The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 28, 1899, Image 3

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    that mr ithuuniatiim
Cure will Miare lnm-I
' bngo, solution nnd all
rneurnatlc pain in
two or three hours,
and cur in a few
At all druggists,
25c. a rial. Guide
to Health and medi
cal adrico free,
1505 Arch st.. l'hlla.
Sek That Youn Ticket It ram via tiik
SolmiKBN Railway.
The Southern Hallway operates three
through tialns on each week day and two on
Sunday. It is an Inland route, clan and
through att Interesting section nf tlio South.
Tho scheduler of its trains are fast, 1'iit not
too fast to Ijo maintained. Writn to Julin M.
Hcnll, District I'nasetiper Agent 898 Chestnut
street. I'lillftilelplilfl, for full information,
illustrated matter and advance Pullman
reservation. 2 21-10t
Th- bight tfamTliTtue HlghF Place.
Pan-l'Inn for coughs and colds, 25c. At
Qruhler Broi., drug store.
Are You Going to Florida 1
If you are, ask for tickets via tho Southern
Railway. It is tho shortest, quickest and
host route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John M. Deal), District
Passenger Agent, 829 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia. Pa.
Hundreds of lives saved every year hy
having Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the house
just when it is needed. Cures croup, heal
hums, cuts, wounds of overy sort.
Primary Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD
fOISON permanently
CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS.
You can be treated nt homo for aame tIcg
under a a mo guarantee. If you prefer to
come here we will contract to pay ml road
fare and hotel bills, and no charge, if we
fail to cure.
taken mercury, iodide potash, nnd still
have aches and pnins, MucoUB Patches In
mouth, sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part or the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It Is this
Secondary .
Wo solicit tho most obstinate cases and
challenge tbe world for a case we can
not cure, T la disease has always baffled
the SUIU of the most eminent physicians.
$S00, 000 capital behind our unconditional
guarnntee Absolute proofs sent scaled on
application 100 page book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
The sudden Epidemic of
Grip has startled the country
The doctors confess they have
no sure Cure for it, and this
is seen to be true in the sud
den death of Garcia and Ex
Senator Brice and the alarm
ing increase in the death rate.
But no one need be alarmed
There is a sure cure z
perfect antidote. It has. had
15 years test in thousands of
cases and never failed. That
remedy is
No fatal case of Grip was
ever known where Brazilian
Balm was promptly and faith
Lfully used. It kills the germs
arrests the progress of the
disease at once, and takes al
the evil effects out of the
system. For
Old Coughs,
it is a perfect remedy.
wucm win 1 u iniir CTflDC
loncnuiuuAn uivuu jiuiw
mm smut.
Presumably Bound For a Central
. . ,,, wu"
juiiurioan JiopuDllOi
Tho In voders Aro Promlnod Itomtiuor
ntloit lu tho Slmpo or I.nnd Grunt
Should tho Kxiioilltloii Suococd In
tho I'lmiH of tho l.undoi'x,
Kunsns City, Mo., Fob. 28. Tho first
1 detachment of the filibustering expeill-
Hon organized hero for 1111 Invasion of
central America left Knusns City last
night. Tho soldiers of fortune number
ed nbout 150, nnd were provided for In
four special coaches, which were at
tached to the regular southbound passen
ger trnln on the Kunsns City, Fort Scott
nil .Memphis road. William O. Thomp
sou, formerly contain of Company 1).
ifth Missouri volunteers, is in com
The filibusters expect to take shin at
Mobile or New Orleans, though on this
point the majority of them have not
been fully advised. At the port of em
barkation they expect to be joined by
detachments from St. I.ouis, Chicago
and other cities.
It is now known beyond miestion that
the men composing this expedition expect
to HO pome fighting In CciUrnl America.
ItcpottH as to their destination have
been conlilcting, both Guatemala and
Honduras having been mentioned, bill
men who nre leaders in the adventure
ave secretly informed their friends that
their real destination is Nicaragua. The
men enlisting have been assured thnt the
Invaders have good backing and have
icon told that capitalists of national
prominence are furnishing the money to
equip, transport nnd arm the expedition.
he men nre said to huve been promised
rewards In lauds and concessions.
T. A. Whltteu, n lawyer, who has been
nctivo In organizing the companies here
and who left with the men last night,
declared that the men had been hired to
01k on a railroad.
Major Warner, t'nited States district
ttornoy, and United Stntes Marshal
Durham investigated the uffnlr, but
when the hand started south they both
declared they had discovered nothing
to warrant the arrest of the, alleged In
vaders. They hove advised the Wash
ington authorities fully. Dr. II. K.
