The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 14, 1899, Image 3

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    A Young Girl's Experlonco.
My daughter's nerves vcro terribly out of
order. Hlie was Ihln mid wenk; tho lenst noise
Btnrtled tier, and ho wii wakeful at night.
neforesbo hud tiikcnono pncltago of Celery
King tlio clmngo In her wuh bo great that ho
COUlU nHrUiy liU LUHCH iui uiobuuiubhh
Is rapidly Browing well nnd strong, lier com.
nlexlon Is perfect, and sho sleeps well overy
!ioi, Mr. I.nnvMcNutt. Hrusli Vnlloy. Tn.
Celery King crRlis diseases of the Nerve",
tuOIlmcn, Ijiver nau niuueyn. aum uj
gluts, 25 nnd Wt:
Primary Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
You can bo treated nt homo for same price
under nmo guarantee. If you prefer to
oomo here wo will contract to pay railroad
fare m il hotel bills, and no charge. If we
fall to euro.
taken morcury, iodide potash, and still
have nclies and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth, sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of tho body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It U this
Wo solicit tho most obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. Tida disease has always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
Ruarontco Absolute proofs sent scaled on
application loo page dook sent iree
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago
Office Egon building, corner of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
rxck Box ea, Mahanoy City, F.
iTntrintr attidleil under some of the b
masters Te London and Paris, will give lessons
on the vlollu.niandollri, guitar ana vocal cuivuro
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Btronse
the toweler Hhenandnali.
The sudden Epidemic of
Grip has startled the country.
The doctors COnfeSS they have
no sure Cure for it, and
is seen to be true in the sud
den death of Garcia and Ex
Senator Brice and the alarm
ing increase in the death rate,
But no one need be alarmed
There is a sure cure-
r . , T . , j
perfect antidote. it lias Had
IS years test in thousands of
cases and never tailed, l nat
remedy is
No fatal case of Grip was
ever Known wnere Druzumn
i i n :i:
Balm was promptly and faith-
f.,11.. . . n l I r- l.llr. rrafmc
luiiy uacu, n wio -1,v-S'- 4,,i
il. f
dilCMlb UlC JJlugii-oa u' "
disease at once, and takes all
the evil effects
system. For
out of the
Old Coughs,
it is a perfect remedy. (jr
3 South flain Street.
Tho Rosv Freshness
I Ana a velvety softness of the akin Is Inva
riably obtained by thore who use Pouoiu'a
I Complexion Powder
Tho Spanish Admiral's Bonos Found
on tho Boach.
apnornl Wood ntnl Other Snntlniro Or
lloluls Positively Identify tlio Honor
an Tlio4fcr the Onicer Cnmmnnillnrx
tlio SpniibAt Torpedo ltont Destroyer
Santiago do Cubn, March It. On Sun
day General Leonard Wood, military
governor of tho department of Santiago,
In the presence of tlie adjutnnt general
of the department, Colonel lloncon nnd
Captain (lllmore, Captain Seott, cap
tain of the port, and other o III cor s, posi
tively identified the remains of the
Spanish oflleer discovered a few days
ago among the rocks on the shore about
four miles west of El Morro as those
of Admiral Villniiill, who commanded the
Spanish torpedo boat destroyers in tho
naval battle -which resulted In the de
struction of Admiral Cervcrn's squadron.
Accompanied by the olllcvnt named,
and by others. General Wood went in u
tug to Investigate personally ns to the
truth of the report that the body of n
Spanish olllcer had been found, tied in
nn nrmchnlr, nt the point designated.
The report proved well founded. Nearly
opposite the point where the wrecked
torpedo boat destroyer I'luton lies Gen
eral Wood found an armchair, with
ropes nround it, n skull, bones on the
ground and tlio rngged remnants of the
uniform of a enptalu in the Spanish
navy. It was evident that the buzzards
had stripped the hones of flesh.
It is understood here though ns to this
there is no certainty that Admiral
Vlllnmil was taken ashore from the
Pluton in n dying condition, tied in an
armchair, nnd the supposition is thnt he
died immediately on reaching the shore,
the body being left abandoned among the
rocks, where it remained undiscovered
until a few days ngo.
Admiral Villnmil, It is known, was
wounded In the right arm and the left
leg. General Wood put the bones to
gether, showing the Unmistakable marks
of wounds In these places. Tlie Identi
fication wns in every respect complete.
In the pocket of the coat was found the
fleet countersign for Juno 26, signed by
the Into Captain Ovideo y Bustnmente,
then Admiral Cervcra's chief of staff.
Colonel Beacom nnd Captain Gilmore
carried the armchair, the tattered uni
form and the bones, tied together by a
handkerchief of tho dead officer and one
of Colonel Reneoni, to the tug, which
lay about four miles off.
The identification caused a sensation
among the Spaniards here, as Admiral
Villamll was one of the best known
strategists in the Spanish navy and a
man held In high esteem by his country
General Wood, through the war de
partment, will notify tlie secretary of
state of the finding of the remains, so
that these can be removed to Spain, if
the Spanish government so desires.
