The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 25, 1899, Image 3

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Comrades, Attention.
I nerved from '111 to'oi, nnd was wounded on
Mny lO.lNH.In tin- lint tie of the WIldorncRS.
1 would like to 1m my old coinrndss know
what t'elery King bun dono for me. In 1810
my old complaint, Hiionlu dlnrrliccat oame
back. Tlio doolora could not utop It, but Cel
ery Klnif lms rured iho, and I am, onoe more
enjoying life Krnnk Uechlor, Owosso, Mich,
(Uo.V,4Uth N. Y. V. I ).
felcry King emus discuses of the Nerved,
Btoiiiiirli, Liver and Kidneys, Bold by drug
gists, 20 uud Cue. 6
Primary S enndary fir Tertiary BLOOD
f 0I80N permanently
CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS.
Yon can ho treated ftt home for onme price
under same guarantee. If you prefer to
come here wo will contract 4o pay ral'road
fare and hotel hills, and no charge, If wc
fall to cure
tnken mercury, iodide potash, nnd still
have nchea and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Bpots, Ulcers on nny part of the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It l thin
We solicit tho most obstinate cases nnd
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T li disease has always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarantee Absolute proofs sent sealed on
application 100 pace book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
Passenger trains Icavo Shenandoah for I'cnn
Hnvcn Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lchfghton,
sintliicion. White Hall. Cntasaunua. Allcntown.
Bethlehem, Enston New York and l'lilladelpbin
nt .1 2-t, 7 19 n. 111.. 12 SS unci 5 H p. in.
For Wilkesbarre, White Unven and Plttston,
s 28, 10 13 a. 111.. 11 ss nnu o 1 1 p. ni.
For Laceyvllle, Townnda, Sayrc, Wnverly,
Elniir.i. Rochester: BulTalo. Mairara Falls.
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 13 u. in., 12 58 and slip. m.
For Helvidcre, Dclawnro Water Gap nnd
Stroudsburg, 5 28 n. tn., 5 It p. 111.
For Lambcrtvllle and Trenton, 7 49 n. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Lcvlston nnd Beaver Jleiulow,
a 28 n. ,n.. 12 fi8 11. m.
For McAdoo. Audenrled. Hazleton. Stockton
nnd Lumber Ynrd, 5 28,7 49, 10 13, 12 58 nnd
Slip m
ForJcddo. Drlfton and Frccland, 5 28, 1013
n, m., 5 14 p. m.
For Lost Crec'k, olrardvllle, and Ashland,! 00,
. n iv I
l'or craiilon, o iu n. ni., o n p. m,
nrwl 1 1. m
For Raven Hun, Centralln, Mount Canncl nnd
Sliamokln, 10 58 n. m., 1 4.-, a m, v a i. ni.
For Mabanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 49, 10 13 n. m., nnd 12 58, ft 14 p. in,
For Yatcsvlllo. 5 28. 10 13 a. in.
Trains will leave Sliamokln at 7 00. 9 20 a. m.,
12 10 and 4 20 p. ni., nnd nrrlvo nt Shenandoah
nt 7 49, 1U A u. in., on, o is p. m.
Leave Slicnandonii lor rotisvine, oi. uinir.
Newcastle, Morca and New Boston, 7 49 and
J.enVO OIlCIlBimOUII lur iuniur, sfn, v.tti., 1
mln m . nnd 12 SS I,, m.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 9 45 a.m..
12 33, 505, 8 15 p. m.
Leave llazlcton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a. m.
12 48, 5 09, 6 2ft, 8 32 p. ni.
Trains Ienvo for Raven Run, Centralla, Mb
rjinnpl find Kliflinoklll. 9 46 n. 111,. 7 21 1. 111..
Trains leavo Sliamokln for Shenandoah nt
8 50 n. m.. nnd 5 33 p. in.
Leavo Shenandoah for Yntesvlllo, JInhanoy
City. Park Place, Delano, MeAdoo, Audenrled,
llazlcton, Stockton. Lumber Yarn, weatneriy
nnu Alaucii ununic, u ( a m., nnu o t. p. in
or LehlKbton, Slatlngton, Cntasauqua White
Hall, Coplay, Allcntown, liaston nnd Phtllips-
hnrc. 0 47 n m.. nnd 0 32 1). m
g, u 47
Fnr Niiw York nnd Philmlclullla. 9 47 a. m
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, n. m.,
and 0 27 p. m.
M. n. C1UTT12U. Sunt. Transportation.
South Bethlehem, Fa.
ROLLIN II. WILUUlt, uenl. Bupt.,
Routh Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEK, Qenl. Pass. Agb.
' New York, N. Y .
A. W. Div. 1". A..
South Bethlehem, l'a.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Hilt un III buttles lor tamilV
... r- f ,
use ana
delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority oi
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Ho pain troji youl
if you ffoui tin
Jlnrin (tif
uiadMAM tua Civ &1Q UttiuJ Pw. p
For all Diuous and Nervous
Diseases. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy
action to the entire system.
Escorted by Gonoral Ludlow and
Amorican Oavalrymon.
