The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 18, 1899, Image 3

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    f 'iiirar
Blron? Assertions ae to Jnst WhM
the nemcdlea Wilt Do.
atnnyon guarantees
trjst till nticumatltm
Oire irlll cure Desrly
11 cue of rhuina. 1
tlasi In t fur houra) i
tbtt hla Drspcpala Cur
will cure lndigaatlon and
all atomarh troubles;
that hit Kldn.y Cure
"111 eure UO per tent,
f all cataa of kidney
tronljli; that Ma Ca
tarrh Cure will cur
catarrh no matter bow
long Handing; that hla
Zleadacba Cure wilt cur a
an kind of headache Is
a few mlnutra; that
hla Gold Cura will
. .. . quickly break up, any
form of cold and to m throuch the entire itat of.
remedies. At all drufttsts, 23 centa a vial.
It you need medical sdrlos write rrof. alunyoa,
1S00 Arch at., Pblla. It It absorataly tree.
Prim ry S condary or Tertiary DLOOD
r OISON permanently
CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS.
You can bp treated at home for a-uitc price
under some guarantoe. If yii prefer to
ooine hero we will contract t- pa rai roud
fore in d hoicl bills, and no charge, It wc
full to euro
tnken mercury, iodide potaBb, mul c till
havonchca nml pains. Mucous Patches in
mouth, Boro Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any I art of the body.
Hair or Eyebrows falling: out. It It thin
Wo solicit tho moat obstinate cases nod
challenge the world for a caae we can
not cure. T It disease Imp always bafQed
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$300,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarnnteo Absolute proofs sent sealed on
application loo page book sent freo
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago,
VIA "the tbue southern eoutk."
Tho "Pacific Coast Limited," tho new
California train will leave Chicago nt 2:00 p.
in., and St. Louis 10:30 p. m., every Tuesday
and Saturday arriving at Los Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m.. and Sau Francisco fourth
day noon, and wllll run via Chicago & Alton,
St. Louis, Irou Mountain & Southern, Texas
& Pacific, and Southern Pacific Railways.
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, writing, smoking
room, buffet, harbor-shop and bathroom j a
compartment car containing seven private
compartments and doublo drawing-looms j
twelve section sleeping-cars with state and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all
weals will bo served a la carte, and traverses
a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes aro un
known. In addition to our weekly tourist
car lino via the sconic route, we will oporate
a weekly Uurist car via "The Trno Southern
Routo," leaving Chicago evory Tuesday aud
fiomHt. Louis every Friday morning. For
illustrated and descriptive literaturo, time
tables, very lowest rate of faro to all points
west and southwest, address J. V. McCann,
Travelling l'.issongcr Agent, or W. E. llopt,
Gim'l Eisteru Passenger Agout, 301 Broad
way, New York, tf
A wheelman's tool bag isn't complete with
out a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil.
Ileals cuts, bruises, stings, sprains. Monarch
over pain.
This Is tho trade
mark of tho short
line to Florida the
Southern Railway.
Two daily trains aro operated all the year,
and during the winter season, a third, the
Florida Limited, Is added. If you are going
to Florlda'or anywhere else in the South, ask
for a ticket v'a the Southern Railway. Write
to John M. Beall, District Passengei Agent,
828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curse if overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, tho great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded If uot satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
On to Washington Under Pergonal Escort.
The foutth of the present scries of Penn
sylvania Railroad three-day personally-conducted
tours to Washington, D. C, will leave
Tuesday. March 28 The late. $11 50 from
New York, $1150 from Philadelphia, and
proportionate rates from other points, include
all necessary expenses during the entire trip
transportation, hotel accommodations and
Capitol guide fees. An'experieuced Chaperon
will also accompany the party.
For itineraries, tickets, and full information
apply to ticket ageuts ; Tourist Agent,
1100 Broadway, New York, and 780 Broad
street, Newark, N. J. ; or address Oeo. W.
Boyd, Assistant Qeueral Pass-enger Agent,
Broad Street Station. Philadelphia.
' Drink Gratn-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink cofiep. It is not a medicine but doctors
order n, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure grains
and lias tnat rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and co.ts about
a' much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine .food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer
for Grain-O, the new food drink. IS and 25c,
do pain iMi you
It you (root tho
Xtm Cw (UO iVuilPUwur1)
UiHa Pii
Mirmi VViTfi'ii h 1 1
ygEBIB. Ill ' "ii !i 'HlUftrt
Eranoral Otis Thinks Filipinos Aro
Eoady to Yieldi
Our Commander In tho Philippines
Kxpootn n Cosxntlon of Hostilities nt
Any Hour, Hut Troops Will Still Be
Sent to Manila.
