The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 01, 1899, Image 2

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    P' w w
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Published every evening, except Sunday, At S
South Jardin street, Shenandoah, l'n.
The Herald la delivered In Shenandoah Mini the
surrounding towns fnraixcents-n w ek, pay
able to the carriers. !' mnll f 00 A year, nr
S3 cents n month payable In Advance. Ad
vertisements charged according ' space and
position, The publisher refttve tin right
to change the position f advertisement
whenever the publication of news demand
it. The right is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether pntd for or not-, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known uponappllcatlon.
Entered At the pot ofllce nt Shenandoah, Pa , as
second class mail matter
OUR COUNTRY t First. Last and Forever.
Se Vim AX local Democratic statesmen
are figuring quite extensively on tlie
Couneiluianio caucus.
The battle tor United State? Sena
tor is again transferred to Harrls
burg, with the result as far away as
The Herald is in grout demand
these days, and as usual is meeting
all requirements in the matter of its
news service.
There will be a battle royal be
tween the Republican factious in this
state over the selection of state dele
gates this year.
THOSE calculations about how long
the world's supply of coal will last
need rvisIon. Tlier fs a HiilTleient
' supply for the present generation.
Speaker Farr caused a cold chill
to run up the backs of the "autis"
I when he announced the committee to
Investigate those alleged bribery
EixpAirsiorr was not oetore me
cuuuuy wueii Aurauum Xiiiicoin was
i .President, but ne took good care to
spft tlmr. nnf. n. fnnf. nf rrritnrv wns
p lUBt IU LUU UIU llllf.
The "Wanamakor papers are kept
busy explaining the cause of the
postponement of the Quay trial, es
pecially so since the defense were
anxious to proceed with the trial.
The present Congress expires by
limitation at noon on Saturday, and
tlie Schuylkill statesman, among
others, will wend his way home to
return to the scenes of his joy no
Under the stimulus of active busi
ness all over the country tlie stock of
paper currency in the Federal
Treasury has been gradually reduced
until the government has now $227,-'
000,000 in gold and only $23,000,000 in
uol. uitiAJN uas neiu a nuuioer oi
informal conferences with the Demo
crats of prominence'in Congress, and
so far as can be ascertained he is still
the choice of the Democratic masses
in the "West and South for the nomin
ation next year. Advices also from
New York, Pennsylvania, Massachu
setts and other states in the Eastern
section of the country would seem to
indicate that he will have formidable
strength If he does not actually con
trol most of those delegations to the
national convention. .Bryan still in
sists that the party cannot abandon
in the slightest the free silver ques
In commenting upon an editorial
in these columns, favoring the Losoh
bill abolishing the office of Director
of the Poor, the Hazleton Standard
says : "What kind of u bunco game
is the Herald trying to foist on
Schuylkill countains anyway? The
Herald knows full well that the
measure will not eliminate polities
from our charitable institutions, but
will throw more power into the bunds
of the Governor and keep the un
chine in power." Our contemporary
is unnecessarily disturbed. No one
will deny that the administration of
the almshouse has not been what it
should be, and the plan as proposed
under the Loach bill cannot be a step
backward. The administration of In
stitutions similar to the Miners' hog-
pltal, where the trustees are ap
pointive and serve without ooiupenga
tlon, is sufllclent guarantee that the
county's poor will meet with the same
due consideration under a similar ad
ministration. Tlie appointments will
bo Jointly In tlie hands of the Court
and the County Commissioners, whloh
et present in this county are Demo
cratic Jn complexion. If Senator
Losch'g motives were of a polltio'il
nature he would have insisted upon
the appointment of the Trustees of
the Institution being delegated to the
Governor. That such is not tlie re
qulremente of the act, Is eyidenee
that the object is solely in the inter
est of the poor Inmates.
Are gaining lavpr xapiu'y BaBbal
.Business men and travel- J n I 1 a
lr carry them la vest III O
pneketa, udief carry them
fu pnrxi, housekeepers keep tliera in rneillrin
Clu4u, frlMUls moiuumud Uiia to frisuds. tM.
ff'TJTAt a Alii n.l T t1CHttnirt,iT
Pinkham. Says Standlrur Still la Ouo of
Woman's Moat Jfrylnu Tasks.
Hare you ever thought why it is Hint so
many women or girls rather walk for an hour
than stand still for ten minutes?
It Is because most women suiter from some
derangement of their delicnto organism, the
discomfort from which is less! tryjtljf when
thoy are in motion than when standing.
So serious are these troubles Tutill so dangerous
health that tlie laws In soitie stntu) com
pel employers to provido rusting pliiees for
their female employees.
. Hut no amount ollaw can regnlat.
thehnnl taks of these womun. Cus
tomers uro exacting, and expect the
baiesiauy to oo always cheerful
and pleasant. How can a girl
bo cheerful when her back is
sailed by lassitude and bearing
ter how sweet tempered she is
way under the pain after a while,
want cross and snappy suleswo
Important capital, and no one can bo
If you are ill or sufferintr. write
Lynn, Mass., and tell her all about yourself. Your story will not bo new to
ner; sne nns neara it many thousand tunes and will know just what you need.
