The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 13, 1899, Image 3

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    iwtrturwm 1 .in--.-,
Primary H ucmilary or Tertiary BLOOD
fOISON permanently
CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS.
You cnil ho trontril nt home for snnio price
under inmo guarantee. If you prefer to
coino hero wn will contract to pay ml rond
fare ( hold Mils, nml no diarse, It wc
fiill to uiro.
taken mercury, iodide potash, anil ntlll
Imvenchcs mfii pains, Mucuus Pat'.bes In
inoiith, sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any inrt of the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it l this
Wo solicit tho most obstinate cases am!
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T Is disease linn Hhvnya baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians,
$000,000 capital behind our unconditional
Riinrantee Absolute proofB sent srulrd on
application, loo paeo book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicngo.
Tho "Pacific Coast Limited," the now
California train will tcavo Chicago at 2:00 p.
m., and St. Louis 10:30 p. m., overy Tuesday
and Saturday arriving at Los Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m. and San Francisco fourth
day noon, and willl run via Chicago & Alton,
St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southorn, Texas
& Pacific, and Southern Pacific Unilwnys.
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, wrltlnc, smoking
room, buB'et, barber-shop and bathroom ; a
compartment car containing seven private
cotnpartmeuts and double drawlng-iooms;
twelve scctiou sleeping-cars with state and
drawing-rooms, alio, dining-car in which all
meals will be served a la car to, and traverses
a region of perpetual sunshine, whoro snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un
known. In addition to our weekly tourist
car lino via tho scenic route, wo will oporato
a weekly Uuristcar via "Tho Truo Southorn
Bouto," leaving Chicago ovory Tuesday and
from St. Louis every Friday morning. For
illustrated and descriptive literature, time
tables, very lowest rate of faro to all points
west and southwest, address J. I'. McCain),
Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. E. Ilopt,
Qen'l Eastern Passonger Ageut, 301 liroml
way, New York. tf
To cleanse the system in a gentlo and truly
beneficial manner, when the Springtime
comes, uso tho truo aud perfect remedy,
Syrup of Figs. Uuy tho genuine. Manu
factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.
only, and for sale by all druggists, at 50 cents
per bottle.
The sudden Epidemic oi
Grip has startled the country.
The doctors confess they have
no sure Cure for it, and this
is seen to be true in the sud
den death of Garcia and Ex
Senator Brice and the alarm
ing increase in the death rate.
But no one need be alarmed.
There is a sure cure a
perfect antidote. It has had
15 years test in thousands of
cases and never failed. That
remedy is
No fatal case of Grip was
ever known where Brazilian
Balm was promptly and faith
fully used. It kills the germs,
arrests the progress of the
disease at once, and takes all
the evil effects out of the
system. For
Old Coughs,
it is a perfect remedy.
3 South Main Street.
819 N. Centre St., I'ottsvllle, To.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Vlnc. at the bar,
A cnoice lino 01 uunn auu omi
anoe Prinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Meals stall bou
big mm mm.
Tho Allan Lino Stoamor Oastilian
Gets Lost in a Fog,
TlioSplpmltil IHsolpllnoon Honril Pre
vented Any Sembliincn of Pnnlo nnd
Won Hlirhett Priilao From Pttscn
Kotis InipreHslvo Itotlirloun Service
Ilnllfnx. N. 8 Slnrch 13.-The new
Allan Hue steamer Cnstlllnn, from Port
land for Ilnllfnx, went ashore nt Cnnnet
Koek light, near Yarmouth, at 4f!0 In
the morning, nt low tide. In a dense fog,
her compasses being deranged. Two
compartments nre full of water nnd tugs
were sent from Yarmouth to the scene
and removed the 1(1 cabin nnd .- steer
age passengers. The shin Is. In charm
of Captain Ilnrrett nnd olfleers formerly
of the steamer Parisian, the entire
of the Parisian having been transferred
to the new boat. The steamer was due
to embark malls and passengers here
for Liverpool.
Ihe first aud second holds of the ves
sel nre full of water. The steamer is
aground aft to the engine room, nnd
there ore six feet of water in the en
gine room. There Is six fathoms of water
tinder her nft. The captain, three mates.
tne steward, engineers and some of the
crew remain on board, and three tugs
nre standing by. The steamer was I.
miles out of her course, with a fresh
southwest wind which would Increase
the current.
