I 1 I Tl EGG White Soap, i to Cents a Cake or 3 (or 25 Cents. It is the best 10 cent soap in the market. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, South Main Street, Shenandoah, I'a. Telephone Connection. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 119-131-123 North rial 11 Street. Your Attention ! Your Patronage ! Your Good Will ! We are striving for and will use our best en deavors to command it and to give you good values. We have lots of new Furniture Just in and lots coming. We have not room enough for all of it unless we unload some of our stock, so we will Gut Prices In order to get more room lor our new goods. Please come in and order the goods you need now and save money, as you will pay higher prices in the future. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St. Shoes ! Shoes ! ! A great slaughter sale of Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's shoes for the next 30 days at the Boston Factory Shoe Store to make room for a new stock. i,000 pair Misses' shoes, for merly $i.qo, $1.25 nnil $1.50, now 75 cents and 9O cents. 5OO pa'r of Ladles' shoes, for merly $ 1 .25 , to go at 85 cents. Men's $1.25 shoes are selling at 85 cents. Another lot of sample shoes, were $2.00 and $3-00, can be had for $1.00. Our line of Men's hand-sewed shoes, all latest styles, are going at sweeping reductions. Everybody is welcome to come and examine our stock. BOSTON 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, B'.owu Stout, Half aud Half, Beer and Porter. Also agent for the Famous LORENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively Ales. A full line of the finest brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, &c. All orders left at Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. Home-Bred Canaries For breeding purpose. All good singers. They are far better than the unsccumatecl imported birds irom wermany, JAPANESE GOLD FISH and globes. All kinds of pigeons. We also ell miners' supplies anuTdrUUng niacin ne, DAVID HOPKINS, 103 East Centre street, - Shenandoah, P BEST LINE OF" GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, BAY and BTKAW. Floor and Table 011 Cloths. 3. B. FOley, 'e'ntre St Dr. Raub's Put Your risspr 0 YOMP You fed the blood rushlnc along. But what kind of blood? That is the Question. Is It pure blood or Impure blood? If the blood Is Impure then you are weak and languid ; your appetite Is poor and your digestion is weak. You can not sleep well and the morn ing finds you unprepared for the work of the day. Your cheeks are pale and your com. plexion Is sallow. You are troubled with pimples, boils, or some eruption of the skin. Why not purity your blood? will do it. Take It a few days and then put your finger on your pulse again. You can feel the difference. It Is stronger and your circulation better. Send for our book on Impure Blood. If you are bilious, take Ayer's Pills. They greatly aid the Sarsaparllla, They cure constipation also. Wrllo to our Doctors. Write thom t reelr all tbe Dartlrnlari in your cse. tou vu receive oiupt reply, wltbout oost. AfJrojl.DR. J. C. AT En, ijowen, Mai PERSONAL MEN riOW. Miss Annie Boyer, of Heading, is in town the guest of Mrs. Brenuaa, of West Ccntro street. Miss Carrie Beddall, of I'ort Carbon, and Orrin Bearatler, of Pottsville, were Sunday visitors to town. Mrs. Patrick Flemmlnc, of South West street, is suffering from an attack of grippe Mr. nnd Mrs. V. H. Kerslako spent Sunday visiting friends at Pottsville. Thomas W. Couvillo spent a part of to-day at tbo county seat. J. J. Kolly is doing jury duty at the Potts ville criminal court. James Orant transacted business at tbo county scat to-day. Joseph F. Hulling went to rottsvillo to-rtaj and will attend tbe soldiers banquet there to-nigbt. Couuty Superintendent G, W. Weiss splint yesterday in town as the guest of Mine In spector Stein aud family. Ileury Ilouck, of Lebanon, Deputy State Superintendent of Public, Instruction, was entertained