The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 29, 1899, Image 2

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13TAIU.lSlll:i 1HT0,
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Published every evening, except Hominy, at 8
Boutli J Aril In street, Shenandoah, l'n.
i-ono dhtanci; Ti:i,i:rnoNi:.
The Itcrnld Is delivered In 8hennn1onh nnil the
surrounding towns for six cents n w- ck, pay.
able to the carriers, Ily mall 18.00 n yeur, nr
23 cents n month payable In advance. Ad
vertisements charged according to space and
position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisements
whenever the publloatlon of news demands
It, The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates nindn known upon application.
Entered at the post office at Hhcitandouh, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last ana Forever.
Is the Senatorial deadlock to be
broken Indications point In that
A Nkw York lady has referred to
tho Admiral m "Dooley." There may
be no authority for It ; but thero
have always been suspicions Unit he
was Irish. He is so intensely Ameri
can. A dollar worth 100c In iold will
buy a pretty good dinnor. The
Bryan dollar is different. A man
may lunch on 40c, but does not ban.
quet on It.
A L Alton paper mill just built in
Sweden has obtained its entire plant
of machinery from this country,
American machinery is in demand in
nearly all the Scandinavian countries.
Thk Maryland Agricultural College
announces that every peach bud in
the state was destroyed by the recent
polar waves. Haying disposed of this
preliminary, the peach men can now
settle down to business.
A courtKSPONDENT of the New
York Press is alarmed over the
method of dress in vogue among the
Filipinos. He doesn't regard fig and
palm leaves as adequate. But he has
forgotten the broad and expansive
Perhaps It would be well to aslf
General Otis and his corps command
ers upon what meat he feeds his
brave soldiers. They seem to be able
not only to keep out of the hospitals,
but to be on the alert always, and
when it comes to fighting they are
just about right.
Thk Borough Council and Auditors
of Smethport, the county seat of Mc-
Kean county, are rigid economists.
They have just posted a few type
written copies of the Auditors' report
for 1808. The local papers have
severely criticised this action and sug
gest that it would be well to have
several printed copies.
Mr. Bryan, not satisfied with re
minding the Eastern Democracy that
there is no god but the silver god, is
engaged in impressing his views, or
rather his will, upon the nominal
head of the New York Democratic
Club. The young man from out of
Nebraska has lost no time in "rubbing
it in" on the gentlemen who repudi
ated his candidacy und his platform
a few years ago, and who now stub
bornly refuse to admit a change of
heart such as the prophet of a chenp-
ened currency suggests. Mr. Bryan
has gone down into his rhetorical
locker and drawn out a shot of the
kind which made lilm famous at Chi
cago and caused a sentimental wave
to carry him to the nomination beach
His observation to Mr. Belmont that
differences which are greatouough to'
separate people at the polls are great
enough to separate them at political
banquets, savors of the epigrammati
and is a worthy illustration of th
nicety with which this leader of
mistaken, not to say dishonest, cause
can turn a phrase and round a period,
If the canned beef industry of
Chicago has received a fatal thrust by
the developments before the Court of
Inquiry, comments the Wilkesbarre
Record, the millionaire owners
that industry will only have them
selves to blame. Thousands of people
who have been consumers of Western
canned meats of all kinds will not
purchase another pound after reading
the testimony of many of the wit
nesses concerning the meat supplied
to our army. The owners of th
canned beef industry will lose many
times the amount they made by thel
dealings with the government. Not
only at home, but throughout the
world, the loss of trade in that Hn
will be immense.
Biliousness, sour stomach, constlpa
tlon and all liver Ills are cured by
HootS's PHIs
The log cathartic. Price
25 cents of all druggists or by mall of
U.I. nooa c i d., ioweu, .muss.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale tad Retail.
-Q West Centre Street.
flio HlMliiirttlMicd Invnlld'n Pallid
Feature Show SnrloiiH Mine.
Newport News, Vn., March 2!). The
cruiser Chicago, which left Hampton
Heads March III under orders to over
take the American liner Paris mid trans
fer from that ship Secretory of State
John Sherman, who hml been taken
seriously ill, nrrlved nt Old I'oltit yes
terday with the distinguished lnvnlid m
hoard. The px-m-eretary'H daughter,
Mrs. McCullum, wtitched the cruiser's
opproach from the veranda of the Olmiii
berliti hotel, preparations for the re
ception o the itivnlld having been mndo
under her persounl suporvUlon. Mr.
