tat ta eainrs 6milf mertns pnln, danger and poasiblo doath for Borne wives. For otliers It tneanu practically no discoinfortat all. There Is no reason why child, birth should bo a period of pain and dread. Boy. eral months before a worn in becomes a mother she should prepare herself for the critical ordeat Thoro Is a prepara tion made which is intended for tldi purpose alone. The namo of this wonderful preparation is It is 0 liniment to be ap plied ex ternally It relaxes the mur clcs and ru lievea the distetigiuii to every organ con corned in childbirth, ami takes away all dnngor and nearly all suffer lug. liest results follow if tho . remedy Ib used during tho whole poriod of preg nancy. It is the only remedy of the kind in tho world that is endorsed by physicians. $1 per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Fkee Books con- Jollier's Friend. taining invaluable in formation for all women, will bo sent to any ad drjss upon application to The Bridfletd Regulator Co. Atlanta. Ga. Cheap llxuiiriiloii to. Wtinhlt Ktun. On Thursday. Feb. 33rd, tho Philadelphia & Readinit Railway will run a cheap excur sion to Washington, D C, tickets good to return mi any regular train Inside of ten days. Tlio train will 1 composed of "Koynl Uluo Vestibuled Coaches" and a Pullman Bullet car, riinuiim as second section of the train leaving Slit'iiiimloitli at 0:53 a. m. Fare, single rate for round trip. As Congress Is In session, no better lime could bo selected for tho trip. Yon Try It. If Shtloh'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which Is sold for tho smalt price of 25 cts., 50 eta. and 1 00, does not euro take tho bottlo back and wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. 1). Klrlln and a guarantee. Buy Keystone flour Re sure that the name Lessig & Baku. Ashland, Pa., in printed on A SPECIALTY. Piltnnry S condary or Tertiary BLOOD FOISON permanently CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS. You am be trentod at homo for same price muler same guarantee. If you prefer to come here we will contract to pay ral road fure ai.d hotel bills, and no charge. If we full to euro IF YOU HAVE taken mercury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains. Mucous Fatrhes In mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col ored Spots, Ulcers on any art of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it la tills Secondary BLOOD POISON WE GUARANTEE TO CURE. We solicit the most obstinate cases and challenge the world for a case we can not cure. T 19 disease ban always baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. $500,000 capital behind our unconditional fsuarantee Ansolute proofs sent scaled on application loo page book sent free Address COOK REMEDY CO., 1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago. If we can sell you one 3C. package of who ! tais aumiacture we'll be satisfied You'll buy more for it will touch has added little of SccI Mg'a to ordinary the spot, Grocers rcolteB knows a nave SEELirj'S. eraml drink thai' T Lwill please her husband. nillions of Dollars Go up in sniofeo every year. Take no risks bat get your houses, stock, fur niture, eto., insured in first-class re liable companies as ropresontod by hAViri FATIST Insurance Ag:ent UAV1D "AUJ I 1 m Houlh jdtnSI kn J, Urn nrt AMnll nwpnU rnim.-ciifflr-5T0K, o DEALEU IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wlnlosale and Retail, 2S Wo3t Contra Street, DRINK CLEAR Y'S EXTRA HNE QUALITY -GINGER ALB, Superior Sarsaparilla.. art? i w4 mm and Orange Champagne 5C:" uvm . . Jmm ,, . . .Mjiffmiyg. . if... .i. -'18BTrnM ' ' - ... i i 3 T TO flnfWM immtnrTiri "aoLD D0BT" " ,,O0LU DDBT" nmirm ivn niummi w ?j i . '" m Count d'Almonas' Speooh ArouBos tho Spanish Sonatoi "NOT A SINGLE 0ENERAL SHOT." Tltn fount Cnntplnltm or tho fliivorn inontV llnlny In i:.ojlltliiittlnI,cml erx Who (litilttilntfil-ltliuipo, Itlvi.iu mill lliii-ut-H Dofbiiil tho OciiornN. Mntlilil. .IVh. 21. Tho fortes rens-Ki-mhli'd yt utility. The Kiilleilea In hot It chambers were thronged yUh nu ex iH-etiitit erond. The senate-wan very full, hardly 11 single jrenernl luting absent. Seuor Montoro Ulna, president of the Honnto, in opening the proceedings, pro imuiRTil a eulogy upon M. Kniire, and 11 VHohitiutiH of condolence with l'Vance waH adopted unanimously. Senor SiiKiista, the premier, then pro posed to refer the bill providing for the eexHiou of the Philippines to the United