bero yesterday at tbe residence of bis son, P.v W. Ilouck, on South White street. Messrs. Joseph Dunn, John Maley, Thomas Madden aud Philip Coyle, popular Mabanoy City young men, were visitors to town last evening. Joshua Crawshaw, of Mahanoy City, tpent yesterday in town with his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Crawshaw, on North Jardln street. John and Harry Timmons, of Vrackvillo, spent yesterday in town as tbe guest of rela tives. Albert Miller, of Olrardville, Bpent yester day in town as the guest of Oliver Miller. On to Washington Under Personal Kscurt. The fourth of the present scries of Penn sylvania Railroad three-day personally-conducted tours to Washington, D. C, will leave Tuesday, March 28. Tbo lato, $14.50 from New York, $11.50 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points, include all necessary expenses during the entire trip transportation, hotel accommodations nnd Capitol guide fees. An experienced Chaperon will also accompany tbo party. For Itineraries, tickets, and full information apply to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 1190 Broadway, New York, and 769 Broad street, Newark, N. J. ; or address Geo, W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station. Philadelphia. New llvorco Law. Governor Stono has slgnsd tbo hill em powering masters to take testimony in divorce proceedings, tboreby relieving Judges of this work. This will have tbe effect of doing away with divorce trials in upeu court. Left fur the Klondike. Eight residents of Mt. Ctarmol left to-day for Seattle, Wash., where they will Join a delegation of fourteen that left the former place a month ago, and will proceed to Dawson City, Alaska. Flrel Fire! rlrel Insure your property from loss in the oldest and strongest etuh companies: Phila, Underwriters Insuraneo Co. of North America and Fire Association, Hartford Pire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co., WostCboster Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 123 8. .Card In St., Shenandoah. Annual Sales over 8,000,000 Boxua tea Be . mm I R ! SIJT las POE BILI008 AUD NERVOUS DISORDERS Buch aa Wind and 1'alnln the StoTa',h, Glddini33. ulue--8 afror jU' aM, II. ..i ache. Dizziness, Drow .inosif. Flushioes of Heat. Lobs of Arpotito, CostlveD' Illotchea on tho Bkm, O ld Chilli. I. turbert Bleep, frightful Dreams and 1 Kervoufl aud Trembling Bonsai inni. THE FIR8T DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IH TWENTY MINUTES. Every eufferer will acknowledge thou to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IIKIXIIIM'S I'lIXS, taken asdlreot ed. wl quickly j-8toro Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or Irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills aro Without a Rival And bava tb LARGEST SALE Of any Patent Medicine In the World. 23c at all Smtr Stores. ' 1 In Mmiiiuir nnil Mip WpfitllOf, 1. I.'i, vitnscl. Ii.l,"i; Irlinlll of .VM11 . IIMinii fisi'O, 8.,'tS; tuonil A illMtiirlmnri' Hilnm to 1 di" vclnpliiK In smitU wonti'rn Texas nn.l will probably onuw ruin l.v to niKlit to tlic-nortli-(nslwnnl an fnr n North Carolina nnil eimtorn Ton noiwo nnil north wnrtl Into Okln lioiim nml extreme mmtlicrn Mlmouri. fjrncrnllv rnlr wenther will prevail In liif ri-uiivmiiK tllstrleM. Itrisk northerly wind will prevnll 011 tlie New Mwslanil nml Middle Atlnhllr const. Slonn sic- UU 111!' lIUpln.VI'H Oil till- Atllllltlc PORKt from llntti rao to Knclpnrt, mid nlso nt Corpus I'lirlntl. Foreeust for oast orn IVninylvniiln, New .letney, Dela ware mnl Mnrrliunl: Knir; colder; brls.'c northwesterly winds DEATHS AND FUNERALS. William ,f. Drrli nnil Mrs. .folin Senior 1'ha Away, the former Suddenly. No little surprise was occasioned yesterday by tbe death of William .1. Droll, tbo wheel Wright, who expired at bis home, 102 North Jardln street, at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Although Mr. Decb bad been 111 for about two years, bo bad recently improved