2,000 armed oubans follow,
Tho l'opulnco rilled With F.ntlnmt
Biii, Throwlntr TliotiiBolvos nt tlio
Front of tlio General's Home nnd
Iiiipedlnp; Its ProtiroHs.
Hnvnnn, Feb, 25. General Maximo
Clonies, th Cuban commnndcr-in-clilef,
entered Hnvnnn yesterday afternoon, os
rorted by Ocncrnl I.udlow and his staff
and Troop L, of the Seventh United
States cavalry. He mnrehed at the head
of 2,000 armed Cuban horsemen and
footmen. The population of the city
wan wild with enthusiasm, throwing
themselves In front of the general's
horse, impeding Its progress, and pelting
Ulm with flowers. The general review
ed the troops nt the palace.
Following the procession were many
private carriages filled with women rep
resenting the best society, some nllc
gorlcnlly dressed and others wnvlng flags
The Cuban bonds played the Cuban na
tional hymn, varying this with "Dixie,
The Star Spuuglcd llauner," "The
Stars and Stripes Forever" nnd popular
American mnrehes.
There were mnny allegorical floats ex
pressing the friendship between Cuba
and the United States. Two attracted
particular nttentlou, each drawn by
three yoke of oxen. One represented the
Cuba of yesterday a woman standing
with manacled hunds, a broken wheel'
barrow nnd other signs of desolation nt
her feet; the other, the Cuba of today
n'wnninn under a nalm. smiling and sin
rounded by evidences of prosperity. Tho
contrast was very effective and every,
where applauded.
iV handsome enrriage, containing la'
dies and decorated with large Spanish,
rtn enca! mm ;
. 1 -...' a .. . I .
the legend, "Unity, peace and con(.ord
was vociferously cheered. Still nnother
flont represented n Cuban woman hold-
Ing nn American flag, with the shat-
tered crown of Spain at her feet. Many
Dominican flags were shown, and there
was one representative float in honor of
the country of Gomez. Several figures
dressed as North American Indians were
rjn;r!., o-.nnn ,0 ,n
line, requiring three hours to pass a
given point. The horses of the Cuban
cavalry nre scrawny and ill fed, and the
calvnrymen nre clad In a vague Cuban
uniform. AH carried Remington car
bines, with nondescript bundles of cloth-
ipg and bedding. They marched in lines
Ol IWIIS. All," UllUULl.V iii-uiiaiuMuitj ivi-i.
step, and as they passed the palace pre
scnted nrms. Most of them carried Cu
ban flags stuck In their rifles.
The enthusiasm of the crowd was di
rected to General Gomez nnd certain
well known commanders rather tnnn to
the troops themselves. As compared
WITH till? win nit vuit-'in un ipuijuiuv u
welcomes back soldlers-the men who
hnvc done most and suffered most the
Cuban troops yesterday seemed neglect-
era." Gomez, accompanied l hh sUff,
i .. .i ! ... . i. - l .. I
.uer me rewi-v, ni sue i,am- ui-..-
proceeded to El Vedado to visit Governor
General iirooke. In the evening tire
works were exploded, the returning
bands played over and over again the
national hymn and the theaters gave
patriotic performances.
Tonight Ueneral tiomez win go t.o
Quintn"de Mollties, the former residence
- . . ..I
of the Spanish captain general, where
he will reside, with his staff and escort.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is
narrated by him as follows : "I was in a most
tlroadfut fniwllrlnn. Mv aVin waa almost
yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coatea, pain
continually in back and sides, no appotite
gradually growing weaker aay by aay.
Three nhvsicians had given mo up. Fortun
ately, a friend advised trying 'Electric
Bitters,' ana to my great joy anu surprise,
tho first bottlo mado a decided imnrovemeut.
I continued their uso for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved my
Ufa n w,ll,n Ilia ttnvA nf annlliAr vliHm ''
No ono should fall to try them. Only 50
cents per bottle at A. Wasley's drug store.
Reflected by Dcnllnc In Phllndol
pulls nnu Unit liuol'o,
Philadelphia. Feb. 21. Flour weak;
winter superfine. $2.2502.60: Pennsylvania
roller, clear. J3.10C3.30; city mills, extra,
S2.75?3. Tlye flour quiet at $3.30 per barrel
for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat steady;
No. 2 red, February, 76!47G?ic Corn firm;
No. 2 mixed, February, 5S?i(i39; No. 2
yellow, for local trade, 40?iS'42c. Oats
dull: No. 2 white. 3CUJJ37c.: No. 2 white.
clipped, 3G'4iB!i7V4c. Huy weak and lower;
choice timothy. $11.50 for large bales.
Beef firm; beet hams, $18.60319. Pork dull:
family, $12012.50. Lard steady; western
steamed. $5.60. Butter steady; western
creamery. lG?i22c. : do. factory, 12Uc.: El.
gins, 22c.; imltutlon creamery, usviuuic.;
New York dairy, 13U21C.; do. creamery,
16(fi22c.: fancy Pennsylvania prints lob
bing at 20027c. ; do. wholesale, 23c. Cheese
Arm; large white, lOVic; Bmail wnue, utt
lHic.: lnrco colored, lOHc.; small colored.
i,,,l.n . llr-ltf alflm. R?Qn OArt nklmn.