Pending finnl disposition they will be
kept at tho arsenal here. The tattered
uniform will also be held subject to
Spain's wishes. The armchair is at
present in cunrge 01 uapram ocou.
Free Pills.
Send your address to II. E. Bucklcn & Co.,
Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits, inese puis arc casj ;u
their action and arc particularly effective in
the cure of Constipation ana sick neaaacue.
Kr.r Malaria nnd Liver troubles tliey nave
i,. invaltinhlp. Thev are guaranteed
in ht norfprilv free from every deleterious
. 1 ., e . :..,.
substance and to be purely vegetable. They do
not weaken by their action, but by giving tone
y a. wasiey,
Conrrrotilonnl T.llirnrlnn Putnnm.
Washington. March 14. The president
has appointed Herbert futnam, of Hos'
ton. to be librarian of congress. Mr.
Putnam is a sou 01 ueorge i-uuiam,
founder of the publishing house of
fiporire Putnam & Sons, and is n
native of Now York. lie is n grad'
uate of Harvard and of Columbia law
ur-hnnl. He organized the Minneapolis
public library, and It at present librarian
i vt- -
Does Tdls Strike Ton 7
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
1 ... .. ..
come from chronlo consnpauon. ami n
mover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has
hn nld for flftv venrs on an absoluto
suttee, race 25 ets. and so eu. sold by
p-Di Klrlm and a Euaranteo'
Gen. Ilooth's ItirportciTillnessljenloa.
London, March 14. Inquiries made re-
rmrrlln!' a disuatch from Melbourne,
Victoria, saying General William Booth,
commander-in-chief of the aivuuon
Army, was lying so seriously 111 there;
that his recovery wns doubtful, show
that n dispatch has been received nt
the headquarters of the salvation Army
bore from Adelaide. South Australia,
saying that General Booth has been tut-
erius ua UN o i-,.v-;
lie win pructt.-u iu Ait-,, .
for the purpose of conducting n Salva
,,, l T..rt,TT 'on nnn rm nv
tion Army cnrnpaign m tlint coion.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
l.v locol ouullcatlons, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and tnai is Dy consw.u
tlonal remedies. Deafness la caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of tho
Eustachian Tubo. When this tube gets Inflamed
you have a rumbling Bound or imperfect bear
ing, and when it is entirely closed deafness
lathercsult,and unless the' Inflammation can bo
oken out and this tube restored to Us normal
cX. on, of ten are caused by catarrh.
whlah Is nothing but an Inflamed condition ot
condition; hearing will be destroyea loreven
I the inucoua surfaces.
Wawillrrlve One Hundred Dollars for any
cose of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure, ooau lor
circulars, free. r.v on . Toledo. O.
V . , U 1. .... . WW., . I
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family l'llls ure the best.
Dr. Greene's Nervura Is the Remedy
Sure To Make Her Well.
The mm who has a sick wife lms a great burden upon him, but his burden U
tight compared to that of hit sick wife. She may not be lick abed, but (he Is ailing
all the timet she is weak,
Nervura blood
nieuiune and
Do not
Nervura blood and nerve
IK I rr-l 1
mm i
III 1 U I I . ...ii
i 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in ii iiiniH . ik j i i innjDiTi-i ni i
iliiii I, f mmmm
. . , . . : 7, r , . i , I
now, for everybody ncedt at this season thsRrandeat of spring
medicines. People have more confidence In it thnn In any and all
other remedies, becaute It It the prescription of a famous regular physician and
therefore perfectly adapted to cure, and because Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St.,
New York City, can be consulted at any time free of charge la regaid to any case,
whether you call or write.
See That Youn Ticket Reads via the
SouTHEitx Railway.
The Southern Railway operates three
through tiuins on each week day and two on
Sunday. It is an inland route, clean aud
through an interesting section of the South.
Tlio schedules of it3 trains are fast, but not
too fast to bo maintained. Write to John it.
Beall, District Passenger Agent, 823 Chestnut
streot, Philadelphia, for full information,
illustrated matter and advance Pullman
reservations. 2-21-lOt
No matter how loug ycu have had the
oneh: if it hasn't already developed into
COusumption Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
will euro it.
Will You Winter In Florida 7
This will bo tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via the Southern Railway. Its tho best
route. If you will write John M. Beall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut struct,
Philadelphia,.!'!!., ho will arniugo all tho
details of your trip for you.
Tell Yonr Sister
A beautiful complexion is an Impossibility
without good pure blood, tho sort that only
exists in connection with tho good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Hoot Tea acts directly on the bowels, livor.
and kinney8 keeping them in perfect health.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
and a guarantee.
Pasacnger tralna lenvo Shenandoah for Penn
Ilnven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton,
slntlntrtnn. White Hall. Ciitafiaunua. Allentowu.
Ilcthlchcin, Easton New York and Philadelphia
at 5 28, 7 49 a. in.. 12 as anu o u p. 111.