to an I extent that bo wusablo to visit bis place of business. Ho was sitting In a chair when be i expired. His death was duo to heart failure. supcnniinceu by oropy. The deceased was born at Trexlertown, Pa., on November 20, 1836, and bad been n resident of town for about thirteen years His wife survives There are no children, Mr. Decb was n member of John W. Stokes Lodge No. 515, I. O O. F . of town, and Chandler L"ilgo No. 227, F. & A. M . of Heading The funeral will tttko place on Thursday afternoon. I SKNIOR. I Elizabeth, wife of John Senior, died at j 1:30 o'clock this morning, at tbo family lui-l-1 deuce on North Main slrcot, in her liUth year. On tbo 3rd Inst the deceased con tracted a cold thatdovelopcd into pneumonia. Mrs. Seulor Is survived by her husband and three children, Mrs. John Thickens, of Colo rado; Mrs. William II. Glenn and MissSallie Senior, of town. hCHMIOT. Tbe funeral of Julia, infant daughter of Mr. aud Mrs, A. Schmidt, took place from tbo family residence, 418 South Jardln street, yesterday afternoon. Tbo remains were interred in tbe Odd Fellows' cemetery. J. P. Williams & Sou were tbe funeral directors. HALEY. Mrs. Haley, nn aged resident, died at her homo in Brownsvillo last evening. Deceased was well known, liavine rosided in that vicinity many years. MKNOF.L. Charles E. Mengel, an old resident of Port Clinton, died of heart diseaso Saturday after noon when returning from a funeral. He was 00 years old. Tbo wife and seven children survive. The deceased had been a repairman in the employ of tbo P. & II K. It. Co. for nearly fifty years. uramy. Edward Henry, 03 years old and a veteran of tbo civil war, died at his homo in Potts ville en Saturday. He had been a public school janitor in that town for 23 years. The wife and flvo cbildreu survive. The funeral took place this afternoon. BEES. The funoral of Bees Hees, an old and well known resident of Wilkesbarre, who died on Friday, took placo yesterday. The deceased camo to this country from South Wales 53 years ago, locating at St. Clair, wbero ouo of his sons, Daniel Hees, now resides. Ho is survived by a wife and nine children. UlilMER. Mrs. Clarcnco Uelsor, aged 30 years, died at her home in Pottsville on Saturday. She leaves a husband but no children. GI.OO.M AND DUrillOSION. Long continued ill-health causes gloom and depression and takes all tbo pleasure out of life. Mich day Is dark aud there Is no hope for the morrow for the niau who by im prudence and excesses has deprived himself of the vim, vitality aud vigor which makes life cheerful. Many men are in this condi tion, hut there Is no need to despair. Dr. Urecuc, 33 West 14th St., New York City, the great specialist and tbe most successful pliy sician in curing diseases, will givo such tbo advice, free, that will elTect a speedy cure. Write to Dr. Greene, describing your trouble and he will advise you without Its costing you a cent. This is a rare opportunity aud weak men should take advantage of it. Deeds Jlecorded. From Jacob Kimmel and wife, to Louise Council, premises In Pottsville ; from Emma I. Mulr and husband to Frank P. Mortimer, premises in Pottsville ; from Wm. II. Kobin son, et al., to Frank P. Mortimer, premises in Pottsvillo ; from Lewis F. Ucin and wife to Iiennovllle Knepper, premises In West Penn; from Wm. Qwinner to C. S. Marbarger, premises in New Einggold. Echo of the lirlbery Charges. From Mulianoy City Itecordi "Evil communications corrupt good man ners," was a heading lino In the old-fashioned copy books. The maxim maker now would probably have something to say about com municating doors, for tbe benefit of tbe Shen andoah editor. Of the Globe for 1IEUEALGIA end similar Complaints, GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS. . presort oed by eminent phyacunst DR. RICHTER'S U A Imuran ?v PAIN EXPELLER. World renovned I TtmftrIcabl7Succcssfn1 1 Only gonnlnowlta Trade Mark" Anchor,'1 1 .'.