The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 03, 1899, Image 3

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    H15A11T DISEASE.
Do Hot Be Alarmed, But Look For The
Heart troubles, nt leant among iho Ameri
cans, are certainly Increasing nml wlillo this
may be lntRcly duo to tlio oxcllcnicnt and
worry of American business life, It is mora
often tlio result of weak stomachs, of poor
Real organio dlmaso is incurable; but not
onti cufto iu a hundred i,f liutirt trouble is or-
Tlio closo rclittiuti littwecn lieart troublo
and poor digestion is because botli organs aro
controlled by tlio sumo groat nsrven, the
Synijiathotlo and I'ncnmogastrlc.
In another wy, also tlio heart is affected
by tlio form of poof digestion, which cutites
gas and fermentation from half digested
food ; Thoro is a feeling of oppression and
boaviuess iu the chest caused by pressure of
tlio distended stomach on the heart and
lungs, interfering with their aotluu ; lionco
arises palpitation and short breath.
I'oor digestion also poisons tho blood,
making it thin and watery, which iriitatcs
and weakens tho hoart.
The most sensible treatment fur heart trou
ble Is to improve tho digestion and to insure
the prompt assimilation of food.
Tills cm be douo by the regular uso after
meals of some, safe, pleasant and effective
digestive preparation, llko Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets, which may bo found at most
drug stores and which contain valuable
harmless digestive elements iu a pleasant,
convenient form.
It is safe to say that tho regular pcrsistont
uso of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal
timo will euro any form of stomach trouble
except cancer of tho stomach.
Full sized packago of these tablets sold by
druggists at 50 cents. Llttlo book on stom
ach troubles mailed freo. Address F. A.
Stuart, Co., Marshall. Mich.
l'rlmnry Secomlnry or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
You can be treated nt homo for same price
under same guarantee If you prefer to
come here we will contract to pay railroad
fare and hotel bills, and no charge. If we
fall to cure.
tnken mercury, iodide potash, nnd still
hare aches and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the bcxly,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it Is this
We solicit tho most obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T- is disease has always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarantee Aosolute proofs sent sealed on
application loo page book sent ree
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
And -trtrir Climax Brandy.
mnia CELEBRATED WINE is the pure ii
X of the Oporto Orape. raised In Bpeer's vino
rards, and left hanpln until they fibrin k and part
ly raisin before gathering. It Is Invaluable
Tonic and Strpiiutlieimm Properties
are unsurpassed by any other wines In the world,
betnj produced under Mr. Sneer's personal super
vision, nt his own vineyards, the past forty years,
IU purity and onulnenoss are guaranteed by tho
riuuiiM uuspnuia aim wuaiun ul fiKHllu WHO
mva examined it. It is particularly beneficial to
tlio aged, ueDilitatea nna the w eaker sex, In every
kinuuif lt (o A U'lVP. Trt IIP UPr TVIiOM
6eo that tho signature of Alvhxd 8peer, Pas
saic, it. JM is over 1 no coric oueacn Douie.j
Spcer's (Socialite) Clnrct
I s bald la high estimation for its richness as a Pry
Spcer's P.J, S,crry
la a wins of Superior Character and partakes of
tlio rich qualities, uf the grape from which it la
mad a,
Spcer's Climax Brnndy
IS A rUHU distillation of the grape, and bUhiIs
hui lYttieu 111 ima uuuiury jnr metuciuai purpose.
nd equal in every nuit to tho hldi price Old
Oognao llrandlea of Frotioe, from which itcunuot
iw nistinguisned,
rniLn.-enenr store
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco
Wholesale and Retail. .
20 West Oantro Street
. M. GItABOVSKY, Prop.
819 N. Centre St., PotUvllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Oln nnd Wines, at the bar.
. -I-.. 1 11. .. flmiH and 'IVlt 1 Tl' r.
A. tuuivo una wi - - - - - -
nnce Drinks.
AcdoijKKtlons lor traveler!.
Meal, at all hour
Affairs in Santiago do OubaHavo
Eoaoliod a Climax,
AdilnSoVcn IIn ml rod Idlnrs to tlio 1Mb
contented MiiiHon,nnri'liciro AroDls
npiiotiitcil Culmii roll tlolims'WIio Aro
Trylnit to 1'rovoko I)ocW or Vloleneo
Santiago do Culm, Mnreh a. a timm-
lias been reached In the nffnirn nf Sun.
tingo. Tho estimates for February have
been reduced from $70,000 to $.10,000,
and amounts aggregating $80,000 -
ponded Inst month have been disallowed
uy tne authorities nt Havana.
