The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 21, 1899, Image 4

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    PlOl CfC&fil
For Chapped I lands
For Rough Skin.
20 cts. Per Bottle.
South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa,
Telephone Connection.
Department Stores,
Nos. 110-121-123 North Haiti Street.
Mere It is.
We mean
sales for
four weeks,
which period
offer all
we will
Stoves and
At slaughter sale prices
because we will spring
another surprise on the
public shortly by ad
ding two more depart
Our floor space is at a prem
ium, hence our astonishing
Department Stores,
Nos. 1 1 o-1 2 1.1 13. North Alain St
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer-
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Men's Felt Boots with
leather tops, worth $2.25. We
are closing them out at $,B0.
Boys' Fine Felt Boots worth
$1.90, are going at $.30.
300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes,
aetua lv worth Si. 2?. can De
had for 85 OTS.
Men's $3 Winter Russets,
are selling at $2.15.
All our winter footwear is going
at 50 percent, below regular prices
TORY 8H(it
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa.
we Always Have Bar
gains For You.
Philip Yarowsky,
HAY and BT11AW,
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
E. B. Foley, '7:wtr.8t.
I'miki-pm of Hip Siimliiy School Wililum ill
Mulmliny ('II v.
Mahauny City, IVI. '.'I TN' annual onn
vctitlmi of tbn Hphnylkill uinty SiMntli
School Aocltloti now In sriHtiem hi re 11
the most sua essful id the history of tin
association in this region and tbr (IpIckiiIi
Hre enthusiastic In thr work. The spssinin
r aim wU attended hv people who are ml
directly Interested In tlivm, but find tho pro
ceeiliugs Instruct! e
One of the featn run of yesterday's session
tvai the address of ltev. D. I. Evans, pastor
of the First Buptlft church of Shenandoah,
who ."poke on the subject "How to Kctain
Older -cholars" ax follows :
The mibjeot Implies that there la a defect
in tho Sunday school's machinery. vlt - u
very painful hurt, that we have not been aide
to retain our young people iu our schools,
and follow up our work there aa we wish
Of the thousands who pass through our
whools, what a lamentably small percentage
remain with us and are transferred to our
churches. So many leave, and are lust sight
01 ; Slid are even lurirntten liv tholr teacher.
I know thorti are many nnd formidable dif
Acuities in the way of letaitiing our scholars
when they are disposed to leave us. About
the age of fourteen, when young people enter
upon the formation period of life, nnd when
character Itecniuee, as a rule, moulded for life,
they often haye to leave home to learn sonic
business, or profession ; and it ia sometimes
the case that they leave the town, or I Unite,
where they have heen brought up nnd at
teuded school, and tho teacher oft' n loses
sight of them Or. if they do Hot leave their
own locality, they git thrown into now
scenes and society, form new acquaintances,
aud, In ninny iustaticcs, get eugiged and
engrossed in companionships that leave thorn
little time, and less inclination to attend our
schools. Here comes the opportunity lor teach
ers to follow up their work, by opening cor
respondence with their scholars, and follow
ing them with their counsel, lirayers and
sympathy. Many might thus be led to Iden
tity tneinseives with religious societies in the
Pisces to which tliev migrate, and the cilbrtf.
of former yetrs brought to a most pleasing
and successful isue. Young people leave
dur schools,, not iMscaune they ai quire dislike
to the les.-i.ns t light, the truth inculcated,
hut often oi sheer restlessness and love ol
change ; and mischief may he wrought very
quickly, through wanto1 religious decision
and moral restraint, that the repuntutice and
reformation of the lougest life may be i w
erless to undo. I am afraid that in many of
our schools the youug are allowed to alw nt
themselves, aud altogether leave their clas
without any decided and persistent elrort !