For Wilkesbarre, White Haven and Plttston,
3 28, 10 13 a. m.. 12 38 and Slip. in.
For Laceyvllle, Towandn, Sayre, Waverly,
Hlmlm. ltocheaten llulTulo. Nlacaro Fulls.
Auburn, Syrucuso, Ithaca, Geneva and tho
West, 10 13 a. m., 12 68 und 5 11 p. m.
For Helvidere, Delaware Water Cap and
Stroudaburg, 3 Si a. in.. Slip. in.
Vnr Tjimlwrtvllln nml Trenton. 7 49 a. m.
For Jeaueavllle, Levlston and Ueaver Meadow,
I s ?a n m.. 12 58 n.n.
1 Mi.t.lnn Annnrtprl lfiwt.'tnn. Rtnckton
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. in., 12 58 and
a 11 n m.
f orJeuao, unison anu rrccianu, uo, iu u
a. 111., 0 II p. in.
r. ' o ..... una in n m Kiln
ur Duuiuuii, ti w ,0 ... .., " i" ....
For Lost Creek, Olrardville, and Ashland, 4 00,
For Itaven Run, Centralla, Slount Carmcl and
Shamokln, 10 S3 a. m., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. in.
I'or lananoy vny, varK x-iucc uuu .vmuu,
28, 7 4V, iu 13 n. 111., ana 1. 00, a n p. m
For Yatesvlllc, 0 23, 10 13 a. in.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7 00. 9 20 o. in.,
12 10 and 4 20 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 49,10 13 a.m., 12 58, 5 11 p.m.
Leave snenanaoau lor i-oiisviue, d,. v.uir.
New Castle, Morea ond Now Boston, 7 49 and
10 13 a. 111 , and 12 58 p. in.
Leave I'ouaviiie jor oueimnuimu, v . .,
1285,505,8 15 p.m. , t
Leave llazleton for Shcnandoabi 1000 a.m.
12 48, 5 09, 0 2fi, 8 32 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Uun. Centralla, Jit.
Curniel and Shamoklii, 9 48 a. m., 7 21 p. ui..
Trains leave Slutmokln for Shenandoah at
8 50 n. m., and 5 35 p. in.
Leave Hlienanaoan lor laiesvuie, aiauuuur
Citv. Park Place. Uelano. MoAdoo, Audenrled,
uiy, i'uri 4-wce, ";. "ww w .i,iv
" ,1 Vi;i, ni.nnv .'n m . and B32 n. m. '
For Lehlchtoii, Slotlngton, Catasauqua. White
ffiYtflfflJT"" ana 1 " "pa
Vnr IrTetv York and l'lliladclDhla. 9 17 a. 111.
Leave llazleton for Shenandoah, 8 CO, a. m.,
and 0 27 p. ui.
M. B. COTTER, Bupt, Transportation,
South Bethlehem, l'o.
KOLLIN n. WLBUIt, Oenl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, l'o.
CHAKLES S. LEE, Genl. l'ass. Agt..
New York, N. Y.
A. AV. NONNEilACHEIt, Dlv. V. A.,
South Bethlehem, l'a.
flH Ceiebraretl -i.
,3. l'owders Iloror fi.
J .
auoaiiaamaiaiKr i. u.
I -
BomtHjuaa nee Is a reliable,
the jiureit drugs should be used. It you want the neat, gel
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
They T prompt, siie acd
DOiol. peai Djwaert;( ttvv
For Sale al KIRLIN'S
nervous, Irritable and tired out. She
is sleepless nights and wakes mornings feeling tired,
without energy or ambition, discouraged, dragged out
and indescribably miserable. Her htacf aches, her back
achat, the cannot eat. It constl-
iJ patsd, melancholy and to nervout
Saint times that the fecit at If the
should fly. She feelt iutt good for
nothing and U tired all the time.
How nulcklvwlll the vtnialit
of her burden of disease be lifted
If the will use that greatest boon
tyto womankind, Dr. Greene's Ncrv-
i?.ura blood and nerve remedy I How
quickly It will relieve her weak-
nets, her nervousness, her paint
, her hopeless depression
nd heart, and how speed-
restore her strength, re
new her vitality, vigor, energy,
power and the pulsing life which
meant happiness for women 1 Dr.
Greene's Nervura tt Indeed a bless-
Inn. (nr i-ilr . nprvittc ntirl .4ent,lr.
t (ing woman, for Its use means to
. i. i . . i. i t.
liiciii iicaiui, iicii;(ii, uujjv, imp-
plnest and life Itself 1
Mr. H. P. Howe, Tlconderoga,
w. x ,, tayt:
" Wf navs used Dr. urne's Kerrvra
blood sad nerve remedy, both m)tflf and
wife, with the belt results. My wife was
troubled severely with her head, in fart was
nearly protimica wim nervous aimcuuy.
She tried many things for relief but found
no Denent until sne Degan me use m nr.
Greene's Nenrura blood and nere remedy.