Frank Wibnrg came nshore when the
cruiser dropped anchor,, bringing reas
suring news to the anxious watchers
with Mm. McCflllmu. lie then returned
to the Chicago.
Later in the afternoon Mr. Sherman,
closely muluVil, and with his features
entirely concealed beneath a henvy
black veil, was placed in u Hteam launch
and removed to the pier. lie wan borne
In a litter to the hotel on the broad
shoulders of four marines. At t! p. in.
he was again placed on the litter and
taken on board the Washington boat,
lie reached the latter city early this
morning, and was at once taken to his
That Mr. Sherman Is n very sick man
no one who got a glimpse of his palli.l
features can doubt. Naturally of spar
build, he has lost flesh tiutil his thin
ness is strikingly apparent, and he Is
obviously far advanced in feebleness and
general Infirmity.
Tea Workmen Terribly Iltiruoil.
Johnstown, Pa., March !!!). Ten men
were horribly burned, two of them
probably fatally, by the blowing off of
monster cylinder head on a blowing
engine in blast furnace No. 0 of the
Cambria Steel company last night. The
victims are: George Haberkorn, face
steamed until the flesh looks like a raw
beefsteak; Joseph Shuster, 1" years old,
overcome with gas and burned about
the face; C. Diamond, John Barrett,
James J. Miller, Samuel Markett, Henry
Kukuck, Michael Sshugruef, Henry Hoi-
ron and y. Bowers.
What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back,
rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
flow of urine being copious or scant with
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de-
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
passing, small quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel has
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected,
The Third staee is Bright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr,
Cilmer, the great kidney and bladder
pecialist, has discovered a Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
and book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in the Shenandoah Herald.
The Revolution ill ltollrln.
Lima, Peru, March lit). According
the latest advices from the province
Oruro, Bolivia, the seat of hostilities
between the government troops under
President Alonzo and the Federalists, or
Insurgents, the latter ure advancing to
ward the city of Oruro, where General
Alonzo's rebcrves are stutioued. The
expected battle may, however, be avoid
ed, as it is also reported that peace nc
gotiations have been reopened.
To-Night and To-Morrow Night
And each day and night during this week
yon can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
be the most successful remedy over sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottle to-day and keep
it always in the house, so vou can check your
cold at once. Price 25c and 50c. Sample
bottle free.
j. uridine: tlio Dead 'Homes.
New York, March 29. Tho United
States transport Crook, which arrived
here yesterday afternoon with the bodit
of the soldiers who died during the cam
paign in Porto Itico and the bodies of
071 of the soldier dead from Santiago,
this morning went to the army pier at
the foot of Pacific street, Brooklyn. Th
work of taking the bodies off was be
gun at once. The army officials are o
the opinion that the last body will no
be lifted from the hold until Friday.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Aiintlmr stnr For Sirs. Hotkln.
C Vr.m.u,i Mn rill on pnr,lnl!B
Botkin was granted a further stay of
execution for 'M days by Judge Cook
yesterday, in order to give tier attorneys
tmA n filA anmniliniwta . iha Itltl if
exceptions on appeal of her case to the
supreme court.
To Cure u Cold In One Day
Take "Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If it falls to cure.
25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each
tablet. tf
A V nl ii ii III m ViiW .f fiitti-nl .
rnml.i-l.W V,if.ii Mnreb in Prnf
an T "M WnlfF nf TTnrvnrd ttnlrnmlr V-
has recently discovered in a newly de
veloped part of the zinc minon at Frank
lin Furnace, n. J., a vaiunaie new mm
era! containing from to 'H per cent
of zinc. It is thought that the discovery
may prove of considerable economic im
portance. Prom the name of the town
ship, Ilnrdyston, in which It was first
recognized, Professor wont nag enristcn-
ed the new mineral "llardystonlte.
yon Try It.
If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
whieh Is sold for the small price of 96 eU., 50
eta. and $1.00, does uot sure take the bottle
back and wo will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee, Price
35 ets. and 60 eta. Sold by P. D. Klrliuand
a guarantee.
fNALESWoMEN understand what torture Is.
