The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 22, 1899, Image 2

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ir.viu.isiu:i) ikiii.
"All the Hews Hut's Fit to Print."
Published every evening, except Sunday, at
Boulh Jnrdln street, Slipiinndoali, P.
Tlic Hcrnlil in delivered In Shenandoah and th
surrounding towns fortdx wntsn w ek, r
nbk t. the t'lirrlcra. Iy malt ts no yr nr, or
23 cents n mouth wynble In advance Ad
vertisements chargi! nocordlng 10 snaoe and
position. The publishers reserve tho right
ti ilinnge the position of ndvertlsetnmit
whenever tin' publication of news demands
It Tin- right Is rmwrved to reluct miy
ndvenacment. whether xilil for or not, ttmt
the puhllshers may deem Improper. Adver
t.smp, rst,- made known uon application.
Entered nt the pot oBUt t Hhonandoali, l' , wi
scrnnd class mall matter.
00R COUNTRY: First. Last and Forever
On. my ' Do ou heur those Citi
zens roosters crow ?
I'oincilman Hokum is still doing
business tit the old stand, thunks to
the guerrilla politicians.
Candidate Watkixs is feeling
quite well to-day, thiink you. Ueduc
tug a Dpuiocrntic majority of 800 to
i't is doing quite well.
Ulu roosters crow proudly to-day,
but the Coal street crop is suffering
from an attack of fright. They are
now the property of the Shenandoah
Fertilizer Company.
There was an Agoncillo in the
In the Third ward who telephoned to
anAguinaldo in the Second, and this
is the message he received, "We've
met the enemy, and we are theirs."
Evek George Washington, the im
mortal patriot, is here to do honor to
the victors of yesterday. All praise
to George and those Democrats who
materially assisted in rebuking the
blackmailers 1
Thk dailies, weeklies and month
lies of our country wield a wider in
fluence than the pulpit, and perhaps
even than the schools; for the press
is a Hchool we all attend every day in
the week from the time we learn to
read to the end of our lives. -Exchange.
Gkn. Milks has shown the right
spirit in frankly stating that he had
no intention of imputing corruption
to the War Department. On the
main point, however, the quality and
condition of the army beef supply,
the Commanding General sticks to
his severe arraignment of contractors,
and calls to his support a cloud of
witnesses, who will testify in detail,
if so required, as to what the soldiers
were called upon to endure. The
Court of Inquiry has but one path
way to follow, viz., get at the truth
and all the truth. The people want
all the facts, and they will be content
with nothing less. The men who
wear the uniform of the United States
army are entitled to a fair hearing,
and no pressure of outside interests,
however powerful, should prevent
The Victory is Complete.
The result of the battle of the bal
lots yesterday was a grand victory for
the Citizens ticket, and a rebuke to
Democratic mismanagement of bor
ough alfairs during the past year,
The people demand reform along cer
tain lines, and if It Is not forthcoming
during the year there will be a greater
uprising next February than that of
yesterday. The coming administra
tion will have many important prob
lems to deal with, and those in au
thority will be looked to for a faithful
performance of their duties.
The Deinoerats massed their forces
in the Second ward, and money was
used freely to defeat the Republican
nominees. Councilman Doehm was
selected as the target by the mud-
slingers, his personal eharaoter was
.attaoked in an unscrupulous manner,
but his friends rallied to his support
.and returned him to Council. The
people of that ward have no use for
liush-wackers, and latter feel their
rebuke keenly. Their energy was
worthy a better cause.
The greatest victory of the day,
however, was recorded in thy strong
Democratic district of the Fourth
ward- The Citizens party carried
everything before them. The only
consolation the Democracy has is In
the election of the School Director.
Even Ins majority wag cut down from
158 last year to 30 this year -just one
hundred less. This victory alone is
-Cure all liver ills, bilious
ness, headache, sour stom
ach. Indigestion, constipa
tion. TUer set eaillr, vritli
out pain or grip. boldbyalldrug-gUti. it rent
21m eaijr Mils to tkU niu Jtluod's fcarfajoarilla
Mn E. Plnkham's Vogetttble Oomojuud Qoeb Stmlslit to tho Gauso
of All Femalo Troubles and Assure a Healthy Matomlty.
Mm M. SnraM, 101 Hudson Ave., Hocho-.tor, N. V., writos to Mrs. l'lnkham
as follows:
" When I applied to you for iuIvIcp I ti-i n suffering some years from de
bility, Herrousneis, etc. 1 liml hud wvorul
miscarriages and was pregnant when I wrote
to yon. I
" I am gr&tef ul to say that after taking three
bottles of hydltt E. I'lnkhnra's Vegetable torn
pound I was considerably better, mid after
using three more It brought mo where I am
to-day. 1 am well, and the mother of a three
mouths' old baby.
" Doctors had failed to help me. I luiro no
one to thank, but Mrs, l'inklitim and hur won
derful remedy."
Mrs. Ella Dussan, lleeder's Mills, 'Iowa,
" DBAKMivi.l'WKtiAM : I thank you for what
your medicine and advice have done for me.