Now I am rejoiced to eay that she Is cured
by the use of four bottle snd is quite well.
I have used the Nervura for my blood, and
am happy to say that I found the tnost
beneficial results. W think Dr. Greene's
and nerve remedy Is a mast wonderfully good
giaaly recommena u to outers.
fall to try this wonderful Dr. Greene's
remedy. You should specially take It
tiii: I'Aciric coast li.hitfi)
via "the thue southern route."
Tho Pacific Coast Limited," the new
California train will loavo Chicago at 2:00 p,
m., and St. Louis 10:30 p. m., every Tuesday
and Saturday arriving at Los Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m.. and San Francisco fourth
day noon, and willl run via Chicago & Alton
St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas
& Pacific, and Southern Pacific Railways,
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, writiug, smoking
room, buffet, barber-shop aud bathroom ; a
compartment oar containing scveu private
compartments and double drawing-looms
twelvo section sleeping-cars with stato and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all
meals will bo served a la carte, aud traverses
a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un
known. In addition to our weekly tourist
car liuo via the sconlo route, we will operate
a weokly tourist car via "Tho Truo Southern
Routn," leaving Chicago ovory Tuesday and
from St. Louis overy Friday morning. For
Illustrated and descriptive literature, time
tables, very lowest rate of fare to all points
west aud southwest, address J, P. McCann,
Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. E. Uopt,
Oeu'l Eastern Passenger Ageut, 301 Broad
way, Now York. tf
Who Sail They Have a Cough 7
Advice Take Pan-Tina, 25c. At Oruhler
Bros., drug store.
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal-No Smoke.
Trains lrav HhnnAIldoah fiH follOWSI
For New York via Philadelphia, week daya
2 10, 5 38, 7 80, 9 55 a. m 12 20, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m
I'or Wow orK via aiauiu t,uuiuc, hcts uo
7 nn a. m .15 Id mid S OQ D. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week daya
1 10, 5 08, 7 80. 9 55 B.m., 12 28. s 09 ana B 03 p. ro
ror roHMVllie, wets une, , ,w i
12 "ft. a 00. 6 09 and T 30 u. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week daya
7.11V 0.13 n. m.. 12?ft. S 09 rfnd 609o. 1U.
For Wllllainsport, Sunbury and Lewliburg
ck .1.. v 1 1 r.2 . ni.. 12 26. 7 30 n. m
ForMahanoj Plane, weekdays, 210,3 27,538,
7 30. 9 55, 11 82 a. m., 12 28, 8 09, 6 09, 7 30, 9 56
p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week daya, 7 30,
1182 a. m., 1228, 809,807. 725 and 55 p. to.
Vnr RnlltmnrA. Wftahlncttin and the West via
II. AO. It. It., through trains Iea-i Iteadlnp
Terminal. Philadelphia. (P. & R. D R.) at 8 20.
7 55,1128 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. t-. Sundays,
ana Y.7I P. I-, ounnaya,
b "n 7 no u at a. m.. 8 48 and 7 27 r,. m. Add!-
tlonal trains Irom iveniyiourin ana unei-
nu streets siaiion, wees: aaye.iuouo. m.
I2 15 80p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 23 p.m.
Leave New York vta Philadelphia, week
days. 12 15, 4 30. 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 15, i 80,
sop p.m.
Leave new xoric via maucu vuumt, wcck
reave Phlladelnhla. Reading Terminal, week
v iu a. ni., i w p. io,
days, 8 40, 8 88, 10 21 a. m. and 186, 4 06, 636.
11 36 p. m
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 7 00, 101
Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 7 17, 7 40 a.m.
If RO . 1 90 A SO. A 10 and 6S0n. m.
Leave Tamaqua. week days, 3 18, 8 89, 1128
n.. i 49. n M. 7 30. 0 41 n. m.
Iave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 43, 905,
11 SI a. in., 2 22, 8 25, 6 SI, 7 41, 10 os p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week doys, 2 40, 4 00
680, 9 22 10 23,12 00, a. ui., 2 39, 6 86, 6 42 7 68
10 21 p m.
Leave WUllamsport, week days, 7 42, 1000 a
m., 12 84 and 4 CO, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and
Rmith atrek wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Eipress, 9 00, a. in., 2 00, 4 00,
son m AronmmnHAllan. 8 00 a m.. 6 80 U m
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accommoda
tion, 8ujbiu,iu p. m.
lle'turnlne ienvo Atlantic City depot, eorner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Wa.lrJDr. Ii .11.1... '1 K"l . I , J DI.. H UU. n
p m. Accommodation, hu a. n. t. uo p. m.
Sundays Express. 4 00, 730 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 7 13 a. m., iv p. m
' FoV'r-MaV' SeSwi City and Ocean City-
Weekdaya-900 ",BIdicaypnMJy;
Ocean taty, 415, 800 pin. Sundays, Chestnut
street 915 a m., South street, 900 a. m,
H.r nr iiara nn a i exureAS irains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia ana Heading twuway iicaei ageui
or Marcos . .
