The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 24, 1899, Image 3

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ilany People In Shenandoah Learning
to Appreciate.
What ft blessing it is.
Sought after by thousands
Shenandoah Is finding it out
Many a miserable man it happy row,
NigliU of unrest, days of trouble.
Any (firing skin diseases means this.
Itching 1'iles mean it.
ttce-ma, just ns bad, nttd just as bad to cure.
Hut Oman's Ointment does it.
Relieves at once, and cures if you ue it
long euougii.
A specific for nil) itchiness of the sHn.
A blessing to a suffering public.
Here's Shenandoah proof to back It.
Mrs. Kliabeth Slitter, of No. in West street, used Doan's Ointment and lhi is
hat she says about it. "For five years I had
lav.cmn on one of my limbs and I could get
iiollurg to cure it, although I tried many rem
edies. I have sent away and paid one dollar
a box for preparations which did ine no good
at all. 1 rend about Doau's Ointment and
procured a box at Kirlin's Pharmacy. The
first lime I applied it, it gave relief and it was
the first remedy which healed the eczema and
subdued the inflimation. My anW6 used to
itch and bum so that I could not sleep and
this added to my other suffering. I am very
glad that I learned about Doan's Ointment
and used it for it is the best remedy for eczema
I ever found in a search extending over five
Doan's Ointment for salo by all dealer?.
Price 50 couts. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, Y solo agents for the U. S.
Remember the uamo Doan's and tako no
Primary 8 condary or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
You can be treated nt home for same prleo
under same guarantee. If you prefer to
como hero we will contract to pay rnlrond
faro and hotel bills, and no charge. If wo
fall to cure.
taken mercury, iodide potash, and atlll
have aches and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples. Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It la this
Wo solicit the most obstinate eases ond
challenge tbe world for a case we can
not cure. T' Is disease ban always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarantee Absolute proofs sent abated on
application 100 page book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
The sudden Epidemic ot
Grip has startled the country.
The doctors confess they have
no sure Cure for it' and this
is seen to" be true in the sud
den death of Garcia and Ex
Senator Brice and the alarm
ing increase in the death rate,
But no one need be alarmed,
lhere is a sure cure a
perfect antidote. It has had
is vears test in thousands of
cases and never failed. That
remedy is
No fatql case of Grip was
ever known where Brazilian
JSalm was promptly and faith-
II 1 T. t Ml . I
TllllV 1L tvllir, LlltT WtTl lll-
arrests the progress of the
disease at once, and takes all
the evil effects out of the
system. For
Old Coughs,
Asthma, '
it is' a perfect remedy.
I A Handsome Complexion 4
-tSijLonaot the greatest charms a woman can
Cornish Acotiaos Mollnmix With Bond
Inc 111m tho l'ol-oneil Snlu.
Now York, Fob. 21. Urry Cornish,
on the witnrss stand nt the Adams in
quest yesterday, niinsed Ilolnnd II. Mo
Ineux of hnvhiit myit him the poisoned
,T ."l"'"- K'r Cornish first
testified In the rnse lu mi I..111 aiking
to be recoiled, claiming Hint wlii-n on the
stand nt the oponhiR of the Inquest hi
not finished (riving his lestimoiiy ami
Hineo then many statements Imve been
nlnde by other wit iwraaiHi U-lltlOt Bi,n.
IliKly roiitrndict what he had sworn to.
Hip court room was crowded, but Cor
nish 1 stnteiiients did not create much of
a sensation.
Witness stated that Molliieux, beinc
In n rivnl club, wns Jenlous of him. He
doeliired that the coroner must search
ine athletic clubs or New York city for
the murderer of Sirs. Adams. Iln an.
pected Molliieux of linvlng sent Kutnow
powncrs to Ilnrnet. He testified that
Mis. Mulineux's Stnlnilinilt. thnr aba
had never been In Ilnrnet's room alone
was fnlse. He knew of n nerson who li ml
seen Mrs. Mollnenx and Ilamet drinking
wme in me latter s room when no other
person was present. Witness stnted that
Moiineiix wns his bltfpr enemv mid the
only mnn ho knew of who could hnve a
motive for wishing to take ltU life.
Cornish wns very earnest In tcstlfvlnc
nnd contradicted much thnt.Je snid when
lie wns first examined by the coroner.
