The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 20, 1899, Image 3

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    rXfroup I'l'rPm
The Night Tiling Has Keen Pound,
A Shenandoah Citizen Shows
the Way.
Once more wo mo indent' il In a Slieimn
il'iili citizen far public st i inrnt tlmt
throw, moro light on timtlur of uvcr-in- I
cnnidug Inlairot. People liitvo hccti do
cclvtl by liilc rcirw-riinllnM fiom time i
Immemorial. No wninlcr they nro skcptleal I
of ll o hIiih endnru-d hy stringers reildlng
In r-ir-fllntniil paitof Hie Union It i no
longer necessiry tn aem l't wit Imlnr -emeriti
fur h chI eltliwiH n re giving iln-lr tt-stlinony.
nnd 'tis nn tny mutter for any r. n.U-r n in.
vrstlgato tho ciirrnlinsn-l' Mich evidences
the following:
Mrs Miirgnii tlopklu. of 21U t l.'oyd
"Ireet, siiyss -"l mid tnni-li tluir'le with my
birk awl kidneys. I used D-iu's Kidney
I'll's after trying other standard remi-dlct,
ItTScrliti'ins nnd Ironic remedies mid found
them mint sirtlfctory. I told my luistjiml
thnt tliey did rnu inure g'Miil thuti ny othor
medicine 1 h id taken. I did nut .teci well,,
h id hot pilm In the tnp'of my he id mid was
tired and despondent all tho timo 1 - iiilUi
ticit-shaWn It otr. When I learned of Dnan'a .
Kidney I'ills I procured them Ironr Klrlln's
Plmrnney and I ran slnctrcly ree'-mniend
them for hickncho I will not bo wlthor t
them In the future for I owo to them tl o
greatest relief from my kidney troublo tlmt
I ever had."
Doan's Ki lncy Pills for sale by nil dealers.
Price DO cents. Mailed hy Foiter-Mllbiirn
Co., Ilufliilo, X Y., sole agents for the. V. 8.
Kcmember the name Doan's and take no
Prlmnry S'comlnry or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
You can be treated tit homo for same price
under same guarantee. If you prefer to
come hero wo will contract to pay ral road
(are and hotel bills, and no charge. It wo
(all to cure
taken mercury, iodide potash, and atlll
have aches and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth, Soro Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Dicers on any part of the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it la this
Wo solicit the most obstinate cases nnd
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T is disease haa always battled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarantee ADSOlUte proofs sent scaled on
application, loo page book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
The sudden Epidemic oi
Grip has startled the country.
The doctors confess they have
no sure Cure for it, and this
is seen to be true in the sud
den death of Garcia and Ex
Senator Brice and the alarm
ing increase in the death rate.
But no one need be alarmed.
There is a sure cure a
perfect antidote. It has had
15 years test in thousands of
cases and never failed. That
remedy is
No fatal case of Grip was
ever known where Brazilian
Balm was promptly and faith
fully used. It kills the germs,
arrests the progress of the
disease at once, and takes all
the evil effects out of the
system. For
Old Coughs,
' it is a perfect remedy.
SHENANDDaH drug store,
3 South Hnlrt Street.
.lu-.r nr fu! 0l. 1
Nura.rr Block, Uaikuim
an.! aalurr to those leaving
Qome, or cpirroiooion is iu
aaI isanti. rerm&nent eL.
Dlurineot. The buntajsf
eaony learma. abu'w '
It Creates Groat Hayoo in Alabama,
Arkansas and Mississippi
And Twonty-ono Injured, WJ1II0 tiro
Troporty l,oss Wilt Hun Into tho
Hundreds of Tlioumiul". of Dollar.
Slxtoon Killed In Alnhnma Alone.
Memphis, Tenn.. March 20. Reports
from different polfits In Arkansas, Miss
issippi and Alabama Indicate that In the
Btorins which ittvept over these states
Saturday 18 persons were killed out
right and 21 Injured, ns follows: Ala
bama, 10 killed, 4 Injured; Arkansas, 1
killed, 7 Injured; Mississippi, 1 killed,
10 Injured. The property loss will ruu
Into the hundreds of thousands.
A Birmingham, Ala., special says; A
cyclone struck the belt of country lying
between Ilelfln nnd Edwardsvllle, Cle
burne county, Saturday afternoon and
wrought tcrrlGc damage. Seven persons
were killed, five of them in one house.
It took railroad trains until 10 o'clock
Saturday night to get through mi nccount
of the trees and telegraph poles that ha 1
fallen across the track. Cuttle were
drowned and dozens of grain mills were
destroyed. The house of the Coffee
family was absolutely torn to pieces.