Without doubt, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetnblo Compound will help you, it has
done such wonderful things for suffering women. Do not hesitate to write her
all the little things that make you feel miserable. Your letter willnot bo seen
by any man, and Mrs. Pinkham's advice will cost you nothing.
Itend this lettor from Mrs. Majiqaket AsDBitsoN, 463 Lisbon St., Lewis
ton, Me.
"Dear Mns. Pinkiiam: For years I had Buttered with painful menstruation
every month. At the beginning of menstruation it was impossible for me to
stand up for more than Ave' minutes, 1 folt so miserable. One day a little book
of Mrs. Pinkham's was thrown into my house, and I sat right down and
read it. I then got some of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Liver Pills.
"I can heartily say that to-day I feel like a new woman; my monthly
suffering Is a thing of the past. I shall always praise the Vegetablo Compound
for what it has done for me."
Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advlce-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills
A Contemporary dives a True Picture of
the Slielinndnali Species.
From Hazleton Sentinel.
The coruor loafer nuisance uinkcs its up
penranco regularly with tlio coming of every
spring and it is always met with- precisely
the same mode of treatment. Citizens make
their complaints to the newspapers and to
the police and both find themselves powerless
to accomplish a reform. The newspapers
may fill columns with the most violent abuse
of the corner loafer; ho does not read it, and
if ho does by clianco read those assaults upon
him as an institution, he is only pleased to
know that he is of suilicient importance to bo
Tho zealous patrolman may movohim from
the corner but it will only he to tho next.
When the zealous patrolman finally becomes
woary of endeavoring to keep his post clour
of this objectionable species and gives him a
littlo colloquial shake up the institution de
clares that he is waiting for work. And
that's right he is waiting for work, but he
only wants about ten cents worth at a time.
His system is too greatly onervated for in
dustry in allopathic doses. But he is looking
for work when tlie patrolman disturbs him
and what can the disgusted patrolman do but
allow him to contfnuo his look for work and
incidentally take in tho sights of the streets.
The foregoing applies to that class of citi
zens whoso chief occupation in tho spring is
to assist in the removal of furniture; in the
summer whatever turns up, in tho fall the
same and in tho winter gatting in coal.
There are plenty of honest industiious men
who are out of work and who are earnestly
looking for it. Thoy seldom stand on the
corner waiting for work to coma to them,
though they do occasionally stand on the
corner to whilo away a weary hour.
These persons the policeman ure reluctant
to disturb. The bauo of their existence is tlie
unkempt, tobaoco-spitting corner loafer as an
Regardless Of Age.
The kidneys are responsible for more sick
ness, suffering, and deaths than any other
organs of the body.
A majority of the ills afflicting people to
day, is traceable to kidney trouble. It prevades
all classes of society, in all climates, regard
less of age, sex or condition.
The symptoms of kidney trouble.are unmis
takable, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, sleep
lessness, pain or dull ache in the back, a
desire to urinate often day or night, profuse or
seanty supply.
Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine
are signs of clogged kidneys, causing poisoned
and germ-filled blood. Sometimes the heart
acts badly, and tube casts (wasting of tlie
kidneys) are found in the urine, which if
neglected will result in Wright's Disease, tlie
most dangerous form of kidney trouble.
All these symptoms and conditions are
promptly removed under the influence of Dr,
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It has a world wide
reputation for its wonderful cure of the most
distressing cases.
No oue need be long without it as it is so
easy to get at auv drug store at fifty cents or
one dollar. You can have a sample bottle of
this wonderful discovery, Swamp-Root, and a
book telling all about it, both scntto you
absolutely free by mail. Send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dinghamton, N, Y., and
kindly mention that you read this liberal offer
in the Shenandoah IIkralu.
This Is the trade
mark of the short
line to Florida the
Southern Railway.
Two daily trains are operated all the year,
and during the winter teasou, a third, the
Florida Limited, is added. If you are voiug
to Florida or anywhere else in the South, aik
for a ticket via the Southern Railway, Write
to John M. Benll, District I'aasengei Agent,
838 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Nobraskn'MllofiilfBok Tfourly UnoToU.
Lincoln, Neb., .March 1. What is re
garded us the beginning of the end of tlie
senatorial deadlock came last night,
when 74 Republican members of the leg
islature signed an agreement to go into
a caucus tonight and abide by the de
cision, There's Just What You Want.
Pan -Tina (8fta.) for eeughs and eoldg. At
Qrubler Bros., drug store.
Tlio MTTfWoTlVrs'"lVnlrcwi.