I ..44 " i .- " , , ,
7US8c: full skims, 303l4c. Kegs firmer;
New York and Pennsylvania, Si
western, fresh. 35c; southern, 31035c.
Potiitoes steady; New York, $1.2502; Long
Island, $1.7502.50; Jersey sweets. $203.50.
Tallow steady; city, lUc.; country, 4UO
sM:C. Cottonseed oil quiet; prime summer
yellow, 25025V4O.; on spring yenow, zjnf
Baltimore. Feb. 21. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat easy; spot and month,
"60"6',ic: March, 76V4"6Hc Corn steady;
spot and month. 3TU3Sc.; mnrcn,
SSWc. Oats Ilrm; No. 2 white. Western,
370O;V4c; No. 2 mixed do., 31031V4O. Rye
steady: No. 2 nenrby. 60061c; No. 2 west
ern, 63c Butter steady; fancy creamery,
22023c; do. Imitation, 18019c; do. ladle,
good ladle, 13014c; store packed,
rolls. 12H13C. isggs nrm; rresn,
Lettuce scarce at $1.75 per bushel
Live Stock Markets.
New Y'ork, Feb. 24. Steers steady to a
shade higher; bulls and cows firm; one
car unsold; steers, $1.906C.SO; fair to good
oxen and sta, I4.10S1.7S; bulls, $3,250
4.30; cows. $2.5003.55, Calves steady;
veals. $107.75; car of southern calves
$2.75. Sheep dull but steady generally
5010c- lower; some early sales at full
Thursday's prices; common to eholce
Iheep, $304.50; lambs, $4.5005.35; most of
'.he sales at $505.25, Hogs barely
teady; Inferior to choice hogs, $3.8504.10.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the
iltspAHpd nortlon of the ear. There la only one
way to cure deafness, nnd that Is by constltu-
lUnn s.afltna Tlanfnnaa la nnnaoil Kv nil Its. I
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Ku.taoiiian Tiiim When this tube aeta Indamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear-
lug, and when It la entirely closed deafuess
Is the reault.and unless the Inflammation can be
aken out and tills tnbe restored to Its normal
condition, bearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
wbl.h la nothing but an Inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
.n Uu T.. 11... l., nnn.
v. . inc .j u..,.
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sea d for
circulars, free. .
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hairs Family rills are the best.
Prepare Yourself for Spring
Take Dr. Greene's
bonne Medicine
In the spring everybody needs and I
should take a spring; medicine. Spring is , von so much good as Dr. Greene's Nerv
the time to be cured If vou are sick, nnd , lira blood and nerve remedv. It is the
the spring finds most of us In poor condi
tion, blood poor, nerves relaxed, weak and
unstrung, and the organs clogged and
uiL'gisn in action.
Dr. Ureene s fucrvura blood and nerve
remedy Is the best spring medicine in the
world, the best possible remedy for ) oil lo
take, the one sure spring restorative which
will nulla up your blood, Invigorate your
nencs and give you your old-time snap,
vim, energy, strength and vigor.
X)r. ureene s IServura blood and nerve
remedy is purely vegetable and perfectly
narmiess, anil now Is the time to take It
now Is the time vou need it most now
Is the time to be cured.
Mr. Nicholas Dunn, well known In St.
Paul, Minn., says :
'1 fnund lastsnrlntr that the chinue of season
afltitid mu as it illif rnanr another. 1 was com-
fiiil. Iv dune up. Whlls not actually cunnned to my
ml. f was just as badly on", (or I ha'd no interest in
nutlet oinrnn about me, Myfriends detecWd my
III 1 umor and spoke of It. X was nervous anil un
strung as tlie proverbial witch, and everything
sn 11 1 d to go wrong. With almost no faith in anv
tli mj I took Dr. trcene's Nervura blood and nerve
rnmdv, nnd I wish to say that I have no doubt in
the wntldlhat itbraced ine up and straightened out
my nervous system, and wrought awonderful change
In ne in a short time. If 1 am ever 111 again 1 shall
lose nn time In obtaining this wonderful and excel,
lsnt pedfic."
Tbo "Pacific Const Limited," tho now
California train will leave Chicago at 2:00 p.
in., ami St. Louis 10:30 p. m., every Tuesday
and Saturday arriving at Los Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m. and San Francisco fourth
day noon, aud wllll tun via Chicago k Alton,
St. Louis Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas
A Pacific, and Southern Pacific Railways,
This luxurious twin consists of a composite
. v.n..,s, muiiwiis-
room, buffet, barlwr-shop aud bathroom ; a
cotnpirtnient car containing sevcu prlvato
compartments and double drawlng-iooms;
twelve section sleeping-cars with state and
drawing-rooms, also, dlnlng-car hi which all
nical.1 will bo sorved a la carte, and travorses
a region of perpetual sunshlno, whoro snow
block ides, bllzzanls or high altitudes are un-
kao"s"- la addition to our weekly tourist
car lino via tho scenic routo, wo will operate
a wcrkly Uurlst car via "The Truo Southern
Route." leaving Chicago ovory Tuesday and
from St. I.ouls every Friday morning. For
illustrated and descriptive literature, time
L, vory lowest rate of faro to all points
west and southwest, address J. P. McCaun,
Travelling PasseDger Agent, or W. E. Hopt,
Gen'l Btsteru Passenger Agent, 301 Broad
way, Now York. tf
Rheumatism Cured In a Day,
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu.
t(i I.
ra,8'a radlca,y ln to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately dlsanwars. The
fi . , k.c,0 r cij k
- ly benefits 7S cent.