Washington, March 18. There was
much reticence shown at the war depart
ment to discuss a cable dispatch from
General Otis which was regarded as
most important by those who read it, as
Indicating that hostilities, might cease
very suddenly In the Philippines and a
collapse of the Insurrection come at any
time. The reasons for the belief of
Genernl Otis that a climax might conlo
at any hour was not stated, but his as
sumption was based on the favorable re
ports he had received from various
sources that the Filipinos were tired of
the war and Aguinaldo's leadership. It
is believed at the war department thnt
the method In which the Americana have
conducted the fighting has done much
to convince the Filipinos of the useless
ness of trying to drive out the United
States farces. The fighting has been
of a different character from that to
which they were accustomed when the
Spaniards were In possession of Manila.
General Otis' cable has caused a great
deal of gratification. It was sent to the
president at Thomasvllle, Ga. The prep
arations which have !cu under way to
send farther troops and supplies to the
Philippines have not been curtailed,
however. The light batteries which
General Otis requested In the cable of
Thursday night will be sent, as they
may be useful in future operations and
in case of disturbances In distant parts
of the Island,
Colonel Denby, the third member of
the Philippine commission, is expected
to arrive in Manila today, and, with the
other members of the commission, Pro
fessor Schurman, ProfesJor Worcester,
Admiral Dewey and General Otis, an
organization will be effected and the rep
resentatives of the president will be
ready to treat with the natives.
In speaking about the situation Gen
eral Corbin said that the reports from
Manila showed that the insurgent lines
were cut in two and there wns no com
munication between them, and the de
partment expected a collapse of the
Insurrection. As the president's repre
sentatives were now at Manila they
were empowered to treat with the in
surgents and bring about a settlement
of the trouble. In his opinion this could
be expected in a day or two, and the
situation would begin to improve at once
In the Philippines.
A Clever Trick
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
has lamo back and weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. We mean ho can cure
himself right away by taking Electric Bit
ters. This medicine tones up tho wholo
system, acts as a stimulant to the liver and
kidneys, is a uioou puriner ana nervo ionic.
It euros constipation, headache, falntiug
spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It Is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re
storei the system to its natural vigor. Try
Electric Hitters ana bo convincea tnac tuey
aro a mlraclo worker. Every bottlo guaran
teed. Only 50c. a bottle at a. wasioys urug
The Strlokofi SAteahTfVh.
Washington. March 18. No word as
to ex-Secretnry Sherman's condition has
reached here during the past Stt hours,
and none Is expected before tomorrow,
when the American liner Paris touches
the next port In her itinerary. Ex-Governor
Fletcher, of Missouri, showed no
marked change last night and his grad
ual decline continues. Senator Jones, of
Arkansas, Is somewhat Improved.
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages. If you aro not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money.
Price 25 cut., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlin and a guarantee.
To Gather Fauna for National Musdhm
Washington, March 18. Secretary of
the Navy Long yesterday cabled orders
to Captain Todd, of the Wilmington,
now at Para, Brazil, to go up the river
Amazon as far as the vessel can pro
ceed, probably about l,f00 miles, make
a thorough study of this comparatively
unknown country and gather specimens
of the fauna for the United States na
tional museum.
State op Onto, Citv or Toledo, t a
Fbank J. Cuehet makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the Mr in of F. J. Chekey & Co.,
doing business In the City of Toledo, County
and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNPRKD DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cuuk.
-1ieaT j-
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally andp -ts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces t
the system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists. 75c
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Committed" Wf TrlnT Forturtfer.
Bridgcton, N. J March 18. The coro
ner yesterday committed for trial Ellas
Mason and John Camp to answer for
the murder of George Cooper, who died
at the almshouse a few days ago, and
whom It is alleged wns brutally beaten
by the accused and driven from uls uom)
at Ilalbprton. Mason is Uooper a son
In-law. Mrs. Cooper and her daughter.
Mrs. Mason, who were arrested charged
with complicity In the assault, were dis
charged from custody.
Some Foolish feopie
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most cases it will
wear tliem away. Could they be induced to
try the successful medicine called Kemp's
Dalsam, which-is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they would immediately see the ex
cellent edect after taking the first dose. Prio
25c. apd 50c. Trial size free. At all drug
gists. '
VrfnUBJsMflilufmil Utflid,
San Francisco, .March. 18, The stponv
er Peking, just arrived from Honolulu
brings news of the death of Princess
Kalulanl, on March G, from inflamma
tory rhcumastisni. She was the daugh
ter of Princess Miriam Llkelike, a mem
ber of the Hawaiian royal family, and
A. S. Claghorn, an Englishman, who
mnde a fortune In Honolulu. Kalulanl
y,ns born la 1S75. In 1801 she was pro
claimed heir apparent by r.llluokalaui.
who was on the throne of Hawaii.