&our.aucius. AtauarnjriruuoruirouKn I r. is, rcBTZB & co., zu rciri si. vswr tbsx. i 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branca Houses. Own Glassworks. l3 Vmloried and Mu&mmtiulftl by tk, Lending 11 UoUnale and 11 (nil . auitr vromtnent DR. RICHTER'S' tANGnOR BTOMACIIAr. but tr,r I I Colin. lype pqla&Htnninrh Complnlnlw. YOUR EYES. J. D. COLUUUN, Of Schuylkill Haven, Tli rutted Ksfractlonlat, who mm tentlniQilula from tlu bwt people of the county, u to hU ability, will beut GROHLER'S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY OP EACH WEEK. If your eyes vause you any trouble Mil and ee him. Uhue furnltlied l needed and no vedJfluo. EXAMINAHONS FREE, 1 Sunn' lni. Ill) Hi-ts, 1. .".H 1 1 PITHY POINTS. llftfnliiKS Thrmmhont the Country Clitoulctml for Hasty l'erusl. St. Patrick's Day on Friday The Mortimer brothers have purchased the property occupied by them In Pottsville and win maito inauy changes. 1 110 road from Tonton to Hancock, lit rks county, at a point nenr the former place, has sunk oight feet, nnd It is believed that thoro is a ulg cave beneath It. Tho Town Council will hold Its first meet ing after tlie ro-orgnnizatlon next Thursday. Tho collieries resumed this morning, but tbo number of days for tbo week wero not given out. Uurglars aro operating at Pottsville. Tbo congregation of tho M. E. church at Ashlaud havo asked for tbo return of'tbclr pastor. Hev. O. S. Mctzlor. Ho will havo served Tour years nt tho end of this eon. ferenco year. Tho shoo factory of Albright & Co. nt Or. wlasburg will be enlarged. The body found In tbo 8u6fiiiol.amia Hlvei at W rightsvillc Fiidny has been Identified as that of Isaac Levy, of Wilkesliarrc, drowuod on December 30, hv breaking tbrough tbo Ice, 'llicre aro 186 inmates in tbo coUnty Jail. Tbo remains of Harry W, Carl, of Sbamo kin, who died in Georgia last August while In tbo service of his country, were brought Home on Saturday. He was a member of tbo 21st Hegiment. Another demonstration In honor of the re- turned soldiers of tho Pottsvillo and St. Clair companies will bo hold next Wednesday evening. A Sbickshluny man has caused a sensation by eloping with his stepdaughter. Tho delay occasioned by a broken fire plug at Mabanny City, caused tho destruction of a block of houses, say tbe firemen. C. O. Smith, of Mabanoy City, has com pleted tbo large masonry contract In Indiana county begun several mouths ago. Tbo members oT Company G, Eighth Penn sylvania Regiment, of Carlisle, just returned from the South, have decided to rco'rgaulzo and re-enter the state service. The Hazleton papers report that daily larce numbers of Hungarians arc leaving that re gion, some to go back to their native land, but the larger uumber to tbo soft coal region. Cbarlos Pitts and Miss Annie Alice Lano, of Locust Dalo, wero married on tbo 4th Inst., but tbo announcement has just been mado public. rhonias Lister, a former popular baccaBo- master on tho P. & It., left Tamanua last week for El Paso, Texas, where ho is Inter ested In a paying gold mine. Attempting to board u freight train at Lock llavcn, 10-year-old Charles Miller fell under the wheels and was killed. A Sbamokin man wants tho council of that town to pass an ordinance to allow the night policemen to chango their coats and hats after tho midnight hour so as to be not recognized by robbers. Slmou Lberlo, a director of the First Na tional Bank, of Mechanicsburg, took a doso of carbolic acid, in mistake for medicine, but will recovor. Company II, of Tamaqua, will organizo a social club from among their number. Congressman H. ii. Packer, of Wellsboro, will soon take a trip to Cuba, to cnlargo his ideas of what is needed in tbo way of gov ernment there. W. L. Ileddow aud wlfo aro tho guests of tho former's parents, at Minersvlllo, They expect to return to Seattle, Washington, where Mr. Ileddow has been located for somo years. Judge Mayer, of Lock Haven, holding couit in Wllliamsport, Issued an order tbat tbo prisoners in the Lycoming county jail should bo