Oenernl Leonard Wood, military cov.
crnor, says it Is impossible to estimate
exactly a month ahead, nnd thinks the
best plan would be to forward a certain
percentage to Havana every month, the
department commander having the priv
ilege of Using the Imlunre. snliloet tn nl..
Jcction later, ns under the present sys
tem it Is Impossible to run the govern
ment here. For the month of March nil
expenditure for the entire province must
oe Kept wumn $1U,U0U.
Even those Cubans who aro most
friendly to the United States authori
ties say that this amount Is less than
what was nllowod at jiny time under the
Spanish regime. In the opinion of others
the object of the restriction is to dis
credit the work already done here by
throwing out of employment a large
number of men and creating discontent
and disturbance. This Is. of course, nn
altogether erroneous assumption, but the
fact is that more than 700 men are sud
denly thrown out of work, a circum
stance generally recognized ns a danger
ous mennce to public safctly at just this
Juncture and involving n large additional
police force. Some merchants say It will
necessitate tne presence of additional
regiments, even If an insurrection does
not finally result.
Many Cuban politicians who have not
received appointments will, it is feared,
use the occurrence to inflame the mind
of the unemployed. The result is dim
cult to forecast. It is significant, how
ever, that the Cuban extremists, who
taiu openly against American rule, go
about explaining how C.000 of their men.
properly armed, could now gain posses
sion of the province of Santiago in two
days, If the plan were properly arranged
Deiorennnu. The men who indulge in
this sort of bluster are mere nobodies,
but the fact that anybody will listen to
them Indicates the general discontent
born by these vexatious instructions from
Even the Americans here cannot com
prehend what Havana hopes to achieve
by bringing about n practical cessation
of nil public works in the largest prov
ince of Cuba, a proviuce really needing
more in this line than any other. The
ir of anxiety obvious in nil the depart
ments shows the apprehensions enter
tained of what must follow n public an
nouncement of the fact that nil public
works must cense. As a straw showing
the way the wind Is blowing a comnanv
of the Ninth immune regiment has been
ordered into the city. This move is prob
ably connected with the expected trouble.
The Sure La Grippe Cure.
There is no use suffering from this dreadful
malady.if you will only get the right remedy.
You aro having pain all through your body,
your liver is out of ordor, have no appetite,
no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact
are completely used up. Electric Bitters is
tho only remedy that wilt give yon prompt
and sure reliof. They act directly on your
1.1 ver. stoniacn anu Kidneys, tone un tne
wholo system and make yon feol like a new
being. They aro guaranteed to cure or price
refunded. For sale at A. Wasley's Drug
store, only so cents per nottie.
Mother nnd Four Cfhlldron Mnrilorccl.
Clay Ceiitcr, Kan., March 3. A ter
rible murder was discovered last even
ing in Athelstone township, this county.
A neighbor going to the homo of John
Gilbert found Mrs. Gilbert and her four
children murdered. The boy was ft years
old nnd the three girls,, s, u and 7 years.
respectively. The family hnd not been
seen since Tuesday. The door was found
locked and the husband Is missing.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, ns they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the car. There is only ono
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition uf the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When tills tube gets inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect liear-
ug, nnd when it is entirely closed deafoess
is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be
aken out and this tnbo restored to its normal
condition, hearlni; will be destroyed forever;
nine cases "lit of ten are caused by catarrh,
whlth is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sead for
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENI5Y & CO., Toledo, O,
Soul by DruggUts. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Admiral Dowilji'S "Elevation.
Washington, March 'J. President Mc-
Klnley late last night signed the bill
creating the rank of admiral in the navy.
Admiral Dewey will doubtless be noti
fied by cable today of his elevation to
th'j supreme command of tho United
States navy.
Many a Lover
Has tnrncd with disgust from'an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath by Its
action on tho bowels, eto , as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cU. aud 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
Indian TorrltnryM I uiirH'Strlkutlrokon
South McAlester, I. T March 8. It Js
believed that the backbone of the strike
s broken. The Krebs miners went to
work today, luiring so decided by
vote ot J0O to (14. The Cherryvale, Le
high aud Coal Gate mines were shut
down, but it la thought they will re
Mitne in a day or two. All mines on tho
Choetnw railroad nre working and new
meu tiro arriving dally, and unless the
unforsecn happens all of the mines will
bo running full blast wlthiu the next
few days. A carload of negro miners
reached Hartzhorue yesterday. There
was no disorder.
Por Infants and Children.
The Khid You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Tr.vliw to Avoid Dissolution.
