ij tKtlttt 1 " " v -i VOL. XIV.-NO 55 SHENANDOAH. PA.. THURSDAY. MA11CJI 2. 1890. ONE CENT UP J. P. Williams & Son, furn,tmurse.cansdtore. 13 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. GO TO r"VU4 FOR OPEN DAY Cor. Lloyd and White Sts., SHENANDOAH and American Flags ! Uncle Sam orders every flag j However, we make our flags of down from sunset until sunrise. There may be some sentiment mixed in but the flags last longer. There is nothing more injurious to wool fabrics than the night airs that is why. Wednesday is Washington's Birthday and you will want to honor the Nation's Father as-well as display the colors in honor of our recent victories in Manila. Morgan's Fancy Bazar, 23 Norm Mam st. KXXXXXXXX xxxx g X E WATCH THIS SPACE 1 FOR 3 3 1 I FIRE) SALE) ! g Swalm's Hardware Store. s OOOOOOOOOOOG JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, OPTICAL GOODS, CLOCKS, WATCHES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We have goods arriving daily from New York. Our stock is always open for inspection, and is such as to vmeet with the approba tion of all our patrons. Besides the tempting designs we constantly offer our prices is the greatest drawing card. ORKIN'S JEWELRY STORE, 129 South Main 'Street, - Shenandoah, Penna. SPECIAL DRIVES THIS WEEK ! Four cans New York State Sugar Corn for as cents. Wo havo only a email lot. Quality fine. Five pounds Broken Carolina Rice for 25 cents. Two cans Sweet Sifted "Honeysuckle" Peas for 25 cents. Quality equal to higher priced goods. Four cans Early June Peas for 25c Good and Cheap. Iteiueinber we never sell soakcdgoods. Good Table Syrup 6 cents a quart. TI10 best goods wo ever sold at the price. Our best Syrup at 10 cents. This U flue flavor, light color and strictly pure sugar ayrup. Four cans Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce for 25 cents. Large cans. OUR FISH STOCK IS FULL AND COMPLETE. Mackorol Norway and Block Island. Large and small.white and fat. Saused Mackorol 1, 2 and'3 pound cans. Salmon 2 and 3 cans for 25 cents. Codfish Whole and shredded and 2-pound bricks. Genuine codfish. Herring Smoked, Cromarthy Bloaters. Sardines In mustard and oil. New Floor Oil Cloth Large Stock, New Fresh Creamery and Dairy Butter. Fancy Full Cream Cheese. Pure Kettle Rendered Lard. Fancy California Navel Oranges. At A Beautiful New Stock of . . . Chamber SuitSa Just received. Ranging; in piices from $15.00 AND UPWARDS. AT A CZ 'C2 AND AND NIGHT. Haiti Street, MAHANOY CITY. the very best quality Wool Bunt ing, and that is why they last longer than most makes when you buy a bunting flag from us you patronize home industry. Our prices are again down to the old established prices "befo' de war." and Linoleum. Patterns, Just Received, KBITBR'S. il a. $ .a SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. Itmillni, tinier of lliialnrii ut Ij.t Night' SpmIoii. The School Board held regular monthly wetting hut nlitht, with the following Direc tors in uttndanio; Meters. Oouglilln, Ilaunl, lUJgli, Dove, Mnlkk, Helper, Vhltakr, Sullivan, Devitt. Martin, Ilritt and Connors, Siiiierlutcndcnt Cooper, Truant Officer Stnllli and Solicitor llurkc were also prevent. The only business transacted aside from tlia routine whs the election of a janitor to succeed tho lato James Brooks at the Jardln street school building There wore three applicants for the position. Thomas Dove, Sr.. .liit.cz Powell and Anthony McMaiiiman. On 11 Iwllot Mr. Dove received seven votes ami Mr. McManiman received Ave. A ques tion arose as to whether there was an elec tion, some members maintaining that a ma- joilty of the Hoard membership, as in tho election of teachers, was necessary, but after reference to the school laws it was found that a majority vote of the members present was milllcient, and Mr. Dove was declared elected. Mr. CoukIiIIii recommended Mrs. ilollly, of South Bowers street, for exoneration from taxes, and Mr Devitt recommended Mrs., Ilonora Waters, of Wost Coal street. Both cafes were referred to tho exoneration com mittee. Superintendent Cooper presented a report of chool attendance for the last month as follows: Monthly enrollment Boys, 1278; glrn, 1120; total. 