Itcbluess of the skin, horrible plague,
Most everybody afflicted in one wy or
another. Only one safe, never falling euro
Doan'a Ointment. At any drug store, fid
Your rume a,nd a.ddrcss on a post&l c&.rd will
brino; you absolute proof ttut Dr. Williams' Pink Pill
for Pale People will cure you if you are afflicted
with &ny disease of the blood or nerves. Mention
the disorder with which you are suffering and wq
will send evidence that will convince and satisfy
you that Or Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will
cure you
These pills contain, in a condensed form, all the
elements necessary to div2 new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered, nerves. Theyare an un
failing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia.
St. Vitus" dance, sciatica., neur&ldia, rheumatism,
partial paralysis and all forma of weakness either
m men or women.
To a Lawrence Jowrnol reporter Mr. O. 11. Snyder, a well known
eltlzen of Lawrence, Kim., related a wonderful story, lie tald :
" I am now tsvanty years of nee. About three years ago 1 experi
enced b coldncsa or numbneM In the feet, then creeping up my legs,
until It reached my body. 1 grew thlii,appetlte poor and did not relish
my food. I became unable to move about. Consulted pojb1 dis
tinguished physicians, one tailing me I had locomotor utnxlii, another,
creoplng paralysis, I took their medicines but continued to grow
worse. A friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Pale
People. .Before I had finished my first box I found that they were
benefiting me. I used twelvo boxes and was perfectly cured. Although
over six months tlnco I used my lust plllthero has been no return of
the disease. My appetite la good and general health better than for
many years.
Look for the full name on the package. At druggists or direct from the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schtncctady, N.Y. 50c par box. 6 boxes $2.50.
See That Youn Ticket Reaks via the
Southern Railway.
The Southern Railway operates three
through tialns on each week day and two on
Sunday. It is an Inland route, clean and I
through an Interesting section of tho South. I
Tho schedules of its trains are fast, but not j
too fast to be maintained. Write to John M.
Beall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, for full information,
illustrated matter and advanco Pullman
reservations. 2-24-10t
, 1
Every family should bavo its household
mediclue chest, and tha first bottle in it '
should bo Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup, 1
naturo's remedy for coughs and colds. I
Will You Winter In Florida 7
This will be tho greatest Bcason Florida 1
has had for years. You ought to go and go 1
via tho Southern Railway. Its tho best I
route. If you will write John M. Beall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., be will arrange all tho
details of your trip for you.
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovablo girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies tho breath by its
action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee
Philadelphia &
Reading R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows t
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
2 10, 588, 7 80, 9 53 a. in., 12 20. 8 C9 and 6 09 p. m
For xv ew Yoric via Aiaucn unutuc, wcee aays
7 80 a. m., 12 26 and 8 09 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days.
2 10,538, 7 80. 9 55 a.m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
for i-ottsviiie, we aays, ioj, voo a. m.
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and 7 80 p. m.
For Tamaaua and Mahanov City, week dava
7 so, v 00 a. m., u o. is vv ana o w p. m
For Wil lam port. Sun bury ami Lewiflburu,
week days. 11 S3 n. m.. 12 23, 7 30 p. m
rui iiiauniiua a. laiic, r toa,u; ot iv(wiiu
! SO, 9 M, 11 82 a. m., 12 28, 3 09, 6 09, 7 3:, 9 66
p. In.
For Ashland and Sharooktn, week days, 7 80,
1132 a. m., 12 26, 309,607, 72S and !Mp, m.
For Baltimore, Washington aud the West via
B. AO. R. It,, through tratns lea-1 Iteadlnp
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. D B.) at 3 20,
7 55, 1126 a, m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. l.. Sundays,
) 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 43 and 7 27 p. m. Addl
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. m. 12 20
12 15 8 40 p.m. Hunnaya, l m,
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 B0 a. m., aud 1 45, 4 r
9 00 p.m.
lave nevr xotk via juaucn uauax, weea
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m.
Lieave l-nuaaeipnia, ueauing terminal, wee.
lays. 8 40.6 86. 10 21 a. m. aud 186, 4 06, 636.
11 36 p. m
Leave iteaaing, weec aays, i o, uu, ju u.
, m., 12 15, 4 17. 6 00, 8 20 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle. weeK davs. 7 17. 740 a.m.