Heath, consul here for Honduras, has
also notifietl his government nnd the
Honduras consul at New Orleans of the
Robbed the Orave.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Olivor of Philadelphia, was the Buhjcct, is
narrated by him as follows : "I was in a most
dreadful condition. My skin was almost
ellow. eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain
continually In back and sides, no appetite
gradually growing weaker day by day.
Thrco physicians had given mo up. Fortun
ately, a trlcna act vised crying iMeciric
Hitters,' and to my great joy nnd surprise,
the first bottle made a decided improvement
I continued their use for three weeks, and
am now n well man. I know they saved my
life, and robbed the grave of another victim."
No one should fall to try them. Only 50
cents per bottle at A. Waslcy'B drug store.
Goronlnio For .Vculiiiihlo.
Perry, O. T., Feb. ilS.-Willlam T.
Walker, Indian agent of the Kiowa, Co
mnnche and Apache Indians, has re
ceived a letter from Geroulmo, the noted
Indian chief, now a prisoner at Fort
Sill. Geronimo says the Americans
should let Agulualdo alone and let him
and Ills people live free.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as thoy cannot reach tile
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to euro deafness, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed "condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed
you have n rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It is entirely closed deafness
a tho result, and unless tho Inflammation can be
aken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever;
nluo cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
wbUh is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any
cose of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not he urcd by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sead for
circulars, iree.
r, j, uitr.mix iaj., i oieuo, u,
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hull's Family Pills aro the best.
nnooM-wniit To KlirreiiRer.
JInnlla, Feb. -8. Two commissioners
who returned from Mniolos under n flng
of truce report thnt 8,000 rebels arc mix
lotts tu surrender. They also express the
leltef that Agitliiuhlo is inclined to ac
orn piicille overtures. Major (.eneral
Vtis did t it receive the commissioners.
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis nnd Consump
tion. Price 25c and 50c.
Corin'uiis AHnulteil In (Jlitnn.
Berlin, Feb. 28. According to nn of
ficial dispatch from I'ekin" several Ger
mans were grossly insulted and after
ward assaulted last buturdoy e.t Tien
Isin, the port of I'ekin. They had great
lllllculty iu escaping from their ussuu-
Oraln-O Brings Relief
to the coflee drinker. ColTco drinking is n
ahit that is universally indulged iu and
ilinostns universally injurious. Have yon
tried Oraln-O? It is almost like colleo hut
the ellecta aro Just tho opposite. Colleo
ipsots tho stomach, ruim tho dlgost'on
ellVits tho heart and disturbs tho whole
nervous system (Jralii-0 tones up tho
stomach, aids digestion nnd strengthens the
nerves. Thero is nothing but uourlshmcti
iiiGiuin-O. It can't be otherwise. IB and
2Jc per package
Iniinidont" KtimiufltiH In . "Urn.
Santiago tie Cuba, Fell. 28. Several
Impudent robberies huve been commit
ted recently near San Luis, and on Sun
day another store was completely ihicU-
eil bv 12 armed (Julians. Many minor
dciiredations are reporteu. Apparently
neither the Ninth iuunuup regluient nor
the gendarmerie can nfford thu acces
sary protection to property. -
Enere all gone? Headache 1 Stomach out
of order? Simply a case of torpid liver,
Burdock Blood Iilttors will niako a now mail
or woman of you.
To Ho Ciirilfrful Irolnnil.
London, Feb. 28. Tho Home corre
spondent of Tho News Bays lio
learns, on relialile niithority, that Arch
bishop Ireland will be created u curdiunl
at the noxt consistory.
Tell Your Sister
V beautiful complexion la an impossibility
without good pure blood, the sort that only
ixUts lu connection with the good dignstlu
a healthy liver and bowel-t. Karl' Clover
Boot Tea acts directly 011 tho bonuls, liver
and kidneys keeping them iu perfect health.
Price 25 cts, and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
and a guarantee.
A Cure for Norvous Headache.
For eight years I sud'ered from constipation
"nd severe nervous lendw-he, tho liendarhe
"aunlly Initlng three days Ht n time. Head
,31to powder relieved me teiniHirnrlly, but
pftjoo had an effect. Hlnee I hegnn taking
Wlcry King I bave greatly Improved in
"Snltli, seldom or never lmv headache, Imve
fhlnetl In llesli, mid feel decidedly well. Sirs.
jff. Hatch, Temple, N. 11.
ery Kinff uuhki aiseascanr menerv
f .. .,, t.,nn.rH
til by drug-
Pacific Coast Limited," tho new
uia train will loavo Chicago at 2:00 p.
d St. Louis 10:30 p. m., every Tuesday
turday atrivingat I.M Angela third
4:00 p. m, and Snn Kmucleco fourth
MHoon. nnd Willi run via (llileuirn .fc Alton.