Cornish wns nsked several times to give
the nnmcH of men who had told the
stories thnt he repented about Mollnenx.
He snid thnt hp could not remember
them nil, but thnt he hnd no doubt these
men would come forward nnd substanti
ate his story ns soon as they heard he
had told it. He talked rapidly nnd nt
times the jury could hardly follow him.
Castilor ofStnto Tronsuryof PonnnvW
vnnln Unwuos Away.
Shnron, l'n.. Koli. 24. lteninnlin ,T.
ITnywood, cnshler of the stnte treasury
of Pennsylvania nnd former state trens-
urer. died yesterdny nftcr n lingering
illness. He went west last year for the
benefit of his health, which was giving
way under the strain of duties of his
ollice of cashier to the state trensury.
It is understood thnt hp crew worse over
the worry incident to his indictment with
Senator M. S. Quay nnd Mellaril It.
Quay, for conspiring with John S. Hop
kins, fhe suicide cashier of the People's
bank, to unlawfully loan public moneys
nnd with, unlawfully using the moneys
of the People's bank. The allegation
was that Haywood deposited state
moneys In the People's bank to be loan
ed to tho Quays for stock speculations,
so that they had the use of nbout $200,
000 for nenrly six months.
Mr. Hnywood wns born In Mercer
county, April 13, 18411, wns educated at
the common schools and took a course at
the Iron City Commercial college at
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver- of Philadelphia, was tho subject, is
narrated by him ns follows : "I was in a most
dreadful condition. My skin was almost
yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain
continually in back and sides, no appetite
gradually growing wenker day by day.
Three physicians had given mo up. Fortun
ately, a friend advised trying 'Electric
Hitters,' and to my great joy and surprise,
tho first bottle made a decided improvement.
I continued their use for three weoks. and
am now a well man. I know they saved my
'llf ornt rr.lili.wl t li n rni vn nf nnnr linr vrt Im "
No one should fail to try them. Only SO
cents per bottlo nt A. Wasley's drug store.
volunteer orrrcers lltophnrtipct.
Washington, Feb. 24. The following
named olllcers of the volunteer navy
hnve been honorably discharged: As
sistant Paymaster V. L. Sawyer, Lieu
tenant F. II. Ilunicke nnd I'nssed As
sistant Engineer X,. S. Perkins. Lieuten
ant Colonel Charles L. Jewett, judge ad
vocate; lieutenant Is. Jl. Bnrnum, Sixth
Ohio, and Lieutenant C. It. Itow, Utah
volunteer light artillery, have ulso been
honorably discharged.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There la only one
Way to cure deafness, and hat Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It la entirely closed deafness
Is the resultand unless the Inflammation can be
akenout and thla tnbe restored to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nlno cases out of ten are caused by catarrh.
whith is nothing but an Inflamed condition of
tho mucous surfaces.
We will glv One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sesd for
circulars, tree
V. J. CHENEY UO.,'l'olCQO, O,
Bold by Druggists, 73o
Hall's Family I'llla are the best
As Heflootod by Denllnits In I'htlndol
jilila and llnltlmore.
Philadelphia. Feb. 23. - Flour steady;
winter superfine, J2.2522.E0; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, 3.1(rf3.30; city mills, extra,
$2.75r3. Kye flour quiet at $3.30 per barrel
for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat strong;
No. 2 red, February, 70',476VsC Corn firm:
No. 2 mixed. February, SS?i(339; No. 2
yellow, for local trade. 40&41c. Oats
dull; No. 2 white, 3Siic.; No. 2 white,
clipped, 38c. Hoy In moderate demand;
choice timothy, $135213.50 for large bales.
Beef firm: beef hams, J18.60S19. Pork dull;
family, $12312.50. Lard firmer; western
steamed, $5.G0. Butter steady: western
creamery, 1GQ22C.; do. factory, 12014c: El
gins, 22c: Imitation creamery, 131419c;
New York dairy, 13021c; do. creamery,
16822c ; fancy Pennsylvania prints Job
bing at 25028c; do. wholesale, 21c. Cheese
Arm: large white, 104c; small white, 110
lliic ; largo colored, lOHc; small colored,
lllHio; light skims, Sfl8V4c; part skims,
7&)8c; full skims, 3ii3'Ac. Eggs firmer;
New York and Pennsylvania, 2914c;
western, fresh. 29c; southern, 2845129c
Potatoes steady; New York, $L252;
Long Island, 11.7562.50; Jersey sweets, $20
3.50. Tallow steady; city, 3!ic; country,
4ViiHHc Cottonseed oil quiet: prime
summer yellow, 25025Hc; off summer yel
low, 23!s4j21c. Turpentine steady at 46
01614c Cabbage steudy at $39 per 100.