Constantly on their feet whether well or 111. Compelled
to smile and be agreeablo to customers while dragged
down with some feminine weakness. Backaches and head
aches count for little. They must
keep going or lose their place.
To theso Mrs. Plnkham's help is
offered. A letter to her at Lynn,
Mass., will bring her advice free
of all charge.
Miss Nancie Siiode, Florence,
Col., writes a letter to Mrs. Pink
ham from which wo quote :
"I had been in poor health for some time, my troubles hav
ing been brought on by standing, so my physician said, caus
ing serious womb trouble. I had to give up my work. I was
just a bundle of nerves and would have fainting spells at
monthly periods. I doctored and took various medicines, but
ing Lydia
I Kan.,
II Ml Ml I MM III .l.Va -t-
left ovary being so swollen and soro that I could not move
without pain. Now, thanks to your wonderful medicine, that
tired feeling is all gone, and I am healthy and strong."
UnlOontinrd Demi Will Ho Hurled nt
Tnrri-town on Hunter Monday.
New York. March 'M. AVarrcn V.
Lcland, proprietor of the Windsor hotel,
announces that arrangements have been
definitely made for holding funeral ser
vices over the remains of the unidentified
bodies recovered from the ruins of the
hotel on Easter Slonday. The services
Will be field in the Church of the Heav
enly Itest. ltev. D. Parker Morgan
will officiate. It has been decided by
a majority of the friends and relatives
of the deceased that the Interment will
take place In Sleepy Hollow cemetery.
at Tarrytown, and an appropriate monu
ment will mark the last resting place of
those who perished in the flames.
Ihe trunk of n woman s body was
found last night about the site of the
laundry. Nothing remained but the
trunk, and that was much charred. This
body was entered on both the police and
morgue records as "Body No. 25.
"Body No. 20" was found at midnight.
It Is the best preserved yet taken from
the ruins. There is a trunk, parts or
the legs and n part of one arm. The
body is evidently that of a man. It was
found about where the main entrance
of the hotel opened into the office. The
total number of identified persons killed
during tho fire mid dying subsequently
from injuries received In the fire is 11,
making the total number of known dead
37. The bodies receovercd in the ruins
account for 2(1 of the 45 persons re
ported missing.
What Is Ballon 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your money.
Price 25 eta., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Klrlin and a guarantee.
As Reflected by Dealing1) In Phllndel-
pmn nnil Ilnltliunre.
Philadelphia, March 28. Flour strong;
winter superfine, $2.15(32.40; city mills,
extra, $2.50S2.7G; Pennsylvania roller,
clear, J3.O503.2S. Rye flour steady, but
quiet, at $3.2083.25 per barrel for choice
Pennsylvania. AVheat dull; No. 2 red,
March, TO47Gc. Corn slow; No. 2 mixed,
March, 39V439tc: No. 2 yellow, for local
trade. 40c. Oats quiet and steady; No. 2
white, 35c.; No. 2 white, clipped, 35VfeSI36c,
Hay firm; choice timothy, $13 for large
bales. Beef steady; beef hams, $18.E0fU9.
Pork firm; family, $1212.G0. Lard steady;
western steamed, $5.55. Butter steady;
western creamery, 1722c; do. factory,
121414c.; Elgins, 22c; Imitation creamery,
13&18Hc; New York dairy, 14H20r,; do.
creamery, 17022c; fancy Pennsylvania
prints Jobbing at 24027c; do. wholesale,
23c. Cheese steady; large, white, 12c;
small do., 12Uc; large, colored, 12c;
small do., I2',40123ic ; light skims, 8?i
10c; part do., 71489c; full do., 405c. Eggs
steady; New York and Pennsylvanli,
13c; western, fresh, 13c; southern, 13fl
13c. Potatoes steady; New York, $1,500
2.50; Long Island, $202.50; Jersey sweets,
$233.25. Tallow quiet; city, 4?ic: country,
405c Cottonseed oil dull; prime crudd,
22c; do. yellow, 26c. Petroleum easy; re
fined New York. $7.26; Philadelphia and
Baltimore, $7.20; do. In bulk, $4.70. Rosin
firm; strained, common to good, $1.37&.
Turpentine dull at 45404Cc. Cabbage
quiet; domestic, $4810 per 100.