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah.
T.onks Had For .Teso .Tnines, .Tr
Knnsas City, Feb. 23. AVilliam Lowe.
the confessor, finished his oft repented
story of the Leeds train robbery In the
trial of young Jesse James yesterday,
The cross-examination failed to shake
1.1 ml... 1. T .1 7 . .. !.!....!..
him. Though Lowe could not positively
Identify Caleb Jones, ulleged to have
been connected with the hold-up, Lowe
apparently left no possible escape for
James. He detailed tlio plot of the rob
bery nnd how it wns carried out and told
of Jnmes nllegcd part in it. Express
Messenger Hills followed and practically
identified Jnmes as the leader of the
How Is Your Wife?
Has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache aro the
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cu red these ills for bal f a ccntu ry. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. Money rcfuuded if results
are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
Ask your grocer for tho "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It is tho best
flonr made.
BomfiHccasnee'i a reliable, monthly, regulttinc medicine On)? harmltuood
the j.urei; drugs ihtuld be ne4. 11 you mat the ttel, get
iOr. PsaB's Peninrofal Pills
Tbsr are prompt, isle and certain In rssulb. The genuine (Dr. Peol's) oevsr dluyj
oolnb, Seat anywhere, tl.Ma AMrsss Psaj. MaDiciaa Ce Clerslsnd, O,
For Sale al KIRLIN'S Drug1
Some of the special daily features include
A SPORTING TAGE, contributed to by
A STATE PAGE, in which the every happening of interest in every place in Pennsyl
in Iu..i, nalnl.,nvA .l Vn..,1n.l a fM K 0nAA,ot ;ennt.1i3 f.nm nut-
Vania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
L " 1
A WOMAN'S PAGE, where every morning the latest fashions and ever)- feminine
interest are cleverly dealt with in profusely
A CABLE PAGE, where the doings of
cable dispalches,
ALL THE NEWS, from everywhere, by
I dispatches.
lilibl Ul' Al-L, is lllli aUNUAY
, mciuaeu in ine ounaay inquirer eacn wee is a coioreu section, wun tne Dest oi
pictures by well-known artists iu brilliant color and softest half-tone. The colored section of
"c ouuuajr in.piircr is nut cquaieu uy any
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
, contributed to by the very best writers, sueh as Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Robert
liarr. Anthony Hope and Ian MacLaren. Besides the brightest of short stories and serials,
there are many articles bv eminent authorities on silhteets relimons. mechanical, literarv and
scientific. Then. too. there are nurzles with
I . . : . r. , . ...
want to mac your whs prouiauie get tne next
If you want a position In Plillade'phU,
I cuicipruc nnu uikunuiuu,
Nervura, the Best
. www 3
in the World.
- - -
No other remedv In the world wilt .In
true spring medicine, the Ideal spring re
BiurnuYc anu strengin-renewrr.
No remedy Is so sure to purlf v the blood
and strengthen the nerves, to bring back
bloom and color to the wan and faded
cheeks, the brilliancy to the hollow and
haggard ee, the lightness and elasticity
lo the weak and weary steps, the strength.
vigor nnd vitality to the unstrung, shat
tered and worn out nerves. It Is, indeed,
the greatest of all spring medlclnc6. for it
makes those who use It well and strong,
Mr. Isnnc Kelley, Landscape Gardner,
Haverhill, Mass., says:
" During the past spring 1 was fiehng run down
1 fueling mean, so tospeak. As 1 antedsomelhlni;
to brace me up and make me feel better I concluded
to try Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve rem.
edy. It not only msde me better right awar. but It
cureumeoi a trouble with my head snd neck. I
have used three bottles of the Nervura and my ex. , """'"- "", w
nerlence has been such as to warrant my praising it most contemptible character. Mr. Lan
hlclilyata medicine for the liver nnd kidneys, as dls. One of his Itcuubllean colleagues
wall as a tonic for elderly people like myself."
People have more confidence In Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy
than in any other medicine, because it is
the prescription of n regular phtsiclan
and therefore perfectly adapted to cure.
Dr. Greehe, 35 West 14th St., New York
Clty.can also be consulted free In regard to
any case, personally or by writing to him
Coming Kvriits.
Feb 3T Orand entertainment in the
school bouse atTurkey Run by the Harmonic
Mandolin and Guitar Club.
Mar. 10. Scboppe llros. Minstrels at Fer
guson's theatre. Annual performance.
