WmW'ilJiiylllMWM TheHerald ICSTAIIMSIir.O 1870. "All the News That's Fit to Print." Published every rvenlnir, except Sunday, at 8 South Jardln xttwt, Hlieimmlonli, l'n. I.ONO DISTANOK TI'.MU'IIONH. The Herald l delivered In Blinandoh mill the urroumliiiRtown for tlx cents n w ek, y nble to the earrlera. Ily mnll W.OO n yr nr, or 23 ccnta n month pnynble In ndvmice Ad vertisements charged AonmllnK to nwee mill position. The iihllher reoerve the rlifht to change the position I iulvertltneiit whenever the miblleatlon of news demands it. The right Is reervrl to reject nny advertisement whether mld for or not, thnt the publishers tuny ilee in Improper. Aihcr Using rates made known upon application. Kntcrctl nt the io.t olllee nt Shenandoah, In., as second class mall mstter. GBxuuttitg gcvalfc MONDAY. MARCH 20. 18B0 OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever The indications nre the inoinburs of tlie Letrisluture will adhere to tho resolution Tor finnl adjoiirmiient on April 20. TlIKIlK is a noticeable absence of enthusiastic editorials In Demodrntio newspapers over the many recent increases in wages. Dkmociiatic candidates for county offices are springing up like mush rooms. Many will wither under tlie summer sun's rays. In the light of recent events, there is a universal feeling that Thomas J. Joyce, the ex-editor, was more sinned against than sinning and shall be pardoned to let some one else have Ills cell. Isn't this legal holiday business be coming a farce f Tlie legislature has added unotlier one to the large list in tills state, notwithstanding that most of them are indifferently observed. Thk Legislatiye probers resume their work again this evening, when Mr. Coyle, late of Schuylkill county, will tell his story and as a matter of course enter a general denial of the oharges made against him. Onk wonders why tlie ISTow Jersey legislature in such vigorous language recently denounced tlie proposed com bination of the great coal interests, and yet is so indifferent to tlie gas, electric and other trusts that are more inimical to tlie public good. The coal combination was denounced as a detriment to the state and a hard ship upon the people, and the legisla ture called on the Attorney General of the state to prepare a bill that would prevent its operation in the state. Why did thev not urge a gen eral law that would prevent all such combinations ? Defective Legislation. Legal talent, so far as it may be gauged by the number of lawyers on the rolls, is by no means scarce in the legislative body of this state. No bill becomes a law without having passed the scrutiny of membersof the legal profession. But it often quite too often happens that the acts of legislatures are found to be fatally de fective as soon as an attempt is made to enforce them. Laws which to the layman appear td be all that could be desired to carry out the purpose of their enactment are found to have loop holes big enough for a circus band wagon and tlie elephants to pass through them. A case in point lias recently oc curred in Tennessee. The legislature of that state, at its last session, after grave deliberation, enacted an anti cigarette law. It provided severe penalties for selling cigarettes, and the advocates of tlie measure sup posed they hud the traffic in that com inodity at their meroy. But tlie statute says never a word about giving away that sort of goods. No perceptible diminution of tlie con sumption of cigarettes is perceptible in any part of the state. Tlie dealers simply add the price of a bunch of these seductive little things to some other article for which the customer calls, meanwhile tipping the tradi tional soda fountain wink, and the cigarettes are given away. It seems strange that tiiis old, familiar blunder in law making should have been worked off again, while thousands of well-informed citizens, earnestly favoring the enaetment of an effective law, were watching every step of the proceedings. Perhaps it was not a mistake on the part of the framers of the bill. Legislation has suffered many defeats at tiie hands of its supposed friends, both in this and other states. Ar" 7ii 'nt mi or 1. 