Gen'l Supt, tlen'l Pass'r Agt.
Reading Terminal rauaaeipma.
monthly, rcgulatlnc medicine. Only hsrmlMias4
oerUln In rtialt. The ceuulne (Dr. 1'toVi) oerer diufi
auwh (uitut.niwinu(, -"'"., v.
Drug - Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
Should Tlioy ltortipc to Accept Our
(lovoriitnontV S,0tM,0O om.r.
Ilnvana, .March II. -A iwbhV mani
festation upon th part of the different
patriotic clnbi, lu which the general
public assisted, was held at 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The people who
with music
nnil uannere to wumti., -
where they expressed to General Gomes
their adherence to himself and their dis
approval of the action of the Cuban
assembly lu removing hint from the of
fice of general in chief of tlie uuoaii
The police had been ordered to prevent
the demonstration, but they were power-
lees. Finally the crowds began to at
tack the police, and the Twentieth reg
ulars were sent to disperse them, which
was accomplished without injury to a
nlnirle person.
While the people were cheering uoniex
nnd crrlnc "Down with the nnsetnuiy
tlint IkmIv wrs lu sesstou, nnd many fiery
speeches were mnde. A vote of expul
sion was passed on Senor Gomalez de
Quesada for being "a traitor to the as
scnibly and an accomplice or uomei.
Shou d a nortlou of the (Julian army
support the military assembly in re
Jecting the Goinez-Porter agreement
and in refusing to disuana wuuoui u
lnrirer sum than $3,000,000. forcible dis
armament, lu the opinion of Americans
well Qualified to Judge, would follow
This Is the only grave fact In an other
wise entertaining sequence of incidents
The United States is completely com
mltti-,1 to the arrangement mnde by
Kobert V. Porter, X'resldent McKlnley's
sneeial representative, with Uenerai
Gomel, and the details of the plan or
distribution are already far advanced,
The opinion of Cuban civilians Is that
a considerable portion of the army
nrobablr the larger part, upholds Gen-
oral Gomez in his contract with the
United States, and therefore the Amer
ican military administration sees no
other course oneu than the forcible dis
arming of any faction of the ouuan
troops which, after being duly warned
troops wuii'ii. aner uvuik uuij n
h , , v , the Ccl(j
"u" " 1 c
Flromeu From Wilmington nnd Io-
comokoClt.vSnvcd SInrylaiidTown
Salisbury, Md., March 11. With the
assistance of engines sent here from
Wllmlncton and Pocomoke City a dis-
nstrotia fire, which for hours threatened
the destruction of the lower portion of
this city, wns gotten under control yes
terday, after having raged for nearly
eiirht hours. Jackson s lumber mill rso.
1, with nearly D.UOO.UUO feet 01 nimucr,
and the freight sheds of the Baltimore,
Chesapeake and Atlantic railroad were
consumed, with a total loss, approxi
mntelv. of S75.O0O.
The fire, which started at 4 ociock
In the morning, wns one of the largest
that has visited this section of the state
for many yenrs. bparks from tne
burning property were carried in every
direction by the high wiud, and it was
soon apparent that the local firemen,
bravely as they fought, would not be
able to subdue the ilames. Messages
were sent to Wilmington and Pocomoke
Citr. nnd bv 7 o clock three engine com-
panies from those places arrived and
went to work with a will. After hard
fighting the combined forces succeeded
In confining the Homes to the original
territory, nnd then concentrating their
efforts soon had the fire under control.
There is a growing Impression that
firebugs started the blaze. One mau
says he saw somebody setting the mill
on lire, and that when the names Drowe
. . ., ... ,
out they were seen in a uozen places ai
once. It is also said that the incendi-
nrv. finding that the blaze he had first
started would not burn, went back and
started it again. No arrests have been
made as yet.
A llnnquot of SItlllonnlres
New York, March 14. The hank of
the Manhattan company, which cele
brates its centenninl on April 3, sent
invitations yesterday to tho ftl presidents
of the banks which nre me
Clearing House and to the
of the savings banks and the
panies to a dinner to be Riven at bherry s
on the evenine of the tiny named, invt
tations have also been extended to Gov
ernor Itoosevelt. the state treasurer,
controller nnd the superintendent of the
banking department. About 100 guests
are expected. This gathering will prob
nblr represent the largest aggregation
of capital that has ever been seen in this
city around a banquet table. A careful
estimate of the money interests to b
represented puts the total at i,i&u,-
Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marvsville, Texas.,
has found a more valuable discovery than has
i ,, r.'lj:l i? 1.. I
yet oecn maue in uic muuuiM. i i .
i sunerea umoia agony iruiu tuusuuipuuu, o,.-
I rnmnanieil bv hemorrhaces : ana was auso-
r y N Discovery
for CollsUmDtion. Couchs and Colds. He
ji.r ,1... ni.i j, Df i:te value in corn-
" .. p ... ,r,m,. . ,vo,,,,i
i""'" "'r.r.. . .: c.z a.j jIh r:
i nave nt even u ii cuai u uuuuitu uuna.a
bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections are positively cured by lJr.