Baltimore, March 28. Flour firm and
unchanged. Wheat dull and lower; spot
and month, 76H075Hc; April, 75076Hc;
May, 7507Cc.; steamer No. 2 red, 700
71c; southern, by sample, 68076c; do. on
grade, 7175?4C Corn dull and lower;
spot and month, 38638c; April, 380i
39c; May, 39c; steamer mixed, 37Vi?
37Hc; southern, white. 40c.; do. yellow,
39Hc. Oats firm; No. 2 white, 36Hc; No.
2 mixed, 32Vii33c. Rye steady; No. 2 near
by 6S58Hc; No. 2 western, 60c. Hay
firm; No. 1 timothy. $11.50012. Grain
freights dull; steam to Liverpool, per
bushel, 2d. April; Cork, for orders, per
quarter, 2s. lOtyd.feSs. April. Lettuce at
$1.75f2.26 per bushel box.
Live Htook Mnrkots.
New York, March 28. Nothing doing
of Importance In beeves; feeling steady;
cables weak; refrigerator beef lower at
9c. per lb. Calves steady; common to
choice veals, $57.26; tops, $7.37V4. Sheep
nominal: lambs steady to firm; prime to
choice lambs, $6.2636.50: mainly $6.4006.50.
Hogs steady ut $164.15 per 100 lbs.
East Liberty. Pa., March 28. Cattlo
steady; extra, $SJ01i.fl6; prime, $5.3006.50;
common, $3.5001. Hogs steady; prime me
dium weights, $1.0604.10; heavy hogs and
best Yorkers. $101.05; light Yorkers, $3.5ft'
4; good pigs. $3.7508.90 ; common pigs and
skips, $80.&O; roughs, $2.503.50. Sheep
slow; choice wethers. $506.10; common,
$2.7608.75; oholce lambs. $6.9006; common
to good, $4.7606.85; clipped lambs, $1,500
6.10; veal culveti, $607.
A Common Sanger.
If you have ever had a cold whloli yon
pemiittod to "wear away" It may interest
you to know It was a dangerous proceeding.
Every cold and cough which Is neglected
paves the way for consumption, bronchitis,
asthma or catair1!. Otto's Cure, the famous
German throat and lung remedy, will cure
any cough or cold and save you from con
sumption. Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c
and 50c per bottle.
got no relief, and whon I wrote to you
I could not walk more than four blocks
I followed your advice, tak
15. Pinkham's Blood Purifier
in connection with the Vegetable Com
pound and began to gain in strength
from the first. I am getting to be a
stranger to pain and I owe it all to your
There is none equal to it.
for I have tried many others be
fore using yours. Words cannot
said too strong in praise of it."
Miss Polly Frame, Meade,
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I feel It
my duty to write you in regard to
what your medicine has done for
, me. I cannot praise it
enough. Since my girlhood
I had been troubled with ir
regular and painful
periods and for nearly
five years had suffered
with falling of the
womb, and whites. Also
had ovarian trouble, the
VIA "the true southern route."
Tho "Pacific Coast Limited," tho new
California train will leavo Chicago at 2:00 p.
m and St. Louis 10:30 p. m every Tuesday
and Saturday arriving at I.os Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m.. and San Francisco fourth
day noon, and wllll run via Chicago & Alton,
St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas
& Pacific, and Southern Pacific Hallways.
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, writing, smoking
room, buffet, barber-shop and bathroom ; a
compartmont car containing seven privato
compartments and doublo drawIug-iooms;
twelve section sleeping-cars with stato and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all
meals will bo served a la carte, and travorses
a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un
known. In addition to our weekly tourist
car lluo via tho scenic route, wo will oporato
a weekly Unrist car via "Tho Truo Southern
Eouto," leaving Chicago overy Tuesday and
from St. Louis every Friday morning. For
illustrated and descriptive literature, time
tables, very lowest rate of faro to all points
west and southwest, address J. P. McCann,
Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. E. Ilopt,
Gen'l Eastern Passcngor Agout, 391 Broad
way, New York. tf
Had Catarrh 30 Yenrs.
JosiaU Bacon, conductor on the P. W.
& B. R. R., says. "I had suffered with
catarrh for 36 years and regarded jny
case as hopeless. One clay I saw the
testimonial of Geo. II. Heani in a Braz
ilian Balm circular. Hearn was the
engineer on my train and I knew his
case, was desperate. I talked with Hearn
and his cure gave ine hope. I began
the use of the Balm at once. There was
not much chance for the first two mouths
but then I began to improve and in six
montlis, to my inexpressible satisfaction,
I was entirely cured."
Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents.
Kagles mere The T.ufco of the Eagles.
Among tho many charmiug places within a
day's journey of Philadelphia, tho Phlladol
phia & Beading Railway has great ro
In presenting Eagles Mcro a beautiful sheet
of clear deep water way up on tho crest of
Alleghonies. Hero are modern finely-ap.
pointed hotels and beautiful cottages, boat
ing, bathiug, fishing, all at their very best.
Tho Eagles Mere Chautauqua for thoso who
desire lectures, music, and other attractions
of this character. Puro air and a remark.
ably cool temperature in summer. Although
hidden away in the virgin lorest, it is
reached directly by railroad, und has, also,
mall, express, telegraph, and telephone ser
vice. Let us mail you a book giving more infor
mation about it. We will If you will write
for it to Edson J. Weeks, General Passenger
Agent, Philadelphia & Beading Railway,
Philadelphia, Pa.
There Never Was a Better Cure
Than Pan-Tina for coughs, S5o. At Gruhler
Bros., drug store.
General Lee Took Tlieia It
Wun All Itlltht.
General Robert K. Lee, the famous Con
federate commander, was as kind hearted
and slmplo mannered as he was bravo nnd
able. While president of Washington and
Loe university, Virginia, in tho latter
years of his life, ho was greatly beloved by
the children, whom ho loved in return. It
was his delight to glvo tho little ones pleas
ure. Professor Nelson's two Uttlo girls
were great favorites. Tho general would
turn nnd rldo with them whon thoy met.
encourngo them to talk of thoir dolls and
playthings and then escort them homo
with as much gallantry as they were
young ladles. IIo would alight and, help
ing them down from the gentle old horso
thoy both rode, ho would part with a kiss
from each.
Onco tho strict Presbyterian rulo of tho
Nelson household was rudely shocked by
tho general. A circus was coming to town
and as Professor and Mrs. Nelson left for
a visit of several days thoy charged tho
children on no uccount to go. So the two
Uttlo girls hung over tho fence, listened to
tho rniisio and envied tho children that
passed on their way to that tented para-
also, liut thoy never onco hoped to go.
Presently a lurger crowd of children than
ever imno along and in their midst was
General Leo keoiilyonjoyiiigtho happiness
of his Uttlo proteges, Tho Uttlo Nelson
girls joined tho party without a word
when ho asked them to oomo along with
It 1 in Soon they wero all In the tent and
when tho performance began all wero glv
pn refeerved beats by tho owner of tho cir
cus. "Mothor, wo went to tho circus I" was
the greeting of tho chlldron on their pt4
ents' return.
'Why, children, didn't I tell you you
must iiqt gof" said their mother
"Hut General Iau toqk us."
"Oh, woll," suld thoir mother, "If Gen
eral Leo took you, that's nil right I"
After that going to tho circus was a le
gttlmato amusement for children. Troy
wrecked Portland located.
It la Believed Thoro Are Still Many
Ilodlo In tho Wreck.
Iloston, March 20. It Is believed that
Hie hull of the lost strainer Portland hns
been located. The crew of the schooner
Maud H. on Monday hauled up a quan
tity of steamer finishings entangled In
their llshlng trnwU. The wreckage con
sists of two electric light brackets, n
mattress, some minor cnbiu furnishings,
a heaving line and a garter. The point
nt which it was brought up was 22'0
miles from Iloston light, 17 miles south
southeast of Cape Ann nnd 24 miles from
Highland light, and the depth of the
water between BO nnd CO fathoms.
Only a few weeks ago another fisher
mnn at very nearly the same place
brought up some wash bowl fillings, bl'l
these could not be positively Identified.
The articles Just found, when brought
ashore, were positively identified lij
Agent C. K. Willlanit, of the Portland
line, as being a part of the furnishings
In one of the steamer's cabins, while th''
finding of the garter leads to the belief
that there are bodies in the wreck. Of
the 200 lm in n n bodies who went down
with the steamer In the gale of Nov.