The passengers nnd crew left Yar
mouth tjiis morning for Halifax to take
the mall steamer Vancouver for Eng
land. Tlie passengers speak in the
highest terms of the discipline maintain
ed nfter the ship Rtruck. She had been
moving slowly, with n sharp lookout in
the haze. The officers wanted to clve
a wide berth to Capo Sable, which they
renreii tney might lie ncaring. Nothing
of whistle or buoy was heard or seen,
nnd no sign of lnnd until the shork,
which was so light that many passen
gers thought It was a heavy wave. En
gines were reversed, but when It wni
round the steamer held fast the boats
were got' ready nnd the sleeping passen
gers awakened and told to pack un m
case it should be necessary to send them
Splendid coolness was displayed by the
whole crew. Itockets were fired at in
tervals, and nt daylight the first officer
and purser went ashore in a small boat
to Tusket. They drove nine miles to
Yarmouth for assistance. During the
time the passengers were waiting for
help the sea began to run high, and the
rolling of the tdilp became unpleasant.
Lord Archibald Douglass, a returning
Jesuit missionary, conducted nn im
pressive service on the deck in the fore
noon. In the afternoon the boats were
launched nnd the passengers' crew
told off to them. Shortly after the
whistles of tugs were heard, and at 5
o'clock all hands but the captain, en
gineers nnd some of the crew were
safely taken oil and conveyed to Yar
mouth'. Opinions in Yarmouth differ as to
floating the ship. The chances are fa
vorable If the weather continues mod
erate. The work of discharging the
cargo cqmmenced tadny. A large num
ber of sheep in the forward holds have
been found drowned, and the swelling
of grain has thrown up the dining sa
loon deck.
Free PlUs.
Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co.,
Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. Thtse pills are easy in
their action and are particularly effective in
the cure ol Constipation and bick Headache.
'or Malaria and Liver troubles they have
been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable. They do
not weaken by their action, but by giving tope
to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Regular sire 20c, per box. bold
by A. Wasley, Druggist.
Mlsslnp; Voiinc Womnn l.ocfitod.
New York, March 111. Miss Henrietta
Welehsler, the young woman who had
been missing from her home In Brook
lyn since Wednesday Inst, was found
In Mnnhnttan borough last night at the
home of n midwife on East Fifth street.
Albert Smith, the navy ynrd postal
clerk, a married man, who took a dose
of poison on being questioned concern
ing the disnppenrance of the young wo
man, gave the address at which Miss
Welehsler could be found. The midwife
said Mis Welehsler had been ill there
since last Wednesday, the day of her
Does Tals Strike Ton ?
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea is an absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by
P. I). Kirlln and a guarantee.
Tiro I,'l(Jllto8, Nnrrow Escnpo.
Chicago, March 13. The massive fire
wall on the east side of the eight-story
structure at 207-211 Jackson Boulevard,
which was partially destroyed by fire
Saturday night, fell almost without
warning yesterday, completely demolish
ing the adjoining building and setting
the ruins on fire. The loss on building
nnd contents is estimated at $125,000.
So sudden was the collapse of the fire.
wall that a score of firemen barely es
caped being caught under the mass of
mnsonry. The loss by Saturday night's
fire will probably approximate $300,000,
Do You Kaow
Consumption Is preventable? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal.
The worst cold or cough can be cured with
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positivo guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. KIrliu aud a guarantee.
oururowlnp; European ConlTrndo.
Hartlepool, England, March 13. A
larce steamship owner has received over
tures from American agents to carry
American coal to Europe at rrom ll
shillings to 12 shillings freight per ton.
North of England coal merchants aro
alarmed at the stendy growth of the
Americnn coal trade to European ports
that formerly took English coal.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot rr acb the
diseased portion of the ear. There la only one
way to cure deafness, and that Is by constltu
tlonal remedies. Deafness Is caused by on In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It is entirely closed deafness
la the result.and unlcas the Inflammation can be
aken out and this tnbe restored to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed foreveri
nine cakes out of ten are caused by catarrh,
width la nothing but an Inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sead for
i i .
' p. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
.Bold by Druggists, 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the beat
yet efficient
costs so little the mite is
never missed. rg.pR&Vnom
Chicago. Bt. Louis. New York. Boston.
Skk That Your Ticket Rkai via thi
Southern Railway.
I'lio Southern Hallway operates three
through tialns on each week day and two on
Sunday. It is an Inland routo, clean and
wrough an Interesting section of the South.
The schedules of Its trains are fast, but not
100 last to bo maintained. Write to John M.
Iloall, District Passenger Agent. 883 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, for full information,
illustrated matter and advnnco Pullman
reservations. 2.21-lot
No matter how long ytu have had the
ough; If It hain't already developed Into
consumption Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup
win euro it.
Will You Winter In Florida ?