12 80, 1 20, 4 80, fl 10 and 6 60 p. m.
Leave week davs. 3 18. 8 86. 1123
. Ul.. 1 49, 6 86. 7 20, 9 41 p. m.
Leave Mabanoy city, week: aays, IMS, 9 03.
1 51 a. m., 2 23, 5 23, 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanov Plane, week daya, 2 40, 4 00
180. 922 1028.1200, a. m., 289, 586, 642.758
10 21 p m.
leave viiiiamapon. weeK aays, i, iuw
-n., 12 34 and 1 CO, 11 30 p. m.
LeaTePhlladelDkla Chestnut atreet wari and
Hnutl, street wharl for Atlantic Cltv.
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. m., Saturdays
nnlv lflOl 2 00. (Saturdays onlv 3 001 4 0" 5 00.
715 p.m. Accommodation. 8 00 a m,, 5 30, 680
i. m nunuays express, vw, 10 w a m aciwui
mtvl? tlnn. 8 00 a u,. 4 45 u. m.
Returning leave Atlantic uiiy aepoi, corner
Atlantlo ana Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kinross. 7 S3. Monuay only H 13
9 00 10 45 s m., 8 80. 5W pm Accommodation,
4 S3, 8 17 a. m , 4 03 p. in. nunaays express,
too, 0 30, 8 OQp m. Accommouutioii, 1 13 a. m
4 15 p. m
For cane aiav. oea jsie viiy anu ucean uiy-
Wee! days 9 CO ft m. Sundays, Chestnui
itreet 9 15 a m.. South street. 9 00 a. m Ad
illtlonal, wcclfdnys, for Cape May 4 15 p in.,
tor Wea 1810 liy, aw p iu., iuiv.eeai.wiy,
1 13, aui p ra.
Parlor Clara on all exnresa trains.
"or further Information, Bpply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway iienei alien
or address .
Oen'l Hupt., (leo'l I'asi'r As!.
Heading- Terminal Philadelphia.
Sometimes cee aare'Iablr,
the j ure3t drga
Ther ara prompt, sa'e a rl certain In result. TheroDulDO(Dr, Peal'a) nerer dlaap
Dolut, Scut snywLvi, 11.00, Addrtaa Psal Msr.IJWB Co., ClOTsl.nd, O.
For Sale al KIRLIN'S Drutr
in 1
You cm blame
VuUTSflf if you
lo n't get teal
for Sr?cl!Vi 1 CO .tee to
forbecllfc.Silk 0mmarv
A little of thi
col. n is mad? fle-
ladmlxtn re In
'cheap coffee
Vy addiuj;
makes a delicious'
k drink and veexp?ri
Posseinrer trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction. Mnuch Chunk. Lehlchton.
SlntlnKton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allcutown,
Bethlehem, l jwtou New York and Philadelphia
at 5 28, 7 49 a. in., 12 68 and 5 14 p. in.
For Wllkesbarre, White Haven and Plttston,
5 28, 10 13 a. m.. 12 58 nnd 6 1 1 p. m.
ror Loceyviiic, 'iowanua, aayre, wavcrty,
Elmira, Kcxliester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn. Sv.'ucuse. Itliaca. Geneva and the
West, 10 13 a. m., 12 58 nnd 5 11 p. m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudshurg, 5 28 n. m., 5 14 p. in.
ror i-nmoenviuo anu 'irenton, 7 49 a. m.
For Jeanesville. Levlston and Beaver Meadow.
528 a. m., 12 58 p. m.
ror mcauoo, Auuenneu, liazicion, siocicion
and Lumber Yard. 5 28. 7 49. 10 13 a. nr.. 12 58 and
5 14 p. m
i-orjeuao, iirliton ana f reeianu, s.-s, iui3
a, m., 5 14 p. ra.
i-or fcranion, o iu m n. m., o u p. m.
For Lost Creek. Girardville.and Ashland. 4 00.
and 7 27 p. m.
ror itavcn itun, uemraua, jiouni uirniei anu
Sliamokill, 10 58 a. in., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. ni.
For Mahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 23, 7 49, 10 13 a. III., nod 12 58, 5 11 p. m.
i or x aicsviue, o iu u a. m.
Trains will leave Shamokin at 7 00. 9 20 n. m..
12 10 nnd 4 20 p. ni.. and arrlvo at Shenandoah
at 7 49, 10 13 a. ni., 12 58, 5 14 p. ni.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, bt. Clair.
New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 49 and
10 13 a. in , and 12 58 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for bhenandoah, 9 45 a. m.
12 3?, 503, 8 15 p.m.
lAMve liazicton lor snenanuoan, luuua. in.
