The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 04, 1899, Image 3

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    I will runranteo
that tny Uhvumatigm
Cure will relieve lum
bago, scintica nnd nil
rheumatic pnins In
two or three hours.
and cure in a few I
At all druggists,
23c. a viol. Guide
to Health nnd medi
an ndvlco free.
1C05 Arch st.. Thila.
She That Youn Ticket Ream via the
Southern Kailway.
The- Southern Hallway operates three
through tifilna on oacli week day and two on
Sunday, It is an inland route, clean and
through an interesting section of tho South.
Tho schedules of Its trains nro fust, but not
too fust to be maintained. Wrlto to John M.
lloall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, for full Information,
illustrated matter and advanco Pullman
cservatlons. 2-21-lOt
What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It conies on so slowly yet surely that it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back,
rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
flow of urine being copious or scant with
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
uavel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
passing, fmall quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel has
formed, if will prove dangerous if neglected.
The Third sta?e is Bright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr.
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
Specialis', has discovered a Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the worfdefful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
and book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in the Shenandoah Herald.
Buy Keystono dour. Bo suro that tho name
IdBeflia & Baku, Ashland.- Pa., In printed op
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood.
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
isaat-inff diseases, alt effects of self-
abuse, or excess ana mais
Icretlon. A norvo Ionic and
'iblood builder. Brings the
fpink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
kBv mail COc per box, C boxes
lor; witii a written guaran
tee to euro or refund tho money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold at Kirlln'g drug store, Shenandoah, Pa,
Primary S condary or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS.
You can bo treated at homo for same price
under same guarantee. If you prefer to
como hero we will contract to pay ral'rond
fare nod hotel bills, and no charge. It we
fall to euro
taken mercury, iodide potash, and stll
have aches and pains. Mucous Patches in
mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of tho body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It Is this
We solicit the most obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T is disease hog always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$000,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarantee Ansolute proofs sent sealed on
application lfO pace boon sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
ts, B w tm AlMI sVU Mil 1 mm mr Bm LH1 v A ri
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boais for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Readme, lhe grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at this resort for the entire season,
For particulars address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Darnesvllle, Pa.
Is drank by everybody. It is
now on tap, Private families
Jlotrotlinl onvilllnm nnd Wllliclmtnn
Will Soon Ho Announced.
Rerlln. April StntPlnents from nn
niithi'ntle nourre In Amsterdam nro that
at the Important cnln banquet there
April 12, tho betrothal of Queen Wll
helmlnn nnd her ronsin. Prince William
of Wled, will be oltlcinlly proclaimed.
Prince Willlnm U four years older
than his roynl sweetheart. He 'Is a hand
some fellow, well educated, of eloRant
ninuncra nnd an olllcer of the Prussian
guards, the elite corps of the German
army. Uke Queen Victoria In her
youth, Queen Wllhclmlna has taken a
sonttinontn! view of her own marriage,
nnd hns most strongly emphasized the
fact that she would not have a husband
nsslgned to her merely for rensons of
state. Hut, after all, the list of avail
able partners for a queen, nnd such a
queen, was not a long one. She could
not make her choice nmong Unman Cath
olic princes and those of the Greek
church, for she must marry a Protest
ant; she could not consider direct heirs
to principalities or kingdoms, for they
nro Ineligible. Those who claim to
know say that this was an affair of love
at first sight, nnd they predict n union
as happy as that of Queen A'ictorla and
Prince Albert.
American Enterprise In Anr Islands.
New York, April 3. Brigadier General
Breckenridge, inspector general of the
United States army, who arrlerd yester
day on the Carncas from Porto Rico,
said: "I am now on my way to Wash
ington, where my son. Lieutenant Ethel-
bert D. Breckenridge, of the Seventh In
fantry, is to be married on Wednesday
to Miss Mattingly. In both Cuba and
Porto Rico signs are everywhere mani
fest of American enterprise, nnd I am
satisfied thnt at an early day there will
be many improvements which the na
tives will hail with joy, and bless the day
when the United States declared war
ngainst Spain."
Uow to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than skin deep,
depending entirely on a healthy condition of
all the vital organs, it the liver be inactive,
you have a bilious look : if your stomach be
disordered, you have a dyspeptia look j if
jour kidneys be altected, you have a pinched
look. Secure good health, and you will surely
have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good
Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the
stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, Dlotches and boils, and gives a
good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed.