lug made to retain or restore them. It s cms
to me that tt teachers kept a correct reenter
ot attendances, and followed up absentets at
their homes in a kind and friendly vay,
many who have become carelessly lost might
havo heen closely retained ; besides, the
teacher by so doing would keep up n friendly
cooperation with the parents and ho re
garded as the true friend of the young people
in the homo. We need in all Sunday schools
an emcfently conducted mole class iuto which
our scholars may graduate from the ordinary
classes, l am really n Irani that, in too many
instances, toe senior class Is only an
apology for what ought to be the connecting
link between the school and the church. Wc
greatly need men and women of large sym
pathles, of deep piety, burning with zeal
hungering and thirsting fur the salvation of
their scholars, men and women ol intelligence,
who, by their social positiou and status iu the
church, shall command the esteem and win
the confidence of our young people and at
tach tnem tenaciously to tueir leadership.
In mauy of our churches we havo a vast
amount of latent power that might be used in
thisdirectlon. Bible classes led by devoted
cllicieut. christian men and women would do
much towards rolling nwny tho reproach now
laid at our doors, that wo fail to retain our
Older scholars. In those elapses the bible
should be read with reference to its main
design. To make known the Divine cbarac
tcr and will is the design of the .Sacred
word, and it is most interesting to seek to
ascertain just what each portion contributes
to tuo one great object what moral and
spiritual doctrines it especially sets forth
A strong curb needs to bo put upon tho im
agluatiou In prosecuting s.icli an inuniry
but. reverently, soberly and prayerfully con
ducted, it cannot fail to enlighten. Instruct
and help to retain our older scholars. The
teachers ought to strivo to impress upon the
minds of their scholars that tho high and
proper use or knowledge is to qualify man
for moral action. Let every Sabbath school
teacher remember that tho scriptures should
be studied daily The Sunday school teacher
should aloo keep his work constantly in mind.
Observation is useless without reflection In
order to retain the elder scholars it is a self-
evident fact that ne wnnt better rooms, as
well as lietter teachers lor this work. We
need separate class rooms, clean and comfort
able, with chairs aud tables, pictures and
(lowers, music and warmth, so that the rooms
may be nut ouly convenient and attractive
but have the appearance nnd air of homo
The establishment of classes for instruction
in Christian evidences may also contribute
very largely to retain the older scholars. Let
them be instructed in the principles of Pro
testantism, aud the Doctrines of Dissent
The work of the Sabbath school is not
failure, because our schools fail to rclalu
tho scholars In so mauy instancos
that, therefore, in all such Instances
the work 13 au ultimate failure For,
statistics recently published by the
Sunday School Union show among those
who become converted in later me. a groat
many trace their first impressions for good to
tho teaching they received in the sabbath
school, it is not a failure, although wo are
irepared to admit it ,s capable of very great
mnroTument. Let ua be thankful for what
liaa been done, aud press to greater etliclency
and succes. Above all. let every olTort be
baptized with earnest prayer for the outpour
ing .or the spirit upon the works of our
minus aua lips ana nanus.
Upon the conclusion of Eev. Evans' ad
dress the theme was discussed by Rev. G. It,
lteod, Rev. II. II. Keiser and Mr. E.
Last evening the convention was continued
In St. Paul's German Reformed church,
opening with a song service, after which Rev.
Charles Roads, D. D., spoke on "Jesus the
Teachers leacher," wbioh was a very inter
esting and pleasing discourse Rer. J. W
Boal, D. I)., followed with a talk on "Review
From the Desk. By whom? How long
now conducted?" Mev. isoali paper was
dlecuxsed by Rev. John Huse Eastman and
Dr. J S. Callen, tho latter of Shenandoah.
This morning at 0 15 o'clock, the third ses
sion of the convention opened in the Pretby-
teiian cburcs with devotional service of song
and prayer, after which Mr. J. 8. Reck spoko
on "Historioal Narrative and Spiritual Aspect
of Sunday School Touching." Rev. I. M
Schaetfer was the next speaker and took for
his topic "Music Its Character and Inftuene
In the Sunday School." Rev. Charles Roads,
Annual Sites over 8,000,000 Boies
fob unions and heevou3 disorders
such as TVind and Pain In thi Stovnnoh,
Olddlneus. lulnews after Tnouls. Head
ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings
of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Owtiveness.