12 43, 6 09, 6 26,8 32 p. ni.
Trains leave for Raven Run. Centralia. Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 46 a. in., 7 21 p. in.,
Trains leave Slinmokln for Shenandoah at
8 50 a. m., nnd 5 33 p. in.
Ix-nvo Shenandoah for Yntcsvlllo, Mahanov
City. Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audcnrled,
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 17 a m., and 6 82 p. in.
i-or l-eiuguion. siaungion, uatasauqua. wniic
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and Phillips
burp;, 9 47 a m., and 6 32 p m.
l' or new vorK ana I'uuaacipnia, u 47 a. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah. 8 50. a. m..
and 6 27 p. in.
Al. u. A 4ii.i(, oupi. i ransponation.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gcnl. Pass. Agt..
New York, N, Y,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
fifflce Euan building, corcer of Main ai
Centre streets, Sheuaudoah.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
studied under some of the hea
masters IP London and Paris, will give lessors
on the violin, manuoun. guitar ana vocal cunurt
Term reasonable. Address Id -r of Slr,niw
lair Bad sure (iner iui.
T, JmS BT,3clso, Vf.
'.- knt
monthly, rcn'a" e"
should be use . If v-i.
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
lOonllnued from Pint Page.)
tarn Dutlor, Thomas McCluskoy, lira.
O. II. Strlcner, Miss Rosenheln.
Flntnos Could Not Ho Checked.
Tho flames could not bo checked,
nnd In two hours from the time that
the fire broke out the entire structure
wns In mlns and the streets on three
sides of tho building were filled with
debris from falling walls and tall ohlm
neys, while the streams of water be
ing poured upon tho Interior of tho
ruins had no othor effect thnn to All
the air with clouds of scalding steam, '
making It Impossible for any one to
approach near enough to search for
missing bodlos.-
Tho lire was the most spectacular
that could be Imagined. When It
broko out Fifth avenue was crowded
with people watching the St Patrick's
day parade, and every window In the
front of the hotel facing Fifth avenue
was filled with spectators watching the
marching men and floats In the street
The day was all that could be desired
and unusually large numbers of peo
ple wore on the streets on that ac
count, a fnct which Interfered not a
little with the movomonts of tho fire
men and police. As soon as tho flames
were discovered shooting from the
windows that part of the St Patrick's
day procession which was near tho
building came to a halt, and In a few
minutes the parade was dlsbandod.
In addition to the regular guests of
the hotel the windows wero crowded
by a largo number of spectators, resi
dents of this city, who had congre
gated there to witness the parade.
Jumped From tho Windows.
Soon after tho first alarm was given
people in tho lower floors of the hotel,
those who had easy access to the
street and the bar, commenced to pour
out of the building in great numbers,
but Its very soon become apparent
that a great majority of the occupants
of the hotel wero either panic stricken
or were unable to make their way to
the ground floor. Windows wero
thrown up on every side of the build
ing, and guests mostly women, in all
stages of terror, made their appear
ance -and commenced to make frantic
appeals for assistance to the crowd
standing below. As the flames gather
ed about them they became more and
moro terror stricken, and presently
several of them stood upon the narrow
window sills and beckoned to the spec
tators below that they ware about to
leap to tho streets. The men collected
upon the sidewalks, readyto offer any
assistance that they could, and In the
meantime a number of women left the
window sills and dropped to the street.
In most of the cases the efforts to
catch them and break their awful fall
was unavailing, for they struck the
sidewalk, and In most cases broken
limbs were the result.
Many Ilorolo Itescuos.
As soon as the firemen could get
their scaling ladders Into position they
climbed tho sides of the building and
entered every window, and many cases
of heroic rescues wero witnessed by
the throng in the streets. At the cor
ner of Forty-seventh street and Fifth
avenue, directly across from the hotol.
Is the homo of Miss Helen Gould, and
at nor direction many of the Injured
were carried there and were treated
by physicians and nurses, whom she
had sent for. In the meantime the
chief of police had telephoned to every
hospital In the city, asking that as
sistance be sent to the fire sufferers.
Ambulances forced their way through
the crowds as quickly as possible, and
the Injured people who had made the
frightful leaps from the hotel windows
were placed in them and removed to
the hospitals. Several occupants of
the hotel appeared at the windows of
the sixth and soventh stories, and even
on tha roof, and leaped to the streets
from these points. Very few of them
escaped either Instant death or In
juries which resulted In their death a
short time later.
Building Enveloped In Flames.