Kinc s New Discovery lor consumption.
T- 1 1 mU. f... A Wn.l.v. nnin Q,r,re
Regular size 50 cts. and 51. oo. Uuaranteed
to cure or price relundea.
Dplloiibnimli nnd liurko iStsbnrrerl.
' Cleveland, March 14. Tho formal act
of disbarring Judge Frank K. Pollen-
bnugh and Senator ernon II. Burke,
who were recently found guilty of un
professional conduct, was performed by
the circuit court yesterday, uellen-
baugh and Burke are now disbarred
from practiciug in the courts of Ohio.
0a Ever; Bottle
I Of Shlloh's Consumption Cure Is this guar
Lntpo : "All we. ask of you Is to use two-
I -
iimrusoi vuo cuuveuia ui iuis uuina
fullir tlien If van rAn rav von are not I
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and be may refund the price paid." Price
25 cts., 50 eta. and $,.00. Sold by V. D.
Kirlin and a guarantee
ritB iricntor Siut'ocnfeil
Syracuse, N. Y., March 14. Hamilton
B. White, president of tho Syracuse fire
commissioners and assistant chief of the
nre department, died last night suddenly.
Ills cieati! was caused by suffocation by
smoke nt a lire in the business section
of tho city.
Do You Know
Consumption Is preventable? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal,
I The worst cold or cough can be cured with
I Shlloh's Cough aud Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantee for ovor fifty years.
Bold by P. D. Kirllu aud a guarantee.
HnltTmorti's Vow Tosfin&stor.
Washington, March 1 1. S. Davles
Wnrfield has been comniishloncd post
master at Baltimore, Md., and Eugene
P. Nute has been uppointed United
States marshal for the district ot lew
Help Comes to Those Who Take
lied Flag Oil for sprains, burus, cuts. At
I Gruhlor llros., drug store.
Uordor Mithort- IH NVw Vork Hint.
Waverlv. N . Mnr. h I I A holdup
In triu' wi-ti-rn bnndtt style orctirnu
liere nbout 2 lock ill the morning. At
that hour 11 niHskeil and armed men
etitered the power hotue of the Waverlr-
Sayre and Athena TracUon company,
Iwuiiul the three eimiltare seen rely and
placed them In an empty car, where the
workmen were secured by ropes around
- , .. ,. ,.,,. i.,,w nm, the
three safes In the office and secured $175
In cash. Nothing but money was taken.
Two hours later one of the men sueeced
ed in freeing his hands and nil were
quickly cut loot. There ta no Clew.
ltenltli Ollloluls Initiated.
New Orleans. March II. President
Edmund Souchon, of the state board of
health, and Dr. Qultmnn Kolmke, .f
tho city board, have been Indicted for
manslaughter In Hast Kellnlcla for hav
ing can -Mil a death In that parish
through the Introduction of yellow fever
from New Orleans. The indictment is
the result of a charge by Dr. Mackowan,
who claimed that the two doctors had
held that yellow fever was not as In
fectious as typhoid and not nuarantin-
ablc, and that they deeliued to notify
the county parishes of the existence of
alleged fever here.
Strlkors 'Itofuru to Work."
Pittsburg. March H. ihe strike at the
Schoen Pressed Steel works was settled
hist night, and the plant Is In full opera
tion today. The result Is a partial vic
tory for the strikers, the nrin having
conceded an advance of 15 cents a day
to nil employes in all departments, a 24
hour shutdown on Sunday, and In case
of accident permission for the men In any
department to stop work until the Injured
or dead arc removed from the scene.
Summer CiiHtlllnn Doomed.
Yarmouth. N. S.. March I t.-The mag
nificent Allan line steamer Casttllan,
ashore on Gannett Rock Ledge, will
nssuredly he a total loi, and the chance
of saving the cargo Is now regarded as
slim. Captain Barrett and the first and
second officers still remain on her. All
the rest of the ollieers nnd crew are now
in Yarmouth. The steamers which
came up yesterday brought cabin fit
tings and such ware as could be got nt.
Most 01 the stock was still living, but
are now without attendance, and it Is
feared cannot be saved.
tu ...ncr. wnmftti will scream with
terror at the sight of an innocent little
mouse, and then complacently sit down
and suffer in silence with diseases that are
nestroyine neryoum, uci
beauty, her very life.
She will uncomplain
ingly resign herself to
the woe a and miseries of
female troubles, which
are to be dreaded a thou
sand times more than a
tiny mouse. It is grati
fying to know that untold
numbers of women are
being restored to perfect
vigor ana atrengin oy ur.