1,. i,i. Jl.lH'llt-'-i lilt i uil h.iwl- lers iMr-y i.'i''h m wit liorbetN, i.hI ii y them i't puri . )i,iii- .i-pfi . k ! t'iciii in iiti'ilu . ft it'inl- i (iimi'-iwi ' ' . ,u1n rflim-CHEnr-store, o DEALER IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. J6& West Contra Street. PIGHT1NGJN HAVANA. ritlzmin Attack tlio Pollen nmt Many Pot-MOiiM Aro Wounded. Ilnvnnn, March 20. A wrlous conflict between the poller mid people of Havana Saturday nlnlit i-exultcd In much shoot ItiK find rluhhlnff. From .'10 lo 50 people were wounileil, Home m-riously. Amoin? the Injured in l'nuVe Onptnln Hatiimpes, rormcrly n colonel In the I ulinn nrmy. Kver ulnee the police interference admit n week ngo with the demonstration In honor of Ocneral Mnxlmo Onrcia, the police hnve been unpopular with the pop ulace, who jeer nt them nml declare thorn inclllcicnt. The trouble occurred nt n public nmlntto ball in San Jose street, nn unsnvory iiunrter of Havana. Mnny Cuban otlloers, colonels nml enptntns amonc them, attended the nffalr. A po liceman on duty in that street, follow ins orders to prevent n crowd collecting in front of the building where the ball was in progrewi, asked the group of mo-l to go in or diapersc. Ills request wns unheeded, and afte repeating It he wns attacked by the group, whereupon many men issued from the building, set upon him, took nwny his club and revolver and handled him roughly. The policeman immcdlntcly notified headquarters, who ordered 20 reserves to the scene of trouble. The crowd had prepared for their arrlvnl. It Is said they opened with n revolver fire upon tlie police, which the latter returned, the shooting being kept up until the am munition wni exhnustcd. The opponents of the police acted with determination in the nITray. Many who were in tlie building mounted to the roof, which is comparatively low, and fired upon the poll co from thnt point. They were ap parently well armed, and this fact, to gether with the resolution with which they fought, seems to confirm the belief that the nttacking party was mostly made up of Cuban officers, ns ordinary civilians would hnve fled from the ro Tolvcrs of the police. Many women were wounded. A re port is in circulntion thnt two of the in jured civillnns hnve succumbed to their wounds, but this is not confirmed. Among those seriously hurt nre Police man Dontto Aroza, Enrique Munoz and Benlgue Vnsqucz and civilians Jose Dominguez, Etouo Gallnno, Alberto Aleja nnd Irene Itoque. It is reported thnt mnny were wounded who withdrew hastily, because unwilling to have it known that they were present. Amcrlcnn troops were cnllcd to the acene when the trouble was over, nnd numerous arrests followed. It is reported thnt nnother conflict be tween the people nnd the police took place Inst evening in the outskirts of Ha vana, and that two policemen and sev eral civilians, all wounded, were con veyed to police hendquarters. It is as serted also that two poTicemcn were kill ed. There Is also n rumor that a police man was stabbed to death yesterday af ternoon. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho beat salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures pilos, or ao pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refundod. Price 85 conts per box. For sale br A . Waaler. AnotHoP'TVnr'Troro HTfeita. Boston, Mnrch 20. Thomas Carroll Boone, the telegraph operntor in the war balloon in the operations before Santiago, died yesterday nt the Massachusetts General hospital from the resnlt of an operation on n wound received in the fall of the balloon after it had been shot to pieces. Boone, with two government officers, performed heroic work in the great airship, which was a tnrgct for the Spanish gunners until it fell into the trees and threw all three men out. Boone was caught in the drag anchor nnd wns fearfully wounded. One of the officers in the balloon died ns the re salt of his injuries, while another is nn Inmate of nn insnne nsylum. The body of Boone will be taken to his native place, Annapolis, Md. An Important Question. If your friends or neighbors aro suffering from coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat or lung dUense (including consumption), ask them If they lmvo ever used Otto's Cure. This famous German remedy is having a large sale here and is performing some won derful cures of throat and lung diseases. No matter what other medicines have failed to do, try Otto's Cure. Large sizes 25c and 50c. Sold by all druggists. California tins but Ono