In the meantime the entire building
was being enveloped in flames, which
shot out from every window and form
ed a picture which struck terror to all
those who were witnesses to It With
in 40 or 45 minutes after the fire first
broko out the walls on the Fifth kve
nue side showed every Indication of
falling, and presently, with an awful
crash, they struck the asphalt covering
of the street In front of the hotel and
eaused tho hundreds of people who
were standing there to scatter In every
direction. This fall weakened the
walls on the Forty-sixth and Forty-
seventh sides, and they followed a mo
ment later. When the walls fell the
bricks and mortar and twisted girders
and corrugated Iron filled the streets
on the throe sides of the hotel.
The doorsteps and Iron fences In
front of the houses on the opposite
aide of tho street from tho hotol were
wrecked by the falling walls, and the
amount of debris piled In tho streets
was so great that travel will be Im
peded for several days. The northwest
Wing of the hotel continued to burn
for a half hour after the walls of the
rear part of the building fell. The
firemen continued to play streams
upon the flames and also upon all the
adjoining buildings, Including Miss
Gould's residence, which seemed In
Imminent danger of catching flro, but
ihe flames were brought under control
before thsy could reach any of these.
Tbrilllnc; Soeues lu the Hotel,
There wero many thrilling scenos la
the hotel during the early stages of the
Are. As soon as It broke out a hallboy
discovered the flames while he was
passing Immediately over tho rooms
occupied by President HcKInley's
brother, Abnor Mclvlnley, and his fam
lly. The boy pulled n chain attached
to the Are alarm, but the chain broke.
and then he cried out an alarm of Are
and ran to the Aoor below. ,
The blaze was then licking up every
thing on the Fifth avenue end of he
building, and the lad, when he got to
tho floor above the main hall ran Into
the American dining room and give
the alarm to the guests there. Only
a few persons wore In the dining room
at the time, and they escaped. When
the boy reached the main Aoor War
ren F. Leland, the proprietor of tho
hotel, was In tho rear of the long hall,
and the hoy shouted to him that the
building was on flro. On Mr. Loland's
Instructions the clerks tried to save
all the books and papers, and the boy
then rushed down the basement stair-
Way shd alarmed the women who were
at work In tho laundry. It Is bolloted
that alt of them escaped.
Dnrlnir IIchcho by Firemen.
One of the most daring rescues ef
fected by the firemen oecurrcd on the
fifth floor on the Fifth nvonuo front
An elderly woman was scon at a win
dow, and two firemen succeeded In
reaching tho window Immediately un
derneath. One of thorn climbed to
tho coping over the window on which
he was standing, and then stepped over
to where tho woman was waving her
hands despairingly. Ho then swung
the woman clear of the window and
landed her safely in the arms of his
companion, who, with the assistance
of several othor flromen, passed the
woman down to the Btreot.
Abner McKInloy, brother of I'resI
dent McKlnlcy, had four rooms on the
ground floor of the hotol. Mrs. Mc
KInloy and her daughters, Mabel and
Helen, occupied tho rooms with Abner
McKlnlcy. Mrs. McKlnley and Miss
Helon were entertaining Mrs. John
Sherwood, the author. Both Mrs, Mc
Klnley and her daughter and ber
guest got out, assisted by two un
known men, but they do not know bow.
The women became separated. Mrs.
McKlnley went to the residence of Rev.
Dr. Morgan, at No. 3 East Forty-flfth
street, and Miss Helen McKlnley to
tho restdonce of the banker, Richard
T. Wilson, at No. BI1 Fifth avenue.
Miss Mabel was out for a drive.
The McKtnlcys went to tho Manhattan
hotel, whero there was a Joyful re
union of tho family, Mr. Abner Mc
Klnley having been telephoned for at
his office at 30 Broad street. Tbey
lost everything except the clothes they
Tho Orlc-tn or tho Flro.
Regarding the origin of the Aro The
Herald publishes the following: John
Foy, a waiter of the hotel, was pass
ing through the hall on the parlor
floor, the first above the street He
was making his way to a place where
ho could catch a moment's sight of the
parade. In front of him walked a man
patron of the hotel. At the angle of
the passage near Fifth avenue and
Forty-sixth street tho patron drow a
match and lighted a cigar or cigarette.
He tosed the match aside. It was still
blazing, and foil Into the folds of a lace
curtain. In an Instant the flimsy fab
ric was ablaze, and Instantly the flames
shot to surrounding draperies. This,
from all the accounts, was the origin of
tho holocaust
Tho loss on the contents of the
building is almost complete, and Is
estimated at $1,000,000. Tho salvage
men managed to savo $20,000 worth
of paintings on the first floor of tho
hotel, but very little olso was carried
out Many of the guests who lived at
tho Windsor regularly lost valuable
Jowelry and bric-a-brac and furnish
ings, among them being F. F. Flower,
a nephew of ex-Governor Roswell P.