There were 11 inmates of the house,
seven of whom were killed outright and
three badly injured. The storm swept a
path of 20 miles long and levelled every
thing in its way. Altogether 25 persons
were injured. The havoc wrought was
terrible nnd the scenes of suffering ter
rible in the extreme.
A later special from Birmingham gives
the following list of the dead so far as
known; Lewis Coffee, aged C5, tax as
sessorof Cleburne county, and the follow
ing members of his family: Mrs. Coffee,
aged 4G; Leila, nged 22; .Tames, aged 20;
Lulu, nged 18; Jacob, nged 13; Peveree,
nged S; Dollie, nged 10; Grover, aged 6;
John, nged -1. I'nknown woman, near
flollin, Bessie Coffee, daughter of Lewi
Coffee, Mrs. Ilunnells, aged 111, and
Myrline Stnnscll, nged 5, will probnbly
The following comes from Uuntsvllle,
Ala.: A tornado passed through Hazel-
green, a small town In the northern part
of Madison county, at 0 o'clock Satur
day night and destroyed many homes. It
is not known whether there was loss of
life. Heavy rains all day swelled the
creeks and small rivers of Madison
county to unusual proportions, and many
bridges were swept away. People In
the lowlands of the southern part of the
county will lose much property. The
water covered portions of several streets
in Huntsville. Trains at the southern
tailway depot plowed through water 15
inches deep. Small houses on Spring
Branch, I'lnhook creek, had to be
A Little Rock, Ark., dispatch says:
A destructive wind storm swept over the
southern portion of Clark and a part of
Pike county Saturday. At Okolona seV'
eral houses were blown down, three
building being demolished. Two men
were caught in the ruins and sustained
serious injuries. The storm was follow
ed by a very heavy rain, which extended
all over the southwestern portion of the
A Clever Trick
Tl ... ! 1 1 1. 111,. U 1... l.nM la Mnlln
Ab rmiuiuiy IUU&B II a Hi uuw luuiu io . v.. . j
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
has lame bnck nnd weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. Wo inenn ho can cure
himself rieht awav by taking Electric Hit
tera. This medicine tones un the whole
system, acta as a stimulant to the liver anil
kidneys, is a blood runner anu nerve tonic
It cures constination. headache, fainting
spells, sleeplessucss and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a rutin laxative, ana ro
storej the system to Its natural vigor. Try
Electric Bitters and be convinced that they
urn 11 miracle worker. Evorv bottle guaran
teed. Only 50c. a bottlo at A. yvasiey's drug
IXo'fso Crfusos'FntnrWreok.
Auburn, Cnl., Mnrch 20. A horse on
the railroad track near Clipper Gap
switch wns the primary cause of a rail
road nccident in which two trainmen
were killed and n third seriously injured.
Westbound freight No. 9 struck the
horse, with the result that the first en
glne of the train was ditched nnd its
boiler broken. The engineer nnd fireman
were scnlded to. denth nnd nn unknown
helper wns badly burned. The dead are
Engineer Fred Wltham and Fireman
Edward Gray.
What Is anuon V
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
:jonsuniptimi ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of iueipient consumption and relieved many
n advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money.
Price 25 cts., 50 cU. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D,
Kirlln and a guarantee.
To Dlsnotfe? bfte Dervish Lenders
London, Mnrch 20. An Algo-Egyptinn
expedition will be undertaken next nu
tumn, according to a dispatch from Cairo
to The Daily Moil, to finally dispose of
tho Khnlifn Abdullah and the other Der
vish leaders in the Soudan.
State op Onto, City op Toledo, I
Fbank J. Ciiexey makes onth that he la the
senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cuesev & Oo,
doing business In the City of Toledo, County
and Btato aforesaid, nnd that said firm will pay
tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eacl
and every enso of Catarrh that cannot be cured
hy (he use of Hall's Catahbu Cube.
A. W. ai.KASON,
Notary Public.
HaH'B Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and" it
lireetly on the blood and mucous surfaces
the system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Hiinrtnv-TVnrna nn Tli n I) . Xj. and TT
vur Ynrit Mnrrh 20. For the first
tinie in the history or tne Jneiawnre,
r n'nA Waatum rnllrnnd Sun-
jJHVftffnalun u , 1 1 ' v-i------ --7 7-
.lav naacnnffAP rrninn wi'n? ruu vcBuiunii
.. 1 - train aarvlr-ri
wns established. irains wwe
(5d. .
Itchiness of the skin, horrible plague.
Most everybody afflicted in one way or
another. Only one safe, never falling cure
Doan's Ointment. At any drug store, 50
PrestdoWOir Tor Jelcyll Island.
ThomnBville. Gn.. Mnrch 20. Prcsl
dent McKInley went to church yesterdny
at the Methodist church of Thomasvllle.