Taunton, Mass., March 1. Treasurer
Shnniwsy, of the (Jorr Manufaeturlgg
company, said today that the plant of
that company In this city would restore
wages at the same time that the l'n II
jliver mills resumed on the old schedule,
the mills being on the same basis. Rob
ert Knight, who controls nearly 500,000
spindles in Rhode Island and Masso
chusetts, J. W. Danielson. treasurer of
several of the largest factories in east
ern Connecticut, and number of other
mill agents have stated that a restora
tion In wages will be made eonforming
with that derided upon In I'all River.
aching, when she Is n
down pains? Ko mat-
naturally, her nerves trlvi
Employers, however, don't
men. Cheerfulness is very
iablo when racked with pain.
without delay to Mrs. Plnlcham. at
A Victim oftlio r.iiU'-llllzznrrt.
Unirlsbilrg, March 1. Tlje body of a
man reported tu be fienrgo Gates, of
near Manchester. York comity, was
found in the burn of John O., on
the .lueob Iluhleuinn farm, oue mile
below New Cumberland, Monthly night.
During the btoini of two weeks ngo the
limn wn given permission to sleep iu the
barn, ami. it is thought, perished iu the
awful weather of that night. The coro
ner's jury rendered n verdict that the
unit came to his death by freezing dur
ing the late blizzard.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies tho breatli by its
action on the bowels, etc, as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
I'rico !io cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
JTntlonrtl Committeeman Wlllliuns.
Boston, March 1. At a meeting of the
executive committee of the Democratic
state committee Inst night Hon. George
Fred Williams wus chosen the Massa
chusetts member of the national com
mittee in place of John W. Corcoran,
who was removed at the state convention
lust fall. The slate committee at thut
time was empowered to lill the vacancy,
and the election of Mr. AVilliams was
Drink Graln-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors
order il, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure grains
and has tnat rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs about
'X as much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine food driuk containing
nothing but nourishment: Ask your grocer
for Grain-O, the new food drink. I5 and 25c.
A Pretty nlrl'H Suloliln.
Uridgeton, N. J., March 1. The body
of Itue Hague, the pretty 10-year-old
daughter of Gnptuin Jacob Hague, of
Greenwich, was found yesterday llonting
in tho Coli.msey river, near her home.
The girl disappeared on Nov. 0 last,
and all efforts to find her hud failed. It
Is a plain case of suicide, but the cause
m unknown. There will be no inquest.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day,
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu.
ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
Confirmed by tin Stmnto,
Washington, March 1. The senate
yesterday confirmed the following nomi
nations: William It. Day of Ohio. Uni
ted States circuit judge for the Sixth
judicial circuit: Christian C. Kohlsaut
of Illinois, United Slates district judge
for the northern district of Illinois;
James S. Sliermun of New York, gen
eral appraiser of merchandise; J. II.
Holzliu, postmaster at Cumberland, Md.
A Common Sanger.
If you have over had a cold which you
permitted to "weai away" it may interest
you to know it was a dangerous proceeding.
Every cold and cough which is neglected
paves the way for consumption, bronchitis,
asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous
German throat and lung remedy, will cure
any cough or co'd and save you frem con
sumption. Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c
and 50c per bottle.
Victory For Tlio Tnlon Xnbol!
Albany, March 1. Tho Cigarmakcrs'
International Union of America won 0
victory for its blue label yesterday iu the
court of apiieals. Action whs brought
by the union to restrain Henry n. Heert
and Frederick II. Khlen from using 1111
alleged imitation of the blue union label.
The defendants pleaded that the filing of
the union's label in the secretary of
state's otllce was unlawful. Judgment
restraining defendants from selling cigars
iu boxes bearing tlio label mentioned was
granted and damago awarded to the
plaintiffs, which judgment this court af
firms. "I owe my whole life to Burdock Blood
Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered my body.
I seemed beyond curt. B. B. B. has made
me a perfectly well womau." Mrs. Chas.
Hutton, Bervllle, Mich.
Hoy rftilkorH TtOHimio AVorlc,
Uridgeton, N. J., March 1. The strik
ing tending Itoys at the ('iiiiiber)nnd glass
factory resumed work yesterday on the
advice of the journeymen blowers. The
two boys wlio cheered for President
Iiftes, of the Glass ISIowers' union, and
were discharged, were not taken back.
Yon Try ItT
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is sold for the small price of 35 cts., 50
cts. and f 1 00, does not cure take the bottle
back and we will refund your mooey. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price
25 eta. and 50 cts. Sold by P. I). Kirlin and
a guarantee.
Their lilrroroucnH Prevent tlid Ad
viiticcmontof Itlthnrltcnr Admiral.
Washington, March 1. Another unsuc
cessful effort was made in 'lie executive
session of Ihe senate to coiiliiiu the nom
inations advancing Adiinrils Kiinipson
and Schley niid other olllcois who partic
ipated in the SantiniJo rnmpnigu. This
result was duo to the objei Hons of Sen
ators llutlOr, Pottlgrew ntid Stewart,
who talked through the executive session,
thus preventing the taking of 11 vote.