Sold at A. Wasley's drug store. 50 cents per
Killed liy n Pardoned Mtirderpr,
Ponca City, I. T April 4. Clyde Mat
tox killed Lincoln Swinney, an Osag.i
ranchman, hero lust evening with a
knife In the White House club saloon,
during n quarrel, in which Swinney was
tho nggressor. In 1891, when a mere
boy, Mattox killed a negro of Okla
homa City, and was sentenced to death.
His mother, Mrs. S. W. Hntch, after
vainly spending a fortune in his behalf,
appealed to President Cleveland, who
finally commuted Mattox's senteuce to
life imprisonment. A second appeal,
made in person to President McKiuley,
resulted In a pardon last year.
State op Omo, Citv op Toledo, I
l.ocAS County. j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the
senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business In the City of Toledo, County
and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum nf ONE II UNDItED DOLLARS for each
and every cnao of Catarrh that cannot bo cured
by the use of Hall's Catahrii Conn.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh dure is taken Internally and p "is
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces )f
tho system. Send for testimonials tree.
F. J. CHI3NEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 73c.
Hall's Familv Pills are the best.
Greek Mtnlwti'y Hesiiihs.
Athens, April 4. A committee of the
chamber of deputies having declared
that the election of M. Zaimis, the presi
dent' of the council of ministers and
minister of foreign affairs, was in
valid, owing to bribery and intimidation,
the cabinet after yesterday's meeting re
signed. The resignations were accept
ed by King George. The ministry which
hns just resigned was constituted on
Oct. 3, 1S97.
Yon Try It.
If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., SO
cts. and ?l 00, does not euro take the bottle
back and we will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. 8oldbyP. D. Kirllnand
a guarantee.
cnsliler irn,vvio(ltt"Snct!ossor.
Greensburg, I'a., April 4. State Treas
urer Bencom yesterday appointed T. S,
Pierce, of Saltsburg, present assistant
cashier In the state treasurers olnce,
as cashier, to succeed the late Benjamin
Haywood, and Lisle W. Orr, of Mercer
couuty, as assistants
Ordinary household accidents have no
terrors when there's a bottle of Dr. Thomas'
EclectricOil in the medicine chest. Heals
burns, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief
Helton CiiptureiV by Chinese
Hong Kong, April 4. It is reported
thnt the Chinese have captured Captain
Francis Henry May, superintendent of
the Hong Kong police. Two companies
of 'Welsh fusiliers went to Canton on
Sunday night on the torpedo boat de
stroyer sent there to protect Urltisn in
terests, and the torpedo boat destroyer
Fume followed at daybreak yesterday
with 2,000 men. The Hong Kong regi
ment Is uow under orders to proceed to
It's the little colds that grow Into big colds;
the big colds that end in consumption and
death. Watch the little colds. Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup,
Vision (hp Old Chnrrli Itrniiclit to
I lie White llnlrcil Mini.
Ho sot In his pew In the old rhurch.
Tho niuslo, the lilies and the bright nrrny
of tho young women inoniit little to him
Ho bowed his whitened bend upon the
sent In front of him. Tho black st'K-k and
the rolling collar Fwumctl strnnin ly out id
Koepltijt with the ntttre of tho rnx.dou.tblv
dressed men nnd women who ant nlnuit
him. Ho belonged to tho old school, as we
say of n man who doos not lmvo his cont
cut In conformity to the styles of this day
nnd generation.
Ho sat In tho snmo oldchurch, down not
far from Second nrcuuo, to tho baptismal
font of which he had been taken in thooo
days when upper Hroadwny was 11 country
road. H was horo thnt ho had sat and
looked ovor the prayor book at tho girl In
tho poke bonnet. She never knew it, of
course, for sho was unconscious of nil else
oxoept tho voloo from tho pulpit Perhaps
if sho had been ho might havo told n dif
ferent story.
Ho lived the old dnys over again, Ho
saw himself when ho was young and
ttronK standing nt tho ohnncel In bnt's
buttoned cont waiting for her. He could
soo hor now coming up tho olslo leaning
upon her father's nnn. There wcro the
bridesmaids nnd tho ushers. The notes of
tho wedding march filled the old church.