Irou Mountain & Southern, Texan
I'ifWllc. anil Houlhcrn 1'nciflc Iljtlwa.v..
luxurious train consists of a conioalte
.cuntalnlug rending, writing, smoking-
room, hiitTet, harher-shop and hathroom ; a
cu"ipatment car containing seven private
co"rpartmcnts and douhle drawinK-ioouis;
'"M'voaectlon slccplng-cara with state and
r"w1ug-rooni8, also, dining-car in which all
meilslwlll jj0 gjryej a ja oarto, and traverse
" gjon of perpetual sunshine, whero snow
friTdea. hllzzards or hlsli altitudea aro uu-
tr' ,a"U Iu addition to our weekly tourist
sir ifno via the scenic routo, we will operate
Wl:ekly Uuriat car via "The True Southern
Itoiii,, it .livini Clilcano overy Tuestlay and
fron. UtJ-j ,,u everv Friday moruinu. For
'"'"trated aud doscriptivo literature, time
"''t'llry lowest rate of faro to all points
vcm RnllthwAsr. nrlilrrafl .1. I'. Mrliinn.
Passenger Agent, or W. E. Hopt,
REistern PaswnE;cr Aurcnt. 01 Hroad
way!.w York. tf
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu.
ro'S'if radically cures in l to 3 days. Its
actio,f "upon the system is remarkable and
mystgnyus. It removes at once the cause
,ind tie tlhcase iniinetltntrly disaparsr The
nrst 'luse .greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenjndoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
ltytilietl Tliolr Kinployern,
'vivnrl:. Feb. -H. vn n chnree of
steaIingJ3S.00U worth of leither goods
rrom .firm of Scheurer Brothers, of
this ciiV.' eisht Koiininninns. emnloves
' t'mifirm, were arrested here yester
liJ". .li'hey nre Joseph Shnw, Jncoh
riuuii, .ui5i"iii tieueiwtiu, oitiuuei
Ooldufi, i.loseph Miillenken, Henry Moss
back, Henry 1'o-sonhurg nnd Henry With
iuer. mxiie ponce say these men uad
been systematically robbing their employers-.
All tho -healing bahamio virtues of tho
Norway pine are concentrated in Dr. Wood's
Norway pine Syrup. Nature's own rotnedy
for cotighs and colds.
ATrnnnntVAiitt?) ltnto Vfnr.
J-otidoTiFeb. ".S. the Da.iy Mull this
morniiiifijinndunces the break up of the
ransjtlnutic line combine, in conse
quence of which the Americnn line mali
ngers have reduced " first class fares to
$00 nutl Second class to $35. It is ru-
nioret:, nccording to the same authority,
thnt the Vhlte Star Stenniship company
will reduce rates to even lower figures,
and hi thnt event n keen rate war will
Commends itself to tho well-informed, to
ilo pleisantly aud effectually what was
formerly done in tho crudest mauner nnd
lisagrceably as well. To cleanse the system
mil break up colds, headaches, and fevers
without unpleesant after effects, use, the
lelightful liquid laxativo remedy, Syrup of
Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Bomsiiniu nee-la a reliable, monthly, rejral'tlne nedlclnr. Only harmltu asi
the jiureat drugs ihoald bs uiel. 11 you irantthe ben, get
Dp- FeaS's PennraaS Pi!Bs
Thar are prompt, aa.le and certain In remit. The cennloe (Dr. reol'a) oarer dbayt
nolat. Sent anywhere, 51.0, Addieu I'KXL Mebicisb Co., Clerelind, O.
For Sale al KIKLIN'S Drutr
"jH e that works easily, work
Pi Purchases of 35 or more WS&W ' f Lr--J'i
H1) bo sent FREIOHT PREPAID W)Wn ' V' v
to uny railroad station In MAINE, Wfi'i V
L( THE 0Nl
P . ltvI'llK.
tooUbmeat thonugbout
.l.rt.l hnpnurut i1.Hn.Hnn
twiiUon. thMtcUr, blUtj(
Blunto 10 BE OB
9 .PK
; ZATlAMiho ASTnOlOCCT!, tack Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa.
. fnm PXM33 w t.rik U imotoaaa la aaru'alj utaaUhl&f Utaaaaua till aadarral adlcUaj aad tiau ai taaai V
.n.. udlnaubla aad aelaaUSa laSaaaaaa." i
Tlirre-Ilny IVmiimilyWomlUrteil Tour via
lVi.n.)lHiit iinllrimil.
Tho third of the i-rfilt (wiles of Peiin-
-ylvmiia Railroad ibrwday persnnally-con-dui
ud tours to Washington, 1). (.'., will leave
Thursday, March D.- Tlio nite. fUM from
New York, (11.60 from Philadelphia, and
Hiiwrmam muw fr-ftrinTriTqOL. GARDINER'S ARRAIGNMENT.