Baltimore, Feb. 23. Sugar strong; gran
ulated, 5.08. Cheese steady; fancy New
York, large, HCHUc; do. medium, 1U40
1114c.; do. small, 1114ll?4c. Butter steady;
fancv creamery. 23M24c; do. Imitation,
18019c; do. ladle, 15016c; good ladle. 110
15c; store packed, lljruc; rous, izuriac.
Eggs firm at 24025c. Lettuce at $1.50 per
bushel box. Whisky at $1.3001.31 per gal
lon for finished goods In carloads; $1,310
1.32 for Jobbing lots.
New York, Feb. 23. Beeves steady;
cables firm; American steers at 1212?ic
per lb dressed weight; live sheep at 12J?
13c; refrigerator beef at 1014c Calves
eaBier; 85 had unsold. Veals, poor to
prime. $407.75; tops, $8; one car of west
erns, $2.75. Pheep weak; lambs a shade
lower; 15 cars unsold; sheep, common to
fair $304; lambs, $5.121406.33; mainly $5.25
U5.30. Hogs tinner at $3.8504.10.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
i Keep in the World I
S Keep informed of what is going on; read the papers and 2
S tSRiFUa magazines save time from housework for g
rest and reading
Chics iro.
St. Louts.
New York.
vigor to the whole being. All dralnl and loites are checked trn'itninlfy. Unleai patlenta
jro properly cured, their condition often vorrlcltbtmlntolmanlly. Conaumpllon or Death.
mailed aealeo. rriecti per boa; 6 boiet.wlth Iron-clan legal guarantee tocure or refund laa Send lor free book. Addxeii. pEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.V
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Druir Store. Shenandoah, Pa
4 th. Semi -Annual r-f&hz n Mx
rW rVrku tS te acf wH U araf JtWOTl -S1- .
ntNtt aiy nlroo fhrcW h MUM, f)f J g Tfi
KlMKHint. mMOHT. KmiUVSCTTS, W'f lRfalFl S EbUPS" W I 'II
mm. nmceTicuT. nor rou. Hmmmu.lM "A tdlaa bill Jta,
i nr jrmrr sixth avc. Vgff lama. W
" wcw "'SIT. 1 YORK- I
ZABAH, tbe world-rtnowned
tonUtimeat thoroughout urop far the ptut fit years, wlU gin n truthful, accural, '
placot boroB0Cp delineation of yonr life. Ue will giie yoor wrtoaal arptaranee, dit- (
pontlon, character, atll.ty, taste, probable length of life, possible accidents, adTic and
luggvauuu vuMiveauajria
Send 10 cents and gire
trnthfal horoscope reading of
ttii offsr as a test trial. AU
JYm -J'lnh Ue AmoLoen Is erulaty atoiiblngtktiudA. Bis venderfal predlctUas and tests en based
Don't The
Miss Philadelphia
FOR 1399
Some of the special daily features include
A SPORTING PAGE, contributed to by a start of the best sporting authorities.
A STATE PAGE, in which the every happening of interest in every place in Pennsyl
vania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland is told by special dispa ches from our own
A WOMAN'S PAGE, where every morning the. latest fashions and every feminine
interest are cleverly dealt with in profusely illustrated articles.
A CABLE PAGE, where the doings of our foreign cousins are reproduced in special
cable dispatches.
ALL THE NEWS, from everywhere, by the full Associated Press service and special
Included in The Sunday Inquirer each week is a colored section, with the best of
pictures by well-known artists in brilliant color and softest half-tone. The colored section of
Tbe Sunday Inquirer is not equaled by any other paper.
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed to by the very best writers, sueh as Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Robert
Barr. Anthony Hope and Ian Mac Lai en. Besides the brightest of short stories and serials,
there are many articles by eminent authorities on subjects religions, mechanical, literary and
scientific. Then, too, there arc puzzles with cash prizes amounting to 500.00. if you
want to make your wits profitable get the next Sunday Inquirer.