Aprils. Grand concert in tho P. M. church,
corner J&rdlu and Oak streets, under auspices
of tho church choir.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agrco to
refund tho money on a 50-cent bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a S3-ceut bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Waslcy, C. II. Uagen-
tiuch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Blersteln & Co. ll-U-33t-dw
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you are, ask for tickets via tho Southern
Railway. It Is tho shortest, quickest aud
best routo. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John M. Benll, District
Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa,
On Ever; Bottle
Of Shlloh's Consumption Cure is this guar
antce: "All we ask of you is to use two-
thirds of tho contents of this bottle faith
fully, then if you can say you aro not
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and ho may refund tho prlco paid." Price
25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlin and n guarantee.
This Is the trade
mark of the short
lino to Florida the
Southern Railway,
Two daily trains are operated all tho year,
and during tho winter season, a third, tho
Florida Limited, is added. If you are going
to Florida or anywhere else in the South, ask
for a ticket via the Southern Railway. Write
to John M. Beall, District Passengci Agent,
828 Chertnut street, Philadelphia.
The Right Name in the Right Place,
Pau-Tina for coughs and colds, 25c.
Gruhlor Hrof .. drugstore.
Will You Winter ln Florida 7
This will be the greatest season Florida
has had for years. .You ought to go and go
via tlio Southern Railway. Its the best
routo. If you will write John M. Beall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange all tho
details of your trip for you.
All the healing balsamio virtues of tho
Norway pine aro concentrated in Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. Nature's own remedy
for coughs and colds.
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
a stall of the best sporting authorities
is told by special dispalches from our own
J i r
illustrated articles.
our foreign cousins arc reproduced in special
the full Associated Press service and (.pedal
oiuer paper.
ensh nrizes amounting lo oo .oo. If vou
v 4
Sunday inquirer,
an INQUIRER WANT AD will fix it for you,
is Pennsylvania', leading nswspaper in influence
Oft s
Johnson, a Eopublionn, Creates a
Sonsation in tho Houso.
Tho Indlnnn CoiiKrcsininn ClinrucM
Tlmt the Sennto Vfan Coerced Into
PuxkIiik l'pneo Treaty nnd Denounces
tho Philippine- I'olloy.
Washington, Feb. tin. During the gen
eral debate uion the army appropriation
bill In the house yesterday Mr. Johnson
lltep.. Intl.). who made several notable
sjieeelies violently attacking the iwllcy
of the administration during the consid
eration of the army reorganisation bill
a fortnight ago, returned to the assault
and delivered against the president ami
Homo of his advisors the moot scathing
philippic heard In the house for months.
He sneered at the president and th
Influences 'which he alleged controlled
him, Impugned his motive, questioned
his sincerity aud likened hint to Dickens'
dls, one of his Republican colleagues
from Iiidiflntt, briefly stated to the house
that Mr. Johnson's constituents had re
pudiated him and the two members had
n wordy duel. Mr. Johnson's speech, In
part, is as follows:-
"A fow ovonlngx ago tho Home Market
club, of Hoston, gave n banquet, at
which the president wns the principal
gtipst. From the newspaper accounts of
the affair, it was nn exceedingly elabor
ate one. The tabic at which the chief
executive sat, in particular, being loaded
down with rare nnd fragrant Dowers.
"The newspapers further Inform us
that among the other decorations there
were suspended over the entrance to the
banquet hall three portrnlts, one of
Washington, one of Lincoln and one of
tho president himself, and that beneath
this word, 'Liberators.
Now, George Washington fought with
his sword for eight long and bloody
years to estnblish the rights of a peo
ple to govern themselves, nnd In his fare
well address he counselled his country
men to live on terms of amity witli all
nntlous nnd to enter Into entangling al
liances with none. Abrahnm Lincoln's
whole political life was n contention for
the rights of man, nnd it was his kindly
hand which penned the immortnl emanci
pation proclamation that struck the
shackle from the limbs of millions of
"Ono would think, sir, that the gentle
man who wns just then engaged In the
prosecution of a bloody war against a
poor and defenseless people in the orient,
engaged in the unsavory task of chris
tianizing them with the sword and civ?
Illzing them nt the mouths of cannon,
would naturally have felt some little em
barrassment as he gazed upon these por
traits and read the significant inscrip
tion below. Possibly his excellency did
not see them. He may have turned his
back upon them, just ns ho has turned
his back upon the declaration of inde
pendence. "We are told, sir, that his address wns
received with an enthusinstic applause
by those who heard it, but we who read
it iu cold print In the light of the in
defensible tragedy now being enacted
near the shores of Asia involuntarily
think of that creation of Charles Dick-
cm, who was accustomed to roll his eyes
piously to Heaven aud exclaim wiln
great ostentation to those nbont him,
'My friends, let us be moral,' nnd who
wns the father of two dnughters, one
of whom was named Charity and the
other Mercy.