1 elude all neeeiwary expenlefl during the en-1
tire trip tralislKittatlou, IfStrl aecoiiiniwla- j
tions, and (ItplUil guide fees. An experienced 1
t 'haperon will aluo ncetniuiy the party.
Fur ticket. Itineraries, and full Information
apply to ticket ngonW j Tourist Agent,
11W1 Ilmadway, New yrit, and 788 Broml
street, Newark, N. J. ? er aildres Geo. Vf.
Boyd, AanlsWnt Oonural " Passeuger Agent,
llnnd Slreet Station. PhlUdelphla.
A Card, '
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree fei
refund the money on a 50 cent Iwttlo of
Oreeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It falls
to cure your eough or cold. We also guaran
tee n 38 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, C. If. Hagcn
buch, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and P. W.
Blerstcln & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Wllilfou-Wlnter In Florida 7
This will lie the greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go ard go
via tho Soiithorn Hallway. Ih tbe best
route. If you will write John M. Benll,
it-hict Passenger Agent. 828Chetuut strcut.
Philadelphia, Pa., ho will armngo all the
details of jour trip for you.
On Every Bottle f
Of Shlloh's Consumption Curo Is this guar
antee: "All we ask of you is to use two
thirds of tho content of this bottle faith
fully, then if you can say you aro not
benefited return tho bottle to your druggist
and ho may refund tho price paid." Price
23 cts., 50 cts. and $1 00. Sold by P. 1).
Klrlin and a guarantee.
Ask your grocer for the "Itoyal Patent
dour, and tako nn nthor brand. His tin best
flnnr m!
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, IIiIkIiIoii,
Slatlnetun, White Hall, Cntosauqua, Allentowii,
Ilethlehem, Koston New York and Philadelphia
nt 3 Z 7 19 a. in.. 12 M and 5 14 p. 111.
For Wllkesbarrc. White Haven and Pitt-ston,
5 2rt, 10 13 a. 111.. 12 Stt and Slip. m.
For Loceyvllle, Toumtda, Sayre, Worerly,
Elmlra, Kochextcr, lltifTalo, Magara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse. Ithaca, Ueneva and the
West, 10 13 a. in., 12 38 and 5 II p. m.
For liclvldere, Delawaro Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 5 tW 0. ni 5 H p. ltl.
For Ijimbertvlllc and Trenton, 7 49 a. 111
For Jeancsvllle, I.evlston and lloavcr Meatlow,
5 2S a. in., 12 58 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrletl, Hazleton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 23, 7 49, 10 13 a. in., 12 38 and
5 1 4 p m
ForJcddo, Drlfton and Frccland, 5 23, 10 13
a. in , 3 1 1 p. 111.
For stcranton, 5 2s. 10 13 a. in.. Slip. m.
For I -out Creek, (Jlrartlville, and Ashland, 1 00,
and 7 27 p. m.
For Kaven ltun, Centralla, Mount Ctimiel and
Shamokiti, 10 53 a. 111., I 12,0 07,92) p. 111.
For Mahanoy City, Park Place and lX-lauo,
5 23, 7 19, 10 13 a. 111., and 12 58, 5 II p. in.
For Yatcsville, 5 23, 10 13 . m.
Trnf tin Mill lpnvu Slmmokln nt 7 00. 9 20 a. 111..
1210 and 4 20 p. in., aud arrive at. Shenandoah
at 7 49, iu l.l n. m., is a 1 1 p. m.
l-ilU mieiiiiiiuuiiii iiir i u,m,iur, v.,u-..
New Castle. Morea und New Boston, 7 49 and
10 13 a. 111 . ami 12 53 u. 111.
Leave l'ottsville tor Hhenandoah, 9 45n in..
12 35, 503, 8 13 p. ill.
Leave Hazleton for Shcnondoah, 10 00 a. m..
12 43, 5 09, 0 2ts 8 32 p. 111.
Trains leave for ltaven ltun, Centralis, Mt.
Cnrmpl and Shamokili. 9 46 a. 111.. 7 21 n. 111..
Trains leave Slminokin for Shenandoah at
8 50 . m., and 5 35 p. 111.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatcsville, Mahono1
CItv. Park Place. Ilclano. McAdoo. Audenrletl
1 Hiizlrtoo, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
ami JIiiucli Chunk, 9 47 a 111-, ami 6 Ji p. ni.
For Lett elitou. S attneton. t atasauoua wniu
Hall, Conlay, Allentowii, Koston and Phllllps-
burg, 9 470 m., anti bffj p 111
For New York nnd Philadelphia, 9 47 o. m.