Jllotches on the Skin. Old Chills, bis-
turtxMi Bleep, rriRtitrui Dreams and nil
Kervous and Trembliuir Beusations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer
win aoKiiowieue mem 10 ue
IlIIKCIIAJrw I'lIXS.takon as direct
ed, w'lriuickly restore Females lo com
plete health. They promptly remove
obstructions orlrreaularitiea of the sys
tem nnd euro hick Headache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beocham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
A nd bare tb
Of any Patent Medicine in tlio World.
25c. at all Drug Stores.
I do not behove there
is a case of dyspep
sia, tndl--fsion or
nny itomncli troubla
that cannot bo re
lieved nt oneo find
permanently cured
At all drupglsta,
25c. n vlnl, Guklo
to llcnlth nnd medi
cal advice free. 1505
Arch street, Thlla.
D , spoke on "Methods of lllblo Tcach-
ng," and Mrs. ,1 w. Mimes discussed Our
Aim and How to Plan For It "
At 2 o'clock this aft irnoon tho final session
pened In the Presbyterian church with a
song and prayer service, followed by the
following program t "Sunday School Library
Sunday School Periodicals." Rov. Jay
Dickersoni "Normal Class Drill," Rov.
Varies Rhonds, 1) I) : "Limitations of
hlldhood," Mrs J. W. Ilarnos; Question
box; business; adjournment
ItotnliiH tl o lend In tlio Most Ilomnrk-
nblo t rolltiR Itnoo 111 Itccord.
San Francisco, Feb. '.No men ever
welcomed more heartily the approach
ing close of a contest than the dozen
remaining contestants in the Interna
tional six day bicycle races at Mechan
ics' Pavilion 'when at 0 o'clock last.
night they entered upon the last few
hours of that remarkable test of en-
durnnce. Nothing hut the nearnesB of.
the finish and the stimulus of a cheer
ing crowd could have kept the men at
their task. Human endurance had
reached the noint where reason de
serts the body and total collapse was
The race was ended at 10:1G, 39 min
utes ahead of time. It was obvious
that the men could not chance their
relative positions by riding longer, and
the management concluded to call the
race at an end Instead of rldlngthrough
until 10:54. The contestants were all on
the track except Glmm, who retired at
p. m. and did not return. At the
end of the 143d hour, at 9:54, all the
riders retired for a few minutes and
returned long enough only to make a
The final score was as follows: Mil
ler, 2,192; Aaronson, 2,146; Fredericks,
2,090.2; Hale, 2,062; Glmm, 2,060; Nawn,
2,012.2; Alberts. 1,828.2; Barnaby, 1,-
92.7; Pllklngton, 1,729; Lawson, 1,635.4
Julius, 1,501.4; Ashlnger, 1,600.6.
Miller deserves his victory, and his
record probably will stand tor years
to come. No previous contest has been
so stubbornly contested from start to
finish and no similar number of men
have shown such wonderful pluck and
endurance. Six of the men, it will be
noted, are ahead of Miller's former
record of 2,007 miles.
Murdered Pittsuurners Will Asl tho
President Por liovenRo.
Pittsburg:, Feb. . The Post says:
In the executive mansion at Washing
ton today there will be recorded a pro
test, the result of which may lead to
serious trouble between two nations
the United States and the republic of
Honduras. The murder of Frank Pears,
the Pittsburg- man, in Honduras, on
the night of Jan. 21, will undoubtedly
lead to a most embarrassing complica
tion unless the little republic should
apologize and at the same time deliver
up a great amount of gold as a fine
for the murder.