Mndrld, Mutch 3. The queen regent
is making the most strenuous efforts to
avoid dissolution, which Scnor Snpnsta
usks for. She conferred yesterday with
the Duke of Tctunu. Senor Kouiero
KoAili'iIo and other leading incu.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that the name
Lessio & Baeh, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every acV,
Gold Dust does It. Morning,
noon and niulit. Mut, a nil
dull things bright. Housework's
a delight with
It rives to nn humble home or a palace the cleansing touch that
both nlike require. It's woman's best friend nnd dirt's worst enemy.
THE N. K. KAIUIHSK COXPAST, Chicago. Bt. Louis. New York. Dos to a. I'hUoJa.
Thrnr-ltny I'ersoimlly.Coiiiliicteil Tour via
friiiinylvnnla Itallrnuil.
Tlio third of tlie preent Miles of Penn
sylvania Railroad tliree-day pornally-cou-ducted
toure to Wiwhington, D. C, will leave
Thursday, rarcli I). Tho rate, tli.50 from
Now York, SU.BO from- I'hiladclpliia, and
proportionate) ratos from other points. In-
elude all necessary oxpetwea during tho en-
tiro trip transportation, hotel accommoda
tions, and (lipltol Kuldo feee. An experienced
Chniicron will also accompany.tlie party.
for tickets, itineraries, and full information
apply to ticket intent ; Tourist Aieent.
Una Broadway, New York, and 789 Broad
stret, Newark, N. J. ; or address Goo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Hroau street Station, Philadelphia.
Younc Mothers,
Croiio is tlio terror of thousands of voune
mothers beoouso its outbreak is so agonislne
and frequently fatal. Shlloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of
croup. It has uover been known to fail. Tho
worst oases relieved immediately. I'rico2o
cts., r,0 cts. and fl.OO. Sold by P. P. KIrllu
and a guarantee.
Will You Winter In Florida ?
ThU will be tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and eo
via tho Southern Kallway. Its the best
route If you will write John "Si. Boall,
District Passeugor Agent, 828 Chestnut street.
Philadelphia, Pa., ho will arrange all tho
details of your trip for you.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agrco to
refund tho nionoy on a BO-cent bottle of
Greeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guarnn
tee a 25-cont bottlo to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wnsloy, C. II. Ilagcn
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, aud P. W.
Blcrstein & Co. U-14-33t-dw
Are You Going to Florida ?
If you arc, ask for tickets via the Southern
Hallway. It is tho shortost, quickest and
best route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further Information to John JI. Beall, District
Passenger Agont, 82S Chestnut street,
Philadelphia. Pa.
"A doio in time saves lives." Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup; nature's remedy for
coughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of every
Coming Kvvntn,
Mar. 10. Schoppo Bros. Minstrels at Fer
guson's theatre. Annual performance.
Aprils. Grand coucert in tho P. M. church
corner Jardin and Oak streets, under auspices
oi mo cnurch cnolr.
HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver IIIo,
Biliousness, Indigcatlou, Headache.
Dleasnt laxative. All Drtieigtfr
8omtlnn8 DeeJi a reliable, Monthly, rffftilitinr raeUlcfr.. Only harm! MA ftft-j
the purest drugs ahald be used. It you uant the best, get
They are prompt, safe and certain In result. The genuine (Dr. Feol'i) nerer distpi
i -' v. aa j a ii ... . w r "n i i n
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
trade Sale of
(MMPurchases of 35 or more jM'Sut
eay railroad station In MAINE, tfw 1 ,?
I I ' KiffPSl VSO? sixth Ave. ycC ih t itkT
V&HL - I RtgfeigJ NFW VOK
ZAXAH, the worid-n
nifiHPfi tn nc nn
uiuulw iu uu vu
ZARAHtha ASTROLOGER, lock Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tnm FMM33 .wlnft U, itrmoLMta U Mruiolj ftstooiiMoi tftMd. Bio voodorfol ftrodlUou ftad U.U on IomA
SPft UdlipUU, Old KlUtll. USltKOk"
Wmwrv or
rfFJ't f :
Ssr That Your Ticket via tub
Southm-v Railway.
The Southern Kallway operates threo
through trains on each weok day and two on
Sunday. It is an inland route, clean and
through an Interesting section of the South.
The schedules of its trains are fast, but not
too fast to be maintained. Write to John M.
Beall, District Passenger Agent. 888 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, for full information,
illustrated matter aud advance Pullman
reservations. 2-SM-lOt
The Right Name In the Right Place.
Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 36c. At
Qruhler Broe., drug store.
Ask your grocer for tho "Royal Patent
flour, and fafeo no other brand. It is the best
llnnr rnnde.