Flower, who, among other things, lost
a package of Jewelry valued at 13,000.
The Windsor for many years was
one of the most exclusive hotels in the
city, and was In the height of its glory
up to ten years ago. It was the ren
dezvous of all tho great Wall street
operators from the days of Commodore
Vanderbllt and Daniel Drew. Jay
Gould, who lived opposite, was there
nightly. President and Mrs. McKlnley
always stopped at the Windsor, and
celebrities of all kinds were its guests.
Hakes Weak Women Strong,
And Sick Women Well.
It is made from a formula of Dr. R. V.
Fierce, the celebrated specialist in diseases
of women at Buffalo, N. Y. It is a strictly
temperanca medicine, containing neither
alcohol, opium or other narcotic poison.
us proiraciea use aoes not create a craving
for intoxicatincr stimulants or deadly nar.
cotics. It cures irregularities, displace
ments, drains, ulcerations, inflammation,
headache, backache and neivounesa. It
prepares the way for almost painless ma
ternity, and insures robustness to the new
born. It cures women at home, and does
away with obnoxious questioning and local
Some medicine dealers offer auhstltntea
when you ask for Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. They imitate this medicine
In appearance as nearly as the law will
allow, but they cannot imitate its record
of thirty years of cures.
Mrs. Maltie Venghaua, of Tioga. Hancock Co.,
Ill , writes " I had been alck for seven years,
not In tied, but just dragging myself around.
At last I took three bottles of I)r Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription and Are of ' Golden Medical
Discovery.' and It la imfauible la dtsctitt in
uvrds the good thee medlcinea did me."
Neither the " Discovery " nor the Fa
vorite Prescription" contains any alcohol,
opium or other narcotic.
nR THFFI 604 North Sixth St:
Ulll I n&eWlarSlde Entrance on Grata St
l'Miaaeipiiiau a'aw, corea aner
adverttalnK doctors, Medical lon
tutes, family phralctana.speclsllata,
uu.piiaiaau axuj surgwna isiu aa
c Doctors and OuMki, with their !
?5floii m wortedtvudailurtMeVdrmiftraciiti,
poslag at old and experienced ipeo
UllstaV offerloc free coma lut Ion i.
SSP-OL m lallats. offerloc. free eonaaltattona,
aZ r free advice arid cheap or moderate
CI 5- nrli-A iM.ltnn,! T,n!.lr,1m nt,
I oilaj nod by thonaaadt la Poorbonaea or
r i lDiasaAirlams.CoatQUl)r.Tbeel
a2re3 ass who ta known at the only honeat,
al-aas 4 akllltul and irennin fipeelatlit
?S92.n-t tnthlacoantry wlthtyeara'Earopeaa
23"- 3.rvs lioiDltal and 81 years eractlcalex-
IUhh cj rerlence. Send 8 two-cent sumps
far book Truth," the only true medical book
adrertlted el ring valuable Information Jo young
ana old, srurenng rrom neir-A dsm, rmai.
Jl. ., Loat Manhood,Varleocele & Stricture,
md electricity. lloarsi-3, CT,,fi-Sl6uiidijr,S-12,
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
SQ Wast Contra Qtroota
For ten years I suffered untold agonies from
Eczema, my lover limbs being to swollen and
broken out Uutt could hardly go shout. My
brother, a physician of thirty years' practice,
and other ptinkdarui of splendid ability, tried
In vain to effect a core and signally failed. I
became absolutely disheartened, and had lost
aU hope, when a friend Indaoed me to give
Conccna. Remedies a trial. I rued tiro
cakes or CtmocnA Soar and two boxes of
Coticora (olntmeel), and it resulted In an
abioluti and pirmantttt curt.
DAVID M. BAPr, riymoutli, nt
InasrCraa Tcaaraiar rna aixStivaso Rux
nsaoas. w.t Lou or lliia W.m r-uii villi i rrt
cvaa a4P. (.aft. aaolatfan vita Cnievaa, 4 aiUd
duller Octicgaa HawtTaar.
SoU throea beat lb. wortl. roTTSaDerOAroCwaaT.
Co.r., f rop... il9.epa, -II.vtiiCmfsls.usaftM.
Plica op Homoi-rholda
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Brulaeca.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczomn & Eruption!.
Salt Rheum A Tot tern
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrllst.
Corns & Bunions
Stings & Bites of Insects
Three Sizes, s$c, 50c. and ilia-
ld by drnffttsta, or sent poaVpaJdoa receipt of prka
ucsriiaiTt', tit a 11a wim.s.,wtw.