Backed by Senators Foraker of Ohio
and Quay of Pennsylvania, as well as
many others of national fame in poll
tics, also- armed with personal letters
from State Senator C. Ii. Magee, Harry
B. Pears, ot Pittsburg, brother of the
murdered man, left for Washington
last night to lay his case before the
Yesterday morning's mall brought to
Harry Pears a letter from his brother
Ben, In Honduras, which set forth In
exhaustive detail all regarding the kill
ing of Frank Pears. The case Is far
more revolting than had even been
feared by Mr. Pears, who know tho
country well. It seems a case of most
cold blooded murder of an American
by the orders of a hotheaded new mili
tary governor. Mr. Pears will lay all
the facts before President McKlnley
and will request that the government
of the United States demand Instantly
the removal from office and punish
ment of M. A. Bonlllo, military com
mandante and governor of the dis
trict of San Pedro, and that an in
demnlty not less than $100,000 In gold
be paid to the relatives of Franli
A Kcumi-Jciiblc Cure.
Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable busl
nese man, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel
phia, Pa., says: "I contracted a violent
cold which -settled all over me. The
nain in tnv chest nnd side was excruci
atiue. The doctor Rave me medicine
and blistered inv side, but I onlv irrew
worse. Then you gave me a bottle of
lirazuiaii iiaim. 1 nnd mue-or no tami
in it, but decided to try it. I took 3 or
4 good doses before bed time, and rubbed
it well over uiy blistered side. That
nieht I slept like a ton my first irood
rest for over a week and awoke ia the
morning cured. Brazilian Balm is sim
ply invaluable."
Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents.
M. D. Maloneand John W Curtln attendee!
the funeral of Mrs, P. M. Sweeney at Free
land to-day.
J. J. Franey spent to-day transacting bus!
none at Heading.
Pall Sandori, of Philadelphia, a Rcbuyl
kill Traction maguato, made an Inspection of
the road to-day.
tihlppt-d Twelve I'limpa,
The Jeaoesvillo Iron Company yesterday
shipped twelve duplex pumps to thei
wetern agent. The pumps manufactured by
this concern aro in great demand and are
considered to bo superior to any other made
They built the puropsat tho borough pump
ingntatton. The machine shops, beginning
with thin week, will work day and night.
Dr. Itleller'it Casu.
Owing to Lawyer O. A. Snyder's inability
to go Ju HarrUburg on Thursday of this week,
beoause of another I'DKxgeinunt, application
will be made for a eoutiuuauce for another
week, In the hearing in the .quo warranto
proceedings iuntituted against Coroner C. F.
I'lrel l'lrot Hrel ,
Insure your property from loss in the
oldest and strongest cash companies : Phila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
Anieriou and Flro Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co ,
West Chester Fire Ins, Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, j
123 8. Jardln St., Shenandoah. '
tllM WfcUllBI.
ihe forecast for Wednesday : Partly cloudy
slightly colder went her, with variable winds,
proliahly followed by ruin or snow.
HieiilnKfl Throughout the Country
tlliioiilnlml for Unity Veruxal.
Sucrem comos to those who descrvo It. and
Thn Hurst will again bo n National League
The Itesctio Flro Comnnny. of York, has
ust received a flno cboinlcnl ouglne.
ilie state execiltlvo ouniinittoo of tho 1 O.
of A., meets nt Unzleton on tho 28th Inst.
Tho coal fitmitio broimht on by tho creat
snow block ml 0 continues at Now York. As a
result over 10,000 men nro out of employ
ment. llrakenmii Charles Brady was killed by tho
cars nt Surantoii while walking on thotmoks.
Blmrkoy, the mutllht. will not nimear at
Hnzleton this evening. Ho is suffering from
rheumatism in New York.
1 ho social of tho M. E church to-morrow
ovcninji, will be attractive. Ladles will
servo refreshments tu Martha Washington
Jfaroh 25 has been fixed ns tlio time for tho
lancnster county Itepubliuiu primaries.