allowed no delicacies in tbo way of mod. Counterfeit GO-cent pieces aro in circulation in Mt. Carmel. Trouble is brewing over the discharge of a workman at tbe Audenreid collieries of the Lohiuh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company, and a strike is tbreat"ned. Ccutralia received tbe largest pay for a long time 011 Saturday last, and the town showed it to-day. While on his way to work in tho early morning, Ilaggagemoster Eugene Eugler, of Allentown, had a bullet put through bis hat by an unknown assailant. Tito P. & It tracks at Locust Summit, over the Moultor colliery workings, aro still settling. On Friday they went down 18 inches in some places Tbo Lehigh Valley Coal Company has awarded n contract to I), J, Roderick, ol Scrauton, for drlvliiga tunnel In tbo Hazle ton colliery, 4000 feet, tbo longest in the Lehigh region. The Anthracite browcry at Mt. Carmel, which was recently visited by robbers, has reiuforccd its watchman with a large dog and aro looking for still another A good opeuing for a good dog. Tho post otllccat Boyertown was robbed by burglars on Saturday night. Burglars drove off with 4000 ten-cent cigars from Jlelroy & Bacbmau's factory, at Emaus, Lehigh couuty. The Eagle Iron Works, at Tamaqua, which havo been idle for a long time, will start up to-day on n largo order for car wheels. A burglar, who refused to give his nanio was caught in tbe boarding house of Mrs. Kendrick, in WiUlamsprt, by Policeman Steger. Dr. Hull's Couch Syrup lias superior merit. Try it for a cough or cold and he convinced. There are many cough remedies on the market hut Dr. Bull's Coufh Syrup is the bent. AVnttion Declines Snpromo .Tiiiicoslilp. Ilnrrisbure, March 13. Governor Stone received a letter yeoterduy from David T. 'Watson, of PlttHbure, dated March 11, thanklui; him for the honor conferred In tendering him the appoint ment of supreme court judge to fill the vacancy created by the dentil of Judge Henry Williams, of Wellsboro. Mr, Watson says that after the best con. slderation lie is able to give the matter lie finds himself unable to accept the appointment. The governor declines to make public the full contents of Mr, Watson's letter for personal reasons. Killed Ills Fntlior'B liutlor. Sewiokley, I'a., March 13. Dr. Charles P. Murray, son of Dr. It. J, Murray, one of the best known nnd highly respected residents of Sewickley, last night shot and instantly killed John Jennings, negro, his father's butler. Murray for about n week has been nctlng strangely, and It Is thought his mind lias been af fected by drink. It Is not known that there has been any trouble between the men. After the murder young Murray Quickly saddled a horse and was last seen riding in the country back of Se wickley, Murrtor or AcoldenCT Shnron. Pa., Mnrch 13. Sirs. Magglo Smith, wife of Homer Smith, aged 33 yeors, was found dead at her residence with two wounds on her head and her elolhes burned from her body. Her hus band claims he was awakened by an explosion end found hU wife writhing In flames on the iloor, with portions of the lamp lying around. He smothered the flames, but she was burned terribly about the body. Smith was arrested, and at the coroner's inquest told a very disconnected story. Ho was remanded to Jail to await the result of a .post mortem examination. Special Kxr.uralon on to Waililnetnn via I'tima. Ilallroad Thurmlay, Murtli 10, Train leaves Shenandoah at 8:13 a. in. Round trip tickets, good to return until March iUth, only f 6.01. tf Coco Argollne, the gonuine article, for sale at Kirlio drug store. 