Senator. Sacramento, Cal., March 20. At 11:45 n. m. yesterday the legislature of Cali fornia adjourned sine die without elect ing a United States senator to succeed Stephen White. When the hour for ad journment was extended from Saturday midnight until yesterday morning it was expressly understood that the senatorial matter was settled, and that the ques tion of the selection of a senator was not to be reached yesterday. Neverthe less, Jnst before 11 o'clock Governor Gaze sent a message to both houses in which he, implored the members to pro ceed to the election of a senator at once. The message was ordered printed in the journal nnd the legislature adjourned. Does Coffee Agree With You? If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes "The first time I made Grain O I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would induce me to go back lo codec." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package tor day from your grocer, follow tlie directions in making it and you will have a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young, 15c. and 25c. Iteduced Kates for Merchunta to New York. The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces a rate of one and one-third fare for tho round trip on certificates of Merchants' Association of New York from Shenandoau to New York City and return. Tickets will ho sold March 10tL to the 21st, inclusive. Return tickets to be issued on properly validated certificates within fifteen days from date of issue. Full information may be obtained 01 ticket agents, Afger Going to Cuba. Washington. March 20. Secretary Al ger returned to Washington Inst night from his visit to Boston and Montreal, The secretary said be expected to leave Savannah, Ga., Thursday for a trip to Cuba on the regular trip of the trans port Ingalls. Major Ilopkini, his mili tary aide, Victor L. Mason, his private secretary, and several other persons will accompany him. Whether he will go further thnn Ilavana the secretary would not say, but indicated that that would depend entirely upon circum stances, lie does not intend to go to Jekyl Island, to which place the presi dent, vice president. Senator Ilanna and others are booked for a visit during the present week. Many a Lover lias turned with disgust from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by Its action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 23 eta. and SO cts. Bold by 1. D. Kirlln and a guarautee. , MANY young women uro completely prostrated for a week out of every month by menstrual sufferings. Tho terrors of menstruation overshadow their wholo lives. How needless this Is In most cases is shown by tho thousands ot grateful letters constantly coining to Mrs. Pinkhnm at Lynn, Mass., from women she has helped. Miss Joie Saul, Dover, Mich., writes as follows to Mrs. Pinkham : "I suffered untold agony every month and could get no relief until I tried your medicine ; your letter of ad vice and a few bottles of Lydia E. Plnkhatn's Vegetable Compound have made mo the happiest wonlan alive. I shall bless you as long as 1 live." oL Pain leaves its mark. Faces become pale and thin. Fea tures grow sharp and haggard. The stamp of suffering is un mistnkable. Write to Mrs. Pinkham for aid. Her experience is the widest in the world and her advice is free. On to Wuslilngton Untlor Personal lCscnrt. Tho fourth of the present scries of Penn sylvania Hallroad three-day personally-conducted tours to Washington, I). C, will leavo Tuesday, March 23 The into, $1150 from New York, $11 B0 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points, include all necessary expenses during tho entire trip transportation, hotel accommodations and Capitol guldo fees. An experienced Chaperon will also accompany tho party. For itineraries, tlckots, and full information apply to tlckot agents ; Tourist Agent, 1190 Droadway, New York, and 789 Broad street, Nowark, N. J. i or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, I! road Street Station, Philadelphia. A Common Sanger. If you lmvo ever had a cold wbioh you permitted to "wear away" it may interest you to know it was a dangerous proceeding. Every cold and cough which is neglected paves tho way for consumption, bronchitis, asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous German throat and lung remedy, will cure any cough or cold and save you from con sumption. Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c and GOc por bottle. apnin Apponis to trnrrco. Madrid, Mnrch 20. Senor Sllvcln, premier nnd minister of foreign affairs, had a conference yesterday with the French nmbassador regarding the libera tion of Spanish prisoners In the hands of the Filipinos. Spain, it is reported, has determined to protest to the civilized world against the attitude of the Ameri cans in hindering the efforts of General itlos, Spanish commander in the Philip pines, to liberate the prisoners. You Try It, If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Curo, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00, does not cure tako the bottle back and wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee. Mr. 'Shortniiii'STondlly Improvlnpr, Kingston, Jam., March 20. The Amcr. lean line steamer Paris, with the party of Americans touring in West Indian waters, arrived here yesterday. Ex-Secretary John Sherman is steadily improv ing, though he is still a very sick man nnd cannot with Bafety be transferred to tho United States cruiser Chicago. llKST Ol' ALL To clcanso the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comos, use- the true and perfect romedy, Syrup of Figs. Uuy tho genuine. Manu fiictured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle. Miss Sadie Wertheim, nge 14, of Tole lo, O, was the winuer of the first prize foi jxecution on the violin at the Brussels Conservatory of inusic. German critics say she is a won derlui player. It is the greatest distinction tobe first in any thiuR. For this 1 ctnlnttiniiiiliSi f US'Sty jTiU" literature, ath- 1 -t' ,jaijuari,menano .heir greatest efforts. Washington was nid to be "first lit war. first in peace and 'irst in the hearts of his countrymen." II .8 a great thing to befirst. Nothing is ol aiore value to mankind and brings great er happiness than a good remedy. Slany -.hings will relieve but the one that will ureia best. Brazilian Balm Is such a rem .dy. Tens of thousands have found that it is the only thing that would cure Ca--irrh and Asthma. For IS yrs. it has uev ir failed iuasliigle case to cure Asthma, md its record has been as wonderful in Catarrh. Cases that bad, to all appearan--es, run into Consumption, or where the lostrils were entirely stopped unorwhere .he poisonous pus had eaten holes into .he throat an inch deep, or where the itomach had become ulcerated and raw irom swallowing the germ-laden matter, were all permanently cured. Such a rec- rd, .uiknovynto any other remedy, Just 'y entitles the Prazlitan galmtotbe first fdace in the regard of the AmeticMi pco Me. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh vjcflms ad eouutlesa Allium pufferers in this oi ntry, all of whom can b cured wilh irazilianBaim. Aft.OObolMeof Jirmll an Halm contains a month's treiftmenl or catarrh or asthma, ami for 6 months e will wrap with each 4J.O0 bottle a louth's treatment of Toxicoia Tablets, ree. Toxicolaisthebest Ionic and nerve md strength builder known to science, rtiis is the greatest ofer ever made. Ask 'our druggist and take no (substitute. B. '.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India lapolis, Ind. f SHENANDOAH DRU(1 STORE, Wholesale Agents FACES OF Miss Rosa Helden, 126 W. Cleveland Ave.. Canton, O., writes: 'Dear Mrs. Pinkham Four years ago I had almost given up hope of ever be ing well again. I was afflicted with those dreadful headache spells which would sometimes last threo or four days. Also had backache, bear ing-down pains, leucor- rhcea, dizziness, and terri ble pains at monthly periods confining tme to my bed. After reading so many testi monials for your medicine, I concluded to try It. I began to pick up after taking the first bottle, and havo continued to gain ranidlv. and now feel . ft .like a different woman. V I can recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable to all tick women." Till! PACIFIC COAST LIMIT I'll VIA "THE TltUE SOUTHERN ROUTK." Tho "Pacific Coast Limited," tho new California train will leave Chicago at 2:00 p. m., and St. Louis 10:30 p. m., every Tin sd.iy and Saturday niriving at Los Angeles tlihd day at 4:00 p. m.. and San Francisco fourth day noon, nnd will! run vit Chicago & Alton, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas & Pacific, and