1110 banks reuiaiu closed to-day and to
Heading is to havo its drat CoiiEreiratlonal
church, construction of tho edlficu being
under way.
The Sons of Veterans at Ashland last nlcht
celebrated Defenders' Day.
1 ho annual conference of the Evaucelical
church began at ilohrsrillo this morning.
Ulsliop J. .Mortimer Levering, of the Mora
vian church, cclobiuted bis fiftieth birthday
n Iletliloheln yesterday.
1 110 hUs demonstration to ho held at Hazlo-
ton to-morrow has been abandoned
Kov. Hougbter. of the Evangelical church.
at Fr.ickvillo, preached his farewell sermon
011 Sunday,
i ailing roof coal crushed Thomas Glenn-
corse to death in 11 mine, at Dunmoro, Lacka
wanna county. .
Tlio term of County Superintendent Weiss
oxplres ill JIay. It was thought that bo
would bo uuopposed for re-eloctiou. but
alieady candidates nro auuounclug them
Fatal injuries woro sustained by George
runups uy a tall from a scaffold at tho Mid
valley colliery, Mahanoy City.
llio Uulon Coal Company at Shamokin
paid out ?00,000, to its employes ou Saturday.
I'lvo Hundred minors are on strike iu In
diana county for au advance in wages.
A Welsh teuiperauco society has been or
ganized at Maliauoy City with 00 members,
Tho Itouister will hereafter be
issued on Mondays.
Chambersburg Motbodiats contributed SlOfll)..
i 1110 pasi year lor missionary purposes.
A petition Is beii'g circulated among the
churches of l'ottsvillo which will bo pre
sontcd to Congressman James w. Ryan to
urgo bun to use bis influenco to have ousted
tho Utah polygamous Congressman, W. II.
The Democratic ticket In Butler townshin
had no opposition to-day.
Joseph Coylo, of Uarlclgh, a discharged
regular soldior, accidentally shot himself
through the light band with u 32 calibre re
volver ou Saturday afternoon. He was re
moved to the 1'uttsville hospital.
Mrs. Loriuda Ucdadine,a Ilazleton woman.
was fatally scalded, and four hours aftor the
accident gave birth to a son.
Tho puddle and old rail mills of the Beth
lehem Iron Company, idlo a week for want
of fuol, In consequence of tho blizzard, yes
terday resumed operations.
Iu a fit of jealousy Harry P. Kichllne, of
liath, Northampton county, said good-byo to
his wife, kissed their baby boy aud then sent
u bullet through his brain.
The large plato glass window in tho store
room in tho Mellet building was broken last
A sleigh containing four young neoulo unset
on West Coal street last evening. All the
occupants were thrown out, but escaped in
J. u. .iiiirtln, of fort Carbon, was pre
sented yosterday by bis wifo with three
triplet boys, and will name thorn "Dewey,1
Sampson" aud "Schloy."
Harry Tubl, inauager of Swift's Chicago
beef house at Uazletou, has been transferred
to Willlarusport.
Uazletou consumers complain about the
poor quality of water furnished.
The Lehigh Valloy railroad company paid
$3,000 to snow sliovolors oq the Ilazleton
Kierclsed ltlgld Kconoiny,
From PotUvIlle Chronicle, Dem.
Tho Taxpayers' Association, in iu lottor to
County Controller Muldoon, published in
yesterday's Chronicle, expresses the belief
tnat two tqoro years of economical adminis
tration in tho Commissioners' office as the last
year has been, will clear tho county of Its
floating indebtedness, now aggregating $178,
000. Every taxpayer will hope that tho asso
ciation's prophesy mav come true, aud that
the county's days of asking "tick" may end
Certain it is that the present Board of Com
missioners has exercised the most rigid
economy. If It had not, tho Taxpayeis'
Association would not publicly bay so.