Tho present faded from his view. Tho
smnrt bonneted young women and tho
young mon In the frock coats were no
more. Ho saw tho bonnets of tho olden
tlmo, tho grcon and baggy coats of nnother
day. Tho words of tho minister, the
whispered "I do," enrao to him again.
Tho man who stood under the sounding
board was preaching nn eloquent sermon.
Tho gontlomnn of tho old school hoard no
word of it all.
Then thoro enmo to him the memory of
another day. Tho old houso was still, and
womon In robes of black slipped softly
about the darkened rooms. Ho turned tho
leaves of tho old prayer book In his hands
until tho pagos opened at n llowor, pressod
and withered, yellowed by the yoars. Ho
touohed It gently nnd closed the book.
"It will not bo long," ho said; "It will
not ba long." New York Herald.
Severest Trial.
Until recent ytars woman's severest
trial has been the bringing of children
Into the world.
Today nearly all the sickness, pain,
discomfort and dread are avoided by
those expectant mothers who use
Mothers Friend, that wonder
ful liniment made famous by the great
ejod it has done. It is used externally.
That it the only sensible and safe way
to relieve morning; sickness, headache,
tightness, swollen, hard or rising breast.
The bearing' of children need no longer
be dreaded. Mother's Friend has been
called a Godsend by mothers all over
this land. Sold at drug: stores for $1 a
bottle, and by
The Bradlleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Wrltt Ui cur fret Uluitrtttil beolc, tntitltd " Btfere
Blby U Bora. '
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction, Mnuch Chunk, Lehighton,
Slatittfrton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allentown,
Ilctlilchcin, Easton New York and Philadelphia
at 528, 7 49 a. m., 12 S3 nnd 3 It p. 111.
For Wilkesbnrro, White Haven and Fittston,
5 28, 10 13 a. in.. 12 38 and 5 14 p. m.
For Luccyvilio, Towanda, Sayre, Wavcrly,
Elmlrn, Rochester; Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 13 arm., 12 38 and 5 14 p. rn.
For Ilelvidere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudslmrg, 5 28 a. in.. S 14 p. m.
For Lambertvillo nnd Trenton, 7 49 ft. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Leviston and Heaver Meadow,
3 28 a. m., 12 58 p. 111.
For McAdoo, Audenried, Hazlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. m 12 38 and
ForJeddo, Drifton and Frceland, 528, 1013
a, m., 5 14 p. in.
For Scranton, 5 28, 10 13 a. m., 5 14 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardville, and Ashland, 4 00,
anil 7 27 p. m.
For Itavcn Run, Centralln, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 10 58 a. in., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p.m.
For Mahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. m.. nnd 12 38, 3 14 p. m.
For Yatesville, 5 28. 10 13 . m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7 00. 9 20 n. m.,
12 10 and 4 20 p. in., nnd nrrive at Shennndoah
at 7 49, 10 13 a. m., 12 58, 5 11 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, St. Clolr,
New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 49 and
10 13 n. ni , and 12 58 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m.,
12 35,505.8 13 p.m.
Leave Hazlcton for Shenandoah, 10 00 n. m.
1243,5 09,n2V8 32p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Uun, Ccntralla, Mt,
Cnrmcl and Shainokln, 9 48 n. m., 7 21 p. in.,
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
8 50 a. m., nnd 5 35 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatesville, Mahanoy
City. Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenried,
Hazletou, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weathcrly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a rn., and 6 32 p. rn.
For Lehighton, Hlatlngton, Catasauqua. White
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and Phillips
burg, 9 47 a m., and 6 32 p. m.
For Kew York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Hazlcton for Shenandoah, 8 30, ft. m.,
and 6 27 p. m.
M. B. CUTTER, Bupt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail,
2 Wast Contra Street.
819 N. Centre SI., Potteville, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the bar,
A choice line ol Clears and Temper
ance Drinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Meals at all hours.
BomiHacea needs a rellsble, Monthly, regulating medicine. Only hsrmttil tXA
the purest drugs sheuld bs nse4. If yon want the best, gel
Dr. Pea!'s Pennraa! PiBIs
The f art prompt, life and oarUlo in remit. The genuine (Dr. Peal'a) carer dUiM
rutlnr float anwwhara f 1 OA A AAratm Pv t T M c-11 1 fT T r fsx S '
For Sale al KIRLIN'S
Aii Excellent Combination.