" I have a baby two months old. When he
was born I was s'ck only fifteen minutes,
whereas with my other children I was sick for
two or three days, and also suffered with my
left leg, and could get nothing to relievo tho
pain but morphine. M log did not trouble
me at all this time. 1 had no after pains and
was not as weak as I had been before.
"I cannot praise Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound too highly. May God bless
you in your noble work."
Mrs. J. W. Pkubtt, Medford, Oregon,
"My health, also the baby's, wo owe to "X&v"
TVrrlln. TC. PlnlfllmH VirMiTl f CViTnTwiiiYid "
Mrs. Joiiw W. Lono, Wyoming, Iowa,
" I had shooting pains all Over my body, was very
weak and nervous. I could not straighten up. I wished
to become a mother but was afraid 1 never could. Seventeen months ago I got
some of your Vegetable Compound, and after taking half a bottle was much re
lieved. I took four bottles und was cured. Now I have a big baby boy which
I feel I owe to your Compound. Many thanks for your'kind advice."
A Million Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. PlnKlmtn's Advice ana Medicine
sufficient for one day. but there Is
more to follow.
The Democratic borough ticket in
the Fifth ward receives but two ma
jority, while their candidate for
Council is declared elected under
protest on the part of the Citizens
by a majority of live. The "old war
horse," John T.Lee, returns to the
School Board as a Citizens, repre
sentative by the handsome majority
of twenty-four. This is a change of
101 votes over the returnsof last year.
Tho success of Lee is unother rebuke
to the mud-slingers, us he was one of
those selected as a target for their
The result is entirely satisfactory to
the Citizens party, and in their honor
we turn our roosters loose, and their
clarion notes grate upon tile ears of
the sickly fowl eooped up on Coal
street. It was a grand victory for the
people, and with them the Herald
oilers its condolence to the defeated.
An Important Question. '
If your friends or neighbors are suffering
from coughs, colds, sore, throat, or any throat
or lung disease (including consumption), ask
them if they have over used Otto's Cure.
This famous German remedy is having a
largo sale here and is performing some won
derful cures of throat and lung diseases. No
matter what other medicines have failed to
do, try Otto's Cure. Large sizes 25c and 80c.
Sold by all druggists.
Cheap Excursion to Washington,
On Thursday, Feb. 23rd, the Philadelphia
& Riading Hallway will run a cheap excur
sion to Washington, D. C, tickets good to
return ou auy regular train inside of ten
days. The train will he composed of "Itoyal
lilue Vestibuled Coaches" and a Pullman
Bullet car, running as second section of the
train leaving Shenandoah ut 0:55 a. in. Fare,
single rate for round trip. As Congress is in
session, no better time could be selected for
the trip.
Does Tals Strive Yon 7
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
rome from chronic constipation. Karl's
Clover Hoot Toa is an absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by
P. D. Kirlin and a guarantee.
Buy Koystone flour. Bo suro that tho name
Lkbsio & Baxr. Ashland. Pa., is printed on
declind toust'We msHOPs.
Tho Sarcasm of Lord SullHbtiry's Son
Amuses tlio llrltlsh Commoners.
Loudon, Feb. 22. By a vote of 200
against 129 the house of' commons re
jected the motion to remove the bishops
from the house of lords on tho ground
that their presence there is incompatible
with their religious duties. The debate
was notuble for a remnrkable proposal
by Lord Salisbury's son, Lord Hugh
Cecil, Conservative member of parlia
ment lor (jrccnwicli, who, in a quaintly
amusing sieecli, moved on amendment
suggesting that, instead of removing the
bishops, it would be preferable to create
the great non-conformist preachers life
peers, and so make the house of lords
more representative of the lucated
elnssrs. Arthur J. Balfour, the gov
ernment leader, described Lord Cecil's
proposal as "emharrussiug and uncon
ventional," and urged him to withdraw
the amendment. The house was highly
amused at tho ineident, and the amend
ment was negatived without division.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Grip 'KpTdftmlb In Hifrope,
London, Feb. 22. An epidemic of In
fluenza has prevailed in the greater part
of Europe for some time past. In this
country a mild type of influenza Is very
prevalent. The celebration of Washing
ton's birthday by the American colony
here has leeu abandoned in consequence
of the epidemic.
After tlie Tolmooo Trust.
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 22. The su
preme court yenterday granted the Con
tinental and other tohucco companies
until Murch 1 to plead to the Informa
tion of Attorney General Crow, filed Sat
urday, for a writ of quo warranto for
forfeiture of charter for violation of the
anti-tniMt law in forming a tobacco
com I ii ue. .
yive Miners Jtlllert lv Dynamite.
Birmingham, Alu., Fi b. 22.- A gang
Of fiv BlfnW wi-re Jiiili-.l li ,i d, u ii in i to
explosion at Blui-tuti jcotcnbiy The
dead ate: It L. Diiveupurt au'l W- W.
Da Ten port, h i., n,d It.lin-t Cureton,
Murk Dooiey u.i 1 Joe I npenur, colored.