The service was the event of tho day
tn the villa tre nnd country folks and the
large weather stained church was filled
to the doors. The people of . South
'Georcln nre a nlous community nnd
mostly Methodists. The prospect that
the president would attend their church
fironght forth tbp regvttyr attepdance and.
all the haekallders of the congregation as
well. The president and party left hero
this mornins for Jckyl island.
Every family should have its household
medicine chest, and the first bottlo in it
should be Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup,
nature's remedy for coughs and colds,
TfthhpLD'S ,
Pnld Purchnscs of SO or moro
will ho sent FREICHT PREPAID ,
tn nnv mllrnnH ntntlnn tn MAIN PL .
, .
ii r-i. f I,.,.-,.,,
i.e. utnaci.
Sep. That Your Ticket Rkahs via tiir
l'ho Mont hern Uailway operates threo
through tmlns nn ouch week day and two on
Sunday. It is an Inland route, clean nnd
through ah Interesting section of tho South.
The schedules of Its trains am fust, but not
too to ho maintained. Writryto John M.
lieall, District Iiciiger Agent, 688 Chestnut
street. Philadelphia, for full In formation,
illustrated matter and advance Pullman
reservations. 2-34-10t
Women love n clear, healthy complexion.
Pun blond makes it. Ilurdock Wood Hitters
makes pure blood.
Will You Winter in Florida 1
This will bu the greatest season Florida
has had for years, You ought to go and go
ia tho Southern Uailway. Its tho best
routo. If you will writo John M. lieall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, 1
Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange all tho
letailsof jour trip for you.
Sick Headaches,
Tho nurse c.f overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
loot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. .Money refunded if not satisfactory.
riee 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
and a guarantee.
Philadelphia &
Reading R y.
Engines Gum Hard Coal No Smoke,
Trains leave Shenanuuah a lullows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week (lays.
10. 5 38. 7 30. 0 W a. m.. 12 20. 3 19 and 6 09 u. m.
Sundays, 2 10 n in.
For tfew York via luauen uuunic, week days
30 o. in., 12 26 and 8 09 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, weelr tlayn,
10. 5 S3. 7 3J. 9 D3 a. in.. 12 20. 3 09 and 6 09 D. m.
Suniluys, 2 10 n ui.
Fur Fottavllle. weekday; 2 10. 7 80. 85 a. m.
12 2fl. 3 C9, 6 09 and t 80 p. m. Suiijuys, 2 10 n m.
For r-maquaana Aiananoy uny, weua ua)n
10. 780, 9&3 a. m 12 20. S 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m
Fur WUIIamsDort. Sunbury and Lewltburir.
week days. .'! 27. 11 82 a. in.. 12 20. 7 80 n. ni. I
Huntlavs. !t 27 n m. 1
Fur Mauanoj i-iane, weenuays, x io, a Z7, o ss,
80.955.1182 a.m., 12 20, 8 09, 609, 73), 960
p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 -7 a in.
For Ashland and sharooKlri, week days, 3 27,
780 II B2 a. m 12 20, 3 09, 007, 7 25 and 9 55 p. u.
utiuay, .rzf n m.
Fur Ualtlmore, Washington and the West vlo
ll.iO. R. It., through trains le- RradliiD
rermlnal, Philadelphia, (P. & R. 17 K.) at 3 20,
oo, 11 a. ra., a lu ana p. L-. ounuay
20.7 00.1120 a.m.. 3 40 and 7 27u. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
au,t streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
vi itBiui) m. Munaays, i uo, b -a p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, weeb
lays, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00, 11 30 a. m., and 1 43, 4 ar,
00 p.m
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
lays, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m.
IjCBVO r uiittueiuiiiu, ihcuuiiiK ciuiiuai, run
lava. 8 40. s 80. 10 21 a. m. and 130, 4 06, 6 30,
1130 p. in
lave icauing, weeic uays, ir, t w, luw,
. ui., 12 13, 4 17,6 00,820 p. m.
leare rotisviue, wecK usyn, 1 17, j iu e. m.
280, 120. 430,6 10 and 6 50 p. m.
L.eave laruaqua, wees uays, u is, auo, 11
.. in., 149,5 86,7 20,9 41 p.m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 05,
I 51 a. m., 2 22, 5 23. 6 21, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanov Plane, week .lye, 2 40, 4 03
80. 922 1028,1200, a. m., 239, 586, 6 42 7(8
10 21pm.
Lave wriuamspors. weeK uays, , jow a
u., 12 31 and 4 CO, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
4outh street wlmit (or Atlantic City.
Weekdays Kzuresa. 9 00. a. m.. TSuturdavs
jinly 130J 2 00, Saturdays only 3 00 4 01 sun,
710 p.m. Acuummoauiiou rt uu a m., o au, o uu
pm aunuays nirpress, vw, luuuam Accora
modKtlon, 8 00 a 111, 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantle City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 33, Monday only 8 13
9 00. 10 43 m m., 3 30. 5 3e p m. Accommodation,
123,817 a. m., 4 05 p. m. Sundays Express,
1 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Accommodation, T 15 a. m.,
4 15 p. m.