The plensunt method nnd benellclnl
effects of the well known remedy,
Svnur op ViaB, manufactured by tho
CALiFoimtA Fio Sviiup Co., illustrate
tlio vnluc of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
tliem In tho form most ref resiling to the
taste and acceptnble to the system. It
Is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system eiTeetuallyi
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
rr.n"-yet promptly and cnubllnfrone
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality nnd sub
stance, nnd its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, mako It the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleRsnnt to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtnlned from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Cai.ifohkia Fio Sviiup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects nnd to avoid imitations, please
remember the full nnmo of the Company
printed on tho fronfof every package.
saw rnAiroisoo, oat
For sale by all Druggists. Price Sue. pertiottla
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal-No Smoke.
! Trains leave Shenandoah us follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week nays.
2 10, 5 38, 7 30, 9 S3 a. m., 12 20, 8 19 and 6 CO p. m
Sundays, 2 10 a in.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days
7 30 a. m 12 28 and 3 09 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10,5 38. 7 30. 9 53 a. m., 1-20, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a in.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 3(1, 9 53 a. rc.
12 25, 8 09. 0 09 ond T 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Tauiaqua and Mahanoy Cliy, week days
210, 73d, 9 55 a. in., 12 26 8 09and609. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Wllllnm.porl, Sunbury and Lowljliurg.
week days. 3 27, 11 82 a. tu.. 12 20, 7 SO p. m.
Sundays, 8 27 a m.
ForMabano) Hlane, weekdays, 210,3 27,5 83,
7 30,9 55,11 82 a.m.. 12 20. 3 09. 6 09, 7 3.', 9 56
p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 n m.
For Ashland and ShatnoKln, week days, 3 27,
80. II 32 a. m., 12 26, 3 09, 6 07, 7 25 and S 55 p. UJ.
Sunday, 3 27 a m.
For Baltimore, Washington and (he West via
B. & O. it. K., through trains les-1 Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. A R, If R.) at 320,
7 55,1126 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. l.. Sundays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 i and 7 27 p. m. Addl.
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
12 15 8 40 pm. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, " week
days, 1215, 4 30, 8 00,1180 a.m., and 145,4 80.
9 00 p.m.
Leave New Vork via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 8 40, 6 86. 10 21 a. m. and 136, 4 06, G36,
11 36 p. ro
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 7 00, 10 08,
a. m., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, wees: days. 717, 740 a.m.
12 GO, 1 SO, 4 30, 6 10 and 6 60 p. m.
Leave Tatnaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 86, 112?
a. m.. 149.5 56, 7 20, 9 41p.m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 43, 9 03,
11 51 a. m., 2 22, 5 23, 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Iave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 03
680. 922 10 23,1200, a. in., 2S9, 536, 642 758
10 21 p m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a
m 12 34 and 4 CO, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. m., fSatur.
days only 1 30J i 00, 3 00 4 00. 5 00, 715 pm
Accommodation, 800 a m., 5 SO, 630 p in
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a Ui, 4 45 p. in.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantioand Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 33, 815, 9 00 nnd
10 45 b in., 3 80 nnd 3 80 pm. Accommodation,
4 25, 8 17 a. m,, 4 03 p. m. Sundays Express,
4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Accommodation, 7 15 a. m.,
4 13 p. in.
For Cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 a m. Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 IS a m., South street, 9 00 a. rn. Ad
dltlonal, weekdays, for Cape May, 4 15 p m.,
for Sea Isle City, 5 00 p in., for Ocean City,
4 15, 6 00 p m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
7or further Information, apply to n'iarest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agenl
or add resa
I, A. Bwkioard, Ensoff J. Weeks.
Oen'l Supt., Oen'l Pass'r Agt.
Rending Terminal. Philadelphia.
It can be had at all the lead
ing saloons.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
I A Hnndsomo Comnlftxlon H
I Is one of the greatest charms a woman can!
I possess Pozzomi's Connexion I'owdkb
I gives it.
Drutr Store, Shenandoah, Pa
a .w nsiif
Formidablo Eival of tlio Amorioan
Spirits Company,
Tlio Xow Compnny, With tho I.nrB"t
l'ulillo W'nreliotisn nnd Ton I)litlll-crli-n
In KnnttioUT nn n N'tlolmiH, Will
Mako lllils For tlio Trnilu.