This will bo tho greatest season Florida
has bad lor years. You ought to go and go
via the Southern Railway. Its tho beat
route. If you will write John M. Ileall,
Dlsti let Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street.
Philadelphia, Pa., be will arrange all tho
details of your trip for you.
Tell Yonr Sister
A beautiful complexion is an impossibility
without good puro blood, the sort that only
exists In connection with tho good digostion;
a healthy liver and bowols. Karl's Clover
Root Tea acts directly on tho bowels, llvor
and kiduoys keeping them In perfect health.
Price 23 cts. and fiO cts. Sold by P. I). Kirlln
and a guarantee.
ID Tir"-
IN EFFECT FEllUl'AHY 3, 1800.
Passenirer trains leave KhenAndnnh fnr Vonn
Haven Junction. Maucli Chunk. Ij.l.lMit.,,,
Slatlngton, White Hall, Cntnsauqua, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Enston New York and Philadelphia
at S js, 7 49 a. m.. 12 IW anil 5 H u. 111.
For Wllkesliarre. White llnven und Plttston.
5,28, 10 13 a. ni., 12 58 and 8 1 1 p. 111.
ror ijieeyviue, Townmla, Havre, Wnverly,
Elmlra, Itochcsten IiulTulo. Mn'ir.-irn Full.
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Genera end tho
noji, 10 ij . m., 12 3 nml 5 14 p. 111.
For Ilelvldcro. Dclnwnrn Wntpr Dnti
Strnudsuurg, 8 23 a. in., 8 H p. m.
r or liuiuueriviiio aim i renton, 7 VJ a. m.
For Jcanesvllle. Lo-vlston and Heaver Mpiulnw.
5 28 a. III., 12 88 p. 111.
For McAdoo, Audenrlcd, llazleton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 8 28, 7 49, 10 13 o. m., 12 53 and
5 1 1 p m.
tforjeuuo, uriiton anil frcelaiul, 828, 1013
a, 111., 5 14 p. ni.
rorscruiiion, o zs. iu la a. 111., a 11 p. 111.
For Lost Creek. Uirardrille.aiid Anlilnntl. i 00.
and 7 27 p. m.
For Itavcn Uun, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
Shainokln, 10 88 11. 111., 1 42, fl 07, 0 23 p. 111.
ror mniianoy my, laric 1'JOCO anil IJeiauo,
28, 7 19, 10 13 a. 111., ami 12 58, 8 II p. ill.
For Yatcsvllle. 8 28, 10 13 a. m.
Trains will leave Sliamokiu at 7 00. 9 20 o. 111..
1210 and 120 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 49, 10 13 a. ill., 12 88, 8 14 p. 111.
ieave anenanuoau ior rounvnic, at. Laair.
New Castle, Morea and New Hoaton, 7 49 and
10 13 a. m , nnd 12 38 p. 111.
Leave PottsvUlo for Shenandoah, 9 43 a in.,
12 33, 803, 8 15 p. 111.
iavo nazieion ior nncnanuoan, juuua. m.
12 43, 5 09, 6 20, 8 32 p. in.
Trains leave for Itavcn liun. Centralla. Sit.
Carmel and Shainokln. 9 43 a. in.. 7 21 11. in..
Trains leavo Sliainokin for Shenandoah at
8 80 a. in., nnu a 33 p. in.
Leave alieiianuouli Ior latesvllle, iUahanoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrleil,
llazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weathcrly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 6 32 p. in.
ror l-enignioii, siaiiuglon, laiasauqua, Wblte
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Kustou and l'hllllps
burg, 9 47 a. m., and 0 32 p. 111.
ror isew oric aim rmioueipma, u 47 a. m.
Leave llazleton for Shenandoah. 8 80. a. in..
aud 6 27 p. 111.
ai. is. uu nuit, supt. Transportation,
South llethleliem, l'o,
ItOLLIN II. WILIIUIt, Ueul. Supt.,
South lSetllleheni, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Uenl. Pass. Agt..
New York, N. Y.
South llcthleheiu. Pa.
Ij.wr .