21103. Avorago daily at tendanceBoys, 1120; girls, 1217; total, 2313. Percentage of attendance boys, 03; girls, 89; avenge, 01. I'uplls present every session, 841. T. nam Officer Smith presented the follow ing report: I "I Hi riii t; tho last school mouth I visited the parents of 210 absent pupils. Tho reasons given for absence in most of these cases was sickness, but In some cases the reasons given were neither legal, or reasonable. I respect fully ask permission of tho Board to prose cute the parents of these pupils. .There won1 four cases of truancy during tho month, one of the pupils, by tho name of David Ijiwson, is at present out of school. I have. on several occasions, taken him from" hi homo and put him in school. The superin tendent has punished him, but it has no otl'cct on him. I have visited our night schools iluringthe month and found the at tendance fairly good, and the deportment good." The report was accepted and the re quests referred to committee with power to act. The Financo committeo reported that the amount required fur current expenses was K009.53. Since the last report Tax lloceivor Burke paid 10,000 on his duplicate for 1803, or a total of $ 21 ,000 to dato. Treasurer Mul doon has a balance of $8,108 on hand. Tho salaries of the teachers will not bo due until March 8th, and tho committee recommended that salaries of officers and bills be paid, and that orders bo issued for teachers' salaries when they fall due. The meeting closed after the readiug and acceptance of bills. Hopkins Hurled. The funeral of James Hopkins, the victim of the shooting in the Foltz house, on East Lloyd street, took placo this afternoon from tho family residence at No. 204 West Huckle berry alley. The services were held at the residence. Interment was made in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The members of Shen andoah Valley Council, Jr. O. U. A. M and Hope Section No. 10, J. T. of H. & T., wero in.attendance at tho funeral. J. P. Williams & Son wero the funeral directors. Ladles Don't miss "Qlrviu's" special sale of new toilet and dinner sets. Also another lot of that cheap crockery for Friday and Satur day. 3-2-2t Denies tlie Statement. Mary Michulski, in her cvidenco before tho Coroner's jury inquiring into the death of James Hopkins, stated that she was a half-sister to Mrs. Staskel, of Brownsville. The husband of the latter called at this office last evening, and requested that u public denial be made of that statement. He says his wife Is In no way related to the girl. l'ortz llros. Kemoval. Portz Bros., the tailors, have moved tem porarily in the Watson property, 38 North Main street. Their business reputation in the gents' furnishing line and also the mer chant tailoring will bo fully sustained at their new place of business. 3-2-tf Same Old btory. Special to EvEKisa II En alii. Harrisburg, March 2. The same old story no election is to be told as a result of the ballot for United States Senator. The vote was : Quay 00, Jeuks 74, Dalzell 17, scatter ing 32; total, 210. Senator Higgins was the only member absent without a pair. CUunge of ltesldences. David Lingham, of 230 South Jardln street. has removed to the property No. 320 on the same street. The residence vacated by David Lingham will he occupied Umporarily by James Kal bach, who suffered by the recent fire. Tregeinbo to Iteturn Home. Arthur Trogembo, the young volunteer of this towu who while returning to his com pany, was injured in the Dunlaven wreck, left the hospital at Plalnfield last week, and is expected home to-morrow. It Is believed he will suffer permanent injury in one leg as a retult of the accident. He has made no settlement with the railroad company as yet. Notice to Depositors. Commencing Saturday, March 4th, the Merchants' National Bank will recelvo de posits every Saturday evoning between the houis of 0 and 10 o'clock. E. B. Hontee, 3-'-'t Cashier. Ills Business Goutluues. Mr. A. U. Swalm, who suffered tho bulk cf the loss by the fire of last Tuesday, is un daunted in Bplrit. His hardware buslnoss continues. He has a notice on tho front door of the