I.eavo Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. m.
and 0 27 p. m.
M. 1). CUTTER, Supt. Transportation,
Sunth Ilethlehem, ltk
ItOLLIN' II. WILBl'lt, (icnl. Saps.,
South Ilethlehem, l"a.
CIIAItLES S. LEE, Oenl. Pass. Act..
New York, N. Y.
South licthleheui, I'a.
Store, Shenandoah, Pa-
ux 9
11- m
l Lasa l
ZABAB, th world-MoowMil EfjptUn Mwlojer. who tts Uen ereiUnf aaca
n Katrolocer. who
iJuroM for tbe fi
l4J &Tt yevr. will gift trutMul, &ocU
r,t map lift. I Will stift TOUf MtWUl fttDAr&&e. dLl.
UiU, rroLabli iotb of lifo, pouibU tvecidenta, t.dric tvnd J
jj win jour
..-ti- --- ' w
. tut, prtMat iu futur Ufa. y
EtnJ 10 eaau tad alia axact daU at It" " u uamadlauiy ranna jaa 1
tmUlfiil horoaeopa nailtoa ef Tur Ufa. aad fa II - ta 1 U all tnia r Jaomlt. I aa4U
till tBar a Uit trial. U oommuiiatlu itrtoUr wald.aUU. Addraaa
Ohorgod With tho Murdor of Mrs.
Adtung by Poison.
f,e I'roseoiit ln Attorney lleolnre"
'nH nciinr'niHttlieAooiitwl Mnn W
Itt-ftpolKlblo Aluo For tlio lltnitli ol
Unmet, nnd Tlint lleltu Douoiitiratti.
Ww York, Feb. aS.-Itoland 11. JIoll
iiix I h priwincr In the Tomlix, charged
with the murder of Mrs. Kate Adams
ly iMiisoti tmt through the mall to Harry
$t Cornish. The arrest was made last
HBsht after tin? rinding of the eoroner'i
Jilry iiamlug the young club man as the
fMiwt 01 the day's emou hud been
Uken up in the examination uf hand
writing eiNrts. All of the declared
4lllTely that the aildrmn on the llson
package setlt td Cornish was written
bf Molineaux, and nut one of them
wtuild ndmlt the iHissibllity of n mltke.
lAdaiid II. Moliueatix sat and listened 13
the tentlmony of the handwriting exiwris
without betraying any nervousness at all.
NO so with hi father, however. (Jeneral
Mollneaux seemed almost on the verge
of collapse iluritig the better part of the
htmrlug. His lip worked convulslvelVj
add his manner generally showed that
liu was hard boset. He bore up well,
however, and decliued to leave the court
when invited to do so by Mr. Veeks.
birt son's counsel.
Jt waR just l.;(Ti o'clock when District
Attorney (iardiuer arose and announced
that all the evidence In the hands of thu
people hnd lioen given, nnd he faced th
jury nnd began to sum up the case. He
explained to the jury the reasons for the
delay in bringing the ense to an inves
tigation, saying that it was necessary tj
determine whether Mrs. Adams hnd in
reality died or poison, l'roressor v iir.
linus did discover poison in the contents
of the bottle, nnd as soon ns it was pos
sible for the district attorney's ofllce to
go ahead with the inquest it did so.
In consequence of the publicity which
the ense was given, continued Mr.
Gnnliuer, "certniu persons became sus
picious and were put on their guard.
Certniu methods had, therefore, to be
adopted to disarm suspicion. The first
witness who wns placed on the stand
(Cornish) was made to suspect that he
was the guilty party, nnd the evidence
he gve was the evidence of a man full
of consternation. Hut in this direction
we disarmed suspicion from the really
cuiltv person. ow the very next man
to gd upon the stand (.Mollneaux) was
the person thnt the ptllillc una settled
upon- When my able assistant treated
him in such an apologetic manner it win
done to disarm him of suspicion. YVi
were placed in the position to make it
nnnenr that Cornish was really the guilty
person. Then tue guilty person, seeing
that He was not suspected, was perfectly
willing to give us nil the htutdwrttiug we
wnutitd. You have just heard the evi
dence as git en by those experts in hanj
writing- That seems to me to be con
Afti?r declaring that there was strong
evidence he purchased the bottle holder
Bcut to Cornish with the poison, and
himself, lasted the fatal package, Mr.