AI1U5" Officer Declare tlio Cnnncd
Itoust lleefTullt For Food.
Washington, Feb. 22. The court of
inquiry engaged in investigating the
beef charges preferred by General Miles
continued yesterday the hearing of tes
timony bearing upon tho controversy. A
number of army oIHoi-im who participated
in the Santiago campaign were heard.
Practically without exception the olli
cers condemned the canueil roast beef
furnished as a travel rution, and review
ed complaints about it which the men
very generally made, declaring it un
palatable and wanting in nutriment. On
the other hnud, the refrigerated beef suf
fered but little at the hands of the wit
nesses, it being generally conceded that
It was good when delivered from the
transports and when it escaped the de
composing effect of the tropical sun en
route to the several commands it was
found to be satisfactory. There wan
very little in the evidence pointing to
any use of chemicals upon this beef.
The contention of General Miles that
the army in Cuba and l'orto lllco should
have been supplied with herds of cattle,
or beef on the hoof, instead of refriger
ated beef, was supported by every wit
ness who gave his opinion upon this
quesliou. A feature of the examination
was the general assertion of witnesses
that they would not have felt it their
duty to the men or the army organization
to have made any special report upon the
beef had it not been for the special or
ders calling for such reports. A number
of olllcers testified to the belief that a
very small proportion of sickness In Cuba
was due to the beef or unwholesome ra
tions, but rather to the climate. Among
the olllcers to appear before the investi
gators are General Joe Wheeler and
Governor Boosevelt.
A Common Sanger.
If you have over had a cold whloh you
permitted to "wear away" it may interest
you to know it was a dangerous proceeding.
Every cold and cough which is neglected
paves the way for consumption, bronchitis,
asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous
German throat and lung remedy, will euro
any cough or cold and save you from con
sumption. Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c
and 50c per bottle.
Our Olllclals Showing; tlio Dlstln
tlumilHliucl Cubnn Jivory Courtesy.
Ilnvann, Feb. 22. General Gomez ar
rived Monday night at Matnnzas from
Cardenas. lie was met by Major Gen
eral Wilson, military governor of tho
department of Matanzas, General Sun
ger, military governor of tho city of
Matanzas, and the Cuban Gcnerul Betan
court, who is in command of the Cuban
forces in Matanzas province. From the
railway station he was escorted by the
Eighth Slassachusetts volunteers, the
Second United States cavalry and scv
eral clubs to the palace, where he is tho
guest of the civil governor. A reception
was given in his lienor soon after his
arrival, but he did not deliver nn nd
dress. Last evening he was tendered
an elaborate banquet.
Governor General Brooke has directed
General Ludlow to receive the Cuban
commander-in-chief on his arrival here
General Wilson's ball. If he meets Gen
eral Chaffee, the governor general's
chief of staff, who, with other military
men, sailed for Matanzas at noon today
on the Hartford, expects to lie present at
General Wilson s ball. If he meets Gen
eral Gomez he will invite him to com
to Havana on the Hartford. General
Brooke is determined to show Gomez ul)
possible courtesy.
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well at the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's llalsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis ami Consump
tion. Brice 25c and 50c.
Ask your grocer for the "Itoyal Patent
dour, and take no other brand. It is tho best
flour mudn
I'ostmustor's .5li6t Proved Fntiil.
StroudHburg, I'a., Feb. 22. John
Blake, of Jersey City, who was shot by
I'ostmaster .MillHrd Hausur, of Water
flap, died yesterday in tho Scranton hos
pital. The police have not been able to
capture Blake's two comptinions, and
the postal authorities have been notified.
A Vlotlm nt the I.nwruiieelWronlr ,
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 22. Hdward
Boach, chief mutineer of the lllfated
steamer William Lauroure, died last
night at St. Joseph's Infirmu'-y from the
effects of exposure and cold he suffered
In the wreck.
Anonelllo Sails For liurnpn.
Halifax, X. S., Feb. 22. F. Agonellltf,
the Flllpiiw agent, sailed ou the stemnei
Labrador for Liverpool yentorduy,
1 i " 11 1 " 1
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup lius cured
whooDlng-eoUKh when no other treatment
would give relief. For croup thla remarkable
remedy lias no equal. It conquers croup at
Mrs. Mollnotix and Mrs. Honor tho
1'rlnelpnl Wltncssos Yostorrtny,
New York, Feb. 22. Three Important
witnesses, sirs. Boland B. Mollncux,
Mrs. Florence Rogers and Dr. Wendell
C. 1'hllllps, we-e examined yesterdny at
the coroner's Investigation into the poi
soning of Mrs. Kate J. Adams, and their
testlnumv. though very interesting, threw
no light upon the mystery surrounding
the ruse. Jit?. Mollneux's appearance,
accompanied by her husband nntl Ida
mother, created much excitement, nnd
the court room was quickly crowded to
Its capacity. While Mrs. Mollnc-iix was
giving her testimony Mr. Mollneux's
mother sat beside her. The witness,
though very pale, appeared elf possess
ed atid Inclined to answer all questions
frankly. She said that Molinen.v had In
troduced her to Harnet, who had nevei
been a rival of her husband. Ilaniet had
sent llowers and other gifts to her. She
emphatically denied that she had evet
been photographed with Ilarnet. She
hud. at (lie suggestion1 of her husband,
sent flowers and a letter to Harnet while
the latter was ill. She denied thnt she
had 'ever been ou a yachting trip with
Burnet, but admitted that she had vis
ited tlio rooms of ilarnet and Mollnotix,
where wine was drunk. Khe told how
she met Mollneux. and said thnt she had
declined his tlrst offer of mnrringe.