Chicago, April Tli? Iteconl oayn:
Supremacy In the wliiaky market, long
held by tht- Atwrlenn Spirit Manufac
turing company and Ha allied Interval.
Is to lie contested by an opiKnltlon com
bine. Arraneementa wilt he concluded in
Chicago before the vrwk la over for the
organization of a rlral corjioratlon with
f,000,000 capltnl. All branched of the
trade dominated by the American com
pany iJUtllllnn, distributing and ware
housingwill be ptimoed, and with the
largest public warehouse and ten distil
leries In Kentucky as n nttrletta the men
behind the new consolidation declare It
will be equipped to furnish the older
trust formidable competition. Men In the
whisky trade In Chicago, Milwaukee and
St. Louts, In association with Louisville
bankers, who control the Louisville Pub
lic AVnrehouse company, are promoting
the company, whose prospective title
Is said to be the Illinois Distillery nnd
Warehouse company.
In addition to the Louisville Public
Warehouse company's property, which
embraces three storage plants In that
city, with a gross capacity of 300,000
barrels, the syndicate has taken over
the R H. Tnylor & Co. distillery and
the J. II. Meltrnyer St Co. plnnt at
Frankfort and the Pcpperdistlllcry nt
Lexington. Options nre also In hand
for half n dozen more.
Tho new company claims to own, by
reason of henvy purchases In anticipa
tion of its formation. 100,000 barrels
more of manufactured goods than the
trust possesses.
XloThlnks tlio T.umliorrnen Would Fn
vor n Itcduced TnrlfT.
Taconin, Wnsh., April 4. Unitcl
Stntes Senator Addison C. Foster, after
spending several weeks Investigating In
the east and middle west the attitude of
the Joint high commission on the lum
ber nnd coal tnrlffg and the Alaska
boundary question, has returned to his
home in this city. lie says:
"I am of the opinion that the removal
of the duty on lumber Is one of the most
Important concessions sought by Eng
land. In fact, while the desired port of
entry to the northern gold fields Is much
In demand among Canadians nnd En
glishmen, I rather incline to the opinion
that a satisfactory adjustment of the
lumber and coal schedules nre equally,
if not more so, in demand. On my wny
west I consulted with various senators
and congressmen on the subject and I
find, all things considered, thnt our lum
ber people in all parts of the United
States are inclined to yield a little in this
matter, provided the tariff on lumber
and coal also, if possible, can be made n
part of the treaty. Lumbering Is n
great Industry, nnd wc could not for a
moment consider the proposition of re
moving the tariff altogether.
"The lumbermen as a rule would will
ingly make a reduction on the tariff
from $2 to $1.00 per 1,000, provided
that rates were made a part of the treaty
and thereby became permanent as long
as the treaty lasts. This would con
stitute n reduction of 20 per cent m
the lumber tariff as now in force."
Tlio Increnso orCrtmo,
Savannah, Gn., April 4. In the state
Baptist convention yesterday George
Ilillicr, ex-mayor of Atlantn, and for
merly on the bench of the superior court,
presented a report from the committee
on crime nnd lynchings. The judge gave
some startling figures upon the increase
of crime. In the United States In 1800,
he said, there were 10.000 homicides. In
the past year more homicides were com
mitted in the United States than were
killed in Cuba and more than fell at
Gettysburg or In the Philippines. Peo
ple were losing confidence in the law's
slowness, and hence lynchings. The Bar
association had tnken no notion, and ho
now appealed from the bar to the church
to aid in correcting this great evil.
An Enterprising Drngglj
There are few men more wide awake and
enterprising than A. Wasley, who spares no
pains to secure the nest oi everytning in tneir
line for their many customers. 1'h.ey now
have the valuable agency of Dr. KinB s New
Discovery lor consumption, (-ougns ana
Colds. This Is the wonderful remedy that is
producing such a furor all over the country by
ity many startling cures. It absolutely cures
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affec
tions of the Ihroat, Chest and Lungs. Call
at above drug store and get n trial bottle free
or a regular size for So cents and
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
Mr. Loin ml Oltlcnlly III.