If you want a position in Philadelphia, an INQUIRER WANT AD will fix it for you.
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER is Pennsylvania's leading newspaper In influence
enterprise nnd circulation.
Coming Erenta.
Feb 23 Grand entertainment In the
school bouse at Turkey Bun by the Ilarmunlo
Mandolin and fluitar Club.
Mar. 10. Schuppo Bros. Mlustrcts at Fer
guson's theatre. Annual pcrformauco.
April 3. Grand coucort in tbe P. M. church,
corner Jardln aud Oak streets, under auspices
of the church choir.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund tho money on a 50-cetit bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 23-cent bottle to provo satisfactory or
money refunded, A. Wasley, O. II. Kagcn
bucb, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Biersloln & Co. ll-U-33t dw
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you arc, ask for tickets via the Southern
Railway. It Is tho shortest, quickest and
best route. Its servlco this season will sur
pass that of all precedlug years. Write for
further information to John M. Bcall, District
Passenger Ageit, 823 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
It Bits the Bpot Tbat's Right.
WhatT Pan-Tina for coughs aud colds. At
Grubler Bros., drug store.
"fJOtD D08T.-
by using o
It saves both time and labor o
and gives results that please.
They bate flood thetritotyearf,
and have cured tnmitandl o(
icaea of Nertou I)ieaie, such
al Debility, Iiiuineif,SIcplei
nesl and varicocele,Atrophy,&c-
They dar the brain, itrensthea
tne circulation, make uigestioa
Egyptian Astrologer, wbo hu teen crnting nch a- )
lUavrrifiB, trienoc. eaoouci, ipecaiauoa, DtuineM Statters, ete
You can inform yourself thoroughly en
this and on any other qaeitions of yonr i
exact date of birth and I will Immedtitely retorm yen t
yonr life, and pro it to be all trot by yonnelC.
oommonlcattons strictly confidential. Address
Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa.
ApproprtnttonnTor rtrtfllo Iliill'dlncs).
Washington, Feb. 'J J. The senate
committee . on public buildings and
grounds yesterdny madp favorable re
ports on public bulldlngd n follows: New
Urunswlek. N. .T., $100,000; Norwich,
Conn., $100,000; Winston, N. O., $.'.0,000.
On Ever; Bottle
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guar
anteo : "All we ask of you is to uso two-
thirds of tho contents of this bottle faith
fully, then If you can sny you are not
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and he may refund tho price paid." Price
25 eta., E0 eta. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlln and a guarantee.
Close Yoto TorTloml .TiK'ft'.Mn.vop.
Heading, Feb. 'Jl. The Democrats,
whose cnmlldute for innyor, Kdwnrd
Yeager, wnB defeated by 58 votes by A.
II. Lauer, Itepulillcan, declare that many
tickets Improperly marked were counted
which should have been thrown out,
under tho supremo court's decision. It is
highly probablo that thoy will ask for a
recount. '
All tbe healing balsamlo virtues of the
Norway pine are concentrated In Dr. Wood's
S.irwa I'me Syrup. Nature's own remedy
fur cough and colds.
Harrass tho Ainorioans by Toroli
and Bullots.
auorrlllii l'lulitlnir tn Mniitln'ft 8ul
urlii runt llttNlno tn tho City Tom
pornrlly 8iiimiltMl Tho MoiiiiilnooU
Shell Itutiol I'oltlon.
Manila, Feb. 2-1. The secret Filipino
tnllltln who Wednesday nljtht wt tire to
the city In three places made a deerate
attempt yesterday to complete the work
of destruction. The torch was applied
again at Tondo, and the bulldimra which
escaped Wednesday night or mere only
partially destroyed were rased to the
As a result of Wednesday night's In
cendiarism and attempts at a masHarre,
our troops successfully engaged the In
surgents and made prisoners of 150 na
tives, who were most active In the pre
concerted midnight attack. The Insurg
ents began general harassing movements
at daylight, evidently hoping to carry the
city In the confusion which resulted from
widespread iucendinrlsui. An attempt
was made to carry the American line on
the extreme left, at Oaloocan, hut the In
surgents were met by a hot fire of ar
tillery and musketry, and were repulsed
with considerable loss.