Knrly in the day Mrs. Florence Rog
ers, dauglite? of Mrs. Adams, was cross
examined at length. She bore the ordeal
well, although tnauy searching ques
tions were asked her. She acknowledged
having had.a private letter box for sev
eral years, because she did not want her
husband to know of her business af
fairs. She was legally separated from
her husband nt her own desire, satisfied
that she had good cause.
Dr. Wendell C. I'hillips. who, with Dr.
Douglass, .attended Burnet, Insisted thnt
when he was first railed to Harnet's side
there were no symptoms of diphtheria.
There was, he said, evidence of poison in
Burnet's coml'cion.
Delaware's Stnto Dotcetlvo Accused.
Dover, Del., Feb. 22 The senate met
In open session yesterday nfternoon to
consider the charges against Bernard J.
MeVey, state detectlvo-at-large, whose re
cent reappointment by Governor Tuunell
brought him up for confirmation, l'eter
J. Ford, late Democratic candidate for
governor, was the chief accuser, no ve
hemently shouted that MeVey was a
vile and dangerous mini, unworthy of nn
lota of respect. lie charged the detect
ive witli taking money from women and
unfortunate young men under threats to
arrest them. MeVey vigorously denied
the charges mid declared that Ford's en
mity was incurred by his opposition to
him for governor. MeVey, who assisted
in Mrs. Hotkin's conviction in Califor
nia, simply frowned at his accuser. An
investigation committee was appointed.
Murdered Iler Weak Minded Son.
Frederick. Md., Feb. 22. Mrs. Clara
Wachtcr, 40 years old, of Lewixtown, 12
miles from this city, was brought to
this city yesterday nnd surrendered to
the police by her husband. The charge
against her is tho murder of her ltl-year-old
son. Hubert U. Lee Wachtcr.
The husband nnd father told the story
of the crime. Arriving home to dinner
yesterday he missed the boy, who was
weak minded, Ho could get no satisfac
tion from ids wife, and after a long
search found his dead body locked in a
trunk in one of the upper rooms of his
house. The mother had wrapped her son
tightly 111 a blanket and pushed him into
the trunk, where he was suffocated. Mrs.
Wachter had for a time been an in
mate of an insane asylum.
Hold I'ostofllco Ilurclnrs.
Morristown, N. J Feb. 22. The safe
in the postolllce nt ltocknway, near here,
was blown open by burglars Monday
night and robbed of 350 in money. They
had first s-eized and bound the village
watchman. The force of the explosion
was so great that a portion of the post
o(1cp building was blown out. The
burglars escaped.
Mayor MoKIsmmi Itenoniliinted.
Cleveland. Fob. 22. After an exciting
campaign Mayor' Robert K. McKlssou
was renominated for mayor nt the Re
publican primaries last night over Judge
Cnrlos M. Stone by 11 majority of over
7.00(1. The light was di.dinctly between
the Ilnnna and MeKisson forces. This
is McKisson's third nomination for the
Mtehf XntsT
If you want your luncheon or dinner to
have an oriental flavor, you will servo a
course of lltchl nuts. Tho nuts are, to
begin with, hard to obtain; they nro, sec
ondly, not glvon away for the nsklng, and
ihey are, thirdly, a novelty of novelties to
tho a erage diner out. They come from
China, nnd in tnsto, odor and appoaranco
thoy havo all tho oricntnllsni of most such
products. A slnglo lltchl nut will for
days dlspenso Its subtle, penetrating fra
granco, scenting everything that comes in
contact with it. Tho nut is about the size
and shape of tho ordinary walnut, Its shell
looking much llko that of tho butternut
as regards color and corrugation.
No cracker Is needed to open tho nuts.
Press tho shell over so slightly between
the finger tips and It crushes llko an egg
shell. Inbide Is a kernel that looks like
an oversized ralsln. It tastes something
like n ralsln, too, only It Is much more
concentrated. Transform tho very sweet
and very pervasive odor of sandalwood
into taste, and you have tho flavor of
lltchl nuts. Within tho ralsinllke kernel
is a seed like that of tho date.
Lltchl nuts are delicious, but no
hostess need ever fear that her guests will
devour them to the exclusion of all other
viands. The nut is too concentrated for
that. Two ore about as many as tho
ordinary palate can dispose of. In addi
tion to their other merits lltchl nuts uro,
therefore, an economy. Now York Sun.
The Kidney Complexion.