Passenger trains leave Shenandnah for Penn
Ilnvcu Junction, Mmich Chunk, Ililgtiton,
SlatiiiKton, White Unit, CAtfMauqun. Allentown.
Iletlllelicm, KnMon New York unit I'lilladclphln
at 3 2S, 7 49 a. m. . 12 M and IS U p. in. -
For Wilkealmrre, Wliito Haven d Pittston,
5 23, 10 13 a. m.. 12 RS nnd Slip. 111.
For Lftceyvillc, Townndn, Sftyre, Wnvcrly,
Klnilnt, Rochester, HiilTalo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithacn, Geneva and the
West, 10 1.1 a. m., 12 9A and S It p. in.
For Itelvidere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudaburjr, IS 28 a. m 5 1 1 p. in.
For Iiinhertvllle and Trenton, 7 49 a. m.
For JeanesvlUe, Leviston nnd Heaver Meadow,
S 2S n. in., 12 58 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audcnrled, HnEleton, Stockton
nnd Lumber Ynrd, 5 28, 7 1$, 10 18 a. in., 12 M nnd
5 1 1 p. m.
ForJcddo, Drlfton nnd Freeland, 5 2S, 1013
n. m., 5 II p. m.
For Hcranton, 5 28. 10 13 n. m., 5 1 1 p. m.
For Lost Creek, UirardvllIo,aiid Ashland, I 00,
nnd 7 27 p. m.
For ltaven Itun. Centralla. Mount Carmcl and
Shamokill, 10 SS a. in., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. ni.
ForMahanoy City. Park Place and Delano.
5 2S, 7 49, 10 13 a. in., and 12 BR, 5 1 1 p. m.
For lniesvuie, a iu M a. m.
Trains will leave Shamokin at 7 CO. 9 20 a. ni.,
12 10 and I 20 n. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 19, 10 13 a. in., 12 S3, S 14 p. in.
Leave ftiicuanuoaii lor 1'otisviue, ?e. uinir,
New.Castle, Morea and Xew ltoston, 7 49 mid
10 13 a. in , and 12 S3 p. ni.
Leave l'ottsvillo for Shenandoah, 9 45 a m.,
12 33, 1503, 815 p. m.
Leave llazleton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a.m.,
12 43, 5 09, 6 20, 8 32 p. 111.
Trains leave for ltaven Kun, Centralln, Mt.
Cannot and .Hhnmnkln. 9 4R n. m.. 7 21 n. in..
Trains leuvo Shamokin for Bhenandoall at I
8?,&?.2l5n.nVn,K-tviiiA. M.i,nr
City, l'ark Place, Delano, MoAdoo, Aiidenrled,
llazleton, srockton. Lumber xaru, eatneriy
nn,l ll.nnl, ri.,,,,1- O 17 o ... n..,lft fln . I
For lhlslitoii,siatrnKtn','oatnsauqu'a. White
Unit, Coplay, Allentown, Knston and Fhllllps-
uurg,'.j-ua m..aiHiei5zp. ni.
For New York and Philadelphia. 9 47 n. m.
Iave Hnzlcton for Shenandoah, 8 SO, a. m.,
anu o p. ni.
M. B. CUTTEIl, Supt. Transportation,
hotith Bethlehem, Pa.
ItOLLIN II. WILBUR, Ocnl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CILUtLES S. LEE, Oenl. I-nss. Agt.
New York, N. Y.
A. W. NONNEMACJIBIt, Div. 1. A.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
At ... I rZrv. viir.
nowaed Egyptian Aitrologtr, who bu been trenUni inch at- j
placet toroiwp delineation of your life, lie will give your Mrtonal appeaxaMt, die- i
poeltiOD character, ability, Uete, probable length of life, poeifble accident, advioa and
iugf eetioni en ke affairs, marriage, friend, tnemie, speculation, buineu matter, ete.
vnt m nr afom thoroughly 1
nut iu ulu ana on nr ouer qaeiuons w jou I
Seid 10 cintl tnd gin iut dU of tlrth iti I will ImmtdllUIy nlmn J I
tnthful horouop, r,&dtn( of yoor lift, and pro?, it to to all in tr joumlt X MMlM
Ul oler M ft ttlt U1U. M oommiinluUou ItrloUr conBdloli.U Minu
A Foroahadowed by Oooil Rhodo8
the Eminent Briton.
llo lloulnre Tlmt In I.ewi Tlinti n Cen
tury tho tTnlted StntfM Will lloverii
All ur tlio Ameriouii C'oiitlnont l!x'
voptlnic ClltlHllll.