For uape May, ea isle utiy anu ocean i:uy
Weekdaya 9 00 n m. Sundays. Cheatnul
street 915 a m.. South street. 903 a.m. Ad
ditional, weekdays, for Capo May, 4 15 -p m.,
ror sea ism uuy, 0 uu p ra., ioi ocean my,
is, 00a p m.
Parlor Cats nn all express trains.
"or further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
iren 1 uiipi., uen-i raas r Agi.
Rradlne Terminal Philadelphia.
vigor to the whole be bp. All drains and losses are checked rmj )', Unless patients
are orooerlr cured, their condition often worrlei them Into Insanitv. Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price it per box: 6
rsnsa. 4 Qan A.r.W,k
For Sale at KIULIN'S Dru
j uit unit i nut. witnvL or wmw iuuu tuiunc. uai mult ahu awukaiclt ut rvntwia.
tanisbmeat Uwronghout
lanethoroaoopedtliDeationof joirlife. l(e (ti(e your personal ap
roiitioQ. character. aUlltr. tute. Drotable learth of life. DoiaiYle acctdtni
poiition, character, atillty.
usesVif&s on au lTaira,
DIPfltQ Tfl Tit fin
nlUllLU 1U DC UU
rT7.Tr"'" '
ftned 10 cents and cWt
ftrati. ul rit.roiaoDa n.&tnat
tMi attires a test trial,
, ZARMIthm ASTROLOGER, Lock Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. T,
1 frm rSMSS " Earah Ua Aaraf imu Is earuiaij aiUtliblai thiuas Wt eaodtrnil yredletlaat aa4 teiu en eaaae A
J ape taeupitau aad adults, taflaaeaa.' , y
-V-y' -
' isnro. itthmTS
Grocers con tell
you why those
when i f. jn-omi'iifbiilk
used as nn tor it. Strange
admixture to'ilJ?n,5
it tKn people to
tr a lliinn
ordinary cof
fee m.-.kes
9 S i'a.Jiaii
irirk t-,A
delicious d
raHsenger tmlns leave Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton,
Slatfngton, Whito Halt, Catasatniua, Allentown.
Itcthlehem, lCoston New York and Philadelphia
nt 5 24. 7 49 a. m.. 12 M and Slip. in.
For Wllkesbarre, White Haven and Plttston,
5 28, 10 13 a. 111.. 12 58 and Slip. 111.
For Loceyvllle, Towonda, Savre, Wnverly,
Etlnlra, Rochester; IlurTnlo, N'lagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Hhacn, Geneva nnd the
West, 10 13 11. m., 12 58 nnd Slip. m.
For Ilelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudburg, 5 28 a. m., 5 1 1 p. in.
For Ijimbertvllle and Trenton, 7 49 a. m.
For Jenncsvllle, Levlston nnd Reaver Meadow,
5 28 a. in., 12 5S p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Hnzleton, Stockton
nnd Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. m , 12 58 nnd
3 11 p. m
ForJeddo, Dritton and Frecland, 5 28, 1013
a, m., 5 11 p. m.
For Scrnnton, 5 28. 10 13 n. m., 5 1 1 p. m.
For Ixist Creek, alrardvillc.aiid Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 27 p. m.
For ltavcn Run, Centrnltn, Mount Carmel and
Shamoktn, 10 58 n. m., 1 42, 0 07, 9 21 p. m.
For Mahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 49, 10 13 n. m.. and 12 68, 3 H p. m.
For Yntesvllle. 5 28. 10 13 a. m.
Trains will leave Slmmokin at 7 00. 020 a. in.,
12 10 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
nt 7 49, 10 13 a. in.. 12 58, 5 14 p. lu.
Leave Shennndoah for Fottsville, St. Clair.
New Castle, Moren and New lloston, 7 19 nnd
10 13 n. 111 , and 12 58 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m.,
12 33, 593, 8 15 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 10 00 n. m.
12 4n, o uv, 0 ai, a p. m.
Trains leave fur Raven Run, Centralis, Mt.
Cnrmcl and Shnmokin, 0 40 n. m., 7 21 p. 111.,
Trains leave Stianiokln for Shenandoah at
8 50 a. m., and 5 33 p. 111.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatesville, Mahonoy
Clty. Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled,
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Ynrd, Wcatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., nnd 6 32 p. in-
For lehlghton, Slallngton, uacasauqua v line
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Enston and IMillllps
burg, 9 47 a in., and 6 32 p in.
For New York nnd Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. m.,
and 6 27 p. in.