Senator Uutler linsed his objection to
the advancement of Mr. Sampson upon
the revelations of tliQ published record
of the two ollleor, referring with es
pecial euiphnsis to the fact that Admiral
.Sampson had liltnsOlf been responsible
for Admiral Schley's remaining nt Cien
fuegos. The presentation of tills point led to
a controversy its to whether Sampson
hud ever issued the order. Senator For
nker appeared especially anxious to se
cure confirmation or denial of tills accu
sation, indicating Ills opimsitlon if it was
baVil upon correct Information. He
wanted to know why, If such 1111 order
hud been Issued, It hud not lieen Included
in the record of the two olllcers sent to
the senate by the secretary of the navy.
To tliis the friends of Admiral Sampson
replied thnt it wns to be presumed that
it would hno been If such nn order had
ever-been issued.
Senator Pettlgrew. quoted tho closing
paragraph of Admiral Schley's state
ment. "No one win get around that
logic." said Mr. Pettlgrpw. "Tills mat
ter Is of record If the other is not, and
enough is known to show the unfairness
of Sampson."
Senators Gorman and Wellington
made nn nppcnl for action. Mr. Gorman
said that lie agreed with those who
claimed that there had been unfair dis
crimination against Srlile.v. lint he said
thnt he wnnted him confirmed, and lie
saw no menus of protecting Schley wlth
3ut advancing Snmpson.
A suggestion to confirm Schley and
leave Sampson nniuted upon wns not
accepted, and the executive session
closed without action.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a
bail cold whicli settled 011 ray lungs ; cough
set iu and finally terminated in Consumption.
Four Doctors gave mo up, Baying 1 could live
hut a short tlmo. I gavo mysolf up to my
Savior, determined if I could uot stay witli
my menus on earth, 1 would meet my absent
ones abovo. My husband was advised to get
Dr. K he's New Uiscovory for Consumption.
Coughs and Colds, tgivoita trial, took in
all eight bottles It has cured me, and thank
God I am saved and now a well and healthy
womaui" Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's
Drug htore Kesular size 50c and si.oo.
Guaranteed or crico refunded.
To Senroli For Wnlter WVllmnn.
Christiana. March 1. The Morgen
Illadt says that arrangements have been
concluded by which n sealing vessel will
search Frnuz Josef Land for Walter
Wellnjan and the members of his expedi
tion to Greenland, unless tlie explorer
returns shortly. The Wcllmnn expedi
tion left Tromsoe, Norway, on June 2(5
last for the purpose of exploring the
Arctic regions. On July 1." the Fridtjoff,
the steam whaler having on board Well
mnn and his companions, nrrived at
Vardoe, and nfter taking on coal the
expedition left for the north on the fob.
lowing day. '
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guarauteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic aiu' Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump.
tion. Price 25c and 50c.
Fire I Fire I Urol
Insuro your property from loss in tlie
oldest And strongest cash companies : Pliila.
underwriters Insurance. Co. of North
Amcrictu and Firo Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co ,
West (Jhestor Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. CA. T. T. Williams,
123 S. .larrtln St.. Shenandoah.
As Tti Moored by l)ciilincsIn I'liIIndol
jililu uiul Baltimore.
Philadelphia, Feb. 28.-Flour firm; win
ter saperflne, J? 25'n2.50; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, $3.103.30; city mills, extra.
$2.75'fj: . Uye flour firm at $3.3) per barrel
for cl olee Pennsylvania. Wheat strong;
No. 2 red, February. 77ST7UC Oats Arm;
Mn 2 whitn. SGc: No. 2 white, clipped,
3G1403C. Hay weak, choice timothy, $11
for latge bales. Beer steady: oeei nams,
$18.50dl. Pork easy, mess, $Sf?9.75; fam
ily. $mfl2.D0. Lard steady; wostern steam
ed, $5 &. Uutter steady; western cream
ery, W'J21c; do. factory, 12014!ic; El
gins, He.; imitation creamery, 13MslSc.;
New fork dairy. 1."'i20c; do. creamery,
l&S21c Cheese very Ilrmt large, white,
lOftifllc; small do., lH4fll?4o.; large,
colon 1. 10eile.; small do., llV4ll?ic.;
lieht skims. SfcOMc.; part do., 7U6S'Ac;
full dt., ZmViC- Eggs weak; New York
and Pennsylvania, 2M(2SV4c.; western,
fresh, 2Cc; southern, 2&TJ26C. Potatoes
steadier; New York, $1.25&2; Long Island,
$1.50 .23; Jersey sweets, S1.751J2.7S. Talr
low i nil; city, 4'4c.: country, 4Vi0i'Ao.,
as to quality. Turpentine Arm at 4GV.0
47o, C abbage steady at $308 per 109. Cot
tonseed oil about steady and moderately
active In a domestic way; prlmo crude,
2014021c.; prime summer yellow, 25Sj25'tc.j
ore summer yellow, 23Vc. ; butter graaes,
Ufi31e. ; prime winter yellow, 31632c, ;
prlmo white, 31j31'c.