GnrtliuiT went on to tell the elrcum
stances! under which Molinenux admitted
on the ytnnd he met his wife ami saltt:
"Xow'. that woiiiun s character (mean
Ing Mr. Molinenux) has been portrayed
in this court room by her own husband,
For n tfiousund yours down to the pres
ent tlnii murders of this kind, it has been
demonstrated, have been committed on
account of two rom-ons jealousy or
hate nfd In the large majority of in
ktaucesleithcr by a womuu or a degeu
trate." I
Mr. GVirdliier then again alluded to th
characwr of Mrs. Mollneaux aud desig
nated her a "woman.
."Lady, if you please," shouted Itolnml
It. .Mollneaux.
"Iu wicioty, now, it is considered nt
nil times protier to use the expression
'woman' in preference to 'lady,' replied
the district attorney.
lie said the deaths of Unmet and Mrs
Adams could not be separated. Unmet
had been iiolsotietl by a iKiwder sent
through the mall, and the one who sent
it must huve been on intimate terms
with him and acquainted with the fact
thnt Unmet used Kutnow powder. Mol
lneux, he said, wan that person.
"Everything went off easily in that
case," said the district attdrney, "and
It appeared to lie nn easy matter to get
rid of the other enemy. The poisoner
knew that, being a 1111111 about town
Cornish probably occasionally took
dose of bromo M'ltser. This being set
tied upon, some of this was mixed with
cyanide of nierniry und sent through the
mails to
"Now in the killing of llarnct, where
was the motive? We have it by cir
cumstantial evidence. Itarnet v us at
- tentivc to Illanchc Chescbruugh. He
wined her and diner her, Invltedher to
his room, and she accepted. Tlijverc
In fact on the closest terms of liitmK..
The other man wanted her to mam'
him, and she finally consented to do r
Uuijihv. luU'dJlui'ueU She. camp to .New
York and we"nt to 1lrp ffom Hurt t"
plae?, with no nppurmt hhhi of support
and no one in rare for hr. And now
we romp to one of the tnont remarkable
thlmrn i niinei ted with tbe cane."
Mr. (ianllner then .red tbe letter
written to Ilnrnet while he wa 111, and
"1 that the language of otto ordinary
friend to mother?"
(Jeiii-ml Mnllneiir lnterrHpteil him by
crying oat: "Y, It bi." The coroner
ilenred him and th tflntriet attorney re
snmed. ,
He dwelt Mmn (he fact that Mrs. Mol
Ineux hail went lio wen and a letter to
Unmet only 111 day before her marriage,
and dineredlted the utatement of .Moll
neiix that he had paid for the flower.
"It Is cler that Mm. Molt lieu x lored
Unmet, lint knew' Mollnenx had goo-1
proafiM'tM, and he wanted to be taken
care of. There's the motive," said Mr.
G a rtli tier.
Colonel Gardiner here took up Moll
neux's hatred of Cornish and Mke of
Moltneux 11 visits In Chrhatowu and his
Intimacy with persons there. I
Coming down to the hiring of the lettt r ,
boxes. Colonel Gardiner referred to th
evidenee of witnesses that Mollneux had
hired the boxes In the names uf ltamet
and of Cornish. lie further referred to 1
the testimony of the expert, that H'tters
signed II. C Itarnet and II. S. Cornish
had been written by Mollneux. Colon I
Gardiner then said that the letters, to
his mind, had Iteeit written by a degen
erate. The jury dellberatisl three hours and a
half, and then returned with a verdict
holding Mollneux resKinsihle for Mr.
Adams' death. The runnier Immedi
ately issued a warrant for the arrest of
Mollneux, anil the latter was at onre
arraigned lfore him. Through his at
torney. Hnrtow S. Wi-eks. he demanded
an Immediate hearing, but Asslntant Dii
trlct Attorney Oborne objected, saying
it was imiKMsible to proceed with the
earing. The hearing was then set dow u
for Wednesday morning, and Mollneux
.Ms committed to the Tombs withort
TTnnters sometimes hide themselves In
the disguise of s cow, and thus make their
way into the very midst of the most cau
tious game. The mode of -x--'
operation is shown in the ilf
picture. In a similar manner consumption
hides itself in the (Hirut.e of a throat or
bronchial affection, makinp its way finally
to the lungs, where the insidious germs cat
away the victim's life. A stubborn cough
oroncnitis ana otner tnroat irouuies arc mc
first steps toward this deadly malady Dr
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
prevent consumption, curing every con
tributing cause. Time and time again, it
lias cured what local physicians have pro
nounced well-developed consumption. It
makes the stotnacli ueaiiny, tne liver
healthy, tbe blood healthy. It is a reju
venating tonic, which makes the weak
strong; puts ambition into tired people,
puts flesh on thin bodies, and vigor into
sluggish vein9. It i a peculiar medicine
in that its properties are preserved in any
climate without syrup, sugar or alcohol en
tering into its composition. It does not cre
ate cravinglor injurious stimulants, u is tne
personal prescription of Dr. R. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y., whose widespread expe
rience and success are at the service 01 tue
public without cost Anybody, anywnere
Mti cnnttH him free hv mail.