New Yprk, April 4. The condition of
Warren I'. Leland, who was operated
upon for appendicitis on Sunday after
noon, took a serious turn about 1) o'clock
last night and an hour later Dr. Pitkin
was hurriedly called, lie nt once pro
nounced the change a very grave one,
and advised nil the relatives be sum
moned. Dr. Pitkin snld only a tulracls
could save tho patient'H life.
A lazy liver makes n lazy man. Burdock
Blood Iiitteis is tho natural, never failing
remedy for a lazy liver.
Absorbed Uy Moriruu Syndlcitte.
Brocton, Mass., April 4. The Morgan
syndicate of New York has bought be
tween 5,000 nnd 7,000 shares of tho
Brocton street railway stock, and now
owns a controlling interest. The Broc
ton conipans''s capital is $700,000 and its
bonded indebtedness $750,000. The syn
dicate will take possession May 1,
To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night
And each day and night during this week
you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam
for tho Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
bo the most successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottle toJay and keep
it always In the house, so you can check your
cold at once. 1'rico 33c and 50c. Sample
bottle free
To Ho Seirt to tho I'lilllpplneo.
Seattle, Wash., April 4. Lieutenants
Learned, Cnstnor uud Yandemon, who
were to accompany Captain Glenn's ex
ploration party to Cook's Inlet, Alaska,
have been relieved from that dutv bv the
war department. It Is understood they
will bo ordered to the Philippines.
Rheumatism Cared In a Day.
"Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures In I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears, The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah, t
Ilrntlicrlr 1'rrllnn of n House I'nlnt
rr lrr nn Artlat I'nlron.
There l n mylnff thnt two of A trade
ohii never ngrao, bnt there Is rraaon to be
lieve thnt there to more fraternity of Inter
et than is KenmttUr ttippoMd. An In
station to prove thta tfraory Is found lit the
onm ot Mi (irtlrt lit the suburbs who hnd
the front of his cottage pointed Inst wnk
It wwm't much of a job, but It vn don
vary well, nnd the painter was told to
bring In his bllL
Thre tiny later the man ot the houm
wiw told that tho ntntr winld to see
"Tell him to Imvn the bill and I'll send
him a check," was the Impatient answer
He was Informed that th painter want
ed to see him In person, to them was noth
ing to do but to show him up.
'' Well?" said the tmui of the botiw
rather sliortly.
"I hope you like the Job," said the
painter with a mysterious smile.
He was informed thnt It appeared to be
all right.
"I nlwnys do good work," said the
painter virtuously. "Bnt thU here house
I, I rather throwed myself 011 thU
when I found out who you was."
''So you found out who I was, did youf
''Yes. When I went to the drugstore
nt the corner for putty, tho clerk told me
you was n painter and one of the beet in
this country. I nuked why you didn't
pAlntyour house, then, nnd he said you
had got your hand out now and didn't
pnlnt anything but pictures. So when I
found you was In tho trade I did my pret
tiest. And here Is the bill $18.60 and
it ain't no more than right, as you know,
but being It's you I'll kuook oft the 60
To the overlasttng credit of the oele
brated artist bo it said that he kept hit
fooo straight and accented the reduction
In the spirit in whloh It was offered. Ex
MoimtrmiH Crime In Austrln.
Sahburg, Austria, April 4. The body
of a 12-year-old girl named OiHnger has
been found In the mortuary chamber of
the cemetery In this city. An investi
gation showed that she had been out
raged and murdered in the midst of a
number of bodies awaiting burial. The
perpetratot of the crime has not been
Women get used to being sick. They
come to consider back-ache, bead-ache,
side-ache, dragging, dreary, bearing
down feeling, hot flashes and nervous
irritability as a part and parcel of their
womanhood. They get used to being
half dead all the time. They forget that
they ever were anything else. If they
don't have to go to bed and stay there
they don't try to get well.
Nine -tenths of all the sickness of
women is due to some derangement or
disease of the organs distinctly feminine.
All such sickness can be cured is cured
every day by
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
And Sick Women Well.
It acts directly on the organs affected
nnd is at the same time a general tonic
for the whole system. It cures female
complaint right in the privacy of home.
It makes unnecessary the disagreeable
questioning, examinations and local
treatment so universally insisted upon
by doctors, and so abhorrent to every
modest woman.