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. It cures all
uterine disorders. The
exact name of the dis
ease doesn't amount to a
row of pins. If it is in
the womanly
organs, Fa
vorite Pre-
scription" will
a5 hunt it out and
cure it. It can
be a drain, i
naln. an in
flammation, an Irregularity or a weakness,
..,,1 ihl medicine will act directlv upon it.
nrt restore the orarans to perfectly healthy
action. It prepares tne gin to oecomc a
-- r -r-- -
.T-n ... r, ti inn wiiri uccuuia a. uiu.ihi. . w
",t?,' a .i.. nr iif.'Mn
woman; tne wue to oeco
mMAMe.acrerl tn rifiaa the
fa t tt T, U tint a "eure.all" but a medi
m.hb 1 1 r nnni.n nn T. HTICl IS L11D I1ICIL11U1
tion of Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., the
TT-Ti,i.f irr.H aneptallat In the treatment of
disorders of women. Any reader of this
paper may consult ur. rierxe irec uy iuaiu
Write him if your local physicians do not
seem to understand your case".
,t- ti r rldw of IT111 Dale Farm. (Hnos
burg Center), Enosburg, VL. writes i During
th past year I found myself pregnant and in
rapidly Tailing neaitn. I sunerea artauiuuy
frrim hloatinir and urinary difficulty. I was
weaver cacn uay suu sui-
.llrw-tlnna anA innV twalve
Favorite Prescription, and atao followed your
Instructions. I began to Improve immediately.
mv health became excellent, ana i couia uo u
my own work (we live on a good siied farm).
waiireH tA rode all I could, and enloved it.
had a short, easy confinement and have a healthy
baby boy
Ur. Tierce's reueis cure oiuousness.
Dr.THEEL604 Horlh Sixth St.
WtlalalShttTW.KalTa.,. Crr.. Bt
ao-callcd greatest, molt celebrated and
wllrat advertising doctora fall, no matter
what they rlalm. LOnT MANHOOp
V OUR, UtUILII I. Jiaria
nnn. nttni
JtfniitM- ttlood iWitL Stricture. Shrunken or Un
dettlcpt organ t. Fo$itirlvtk only out lo the world
VO cars VAHltiUbCLKwiuiouicutunrr. nouKirvo
dlerf.f Kice Mralctl InstUutei, etc J-Yteuet cured
in I 9 10 dav$ Trti.tmeatbjmt.IL Instut relict.
dUJJCI iui Odl iaiJdl Ilia..
and nrante ChamDajrne
Lakeside Hotel !
B. J. YOST, Prop.
This popular hostelry is now open lor the
entertainment of sleighing and skating rarties.
Dancing pavillion always heated. Excellent
skating on the lakes, and supper served to
parties on short notice.
rillllons of Dollars
Oo np In smoku overy year. Take no
risks but get yoqr houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., iniurod In first-class re
liable companies as representeu Dy
at Povinaky's drng store, E
riaatre strt
B IniiMin unrlWOMl' RELIEF,
atara.a nMarnnlsHttl rttiavbla.
01 Cavroit'-Tii-T Pituud wyiiioiiTis
At druf atom, oi mb! dtrtii (-cI4 u pr: IL
For l Klilio'i drag ..tor and 8beiiDdo
growing perceptibly weaker each uay ana sui-
mbcrs of tlie fered much sharp pain at times, i leu tnai
presidents J "J"1 D"0?';. ""rXv
trust com- .ur.,i tnnv twelve hottles of Dr. Pierce's
I was afflicted with a terrible breaking out.
I was t mated by the very best ph tlclans, who
pMiiounreil It blood poison, but It got worte.
I was suffering untold agony, and Onerlly ha I
to glee up work. CtrriocRA IlaxraMHl Hero
suggested, which I InnwdMety ireaMrvt.
From the first, I oirwrfenced a toothing rel .f f,
notwithstanding my Inteirter-ala- I Imp rote. 1
right along till at last eretfratwerf, fin J
not a rtfn en my tody mtyarAtre Indicating that
anything hail ever been the matter with me.
M. II. BABTIKN, IV. IJuateTeUAUaata.Ga.
Srsi,tCraaTaetaTro Eetar BiewBiBai
llei. with or iiua vnw wnn
CC Snip, sen
entnlllelit tkin e
alia UKtfMlan vita. Cutler I. pvrtitrt
sir. relet ( Diwt (" sad fcaatee ctte.
Mr.saiiMiHiamvvvTrcT-a ,
SM4 tswat Ike wond. vrriDtioiDCat.
Coar.l'neL,Beloa. llorot'r8tJilmm(r.
FF.VKIIH. I.uni Perer, Milk Fevert
H1MIAI8. I.arocnen, tlbeamatlam.
EPIZOOTIC, Dlatemper.
WOIIMB. llota, Orntia.
COUGHS, Coldi, inOurma,
COLIC, riellrachc, Dlarrhra.
C. C.
f. r
(J. (I. I'rerenla .Mlt-OAItltl VOI
iJiJllAH COMMTIOV. filarlnl Coat.
U.echl BttbleCW.Trcinrwciae. '""-'
At druxslai' or xnl prepaid on rjfjMnt of price.
lIurnplrf'Ja lldlclne l'o.. Cor. Vlfflamf Joba
l""wew York. Vnnwur MtsciL Burr rm.