" 1 win wrue vou wnat ur i-ierce s uoiucn
Medical Discovery has done for me." says George
11 d.i.i... t.-. r t,... -mi piv. r-f-i 1.-
'i Thirteen vears apo I was wounded bv a ball
n.i4tii7 throuci-h mv tun?. I have had a bad
coughalmost ever since with shortnesofbreath,
ami it wa very eaay to take cold; the slightest
change of weather would cause the couEh to be
so bad I would have to sit up in bed all night.
CmiM not eat or slerti at times: was all run-down.
could not work at alf A few months ago I began
Tlr Pieree'a Cnlden Medical Dlscoverv.
Have not used rcore than two bottle and now
can cat, sleep, and work and I leel lite a new
man-a icannoi nnii won to su iicicmiy icvuni-
mend Dr Pierce's Ooldeu Medical Discovery, or
tell the good it has done me."
The no-gripe remedy lor costiveness is
Dr. 1'ieiee's l'lea,ant reiiets
Miss Sadie Wertheim. ace 14. of Tole
do, O, was the winner of tficjirst prize or.
execution on the violin at tbe lirussel
Conservatory 01 music. German critics
sayslieisa won
derlul player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any-
inttig. l'or tin
in statemenshi
literature, ath
letics, science
.ami ait, men and
women put forth
'.etrgr.-ntest efforts. Washington was
.d to be "fir iuwjr. first iu neace and
rst iu the hearts of his countrymen." It
in great uunglo uelirst. Notuing is ol
norevnlue to mankind aud brines trreat
r happiness thau n good remedy. Many
tines will relieve hut the one that will
;visbest. Brazilian Balm issucharem-
dy. Teus of thousands have found thai
w is tun only thiutr that would cure Ca
arrh and Asthma. KorlSyrs. ithasnev--.1
failed innsiucle case to cure Asthma.
tud its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
:es, run into Consumption, or where the
aostriis were entirely stopped uporwhere
he poisonous pus had eaten holes into
.he throat an iuch deep, or where the
.totniicu nail become ulcerated and raw
rout swallowing the germ-laden matter,
jvere ell permaneutly cured, Such a rec
ird, uuiuown to any other remedv. iust-
y entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
jlace in the recard of the American neo.
pie. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
inu countless Astlitna sufferers in this
or n try, all of whom can be cured with
.traziliau Balm. A 11.00 bottle of Brazil-
an Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
ive will wrap with each 5100 bottle a
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
'ree. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
tnd strength builder known to science.
This is the greatest offer ever made. Aslc
your druggist and take no substitute. B.
F. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India,
napolis, lud.
Wholesale Agents 3
aocaura gresieai, wvth ccirurticu aau
wlteat adTrrtlatngdoctora fall, nomatter
aim. lust Mann
aajn v noR. deh liti.
JLbutes, Blood iWna, Smcturtt. Aruntcn or tn.
Cecttovti oryann. IotiUttlt tto only oat in tba world
to care VARICOCELE wlttioat cutting. Hook free
expotlQK every advertulog fraud, Electrlo Belt a win
dtera, fake Mf ileal lnatltDtes, etc iYtihcaitl evrtd
in l to to dayu Trcatmeat by mall. Initial reUef.
Ho pain trull yout
It you treat tha
Mnrin Rv
akUaosuaw 'xm Cri. 610 Lneui) PWta. P
Handsomo Compltixion ;
tne greateit charms a -won at, i-an
PouoNi's CourLBxion PowdxbI
I la one of
i poaaess
I hail n Iti hlng rash m 'h r my hln, tshli-h
keptspreailing uuid Itwasall -rmy lo.:y.
1 roultl twit sleep lt"t '-ni-lll to Ilo
awake and ! b 11 ! lime. My father
and two brother wen- aftllt ted with the ame
thing, t the same time. Vo all sulfcrctl
terribly for a jesr and a half, trying "
maaiotiroe all the remedies we could Aad, but
received no benefit. I bought three ea- f
CtmctTiASoAradUireboi f A
(otDtaMut) and they curnf ' -
phttlf. Rlt rAXIKKBOOpeT,t -h.
BraaoTCnta Tinmt'T rna Tsartmiao, Daaesj
caiao lltsoai.wifnliuor Hta- Warm fcartwvaa
Cm ,-aiS--r, gti anoif ilaea with rtrtti-t a (aau
txaslKaid aalldtltf ri-' a Maut-Tist.
s14iollli-"l 1 h-ni tai n .C",
Car Prof-, HuUis How to (.mHinlJiu..