For two hours and a half the moni
tor Monailnock joined In the engagement,
throwing shells over the American lines
and Into the ranks of the insurgents be
yond Calooean.
All the American women In Manila
hnve been tnken on bonrd the transport
St. I'nul for safety. Thousands ot Chi
nese are moving from the city. Many na
tives were undoubtedly burned to death
in the (ires Wednesday night, being
penned by the cordon of American
gunrds Into the burning district which
they themselves had set nblase. The
burned nrea extends over more than a
square mile.
Major Oenernl Otis has Issued n gen
eral order directing nil the Inhnbltnnts of
Mnuila, until otherwise ordered, to con
fine theniselves to their homes after 7
o'clock in the evening, when the streets
will be cleared by the police. The general
also warns Incendiaries and suspects thnt
they will be severely denlt with If dis
covered In nny locality.
Lieutenant Eugene S. French, of Com
pany L, First Montana volunteers, anil
Private Oscar Felton, of Company G,
South Dakota volunteers, were killed,
nnd two other Dakotans were wounded.
From the high tqwers of the city fires
can be seen burning at a dosen different
points outside. Some of these are prob
ably due to the Monndnock's shells.
Scores of rebels have been arrested In
the Tondo district. A band of 00 rebels,
having two carloads of arms and ac
coutrements, was captured in a house.
Business Is practically suspended tem
porarily. A llnllptln From fienernl Otis.
Washington, Feb. 21. General Otis
yesterday cabled to the war department
as follows:
"Manila. Feb. 23. Adjutant General,
Washington: Determined endeavors to
burn city last night. Hulldings fired In
three different sections of city Fires
controlled by troops after severe labor
A considerable number of Incendiaries
shot nnd a few soldiers wounded.
"Early this morning a large body of
Insurgents made n demonstration off Mc
Arthur's front near Calooean and were
repliiMed. Loss of Jiroperty by fire last
night probably half million dollars."
General Otis sent the following list of
Thirteenth Minnesota, wounded: Com
pany C, Captain Noyes C. Robinson, lip,
moderately bevere; Sergeant George IC.
Shejiard, leg, moderate; Private Thomas
F. Cnldin, shoulder, severe; George S.
Wooding, severe. Company D. Ortin G
Grinnell, armpit, severe. Private Enoch
Davis, Compauy II., First Nebraska,
shot In hand, self inflicted, accidental,
severe. Private Clyde A. McVey, Com
pany A, South Dakota, doing well,
too amputated.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. Flainfield, III.,
makes the statement, that she caught cold,
which settled on her lungs ; she was treated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
worse. He told her she was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption aud that no medicine
could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption ; she
bought a bottle and to her delight found her
self benefitted from first dose. She comtinued
its use and after taking six bottles, found her
self sound and well ; now does her own
housework, and is as well as she ever was.
Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A.
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles So cents
and J 1. 00.
Myitorloim Kx'plostorl Kills Four.
Hartford City, Ind., Feb. 24. By n
mysterious explosion following n fire dis
covered in the Dick building yesterday
four persons lost their lives nnd two
were injured. The explosion lifted the
third floor nnd dropped it down on the
second. Flames enveloped the Dick, the
Wlllmnn nnd the Mason buildings. These
four charred bodies were taken from the
ruins: Lewis Lnforge and wife, James
Hone, Orris Lewis. The injured are
John Ballard and Nathnniel Itinker.
The Homeliest Man in Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic aud Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion, Price 25c and 50c.
Soldiers From Porto Hlco nnd Culm.
New York, Feb. 24. '1 lie United
States transport Obdnin arrived yester
day from San Juan and Santiago with
100 passengers on board, G3 of whom
were In the cabin. The others were dis
charged soldiers, etc. The cabin pas
sengers were commissioned officers and
their families, nurses nnd civilians.
Commends Itself to the well-informed, to
do pleasantly and effectually what was
formerly done, in the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system
and break up colds, headaches, and fevers
without uupleasant after effects, use the
delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of
1 igs. Made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Cheered lfn!Toil Stntes Consul,
Vancouver. U. O.. Feb., 24. Mall ad
vices from Sumoa via Sydney-show that
after the scene in the Apln court house
wheu the British and American cousuli
showed they were stronger than Ger
many, three cheers were given for the
United States consul for standing by
British Consul Masse.