IMnMMnn.HBM.M .dtp .nn ,un
' vrlth Tan id PenavroTli lilil And other tlr
arc and urefftficr ftuIUii
remedial. AIwivi buv tht be.t tnd Told diut-
potatment. Ouvinleed .uperkij, to ll othen. Pottiv;
!le.t Id. th rjtfrket, A NoTl. rirtkaUa.a.' OMM
Paid Purchases c( S3 or morof
will be sent FRE1CHT PREPAID ' cSvGSwC
to any railroad station In MAINE, - " ' 'j CjM -(w
NEW JERSEY. "XTH vtv,T0T """T5'
oxnn.m WHEN ,N DGuQT' TRY
vigor to tho whole being. Alt drains and losses ar chtcVed j tri'.iHHt;y. Unlew patleot
are properly cured, theirconditlon oflea worrie them into Jo truly. Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price ft tier box: 6 boxes, with Imn-lirt i.i ..iatntfi in-ur.A...r...k
w7ifS.wi. o ir ire doo,
For Sal: at KIRUN'S Drup
woman who has a
task before her dishes to
wash or a floor to scrub
has a friend
in this
font!! llnkilla'K Mereo 'Illlr.zurd.
y- . I ity. S. 1)., March l.X-The,
blitzard that swept over the country east
of this city Saturday was the worst ever
experienced here. Two men are missing
the son of Shelby lteed, a wealthy
sheep owner, and Mail Carrier Pearson.
It Is feared others were caught In the
storm nnd have perished.
A Card.
Wo, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a R0-ccnt bottle of
Oreone's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It falls
to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, C. II.
buoli, Shenandoah Dfbg Store, and P. W.
Ilicrstcin & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
llioki.'l hi ouc'li tiib leo nmli'lrowned.
Jewett City. Conn., March Kl.-Charles
Whalcn, uged 14, nnd Alfred Hoeriug
Id, were drowned in Ashland pond yes
terday morning by breaking through the
Ice. llocring lost his life In trying to
save his companion.
Who Said They Have a Cough 7
Advice Tako Pan-Tina, 25c. At Qruhler
llroi., drug store.
Coming Invents.
Mar. 17. Grand bail under the auspices of
the Bryan Club, Robblus' opera bouso.
April I. Schoppo Bros. Minstrels at For
gusou's theatre Annual performance.
Aprll3. Grand concert in tho P. M. church,
corner Jardin nnd Oak streets, under auspices
of the church choir.
An Important Question.
If. your friends or neighbors are suffering
from coughs, colds, sore, throat, or any throat
or lung disease (including consumption), ask
them If thoy have over used Otto's Cure.
This famous German remedy is having a
largo salo hero and Is perfoiming somo won
derful cures of throat and lung diseases. No
matter what other medicines have failed to
do, try Otto's Cure. Large sizes 2oc and 50c.
Sold by all druggists.
Mr. llryan'H Toxn Tour.
Dallas, Tex., March 11. Colonel "VY.
.1. Ilrynu completed his lecture tour in
Texns nt Dallas yesterday. He address
ed n packed Opera House in the after
noon and spoke to about 500 laboring
men nt their hall last night. His lecture
was in opposition to territorial expan
sion. Ills tour In Texas was In the na
ture of nn ovation nt Kort AVorth, Aus
tin, Houston, Dallas nnd nil nlong the
Hue of railroads. Colonel ISryau left
for Lincoln, Neb., last night.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
To IJulin n Monitor Stool Plnnt.
Clevelnnd, Man h 11. One and a half
million dollars are to be provided for the
building of n modern steel establishment
on the shore of Lake Erie, nnd probably
in the Cleveland district. New York
capitalists are to furnish the money for
the improvement, which authorities ou
the subject of iron and steel mnnufacture
declare will bo undertaken by another
grent iron and steel consolidation to
unite the western bar mills. The plan
of consolidation, upon which the Inter
ests have been nt work some time. Is
now suld to be practically completed.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
ThryhaTCtoocl the test of year
and baVe cured t-UiUa.ndi oi
cases of Nervous Diseases, suet
as Debility, Uiilncn, Sleepless
ncisanti Vancocele.AtroDhv.&c.
They clear the brain, strengthen
ine circulation, make die: est. on
Aaaiess, I'tAu MtUlGlNE CO , Cleveland, QT
store, Shenandoah, Pa.
r ra w r a
" MH V. H47 r
Tho Patriotic Cuban Loador Wol-
comes Roliof From Commandi
I)i-)lt! thfi Actliiii of tlio (Julmn A
KOiulily. It In l'rolmliloTlmt tlioAllliT
lean Atitliorltlo- Will to Don I With
tloiimr. In DI-trllHitlnir 111. IKKI.OOO.
Havana, March 13. (icneral Maximo
Ooiner. Iihh IiwikiI the follow luir stat'
nicnt to tht Cuban -oile and army:
"Hy tht- uw of the minromt; facniH
with vhich it ii endowed tlie a.wmlily.
rrimwntiiiK tht army only, has depowtl
me na rouinmndr-ln-rhit of Ibr Cu
ban army, which xrade It conferred uoii
tne during the laitt war. An coinmnnder
In-chief t alwaya followwl the dictate'
of my bt?Ht ntimcifticv aud the conwlenrv
of great national ueeiU. I endeavored In
all circumfitanveti to fulfill my duty.