Plica or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Flstuloa
Burns & Scolds.
Wounds & Bruteea.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rhoum 4 Tottera
Chopped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $
Sold by dm eg lata, or teat post-paid on receipt of prtoa
ui'iriiRtts'a(, 111 1 1 1 wmm c, r.
Hebrdakt S, 1619
Trains will leave Shenandoah tte.r hj ax c
date for Wlgiran, Ullberton, Frackvttle- !
W ater, Ht. Ulalr, J'otuvllle. llamuurR, tuaou.,
fottntonn, Pboenlzvllle. Korrlelown aofrbi
aaelphln (llrAd street sUtlonlat 8 15 and II
a. m., 3 10, 8 II p m. on week days. Sundaya
8 13 a. m i SO p. m.
XTainfl leave rracsviiie lor noenanuoai i
7 88, 11 48 a.m. and 8 48, 7 88 p. Bunda
11 01 a. m. and 8 48 p. m.
Leave Pottuvtlle (ortibenandoali (via Fracv
vllle, 7 10, 11 30 a. m., 3 20, 7 10 p. iu. buuu.
10 03 a. m., 8 30 p. in.
lAMve l'hllaueiimia, usroaa street aiaiion i
ijhevandoah at H 35 a. m., 4 11) p. m. week day.
Sundays leave at fi 50 and 9 23 a. n
Ienve rinlivn ipnm uiroau street ataiionj ior
rottavlllc, 5 -S7, 8 y. 10 19 a. in., 2 10 4 10, 7 11
p. in. weekdays. Sundays. (1J0, 9 23 a. ui. and
602 p m.
iamvc jiroaa street siation. rnnaaeipoia.
Exnresa.week-dava. 8 20. 4 Oo, 4 30 8 0S.3 13.8 3C
7 S3, 8 20, 9 30, (10 21 dining car), II OO a. w
12 00 noon, i2 8o (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p ni
dinning care). 1 40, (280, dining car), a 2U a Hi,
I tu, auu, a oo turning oar;, aw, iui, vou.
idlnlng can, 10 Ou p. m., 12 01, nlglit. Hundaya.
130.4US. 160.303.313. 820. 9 SO. (10 31, dint. K
car), 10 43 a. m., 12 08, idlnlng car), 12 83, 1 1
(dining carl, 4 02. (Limited 4 22 dining car),
3 30,3 66, dining cat, 6 83, 7 02, 7 3o. luluing
car, 10 OU p. m., 12 01 ulsbl
Eipress for Boaton wltliout cbacge, 11 00 a na.
weekKlays, and 7 50 p. m., dally.
Kor Sea Cltrt, Aabury I'ark, Ocean Drove,
Long Branch, and intermediate stations, 8 30,
Hit a m, 830, 4 02 p n. weekdays.
For Baltimore and Waahlngton.S 50. 7 30,8 82,
10 20. 11 23, a. m., lim, 12 81 dining car lit.
Idlnlng carl, 8 12, 4 41. S 23 Coimrculonal
Limited dining car, 617. 683, dining carl,
7 81 dining cat, p m , and 12 09 nlgbt week
days. Sunday 8 50. 7 20. 9 12, 11 23 a. m., 1209,
112, dining cor), 3 12, 4 41 1520 Congressional
Limited dining car, 8 55 dining car, 781
dining carl, p. in., aud 12 03 nlutit
For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 12 a m, 1 C2
and 4 01 p m week days, 8 08 and 11 16 p m dally
SLeave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Kzpreas, 9 40 a m 7 03 p. m. Sundays,
9 20 a. m., 7 03 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 100 am,
200,4 00,8 00 p m. Sundaya, 9 00, 1000 a m
(accommodation 4 80 and 3 00 p m.
For Cape May, Angtesea, Wlldw -d and
Hollj Beach, Sea Isle City, Avalon and Stone
Harbor Express, SCO a ni, itm. I a week
days. Sundays 9 00am.
For Homers Point-Express, 9 00 a m., 100,
4 00, 5 CO, p. m. week days Hundsys 9 00 and
1000a. m
For tickets and other Infoimatton apply to
ticket agent.
I. II. 11UTCH15BOX, J. B. Woon
OenM Manager Ofr ' ?.'
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - g6 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by"mail, $S a year
The Sunday Sua
is the greatest Sunday newspape
iu the world.
Price 5c a copt. Bj mall. $2 a m
Addreis THE BUH, New York.
at PoTtnskr's drag atora B
Oantra atrt
tfoi Mle lKirlla'tdroiitorQdBhcnndo
AlvtTt I moii.l m-i (oluhl. J bv Imulatium,
WAtdmi-tt rt.c Mbtdlli