Southern Pacific Hallways. This luxurious train consists of a composite car containing reading, writing, smoking- room, buffet, barber-shop and bathroom ; a compartment car containing Beven privato compartments and double drawing-looms; twelvo sectlou sleeping-cars with state and drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all meals will bo served u la carto, and traverses a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un known. In addition to our weekly tourist car lino via tho scenic routo, we will oporatc a weekly tourist car via "Tho True Southern Routo," leaving Chicago overy Tuesday and from St. Louis ovory Friday morning. For Illustrated nnd descriptive literature, time tables, very lowest rate of faro to all poiuts west and southwest, address J. P. McGinn, Travelling Passenger Agent, or V. E. Hopt, Gen'l Eastern Passenger Agent, 391 Broad way, New York. tf A wheelman's tool bag isn't complete with out a bottl- of Dr. Thomas' Eelretrle Oil Heals'cuts, bruises, slingsspralns. Monarch over pain. This is tho trade mark of tho short lino to Florida the Southern Railway. Two daily trains are operated all tho year. and during tho winter scasnu, a third, the Florida Limited, is added. If you are going to Florida or any whero clso In the South, ask for a ticket v'a the Southern Itailwny. Write to John M. Beall, District Pussengel Agent, S28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glasss with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours: t sediment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble j too frequent desire to pass it or paiu in the back is also convincing procf that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO I0. Tlieie is comfort in die knowledge 60 often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish m curing rheumatism, pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during tlie night The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If ynu need a medicine you should have the best. At dniggistS fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your addrets to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghnmton, N. V. When writing be $ure and mention that you read this generous offer in the Shenandoah liERAUl Coining Invents. April 4 Scboppe Bros. Minstrels at Fer guson's theatre. Annual performance. April 3. Grand concert in the P. M. church, porner Jardin and Oak streets, under auspices of tho church choir. April 1 and 3-" Violet Tea, under auspices of Culyary Baptist pburch, ftheumatlsm cured in a Dsy. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days'. Its action upon the system U remarkable " and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears The first dose greatly bf nefits. 75 cents, Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t Fire I Fire I rirel Ini'iro your property from loss In the oldest and strongest cash companies: Phlla Underwriters Insurance Co. of North 4mcrlr.il and Fire Association, Hartford Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's fns. Co. T. T. Williams, 1 2S 8. Jardln St.. Shenandoah. Ask your grocer for the "Boynl Patent flour, and take no other brand. It Is the best 11 nrrad HOOD'S PWl& euro Mver III, Biliousness, Indigestion, Heartache, A clear ut Uxatlve. A)) Druggist Aft AUdUSTA'S JIAYOR DEAD. the Noted Southern .Tonrnnlt't TTho Borvoil In the Nntlonnl Sonnto. a.. . .. . - n - n f nn tta r. ' rick Walsh, ex-senator, and mayor of I Augtistn, died nt his residence yesterday morning nftcr three months illness of nervous prostrntlon. There wns little hope in the community of Ills recovery, but his death wns not thought to bo so nenr at hand. Mayor Walsh wns one of the most prominent men In Georgia nnd had na tional recognition ns the earnest cham pion of southern development and per haps the best authority on the material resources and manufacturing products of the south. Mr. Wnish was born In Ireland Jan. 1, 1810, but his father's family came to America while he was a boy nnd set- THIS LATE PATRICK WALSH.. tied at Charleston, S. C. At 12 years of nge Patrick Walsh was apprenticed iu the Charleston livening News, and In due time became a journeyman printer. He came to Augusta in 1802, and has ever since been Identified with tlie presi of the city, for 25 years past ns editor nnd proprietor of the Augusta Chronicle. In 1870 lie beenme a member ot the city council. From 1872 to 1878 he served in the state legislature. In 1880, 1884 and 18!)