Slates to u Hpeclnl committee, but this the Conservatives protested against, de claring that the hill ought to be con scientiously discussed, and .Seuor Sa gastn withdrew his proposal. Count d'AImenas then brought up the question of the conduct of the generals engaged hi the war in Cuba, declaring that General I'rimi) ilc Itlvera, Oeneral Weyler, General Blanco, Admiral Cer veru and General LiunreB had proved failures. Thin declaration elicited much applause from the public galleries, In consequence of which several of the spectators were expelled from the cham ber. Observing that ho would deal with the "shniuefiil enpitulatlon of Santiago," Count d'Almcnns asked tho house whether he should proceed, and was nn swered with cries of "yes" and "no," nnd a general uproar ensued. A repeti tion of tire query provoking still greater tumult, Seuor Sngnsta rose and de fended the government and Its Spanlsn peace commission. The premier eriti eized America's "unjustifiable conduct, ' nnd -said that everything might be dis cussed except the war, because the cases of the generals were still sub-judlce. Count u Alnicnus resumed his nttnek upon the generals, and complained that live months had elapsed und not a single general had been shot." This gave rise to another tumult, and Count d'AImcuaa was called to order. Again he asked why the generals who capitu lated nau not, been executed. It is quite true, he declared, that the army is an army of Hons led by asses. Captain Gen eral Blanco's administration in Cuba was deplorable, he said, but he was not re sponsible for the surrender of Santiago. ICecriminutious continued between Count d'Almenus nud Lieutenant Gen eral Correa, the minister of war, and there was renewed disorder. Genernl I'rimo de Itivern arose and denounced Count d'Alinenns as "a contemptible ealuminntor." General Blanco followed, defending the generals nnd accepting full respon sibility for events hi Cuba during his command in the island. General Barges denounced Count d'Alinenns as a caluiu- inator. After a promise on the part of Count d'Alinenns to produce proofs of ids as sertions the senate adjourned. In the chnniber Senor Sdvella, the leader of the Dissident Conservatives, moved u vote, signed by the Conservative deputies, censuring the government for its indifference to the country s troubles. Senor Annix, In seconding the motion. denounced the ministry for accepting the war through fear of the Cnrlists und de clared that the country was now suf fering the consequences of the govern ment's pussillanimity. lie proceeded to detail the luck of preparations and of war niatriuls nnd charged the govern ment with responsibility for the sur render of Santiago, which they ordered, ulthough the garrison there numbered 23,000 und there were sutllcient provis ions in the place for thre" months. This declaration created 11 sensation. In proof that the government was re sponsible for the surrender of Cuba Senor Annix read telegrams from Seuor Sagastn and Ideuteant General Correa to General Blanco ordering the surrender of Cuba us a means of saving Porto Itico and the Philippines and preserving order in the peninsula. He also read General Blanco's telegram in reply, op posing the surrender, hut agreeing to obey the government's order. Senor Annix added tliat President jSic- Kinley had telegraphed to General Shat ter that the surrender of Santiago had been arranged with the Madrid govern ment, nud that, therefore, he must make a sort of t-Imm attack. Rnhbed the Grave. nf PMlarlnlnlilft. wiu tltn ftnhlect. la narrated by him a, follows : "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yelle.w, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in nacK ana siues, no bpikjuui nnw ha I V frrtll'IMf WLlvfr (1MV IIV I1UY 'ni.M nhnainlanfl l.flfl olvnn mn 1111. KortllU atoly, a lriena auvisca trying r,iecino IlUtdH ant tn rnxr nrrnnh tnv mid SUrnrisO. tlio nrst Dottle maae a aeciaeu imjirovcuicui.. rtnntitmnfi Titnir 11 Kf nirtH wenKH. auu am now a well man. I know they saved my llf o.l mMiJ thn irmvnnt unnthftrTictim." No'ono should fall to try them. Only 60 cents per bottle at A. Wasley'a dree store. Mnrylnncl'a Bnnqnet to ScHley. Baltimore, Feh. 21. There is a stroni; prospect that Governor Itoosevclt, of New York, will be a guest at the Mary' land state banquet to be given In Bal tlniore on Feb. 28 to Admiral Winfiehl Scott Schley. Among the speakero nt the dinner will he Governor Lowndes, Governor Itoosevelt, Mayor Mnlster, .Tolonel A. IC McClure of Philadelphia ind t'hiirles I, llonapurte. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot rf acli the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets Inrlaincd you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect bear ing, and when it is entirely closed deafness Is the result, nmi unless the inflammation can be aken out and this tnbe restored ta Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever nine coses out of ten are caused by catarrh width Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will glVB One Hundred Dollars for any caso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bead for circulars, free. F. J, OIIKNKV & CO., Toledo, O Bold by Druggists. 73c Hall's Family l'llls ore the best. Tlio Antt-ItohortH ItOHOlutlon. Washington, Feb. 21. The proposed .onstitutlonal nmeudlneut against nd n.lltlnf. nnlvi'niiliutK to IMinLTl'HU WU3 fa vorably acted on yesterday hy the house committee on elections of president and vice president. Many a Lover Has turned with dlsgust-from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Itoot Tea purifies the breath by Its action on the bowels, eto , as nothiug else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 85 cts. aud SO cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln and a guarantee, lilllllllllllllllll HE WHKN IN DOUBT, TRY" AGAIN! vigor to the whole beln m. 41 w " got to the whole belnff. All drains and Ioe$ are checked ftrmantntty. Unlets patient, e properly cured, their condition often worries theminto Insanity, Consumption or Death, ailed sealed. Price it per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee tocure or refund t a are M m0Qcy.l5.oo. Send (or tree book. For Sale al KIRLIN'S Drusr 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORK SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH faU AwUm or aw V t uvrf ntltHt nuiKtim. maun, msucmncm. uttet fflP" 8 U iSb!P P I tSi nLui. nutcvan. new rtsu. mianmu. (PjBtoHfalbB .BBtBlT taSl -63, j itw-irtsrr sixth avc. 'H4iihi.iiisTs s WCJIW itPiffi I ; "our 1 YOUR FORTUNE TOLD. J THE ONLY TRUE SCIENCE BY WHICH YOUR FUTURE CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD, ZABAII, the world-renc-woe-i Egyptian Aitnloger, who has fceea ere ting sach aa tordshment thoroughoat Earop for the past fire years, will give a truthful, aocarau, pla&et horoeop delineation of your lift, lie will giTt your pertoa&l apparaac, dis position, character, ability, taste, probable length of lift, poiiible accidents, adrles and. suggeaUoos oa Ioto affairs, marriagt, frienxi, sacmies, spteulaUoa, baiintu matUrs, sta. RICHES TO BE OB NOT TO BE vSm ctTeVqluoef j0" "' ' "T pszt, preieat ana fatart lifs. A SINGLE ANSWER MAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. 8ad 10 esats and glvs txacl data of birth and I will ImmsdlaUlr return a trathfal horoscop reading of t&is oner as a un trial. AU ZARAHtho ASTROLOGER, Lock Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. Vat riJrJJ.wSerah tae imoiMn la Mrulaly aato&libiag thetsaada. Ola sraalflrfil pradictUai and UeU u ea4 ini tsdlratuble ui eeleallfle laDaiaeM. THK PACIFIC COAST LIMITFI) VIA "TUB TBUE SOUT1IEBK EOUTE." The "Pacllio Coast Limited," the now California train will leave Chicago at 2:00 p. m., and St. Louis 10:30 p. in., every Tuesday and Saturday arrivlug at Los Angeles tblnl day at 4:00 p. m. and S.in Francisco fourth day noon, and willl run via Chicago &Altou, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas & Pacific, and Southern Pacific Railways. This luxurious train consists of a composito car containing reading, writing, smoking- room, buffet, barber-sbop and bathroom ; a compartment car containing seven private compartments and doublo drawing-looms ; twelve section sleeping-cars with state and drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which nil meals will be served a la carte, and traverses a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un known. In addition to our weekly tourist car line via tho sceuic route, we will operate a weekly Uurist car via "The Truo Southern Itoute," leaving-Chicago every Tuesday and from St. Louis every Friday morning. For illustrated and descriptive literature, time tables, very lowest rate of fare to all points west and southwest, address J. P. McCann, Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. E. Ilopt, Qen'l Eastern Passenger