"The neuihly connldeM the fact tha
I do not aid It In Its efforts to ralso
loans which later would compromise the
greatest ilnnncinl und political iuterenti
of Cuba to be hii act of InNubordination
and of want of respect. The primary
cause for the action taken ajralnut me s
my conviction that Cuba should begin
the exercise of Its own sovereignty, as
a republic of union nnd concord, pro
claimed at Monte Orlsto and sustained
until Impaired ou the tield of battle, free
from all compromise, keephiK the na
tion's honor spotless.
As for the rest, as a sincere man, I
confess I thank them because they re
lieve me of great iMilltical obligations
and nlso leave me free to return to my
abandoned home, which, ilurlni; 110 years
of rotitlnuni strife for tlie Rood of thU1
country that 1 love so much, has been
my ono nspirntion. ForclRner ns I am.
I did not come to servo this country by
helping It to defend Its just cnuse as n
mercennry soldier, and consequently
since the oppressive power of Spain
has withdrawn anil left Cuba In
freedom I hail sheathed my sword,
thlnkius I had finished the mission
which I had voluntarily Imposed upon
myself. I am owed nothing. I retire
contented and satisfied at havinj; done
nil I could for the benefit of my brothers.
herever destiny rules that I make my
home, there can tho Cubans depend upon
a friend."
Governor General Brooke was prompt
ly notified of the deposition of Gomez.
nnd he was much interested to learn
the details of the nsseinply'a proceed
Incs. He snid he could not express an
opinion as to the effect of the assembly's
action upon tlie future rclntions between
General Gomez and the united States.
particularly In the matter of distrihutlnK
the J3.000.000 offered by the Washing
ton government to the Cuban troops ns
a condition of disbandment, but the Im
pression seems to be among the Ameri
can authorities that, ns the assembly
has never been ofllclally recognized by
the United States government, Its ac
tion will not amount to more than the
resolutions of auy other body of In
dividuals. The assembly Is being strongly cen
sured by Cubans on all sides, and there
were popular demonstrations yesterday
afternoon iu favor of the deposed com
mander-in-chief, the crowds shouting
"Long live Gomez" nnd "Ueath to the
assembly." General Gomez during the
day received numerous visitors, all of
whom assured him of their nffectlon nnd
loyalty, and that the declarations by the
assembly, on whatever subject, could
not represent even the army, as the
elections which gave Its members their
present positions nre really void for il
legality nnd political Jobbery. There Is
ho doubt that n majority of the people
support him as ngninst the assembly.
The local press will probably attack the
assembly, urging Its dissolution as the
best thing thnt can hnppcn, and Insist
ing that there Is no reason why the
United States authorities may not con
tinue to treat with Gomez In the matter
of the payment to the troops.
It Is said on good nuthority that the
payrolls Gomez is preparing to hand
Genernl Rrooke nre most complete, full
and fair, and thnt when the army lenrns
he can nld the troops In procuring $3,
000,000, whereas It Is problematic
whether the assembly can obtain any
thing, there Is little doubt as to tie side
the army will take in the controversy.
The troops are tired of the field and
of insufficient food, nnd the Indications
are that they would readily disband on
receipt of the $3,000,000, unless deceiv
ed by the nssembly with promises of a
larger payment in the event of refusing
to disband.
Genernl Gomez enjoys the full con
fidence of the Americnn militarv au
thorities, and, although he says he Is
glad of his new found liberty, since It
will enable lnm to return home. It U
not believed that he will leave Cuba at
present. He has nlwnys Insltcd thnt an
active share in distributing the money
would ran to him, and there seems no
good reason why he cannot continue to
act as General Brookes adviser nnd
The question of his successor ns commander-in-chief
has not yet been con.
sidercd, but General Mayia Rodriguez
is the next In command. No doubt Gen
eral Gomez technically exceeded his au
thority in nctlng Independently of the
assembly. His course was certainly cal
culated to n rou so Jealousy In that body.
But It Is becoming more and more ap
parent that the assembly's action was
iargely the result of personal spite and
a desire to nvengo slights.
Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Texas.,
has found a more valuable discovery than has
yet been made in the Klondike, l or years he
suffered untold agony from consumption, ac
companied by hemorrhages ; and was abso
lutely cured by Dr, King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He
declares that gold is of little value in com
parison witn this marvelous aire ; would
nave it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a
bottle. Asthma, Uroncmtis and all throat and
lung affections are positively cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's Drug Store.