Trains will leave flhenandoah after Inn ana. a
date for Wlggan, ailberion, Frackrllle Dart
Water, St Clair, Pottsyille. Hamburg, Read In a
Fottatown, PhoenlzTflle. Norrlatotrn a d I'bii-aa-elphta
(brd street station) at 19 and S 19
t m.,210, 8 1 p ra. on week daya. Sundays,
15 a. m., iSOp. m.
l rains icave rracKTiue tor Dnenanaoap ai
SA. II as a. m. and 0 48, TBS p. a Sunday
I 01 a. m. and 5 48 p. ra.
Iaye Pottsvtlla for Shenandoah f via FracW
rllle 7 10, 11 20 a. m., fi SO, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
10 S3 a. m.. 5 20 p. ra.
Leare Philadelphia, (Hroad atreet station), foi
Shenandoah at 8 83 a. m.. 10 o. m. week days.
Sundays leave at 8 30 and 9 23 a. ra
ixtave Philadelphia I Hroad atreet station) ror
Pottsvllle. 3 57. 8 S3, 1019 a. m., 210. 410, 711
. ra. weeauaya. aunaaya, a du, yua, m, ana
Oi p m.
Leave Broad Htreet Station, Philadelphia,
Ripresn. week-days. B 30. 4 Oo. 4 50 3 03.3 13.8 00.
7 83,8 30, 9 50, (10 21 dining car). 11 001143 a. m,
12 00 noon, i2 83 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p m
dinning cars), 1 40. (2 80, dining car), 20 8 SO,
i u. a uo, o oo turning car;, a uu, . u. r ou.
lUlnlng car), 1000 p. m., 1201, nlglil. Mondays.
I20.4O5 I '-' . 0. 8 18 8 20. 9 B0. (10 21. dlnlnK
car),10 4J, 11 43 a in, 12 00, , dining car), 12 83, 2 30
Uuning can, tuz, I Limned a -a inning car),
120.5C4, dining car, 6 83, 702, 7BO, dining
carl, 1000 p. m., 12 01 night
uapreas lor notion wlirvoul ensnge, ii uo a oa.,
veek-days, and 7 60 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, A. bury Park, Ocean Grove,
Long Urancb,and Intermediate stations, 8 30.
tl It a m, 8 80, 4 02 p m weekdays.
For Baltimore and Waahlngton. 8 50, 7 90, 8 82,
10 20. 11 23, a. m., 1209, 1281 dining car 112.
dining carl, 812, 4 41. 3 23 CongreaalonaJ
Limited dining car, 6 84, 6 i7. 853, dining carl,
7 81 dining carl, p m, and 12 03 night week
days. Sunday. 8 0. 7 20,912,1123, awm., 1109.
11 12. dining car, 8 12 4 41 (520 CongreoolonaJ
Limited dining carl. 5 34 f&BS dlnlnircarl. I7S1
dining carl, p. m aud 12 OS night.
tror tsaiumore, accommodation, V 13 a m, i u
and 4 01 p m week daya, 3 08 and 11 18 p m dally
Leave Broad street station via Delawar river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m 703 p m. Sundays,
20 a- m., 7 09 p. ra.
Leave Market Street Warf KzDreas. 1 00 a in.
II 30 Saturdays onlyj, 2 00, 4 00, S 00 p m. Sun
days, 900, 10 00 a oj (accommodation i 80 and
ror uipe .May, nea lale city, ucean t-liy.
uaiuu, dwud ii.ruur, Anairwa, nuuw Ma
od Hollj I leach Express, 900am, (IN pm
weekdays. Sunda.a 9 00am.
For Somen Point Express, 9 00 a- m., ICO,
1 00. 5 CO. D. m. week days Hundava 9 00 and
10 00 a. m
For tickets and other information aonlr to
ticket agent
Oen'l Manager. fen')-Pa.e'e r Art
News and Opinions
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The Sllll Sll
is the greatest Sunday newspape
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rice 5c a copf. Bj sill, $2 a
Address THE SUN, Hew Yerk-
lillions of Dollars
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Uable companlee as represented by
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For all Bilious and Ntxvous Ml III jP
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action to the entire system. aUtsBaf CaaV
SUA?."" Wl-.r pccino CCHPmJUx
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4TxiaTaniairaV.OMAN'8 RELIEF.
Q.I Ciio.'itnir Pills and aaaaaia.
At dru Itona. .r Mat dim (l4, Brit., i M.
BMoa, win uu ...a. v
For aale at KitUn'a drug store and Bhaaandoa