Do You Know
Consumption Is preventable? Sclcuco has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal,
Tbe worst cold or cough can be cured with
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Kirlln aud a guarantee
Tho "iiltnii nf Oman Iteoonsldorsi n
French I.phso.
Bombay, Feb. 24. Important de
tails regarding the action of the British
authorities at Muscat, the capital of the
Sultanate of Oman, have just become
public. It appears that the news of the
lease lr the snltan of Oman of a coaling
station to France mi tHe roast of Oman
leaked out while the British political
agent nt Mnscat. Major ICagan, was ab
sent. He prompt ly returned to his pst,
but the snltan refHfrcl to furnish hint
with any information. The commander
of the British boot Sphinx thereupon
dispatched a lieutenant and an armed
party to itsn.lsr-.lloslh. BHt'the sultan,
hoping to receive aid from the French,
continued to be recalcitrant. The arrival
of the second class cruiser IMIpae, flag
ship of the Itsst Indies station, with
Bear Admiral It. O. Dmmmnnd on
board, threw the sultan's subjects Into a
panic. During the morning of Feb. 11
Admiral Dminmnnd sent word ashore
that unless the sultan x Mended a durbar
on board the Eclipse at 2 o'clock that
afternoon he would Iximbanl the forts
at 2.20 p. 111.
Notice of the admiral's Intention was
sent to the foreign consuls and the town
was itpeedlly lu confusion. The advisers
of the sultan entreated him to submit
and the licllpse took up a position broad
side to the town, while the other British
ships cleared for action. The sultan
therenMn posted n no 1 1 first ion at the
custom house and on the gates of the
town that the agreement with the
French was cancelled.
Just before 2 o'clock the sultan of
Oman, almost unattended, arrived on
lioanl the flagship anil remained there
for three hours, while the whole popula
tion lined the lieach and anxiously await
ed the outcome. The sultan. It appears,
completely acquiesced to the British de
mands nnd handed over to Admiral
Drummond the treaty with France. On
the following day the admiral went to
the palnve where a great durbar was held
and the sultan publicly repudiated his
agreement with France.
rfrU' ml it
M 5tand Firm to Recommend It."
"I 'had been afflicted with lunfc trouble for
two years," says Charles A. Moore, of FivemMe,
Mawtj Co., W Va. " I tried alt the surrounding1
physicians, but they did me no good. After a
long: period I bought a bottle of vour great
' Golden Medical Discovery,' and after takine
four bottles I am entirely cured, and I stand
Ann to recommend your great 'Discovery' to
all people afiiieted with lune trouble. I now
ftl stronger than I ever did."
PriTal e entrance Oreen St., Philadelphia.
to the rich anil poor alike bo nave beea
decelTcd. robbed and swindled br eelt
styled famous, wife and old apeclallata.
LOST VICOR, Nervous Debllltr.
lEiceuea. BLOOD POISON. Varico
Abates and
cele and Mrlcture. NocuulEir. Loat Manhood and
Shrunken Onrana restored. II nor, "IVuiV' free,
exposing quacks and Electric licit frauds. IYuA
cases curca in a so 10 tiaye. Treatment or mau.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
linvtn jiiiiiiiiin, .Miiucli Chunk, LelilgliUm,
Slutlnirton. White Hall. CiiIiuauiiiiil. Allentmvn
Uctlileliein, liwton Now York and Philadelphia
at 5 2S, 7 a. m.. 12 5S and S U p. 111.
For Wllkesbarre, White Itiiven and l'lttston,
no (nit. in w . , . . . .
j -o, v w u. 111., i. itim o 1 1 ji. m.
Kor Laceyvllle, Townnda, Sayre, Wnverly,
Elinlrn. Itovheaten llllfTnlo. Nlairara Pnlla.
Auburn. Syracuse. Ithaca,. Geneva and tho
vi eat, ju u a. iu., 12 ok and a 11 p. in.
For Ilelvldere, Delaware Water dap and
cruuuiuurit, u m n. ni.. a t, p. m.
For LAmbertvIllo nnd Trenton. 7 49 n m
For JcanesvUIe. Lcvlaton anil Heaver Miuulnw.