Regular sue 50 cts. and 51.00. Guaranteed
to cure or price refunded.
lionorrttTColror Ilereft.
Snrincfield. O.. Vnroli vi fM
Warren lvolfer. wife nf AfniA- n-'..i
Kelfer, died early yesterday morning
bt pneumonia. She had been 111 but
a little over a week. Major General
Kelfer and his son. Captain Kelfer, n
member of his stnff, nro on their way
home from Ilnvnnn, but will not arrive
here until tomorrow nr W.lni..l. f.
Kelfer was 04 years of age. She was
carried to General Kelfer in 1800. Dur
ing President Arthur's administration,
while Genernl Kelfer was speaker of the
house, Mrs, Keifer was n prominent fig
ure In Washington society.
How Is Your Wife?
Has alio lost her beauty? If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the
principal causes, Karl's Clover Hoot Tea
has cured these ills for half a century. Price
S3 cts. and 0 cts. Money refunded If results
are not satisfactory. Bold by V. V. Kirlln
and a guarautce.
hoiitdo lfeiuler Trnln Stuolr In f
Twpvt l'oot llnuk.
Detroit, Mirh.. March IX.- Nearly all
points in tir upper pentmntliir of Mb-hl
Ran report railway truffle completely
Mocked by mow storuut. A sperlal from
Bessemer, Mich., say: The heaviest
now storm Hi the history of the snow
Ih'H Is iirerslHHg. I'or li boon all train
hsve ltwn Mtwed In at different places.
All streets are blocked with banks of
Bnow from four to eight fct deep. This,
with former trms, will make a total
fall of snow about 8 to 12 feet ou an
average. In some place the drifts are
from the top of one roof to the other.
Telegraph wires are down and all com
munications are by private lines.
A special from Houghton says: A bill
iard ror the past -I hours has tied up
everything. All trains are cancelled and
no railroad communication with the east
has been had since Saturday. A double
header sent out yesterday over the Min
eral Itange railway to try and open com
munication with Calumet struck a snow
bank 12 feet high one mile west of Han
cock, and a gang of snow sbovelere was
dispatched to shovel the engine out.
Snow drifts eight feet high are In the
streets. Calumet reports the streets com
pletely blockaded, ami In places the
drifts cover the first story of some of the
business places. Joph Willmer, a tram
mer in the Tamarack mine, while coming
from work Saturday night, was over
come by the storm and was found dead
At IshHmlng, Mich., snow has been
falling for .18 hours. In places it lint
drifted from 10 to 15 feet. Hallway
trains are abandoned and street cars are
stalled. A north Imund psswiger train
on the Chicago and Northwestern line Is
stalled at Little Lake. Two engine with
a large plow went to the rescue, but were
stalled between Swansy and Cascade.
Mr. KIpllim'H Condition.
New York. March 13. Itudynrd Kip
ling pntsed a restless night Saturday, on
account of suffering a good deal of pain.
He Is now, however, much better. As
yet no one outside Ills attendants and
Ills family have been permitted to see
him. He is not yet in a condition to
have friends admitted to his bedside.
Yesterday Mr. Kipling saw his two
children for a short time. His little
girl Klsie is now suHlelently recovered
from her sickness to run about.
Kntnl Plro nt Mienon, 1Mb.
Chenon. Ills.. March 13. Fire here
yestcrdny resulted In the death of one
man, the fatal injury to two others and
the loss of seven line brick business
buildings, with their contents. The dead
niRii is an unknown printer. Fatallv
Injured: W. M. Adams and S. Kennagy
'n order to chock tne progress of the
nmcs in the face of the fierce gale the
iiithorities found it ueeemiary to blow
up several buildings with dynamite.
Tlio Klmllfli Strlklm"wuil Leprosy.
London, March 13. The Cairo cor
respondent of The Daily Telegraph says
he leurus that Khalifa Abullnh, the
Dervish ruler of the Soudan, Is suffering
from leprosy, which he coutracted a few
years ago through taking unto himself
the wife of a black, emir, who has since
died of leprosy.
Can She
Save Them?
Many a poor
mother who feels
that thoe she
holds most pre
cious are gradu
ally slipping away from her
over the terrible precipice of
disease, would be thankful to
know what Dr. Pierce's won
derful " Golden Medical Dis
covery" has done to restore
thousands of weak and wasted
children to complete rounded.
rosy, healthy, activity and life.
" My little girl had a severe attack of fever,"
writes Mrs. Wm. S. Vollmer, of Concord. Cabar
rus Co., N. C. In a letter to Dr. R. V. rierce, of
HufTalo. N. Y. " I had two physicians for her.