Local Capitalists Interested-
The Bottom Cject Coal Co., of Vivian, W
Va., composed principally of Schuylkill
county capitalists, bold a meeting at Pott!
ville yesterday. The annual report was sub
mltted and discussed, when the following
ouicors were elected : rres., wm. Spencer
Vice l'residant, T. H. Rlckert ; Secretary
anu iieasury, o. w. i-atterson, of Vivian,
tv. m. ; oiuur siocKiiomers present were
Wm Stein, of town, and W. II. Lewis, of
win. rcnu,
There I This is Just the Thing,
Bed Flag Oil for sprains and bruhos.
Giuhler Bros., drug store.
To Lay Off Sillies.
The ollioiaU at the Tunnol Ilidgo colliery,
r . I . . ' . , .
aiaiiiiiiuy vuy, aro preparing to ao away
with tho mules at tho colliery aud substltuto
a compressed air locomotive
Fingers Munhed,
John Work, a miner employed at the
Mahanoy City colliery, had two lingers of
ins ngut nand cruued yosterday by being
uaugut Decween top coal aud a prop.
f tbeOlcbofer
NSUEALGIA, and similar Complaints,
presenrwa oy eminent pbjtioians:
"Wni rti li'-tnarkabljrsurcesKfall
nn! n r 11'
ii. lllfhtcf tfCo.. 214 1'carlSt., Sew l'ork.
111 iraae niarK Ancnor,
13 Br m;i a Houses. Own Glassworks,
ft&Mcu. indorsed tt recommended br
A. Wasley. 106 H. Main St..
H. naeenbech, 101 N. Main St
r.D. KlrJlu, 6 a.MdlnSr
it Hnnnanrinflh
illldgd Ilium lUrpoiea (if It lllg I.nt (if
Ill tho Orphans' court Judge Dunn over
ruled tho exceptions filed to the distribution
In tho Itoso Marki estate, aud confirmed tho
distribution absolutely. '
In the estate of Abraham Ernst, deceased,
court directed an attachment to Ismio for con
tempt of Court and failure to pay over, as
ordered November 10th, 1808.
Henry Lockhavcn was appointed guardian
f Frederick W. l.ockbavon, minor child of
Henry Lockhavcn, ot Asliland. Iloud in the
sum of $100 was filed and approved.
Iu tho estato of Joseph Cobley, docoased, in
partition, H. K. Smith was appointed trustee
to make sale of tho real estate. Bond in the
sum of $3,100 was filed and approved.
In tho estate of Alfred Millard, deceased,
court directed the salo of real oslato to pay
debts. Bond In the sum of $7,000 was filed
and approved.
In tho estate of Aaron Klecknor, deceased,
the return of sale was confirmed nisi, to
become absolute In ten days If no exceptions
are llli'd.
In tho estato of Sarah Utrlcb, deceased,
court directed the salo of real estato to pay
ilebH. Bond In tho sum of $420 was filed and
Iu tho estate of Unas bwartz, deceased,
Cuurt directed that the account bo placod ou
tho next list for distribution.
Decrees of distributions were tiled In tho
elates of Philip Hornlr.kel, William Uheln,
Nathan A. Barlow, Wm. F. Doibort, John
Shadlo, Mary Cresiinan aud Peter Michaeli,
all deceased.
In tho estates of Frances Hollonbach, Win.
H. Mutb, Win. Frautzaud Eliza OUvcy, the
accounts wcro audited and confirmed.
In the estate of lUruhardt Webber, de
ceased. Court appointed Barney nnd Joseph
M. Webber to make salo of tho real estate
Bond iu the sum of $1,400 was filed and ap
Wm. Schmidt was appointed guardian of
G. L. Schmidt, Jr., minor child of Lorecz
Schmidt, late of Mt. Carhon, deceased. Bond
lu the sum of $100 was filed and approved.
Iu tho estate of Wm. Zellucr, deceased,
court granted an alias order of salo, Mary
Zellner being permitted to bid at the sale.