M. U. tlHTTER, Supt. Trnnsiiortntlon,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
South Rethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Oenl. Pnss. Agt..
New Y'ork, N. Y.
South Ilethlehem, Pa.
Office Egan building, corner ol Main at
Centre streets, Shenandoah,
.Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa,
Having studied under some of the best
masters In London and Paris, will give lesson
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture
Terms reasonable. Address In care nl Ptrnd
Ihe ImtaIh, Bhenandnah
t-tJ 1 lij.iXT IJ&J n tiisiliki'iailHtii
1 ,rtT.
uSe tod ut ( (hUd
7TDT&1 l'iU uid otlirr UV
with Ttnay fid rennvroyfcl 1'IUj ui J lotli r UV
WTtmcnt. Gumnt4 -upior tol ouifc
They have itood ihe test of years.
eaiei of Nervout Diteases. such
as Debility. Duiineii. Sleepless
ne si aod Varicocele, A trophy, &C
They clear the brain, strengthen
the circulation make digestion
nerUct. and Imnart a health
boxes, with Iron-clad legal euarantee to cure or refund t
LA Arm. DCil UmintNP CO . P I W1 M tl ff . f.T
Store, Shenandoah, Pa,
ZABAB. tbe wortd-renownsd Crrptlan Aitrologir, nho has been creating ,ueh it
Karope ftrt
r tne fire tuh wit; (lie 4 trutbful, accurate,
irlife. lie ill tit Tour Dersooal irDunnH. Ai.
Ul( proUble leogth of life, poiaiVe acctdsDU, adrloe and
oarriiit, frieaii. aemltJ. ifeoulaUoa, tuiiuets matters, ate.
VflT Til DC rw Inform ycnnlf thorongMy ea
AUK iU Uu thUaad en any other question! ef your
' ' " past, present ana futuri life.
IT ft
ciact date ef birth aad I will ImmediaUlr ratara yea
Vtinr lf. and am It 1a h til trni far vaurMlf. I al
All eomn.aalc4t!ons striotly eoafldaatlai, Addree V
Tho Sooroh For Viotima of tho
Windsor Hotel Fird
Tho List In Voulittoaa Ixnaaornted,
II Include, tho Jfnino of Aotor Hn
wortli. Who 11ns Turned Up Hnfu In
New York, Mnrch 20. In a drliillng
ralu more than 200 men continued yes
terday to work anionic the debrk and
Bmonldcring ruins of the Windsor hotel
searching tor the bodies of those who
perished in the llnmes and to recover any
valuables that might have escaped the
ravages of the (Ire. The efforts of the
searchers were futile, however, as the
ruins were too hot to irormit much pro
gress, nnd the smoke arising from the
burning material was rendered more
dense by the dampness of the atmos
phere. At Intervals during the night
flames burst forth from the burning
embers and drove back the workmen.
Work was begun In the morning to de
molish the fragmentary portions of walls
on the east and north sides of the burned
building, and later the number of work
ers was reinforced and the work of re
moving the rubbish pushed as vigorously
as was practicable. The chimney, 85
feet high, standing on the Forty-sixth
street side of the ruins, near Fifth ave
nue, was blown up at noon. Thirty
pounds of dynamite were placed under
the base of this chimney, and electricity
was used to explode it.
Smoke and steam atlll rise from the
debits, and now and then tongues of
flames shoot up, even at this late hour
after the fire. The workmen have been
able to do only a little superficial work.
When they dig down a little way the
debris is so hot that they are obliged
to move to another locality.
During the day workmen were engaged
In picking to pieces the six story wall
standing on the Forty-seventh street
Ide of the hotel, in order to make a
search in the ruins safer. The second
85-foot chimney was dynamited shortly
after 3 o clock In the afternoon. The
explosion wrecked a number of plate
glass windows and doors In nearby resi
dences. A large force of men were at work
during tho afternoon on what was the
main entrance to the hotel. It was ex
pected that bodies would first be found
there. A large amount of Buiall articles,
principally the personal property of the
guests, was found.
Daniel Sweeney, the emergency wreck
er of the building department, and threo
men had a narrow escape from injury
and possibly death about 5 o'clock. The
four men were on top of the six-story
wall, which was still standing on the
Forty-seventh street corner of the hotel,
tearing it down. A stilt north wind blew
up suddenly, and Sweeney felt tho wall
trembling beneath him. He cried out
a warning, and the men hurried from
their dangerous perch. They were Just
outside the danger zone when a great
section of tho wall, 30 feet or more
square and Including that portion where
they had been working, went down with
a roar. A portion of It fell on the roof
of the house back of the hotel, wrecking
the roof. The house had been emptied
by order of the building department,
and nobody was injured.