10-6-tf NOW IS THE TIME ! Spring 1 Summer Aiiounccnicnt Fit yourself out with a nice, stylish, well made suit of the best material that will do you for spring and summer wear. We are well stocked. What do you want? We have it. For Men's aud Boys' Clothing and Children's Novelties we .7 .lead the trade. Come and examine our stock. We don't ask you to buy. The v goods sell themselves. Our spring and summer stock and the low prices will t , . surprise you. Complete satisfaction or no sale. When you leave your house to buy clothing always keep in mind that the Mammoth Clothing HoUCO is the largest house in the business in this part of the state, gives you the choice ol a thousand or more different styles and patterns, and has the leading salesmen for polite and prompt attention and inttegity. The salesmen, Messrs. Hugh O'Hara, Johh Shore, Jacob Levit and Harry Goldin. Enough said. You know us all. Marrnrrioth Clothing House, Headquarters Clothing House of trie County. Nos. S and 11 South Main Street. The Toy Spnnlel nml Vast. Tho Stuarts added to tho list tho toy epranlel, and our Dutch connection brought us tho pug. Both camo from Holland, but tho former, tho King Clinrles, was originally a puro brod dwarf spaniel, exceptionally Intelligent, useful In finding game and differing only In Its smaller slzo and extremo domcstlo lty from our larger breeds. Tho "spaulol gcntlo or comforter," which Dr. Calus denounced as a useless lapdog, must havo preceded the King Charles as an indig enous pet. Pugs camo In with chooolato, powder, negro pago boys and hoops and marked tho first step In English tasto for tho grotesque in dogs. Tho cleanliness aud absence of canine odor about tho pug, as well ns his decorative qualities, also recommended him. Ho was nn exotlo and lias remained In favor on his merits for nearly 200 years. Tho spotted carriage dog was a Hanoverian introduction, and tho white Pomeranian Is credited to the connection with Prussia In tho wars of Frederick tho Great. London Spectator. All Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Syitur or Fias, manufactured by the Califoiinia Fio Svitui Co., illustrate the valno of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be inuuiuii. tiy laxative uuu presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste n 1 acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and ennbling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on tl'ie kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy aro obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Camfoknia Fio Svrup Co. only. In order to got Its beneficial effects nnd to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tho Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, BAN FllANCISCO, CAI LOUISVILLE, ITSr. NEW YORK, N. Y. For sale by all Druggists, Price 50c. per bottle MISCELLANEOUS. COIt HICNT Storeroom and dwelling, No. 210 A West Centre street. Three-story warehouse and ttilile, 88 tee long, attached. Suitable for any business, llullillng Is new and contains a cemented cellar, l'oesesslon given April 1st. Apply to llytnan Kiiblnsky, next door. 3-13-tt MONEY TO LOAN -SI.'OO at 6 per cent. In terest. Only parlies with unnuestlonabh security ueed apply. Address "X," Heiialu office. WWt I7IOU ItKNT.The dwelling house at No. 0 South White street. Apply to 'Siiulre W, 11. Shoemaker. tf-0-tf FOlt SALE. Two-story frame dwelling, known as tho llaussmann property, 135.1118 Kast Coal street, Shenantloau, to settle tho estate. For further particulars apply to Charles llaussmanu, I lilllipsburg, I'a. 2-37-lin TTIOIt SALE OK HENT. A dou'jlo block of 1 houses, on West Lloyd Btrtet, and a double block on rear of lot, Is for saleoi rent. Keasons. party leuvlng town. Apply at 37 West Lloyd street, Shenandoah, 2-S3-lm FOlt HUNT. Store room and dwelling, sulto blo (or butcher, barber, etc.; centrally located and rent reasonable. Apply to E. (3. lirobst, grocer, cor. Jardln and Centre streets, tf T 'ANTED A bright and active young, man IT of gentlemanly appearance- and imuiners to do local canvassing. $50 week can be made. Address letter to 1), IIkiuld olllce. 