store, directing his patrons to the Pear alley entrance, where he is carrying on his business, as well as the conditloa of affairs will permit. llridul Couple Serenaded, Several members of the Columbia Fire Compauy, cosily seated in the comixiuy'g box) wagon, serenaded Mr, and Mrs. August Carls at their newly furnished home on North Market street last evening. The ringing of the bells and tho gongs attracted a large crowd. Mr. Carls extended tho usual gener osity to tho "boys," Card of Thanks, Portz Bros., the tailors, extend their most heartfelt thanks to the firemeu and other in dlviduals who rendered much service in sav ing their ellects from tho recent fire. As a result of tho conflagration they have secured temporary quarters in tho Watson property, 38 .North Alain street. Rid Yourself of Rheumatism Buy Bed Flag Oil, 25c. At Giuhler Bros , urug store. GRASgOflA RAILROAD. A Remarkable Accident on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. CAUSED BY A RUNAWAY CAR I The Breaking of 'a Couplfng Started a Loaded Gondola That Ran Unrestrained From Delano to This Town, and Then Collided With a Locomotive, One of the most tho railway annals cmarkable accident in this region occurred on the Lehigh Valley llwny last night, and it t although the live of seems miraculous t! four men were plai in great Jeopardy, not f a serious nature. ono sustained Injur; 1 he ease wag one Ii whicli a la rue oar. one of the kind called gondolas, loaded with buckwheat coal, speu unrestrained for a dis tance of nine miles hnd, when at the belch t of speed, collided th a locomotive. An engine was shi ing cars in tho yard at Delano, and was pa! ing several cars easl- wardly. when the pliug of the rear car. the gondola rcferi o, broke and the grade started the carat ll HIHHttl ill n woatnrtv direction. The car attained a great speed. It passed over the high, or northerly, route to this town. It is remarkable that tho oar did not jump from the track in its long, breakneck journeyv Near the Emerick street crossing there Is a Wharton switch. It was turned to throwM traiu on to the oast bound track. The runaway car struck this switch witli such force that it reversed its position, and yet the, car remained on tho rails. George BrilL, the assUtand division superintendent, ami Station A Rent Deiifcler stood on the depot iplatform when tho oar shot past them. Bath say that they never beforn saw a car run at such speed as that one did. They say that if a car ever ran ata speed of 80 miles an hour, that cue did. Engine No. 587 was hjfting freight cars at White street and was on the main line, near tho Lakeside Railway bridge, when the runa way car struck. The crash caused a report like tho roar of a heavy cannon. Tho col lision was an" awful one. The engine was buried midway into the car. Tho coal witli which tho latter wa loaded was scattered a distance of 120 feet, by actual measurement, and thrown to such a height that some of it covered the girders of tho electric railway bridge. It is surprising toa remarkable degree that tho crew of the lrelght train escaped injury. Conductor James Ford said he could not un derstand how all ' escaped injury. Johti Long, tho engineer, and William Trout, tho fireman, were in the cab of the engine. They wero causht by tho shower of coal Long escaped Injury. Trout hail his hands cut by ilylng glass and the coal, and his right arm was strained. Ho was injured otherwise. Had tho coal been of larger size the two men would have been badly injured, It not killed. A man crossing tho tracks passed the pilot of tho engine but a moment beloro tho crasa occurred. The engine was mined. Strange to say. its wheels, and tho rear truck of tho gondola remained on the track. Engine No. 07 was sent down from Delano to tako away tho freight train, which was bound for Lebigh ton, and a wreck crew removed the wrecked engine and gondola. Englueer Long said last night: "I never before had such an experience, or a more narrow oscapo from death. Tho shock was tremendous, and I don't see how we escaped death. The fireman and I had our backs turned to tho east, looking at tho cars wo were shifting. Wo