The pale, sallow, snnkon-cheoked, distressed-looking
people you so often meet are
atUlcted with "Kidney Complexion."
Their kidnoys are turning to a parsnip
color. So is their complexion.
They may also have indigestion, or suffer
from sleeple-siieM, rheumatism, neuralgia,
brain trouble, nervous exhaustion and some
times the heart acts badly.
Tho cause U weak, unhealthy kiuueys.
Usually the sufferer from kidney dlwnso
does not find out what tho trouble is until It
is almost too late, because tho first symptoms
are so like mild sickness that they do not
think they need a modleino or a doctor until
they find themselves sick in bed.
I)r, Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot will build up
and strengthen their weak and diseased
kidneys, purify their diseased, kidney
poisoned blood, clear their complexion and
sooa they will enjoy better health.
You can get the regular sizes at tho drug
store, at fifty ceuU aud one dollar, or you
may flrt proyo for yourself the wonderful
virtues of this groat discovery, Bwnmp-Koot,
by sending youraddreM to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
IUnghamton, N. Y., for a sample bott'e and a
book that tells all about it, both sent to you
absolutely free by mall. When writing
kindly mention that you read this liberal
offer hi the Shenandoah Hebali).
Do Hot Be Alarmed, But Look For The
Heart troubles, at toast among the .' tnrri
cans, uro ccrtiiuly increasing and while this
may bo largely duo to tho excitement and
worry of American business life, it Is moro
often tho result of weak stomachs, of poor
Ileal organlo disease Is incurable j but not
ono casein a hundred of liuart trouble is or
gan io.
Tlio close relation between heart trouble
and poor digestion is because botli organs are
controlled by the satno great nerves, the
Sympathetic and Pueuinogastrlc.
In another way, also the heart is affected
by the. form of poor digestion, which causes
gas and fermentation from half digested
food ; There is a feeling of oppression nnd
heavluoss in tlio chest caused by prcssuro of
tho distended stomach on the heart and
lungs, interfering with their action : henco
arises palpitation and short breath.
Poor digestion nlto poisons the blood,
making it thin aud watery, which Irrltatos
anil weakens the hoart.
Tho most sensible treatment for heart trou
ble is to improvo tho digestion and to insure
tho prompt assimilation of food.
This cm be douo by tho regular uso after
meals of some safe, pleasant and eflectlvo
digestive preparation, like Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets, which may bo found at most
drug stores aud which contain valuable,
harmless digcstlvo elements lu a pleasant,
convenient lorm.
It is safe to say that tho regular persistent
uso of Quart's Dyspepsia Tajilcts at meal
tlmo will euro auy form of stomach troublo
oxcept cancer of tho stomach.
Full sized package of these tablots sold by
druggists at E0 cents. Little book on stom
ach troubles mailed free. Address F. A.
Stuart, Co., Marshall, Mich.
As Ttolloctod by Denllnirs lu J'liilailel
phln nnd Unit Imoro.
Philadelphia, Feb. 21. Flour steady;
winter superfine, $2.25i2.D0! 1'ennsylvanla
roller, clear, $3.1093.30; city mills, extra,
$2.75163. Hye Hour llrm at $3.30 per bar
rel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat firm;
No. 2 rod, 85c. Corn firm; No. 2, 42V40
41c. Oats steady; track mixed western,
35'4C;37c. Hay steady; choice timothy,
$16 for large bales. Beef firm; family,
$10012; beef hams, $18.501S. Pork easy;
family, $12312.50. Lard steadier; western
steamed, $3.50. Butter steady; western
creamery, ICC; 22c; do. factory, 1214c;
Elglns, 22c; Imitation creamery, 13
19c; New York dairy, 13921c; do. cream
ery, 1CQ22C.; fancy Pennsylvania prints
Jobbing at 2502Sc; do. wholesale, 24c
Cheese firm; largo, white and colored,
IOVjc; smull do., llflllUc; light skims,
WiVr.. part do., 7TSc.; full do., 34c Eggs
steady; Now York and Pennsylvania,
23V4c, western, fresh, 25c; southern, 244c.
Potatoes steady; New York, $1.253; Long
Island, $1.5092.50; Jersey sweets, $203.50.
Tallow Inactive; city, 4Uc; city, 444yc
Cottonseed oil steady; prime crude, 200
21c; do. yellow, 23Q26c. Cabbage steady
at $38 per 100.
Baltimore, Feb. 21. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat steady; spot and month,
7647Cci March, 70Wi7Cc; May, 77V4c;
steamer No. 2 red, 73(ft73'4c; southern, by
Bample, 71&T6&C.; do. on grade. 73T6c.
Corn quiet; spot and month, 37W38c;
March, 3S038Uc: April, 2SQ39c.; steam
er mixed, 37l,4l337Wc.; southern, white and
yellow, 37S33!lc. Oats steady; No. 2
white, western, 3737lc; No. 2 mixed,
343Pic Rye firm; No. 2 nearby, CO
Clc; No. 2 webtem, C3c Hay firm; No. 1
timothy, $11611.50. Grain freights steady,
steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 2d.