(1 hp wns a delegate to the Democratic convention nnd served for four years ns a member of the Demo cratic notional executive committee. He served as member-nt-large for tho World's fair commission, nnd In 185)4 was appointed by Governor Northen to the United States senate on the death of Senator Colquitt. In 1897 he wns elected mayor of Augusta, which office he filled nt the time of his death, Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it will wear them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the ex cellent efiect after taking the first dose. Price 25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug gists. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Receipts or Cattle In Philadelphia nnd I.ntost Quotations. Philadelphia, March 20. The receipts ot cattle In this city last week were as fol lows: Beeves, 2.S38; sheep, 4.455: hogs, 5,445. Receipts for the previous week were: Beeves, 2,001; sheep, 4,333; hogs, 3,305. Beef cattle wera In fair demand and firm; 200 head were exported to Glasgow per tho steamer Corean and 300 head to London nor the steamer Montana. Wo quote: Extra, 55c.; good, 55V4c; medium, 4$64e.; common, 444Hc Sheep were active and firm. We quota: Extra, 5j5Uc.s good, 4V44&c; medium, 464c.; common, 2?i3?ic.; lambs, 561ic. Hogs wero only In fair demand and val ues ot best western showed a weakness. We quote: Bost western, B'4(35c.; other grades, 55lc. Fat cows were dull at 2'4354c. Thin cowb were Inactive at IS15. Veal calves were firm at 57c. Milch cows wero unchanged at $25045. City dressed beeves were In good de raand at CSS?ic. Por Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of PLEURISY QUICKLY CURED. I have suffered the most excruciating paius iu the side. The Doctor said it was I'leurisj-. Tlie Brazilian Balm gave me almost instant relief when every- tmug else taueu.atm permanently cured me. I took it and had some warmed and rubbed on stroug. Mrs. EuzAnimi Parcels, Marcus Hook, Pa. henandoah drugstore, wholesale agents. Insists Brief Wns Cliomfeally TrontM Leavenworth, Kan., March 20. Thi army beef court of Inquiry concluded the taking of testimony at Fort Leaven worth at noon yesterday and at 4:15 de parted for Chicago, where the sessions were resumed today. The sole witness examined yesterday was Sergeant Ed ward Mason, Troop A, First United States cavalry, located at Fort Robin son, Neb., who served at regimental com missary sergeant at Lakeland, Fla., and during the Cuban campaign. Sergeant Mason declared that meat received at Lakeland for use in his regiment was "undoubtedly chemically treated. An agent of Armour & Co.," he said, "told me at the time that this meat had been treated with what was called preserva tlne." Witness had refused to accept the meat. Sergeant Mason was interro gated Individually by each member of the court and could not be shaken In hi tes timony. Fatally 'Clubbed by a lllriolr Fiend. Upper Marlboro, Md., March 20. Mary A. Clarke, aged 62, was beaten tq death and her sister, Annie Cjarko, aged 45, was fatally hurt, Saturday night, at Powie, Md., a village near this place, by John Berryi a 15-year-old negro boy, who is In jail for the crime, The deed was a ferocious one, tho aged and Jp fenseless woman being surprised by the boy and literally beaten to a jelly with a club, Miss Annie Clarke saved herself from Instant death by promising to give tho boy $100 and pledging herself not to betray him If lie spared her life, In tenia Indignation prevails here, and tho murderer, who confessed, was taWen to Baltimore to prevent a lynching, Throo Klllod In Freight Wreck, noanoke. Ya., March 20. A fatal wreck pecurred on tho Norfolk and West ern at Ada yestprday momjng, killing Fireman Van Landiugbam, of this cty( and a brnkeman named IS. A Graham. A trnmp was alto killed. SpveraJ train rnen were more or less injured, Thre freight trains were wrecked, All wero coining east. The first train bad stopped. The second broke In two, and tho sec tions In their flight down the mountain side crashed into the first train. They wero soon followed by the third, which ' had not been flagged, Anitrln Accepts LattlihVir Deotilon London, "March 20. Tho Vienna cor respondent