didn't see the car comeing The crash came unexpectedly. I can't tell how I felt. I don't want any more ex periences of that kind." Iiurglnrs at Jit. Carme). Burglars paid a visit to Mt. Carmel last night, but their raid was a fruitless one. They blew open the safe of the Anthracite Brewing Company, but secured nothing. The safe contained only papers that were of ln solely to tho compauy. Mr. P. J. Ferguson, ui luwu, is one oi mo cmct stockholders In the company. Tio burglars surprised the watchman in the company's office. Before tho work was commenced John Flanniean aud another man, both Lehigh Valley Eail- roaa uraKemeu, passed tho office on their way to their train. The burglars halted them, took them into the office, and bound. agged and blindfolded them. This was done because the burglars feared the brake men had discovered what was going on and would give an alarm. Tho first chargo put in the sufe failed to work, but a second one accomplished tho purpose. "Don't Miss This." Gas lamps fitted with best mnnfltt i-lnlv shade, etc. complete, 74c. At "Girvin's." Friday and Saturday. 3-2-2t Prompt l'avuirnt. To the Officers of the Home Friendly So ciety, oi isaiiimore, nn., ueorge A. Chase, President : fiECTLKMRV! T'lnftsn nmtnf Ma ,tA,l - . ...... .L.lI.U, acknowledgment of the promp't payment of mesumoi one hundred and eighteen dollars (f 118) due UOOn tlin drvitli nf enr, !. G. Hopkins. I find It of great help in this nour ot trouble and tbauk your superin tendent, William T. Evans, and ageut, Joseph Feist, for tholr nrnmnlnnu In tlm m.m.. t shall always deem It a privilege to recom- mena your company to my friends. Hutu Hopkins, SM Wost Huokleberry alley. Shenandoah, Pa March 2, 1800. Collieries to Suspend, Tho collieries of the P. & It. C. &. I. Co. will suspend operations to-morrow night un til Tuesday, next. Tho Kehloy Run colliory suspended operations at noon to-day, for want or oars. Attempted Suicide. Ex-Sheriff 'Charlos W. Leutz, of Carbon county, attempted suicide on Tuosday at midnight while Intoxicated, by drinking poison, says the Mauoh Chunk Times. It was secured elsewhere than at his home, and after taking it his wife mis attracted by his convulsive movements ami groans. His oou dition is not serious. I-eg Injured, Anthony Mltclikuf.kl, of South West street. had his right leg injured to-day by having it squeezed between the bumpers of oars at tbe Suffolk colliery. Ho was removed to his borne. Blarrluges. James Leibig, a prominent young business man of Ashland, and Miss Emma Ilrldgen, of Mabanoy city, wero married at the former plain. . hey will resida lu AihUud. UNDER ASSUMED NAME. Karof.kl Changed lilt Name to Suit a Miners' Ortlllentr, There have been some interesting develop ments in the uue of I.eula Karoftkl, de ceased, late of Mabanoy City. The man wm frown to death while trying to make his way home from work at EllangowaB colliery during the recent bllanrd. One of the de velopments is of special Interest, as it con fluna tbe oft-repeated report that miners' certificates are bought aud sold among some of the inon working in tho mine, aud men who are not qualified for and entitled to hold miner' certificates teen re thm through the barter system. It appears that tbe victim's name was not Louis Karofski, but Adam Yeneedeekl. Some timo ago thu man made application for it miners' certificate, but he could not m the reqoired examination. He subwuuently purobaed the miners' certificate held by the real Louis Karofakl. who wai about to leave for tho old country. Yeneadenkl then as sumed the name of Louis Karofski and ad hered to it to his death. The P. & U. C. A I. Co. has informed the friends of the deceased that there are wagon amounting to (80 due to the heirs, and that they are also entitled to lwneflta from the beneficial fund. The friends are communi cating with tho parents of the deceased, who are in the old country, with a view to hav ing an administrator appointod to receive tbe money. THE SUSQOOHANNA QOftOES. Honevtml llnpn Tlmt Sorlmt Diimnco Will llo Averted. Lancaster, l'a., March 2. An oaih-r feeling exists along tho SuHiiuehauna. and it is believed that the