A. P. Demorest called at the Bast
Fifty-first street police station yesterday
and reported that he had a small safe
filled with jewels valued at $10,000 In
the ruins of the fire. He, his wife and
daughter and son occupied rooms on the
third floor, near Fifth avenue and Forty-
seventh street. They were all In their
rooms when tho fire occurred. His
daughter, when the fire was discovered.
went to tho small safe containing the
jewels and tried to open it, but forgot
the combination In her excitement. Mr.
Demorest stated that when he opened
the room door he saw three men running
about In the smoke and going Into rooms.
They were not firemen, and he was cer
tain they were not employes. He thinks
they were robbers. He and his family
then went out on the fire escape and
were rescued by firemen. Mr. Demorest
was apprehensive about the safety of the
safe and its valuables.
Thomas Cleary, of 011 Third avenue,
called on Inspector Harley and stated
that he assisted a woman from the hotel
whom he afterwards ascertained was
Mrs. Abner McKinley. He took her to
the street nnd put her In a cab. Mrs.
McKinley told him that she had dropped
a bag containing some Jewelry. He ran
back and got the bag and gave it to
Mrs. McKinley, and she drove off. In
spector Harley held Cleary In order to
verify the story. Of three trunks taken
from the debris Saturday nfternoon two
were claimed by Abner McKinley.
Last night the persons living In the
three houses nearest to the wall on
Forty-seventh street were ordered out
by the police, because of the danger of
Its being blown down by the high wind.
The death list remains the same as on
Saturday 10 nnd the Hat of missing
has been reduced to 4-1, as a number of
those previously unaccounted for re
ported In person, or had been located by
friends, unac some or tne missing arc
buried beneath the rutns is generally be
lieved, but there Is no doubt that tho
list Is greatly exaggerated. In the list
is the name of Joseph Haworth, thn
actor. Mr. Haworth's sister, in Cleve
land, had received a letter from him say
ing that he was going from Atlantic City
to the Windsor hotel, In New York, nnd
supposed be had done so. Mr. Haworth,
however, reached Philadelphia from At
lantic Ulty last nigut, and telegraphed
cn at once.
Mil o-B-'-e --
ItlscertaiuivVratlfviriir to the publlo to
know of one concern In the land who ar not
afraid to bo generous to the needy and suffer
ing. Tlio proprietors or ur. King's Kow
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, have given away over ten million trial
bottles of this groat medicine; and bave the
satisfaction of knowing It has absolutely
cured thousands of hopeless oases. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of
the Throat, Chest and Lungs are stirely cured
by It. Call on A. Waslcy, Druggist, and got
a trial bottle free.. Itesular size 60c. and 1,
bvery nouie Bunrumeeu, or price reiunuea.
5lra.Ilnoo Grows Drnve.
Sing Sing, N. Y March 20.. Mrs.
Martha Place's last Sunday on earth
differed but little from the other days
she has spent In Sing Sing prison, bbd
dlsnlavcd no signs of breaking down,
and appeared to be growing stronger
and more composed as the time ftr her
death drew closer. She seems to have
nerved herself to the test, nnd It is
honed by all concerned In the execution
that the nerve the Is now displaying will
remain with her until the end.
Young Mothers.
CrontJ is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak Is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like macio in cases of
croup. It has never been known to fall. The
worst cases relioved Immediately I'rlceSS
cU., SO cts. and f 1 00. Sold by 1' D Klrlln
and a guarautee.
Otir Hiporti Jfrtvr ltxcpxl Thoo of
tlio I'nltpd Kliimliiin.
Washington, Xlarrh i0. Atnbaiwador
Choate's riix-nt rrmnrk that the United
Static and the I'liitml Kinitdoiit would
doubtless continue a friendlr rivalry in
regard to the world's commerce Is quite
justified by the latett figure on the
commerce of the two countries as sup
plied by the treasury bureau of statistics.
These show that the exort of domestic
merchandise from the United States In
the eight months ending with February
amount to $S20.8Sri,141 and thos from
the United Kingdom amount to ?708,
000.427. In th- calendar year 1808 the
domestic exports from the United States
amounted to $l,233,r.0l.828. while tho
of the United Kingdom amounted to
$1,131,01 -1.831. The year 1803 was the
first In which the domestic exports from
the United States exceeded the domestic
exports from the United Kingdom. On
only two occasions prior to 1S0S have
the domestic eijiorts of the United
States exceeded a billion dollars, while
those of the United Kingdom have con
stantly exceeded a billion dollars during
the past 20 years. The latest year In
which her ixorta of domestic merchan
dise fell below the billion dollar line was
In 1870, when they amounted to $023,
020,020. In 1870 our own exports of
domestic merchandise amounted to $754,
050,755. Thus, In the 20 year alnce
1879, the figures show an Increase of
but 22 per cent in the domestic exports
of the United Kingdom, and of 03 per
cent In those of the United States.