of The Standard, referring to the recent editorial allusions by the I'olltlsehe Correspondence to the Ilnale ton shooting and Its announcement thnt the Austrian foreign minister Intends to prens the "just claims advanced In be half of Austrian subjects," says: "I have reason to believe that the Austrian government has not tho slightest inten tion to seek a quarrel witli tho United States. Count Goluchowskl, the Attstro Hungarlan foreign minister, explains that the standpoint of the American government Is legally nnd morally Incon trovertible, though tho sheriff of Lat tlmer might have wnlted longer before giving the order to flro on the "excited strikers." BrlirnndnRo Growths In Culm. Santiago dc Oubn, March 20. '1 here have been several fresh cases of brigand age during the last few dnys in the neighborhood of Sim Luis, and thus far none of the bandits has been captured, though many .of them nre known to have been working on the roads Inst mouth. As the Mnrch estimates have not yet been npproved from Ilavunn, there has been 11 reduction In the number employed in that way, and these discharged steal rather than starve. The Cuban officials complain bitterly of the delay in the ap proving of the estimates for March, pointing out Hint poor men, with no work, are compelled to become bandits. KniBor Favors OovorninentMonopoly Pretoria, Mnrch 20. President Kruger, In nn important speech nt Heidelberg, emphasized the necessity of the state retaining the dynamite monopoly, be cause, as he argued, the South African republic being an inland state, in the event of trouble with any of the powers Its supplied of explosives might other wise be suddenly cut off. "Where should we be then?" he exclaimed. He an nounced his Intention to modify the min ing laws and to reduce the period en titling an applicant to full burghershtp from fourteen to nine years' residence. Noted Artist Asphyxiated. Boston, March 20.-Tohn L. Dreck, 40 years old, one of the best known land scape artists in the country, was acci dentally asphyxiated by gas at the St. Botolpli club Saturday morning. Mr. Breck retired at an enrly hour in the morning nnd in tho afternoon a number of the servants smelling gas burst into his rooms and found him (lend in his bed. It is supposed thnt an additional cock on the gas pipe was accidentally turned on when the gaslight was turned off. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agrco to refund the money on a 50-cont buttlo ol Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It faib to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran too u 23-ccut bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Waslcy, C. II. Ilagen bucb, Shonandoah Drug Store, and P. W Blorstoin & Co ll-14-33t-dw Ice HxploiilonH. A traveler In Siberia relates nn extraor dinary occurrence among tho frozen re gions of thnt country. In tho lntonsoly cold nights, ho wrltos in Good Words, the sllenco was sometimes broken by a loud report ns of a cannon. This wns tho burst ing of one of the lco bubbles on a river n phenomenon I had neither heard nor read of before. Tho streams coming down from tho hills wero frozen on tho surfaco somo six to nine tnohos thick. Tho wntor beneath flowed faster than It could cscnpo, and the pressure, on the principle of a hydraulic press, became lrreslstlblo. First tho elas ticity of tho lco wns seen by tho rising of circular mounds soino six to eight feet in diameter and from four to live feet high. The bursting point came at last with a report llko nn explosion. The water es caped, but soon frozo ngnln. I havo seen scores of thoso ico hillocks in a fow vcrsts of tho river. "Wood Sure, or VtllnmU'S Identity. Santiago de Cuba, March 20. After careful investigation Major General Leonard Wood, the military governor, is convinced that the skeleton found a few days ago tied in an arm chair amid the rocks on the shore, about four miles west of El Morro, is the remains ot thhe Spanish admiral, Yillamll, who com manded the torpedo boat destroyers Furor and Pluton in tho battle which re sulted in the destruction of Cervera's squadron, Spain nnd the Cuban Debt. London, March 20. The Madrid cor respondent of The Standard says: "I am able to state that the government In tends, so far as possible, to execute the national guarantee of the Cuban debt. It Is proposed that the