She had a very bad cough, raised a great deal,
and had wasted to a mere skeleton: only her
feet and ankles were swollen. I knew what Dr
Tierce's medicines had done for us before so I
commenced giving her '(.olden Medical Discov
ery ' and a ' Pellet ' occasionally.
" In a few days I noticed the fever was less;
her cough gradually grew better: expectoration
gTewless: in a few days she sat up in bed. and
soon she could take a few steps. She kept on
improving slowly and after a few weeks the
swelling in feet and ankles went down, and she
kept on step by step until ihe got vt-elL This
is more than two years ago.
" iA't winter, I.ula (my oldest daughter) had
Grippe very badly. Her physician was uneasy;
lie told rae to be very careful or she would have
fneuraouia. She was left with an awful cough,
gave her ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and it
cured her cough. I will be pleased to have my
letter published. If persons wishing to know
more about the great benefits we have received
from using Dr. Pierce's medicines wilt write,
enclosing stamp, I will gladly answer."
If mothers will only write to Dr. Tierce
concerning the ailments of their family he
will send them sound and valuable advice
in a plain sealed envelope, and without any
charge whatever. His remarkably wide
experience has qualified him to deal with
diseases which baffle the local practitioner.
Dr.THEEL604Korlh Sixth St.
l'hll-J.l!fc?rfrl..U blnu, GrM. EL
so-called greatest, most celebrated and
wlif it adsertlilog doctors xalL no matter
wnsimi-Tcniin. LUtiT MANHOOD
Aun vinnn. ris-nii r
Ji bUlJ. Ill in, i tidinil Ktrirtum AV. .-,.: ) . n n
anetopil organ. Irttittlv lAa only oni 1 n t ti a world
to ears VARICOCELE Without rattlni. llookfres
T4t cam cur
staWW day. Trssltne&t by mall, lmtint relief,.
Livery and
Nn 13 North Jardin St.
Lakeside Hotel !
B. J. YOST, Prop.
Tins popular hostelry la now open lot the
entertainment of sleighing and skating parties.
Dancing pavillioa always heated. Excellent
skqttas on the lakes, and supper served to
parties on short notice
Aii?n our b&y yIojt watthnv mnntVA t
fcr lu-l lit' Hit, k I tj. ti y ti f
j tL4t all ilia In r nume out. .t 1 1
tal, he inn if it M'fl l v B'-rai' tut Ir (
' ike At I LTin'RA Ht'Af fcrnl a L T I
ci ha "tintmetit ). 1 ai'plxv) tho ( 1
and inn a thin ap on lni head, a i f
had utnt half a fl entire' . Jt&zi
bffthair rormn n-M to prnw out n
I'eto.iive. Mm.H 1. IliiLMKi, Asia 1 Or.
CfTir-it Renvoi f pf with irrt ft -c?
aUM, nurr. 1 tH litrfnf th- v . t
kaow tkt infU a, p'trtti a vitl r4 n tti s ft t,
mC rat o iMfti td ftaial to ft tti !
MAtttorlritfl.Md wlitrriif f nliuVa i ditcxt,
vttklMof ht.r.aatt MltniMt IfcMti ttfal n t uf ' f
Aticrfar Mt. TuaTtat n n4kictntHlt' .fT t a
Morn Is wm fath wit cmri n fwr. in
( t-HMBtlM LUf ICrA, jrftlt of tkia rttrM.
M4tn'Qrrviitt.wrM. P-TTttlPr tr M
m a mm. m wmw M mm dTim a
cVi!FEVKn8' Lun P""' Mllk
cr;Ri,lAI;vg' Lameness. UheamatUm,
Sk'ij EPIZOOTIC, Distemper.
cvs'hV0IlM8 n"' atuh
COUGHS. CoUa, infloenia,
ctmiCWI',C nellrarhe. Dlarrhe-.
C..(i. 1'rrvrnta .MISOAItltlACIU
!i;JL ! kid.nev a ni-AOiiiiii Ditioitunng.
calsi ,l'SnK' Pk,n I'I'easea.
Shu! I,A" CtlMIITIO.V, Starlnc Coat.
r. wh; Btsbt4 (W.Tm Speelfles, Poole, ka.
At driutslsts or sent praw on rlpt of pnon.
Ilui-nhravs' Mnlh-ltM. Co.. Cor, V7ltlUm- John
Kla.. b'.w York. Vmilt Ut-L B-ST fXM,
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
HumohMys' Homeopnthla Srveelno
No. 28, i n use over 40 yean, the only
successful mmody.