"If the chief executive really feels ns
he declared nt the banquet that ho did,
that the disposition of the Philippines is
a matter to be determined by congress,
why docs he not call a special session of
congress to settle the matter nt once
nnd then keep his hands off? Heaven
knows there is need of action. If ho is
sincere why did he permit his supporters
in the senate to vote down tho other day
the llneon resolution which distinctly
declared thnt the United States enter
tained no intention of permanently hold
ing these islands. Why did he insist
thnt the McEnery resolution should be
passed, a resolution which is a fraud, a
delusion and a snare?
"I insist that the whole policy is not
simply an error, but that it is a crime,
and that the chief executive of this na
tion Is the one who has precipitated
upon us the embarrassments nnd the
dlulenltles by which we nre now con
fronted. Tho president s first impression
was to demand of the Filipinos simply t
coaling station, a measure amply suffi
cient for all of our legitimate purposes,
nnd the evacuation of the island by
Spain without compensation by the tax
payers of the United States. Had he
adhered to this, however, ull would have
lieen well. The whole Union would have
followed him cheerfully, nnd today we
would have eon at peace with the Phil
ippine republic, our army and navy,
which is now waging wnr against our
former friends and allies, would have
boon disbanded, no nrmy bill for n
standing up y of 100,000 men would
have been l mling, and wc could now
he getting rcsdy to reduce instead of get
ting ready to greatly inereiiM' the burden
of our taxation.
"Is he nlisolutely certain thnt one
swallow reu makes n wlmle summer
It would seem mi; for in this Hume
Market address, he oxultingly dfilnred
thnt tho annexation trenty had passed
the senate by over two-thirds nnd was
siinctloni'd by the judgment of nine
tenths of his countrymen. How Hint
treaty finally got Its two-thirds majority
In the senate the tremendous pressure
necessary to secure it there where its
fate hung doubtful and trembling in the
liilnnce until the very latest moment.
and wns then only saved by the votes of
senators who had most of them spoken
agnihst It, no man knows better than Mr
McKinley. Adulation has indeed solely
blinded the chief exxecutivo to the truth
If he Imagined that even the majority of
his countrymen approve of this perma
nent holding in the orient. Let him not pin
his faith too severely to the sordid in
terests which clamor so loudly In his
hearing. If he will hut quiet the noisy
throng which surrounds him long enough
to put his ear to the ground and listen he
will distinguish the premonitions of the
coming storm; he will hear the steady
trend, not of the 100,000 men who he
demands for n crusade against liberty.
ut of a mighty army of free people who
are beginning to move In defense of their
themhed traditions and their violated
Remarkable Rescue,
Mrs, Michael Curtain, l'lalnfield, III
makes the statement, that she caught cold
which settled on her lungs j sue was treated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
worse, lie loid her sue was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption and that no medicine
could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption ; she
bought a bottle and to her delight found her
self benefitted from first dose. She comtinued
its use and alter taking six bottles, found her
self sound and well ; now does her own
housework, and Is as well as she ever was,
Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A.
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents
and fl.oo.
Admiral Dewev C able Thnt tlio Ore
iron Hhould lp Hunt l Mntttln.
Washington, Feb. 2f.. The following
dispatches were received at the navy de
partment yesterday, slsrned by Admiral
Dewey t
Manila, Feb. 24. For political reasons
the Oregon should be sent here at once.
Manila, Feb. 2-1. Yorktown arrived;
Charleston and Petrol cruising around
the Philippine Inlands. Affairs mure
quiet. Waahlntton, Peb. 25. The cabinet
gave some attention to Dewey's cable
message relative to the political Impor
tance of sending the Oregon at once to
Maulla. The eonctiwtou reaehed was that
too much Inuwrtaacc should not be at
tached to It; that Dewey wants the Wg
ships to Influence the Filipino through
fear. Secretary Long said when asked for
an explanation of the reference to po
litical reasons In the dispatch, said: "I
am sure that It has no international sig
nificance, yon may state positively.
Probably he wants a fine ship there as
the American commissioners are about
due, and It will give weight to the Ameri
can tepresentations."
It Is suggested from other naval sour
ces that Dewey wants the Oregon to re
lease a number of the smaller ships of
the fleet for other work. He has lee!i
planning a tour among the other Islands
than Ltison with the purpose of establish
ing the authority of the United States
among them. It Is nlo necessary to es
tablish a close blockade to prevent the
Insurgents from receiving supplies. These
projects require for their execution a
number of ships. Dewey cannot spare
them at present, but when the Oregon
gets into Manila harbor she will be suf
ficiently formidable to Insure the pro
tection of the entire harbor in conjunc
tion with the two big double turreted
monitors Monterey nnd Motiadnork. The
remainder of the fleet then will be free
to carry out the projects. While thee
three armored shls nre lying in Manila
bay theie Is no fear that any force can
enter or pass out without their consent.
rtvo "Sren "IniiirlKbnetl Tn n (Vlb.
Cleveland, Feb. 25. Five men are Im
prisoned In n temporary water works
crib several miles out in Lake Krle and
there is much apprehension felt for their
snfety. Knormous piles of ice nlmost
hide the crib from view. No communica
tion has been had with the men for sev
eral dnys and It Is known their supply
of provisions I' short. Attempts to reach
the crib with n tug hnve proven unsuc
cessful. The Inst supply of food was
tnken to the crib three weeks ngo. It Is
feared tho temporary structure will col
lapse under the tons of Ice piled upon It.
l.ndy Curron Ifidlspoiod.