big ice gorges that threatened such great destruction will disappear without doing serious damage. The snow on the mountains In melting so gradually tlmt there is little probability of the streams becoming un usually Hwollen. However, some appre hension is still felt because of the ice and water pausing down the channel on the York county Hide nt Coliinibin, which ik now open to the middle of the river. At Washington borough the situation in quite grave. In the lower part of tin- town water is over pavements and boats are used in going from house to house. Some places the piled up ice would have to move only ten or fifteen feet to crash into the houses, which would then be swept away. No trains have been run on the Columbia aud Port Deposit rail road since Sunday. An AUoiroil Thfovlnir Pomtrftastor. Altoona. Pa.. March 2. W. A. Ilnno. hey , assistant postmaster at Barnes- borough, Cambria county, was arrested yesterday by Deputy 5Inrsb.nl John Hoe on the chargo of embezzlinir $4,000 from the money order department of the of- llce. lie was held In SS.000 bail. Presidential Postmasters Nnmefl. Washington. March 1. In n Wt nt nominations sent to tho senate yesterday were the following postmasters: New JerSeV: MnrcelltlS I. .Tnpl.-nn TTnmmnn. ion; unnries u. Uowperthwalt, Mount iiony. rennsylvanta: Augustus M High, Heading. Tho bost gaa mantle lu the market for 25c, at Brumm's. tf Klectlon Held for Postmaster. Tho Republican votbrs of Schuylkill Haven, at tho suggestion of Congressman Brumm, yesterday held an election to dc tcrmlne their choice of four candidates for postmaster of that town. It was tbe first election of tho kind yet held in this county and the result is said to be auything but sat isfactorily. Tho candidates wcre.Mrs. James K. Helms, Irvln W. Tyson, George F. Donglerand Lin L. Bowman, Esq., and they paid tho expenses of the election. Tyson was declared the first choice and Bowman second. Dengler received a total of 20 votes, the lowest man, while Tyson's vote was 120. The polls opened at noon and closed at 7 o'clock in the evening. The term of the present Democratic incumbent expired over a month ago, and as Brumm refused to make a choice aud decided to have a vote on the question, has pledged himself to endorse the successful candidate, thus shifting tho re sponsibility. It is said the successful candi date is friendly to Senator Losch, and there's where the laugh comes in. The Conference Closes. The United Evangelical Conference at Mohnsville closed yesterday, to meet one year hence at Lancaster. Tho appointments in Schuylkill county are as follows: Potts- ville, A. J Brunner: Schuylkill Haven, S. S. Chubb ; Cressona, N. A. Barr ; Drebcrs- ville, W. H. Snyder ; Port Carbon, W. W. Yost ; Frackville, W. J. Schclfly ; Tamaqua, U. E, Fastnacnt ; Lansford, to be supplied ; Barnesville, J. G. Rosenberger; Mahanoy, A. A. DeLong ; Shenandoah, J. R. Hensyl ; Ashland, II. M. Wingert : Locust Dale, II. J. Kline ; Wayne, Jerome Garr ; Piuegrove, G. W. Marquardt: Tremont, H, D. Kirdler: Tower City, S. N. Diesinger; Easton, A. H. Snpder ; Catasauqua, R. M. Lichtenwalner ; Mohnsville, II. J. Ulick ; Lititz, I. J. Keltz ; Sunbury, H. D. Schultz; Philadelphia, Bethel, A. M. Sampsel. Store Koom anil Dwelling for Kent. 110 North Main street. Stable attached. Apply to Mrs. Margaret Brehony, Mahanoy Plane. 2-38-0t Clerical Changes. The Lehigh Valley Coal Company has made several promotions in its clerical foice. Thomas Brew, of Mahanoy1 City, who was assistant to Mr. Canfield at Lost Creek, has been promoted to a corresponding position with Mr. Canfield with headquarters at Hazleton. Mr: Brow now has charge of the rosbipping of coal on the Hazleton and Mah anoy divisions. George Drew, of this town, hag been pro moted to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Brew's promotion, and Maurice Price, for merly clerk at the Primrose colliery, Maha noy City, has been promoted to the chief clerkship at Packer no. 3 colliery, Browns ville. William Palmer, Jr., assistant clerk at the Primrose colliery', has been made chief clerk to succeed Mr. Price. Cream silver polish, tho best in the world, at Brumm's. tf hpeclal r.itriirlou. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad will run a special excursion to Washington, D. C, March 15, 1809, good to return until March 25tb, 1800, inclusive. Round trip rate from Shenandoah will - be (6 01. Time of trains mads known Uter. Side trips to Old Point Comfort, Norfolk and Virginia Beach at re duced rates. Dr. Dull' Cough Syrup cures croup, It has saved the life of many a child. Mothers, keep this medicine always on band; it will save you many restless moments. Price 35c. THE POPE'S IltlijNESS ! A Successful Oporation Performed on tho Aged PoutifT. BUT THE DANGER IS NOT 0VEH. Dr. Mazzonl DoolnrmTliiit Pneumonia May Vot Develop, mid Another Ho ort linn It Tlmt tho 1'opo'rt Phyal olnns Kenr lllooil I'olsonlnir. Home, Mrch 2. The following of ficial bulletin lias been issued: "Hit liolliipxs underwent an operation renter day for the removal of a hmg nUnillng crt. which Miiililenly lwontne Inflamed. Ills holiness bore the operation remark ably well, although it whs iuipoeoible to use chloroform. The pope's condition is how fairly satisfactory." The hematic cyst, which was about the Rise of an orange, had been forming, probably, for 30 years. The only per sons present at tho operation were Dr. Mazconi, Dr. Lapponl, who assisted, and Dr. I'io Centra, the pope's personal at tendant. At 0.30 his holiness was car ried on a litter to a window of his apart ment. Smiling, he said to the doctors: "Do you want to play those tricks upon me at my age?" Then he lay down com posedly on his right .side. Although the courage which the patient displayed gave the doctors courage, they feared to use chloroform, and uted Instead a liquid anaesthetic, consisting of cocaine, chloride of sodium and morphia. Owing to the size of the growth the excision occupied some time, but Dr. Mazzonl quickly trnred tire extent of the growth, and the actual operation lasted 12 minutes. The pope displayed great fortitude. After the bandaging ho was carried back to the bed, and, once the feeling of fnintness due to shock and loss of blood had passed away, he ap peared qulle calm. The fever quickly subsided, confirming the diagnosis of the doctors. According to Italic, his holiness suf fered great pain during the operation, and remarked afterward to his doctor: "I understand now the seriousness of my Illness. You must have great courage to operate upon an old man like myself." When he consented to the operation his holiness said to Dr. Lapponl: "It Is a truly disagreeable thing to me to sepa rate myself from this cyst just when I am about to go. after having had its com pany for n third of my life." During the operation the pope asked his private chaplain. Father Angell, to say mass. After the surgeons hud com pleted their task he was In excellent spirits, nnd even Joked with them. His holiness slept two hours during the day. At 0 o'clock Drs. Mazzonl and Lap ponl again visited him and found that the pain caused by the operation had so far abated as to allow his holiness to lie on his back. At that hourhis tempera ture was lower nnd his general condi tion satisfactory. It was ascertained on Inquiry at the Vatican nt midnight that the pope was resting tranquilly. The wound contin ues healthy, and the pain has diminished. After the operation, It appears, the weak ness due to Ios of blood, became ex treme, and his holiness lost conscious ness and muttered unintelligible Latin phrases. Cordials, broths and cham pagne were administered with good effect. ' In other quarters It Is asserted that the pope is still suffering from difficulty In respiration and from pain in the lum bar region. Dr. Mnzzoni says that it is possible pneumonia may disebwe itself. Altogether the progress of the disorder is problematical. There is a rumor to day that the pope's physicians fear blood poisoning. Don't Let Anybody Interfere, But 1 Take Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 25c. At Gruhlcr Bros., drug store. Senator Quay In Hnrrlslmri; Hurrisrburg, March 2. Senator Quay arrived in the city last evening and is the guest of (Jovernor Stone at the ex ecutive mansion, where he