Alexandria, Kftypt, Mareh 3. Cedl
Itliodes. who in the eyes of lnot Hn
glloliiMcn U the incarnation of the Ini
perialUtic policy, holds views concern
ing the future of the United States even
more far reaching than morft American
Iiniierislists have hrosched. Mr. Hhodes,
iu conversation with a prww representa
tive on board the steamer Hspburg, on
the Mediterranean, by which he came
to Hgynt In the Interests of the Gape
Cairo railroad nnd telegraph, predicted
tno?t confidently that within a century
the United States would have advanced
the work begun In the acquisition of
Cuba until it controlled all of the Ameri
can hemisphere except Canada.
XIr. Ithodes expressed admiration for
the work already done In Cuba ana pre
dieted that it would 1k carried on in the
I'hlllpplnes. The United States he con-
Hidered one of the nations best equipped
for colonisation, and reieatedly exclaim
ed: "You are taking to it like mother's
milk," apparently with the g-eatest de
light. lie inquired with great interest what
was the arguments of the opponents of
iniiieriallsm in the United States, and
commented that they seemed to be ani
mated by selfishness. "It Is the duty
of civilised nations to take charge of the
barbarians and give them n white man's
Kovcrnment. he said. "The United
States is one of the great powers, and
cannot escape this duty."
He did not believe Hint the United
States would ever withdraw Its author
ity from Cuba, and thought the manner
In which Spain had been evicted from
her colonies and the United States had
taken possession most businesslike.
America's action In compensating Spain
for the Philippines surprised him. I
would have bundled the Spaniards out
nnd made them pay a war Indemnity,"
wns his comment.
He dcclnred that the United States
could never withdraw from the Fhlllp
pines, because it wns their duty to give
these people a strong and good govern
ment, nor didthe believe that when they
hnd begun to'Venlize the results ot their
work there Americans would desire to
nbandon the policy. They might grumble
for a time over the expense, but Hint
would be "a mere flea bite" to a nation
so rich. Why not abandon some of the
cxjienses of the pension list, which seem
ed so unreasonably large, if economy wns
necessary. Even if a large navy must
be built the United States could well af
ford one. So fnr ns the fear of provok
ing foreign entanglements and wars
went, while England nnd the United
States stood together nnd maintained
their present understanding, which wns
practically nn alliance, no combination
of powers dare menace them.
To the suggestion of the nnti-imporial-
ists that the Philippines would be only
the beginning of colonization, he said:
There nre no more islands of the sea
to be acquired. They are nil taken up.
The territory of tsnvnges races is prac
tically all pre-empted by the civilized.
The ultimate work of the United Stntes
will bo to govern South America, ion
will probably begin with Mexico, nc
qnire the Central American states, then
those on the continent of South America,
untH you hold all thpountry to the
south of you. These states have incom-
petcnt governments practically barbar
Inn pnrnrnmiintfl nml If will hp VOUr
e."'-- .
duty to give them the white mans gov
crnment. Mexico is well governed, but
a nation cannot depend on one man, and
when Diaz is dead it may be ruled no
better. than before his time. Southward
Is the logical direction of the expansion
of the United States.
The riiliinDines came to you by ne-
cldent: these neighboring peoples it will
be logically your duty to provide for. You
people of the United States cannot nl
wavs remain within yourselves. You
ennnot always go on making money
You must get out into the world and
take up your share of the world s bur
dens. Already you are outgrowing your
own country. lou will absorb other
countries nnd give them good govern'
meut. Why shouldn't you? You have
It in your blood."
Itesnme Aftor'Twolvo Years Idleness
Heading, l'a., Murch 3. After having
been idle for more than 1- years, the
rolling mill of the rliilndelplua and
Heading Itailway company will ngain be
put in operation within a few days. It
is said that it will be opornted by the
Heading Iron compauy, aud over 400
men will be given employment.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The beat salvo in the world for cats.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbenm. fevor sores.
l.nnnn l,onrlD MlY.latia ntOTia an.!
all skin eruDtions. and positively cures piles.
I or jo pay required, it is guaranteed to give
I perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
1 91 cents per box. For sale by A. Waaler.
Dentil or Ooniri'cVrtinn rnnt'ord,
Washington, Mnrch Hepresentntive
John W. Oranford, of the Fourth con'
gressional district of Texas, died here
nt the Providence hospital at midnight
of heart disease and other complications
He wns about 3(1 years old, nnd was
serving his first term in congress.
Does Coffee Agree With You?