Agent, 391 Broad way, New York. tf Rheumatism Cured In a pay, "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disapjiears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold hy Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah, t Slurrteror's 'Sufb'tdril lltrort Sucooodcd Rockland, Me., Feb. 20. -Albert Heys ler, who murdered his wife and step daughter Friday night, died Saturday night at his home at Durkettvllle from the effects of the Paris green he had taken with suicidal intent. He never regained consciousness. THK MOUKHK WAV Commends Itself to tho well-iuformed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner aud disagreeably as well. To clrauso tho system aud break up colds, headaolies, and fevers without uuplocsant after, effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Fig,. Made by California Ug Syiup t o. Jtussliins Kill Three II 11 11 d rod C lilnoso Pekln, Feb. 20. A serious conflict has taken place between the Russians nnd Chinese nt Tnllen-Wan, 300 of the lat. teV being killed. The conflict Is said to have originated In a question of taxes. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Healthfullness of the bath depends largely on cleanliness of the bath tub. Court health and shun sickness by using G0M for all household cleansing purposes. Largest package greatest economy. Sold every where. Si ade only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St Louis. Boston. Mew York. Philadelphia. They have stood the t-t of years. ana navt mred tnuiitandi 01 'case Of Nervnin Diseases, such as Debility, Dunuets, Sleepless nets and V aricocele. Atrophv.&c They dear the brain, strensthea the circulation, make dilution perfect and Impart a healthy Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, Q,' Store, Shenandoah, Pa yoar life, and prort It to h all tms by yoorstlf. I mala eommaoloaUons strictly eonfidiatlaL. Addraas Are You Going to Florida 7 If you are, ask for tickets via tho Southern Railway. It Is the shortost, quickest and best route. Itsservlco this season will sur pass that of nil preceding years. Write for further information to John Jt. Beall, District Passenger Agent, S2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. Young Mothers. Croun is tho terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and .frequently fatal. Shlloh's Cough aud Consumption Cure acts like maeio in cases of croup, it has never been known to fail, the worst eases rolioved Immediately. Price 25 cts., SO cts. aud f 1.00. Sold by P. D. Klrlln and a guarantee. Will You Winter In Florida 7 This will bo tho greatest season Florida his had for years. You ought to go and go via the Southern Railway. Its the best routo. If you will write John M. Beall, District Passenger Agent, 823 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange all the details of your trip for you. Und Catarrh 30 Years. Josiah Bacon, conductor on the P. W. & B. R. R., says. "I had suffered with catarrh for 36 years and regarded my case as hopeless. One day I saw the testimonial of Geo. II. Ilearu iu a Braz ilian Balm circular. Ilearn was the engineer on my train and I knew his case was desperate. I talked with Ilearn and his cure gave me hope. I began the use of the Balm nt ouce. There was not much change for the first two months but then I began to improve aud in sis months, to my inexpressible satisfaction, I was entirely cured," Shenandoah drugstore, wholesalo agents. rt'W This Is the trade . V B mark of the short J B r liuetoFlorida-tbo KJrW Southern Railway. Two dally trains are operated all the year, and during tho winter season, a third, the Florida Limited, is added. If you are going to Florida or anywhere else In the South, ask for a ticket v'a tho Southern Railway. Write to John M. lloall, District Passongcr Agent, 828 Chostuut street, Philadelphia. It Hits the Spot That's Right. What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. O rubier Bros., drug store. At Coming Kvents, Feb. 22 Social aud euteitalnmont under ausplues of the Ladles' Aid Soolety of M. E, church, in lecture room of cliuroh. Feb. 95 Grand entertainment in tbo school house atTurkey Ruu by tho Harmonic Mandolin und Guitar Club. Mar. 10. Schuppo Bros. Minstrels at Fer guson's tlioatre. Annual performance. April 3. Grand concert in the P. M. church. cornor J&nlln and Oak stroets, under auspices 01 1110 cuureh choir. Euergj all gone? Headache T Stomach out f rdi'i S niiilr a case of