March; Cork, for orders, .per quarter,
3s. IWd.d Is. 3d. February; 3s. lHd. March.
Eggs nn . fresh, 22923c. Lettuce at $1.23
per bushel box.
Live Stock Markets.
New York, Feb. 21. Beeves steady;
cables firm; refrigerator beef higher at
10c per lb. Calves quiet but steady;
car southern calves unsold; veals, $4.50
(08. Sheep and lambs steady; sheep, me
dium to good, $3.5094.25; export sheep,
Jl.COIiS; lambs, $595.40. Hogs easier at
$3.8594; state pigs, $494.03.
East Liberty, Pa Feb. 21. Cattle slow
and lower; extra, $5.5095-75; prime, $5.25
B.40; common, $3.5094. Hogsweak; prime
mediums, $3.909 3.95; heavy hogs, $3.85;
heavy Yorkers, $3.7593.80; light do., $3.65
03.70; pigs, $3.5093.00; roughs, $2.5093.35.
Sheep steady; choice wethers, $4.354.45;
common, $2.5003.50; choice lambs, $4.90)
C; common to good, $44.S0; veal calves,
$11.5097. .
Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets removes
the cause that produces La Grippo. The
genuine has L. 1!. Q. on each tablet. 25c.
The PhlloMniilier Always Rendy to
Servo II tu Sectarian Friend.
Ono usually thinks of Franklin as any
thing but a religious man, and religious
In tho orthodox, conventional sense he cer
tainly was not. Yet he was a believer In
God and immortality nnd the effloacy of
good works. His close personal friends
were, many of them, devout Christians.
In the chapter on "Franklin's Religion"
in his "Many Sided Franklin" series in
Tlio Century Mr. Paul L. Ford says:
Franklin had that rarest kind of toler
anco which tolerates tho opinions of others,
nnd though he laughingly asserted that
"Orthodoxy is my doxy and hotorodoxy
Is your doxy" his whole life was one con
tradiction of tho epigram, for the faith or
lack of faith of his clrclo of friends ranged
from tho most doctrinnl of ministers to
the most radical of free thinkers. For such
rigid Puritans as tho Rev, Drs, Cooper
and Mather of Boston, for tlio enthusiast
Whiteileld, for tho Anglican bishop of St.
Asaph and for tho Abbes do La Hoche
and Morellet ho showed as much affection
and respect as ho did for Hume, Lord Le
Despenser, Thomas Paine and others
closer in accord with his own viows. Nor
was It ovor a ono sided regard. No man
In Pennsylvania exerolsed such influence
over the Quakers. Massachusetts mado
him her agent; In Great Britain, and he
served her faithfully, even to the defend
ing of her religious Intolornnoo against
English crltlolsm. In Franco tho papal
nuncio consulted him frequently and fol
lowed his advlco In tho changes tho Revo
lutionary war mado posslblo or necessary
In tho Catholic church In Ainorlca. Ab
solutely uusootnrlan as ho was, Franklin
apparently wns trusted by all sects, and he
seems nover to havo refused a service that
he could render any ono of them.
Uiirenaonnble Clnoie.
The man In tho street car affirmed that
It was a true 6tory, but tho Cleveland
Leader doos not vouch for It, although
giving It In tho narrator's pwn words!
I wns up nt tho market houso night be
fore last, buying stuff for over Sunday,
pud I saw an Irishman pp there with ft
Jlvo gooso under his arm. Pretty 60on tilip
gooso looked up at thp Irishman kind of
pitiful and says:
"Quawk, quawk, quawk," In that
coaxing way a gooso has somotlmcs.
The Irishman didn't say anything at
first, but after a bit tho goose looks upand
says, "Qiiawk, quawk, quawk," again.
Thun tho Irishman cooked his head over
on one side, locked tho gooso In tho eye
and says:
"That's tho matter wid yez, onywayf
Phwy do yoz want to walk whin Ol'm
willin to carry, ycz?"
fconfttor Cookroll Declare the Mull
Army Hill Cannot Pass
Washington, Feb. 22. Formal discus
sion of the llull-llnwley nrmy reorgan
ization bill was begun In the sennlo yes
terday nfternoon. Mr. Ilnwley nnd Mr,
Warren, Republicans, supported tho
measure nnd Mr. Mitchell mid Mr. Cook
Veil, Democrats, opposed It. while Mr.