Baltimore, Feb. 28. Flour dull; western
superfine. J2.26fi-2.60: do. extra, JS.COtiS; do,
family. $3,30IU8.GO; winter wheat, patent,
$8.7060.90; spring do., $3.b6f 4.10; spring
wheat, straight, $3.(XXS3.80. Wheat llrmer;
spot ind month, 77677140.; Mnrch, 770
nvtc,; any, isttw.sw.; BieHtner jo. rcu,
74iJTSc.; southern, by sample, 72f78c.;
do. on grade, 74l4j7714c. Corn strong;
spot and month, 39l43tc.; March, 33Vi
aVic; April, 3Wiw39T8c. ; steamer mixed,
ag&W&c.; southern, white and yellow,
SSJHOci. Oats euBy, No. 2 white, 37c; No.
2 mixed, 31c. Bye firm; No. 2 nearby,
8161WjC ; No. 2 western, 6314c. Hay firm:
No. 1 timothy, 11(f) 11.50. Lettuce at $2.C0
02.75 per bushel box.
' Live Stock MurltotH.
Nevf York, Feb. 38. Beeves steady;
cable firm for cattle and slieep; refriger
ator beef steady at 10c. per lb. Calves
steady; S7 unsold: good veals, $7; no
southern or. western calves. Sheep quiet;
lambs slow, but steady; 3i oars unsold;
fair tp prime sheep, tWJl.BO; medium 'to
prime lambs, $6,2846.60. Hogs nominally
East Liberty, Pa.. F. b. 28. Cattle about
Bteauy; extra, $.4Wid.u, prime, J6.20ff6.40;
common. W.604H. Hogs lower; prime so
looted mediums, $t.uvg4.3Qi heavy hogs,
$4.1064.11); best Yorkers, J1.064J4.10; Ugh;
Yorkprs. $404.06; Pggi $3.7&Q3.S5; com
mon to fair pigs, $2.6003.60; roughs, $2.60Q
J.00.. Hheep ste.idy choice wethers, fl.dOty
4.06; common. $2 GOfi 3.C0; choice lambs,
$6.Wi.; lommon to good, $44iS.10; veal
calves. $7' '-'i
Tor Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name
Crmo & Bus, Ashland, Pa., la printed on
ivory sack, .
Do Hot Be Alarmed, But Look For The
Heart troubles, at lout among tho inorl-
uiins, uru certainly increasing anil whilo this
may be largely-due -to the excitement and
worry of American business life, it Is more
often tho result of weak stomachs, of poor
Real disease is incurable; but not
ono caio in a hundred of huart troublo Is or
Tho closo relation between heart troublo
and poor digestion is because both organs aro
controlled by the nunc great nerves, tho
Sympathetic and Pneumogastrlc.
In another way, also the heart is affected
by the form of poor digestion, which causes
gas and fermentation frctn half digested
food ; There is n fccllhg of oppression and
heaviness in tho chest caURcd by pressure of
tho distended stomach on the heart and
lungs, interfering with their artiuu ; hence
arises palpitation ami short breath.
Poor digestion alio poisons tho blood,
making it thin and watery, which irritates
ami weakens the heart.
Tho most sensible treatment for heart trou
blo is to improvo tho digestion and to insuro
tho prompt asslinllatlou of food.
This cm ho done by tho regular use after
meals of somo safe, pleasant and effective
dlgestlvo preparation, Uko Stuart's Dyspcp
si.t Tablets, which may ho found at most
drug stores and which contain valuable,
harmless digestive elements in a pleasant,
convenient lorm.
It is safn to say that tho regular porsistent
use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tuhlots at meal
tlmo will euro any form of stomach trouble
oxcept cancer of tho stomach.
Full sized package of these tablets sold by
druggists at BO cents. Little, book on Btorn
ach troubles mailed free. Address F. A.
Stunt t, Co., Marshall, Mich.
VIA "THE true southern route."
The "I'acitfc Coast Limited," tho now
California train will leave Chicago at 3:00 p.
m., and St Louis 10:30 p. m ovory Tuesday
and Saturday arriving at Los Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m. and San Francisco fourth
day noon, and will! run via Chicago &A1ton,
St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southorn, Texas
& Pacific, aud .Southern Pacific Uailways.
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, writing, smoking
room, buffet, barber-shop and bathroom ; a
compartment car containing seven private
compartments and doublo drawing-looms;
twclvo section sleeping-cars with stato and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all
meals will ho served a la carto, and traverses
a region of perpetual sunshino, where snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un
known. Iu addition to our weekly tourist
car line via tho scenic route, we will operate
a weekly Uurist car via "Tho True Southern
Kouto," leaving Chicago every Tuesday and
from St. Louis every Friday morning. For
Illustrated and descriptivo literature, time
tables, very lowest rate of faro to all points
west and southwest, addrebs J. P. McGinn,
Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. E; Hopt,
Gon'l Eastern Passougcr Agent, 301 Broad
way, New York. tf
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets removes
the cause that produces La Grippe. The
geuuiuo has L. B. Q. on each tablet. 25c.