tumid llvor , Burdock Blood Hitters will make a new man i or woman of jou. Tha Nrtval Oontrovorsy Growing Out of the SptHisli War, COHLEY'S REFLY TO 0BITI0ISMS. !! ( itiuiKt t'iiilirtnnl Hem-til Con tlin l, 1111 WI1IH1 lit- Whm Oinmntu I nt !, (mild IIhvo drown Into ,,Itnp-i-ilieiiMllit Conduct" SI TWoakv loiter WnnhlnKtcm, .Feb. 21. Hear Admiral W. S. Sehli-y bavin, been grunted per tnUmiui ' answer the charge recently ln:ulc nv'uinKt him In the comtnunleitioii re. ently wnt to the senate. yi,terdy hnmli'd to the committee nn naval affulrx hm ntatement. In which he diKcinlm, an) uirKKe of cotitmrrrny with the navy department. The admiral ,iy bl order from from SRinpmiii on My 11) were to block ade Cleiifuegiw, which 'he proceeded to do. Hp hid no knowledge that there were any insurireutu about ClenfueKon who were friendly until the Marblehead arrived on the IMth. liven hd he had thl knowledge on the 23d of May, the surf would have prevented communica tion. On ti 1m arrival he sent Commodore McCalla, of the Marblehead, ashore to pfitibllah relation with the lniirRentn, the result of which w made known to him at 3:-10 011 May 21. Then, for the first time, he learned definitely Hint the Spauixh fleet wan not at Cleiifiiegon. Within two hours he started for Sun tlBprci. "What ixtsalble ground of critl eUm," he snj', "advene to me, there can he in all this, 1 do uot see. I was on the spot, acting under orders which gave me entire dlocretion, nnd yet clothed me with the responsibility of going to Santiago only after I whs satis fied the fleet was not at Clenfuegos." lie quotes from the dispatch of Samp sou of May 20, In which the latter snya Schley should "hold litx fleet off Clen fiuKO. If the Spanish ships have put into Santiago they must come either to Havana or jionfuegoi to deliver tin munitions of war which they are said to bring for use In Cuba. 1 mil, there fore, of the opinion that the best chance to capture tliiwe ships will be to hold the two points, Clenfuegos and Ilnvnna. with all the force wo can muster." As to the slow progress toward San tlngo on account of the Kngle. he states that she was a part of the force which Admiral Sainpwn hud seen fit to send him, and he hnd no right to abandon her. The weather was rough, and not much better speed could have been kept up. He had been ordered to proceed "cau tiously." If, however, he hnd known that the Spanish Hoot was in Santiago no consideration for the BhvtIc or any thins else would have prevented him from getting there at the earliest pos sible moment. Spenklng of "the retrograde move ments." which the secretary, adopting the language of Admiral Sampson, char acterizes as "reprehensible conduct," Admiral Schley says that In 42 years' service "never was such language used to characterize conduct of mine, nnd I see no reason for It now." As to the battle of Santiago, Admiral Schley says the facts of that contest speak for themselves. Quoting from his oUlcial report to Sampson, in which he congratulated the commander of the squadron and said the "victory seems big enough for us all," he nsks the com mittee to-contrnst his reports nnd those of Sampson containing references to him self, lie continues: "As to all this criticism of my course prior to the discovery by me on May 20 of Cervera's Hoot, whether from Admiral Sampson or the department, none of it has ever been made by cither to me, and I never heard a word of it from any one until after the battle with that fleet.' Admiral Schley quotes the depart ment's dispatch of May 29 in these words: "The department looks to you to ascertain the fact of the presence of the enemy, nnd that the enemy, if In the harbor of Santiago, does not leave with out decisive action." Commenting upon this the admiral says: "In obedience to the above order I did ascertain the fact thnt the enemy was at Santiago, nnd the enemy did not leave without a decisive conflict." Detailing events connected with the battle of July 3 he says at 8:-15 of that dny Admiral Sampson made signal from his flagship, "Disregnrd movements of commander-in-chief," nnd steamed east ward to Siboney. "This," says Admiral Schley, "left me the senior officer pres ent and necessarily clothed me with the responsibility of the command." Con tinuing he declares that when the enemy's vessels came out of the harbor n signal was made from the Hrooklyn (his flagship) to the fleet to "clear ship for action," Then followed the signal "close action," nnd this by the signal "the enemy is escaping westward." He says the Spanish fleet was coming westward under high speed, and "chang ing course more to westward brought tho Brooklyn heading eastward to meet It, Into a position where she would have blanketed the fire of the eastern vessels of our force, now chnnglng their courses to the westward, and between them nnd the Spanish vessels. Instant decision was necessary to avoid interfering in nny way or cutting off any of the fire of Our vessels, as would have occurred if phe had turned towards the Spanish fleet, now npproaching the Brooklyn. Turning outward left the enemy's ships unmasKcd by tue Hrooklyn and exposed them to the concentrated fire of our squadron." At the final capture of tho Colon nt 1:15 p. m. the Brooklyn wns nenrest, the. Oregon next nnd then the Texas and Vixen. The New York nrrived at 2:25 p. in., and tho coinninnder-in-chief as sumed command of the squadron. Sig nals were made from the Brooklyn to the squadron until nil signal halyards were sot away, and then by nrmy code. in conclusion Admiral Schley contends that the turn of the Brooklyn In the bnttlc was the crucial mid deciding; feature of the combat, and o( decided Idvantage. IIo says he mrtdo no report of his man euver in his report of the battle, as Its effect upon the battle was never n ques tion witn mm. ins last paragraph, rendst "On May 31 1 received n telegram from tho commander-in-chief congratulating me upon my success In locating and blockading the enemy's fleet nt San tiago, If it was worthy of commcndn Hon at tliut time I am at a loss to under stand how it could huvo grown Into reprehensible conduct, as suggested hy Admiral Sampson in his letter of July 10, 1SQ3, some six weeks later." Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain. IMainfield, III., makes the statement, that she caught cold. which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless vic tim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist sujested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found her self benefitted from first dqse. She comtinued its use and after taking sis bottles, found her self sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Frre trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A. Wasley'a Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents and $1.00. Kohrnha'tfSviioner'rtiflilndl.'fimriinfctKi Omaha, Neb., Feb. W. Advlc-e to The Hee from It rcrulnr correspond ent In northern Nebraska Indicate that the Inter wheat rrop h been badly dammred by the rerenl wit! snap. Thoe who have examined tho neldstny thnt If there had be. n even a light covering of snow the grain would hn withstood the extreme cold. A It watt ho ever, the ground was bare neatly all over the atate when the sever weather came on. and the result Is that In many localities the crop will be a total failure, while In other it will be very light. An llmliefi.llnir MHjor'MCiilirt Mnrtlnl Santiago de Cuba, Feb. SO. Colonel Bay arrived from Quantanamo yester day to confer with General Leonard Wood and to arrange detail for the de parture of hi regiment, the Third Im munes, next month. He will also appear as a witness tmlay In the trial by court martial of Major lSdward Wilson on charge of forgery and embezzlement. The general opinion I that Major Wil son I out of his mind, and does not realize hi position. The evidence thus far given shows Wilson's offense to be greater than Indicated by his confes sion. What 1 Shlloh 1 A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption t used through the world for half a century, has cured innumerable oaw of Incipient consumption and relieved many In advanced stages. If you are not ttfled with the result we will refund your money Price 88 eto., SO cbt. and f 1. 00. SoM by P. I). Klrlln ami n guarautee, Tho l'ncillo litliln Hill. Washington. Kelt. 21. Senator Krye yesterday rettortetl from the committee on foreign relation the amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill for the cotiMtrui'tion of a submarine cable in the Pacific ocean, as amended by the com mittee. The Hinendiueiit are numerous and radical. The moot itnmrtant of them increase the suluddy to be paid every year for 20 year to $17"i.000 and extends the time in wuich the contract ing company is to 1h given to complete the line to the Philippine Islands to Jan. 1. 