Proctor, Republican, addressed the sen
ate lu favor of some amendment whloh
he hud proposed In the bill. All the
speakers are members of t!. committee
on military atfnlrs. Mr. C ok el.'s spepoh,
though brief, wis parliiulnilj notable,
as he spoke definitely for the opposition
to the nrmy hill. He declared practical
ly In so many words that the llull-IIaw
ley bill could not become a law nt this
session: He nnd thosl- who stood with
htm were willing to give the president
nil the money nnd every man he desired,
but tliey were determined that no great
standing nrmy should be fastened upon
the country without full nnd free dis
cussion. The house reached the last page of the
nnval bill yesterday and adjourned with
n point of order pending ngnlnst n pro
vision fixing the price of armor plate nt
$315 per ton. The provision In the bill
went out on n point of order on the
ground thnt It was not limited to the
armor to be purchased with the appro
priation In the bill, whereupon it was
modified to meet tills objection, nnd
ngnirst it the point of order pending an
adjournment was ruined. Mitch of the
time was occupied in debating the
amendment offered by Sir. Mudd lMd.1
appropriating $720,000 to complete the
three buildings authorized to be erected
nt the N'nval academy at Annapolis. The
naval committee, with the exception of
Mr. Cummings. strenuously opposed pro
ceeding with the work of rehabilitating
the Nnvnt academy until comprehensive
plans had been decided upon, but the
house overruled the committee aud adopt
ed the amendment, 75 to 53.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The bent salve in tho world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhonm. fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or ao pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mouy rofnndod. Price
an cents por box. For salo bv A. Wasloy.
No 'Ftirthor Cdncesslons tA Cnnncln.
Washington Feb. 22. Without auy
purpose to start a ilood of recrimination,
the American members of the joint liig.i
Canadian commission feel that they have
not been to blame for the failure to reach
an agreement, but that they are justified
in the statement that they hnve mado
concession nftcr concession. It is just
possible that better results mny nttend
a further conference of the joint body
next Bummer, but while the ollleinls here
regret exceedingly the failure so far
to rench an agreement, it is said posi
tlvely thnt the American side has made
its last concession.
Oraln-0 Brings Relief
to the coflce drinker. CoOee drinking is a
habit that is universally Indulged In and
almost as universally injurious. Havo you
tried Grain-O? It is almost liko colfce but
the effects are just tho opposite. Coffee
upsets the stomach, ruins the dlgcst'on,
effects tho heart and disturbs the whole
uervous system Gralu-0 tones up the
stomach, aids digestion aud strengthens the
nerves. There is nothing but nourishment
in Grain-O. It can't be otherwise. 10 and
25c per package
'Hii'roii do Ileiiter'D.vliiK.
London, Feb. 22. Huron Paul Julius
de Renter, founder of Renter s Telegram
company, who is over 80 years of age,
is lying nt the point of dentil lu his
villa nt Nice. The baron was remark
ably vigorous and active, considering iiU
nge, though for years past he lias not
taken an active part hi the business of
the company, of which Herbert De
Reutcr has long been the managing di
rector. A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do horeby agree to
refund tho money on a 50-cent bottle of
Greeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails
to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran
tcea25-cent bottle to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, C. II. Hagen
buch, Shenandoah' Drug Store, and P. W,
Blcrstein & Co. U-14-33t-dw
A Credltiililo Wnr'Sho'wtiur.
Wnshlngton, Feb. 22. In reaching the
decision to recommend a long term of
imprisonment in the case of a private
in an Alabama regiment who had killed
n man lu nn affray, Judge Advocate
General Lieber has completed n remark
able record, disposing of tho last of the
capital cases that had come before Ills
department for review, without in any
single case imposing the death penalty.
Thus the war bus passed without the
execution of a single soldier on account
of military crimes. This is believed to
be without parallel in history. There
were crimes committed, but they lacked
malice or premeditation, and there were
no desertions because of cowardice or
Crippled by
Those who htve Rheumatism find
themselves growing steadily worse all
the while. One reason of this is that
the remedies prescribed by tho doctors
contain mercury and potash, which ul
timately intensify tho disease by caus
ing the Joints to swell and stiffen,
groducing a severe aching of ttie bones.
. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism
for twenty yean even the worst cases
which seemed almpst Incurable.
Capt. O. B. nughei, the popuUr railroad
conductor, of Columbia. S. O.rhad an expert,
ence with Rheumatism -which eonvlnced him
that thtre la onlv on
cure for that painful dis
ease, lie says: "I was a
great sufferer from mus
cular Hheumatlsm for
two years. I eould get
no permanent relief
from any medicine pre
scribed by my physician.
1 took about A. dozen hnL.
ties of your 8, fi. 8., and SS
now 1 am as wen as 1
ever was lnmy life. Iam
sure that yonr medicine
cured me, and I would
recommend It to an v on
suffering from any blood disease."
Everybody knows that Rheumatism
is a diseased state of the blood, and
only a. blood remedy is the only proper
treatment, but a remedy containing
potash and mercury only aggravates
the troublo.
being Purely Vegetnble, goei direct to
tho very cause of the disease and a per
manent cure always remits. It Is the
only blood remedy guaranteed to con
tain no potash, mercury or other dan
gerous minerals.
Books mailed free by Swift Bpuolflo
Oompanjr, Atlanta, Qeorgta.