J. S. Everrltt, of Hagerman, Washington Co ,
Florida, writes: " For five years mv wire was in
an almost helpless condition. urTerlng from
female weakness. Last September I decided to
try Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and
his ' Favorite Prescription ' I am now a happy
man. whereas 1 thought for four vears that I
would be left in this unfrteudlv world without a
companion Dr Pien-e s medicines are truly
worth a thousand times the monev thev cost
aud everj- suffering woman in the world should
try them."
wj-caucq Kresieii. moib cejroraiea ana
wisest advertising doctors all no msttcr
whstthcrclslm. LOOT MANHOOD
sun uinnn. nrmt itv. J4,WT
Jlbvstt, Blood ibfjon, a'th'Iuks, tlhrunktn or (7n
Ceretopffiorvanr. J,.ystsVo1-;at rii
to cure VARICOCELE without cutting. ll"..k.!.-ee
exposing- erery adTertKtnsf raud, ElectrfcUelt sln
olers,fske Medlcsl Institutes, etc r'McjMcvrf J
sa i to to Oa-jt. Trtsuneal by mall. Instant relief
Strong Drink Is Death
""thepnli positively smaranteed remedjlor the
Drink llablL Nervuusness and Melancbolr caused
bj strong drink.
to cure anjr case wltha positive rl I ten ciinr.
nntee orretunrt the nioner, and to destroy tho
appetite tor intoxicating liquors.
pi U0.0O. we vt 111 mall you tour 1 41 hoses ami pm1"
tlv svrtltrn eiini-antrr, to cure or reluuJ
rouruioney. Single boiea taeo.
For sale at KIrlln'a druK store.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B'.owii Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales, A full line of the finest
braiids of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attentiou.
A. A.
n. II.
r. '.
II. I!
I'. I'.
I'KVr.HS, Lane Peter. Sllllt Fever.
Hl'ItAIH, Lameness, Hheumattim.
11IM7.00TIC, Distemper.
WOIIM, Hols, drubs.
Cnl'MIIR, Colds. inHaenssw
COMC, Ilrllrachr. Diarrhea,
O.I2. Presents MII-CAItltl AOH.
cl'a'isi KIII.MIV A llLADIIUIt DlKOtlDEnS.
LJL1jMH!!. f-kln Diseases.
eoislnA,) COSUITIO.V, Rtarlnt Coat,
OUe. ssMfe: SUM. Cm. Tm SpwISes. nook. JtA 17.
At drussYl1 or nnt prensua on receipt - ,f pr -0.
flampSrVrs' Xadictne ., Cor wiiiUmS ) tn
Btm., New Vork. Vmsaur Mawii. srx.
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homwopntlito Spopla
No. 88, In u Over 40 yonra, U.o 01. y
BuoosMful rwrnody.
$1 pr TlsUor 3 rials and lane rial powder for $5
Bwls by Draci pmtt m r i ' I ,
nciruMU'sw, ce., cw.nesw. a j.u &u.,i.
jr. M-
8 nice Rsran ImlhllnR, ot Main an
Centre street, Htieftamifwh.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa,
Hartncr studied ander some of ftha hr-.l
uliwlera in Ixindon and l'arta. will eli-a Inunni
on the violin, mandolin, cellar and Toosl culture
lerun rejwoname. Address In care ol Htrou
the 1wler Hh,nnrtnh
Mauch S3, lnvfl
Trains will leave Hhenandnah atter tnM inn..
date for Wlsrean, tillberton, Prackvtlle Da 1
aier, e. Clair, 1'oltiivllle. Hamburg, It cad nit
. U.M..U,, it, uwu, a, ,11c. i,uniaiuwa a a ti
aSelphla (lIrAd street station) at (Ml and 8 1
a. m.,2 10,8 It p m, on week days. Sundays
8 15 n. m., 4 30 p. m.
Trains leave Prackvllle fnr RlinnnnrlnAh at
7 88, 11 18 a. m. and 6 , 7 88 p. Sundav
11 ui a. m. anu o so p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle (or Hhenandoab (via Prack
vllle 7 10, II 50 a. m., S 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
10 M a. rn.. i 20 p. in.
I.eare Phlladelnhla. lltroad street ntmttnnl. rn.
8heandoah at 8 85 a. in., i 10 p. m. week days,
Sundays leave at ft 50 and 9 28 a. m.