If not, drink Grain-O made from pure
grains, A lady writes : "Ihehrst time
I made Grain O I did not like it but after using
it for one week nothing would induce me to go
back to coflee." It nourishes and feeds the
I system. The children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is the strengthening
subttanceof pure grains. Get a package to-
I day from your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old and young,
15c. and 25c.
Two ClilldreiiCriiirintertlii'l'lioIr Horn
Meyersdnle, Pa., March 3. The resl
deuce of John Haines, at West Salis
bury, wns burned Wednesday nnd two
children, nged 1 months nnd - years,
were cremated. Mrs. Haines was also
dangerously burned and Mr. Haines was
Bllglitly Injured.
There's Jost What You Want.
Pan-Tina (25c) for coughs aud colds.
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
Tho Wheoltnif Driltit'od to Manila.
Vancouver, It. O., Mnrch 3. It is re
ported here that the Amerloan gunboat
Wlit-olina, now in iiort, has. received
rush Inst ructions from Washington to
proceed to Munilii. The "Wheeling hns
Just returned from a loin? cruise to
Alaskan ports.
"I owe my whole lifo to Burdock Blood
Bitten. Scrofulous sores covered my body.
I seemed beyond cure. I), B. B. has made
me a perfectly well womau." Sirs. Chos.
Huttou, Berville, Mich.
Mr Tteliiienf Ordered to Itolnfbro
tlio Army oroenornl Otis.
Washington. March 3. The secrctarr I
of war has Jnst ordered the renforce- !
went of tleneral Olla bf atx respnieni.
These are the S xth Infantry, bow at
San Antonio; the 8ith artillery, scat
tered along the Atlantic roast stations;
the Ninth infantry, at Madison barracks;
Thirteenth Infantry. In New l'ork state;
Twenty-first, at I'iattsburg, N. Y aud
the Sixteenth Infantry, at Fort Crook
and neighboring ots. In the middle
west. These regiments have been or
dered to make ready to proceed to San
Francisco aud thence to Manila. The
reinforcements are made up of troops
who are not only regulars In the fnll
sense of the term, but who have been
through the Cuban or Forto Hlcan cam
paigns. They know what It Is to be
under flre, how to hunt Indians and also
how to fight in the tropical jungles.
In answer to tne direct question as to
whether or not these regular troops are
intended to relieve a corresponding num
ber of volunteer soldiers at Manila, it
was said at the war department that,
while this probably would lie the case,
it was not possible yet to make a positive
statement. This means that if when the
reinforcements arrive at Manila the con
ditions are satisfactory the volunteers
will lie brought home, but .If Otln shall
have need for all of the combined forces,
then they must wait.
Ills Two Llttlo Diitiulitor Btrloken,
Hut Not SorloiiHly III.
New York, Mareh 3 That Utidyard
Kipling's condition has improved very
grestly during the past 2-1 honrs Is evi
denced by the fact that but one bulletin
was posted yestetihjy. That was of a
very satisfactory nature, and It was an
nounced that no further bulletins would
be forthcoming until this afternoon. An
other indication that the patient is get
ting along well is that last night he naked
to be shown some newspapers, and he
seemed to lie greatly pleased and af
fected at the Interest in hl lllnexs shown
by the American people.
According to the latest reports Mr.
Kipling's two little daughters are not so
seriously ill as was tint thought. The
elder, .Tosephiue, n child of 0, is lieing
cared for nt the home of Miss Deferent,
friend of Mrs. Kipling, and Miss De
forest said today Unit the little one wns
doing "very nicely Indeed." This was
after Dr. Janeway hnd visited the child.
She Is suffering from pneumonia, and it
Is not known yet whether she is abso
lutely out of danger. The younger of
Mr. Kipling's daughters, Elsie, a child of
is suffering from nothing more seri
ous than a severe bronchitis, and it Is
oped that the physicians will be able to
save her from pneumonia.
Is there any happier
woman in this world than
that mother whose each
successive little one seems
to her but one more dar
ling angel to continually
lift her thoughts toward
the sunshine of perfect
happiness? But sorry is
the lot of that poor moth
er to whom motherhood
has ceased to be a
cause of rejoicing,
but has become in
stead a burden to
be dreaded and
looked forward to
with melancholy
and apprehension.