MissSadioWcfthoim, age il, 0 'lloIe
do, O, was the winner of ikejirst prize for
execution on the violin nt the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
detitil player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any
thing. J'or this
literature, nth-
lettcs, science
.5- Anndart,menand
women putforth
their greatest efforts. Washington was
said tobe"Criit in war, first in peace and
first in the hearts of his countrymen." It
isagrentthiiigto be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind and brings great
er happiness than n good remedy. Many
things will relieve hut the one that will
cure is best. Brazil iaii Balm is such a rem
edy. Tens-of thousands have found thnt
it is the only tiling that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. I'or 15 yrs. it has nev
er failed innsinglc case to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful ill
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped upor where
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There arc 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in this
country, nil of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each J1.00 bottle a
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is the greatest offer ever made. Atk
your druggist and take no substitute. B.
V. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India
napolis, Iud.
Wholesale ARento-
You can blame
yourr.clf if you
do n't get real
good coffee to
drink. Ordinary
for Seelix'a.
. A little of this
admixture to
coftce is made de
licions bv adding
&GCCI0'. ir. .rkr.
fchcon coffee
' 1 J .1! L
ldrink nnd saves expemc. a
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah us follows .
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 38, 7 SO, 9 65 a. ra., 12 28. 8 ( 0 nnd 6 C9 p. m.
For New York via llnuch Chunk, week days
'7 30 a. m 12 20 and 3 C9 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week ilayB,
2 10, S 38, 7 80. 9 65 a.m., 12 20, 8 CO and C 09 p. u.
For 1'ottavllle, weefc days, 7 80, 9 55 h. m.
12 20, 8 09, 0 09 nnd T 30 p. m. V
For Tainaqua and Mahnnoy City, week days
7 30, 9 65 o. m., 12 20. 8 09 and 6 09 p. ni.
For Wllllaninport, Hunbury anil Lewlsburg,
week days. 11 32 a. m.. 12 20, 7 30 u. ra
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27, 8 33,
7 80, 9 85, 11 f2 a. m., 12 23, 8 09, 6 09, 7 3.', 9 60
p. m.
For ABhland and Sharaokln, week days, 7 80,
1182 a. m., 12 20, 3 09,607, 725 and S55p. m.
For Baltimore. Washington aud tho West via
II. AO. K. It., through trains lea-i Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. D R.) a 8 20,
7 65, 11 20 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. l. Sundays,
J 20, 7 00,11 26 a.m., 8 46 and 7 27p:m. Addl
Honal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
Wia8 Sundays, 185,8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 45, 4 80,
9 00 p.m. .
Leave New York via Maueb Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. in., 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
darn, 8 40,8 80, 10 21 a. m. and 1 80, 4 00, 6 30,
11 30 p. m.
Leave RpndliiR, week days, 137, 7 00, 1008.
, m., 12 15, 4 17, 00, 8 20 p. m.
Lcavo Puiiavlllo, weeK days. 7 17. 7 40 a. m.
12 80, 120, 4 30, 010 and 0 80 p.m.
Leave Tanmqua, week days, 8 18, 8 86. 1123
. Ul.. 1 49, 8 66, 7 20, 9 41 p. m.
Leave Mahunoy Cli, week days, 3 45, 9 05,
I 81 a. in., 2 22 8 25, 6 21, 7 44, 10 08 p. ru
Leave Mauanoy Piano, week aaya, 2 40, 4 00
480, 9 22 1013,12 00, B. m., 2 39, 5 30, 0 42 7lS
10 21 pin.
Leave Wllllamsport, week dy, 7 42. 10 On
n., 12 34 and 4 CO, U 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wait nd
South street wbaif (or Atlantic City,
Weekdays Kiprees. 9 00, a. 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. ui. Accommodation, 8 00 am.,6 80pni
Suridays E jjiress, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a ui, 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic nnd Arkansas avenues.
Weekda; b ISxpreas, 7 85, 9 00, a. m.. 8 80, 8 80
P in. Accommodation, 8 15 a. re. 4 05 p.m.
Sunday,! Kiprewi. 4 00, 7 30 p m. Accommoda
tlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
For Cape Slay, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
iVeekdnys-9 00 a m, additional for Capo May,
1 15 p in., for Sea Isle Cltv. 5 00 p m., for
Ocean City, 4 15, 5 00 p m. Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 15 a ra., South street, 9 00 u. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
PLllaUelllllla Allli Ilpjullnfr Ifnllu-ai. aoant
or address
Qen l Hupt., Gen'l PaVr Agi.,
Reading Terminal Philadelphia.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke overy year. Take i o
risks hut got your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured In flret-clasa re
tlablo companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, ,IJnsuHra?", A,f!
' 120 Houtb Jardln Bl
M. nilRKH,
Centre streets, Sbenaudnab.
Lock Box 65, Mshsnoy City, P,
Having studied under some of the but
masters li London and Paris, will give lon
in liie violin, mandolin, gutiarand vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address lu care of Strnuae
tw lmrlr Hlirnsndoan.
Oetel rated ffeu. t
owdcrs nover tun.
TJ.VjtTIlaJitf 'dccUrts tlieiQ
with Tanav tiii PeunvroTivl 1111 and tlh
ream um), Alwayi buy tb but ud Toid diMt
tolutment tiuirantned lUDerlor to ill 0Urt. VPM&ln
No. L