UttSn. in., 12 5m p. in.
ror iucn.1100, .uuenrieu. uaziuion, Stockton
and Lumber Yard. 5 28. 7 i'). 10 13 a.m.. 12SSnml
Slip m
rnrjeuuo, uriiton and rrecland, 8 2S, 1013
n, in , u it jl. 111.
For Seranton, 5 JS. 10 13 a. m., 5 1 1 p. m.
For Lost Creek. Qirurtlvllle.ntul AMhluni! i no
ami 7 27 p. m.
For Itaven Itun, Ccntralla, Mount Carmel and
Sliainokln, 10 34 it. in., 1 42, tl 07, D 23 p. in.
For M.ihnnuy City, Park Place nnd Delano.
5 2a, 7 49, 10 13 n. in., nnd 1! 58, 5 H p. ni.
For Yatetvllle. 5 2, 10 13 a. in.
Trains will leave Slinmokln at 7 00. 0 20 a. in.,
12 10 and 4 20 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 40, 10 13 a. m., 12 53, 5 1 1 p. m.
I.cnve Shenandoah for I'ottavHle, St. Clair.
Newcastle, Morea and New lloaton, 7-tu and
10 18 a. in , and 12 53 p. in.
Ixmivb Pnttsvllle for Kheiiandoali, 9 43 a m.,
1235,505,8 15 p.m.
Iiave Ilazletnn for Bhennndoah, 10 00 a. in.,
12 4, 5 09, 2A, 8 82 p. m.
Trains leave for Itaven ltun, Centrolla, Jit.
Curtnel and Shamokln, 9 46 a. in., 7 21 li. in..
Trains leave Sliainokln for Shenandoah at
8 SO a. in., and 3 33 p. in.
Leae Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Maluinoy
City, l'ark l'law, Delano, MoAdoo, Audenrled,
Iluzletoii, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatlierly
and Mauch Chunk. 9 47 a m., and 632 p. in.
For 1-elilghton, Slattngton, Cataaauqua White
llnll, Conlay, Allentown, Koston and 1'hllllps
burir, 9 47 a in., and 6 32 p m.
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m,
lntve llazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. tn.,
and C 27 p. in.
M. II. CUTTER, Supt. Trananortatlon,
South lletlilehem. Pa.
ltOLI.IN II. Vlt.Iint,Oenl.Sup.,
South nethlelitni, Pa.
CHARLES 8. LEE, Uenl. Pom. Art..
New York, N. Y,
A. W. NONNKJlAl'llKll, 111V, 1". A ,
South liethleheui, l'a.
ForallBiuouund Nzivous
Diseases. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy
action to the entire system.
as dtf dlfl v A
li "H t. V
m. r k
Baby Badly Affllctod with Eczema.
Medical Treatment Useless.
Cured by Cuticura.
My niece' little baby boy liad TSwros aO
over his face, ao that he ntdvdcoiiLiuut'a i n;, ami lie ra:i lx"t the fore ion
taolly. Monilc--i,L:sracc,lianlliandcloa
would lie stained with blood. Ebo r
coald ta'.o him oat, him face wa ao full f
sores. Hhe had mollral treatment, and ti l
emthin ahn hcir.l of. She commen I
wring the CcnrTRA. ItKHKinm. Tbe for.
hit fact nn.1 krtcnt ttitirtifcwrti,SJil D"tf
his fK Is smooth and rosy,
Mra. I J. ROOT, New Sootlaml, ?? Y.
Retiar Craa TaatTasur roa Kraer Hiar tint' a,
vita lM op Hiia. Warm ati. vita ccti
peir, 1Uow4 br aart. anAiatlnr Ka CtticiiaA,
prit mi eaaoUkiU, aa f-rw-4 .ala mmnrn.
l4HimnrlMetawrM Nni I C Coae . ' 's
1109-, aWrtM. Uov tovan KTtrflab Utmer.Lt..
C Plica or Homorrholda
ris8Uros & Fistulas.
Burno & Scalds.
I J Wounds & Brulsea.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptlona
Salt Rheum A Totters,
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Bllstera.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bitos of Insects.
Three Sizes, 23c, 50c and $1.00.
Bold bj drofglata, or meat siost-raM cm receipt of price
IH.ErilUKS'HIB.tO., Jll a III nWaa .,. Tart.
