edward S. Chambers, a Qaay leader af Centre eaaaty. has beea appstated attoraey ia tbe A editor General's department. Tbe place ts worth about $2,000 a year. Falling from a high porch at Bethlehem. Mrs. Francis Witmeyer broke her back. On bis way home, after calling est friends. Martin Burke, aa aged resident ef Haaover, York county, was stricken blind. Thieves carried off $380 worth of goods float P. L. Dteeer & Son's furaisbiBg goods store, at Hamburg, Berks county. While superintending tbe staking of a well on bis property at East Masch Chunk, Adolpb Doerriog was striekea with paralysis, fell into tbe bole and was kilted. Charged with attempting to kill John Carver, of Myerstown, by sheeting bim in tbe bead, while the two were driving to gether. Harry Beager was held under heavy bail. Tt lir We Are night Handed. A professor who bas made a study of children says be has discovered why the majority ot people are right banded. In fants nse both bands nntil they begin to speak Tbe motor speech (auction con trol the right side of the body, and the tlrst right handed motions are expressive motions, tending to help ont speech. As speech grows, so dees right handedness. The Plnce He Soocht. "Here's an Item to the effect that tho only thing a man can do In New York wit hoot money is to ran into debt." "Great mackerel! If a fellow can do thnt, I'm going to New York They must he- easier there than they are In Chicago " Chicago Post. Unit and Half. Of the people whose consciences trouble them one half worry tn-causo they are jfMiil they 11 be m 'ht. t!ic other half be-aito-' v itp c:u.ht -'. w Y Tk 1 ress. for oror us , ci tie Globe for RHEUMATISM, 1ERMAH MEDICAL . prescribed byeslzestpij DR. RICHTER S -6 AMnunn h EXPELLEE. World renowned I Remarkably anccesaf ol I 9 Only giotno WJi Trade Mark ' Anchor.'1 1 -cscSocatneie. AtaUdjnrgUtscrurooira t. o. zzz:zi t cat. a rwi et irr?iei 31 HIGHEST AWARDS, Ss' t,Cs 13 Branch Eraes. (hra GUirrcixs. Endorud and Eecommtnnt'l by jru97vu, jnnuvn, ana . GClcr prominent DR. RICHTCTt'8 ANcnon. sToiiAcnAr, tet for Colic llripeplaCMlnmacli SJomplalnt. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. POUND, On Saturday, 1st Inst., a eum of monev on Jardln street Owner can bare same by proving what kind of currency and the amount. Also by paying for tbls adrert'sement. Call at 300 Went Cherry street. 4-5 2t TnOR SALE. Whole or half Interest of 1 brick buildlnt? located on East Centre street Steam heat and gas, bath r"otnv and up-to date In every respect. For further Information apply to S u. M. Hollo peter. 4-1-tf TMPItOVE VOUK WIWTlNO. By sending 250 L for 3fl aborted pens for bualneaa and tine eorreeponuing purtoea to The IIabt M'p'o Co , S--tl l'ott-Tille, Pa. COIt KENT. A hall for roeetlne purpo-ea A Can he rented for Mondav nlulit onlv. Beat hall In town. Apply at Hefowlch'a clothing "VTOTIOE. Uealrable orowrt lea for sale, Ap- 1 ply to S. O. M. llollopeter. attorney, Huenandoan. Bell's Meat Market. Wholesome meats, fresh, with prompt de livery, la one ol our many apeclaltlea. Another think- la our rellablllity. You can leave an order with ua, or Html, without any doubt of getting Junt what you order. Our prices are always rlgut. BELL'S, 19 1. 1 SIIEI. REMOVAL! Tho Singer Sowing Ma chine Company has re moved to t 1 3 North Main street, next door to J. J. Price's dry geede ctoro LA HO, Mi I H jH ii rsJlM?Ki t I ra'aaval I aaBBalBiaaaaaaaal I 15. Fine Shoes. This is another department wet fere added to our already largest sfcee store in litis loealhr. We pay stweml attention u this particular line of fortwenr, andean uaraatee to the bnyer that Curtis' shoes are unequalled in every detail. There is no necessity for the gentleman shoe barer to place man orders with other out-of-town firms or probably journey to Philadelphia or New York for a tine pair of shoes, because we have the finest and best assortment right on our shelves. All we ask is to come and see them, our selection will do the rest. Custom Last We have them In patent leather bals. willow calf bals, and box calf bals. They can be had in either russet or black. Also every conceivable width and toes. Look at our show window on the south side for the display it is well worth your attention. The public should bear in mind that we carry only the newest in footwear.especially for the spring and summer season of '99 We have devoted con siderable labor to our assortment. SHOE STGRE; 14 S. Main St. Our Spring Suitings Are Winners. Our Inimitable patterns ptve the best result ever at tained In men's gar ments. Ana yet, we aeil cneap. Portz Bros., 24 North Main Street. COLUMBIA DOCK Dp EER Is drank by everybody. It is now on tap. Private families supplied. 5C- SHAVE. I announce to the public that begin. nli.g to-day, March 22nd, my ratea win bet........ S hnvc sc Hair Cutting 10c HIRAM SPADE, 131 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. REMOVED ! Philip Yarowsky's GROCERY TO No. 233 West Centre Street. I ft Timaaii i av . si m ioS.. i i n jit i II U Ii I V II H I.I. .A m iiiiiiii i Jll fin. No Sore Nose From Eyeglasses. This new invention insures an. I absolute comiorr. to wearer. Holds the lines in proper posi- tion ; doesn t pinch ana won t ! at 1 1 . i ia 1 1 wnen properly aajusteu. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer dnd Porter. Also agent for the Famous L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Jit. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively Ales. A full line of the finest brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, &c. All orders left at Solomon Haak's, 116 South Alain Street, Will receive prompt attention. COMPETENT RETOUCHERS ! LATEST APPLIANCES IN PHOTOGRAPHY i At our gallery you cet a photosrapb that will make you look: pleasant and run uo chancea on being disappointed. Good photos at 23 ceuta per dozen. Frames and Crayons of Every Des cription at Reduced Prices. Dabb's Studio, K Weet Centre street. F RIEDMAN'S ENLARGED GROCERY, 213 W. Centre St. Wholesale : and '. Retail. It Is clean, neat. In vi tine a store should he that handles high claas groceries only. If you warn uie oeei Groceries. Provisions, ft eats. Vegetables, the market affords come to our store. Our prices are an additional attraction. A. Friedman, 213 West Centre Street. Miss Mary E.Jones, Dealer In and maker of Wax and Natural Designs For use on funeral occasions. All kinda of deatgne always on hand and special designs made on short notice. Beat materials, and all work guaranteed. White and black aatln slippers with patent extension device. Easter Orders Promptly Attended to. Cor. Main and Lloyd Streets. YOUR EYES. J. D. COLDREN, Of Schuylkill Haven, The noted Itefractlontst, who has testimonials from tbe best people ot the county, aa to hia ability, will be at GROMjER'S drug store WEDNESDAY OP EACH WEEK. If your eye cause you any trouble call and see h!ui. Glasses furnished If needed and no medicine. EXAMINATIONS FREE. WARE, ROOFING. SMITHING, REPAIRING. STOVE REPAIRING. M. J. LEACH, NO. 221 EAST CENTRE STREET. Canaries, Sweet singers. Also some for breeding purposes. Japanese Oold Fish and globes. Pigjons Common fancy. AUNINO SUPPLIES. DAVID HOPKINS, 103 Eaat Centre street, Shenandoah, Pa.