Inve Philadelphia Ilroad street station) tor
Pottsvllle. 5 57, 8 33, 10 19 a. 111., 210 4 10, 711
p. m. weekdays. Sundays. 6 30, 9 23 a. m. and
6 02 p m.
iave ilroad street Station. Philadelphia,
ITenesuu Uival'..l rm O m i Cm t f st rt
8 50,7 88,8 20, 9 50. '10 SI, 1100, 11 43 M ro, 12 00
i.uon, !., ii.imueu luuaml 4 2Zpmi,I40
2H0. 3 20. 3 W. 4 02. SOO, 5 68,6 03, 7 02, BO,
10 00 n m. 12 01 nla-ht. Sundavs. 8 20. 4 as. 4 fin
5 05, 3 11, 8 20, 3 SO. 1021, 10 43, 11 43 n m. '12 03.
U35,2a),4O2lLlmitel,'l2J1. 3 20, 'iX, 633.
7 02, ;, 10 OOp m, 12 01nljrtit.
iipresn ror iiosion wiinoul change, 11 00 a u.
week-days, aud 7 80 p. m., dally
I'or Hea flirt, i-irr rin, ucean Grove,
Loiik llrnncli. 8 20,11 11 a m, 8 30, 4 03 p m
Yor Iimhertvlllc. Easton and Bcranton. 6 60.
9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 500 llimbert vllle and
lukston only ), weekdays, and 702 p m dally.
liutTalo, 9 OU a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 03
p m dallv.
For lUltlinnre and Washington. 8 50, 7 20. 8 81,
1020, 1123 am, 12 00, 12 31, 1 12.3 12. 4 41 t3 25
Congressional Lim.l, 331, C 17, 0 55, 7 31 p. rn,
and 12 05 night weekdaya. Sundays, 3 SO, 7 20,
9 12, 11 23 a in, 12 03. 112. 812. 4 41 i520 Oon
sreMlonal 1,1m., 3 31, 633, 7aip m and 1205
For Baltimore, accomtnotlatlon, 9 12 a m, 1 63
nuu iui u iu wtr, uyn. o vjn hiiu II in p miatTy
Atlantic CoaU Line, Florida Special, 2 32 p m,
weekdays. Kipnss 12 09 p m, aud 12 03 night,
Southern Railway, Florida Limited, 2 28 p m,
weekilays Uiprcw 5 34 and 0 65 p m, dally .
Norfolk and Western 1 toll way for Memphis
and New Orleans, 3 81 p ra dally.
Chesapeake At Ohio Hallway, 731 p m, dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf as follows i Ex.
prraw for New York, 900am, 4 30pm week
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 80
a m weekd-ys.
For Island Heights, 8 80 a m and 100 p m
March 22, 1990.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m7 03p m. Sundays,
920 a. m., 705 p.m. ' '
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00 am,
II 80 Saturdays only, 2 00, 4 00,3 00 p m. Sun
days, 9 00, u 00 am (accommodation 4 30 and
5 00 p rn.
For Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City,
Avalon, Stone Harbor, Anglesca, Wlldw id
ndllollj Ileach Express, 9 00 a ru, 4Uw, pm
weekdays. Sundays 9 00am.
For Homers Point Express, 9 00 s. m., 2 00,
4 00. SCO, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00 a. m
The Union Transfer Company will call (or
and check baggage from hotels and residences.
Dining car.
I. B. IIiTcnwsox, J. R. Wood,
Oen'l Manager. Oen'l Pas's'r Agt
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily aud mail.gS a year
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price: 5c a cop. By mall, $2 a yea
Address THE SDN, Hew York.
Livery and
TK 13 North Jardin St.
flillions of Dollars
Gonpinnmoku eYoryyear. Take no
risks but get jour honsea, stock, fui
nlturo, oto., insured In firat-cUaa re
liable companies as represented by
' ISO South Jardin Ss
AlsoLlta acdAoddsnUl otnMnlM
l'nwdera Hutu t .n.
UfOsUHlffUn i&ltvt lUl itl
frisTT fid PmnvrDTt) Fil
m n(t otrer r
r i . !' A.eMsVlbu. tbt DCt tjUU VOid 111
u 'tni. iil ai ch1 miatrior to all suer. iSil'J