11)02. THAT VITAL SPOT. The prize lighter always aim, for the vital spot in the body, when he reaches it, as Fitzsimmon, did with Corbett, the other man is knocked out. To protect the vital points 01 tile body is the first care .of the fighter. The stomach is the vital spot to be protected against the deadly h I n w c nf that univer- 5' V sal pugilist caueu con sumption. If it is permitted to get out of order if the blood becomes full of impurities, if the system is allowed to run-down it won't be long until consumption will find the "opening" and deal its fatal blow. Protect yourself with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the non-alcoholic remedy for the stomach, blood and nerves. Take it for lingering coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak and bleeding lungs. It has cured so many thousands that it will also cure you. Don't under any circumstances permit the medicine dealer to induce you to take some other remedy. There nre many .substitutes on the market, but none of them possess the power to cure like " Golden Sledi cal Discovery." " After ulng about five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Ooldrn Medical Discovery ruy boy sems to he all right." writes Mr. J. W. Price, of Ozark. Monroe Co., Ohio. " He was very bad when I commented to give him the 'Golden Medical Discovery ' The doctor claimed he hnd con sumption and we tlootored with them until he was p-tst walking tt has beott ten months in-e Ik stopped taking vout medicine and he is tul In good hr i'it To knock out constipation and bilious ness, take Dr Pierce's Pleasant l'cllcts. Dr.THEELG04HorlhSixthSl. GUARANTEES TO CURE after the toc&Ufd Rirateit. moit celebrated and wtint adTertlBlngdocton fall, no matter whattbrrelalm. LOST MANHOOD Aovus, Blood iWion, Stricture, Shrunken or tn tiexelopeit organ t. lYmtireljtftiontvantlntba world vu euro VAnlbUbLLL WJinouS CIllllDj llfvtlff rM t xpottng ifiTOTerv ArfTrtilniyfrtiil FWf rfn tllt twin. dleri, take Medical Imtltutei. eto. JYeth cases cured inttotaaavt. Trtauacnt toy malL Imtant relief. IN EFl'KCT I'nnitUAItY . 1899. Pasnenger trains leave .Shenandoah for I'enn Unveil Junction. Mattel! Chunk. Il.l.-litnn Hlutiuirton. White Hall. Catasaunua. Allentnwn. Bcthlehotn, Kaston New York nud Philadelphia t u , a, iu., n nnu a it ji, hi. for Wllkcsbarre. White Haven aud Pittston 5 2S. 10 13 it. in. . 12 is nnd 5 1 1 ti. in. j-tir Lvy vim-, luitanuo, oayrc, vtoveriy. Klmlra. Itocheaten lliiffnlo. .Niairuru Vnlla. Auburn, Syracuse, Ithnon, Geneva and the t ear, 10 13 a. m., iz -vi nnu o 1 p. in. Tor Ilelvldere. llDlnwarn AV'ntr nn oiroutisuurg, anu, in., a 11 p. m. rur itiiiuerivttie anu i rrtiton. 7 jy n m Tor Ji'mieavllle. Iviaton itml Ilmu-pr MAifrtic 5 as ft. 111., 121 W p. in. ror mcaum, Auuenritxi, llazleton, Stockton hum A-uuiuvr luru. o iso. . iu la n. in., iamaiui a It p m I'orjetiuo, nriiuiu ami Freehold, s 3H, 1018 a, tn , 5 14 p. iu. i' or i-crauinu, as. iu is n. in., sup. in. 1'tir I.wt Creek. Olmnlvllle. and AkIiIuiiiI. 4 (1). an'i 7 27 p. m. t Mir uavt'ii nun, ivuiralla, aiouiit Uarinol and Sliamtiktli, 10 &S u. in., 1 it, 6 07, 9 38 p. ni. For Maliatiov (itv. I'urk Place And Delano. 3 , 7 19, 10 18 a. in., nnd IS .V, ft II p. in. ror. aitMvllie, o w, to w n in. Trains will leave SliAiiiokln at 7 CO. 9 30 a. tn.. 12 10 nud 1 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah at 7 49, 10 18 h. in.. 12 W, 5 II p. m. Iave Shenandoah for rttsllle, M. Clair, New Castle, Morea and New Ikttton, 719 and iu ta n. nt , nnu is oa p. m. Leave 1'otUvllle for Whenandaah, 9 15 a in.. 12 3S, IMS, IS p. ni. IjfHve Hnilettm for &heuandoah, 1000a. m.. 12 , 5 09, 6 W, 8 82 p. m. SUNDAY TltAlNS. Trains lonvo for Itaven ltuii, Ontrnlla, Mt, Cariuel and Klutmnklii, 9 16 a. in., 7 21 p. in., Trains leave Sliamoklu for bheiuttidoatt at 8 SO ft. in., nnd S 33 p. in. Ieftve Hlienandoah for Yatesvllle, Mnlianoy City, l'ark l'lnce, Delano, McAiloo, AUtlenrietl, Ilasli-toit, Hloikton, Lumber Ynrd, Weatherly ami Maueb Chunk. 9 17 a in., and 032 i. m. Tor l-chlKhtou, Slntlnuton, Ontnsautiua White nan, t-opiuy, Aueuiown, ration nnu runups. burtr, 917 a m., and 6 32 p in For New York and l'lillAdelithla. 