1-7-tf VfOTIOE. Desirable properties tor sale, Au IN ply to S. tl. M. llotlupeter, attorney, Shenandoah. - 8-31 tl Our Meats TnriPTiNfl FRESH, Are PRICES TENDER, The PREVAIL JUICY. Best. BELL S, 19 1. OH STREET. GOLDIN, Proprietor. REMOVED ! . - REHOVED ! We have the pleasure of announcing that we have removed to the biggest shoe store room in town, where we will continue to sell better goods at lower prices than anywhere else. Plenty of room and no crushing as this is the biggest and best lighted shoe store in town. come: and see the big store. FACTORY SHOE STORE, S South Main St. REMOVAL FURNITURE and STOVES! We are going to occupy the two large spacious storerooms nt Nos. 103 and 105 South Main street, on April 1st, and to avoid too much removal of goods, we will offer our entire stock of Furniture, Stoves, Heaters, Raugts, Tinware, Hardware, Oil Cloths and Carpets at away down prices. We mean at 40 per cent, below the prices of others. All our stock on hand is the best and newest in style and quality for this season. We do this also to open our new place in more exquisite style and on a grandeur scale. The public will do well by accepting our offer. Stove Repairing of All Kinds. D. and J. Siegel, - 123-131 south Main st. BIG REMOVAL SALE Now going on. Our firttt ofter la 4 Cans of Best Raspberries, 25 Cents. 3 Cans of Best Salmon for 25 Cents. All of our good previously advertised nre still selling at the en me prices. We are going to move across tho street from our present location shortly, llnuxewlves can benellt greatly with our Groceries, Flour, Feed, Hay, Tinware and Woodenware. E3. A. Friedman, 216 West Centre Street. Three doors below brlclc school. at1 'run ni r enr a md t To the Public : I am continuing my saloon and restaurant business at the old stand, No. 14 North Haln Street. JACOB NOLL. The Mutual Building aiid Loan Association will issue a new series of stock on March 16, 1899. The new series will be of the second division par value of the share $200.00. Initiation fee 25 cents per share and monthly payments of gi .00. Subscription for shares will be received nt the office of the Secretary at Gruhlcr Bros.' Drug Store. IT'S A STARTLING FACT But the ladles are very highly pleased with our Shampooing. We do it at your home every day with the exception of Saturday. Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors, Ferguson House Block. rnM-cnfflnME, -DEALER IN- Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars ana Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO West Oontro Street. REMOVAL I M. J. LEACH, TINSMITH, TO NO. 221 EAST CENTRE STREET. All klndj ol tove nnd tin repairing done with prompintM and satisfaction, And we beg per mission to call the attention of the public to our Afc Levlne, Prop. SALE SAVE YOUR EYES. Few people realize the value ol their eyes. The benefit of perfectly fitted glasses, with reference to health, caniiot be overestimated. Having made a thorough study of this subject we are prepared to fit glasses scientifically. Opthalmos copic examination reveals disease not only of the eye, but of other organs of the human system, sooner than any other known method. THOS. BUCHANAN, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. CHOICE BRANDS. 0 Three Large Mackerel, 35c. Best Roll Butter, 20 cents. Best Creamery Butter, 35c. Ham, & cents per pound. Shoulder, 6 cents per pound. Como to our st-ro whero wo will Insure son rare bargains In groceries. Canned goods and nutter and eggs. Ellis Guzinsky, No. 222 West Lloyd street, Shenandoah, Pa. Miss Mary E.Jones, Dealer In and maker of Wax and Natural Designs For use on funeral occasions. All kinds "f designs always on hand anil special designs made on short notice. Ileal materials, mid all work guaranteed. White and hlack satin extension device. slippers with patent Cor, Main and Lloyd Streets, REMOVAL SALE ! As we must vacate our present quar ters April 1st we odor our stock ot GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES at Sacrifice prices. Philip Yarowsky, 213 WEST CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH, PA li Tho FIOBV FrnfihnnRU And . veiv(,.' . :..t:";. 1 r. riably ohtalncd by thorswhouie PouoKl'i Uompleilon Powder.