Tlio Crew or tlio Atlantic Xduor Prob
ably Lost.
nnlifrnc, .N. S March 1. The over
due steamer Moravln, Captain Fergusen,
which sailed from Hamburg for Boston
Jan. IS, was wrecked on the northeasr
bar of Sablo Islaud about Feb. 12. The
vessel was first seen on tho bar about
eight miles from the Northeast light. She
was broken in two. Tho vessel wns
making her last trip for the Ilnmburg
American line, having been recently sold
to the Sloman line, of New York.
The dominion government steamer
Aberdeen, which it is proposed to send
to Sable Island to the relief of the Mo
ravia, will not bo able to leave Halifax
for two days. There is no other means
of communication with Sable Island than
by boat, as no electric cable has been
found able to stand in the shifting sands.
Xhe captain of the Gloucester schooner
Nannie O. ltohlln said that when tho
schooner Arbitrator reported the wreck
tho latter's captain snid thnt through
the haze he could see a steamer's hull
high upon tho sandbar, with one mast
gotie and down at tlie head, as if she
were hogged. Tlie location of the wreck
is the worst on this dreaded island, The
northeast bar extends to sea for 12 miles,
and a large part of the time is discon
nected witli tlie main islands. It is prob
ably impossible at this time of year to
reuch the wreck from the life saving sta
tions except in lifeboats.
Tho captain of the Bohlln says that
wheu he went to the locality where tho
Sloravia had been seen the wreck hud
disappeared, probably Biink. As 15 days
have now elapsed since tlie steamer was
seen on tho island, no particular hurry
Is needed. Mechanics arc working day
aud uight repairing the Aberdeen to go
to the scene. It Is feared the Moravlu's
crew are lost.
Non-ConiinlHsloncil Men (,'iiosh as to
tlio Quality of.McutM.
Washington, Mnrch 1. The feature of
the court of Inquiry into General Miles'
beef charges yesterday; wns au object les
son in raiiued meats prepared by the
court and served to iiuu-cominisioned
men who testified at Monday's hearing.
The court had prepared eight plates of
beef fresh beef, canned beef that had
been to Cuba and buck, and canned beet
fresh, from the factory. Four plates
prepared hot in a stew und four
us thoy came from the can, the
beef being boiled to make it re-
o the others. The enlisted men
ordered to sample eucli and say
was tho sort they hud had in
It was a trying ordeal for the
most of them declaring that nono
: plates looked anything like what
of th
they nd eaten in Cuba. Uy repeated as-
Duiaiiv-o mm nit-re- wus cuuipuigu ueei
In two of the plates, and after being
thnt they should at least choose
"to t
io best of their belief," the court
ded in getting an expression of
n from each of thp men. An nrmy
in, Dr. Ilowden, kept 'tally on the
s of the men and chnnged the po
of tho. plates ufter each witness
ft the room. The result of this
was not mado public, however.
and fill Do reserved till Dr. Ilowden tes
most interesting witness of the
fas Lieutenant Hamsey, Ninth In
fiintit', who had serveu as a commissary
oflleil- nt Batqulri niid Snnli'i'.'o. and
who I characterized the "canned roust
beef'I ns "nn unpalatable and uninvit
ing JbuUMnferior meat." which ho
would not willingly feed to any jnaiT, sictt
or well.
Clnmorlnir For ltccotrnltlon In Sup
portlnic Ptihllo Itulldliill llll.
Washington, Mnrdt 1. A frunzy of
bill passing wns on the sennte yesterday.
The bills passed were principally public
building measures, nml at times during
the day and nfbht the scenes in the sen
nte were reinnrknble. Senators, usually
staid and dignllied, sticklers for order
and decorum Iu the chamber, clamored
for consideration of bills providing for
the erection of government buildings In
which they were Interested. I.nte In the
afternoon n large batch of such measures
passed by the house were received by the
senate. Instantly confusion reigned.
Senators crowded about the clerk's desk
and Jidgan to sort over the bills from
the hljuse, picking them out ns they
found heir own, us If they wore choosing
valentines from u bargain rouriter. In
the nnfn In front of the president of the
sennte n half dozen senators were wav
ing bills nml endeavoring to obtain rec-
ognitloU from the chair. The unusuni
proceedings cnlled out a protest from
Senatoir Plntt. of Connecticut, who de
innnded thnt senators take their seats
and tllnt order be restored. At times
throughout tho sessions of the day nml
nlglitjhese scenes were repented ns more
bulldm'K Mils were reported from the
housdj HUN carrying nn nggregnte of
ys.tm000 or $11,000,000 were passed,
and nuiny more that had not been passed
by l2Jli houses of congress were placed
as amendments on the sundry civil np
propSjtloti bill. Finally at a Into hour
lnstfmsht an amendment to the' sundry
clvilffijH wns adopted appropriating neat
ly ,UTOO,000 for the preliminary work
on tjm buildings which hnd been author
ized JH
Tlu3houo spent practically the entire
tlmesplf the seven hour session passing
the pufdic buildings bills favorably ncted
iiporijfoy tho committee of the whole ten
dnysjmW The opposition sought In vain
to cm&ume time by roll calls and other
lilllmerlng tactics, but their numbers
werjjBo slim thnt in no case could they
secilrel n roll cull.