F. V. filbert was appointed guardian of
Uulph Knntnur,. minor child of Henry and
Carolina Kantner, late of l'lucgrovo town
ship, deceased. Bond in tho sum of $50 was
lllo I and approved.
In tho estate Angelino Huntziugcr, de
ceased, Court permitted tho withdrawal of
the exceptions to the distribution.
Pan-Tina 1 What Is It?
The greatest cure for coughs and colds.
G rubier Bros., drug store,
Licenses Transferred.
From Josoph M, Foger, Third ward of
Pottsvllle, to Edwin C. Fcgor ; from Michael
Doyle, First ward of Mahanoy City, to
Andrcd Bockalar ; from John Susajada, First
ward of Mahanoy City, to Stephen Tzap j
from David A. Jones, West ward, GIrardvllle,
to John J. McCorniick ; from Andrew Boka
lar, First ward of Mahanoy City, to Peter
Leahy ; from John Quinn, First ward of
Ashland, to William K, Roberta ; John
Waguor, Second ward of Mahanoy City, to
Michael Kendrick : from Henry Fisher, First
ward of Mahanoy City, to John Bojarskl,
It's a mistake to imagine that Itching piles
can't be cured : a mistake to suffer a day
longer than you can help. Doan's Ointment
brings instant relief and pormaucnt cure.
At any drug store, 50 cents.
Again 011 Duty.
E. W. Ash, superintendent of tho trolley
road, who has just recovered from a severe
attack of pneumonia, is agaiu ut his post ot
JI'KKRN.VN. On tho 19th Inst., at Shenandoah,
10., (Jam tt McKcrnan, aged 79 years. The
funeral will take place ou Wednesday, 22nd
Inst , at 'J. 'JO a m , from the family residenco,
1.19 North White street. Solemn requiem mass
will be - 'cbrated in tho Annunciation church
at 10 o'clock, Interment will be made in the
Annuuciatlonccmetcry. Helatires and friends
respectfully Invited to attend. l-20-2t
Our baby's face and nock was all raw meat,
and something awful to look at. The way
that' child suffered, mother and child never
had any rest day or ulght as it constantly
Itch :d, and the blood used to flow down her
cheeks. Wo had doctors and tho dispensary
nith 110 result. Uy using CtJTiccnA Hf.sol
vknt, CUTICOKA (ointment), and COTICUR
Poav, tho child tea) entirely healed,
Mrs.. GARNJQSS, 213 Nassau Ave,, UrooVlyn,
So. r, and .IukIo nplntjn( with Cuticuha, will ffor4
lLaUnl rcliellQibe moat dhtrctalag of Itching, bnrntoff.
"h" of Itching, burning
loai of hair, mt pot to uaa thm, lijqjui In your iutj.
im 6c,y loigniue numort ot tb akin And aratn. with
iMiatnrouihoot the world. Pottm niwo imiCRtii
cose, i'iop a.,hwtoa. liow to Cuit lIamori,rnt,
Will sell for the next thirty days
all winter goods
At Half-Rrice I
Will remodel our store, and
must have the room.
No. 7 East Centre Street.
Read in railway trains or vehicles
m motion. Don t read lyincr down.
Don't read by a flickering gas
light. Don't read for more than
fifty minutes without stopping.
Don't study at night, but in the
morning when youarelresh. Don't
select your own glasses at the out
set, but go to one who has made a
study of the eye ana its conditions.
Thorough examination free of
Jeweler and Optician.
118 South Main Street.
cgctaMcPrcparafionlbr As
similating ihcToodflmincdula
Ung thcS tomachs antlBowels of
ttcssandRcst.Contfllns ncilhcr
OpiumlorpbinC norHincral.
tanjJm St
sfmst Seed
Jrpcmunt -in
OtriaukSoda '
1 wtirj
Apctfcctnerrtcdy forConslipa
lion,Sour,Stomach,Diarrhoca, Wonnsonvulsions.Fcvcrish
ncss nndLoss OF SLEEP.