20 nnd 27 the remains of less than W
were recovered along Ihe shore of Cape
Cod, over 110 miles away. It Is pos
sible, therefore, that tunny bodies an
In the wreck, but grapples will be tie
sole melius of bringing to light any nd
dltional portions of the vessel. The
steamboat people will take no action in
the matter, leaving further action to Hie
owner of the vessel, John li". liurke, of
New York. A number of propositions
have already been submitted to Mr,
Ilurke for the raising of the steamer,
based on the theory that very little o!
the vessel was washed away before she
sank, nnd Hint If found she could b.
made serviceable again.
.1. SterflifU ?fn-toi"i'M NoW I'nrty.
Chicago, March 20. A special dispatch
from Omaha credits J. Sterling Morton
with the Intention of forming a new po
litical party, which he declares will be
the greatest political organization since
the formation of the Republican party.
Discussing the proposed new party Mr.
Morton says: "I have the utmost faith
in the plan. A party will be organized
July 4 that will stand for conservatism
pre-eminently. No doubt the platform
will contain some elements common to
all parties, but the keynote will be con
servatism. There Is n vast field for the
new party's operations."
BucWen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoam, fovor sores,
L . . .. I. .! 1. . . I ,.l.lll,lr,l.,n gtnrvhO .tin
all skin eruptions, and "positively cures pilos,
or jo pay required, it is gnaranieoa ro give
nerfoct satisfaction or mony refunded. Piico
S3 con ts per box For salo bv A . Waslor.
Utility Lover's Confenslon.
Bridgeport, (Jonn., Mnrch 20. In the
trial of Dr. Nancy Guilford for the
murder of Knimn Gill by a criminal
operation Harry Oxley, of Southlngton,
who is said to have been responsible for
the condition of Miss Gill, was called to
the stand. The young man was nervous,
and trembled violently. He testified that
he had known Emma Gill nil his life.
He saw her last Aug. 27, 1808. On Aug.
17, 1898, he went with her to the Bridge
port house of Dr. Guilford and there
made with Dr. Guilford a bargain that
the girl should be operated upon for
$150. At that time he paid down $05 in
cash. Witness testified to further pay
ments to Mrs. Guilford.
Oraln-0 Brings Relief
to tho cofice drinker. Coffeo drinking Is a
habit that is universally indulged in and
almost as universally injurious. Have you
tried Grain-O? It is almost llko coffee but
tho effects are just tho opposite. Coffee
upsets the stomach, ruins tho digest'on.
effects tho heart and disturbs the whole
nervous system Grain-0 tones up the
stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the
nerves. There is nothing but nourishment
In Grain-O. It can't bo otherwise 15 and
25c per package.
Fire I Fire I tire I
Insure your property from loss In the
oldest and strongest cash companies: Phila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardin St.. Shenandoah.
Remember If You Have a Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tina always cures, 25c. At Gruhler
Bros., drug store.
Maryland Ux-Governor In u Cyclone.
Scimn, Al,i March 20. A cyclone did
considerable damage to the little town
of Bldderville yesterday. The sawmill
of the Juekson Lumber company and
the company store was badly wrecked
and a number of dwelliugs demolished.
A large dwelling was carried more thau
a hundred yards. Ex-Governor Jack
son, of Maryland, who is president of
the lumber company, was visiting tho
mills, and with several others was In the
il!ee during the storm. The olflce was
Wrecked, but all miraculously escaped
. S. S. GOEi
Promptly Reaches the Seat
of all Blood Diseases and
Cures the Worst Gases.
. ... , uiouu uiseases Knows that thero are no ail
ments or troubles to obstinate and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim
to cure such real, deep-soated blood diseases as S. S. 8. cures and none can
offer suoh Incontrovertible evldenceof merit. 8 8. 8 is not me'reh tonic-it
fo,?nZHnn!h0Sd0Wn t(th0 7 feat of a11 blood dieaes,ana gets at the
if ntJ ?uf th ye'J W058t case?' "dWtB the poison from the systtm. It does
it;1'k8.the.r .redlM'. dry up U!. Pl80n ttnd Wd it from view temporarily;
only to break forth again moro violently than ever; 8. 8. 8. forces out eveiv
trace of taint, and rids the system oflt forever. 7
MrS.T. V. T.HO AfnnfrmmnMw il. I ilfl
...,.,.....,,,I. mc,; oomo years
ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected
iny babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and
ulcers from head to foot, and in my oreateitremity I prayed
to die. Several prominent physicians treated me, but all
to no purpose. Tho mercury and potash which they
Save me seemed to add fuel to tho awful flame which was
evourlnc me. I was advised by friends who had seen
wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im
proved from the start, as the medloine stemed to go direct
to the cause of the trouble and force the poison out. Twenty
bottles oured me comDlatelv." Swift's KnAeifln
-Is the only remedy that Is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no
mercury, potash, amnio, or any other mineral or chemical It never falls to
cure Cancer, Kczema, 8orofu!tt, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood I Poison
Tetter, Bolls, Carbuncles, gores, etc. "on'
Valuable books mailed free by Swift Bpeolfle Company, AtlanU, Ob
The I.yuohor-H Stndo No Attempt to
Coneonl Thoir Identity.