$1 per viator fl vials and larse vlalposrdtr.for $5
Soi4 Sr Dr-f ttit., r m.i rt f rM.i.t et rtic.
ucaruaits'aio. cu., Cw.uu. j.bu.,-i
Fr.BRO-BV S, 1S19.
Trains will leave Bhenandoah arir ln ina, a
data for WinCim, Qllberton, lTr-ckvtlls. Dark
11 aier. m. ciair, roiisviue. iiamnurg, lieadiDx,
l'otutown, I'honl-Tllle. Horrlstown aad Fbil.
aaelphla (Brd atrcet ataUonl-t CIS and S13
a. m.,2 10, IS p m. on week daya. Bundaya,
8 15 a. m., i 80 p.m. .
Trains leave Frackvllle tor 8hanndob at
7 80, it 4S a. m. and S 48, 1 84 p. m. Bandar.
11 01 a. uu and 5 40 p. m.
Iave Pottsvllle for Bbenandoah (vtFrack
vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 5 20, 7 10 p. m, Bunday
10 S3 a. m., S 20 p. m.
I-ojivo Philadelphia, (Broad street station), for
Shenandoah at SS.1 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at B 50 and 9 23 a. m
Leave Phllndelphta (I)road street station) for
Pottsvllle.5 57,sa5, 1019 a. in., 210, 4 10, 711
p. ra. weekdays. Sundays, 0 50, 9 23 a. in. and
0 Oi p in.
Leavo Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Ezprea,week-daya, S 20, 4 Co. 4 50 S 03,3 13,0 30,
7 S3, 8 20, 9 50, (10 21 dining car), 1100 a. m.
12 00 noon, 12 83 (Limited t 00 and 12) p in
dinning cars). 1 40. (2 80, dlnlug car), S 20. a 50,
102, 5 UJ, 5 63 (dining car), S-O0, 703, 7 50,
(dining car), 10 00 p. m., 1201, night. Sundavs.
3 20, 4 OA, 150.5 03, 6 13. 8 30, 9 SO, (10 31, dining
can, 10 43 a. m., 12 03 idlnlngear). 12 83, 2 80,
(dining onrt, 4 02. (Limited 4 22 dining car).
3 20.6 66, dining car), 6 83, 7C2, 7 60, dining
carl, 10 00 p.m., 12 01 night
Eipresa for Boston without change, 11 00 a nt.,
wpek-days, aud 730 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, As bury Park, Ocean Orove,
Ixing Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8 30,
11 It a m, 8 80, 4 03 p m weekdays,
For Baltimore and Washington. 8 60. T 20, 8 93,
1020, 11 23, a. m., 1209, (12 SI dining car 112,
dining carl, 8 12. 4 41 13 23 Ckwifrreselonal
Limited dining car, 0 17. (553, dining car,
S7 II dining car, p in , and 12 06 night week
ays. Sundays 8 50. 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 a. m., 1203,
fl 12. dining car, 8 12, 4 41 (520 Congreaslonai
Limited dlnlnir carl. fSSSdlnlnir carl. IT 11
dlnlne carl, p. m., and 12 03 nlcht.
For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 13 a m, 1 62
and 4 01 p m week daya, 3 OH and 11 10 p m dally.
J Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m7 03p m. Sundays,
9 20 a. m., 7 0B p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00 a m,
200,4 00,6 00 p m. Sundays, 903, 1000 a m
( accommodation 4 80 and 3 CO p m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldw-iJ and
Iloll j Beach, Sea Isle City, Avalon and Stone
Harbor Express, 900 a in, 4im, a week
days. Sundays. 9 00 a ra.
For Somen Point Express, 9 00 a. m., I CO.
4 00. S CO, p. m. week daya Sundays, 9 CO and
1000 a. m
For tickets and other Information apply to
tloket agent.
I. B. llDTCHissoir, J, It, Wood,
Qen'l Manager. Gen'l PassVr Ar
News and Opinions
National Importance
CONTAINS BOTH. mail, - $6 a year
Daily and tuail,$8 a year
The SaaistySim
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c s copy. Bj sail, $2 a jea
Ad-reisiTBi: BUN. New York-
vjr buhl, biw et r ynnuMAir a vri
iGUAf-i' w1Lt, EIpccisio Ca-PautA
at Povlnaky'i drug store, B
CWntra fcirast.
Tiin.tirl J3Di.Fi WOMAN 8 RtUKF.
Alwkri DMrnnlud rcllthlk. Avid ImitaJwut.
ft t'ltul ITllll Pit.' KB I lll IBSIITt-
At druc h it oi Mtik dlrttt (mJ4). priM, f L
For m At KliUn'i dnt ttor uid 8bnftad
Jtu '!
m .
m .
n 3