Tratna will leave Shenandoah a,fter tne aoote
date tor Wlitjrun. Ollberton, Fr&ckvtlle. Dara
water, si. Ulair, rotwvllle. itamnura:, iwaaine,
roltstown, rnoentaviiie. ornaiown ai .a auii
alelphta (l)r.iul street station) at 6 15 and 8 IS
a. m.,2 10, fi le p m. on week; daya. Bundaye,
8 IS a. m., 4 3d p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Bbenandoab at
7 So, and 5IJ, 780 p. m. Bundar-
11 01 a. au ana a 49 p. in.
Ixjave l'ottavllle for Shenandoah (via KracW
vlllei710, It 20 a. m., S 20, 710 p.m. Sunday
iu m a. m., o-ju p. m.
I,eave fhlladelrihla. (Broad atreet atatlon). tor
Hheaandoah at 8 3S a. ra.. 4 10 p. ro. week days
Sundays leave at 6 .VI and 0 23 a. m
Lteave 1'lillAueIplilA 1 lirona street atatlon) ror
Pottaville. 5 -7. 8 3S. 1019 a. in.. 2 10. 4 10. 711
p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 0 50, 9 23 a. m, and
0 02 p m.
leave urosu street station, ruiiaaeipuia,
KxDress.week-dava. S 20. 4 Oo. 4 50 S 03.S IS.S SO.
783, 8 20, 9 50, 110 21 dining ear), 1100 a. m.
12 00 noon, 12 Si (Limited 100 and 4 22 p m
dinning enn), 1 40. (2 80, dlnlntr car), 8 20, S SO,
lirj, ouu. 51 (inning car), euu, 7 oz, 700,
(dinlnir car . 1000 p. m.. 12 01. nlabt. Sundays.
820,403, 160. SOS. 815, 820. 9 SO, ( 10 31, dlnlog
car), 10 43 a. tn.. 12 03, (dining car), 12 83, 2 80,
(dining car1, 4 02, (Limited 4 22 dining car),
3 20, 5 M. (dining cat, 883, 7 02, 7 SO, dining
carl, 10 00 p. m., 1201 ulitht
JSiprexs lor lioston without change, 11 ou a ra.,
weeknlays, and 7 SO p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt. Aabtirr lark. Ocean Grove.
Long Uroncli. and intcrniedlnte atatlons, 8 20,
11 14 a m, 8 80, 4 02 p m weekdaye.
For Baltimore and Waahlnarton. 3 SO. 7 20.8 82.
IA111 l.OO - M I. (.1 111 t .!!..!...- 1
dining car), 812, 4 41. 5 25 Congresalonai
Limited dining car, S 17. 555, dining car,
7 81 dlnlngcar, p ni , and 1203 night week
iaya. nunuaya a du. 7 ju, v la, ti a, a. m., iz w,
1 12. dining carl, i3 12, 4 41 H20 ConKreeetonal
.tmlted dining carl, ftt SS dining carl. 781
dining carl, p. m.,and 12 05 night.
ror uauimore, aecommouation. sua m, x at
and 4 01 p m week days, S OH and 11 It p m dally.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 03 p. m. Sundays,
9 20 a. ra., 7 05 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Bxnreea. lOOam.
2 00,4 00,8 00 p m. Sundays, 900, 10 00 a m
laccommooaiion 4 & ana a w p m
For Cape May, Angleaea, Wtldwid and
Holly Ileacb.Sea Isle City, Avalon and8tone
Harbor Kx press, 9 00 a m, 4 uu, m a week
days. Sundays 9 00 a m.
For Somen Point ExpreM, 9 00 a m., 2 00,
4 00, 5 CO, p. m. week daya Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00 a. m
For tickets anil other Information anolr to
ticket agent
I, U. 11UTC1IIRS05, j. it. WOOD,
Genl Manaaer. flrn'l PV'i Afl
News Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and mail,?8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c a copy, Bj nail, $2 a jea
Address THE BON, New York.
SlPE A fl Sl; 1 1 IJ S CCUI.A- (nia.aUllra Clin
at Povlnaxry'i droi store,
Oanlra atraaa.
Cri CAToa'aTiaiaT Pivi nA in m tiniiti.
A ml
m .
For Ml IKirlIaTidtuSitorn(18hDnao
drns ttor