Holton, Kan., March 20. Henry San
derson, who murdered Mrs. Klelseher nt
Mnyetta on Sunday, was lynched near
here yesterday morning. Sanderson at
tempted to shoot his sweetheart. Myrtle
Fleischer, for refusing to receive his at
tentions, but struck her mint, Mrs. John
Fleischer, who died Monday night. San
derson was brought to llolton Sunday
night and placed In a roiuu In J. Ilorr's
restaurant Instead of being taken to
Jail, as ho was sufToring from an ac
cidental gunshot wound Inlllcted by him
self. Sheriff Unas place no guard over
hint except an unarmed attendant to
look after his wound. At 2 o'clock In the
morning the mob, coming, it Is believed,
from Maycttn. kicked open the door of
the room where the prisoner was con
fined, placed him In n farm wagon find
drove to a high bridge crossing a creek.
Here they bound Sanderson hand and
foot, tied n stout rope about his neck
and pushed him off Hie bridge. His neck
was broken by the fall. The little hand
of farmers then went home as quietly us
they hail eiime. The lynchers wen- not
ninsked and made no attempt to conceal
their identity.
Toleuriipliliiir Without Wtro.
London. March 20. Gugllelmo Mar
coni, Hie Inventor, who recently, after
long delay, obtained permission from the
French government to establish n station
on the French const for the purpose of
experimenting with wireless telegraph.!
between England and France, nimonni es
that lie has conducted successful experi
ments between the south foreland,
County of Kent, and Boulogne, at the
uiouth of the Limine. The Times tills
morning prints a hundred word dispatch,
the first press message by the the Alnr
coni system, and says: "The experiments
were conducted with the Morse code,
which was received as distinctly as if
the termini had been connected by
Olnoy For the Presidency.
Millwaukoe, March 20. The Journal
says that a movement Is under way to
make ex-Secretary of State Richard
Olnoy the Democratic candidate for
president next year is revealed in u let
ter from Boston to The Journal. General
Olnev'a campaign is based on the theory
that he Is In favor of Imperialism, while
opposed to nnncxntlon. The writer of the
letter referred to Is very prominent In
Democrutie polities, nnd he says the
movement In Mr. Olney's favor is well
under way. It Is urged In his behalf,
that he. though a gold Democrat In 1800.
did not make himself obnoxious to the
free Silver element nnd that on the ex
panslou questlou he would be nn avail
able candldnte, being opposed to tne an
nexation of distant islands.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralfia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease Immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
Orcnnlzcd to Assnll Yoiiiik'm Itobuko
Minneapolis, March 20. The Journnl
says: The officers of the Fifteenth
Minnesota volunteers will not be con
tent to resume civilian life with the
stigma of General Young's scathing re
buke attached to them. He practically
accused the entire staff of incompetence
and cowardice on the occasion of the Iatr
mutiny, nnd though they have been mus
tered out they have formed nn organiza
tion with the sole object of obtaining
vindication, and will Institute n fund for
prosecuting the matter. For a time a
plan was seriously considered to bring
charges ng.iinst General Young, but this
has been dropped.
To clcause the system in a gentle and truly
beneficial manner, whon tho Springtime
comes, use the true and perfect remedy,
Syrup of Figs. Buy tho genuine. Manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co
only, and for sale by all druggists, at SO cents
per bottlo.
Ask your grocer for tho "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It is the bost
flour made.