That the rivalry has been and Is a
friendly one, even to the extent of cor
diality, Is shown by tho fact that, despite
our rapid increase In the supplied which
we are offering to the markets of the
world, Great Britain continues to take
a proportionate share of that increase.
Onr exports of domestic merchandise to
the United Kingdom in 1870 amounted
to $340,485,881 and In 1803 were $534,
303,302 an increase of C4 per cent.
"Mexicans Iloslst. Ho A fill Ofifoor-;.
Laredo, Tex., March 20. The work of
removing smallpox patients to the pest
house under the direction of State
Health OOlccr Blunt was begun yester
day. After ten had been removed the of
Dcers encountered on Kast Mattamora
street a mob of several hundred Mexi
cans, who menaced them In such a man
ner that the chief of police was tele
graphed for. When the police attempted
to arrest the leaders of the disturbance
thCV WOrr. nqanillrnH with ilnna. an. I
fired upon. Marshal Idar was knocked
down and severely beaten and one of the
rioters was wounded. About 20 shots
Were fired. A dniran nrroota irnr. mn.ln
and tia mob dispersed. The health of-
Kccrs resumed tnetr work, but were soon
met by another mob of 500 or GOO Mexi
cans, many of thorn armed. Troops were
sent for, and a fight Is probable when
they arrive.
" Our boy has taken three bottles of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for St. Vitus's Dance," says Mrs. E. A.
Bender, of Keene, Coshocton Co., Ohio.
"He was very nervous and constantly
jerking and twitching, but now he is as
steady ns anyone; in fact, seems entirely
cured. He thinks a great deal of Dr.
Pierce. As a cough remedy and blood
purifier there is nothing better.
Send a: one-cent stamps to pay the cost
of mailing on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's
icoo-page Illustrated "Common Sense
Medical Adviser " a complete family med
ical library in one volume, or for 31 stamps
a heavier, cloth-bound copy will be sent.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
lnhlo. '--"" . - -.
tu-calleq crrrale&t. roufct celebrated and
wisest aaTcrtlslDgdorinra fall, no matter
wti.tttKT rutin. LOST MANHOOD
, Aouut. Blood JMton. mnctvrtt. Shrunken cr Un
I dotloptit organs. JW)lirWiA only one Initio world
I to euro VARICOCELE Wlthontruttlnp. Ilnokfrea
Abuut. BlooifJWjon, Stricturtt, fiAmiUe or On-
im only onain tna world
Ithontruttlnc. lioorfreo
rxpoiing every EdTertlunelraod, Kiectrlelieltawin-dlera,faxDlledlcallnitltutei.e!-.
wtwwiwjfc iraauaent 07 raau, icsunl reuer.
Agent for the Famous
Pliila. Slock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Tale (Ale,
B-.own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
dud Porter,
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
So pain trun joai
It you wear tha
Trau Co 610 LoaitS-l,Jp
-onret r?1ui diC'ff daU ULm.
My little boy brokeout with an Itching rash,
I tried three) doctors and medical college but
he kept getting wone. Thtn va$ not on
wire (nth niUnonhli whole bod unafected.
Ho was one mass of sores, and thestench was
frightful. In removing tho bandages they
would take tbe skin with Uiern, and the poor
child's screams were heart-breaking. After
the second application of CcnernA (olnt
nwnt) M ttffni of (mprormtxt, and the
sores to dry up. Ills skla peeled oil twenty
tlmfl, tint now he it entirely curtd.
ltOn-T WATT AM, 4738 Cook St., Chicago, IIU
Srter Or 11 TaaiTntT ret Crair fuar Tfrwoa,
with 1ah ir !Ula Warm tUia win, CmfTU
sip, 11101 ar eratW anotBUaga vita Ccncvaa,
fmmt of laMllleal tllaew.
.. throf Soul III, irM. Ivmti n,mitast.
aar,rp-,Uattoa. UewUCu Oatlllaaorstm.
C Plica or Homorrphofcaa
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I J Wounds & Brulsea.
Cuts & Soros.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rhoum A Tetters.
E Chapped Handa
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunlona
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SIjoo.
Sold by drugglata, or sent poelpald oo receipt oC prtca
uciritBtTi'siD.ra., in till, KxTart.
P ennsylvania
Mabch IS. 1sv9.
Tratna will 1kat Hlinantlooli after Ina anual
date for AVIciran, Ollbcrton, Frackvlll Dart
nairr, hi. VJlair, i-oiwvnie. Hamburg;, lleMInt
uiviunu. x iiucmgTiiio, itiimBiowD m a rm
aa'elphUlltr.avlalrcet atatlon) at S 15 and Silt
in., 3 10, ft lip m, on week days. Bundaj
S 15 a. in., 4 80 p. m.