Bl Sick Headaches,
The curso of overworked womankind, are
quickly and sursly cured by Karl's Clover
liootSHa, tho great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
lirlco!2 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. I). Kirlin
and ajgliarantce.
MAE0H. 1899
Su. Mo. Tu. Wo. Th. Fr. Sa;
12 1 13 M15 16 17 18
1920 21 22 23 J24 25
26 27 28 "29 031
r Thll-d
. 11:06
. 10:24
t Quai
j Quarter It) p.m.
(Sjvjull rrj 1118
An Important Question,
If yipur friends or neighbors are suiTering
from cliughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat
or lung: disease (including consumption), ask
them Iff they have ever used Otto's Cure.
This fiimous German remedy is having a
largo ssde here and is performing some won
derful cures of throat and lung diseases. No
matter what othor medicines havu failed to
do, try 'Otto's Cure. Large sizes 23c and 50c.
Sold hjl alt druggists.
AljClilcnco Sonsntlon Exploded,
Chfyngo, March 1. Police, in search
In tlie home of Albert Becker, yesterday
for some clew that might lend to the
solution of the mystery surrounding the
disappearance of the butcher's wife,
) what they for a time lielieved to
be a
ffiensntional discovery. Mi-ted in the
of the stove were found what np
1 to be 'several pieces of bone, and
pen re
the 1
heory was at once advanced that
Becker's body had been dissected
and tnirned piecemeal. Professor Hor
of the Field Columbian Museum,
tcr, pronounced the refuse nothing
deces of charcoal, nnd the pram-
ensntIon wns exploded
Nnrnl Cndot Delunnn.
Wnldiington, Merch 1. Tlie president
yesterday signed a number of bills pass
ed by congress, among them: Making
appropriations for tlie support of the
Westl Point Militnry academy; for the
relief of the Fourth Arknnsns mounted
lnfan try for services in tlie civil war;
grant Ing authority to tlie Pensacola nnd
Nortl iwestcrn Hnilroad company to build
bridges over certain rivers in Alabama;
the j int resolution authorizing the presi
dent to appoint Osborne W. Deignnn
(heln sinnn of the Merrlmnc's crew) a
nnva cadet at Annapolis, he having
passt d the prescribed nge limit.
Cruel Knife!
ItJ is absolutely useless to expect a
eurgfcal operation to cure cancer, or
onyjfjjther blood diseuso. The cruelty
of au di treatment Is illustrated In the
alarndng number of deaths which re
sults from it. The disease is in the
y,0OS nnrt- hence can not bo cut out.
Nino times out of ten the surgeon's
knife only hastens death.
Myti ;on had a most malignant Cancer, for
wmch the doctors said an operation was tht
only hope. Thooper-
uon wa8 a genera
one, aii it was neces
sary t j out down to
the a wbone and
scrape jt. Before a
great' bile tho Can.
cerryi umed.andbe
ma u grow rapidly,
e gi ve him many
remed les without re
lief, 1 nd finally,
upon he advice of a
friend, deolded to
try flJ B. 8. (Swift's
UDeciliM. v. h urm
the second bottle ha XM
S V lmRrve- After twenty bott es hatl
been Jtaken, the Cancer disappeared entirely,
and lt was cured. The cure was a permanent
S2SiiZ ll.e u nowseveuteen years old, and lias
never; had a ilga of the dreadful disease to re
turn'l . J.N. MOBOocii,
2T8 Bnodgrass at.,' Dallas, Texas.
Absolutely the only hopo for Oancei
Is Swift's Specific,
C C Cfor
as It Is the only remedy which goes
to the very bottom of the blood and
foree-s out evory traco of the disease.
a. a. B. is guaranteed purely vegotable,
andjcontalns no potash, mercury, or
othfr mineral.
Books on Oancer will be mailed free
i9hy address by the Swift Specific
Oo,, Atlanta, Qa,
Miss Sadie Werthetnt, fiRo 14, of Tole
do, O, wa9 the wiuuer of the prize for
execution on the violin at the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
derlul player. It
i9 the greatest
first In any
thing. Porthis
literature, am-
letlcs, science
.tml firf'.ttipti Atiil
women nulforlh
their cr.'alest efforts. Washington was:
snid to be"!', rst lu war, first iu peace and
first ill the hearts of his Couulryliien." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
morevaluetommklnd and brings great
er happiness than a good remedy. Many
things will relieve but the one that will
cure is best. Brazilian Balm is such a rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it is the only thing Hint would cure Ca
tarrh ami Asthma. For IS yrs, it has nev
er failed iuasiugle case to cure Asthma,
aud its.record has been as wouderful'ln
Catarrh Cases thnt had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped uporwhere
the poisonous pus bad eaten holes into
the throat an iuch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated aud raw
fronl swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were nil permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless' Asthma sufferers in thisi
cot-nlry, all of whom can be cuted with
Brazilian Halm. AJl.OObottleof Brazil
Ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrli or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each fl.00 bottle a
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
tree. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
md strength builder known to science.