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathlo Specifier
No. S8, In uo overdo years, U10 only
auooeaaful rotnady.
$ 1 per viator 3 rlala and larsa rial powdeT.tor S3
BoM Vf Unultm. or W l pol I4 o tfMpt
ncaruans' bid. co.,cr.wiuu su., tat
March 12, 18W.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne aoova)
date for Wlcan, Ollberton, Fraokvllle. Dark
water, HI. Uialr, rotlavllle. liamDurg, uuainc,
I ....... . T .1 I , 1 1 Tfn-vl.tnHT. Bnrf Hr.lL.
adelphla (llr-Ad street station) al 0 15 and 815
a. m.,3 iu, o is p m. on weex. oays. Dunuaji,
8 IS a. m., 4 80 p. m.
irains leave rracxviue tor nuenanacMiD ii
7 &ft, 11 4fi a. m. and S 48, 7 84 p. m, Bundar.
11 01 a. m. and o 40 p. m.
Ireave Fottavllle for Shenandoah IvU FraeV.
vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 5 SO, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
10 35 a. m., S 20 p. m.
Iave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), tor
Sheaandoah at 8 35 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at 6 SO and 9 23 a. rn.
Ircave Philadelphia (Ilroud street station) for
I'ottsvllle, 3 37,8 33, 1019 a. in., 310, 4 10, 7J1
p. m. weekdays. Sundays. 6 SO, 9 23 a. m, and
6 02 p m.
Leave Broad Street Button, Philadelphia,
Expreaa Weeklays, 3 20, 4 03. 4 SO, 3 03, 5 15,
650.733,820, 9S0. 1021, 1100, 11 43am, 1200
noon, 12 35, (Minded 100 and 4 22 p ml, 1 40,
2 30. 3 20, S 50, 4 02, 8 00, 3 SO, 6 00, 7 02, 7 SO,
1000 p in, 12 01 night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 03, 4 SO,
SOS, 5 13, 8 20, 9 SO, 10 21, 10 43, 11 43 a ill, 12 03,
12 35, 2 30, 4 02 Limited, 4 22, 8 20, 5 80, 8 33,
702, 7 50, 10 OOp m, li 01 night.
Eipresa for lloaton without chance, 11 00 a ui.,
week-days, and 7 50 p. m., dally.
For Sea dirt, Asbury Park, Ocean Drove,
Look Branch, 8 20, 11 it a m, 1 80, 4 03 p m
For Lamberivtlle, Easton and Scranton, SO,
9 00 a m, 12 CO noon, 3 52, 8 00 (Lambertvllle and
Boston only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m daily
Buffalo, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and T 01
p m dallv.
Pn, TtAltlmnre and Waahtnvton. 8 SO. 7 20. S 82
10 20, 11 23 am, 12 09. 12 31, 1 12, 3 12, 441 525
Congressional I.un 1, 531.6 17, 'OSS, 7 31 p. m,
nnd 12 01 night weekdays. Sundays, 8 SO, 7 70,
9 12, 11 23 a m, 12 09, 1 12, 3 12. 4 41 5 20 Con
ervslonaIUin.l,53l,3 55, 7 31 p m and 130
For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 12 a m. 1 S3
and 4 01 p m week days.SOSand 11 ISp to dally
Atlantic Coast Line. Florida Sneclal. 1 52 p
eek daya. Express 12 09 pm, and 12 03 night.
Southern Railway. Florida Limited. 2 26 p ra.
weekdays Express 5 34 and 6 55 p m, dally.
i;neaapeKe &i udiu ivauwuy, i oi uia,uaur.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. 10 20
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf aa follows I Ex
press for New York, 9 00am, ISO p m week
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, ( SO
a m weekdays.
ror island lleignu, a m ana w p m
Leare Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40a m 7 OS p. m. Sundays,
9 20 a. m., 7 03 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Expreaw, 100 am.
2 00, 4 00, 6 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
(accoramoaaiion t nu ana duo p m.
ror (jape Aiay, Evea isie i-iiy, ocean i.ny,
, , Aa It i . , u'HJ.iMi
ATaiUII. DHII1B (1BI IMI , AUKlun, ,, .iutt J
and IIollj Beach Expreaa, 9 00 a m, 4 Ov, P m
weeauaya. sunaaya. vuia m.
rot Homers 1'oint tupreas, ain a. m., a w,
4 00. 6 00. n. m. weok days Bandars. 9 00 and
10 00 a. m
The Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residences.
I. B. HcTCHiicsorT, J. H. Wood.
uen l Aianaser. uen'i raaa-g-r Aai
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily mail, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by mail,J?8 a year
Ths Suaday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c a copy. Bj mall, S2 a yea
Address THE BUN, Hew York.
Is one of
gives It.
Handsomo Comploxlon j
the greatest charma a woman canf
FouoKi'a Couruutoii Fovroaal