I rains leave Fraekvllle ror Sbenandoal at
7S, 114Sa.m. and fi 46, 7 84 p Bundav
ii ui a. m, ana oioam.
Leave Pottaville for Bhenandoab f via Frac a
vllle 710, 1133 a. m., 6 20, 7 JO p. m. Busda
10 33 a. m., S 30 p. m.
Leave Pblladelnbla. (Broad treel atallonl. Io
Hhe-aandoah at 8 85 a, m., 4 10 p. m. woek dayp
Sunday leave at 0 SO and 9 23 a. m
Leave I'niladelptila ItroaJ atreet atatloa) ror
Pottaville,537,a, 1019 a. m., 210 410, 711
n. ra. weekdara. Bundava. ft SO. 0 23 a. m. and
6 (tip m.
Leave uroaa mreel Btanon. rblladelpbla,
Expiran.week-davii. S 30. 4 Oo. 4 50 5 03.S 15.S 5t
7 83, 8 20,9 60, (10 21 dining car), II 001143 a. tn
1100 noon, 2 8.' (Limited 100 and 4 22 p ra
dinning can), 1 40, (2 80, dining enr), t 20 8 50,
iiu, ouu. aoo turning cur, o uu, iib, 7 ou,
(dining car), 10 ou u. m. 1201. nlsbt. Bundava.
82C.4U1. I 10 515 820. 9 50. (10 21, dining
car j, iu is, iiuam, izu3, mining carl, 12 sa, sou
(dining car, 4 02. (Limited 4 22 dining car),
5 30, 5 58. Idlntng cat, 6 85, 7 02, 7 SO, Idlnlng
varj, iuui p. in., wui niKQI
Kxpretvt for Doelon without change., 11 00 a ra.,
week-dara. and 7 80 p. m., dally.
For Sea dirt, Aabury 1'ark, Oeean Grove,
Long liranch, nnd Intermediate atationa, 8 20,
1114 a m, 8 30, 4 02 p m weekdaya.
For Baltimore and Washington. 8 80. T 20, 8 b J,
1030, II 23. a. m.. 1209, 1231 dining oar 112.
dining car), 812, ,4 41 523 Conirreadonai
Limited dining car, 5 31, ft 17. 653, dining carl,
7 81 dining car, p m, and 12 03 nlgbl week
daja. Suudayi 3 50. 7 20. 9 12, 11 23, a. m., 12 09,
II 12. dining car, 3 13 4 41 (530 Cougreaalonaf
Limited dining car, 3 31 8 83 dining car, 7SI
dining- carl, p. m., aud 12 05 night.
For Ualtlmore, accommodation. 9 13 a m, 1 S3
and 401 p m week days, 3 OH and 11 18 p m dally.
Leave Ilroad atreet station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 940a m 7 03 p. m. Bundava,
9 30 a. m., 7 05 p. in.
Leave Market Street Warf Exprnaa, 1 00 am,
II 30 Saturdays only, 2 00, 4 00,8 00 p m. Bun
daya, 9 00, lu 00 am (accommodation 4 80 and
3 00 p m.
For Cape May, Sea Iale City, Ocean City,
Avalon, Stone Harbor, Angieaea, WUdw-M
and Hollj Beach Expreaa, 900 a ni, 4uv,pra
weekdaya. Bundava. 9 00 a m.
For Somen Point Expreaa, 9 00 a. m., 100,
4 00, 5 CO, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00 a. m
For tickets and other Information apply to
ticket agent
J. B. Hctchisboi, J, R. Wood.
Gen'l Manager. Oent PaoaV'r Aarl
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and mail,$ a year
The 3j.alir Bu
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
'rice 5c a copy. Bj aill, S2 a T?a
Address THE BOH, New York
nillions of Dollars
Go np In smokb every year. Take so
risks bnt get your houses, stock, fur
nitnre, etc., insured In first-class re
liable companies as represented by
rraflll Tit, lAfiosnrl Naivrin, MiR I Hi fliA
DtsiASis. They purify the EJI1 I m
11 loo d ana give iiealtiiv
action to the entire sT'tem. K HHM
, ran sc.
t-.i .lftJ B I laihU;
Sfl AhO SUHC. SCNuAc.lllS'IOaUlU 3 W
r aniro Co,PmA A
at Povtniky's drug sion, S
Ocnlra siraal.
A ni.iLiiininniiWOIMN'l RELIEF
l....nmninl,nd r.ll.b'.t ATm-i NtllolKMA.
n.i rin.'iTiMf PtLukad oat a biuaito.
Aldnixoro,aiiadlri(ll). Brico, SI,
fiwl'iaw Noaioo. Uaao Ou Vook, 4
Fot sals at Klrlln'a drug aion and Shenandoai
rug store