This is the greatest offer ever made. Ask
"our druggist and take no substitute. B.
f.jACKSoN & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India
uapolis, Iud.
Wholesale Agents
Every man's
h has
; a -good
Try it on
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
IN KKFEC7T NOVEJIBElf 20, 1898.,
Trains leave Bhenandoah as follows 1
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, S 08, 7 30, 9 55 a. m., 12 20. 8 1 9 and 6 09 p. m.
Kor New York via Mauch Chunk, week uaya
7 30 a. m., 12 20 and 3 CO p. m.
Kor Beading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10,5 88.7 30. 9 55 a.m., 1220, 8 t9 and SOS p. in.
For I'ottnvllle, week days, 7 80, 9 55 a. m.
12 20, 3 09. 6 09 and T 30 l. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days.
7 30, 9 55 a. m., 12 ZO. 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
week days. 11 112 a. m.. 12 20, 7 30 p. m
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27, 5 38,
7 80,9 55, 11 2 a. m 12 26, 8C9, 6 09, 7 3J, 9 68
p. m.
For Ashland and Sharookln, week days, 7 80,
1182 a. m., 12 26, 8 09,8 07, 725 and 9 65 p. m.
Kor Baltimore, Washington and tho Wost via
II. AO. It. It., through trains lea", Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & It. D K.) at 8 20,
7 55, 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays,
J 20, 7 00, II 26 a. m., 8 48 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1080a. m. 1220
13 It 8 to p.m. Sundays, 185,8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m end 1 45, 4 80.
a oo p. in
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 30 p. m.
Leavo Philadelphia, Beading Terminal, w eek
dayn, 3 40, S 36. 10 21 a. m. and 186. 4 CO, 636,
11 36 p. m
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 700, 10 08,
12 15, 4 17,6 00,8 26 p.m.
Leave I'otigvtlle, ween days, 717, 7 40 . m.
12 80, 1 20. 4 30, 6 10 and 6 50 p. m.
Leave Ta.iaqua. week days, 3 18, 8 86, 1123
. in. 149, 5 56. 7 20, 9 41 p.m.
Leave, Mahanoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 05,
I 51 a, m., 2 22. 5 25. 6 21, 7 44, 10 08 p, n
' Leave Malmnov Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
U0. 922 1018 1200, a. m., 23P, 588, 6 42 V 8
10 21pm. .-
Leave Wllllamapori, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a.
n., 12 81 and 4 CO, 11 30 p. in.
IHve Philadelphia Chestnut street war! mid
Houth street whait tor Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. m.. 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 am., 6 80 pm
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a n, 4 45 p. m,
Retcrnlng leave Atlantic City depot, con er
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 35, 9 00, a m 8 80, 6 80
ni Accommodation, 8 15 a. rx. 4 05 p. in.
undaj-H Expreas. 4 00, 7 30 p m. Accommoda
tlon, 7 15 a. ro., 4 15 p. m
For Capo May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 900 n m, additional for Cape May,
115 p in., for Sea Isle CItt, BOO p m., for
Ocean City, 4 )5, 5 00 p m. Sundays, Chestnut
itreet 915 a m.. South Btreet, 900 a.m.
Parlor Cars on all extireas tialnh.
"or further Information, apply to uearrst
Philadelphia and Beading Railway ticket agent
or address
I. A. Sweioabd, Epson J. Wkkks
Ocn'I Hunt., Oen'l Paa'r ArI.,
Reudlne Terminal Philadelphia.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoku .ivery year. Take o
risks but get your houses, stock, fu .
nlture, etc., insured in Orst-claBs re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, ,I"s"raf,ccI
' 130 Houth Jardln 81
TAtm n'r1 AfH1ntt rvnl4k
iyr M. BORKK,
OOlce Egon- building, corner ot Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah,
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied ujidar some of the beat
masters 1 London and Parla, will give lessons
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Term reasonable, Adureaa In care ot Strouao.
ilia lewder HliAnandoab.
l'cnvderfl Dover iuii.
nfc md iur (after fiilit t
with Tuny renDTroyil Mlb othtr U
mneillM). Alww buy thi but ,tnd fold dint-
itmnt. ourioted fupytor 'SmfSnni
WjV' w.f
t.. n tell vou used
( bout See!-'know
la's. This drinl
ture impioveschcap
rft ind makes your
I rou delicious diinltl
for little money. Sc. a pack- g
I ape grocn.
i pgrctmtrn