TaeStnule Signature of
1 I 1 1 I I ii 1 I 11
... -'Jirl'i
The regular $3.50 boot.
long as they last. This is
in gum boots iu this region
No. 7 South tVlaln St.
ITIOIt UKNT. Now dwelling, l'ear alley.
! Apply nt 19 South Jardln street. 2-20-tf
jiuit nooDins oneru
house. Also
tirlvAti, dwplllltrrn It, tilt, Thirit. Knllrtli rami
Kifth wards of Shenandoah.
Apply to
Kobhins, No. 162 Academy street.
, Willie
1-27 lm
FOIt RENT. Store room and dwelling, suita
ble for butcher, barber, etc.; centrally
located and rent reasonable. Apply to K. C
llrobst, grocer, cor. Jardln and Centre street, tf
WANTKD A bright and actlvo young man
of irentlenianl v anoenrancu mid maimers
to do local canvassing. $50 u week can bo
mnuo. AUtircss letter to Ji, UEUALDoiUce. 1-7-U
"VfOTIOE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap
1 ply to S. Q. M. Hollopcter, uttoriley,
Shenandoah. fmi-tf
Christian llaussmaim, late of the borough
of Shenandoah, county of Schuylkill, and state
of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of ad
ministration on said estute having been granted
to tho undersigned, all person indebted thereto
aro requested to mako immediate payment, and
thoso having claims or demands against ihe
same will present them without delay for settle
ment to LoCISA ltAUSSMAN.
CilArtLEH IIavsshan, Administratrix,
Administrator, Shenandoah, I'a.
I'hlllpsburg, Centre county, Pa. 2-1 I Gt-ouw
Ham, i cents per pound.
Shoulder, 0 cents per pound.
Come to our stnro where wo will Insure 31m
rare bargains In groceries. Canned goods nnd
butter and eggs.
Ellis Guzinsky,
No. 222 WeBt Lloyd Street; Shenandoah, Pa.
All kinds of stove and tin repairing done
with promptness and satisfaction.
810 N. Centre St., Pottsvllle, I'a.
Fine old Whiskeys, Olns and Wines, nt the bar.
A choice line of Cigars and Temper,
anco Drinks.
Accommodations fry travelers. .
- Meals at all hour j
Tho Rosy Freshness
And 8 velvety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by the b who use Pomo"';
Complexion Powder.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
They will sell at that price as
the biggest bargain yet offered
Wo will sell 150 pairs at
79c, Button or lace.
Abe Levi n c. Prop.
Brewers of the Finest
and Purest
Our products are seldom equalled and
never surpassed. Private families supplied at
short notice by our own special delivery.
Lakeside Hotel I
B: J. YOST, Prop.
This popular hostelry is no. open for tlio
entertainment of sleighing awl skating arties.
Dancing pavillion always heated. Excellent
skating on the lakes, and supper served to
parties on short notice.
Wo do Shampooing at
Your Dome. special Attention
Given to Ladies.
A Postal Card Will Bring Ds.
W. G. Dusto's
Tonsorial Parlors,
Ferguson House Block.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
Home-Bred Canaries
Kor breeding purposes. AU
good singers. They are far better than the
unacclamated imported birds from Germany.
and globe". All kinds of pigeons. Wo also
sell ..liners' supplies and drilling machines.
103 lfcmt Centre street, . Bhenaniloah, l'.
New Groceries.
Flour, good brnnd, from tl 60 a
Hundred upward. Fresh butter at 20 cents per
pound. Fresh eggs olwa s 011 hojid.
Canned Goods.
SIMON LEVINpd'c'ettroH
Bobbins' Ilulldtng.
A Handsome Complexion"
Is one of the greatest chirtus u woman cuf
possess l'oiujNf a Coumjuiom PqwqubJ
gives U. I