Cnlcuttn, Feb. 25. Lady Curzon, wife
of Lord Curzon of Kedleston, the viceroy
of Imlin, Is suffering from a slight attack
of fever, but there is no cntise for
anxiety. She will proceed to Simla, the
summer capital of India, a week from
vou ever notice now some women
break down after marriage? As the family
increases, the poor mothers lose their
graceful, symmetrical forms, their faces are
full of lines and no vestige of youth re
mains. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
work wonders tor
such women. A
woman need neve,
lose her shape or
beauty. If she
will take "I'avor
Ite Prescription ' '
during gestation,
she will not be
worried. Morning
sickness will be
almost wholly un
known. iNervous
ncss will be nre-
vented. When baby comes, there will be
little or no pain, and the ordeal will be
shortened. Recovery will be rapid, and
the patient will emerge with her old-time
attractiveness of face and figure. The
mother who takes this wonderful medicine
can keep her health and youthful looks,
even though a half-dozen children play
about her knees. No other women's rem
edy is its equal. Never allow the medicine
dealer to substitute something else.
This remedv contains no trace of alco
hol, nor opium, nor any of the dangerous
drugs which enter so largely into many
advertised "compounds," recommended
lor the cure of invalid women. It will
not create craving for stimulants.
For five years mv wife was In an almost heln-
Icss condition, suffering from female weakness "
writes J. S Uvcrritt, Esq , of Hagerman. Wash
inutou Co.. Pla. " Lase Sentemher I decided to
try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She took
several bottles of the medicine and gave birth to
a teu pound son on January 31st. 1898. She Is
now souna ana wen anu uoing ner uwuseworje. '
IJvery familv needs a medical guide and
instructor. The best ever published is the
Common Sense Medical Adviser, 100S
pages. It will be sent free on receint of 11
one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing
only. This book has been not inaptly
termed "Tne liihic ot the liody." for it Is
to the body what the Hible is to the soul,
the great chart of salvation.
n?l THFFL.60 North Sixth St.
Ulls llfaKsEWSIde Entrance on Green St
A-niiacieipbin. A"., cares after
adrertlslng doctors. Medical Insti
tutes, family phrslc!ass,apec!alUta,
hospital and army surgeons 1 sll, as
B....T..II..I.I.DnbUshI ln
OHUin IDalllllUlliaiSereryBstnr.
WAU the fata of tbouixndi who
ice n Af roboea ana mmea oy unamuiui
in a
si c'e Doctori and uaacu,witu tneir wu
worded and sUlnrtoKadrenlsrafnu,
poslsg as old and experienced ipeo
iai in, ouenui jreo cuusuiiauuiias,
f rte adrlce ana cheftP or moderate
rrictdtreatznent. ThetrvictttniTou
nod by thomandt in Foorbotnej or
p iDianeAirionu.uoniaiixjrxjieei
5 tod sUS wdo ii snown at inooniy noneii.
-sJ-ttarJ iKjurui ana renam specialist
rertrt InlMsMnntntrllhsvMtsfUnMiuin
?a 3 -! m llotplul and 84 rears practical ex
PiB tspertence, Send 6 two-cent atampa
for book Truth." the onrrtroo tncdicalboeik
aareniaea Kinngr TaiuaDiemi
'omiatlon to young
snd old,
uiiiu. uurrinir irum nrii
a, sail i
! stare.
., Lost ManUood,Varlcoceie& BtrlfMre,
sad electric
city, iiuursi vo, ci gB,eijOuuua,rM.
rnnn.-chehf - store.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail,
SO West Contra Street.
Superior Sarsaparllla..
and Orange Champagne.
g op
B-ss5S SZ
ft Of .
L. srl
Our little daughter had Ki-iema f mm Mr' h.
The 1 arts a!!li ted W'.nid N "ine tVini . In.
flaiiK ''d w.i -r 'ld 0" out like pr t
bradsnf perspiration, finally this would
npan.ltheiMnwu'..lrra ksnd peclulT. hi
iunVr .Hern I v. 111 to put soft mlii.11-.
herh suds to keep lior fpm oratihlt g. 1
of our Ica-liiist physicians did not be'.p b 1
After bathing her with Ccticisa S "if 1
applied CtTKTBA (ointment) freely, sn.l 1
hCt'TICA;siAKOLViurTregiilrty. Flu 1 .
prwrf at one mvt U mom iwrf t: jvMnt V a
statement I hare mads rs absolutely t' 0
and nut exaggerated ln any my.
Ill, WostSI Squar,Pprini:rl !,I U
rrtiT"t iiTuinivni t stBi"I'" ''
Irwu. w rrn I a "f II 'K Wsrm b!tw ' ' f
ci s N"r. r-nits st , 1 ,ii ", 1 1 tti t
ST, lfi.t.Mrt r I t , I d I r-K 1 P . l...-l
V s B T. gissla.t of r o- 1 r'i "s4 turn t cuir.