was called Upon by n large number of senators and members nnd other friends. Asked If he had anything to say regarding the po litical situation, the senator Raid: "I am naturally gratified with the fact that over two-thirds of the Republican mem hers of the legislature have from the outset supported me nnd that there has not been a single break in the lines of these stalwart Republicans, though tho contest has been prolonged for two months. Information that has come to me since my urriral in the" city Is of the most encouraging character, nnd I hove every reason to believe I will be re elected." Coco Argollne, the genuine article, for sale at Kirlin's drug store. 10-6-tf -Mine Knlalltlrs. John Bolich, a miner, employed at Wil liams colliery, met death in a horrible man ner yesterday afternoon. He was at work in a breast when he was caught by a fall and buried under tons of coal and rock. John Hbupitsky. of Mahanoy City, had his head nearly blown off by a premature explos ion of a blast at Maple Hill colliery yesterday atternoon. He was instantly killed. Up to Onto In Stock and Prices On meats. iiusages, farmer's butter and eggs. turner s meal marknt. Cherry and Chestnut streets. S-O-tf Cau iHsue .Money Onltrs. These Schuylkill county fourth-class post offices will be made money-order offices after April 1st: Llewellyn, Morea Colliery, Ondd, Quakake and Valley View. Or. Hull's Cough Syrup cures ull throat troubles. Why wear out your throat by incessant coughing, when this reliable remedy cau bo bought for only 3E cents a buttle? rums LUNCIIUS TO-Niaill, biokebt's. Vegetable soup, free, to-uigbt. Flali cakes to-morrow niormug. ubntz's. Baked boaus and pork to-uight. Special luucu to-morrow moraine WEEKS.' Pea soup, free, to-night. CoW lunch, 9 to 11 a. m. XKXDBICK HOUSE. Soqr krout and pork will be served, fret iqa pa.ir,ons w-nignt. MAX UEVIT S. End ' Season Sale. Men's Caps, worth 25 cent Our price now is CJU A large assortment of fash- -f A tollable caps, all sizes, 1 "v Fashionable bats. Just rcte;rd. A special offer. Black or brown. Satin or sick. P WK MAVK Cl IUT ? niK niorr pi.O tiii: mu.uti Special noveltiet in soft hm t . r ' down price. SPRING DESIGNS Of shirts for the coining season V ; U meet with your appreciation . I.i" i- a ' MAX LEVIT UP-TO-DATE HATTER. CORKER MAIN MD CENTRE STREETS. Neiswenter's LIVERY and BOARDING STABLES. Best equipped stables in this region. Conveyances of every description always at your service. Horses for all kinds of purposes with a fine selection to choose from. All safe and reliable. NEISWENTER'S Livery and Exchange Stables. Parlor Suits Chamber Suits, Diningroom Furniture, Fancy Rockers, Sideboards and Cheffioniers, Parlor Tables, Writing Desks and Book Cases, China Closets. For tho best Furniture of all des criptions nt Bottom Prices go to M. O'NEILL, IOQ S. Main Sc. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Spring Openin; WAIT FOR IT! The grand dWav nf nrln . millinery at the Bon Ton millinery, 29 North Main atreet, on March 1Mb. It will be great? r anil grander than ever. A r.,11 ,.-i.,,i .it the newest styles ami latest designs In rcady-to- u tumors ana walking hats froro the best up-to-dute manufaUurers lu New York Boston and Philadelphia. We are the leaders In mllllaery dlreot from the Importers. Our spring openlnfc- will contain the newest shades In Ribbons, Liberty Silks, Mirror VeJreU. Fongers, Gauzs, Mausellne-de-Soiree, Chiffons, Laces, Nettings and Veiling. Also the latest ornaments In hat trimming. Rnrl-. ttu-vi.. Jets, Ball-Pins. Steels, Pearl, gold, oridtied ami jcweieu novelties, our Sower stock will bo a ming or beauty and a Joy forever You cannot help but admire tho goods, and rejolco over cur low prices. WE PROHISE To show at our spring opening the most ez quints line oi novelties procurable from foreign maraeis. imponeu nau as well aa our own. Our 1,000 ready-trimmed bats to ba exhibited tor laaies, missea ana children will be sold at prices lo make vou ha mi v. Coma vonruil n.l do yoorsell Justice at our opening ou March BOH TON MILLINERY, Mt. 29 North Main Street. Souvenirs free to every lady caller. Furniture !