"About three
months before our
last baby was born
(which is our
fourth). writes
Mrs. Nellie Carl, of
Myrtlepoint, Coos
Co., Oregon, "my hralth was very poor. I had
Inn troubled for about eight yearo with female
disease. I doctored with good physicians but
obtained no relief, so I wrote to the world's Dis
pensary Medical Association, and was advised
lo iike ur, nciK s r.vuiuc I ickiiiiuuu nuu
' Golden Medical Discovery.' I did so, and am
hinnv to sav mv health bepan toimnrore audi
iliu tuy woric up 10 iiic last, anu leu spicmiiu.
t along finely
duHuG- coiiftncinent. and
ie healthiest bativ
aby I ever saw. When he
Was three months old he weighed eighteen
pounds: he ia now seven mouths old and weighs
twenty-iour pounds. 1 can hay i nave uaa no
return of my old troubles. I thank you very
rauen lor tne good you nave uone me.
Any woman tnay write to Dr. R. V.
fierce, of Buffalo. N. Y., a statement of
her case, which will be considered in ab
solute confidence by this physician who
stands amonjr Uie foremost specialists ot
the century in the treatment of women's
diseases, tie will semi ner I in a piain.
sealeU envelope) sound, sensible, valua'
uie advice tree oi an cuarge.
Dr. Pierce's irreat thousand-pace, ill-
lustrated Common Sense Medical Ad--viser
will be sent free, paper-lioiind, for
21 one-cent stamps, to pnv me cosi ot
mailing only, or" clotii - bound Tor 31
Dr THPFI 604HorlhSlxthSt.
ITlTftte entrance Oren St., Fhllsdf Iphta.
to the rlcb and poor alike who have beea
dprtvfd. rnhbrd and swindled by self-
strled lamous, wi,a ana 01a specisusis.
LOST Virion. Nnrvaus Debllltr.,...ui til nnn Efnlr.nN.virlcQ.
cele and Stricture. No cutting. Ijoat ilnhood and
Shrunken Ortana restored, ltoolc. " TruM," free,
einoilne dutcts and Electrto licit frauds. tYtifi
cooes cured in i to 10 days. Treatment Ey mm.
Pilsner Beer
Needs no recommendation
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority ol
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Superior Sarsaparllla..
and Orange Champagne.
Ilefnn-'iinti Ti' rn S.itr. f . 1 il
hands wi-re j as t'.uti w vM l - ,ti t T
ffWWMHr.nrmdwHbpluiile. I
Otto rot ki.hut after nalna; t'Titi m A.P
thrw trrrk: my fwe nt etpial to 1 )
Psb. , 1XH l'Afl. IrPE, f hui r J a
I suffered with b 1 i ' tilnr - f r
tww or three years 011 ' rhr' ' t
tried evawythlng lm. I itdidij' t
cowl. Ctmccau ftoAi r it
I''SB. L.V.OITY .M -kr ,a.
IwM troubled for eight 1 v Ith p'-i 'S
on tiM face. 1 itmimencea tin 1 A
Hoaf. In a vert short IK' 1 pin 1 u I
dhwppsared and my akin la . ji.nal"-. If
OOOdltloo. JAMK8 rWTKK
Ib 1T,1S. IMimotil. AltaapMttf r,i I'JU
SoM tkrntkmil tb Milk. Fnrtlai" a
4, Mian t- "Ot . Prnftv. Sujto
-- Bo to Pro root oaS Laio PtsfN. mousd froo.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly ujton the disease,
without exciting disorder in other parts
of the system. They Cure tho Sick.
no. crass. ralixa.
tPrvrra, Coofeollons, Inflammatloas. i5
'J-Wnrnis, Worm Fever, Worm Coll. .25
3-Tcelhln.Collc,Cryln;.Wktulneit .23
t-lUrrhra. of Children or Adults 23
7-Cnuho, Onfds, Brnnrhltla .23
M-euratsla,Tootharbc, FacMKbr ... .23
n-lleadarhr, Stck Ileovlacbs, Vertigo .25
1 0- lt oprpola. IrHtlaUn,WiiakMoouch.3
I lfcupprrooed or Painful I'rrlmlo ... .25
12- Wliltre. Too Profuo I-eetods 23
13- Crup. Ijrunillli. Hoariceeaa .. .23
11 Halt llheum, Gryalpelfta. Bniptlons . ,23
Ift-Utirumallom. Rbeumatlo Palm. 23
lG-.Mnlarla. Chills. Ferer and Aiue .. . .23
lff-Catarrh, Inrtuenaa. Cotd tn tbe Head .33
21) Wluiiiiilne.l tiucli 23
27 Hldiiev IHoenoen .23
2H-,Vennuo DrMlltv 1,00
30-L'rlnarv Wrakiieoo. WaMlaBed. J3
77-rlp. Hay Fever .23
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Dtasojee at your
Druoxlots or Malle-1 Free.
sftH oy urutHlou. or oeoi 00 mnytoi
Co Oot.BIUUm 4 John Sta
Mew York
Febkdabv 5, 18(9
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter tne aooto
datotor Wleitan, ailuerton, Fraekvllle, Dark
Water, 81. Clair, rotiaviue. unmount, ivemuiujt,
Pottstown, Phoenlxvtlle. rtorrlstown a id Phil-
aaelphla (llr'Ad street aiatlon) at 0 13 ana o la
a. m,, 2 10, ft 1 p. m. on week daya. Sundays,
8 15 k. m., 4 80 p. m.