MrtKn:1 ittvfl ' r T'arri '
rrV-, iUMViu. li iij, wts .ii iMi'i t'wsa,. tiea.
Pllaa or HomorrhohJa
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruisea,
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum A Tottora.
Chapped Honda
Fover Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions,
Stings & Bitee of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and Slxx
80M by druggists, or settt postpaid on ne4pt ot prlo
llHrilRIlS'SID.tO., Ill IIS nuauSS Era Tart.
l'EBKDAKT 3, 18(9
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne aoose
date for Wlggan, ailbeVtoo, Fraokvllle. Dark
water, si. i:iair, roiisviue. iiamourg, ueaainx
Pottstotrn, Pboenlxvllle. Worrlstown a d Phil,
aielphla (llr-Jul street station) at SIS and 8 IS
a. m.,a 10, 8 IS p tn. on weolc days. Hundays.
S IS a. m., 4 DO p. tn.
Trains leave rraCKViue lor nnenanooau as
7 S4, 11 15 a. m. and B 15, 7 30 p. m. Sundav
11 01 a. m. and 5 is p, m.
Leave 1'ottsrllle for Hbenandoab (via FracV.
villa, 7 10, 11 20 a. m., S 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
lo 03 a. ni., o p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. (Broad street station), lot
Sbevandoah at 8 85 a. ra., 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at S SO and 9 33 a. m
lave l'liiiaueipnia i iiroau streei station) tor
l'ottsville, 5 57,8a?, 10 10 a. in., 2 10 4 10, 711
it. m. weekdays. Sundays, d 50. 9 33 a. m, and
802 p in.
leare uroaa aireei suiion, i-anaaeipnia,
EiDreas.week-dars, 8 30. 4 Co, 4 M 5 OVS 1S.S 90,
7S3, 820, 950, 11021 dining car), 1100 a. m,
12 00 noon, i2S9 (Llmltnd 100 aod 4 22 p m
dinning oars), 1 40. (2 80, dining car), 8 20 8 50,
I iz, am, aw ruining oar;, o uu, w, tou,
(dining car), 10 0U p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays,
I -J. 4 U1. I 50. 5 01. S 13 S 20. 9 50. ( 10 21. dining
oar), 10 43 a. m.. 12 03. , dining carl, 1133, 2 3u.
(dining car', lirj ii.imitoa is uimng car),
tt r u .li....... 1 jt q. tr nn nun T . 1 1 , .. . .
carl, I0CO p. in., 12 01 night
Express for Boston without change, 11 CO a nt.,
week-days, and 7 50 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove,
Long Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8 20,
11 14 a m, 3 30, 4 03 p m weekdays.
For Baltimore and Washington. 3 50. T 20,832,
10 20. 11 23, a. m., 12 OT, 1231 dining car 112.
dining carl, 8 12. 4 41 3 25 Congressional
Limited dining carl. 6 17. 955, dining carl,
17 81 dining carl, p m , and 12 03 nlgnt week
clays. Sundajs 3 50. 7 20.9 12,1123 a. m., 1200,
1 12, dining enr, .311, 4 41 (520 Congreralonal
.bulled dlnlnir carl. Tt 53 dining carl. 17 81
dining car), p. tn.,and 12 05 nlgbt.
For llaltlmore, accommodation. 9 13 a m, l aa
and 4 01pm week days, 3 04 and 11 18 p m dally.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Eipress, 9 40 a m 7 03 p.m. Sundays,
3 20 a. m 7 05 p. m.
lx-nve Market Street Warf Eipreas, 9 00m,
2 00,4 00,3 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
accommodation 4 80 and 5 00 p rn.
For Cai e May, Anglenea, Wilder id and
loll llcach. Sea Isle City. Walon and Slono
Harbor EjprtKs, 9 00 n in In. i ru week
lays Suuda s 9 00 a in.
For Snniers 1'oll.t- Ksprexs, 9 00 a m., 100,
I 00, 5 CO, ( it week 'lv Sundays, 9 00 and
1000 -
For tickets and other Information apply to
ticket agent
f)n'l ' l.'. kt
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and uiail,?8 a year
The Sunday Sun.
is the greatest Sunday newspape
iu the world.
Pries 5c a copj. Bj mall, $2 a ti
Address THE SDK, Hew York.
ISFIOEUHE. stst-acfOs-wokUMsaxt.
UAr-" vriLrai tsptciFra ca.rtsusw
al Povlnsky's drug alora, E
Osntr. straaL
atom rmr pills
A tann. sacs lira Siva WOMtN'S RtLICP.
AlwsTiDrMnntSDdttli.til Aivni ZsMfcihoM.
O.l t-. TOM'S tllll Pll 1 .Bd ins asaasTs.
'ildnntore,or Hat dlixKusltll), Kits, 11.
CsTO'Srsaco lUistaa, stsu. Os tssa, U.
For sals at Ktrlln'a drug stora and Bhecandoa
) A
m -