ISIctit Hour Iny For Hrleklnyora
Philadelphia, March 20. The commit
tee of the Master Bricklayers assocla
tion, which has been in conference with
a committee representing the Journey
men Bricklayers' Protective association,
at a joint meeting last night acceded
to the demands of the men for a day
of eight hours. Instead of nine, as at
present. No ugreemeut could be reached
on the question of wages. The present
scale Is a minimum of 37 cents an hour,
The men demand for the year beginning
May 1- 45 cents an hour. The employers
agreed to pay i-Vj cents, but the oner
was' declined. Another conference will
be held.
In every test made S. S. S. easily
demonstrates iti superiority over other
blood remedies. It matter not how ob
stinate the case, nor what other treat
ment or remedies have failed, S. 8. 8.
nltvnwa t,.n,.ntln 1 l
i.ouiien mm cures any
disease where the blood ii In any way involved.
Everyone who has had experience with
Many Peopla Ridicule the Idea of an
soiUte Curo for Djinepsla and
Stomach Troubles.
Rldlcule, However, Is not Argument, and
Facts are Stubborn Things,
Stomach troubles aro hi common mid In
most cases, no oMtlnato to euro that pcoplo
aro apt to look with suspicion on any rcmeily
claiming to he a Milldl, pcrmunen'. cure for
dyspepsia ami Indigestion. Many such pride
tlicmsolvfs on tliciraculcncm In never being
humbugged, especially in medicines.
This fear of being humbugged can bo car
ried too far. so far, in fact that many people
suffer lor years with weak digestion rather
than risk a littlo time and money In faith
fully testing tho'claiuis made of a preparation
So reliable and unlversnl'y U'cd as Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are vastly
lilforcut In niio important rospectttom ordin
ary proprietary medicines for the reason that
they aro not a secret patent medicine, no
secret Is made of their lugredlonts, butanaly
sls shows them to contain tho natural diges
tive ferments, pure aseptic pepsin, tho diges
tive acids, (lolilcu Seal, bls.niith, hydrastls
and mix. They aro uot cathartic, neither
do they act powerfully on any organ, but
tliey euro Indigestion on the coinmon-sctiso
plan of digesting tho food caton thoroughly
Iwforo it has timo to ferment, sour and cause
ho mischief. Tliis Is the only secret of their
C-.itliarllo pills never havo and never cau
curo Indigestion and stomach troubles bo-
eauso they act entirely on the bottels,
whereas the wholo trouble is really in tho
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
meals digest tho food. That is all thoro Is to
it. Food not digested or half digested is
pnlsou as it creates gas, acidity, headaches,
palpitation of the heart, loss of flesh and ap
petito and many other troubles which are
often called by some other namo.
They are sold by druggists Tivorywhore at
GO cents per package. Address F. A, Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich , for littlo book on
stomach diseases, sent free.
See That Your Ticket Reads via the
Southern Railway.
Tho Southern Railway operates three
through tiains on each week day and two on
Sunday. It is an Inland route, clean and
tkrough an Interesting section of the South.
The schedules of its trains aro fast, but not
too fast to bo maintained. Write to John M.
lieall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut
stroct, Philadelphia, for full Information,
Illustrated matter and advauco Pullman
reservations. 3-24-10t
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovablo girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its
action on tho bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
and a guarantee.
Will You Winter In Florida ?
This will bo tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via tho Southern Railway. Its tho best
route. If you will write John M. Bcall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., be will arrange all the
details of your trip for you.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do horeby agreo to
refund tho money on a 50-cent bottlo of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It fails
to curo your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, O. II. Hagen
bucb, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Bicrstcin & Co. ll-U-33t-(lw
This Is the trado
mark of tho short
lino to Florida tho
Southern Railway.
Two daily trains are operated all the year,
and during the winter season, a third, the
Florida Limited, Is added. If you are going
to Florida or anywhere olso in the South, ask
for a ticket via the Southern Railway. Write
to John M. Beall, District Passengoi Agent,
828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is the original and only FRENCH,
saf o and reliable enro on tho mar
ket, l'rlce. Il.uu; sent oy man.
Genuine sold only by
Kirlln's drug store.
It can be had at all the lead
ing saloons.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Superlor Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne.
, Uelel.rated ii -. '
J'owderfl never .
' rith Tana PnnilTTnril 1111 and other lift
i3r rcinwllw). AJwiyibuytlit Li nd Mold dM
jfliJIju 0