Trains leave rraekvllle tor anenanaoan
7 8, 11 44 a. m. and S 4, 7 84 p. tn. Sunday
11 01 a. m. and s 4S p. m.
Itavf, I'nttsvllle for Shenandoah (via Frack
vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 5 SO, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
luua. in., o-M p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. (Droad street station), lot
Shenandoah at 8 83 a. tn., 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at B M and 9 23 a. m.
Jave I'liiLttieipuia i iiroau aire sianunj ur
l'ottsville, 5 57, 8W, 1019 a. in., 2 10. 4 10, 711
n. in. weekdays. Sundays. S SO, 9 23 a. ni, and
6 02 p m.
xeave isroau sireei oiaiiou, i-uiiaueipuia,
Expreiw.week-daya, 8 20, 4 Co, 4 50 5 05,3 13,8 SO,
7 33, 8 20, 9 90, (10 21 dining; oar), 1100 a. m.
12 00 noon, 12 8o (Limited 100 and 4 22 p m
dlnniiiR earn), 1 40. (2 80, dlnliiR oar), 8 20,8 50,
4 02, d uu, oo5 turning cat), duu, i ou.
l.llnlncr rr. 10 00 d. m.. 12 01. nleht. Sundays.
8 20,4 03, ISO. 3 03. S 13, 8 30. 9 50, ( 10 21, dining;
car), 10 43 a. m., 12 03, (dining car), 12 83, 2 80,
(Ulnlng car', tux, (i.imiiou i uimng can,
3 20. S 68. fdlnini: carl. 4 83. 7 02, 7 50, dlninc
carl, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 dIkIiI
Kzpreaa lor jsooion Wltnoui cnaoge, ll uu a u.,
weeklays, aud 7 50 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove,
Long Ilrancb, and Intermediate stations, 8 20,
11 14 k m, 8 30, 4 02 p m weekdays.
For Baltimore and Washington. 3 60, 7 20, 8 82,
10 20, 1123, a. m., 12 09, 12 31 dining car lis,
dining car), 812, 4 41 1,3 23 ConKrerelonai
Limited dlnlnir cnrl. 617. fft53. dining carl.
7 II dining carl, p ro , and 1205 night week
daya. Sundays 8 50. 7 20,9 12, 11 23. a. m., 1209
1 12. dining car, 3 12, 4 41 320 Congmwlonal
t I . - 1 111 ' l t. .)!..!...- .... it oi
dining carl, p. in., and 1203 nlcht.
ror iiaiiimore, accommouaiion. ,uo m, i 04
and 4 01 p m week daya, 3 04 and 11 18 p m dally.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m,, 7 05 p m. Sundays,
9 20 a. m., 7 05 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Expreea, 9 00 km,
2 00,4 00,5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
(accommodation 4 80 and 5 00 p m.
For Cape May, Anglerea, Wlldw d and
Hotly Beach, Sea Iale City, Avalon and Stone
Harbor Biprees, 9 00aui, Ilia, r n week
days. Sundays 9 00 am.
For Somen Point Express, 9 00 a m., 2 00.
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week daya Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00a. m
For tickets and other Information apply to
tloket agent.
I. B. IloTcnissoir, J. K. Wood,
Orn'l Manager Oen" Pa..''i Ar
News a&d Opinions
National Importance
Dailyby mail, - $6 a year
Daily and mailS a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c a copy, By mall, $2 a jea
Address THE SUN, New York.
Srt AnO BURC. Sdu4c.FDS'WimIIS&ft
unr-- vritr t.pioiKj co-ratus. '
st Povlntky'i int stons, E
Ctentn strMt.
A Tsiso. Ttrs vkti tit i .'.OMAN 8 RELIEF
Atwt;, prompt Hd nlUbl. Jruvt tmuatVMt.
, Oti ri TiFir Y iis snS S4TS sqssts.
At 4tu !u,M, at ttnt dlrtt lfrftid t pnes, .
ClTO ro Co KoMoa Uu,. Outfit.
Foi sl Klrlln's Atag itor And 8uensado