settlement should include 23,000,000 of Cuban C per cent, bonds, Issued in I806 and 15,000,000 of 0 per cent, bonds, issued in 1890. These do not Include the war debts contracted since.." Ilussla to Support China Atrntnst Italy London, March 20. The St. Peters burg correspondent of The Dally Mall says: "It is asserted here that negotia tions are" almost concluded by which the treaty port New-Chwang, province of Leao-Tong, on the river Llaou, near the Gulf of Pechlli, will become a Ilussian possession, Itussia undertaking In re turn, to support China in resisting the demands of Italy." Eczema ! The Only Cure. 1i7onin la mntA tlinn o 1. .1 1 nnd no skin remedies can cure it. Tho uootors are unauie to euect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to the most powerful constitution. The whole trouble is in the blood, nnd Swift's Specific is the only remedy whfeh i-fln rAnnli anph itnan.Ba.farl l,Un diseases. Eczema broke oat on my daughter, and con tinued to spread until her head was eittrely covered. She was treated by several good doctqrs, but grew worse, and tat dreadful disease spread to her face. She was taken to two celebrated ' health springs, but re ceived no benefit,. Many patent medlolnes were taken, but without rn. suit, until wo decided to try 8 8 8 and hv the gan to heal A dozen bottles ourd her com pletely arid left her skin perfeotly sraoothrShe is now sixteen years old, and has a magnlricent Su .I"1 ol hair. Not ' sign of the TreadJu disease has ever returned. 1 J7W bucaj Atb 8t. touls, Mo. Don't expect local applications of cui.j.o u cuivcB m euro iczciua. They ronen oniy tne surface, while the di sense comes irom within. Bpeciflo 8wlft'e S.S.S.rfn,Blood is the oniy cure and will reach the most obstinate case. It Is far ahetui Qf nil ilrnilar remedies, because It cures oases which are beyond their reach. 8. S. 8. Is purely vegetable, and U the.only blcod remedy guaranteed to contain no pot Mh, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift Specifla Company. Atlanta, Georgia. P 9 A IIUNDHED MASONS t an be nivrn why Stun t's D;i ia lab' 1 t nre ihc bet and in t cPtu I cure for every form of tndigt itlou. 'lliej an in the tablet foim which nlaiitj llicir good qun'uies iiidetiinl-ly, while liquid prepiiauons bc:jlnr stale and useless lih ogc I hey it i niveim nt, r 11 lie csiried ill ihc pn'iil 'iiIuKcn. when needed, 'lhcy are pluii rn tn tone. Afirr e' h tt eil dlw Ive one cr twoollhem in ihc ni' uth and, mingling with the food, tln-v 'nmtitutc n perfect digrtlive, absolutely sife fir the in nt sensitive Momacli. They dtgt t the foiil btfore it km time to fermtnt, tliufprevenlltig the formation of gas and keeping lh blood pure and free from the poimou& pri-ducts of fermented, half digested food. S uilrt's ll)spep-U Tablets i the onlyrem-i-dy drsigiiwl esKclally for ihc cure of stomach (troubles and iioth'ng else. One dlsctse, one leintdy j the successful physician of to-day h the specialist, the site fful medicine is the meulcine prepared es le inllj for on disease. Muurt's D)spepsia Tablets make the com plexion clear by kec lug the blood pure. They Increase tfesh by digoling flesh form ing foods. A whole package taken at one t'me would int hurt one. but would simply be n waste of H xl material. Ovei fix thousand men and women jn the -tate of Michigan alone, have been curtd-of indigrMion and djspepsia by the use of Hlu irl's Dyspepsia Ti blelp. Sold by 1 11 druggists at 50 cents per pack uge. IS NOW ON TAP. It can be had at all the lead ing" saloons. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street 5h'EN ANDOAH - A. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, vo t3 North Jflrdin St. COLUMBIA Is drank by everybody. It is now on tap. PriVate t families supplied. Renovated, Refurnished, Re-established. Lakeside Hotel ! B. J. YOST, Prop. Tins popular hostelry Is now open lor the entertainment of sleighing and skating arties. Dancing pavillion always heated.. Excellent skating on the lakes, and supper served to parties on short notice. DRINK- clear vs EXTRA HNE . QUALITY -GINGER ALE?- Superior Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Chamuaene. UorTCni 7 VB.IUWW 3a St. Srfr ir .U FVPRYWrltRijG A Handsomo Comnloxlon 4 Its one of the greatest charms a woman can) possess Pouoai's Coupumow l'owDjta Xivti it. BOCK EER