9 47 a. ni. Ionve Ilniletou for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. ni., ami u j p. tit. M. 11. CUTTHM, Supt. Transportation, Bouth Bethlehem, l!o. ItOLLIN It. WILUUlt. Oenl. Supt., south itetineinxn, 1'a. CHAKLE8 8, LKK,aenl. l'ass. Aprt. New York, N. Y. A. W. NONNHMACIII5U, Dlv 1. A , South Ikthleht'iu, l'a. rhATON'S TANSY PILLS Lx A Till M Of. Cil to. tic. iiu tin V,OMN'S RtUEF. ftTiDromDtlndtthtbUj. AmJ ImtaliMj. CiTOs'?Avir FitutaS livsaioitTi. tom,ocM&iaut(M&ita,rnc, u For sal at Klrlln' drag store and Shmsudos iiug ttors aBBsaBBBBBBBBBBaBSWTMSri tt r it kj a i m i a u i . a T3s A Curo for Constipation. I have IrfHTl Ironl-IM w nh ennst 'ra' .r. f r nun. H h ruintinr my h'Vtn tn ifortand nn ""iiplttion. iiiol I ti . l I' that cvicrv King b rwtuirttl an i "Xt a thl after tr lug iiianv 'Jlber lio II' u- 't1 weriipp"'''l to In- good, but wit i li wer no value wltait'M'r I wtmltl llkf to t- .i utTerinK woman ball elery Mug vtvt a e forme. Nellie tmuid, Medina, Ohio Clen King CCBM Uhwwesof the N 'J ,r i, Himntwri, Uveraad Kldnej. Sold by drug gynn, Jfi and 60l, HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS FUVnilS. Lun, Feter, -Milk Pever. IL'JlilM'llAI.MJ. Lamenen. Ilheamatlim. CVH ) jKt'l'.OOTIC. Illtlemrer. JJfJlkjwon.Mt. ''" OrBti. Jjj-Jjt'OfllllH. ("oMi, influent. iroJi jfOI.tC. Ilellvarhe. Illarrlien. (J.i;. I'rrtenl. MIHCAItlllAfil!. Ji ! KIII.MIY .t IlLAllllllll tllhOllflKItg, JLLit.VaK, hfcln Illiraies. J-J liifllAlt COMIITIO.V. curing Coat, COu. each : Stable Ca, TWi Bpeeliss. Book, ft" . tU At druatri'tia or neut prepaid on receipt of pri. llomiairj' Mollctne Co , Cor. William a J ibn St.. New York. Vbhwiw MxsctL Hryr l ag. XEIIYOTJS D32BILITY, VITaVl. avi2aicm:ss and Prostration from Over work or other onuses, Humphreys" Homeopathic &pec No. SB. in uieovar AO years, tlio cn.y successful remedy. $ 1 per vlil. or 3 vlalf and large vUlpowder,for $3 Rnldbr trucftit, orMttl pot mI4 narto.t. btp ucarmttta'atD. Co., c.r.wua. a jtiau.,rark jennsylvania RAILROAD. Pt'HUYKILL DIVISION JanCart IS, 1R99, Tralna will leave Shenandoah after tne not e date for Wlgfcan. Ollberton, Frackvtlla Datl Water, 8t. Clair, I'ottavllle. HamburK, Koadlnn Poltitown, Pboenlxvllle. Itorrlstown and Phi a,elphla(llrd street atatlnn) at 6 IS and 8 15 a. m.,3 10, S 1, p m. on week daya. Sundays, 8 IS n. tn., 4 80 p. ra. Trains leave Frackvllln for Shenandoah al 7 SS, 11 4A ft. m. and 3 46, 7 84 p. m. Bundsv 11 01 a. ni. and 3 43 p. m. Leave I'ottavllle for Shenandoah (via Frack vllloi 7 10, II 20 a. m., 3 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday 10 33 a. m., 3 20 p. ni. Iavo Philadelphia, (Broad street station), lot ghesandonh at 8a5 a. m.. 4 10 p. ro. week days. Sundayn leave at 0 SO and 9 23 a, m, LeaTe Ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia. FOK NEW YORK. Express. week-daya, 8 20, 4 Co, 4 30 3 05.3 13,3 50 7 S3, 8 20, 9 50, I0 21 11 00 a. m. 12 CO noon, 12 S3 (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p. u ,) 1 40, ! 80, 8 20, 3 50, 4 02, 5 00, IJM 8 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. m,, 1201. night. Sundays, 8 20, 403, 150. 303, 815, 8 20, 9 M, 10 21. 10 43 ft. m., 12 03, 12 S3, 'IK, I 02. (Limited 4 22.) S20,3&S, 8 35, 702, 7 50, 1000 p.m., 1201 night Expreas for lloaton without change, 11 00 s m., week-daya, and 7 50 p. tn., dally. For Sea Girt, Asbury l'ark, Ocean Grove, LonRllrancb, 8 20, 1114 a m, 3 80, 4 02 p m weekdays. For Lamberivllle, Boston and Bcrnnton. 3 50, 9 00 n m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 3 00 ( Lambert vllle and Koatononlyi, weektlays, and 702 p m dally Buffalo, 9 00 a ra, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 0J p ni dallv. WASIIINOTON AND THK SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington. 8 50, T 20, 8 82, 1020. II 23, a. ra., 1209, I281 ! K, 3 12, 4 41, (3 23 Congressional Limited,) S 17. 4M, 7 81 p. m., and 12 05 night week days. Sundays, 3 50. 720,912, 1123, n. in., 1209, 1 12. 313, 4 41. (520 Congressional Limited,) SM 7Slp. m. aud 12 03 night For Baltimore, accommodation, 912 a m, 1 S3 and 4 01 p m week days. S OH and 11 IS p m dally. Atlantlo Coast Line, Florida Special, 2 23 p mt weekdays. Express 12 09 p m, an 1 12 03 bight, dally. Southern Railway, Florida Limited, 2 24 p ra, weekdaya Express 6 53 p ra, dally. Chesapeake At Ohio Hallway, 731 pra, dally. For Old Point Comfort nnd Norfolk, 10 20 a ra weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leave Market street wharf as follows: Ex prow for New York, 9 W m, 4 80pm week days. For Long Branch, via Seaside l'ark, 8 30 a ra weekdays. For Island Heights, 830 a m and 4 00 p m weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge Express, 9 40 a ra 7 03 p. in. Sundays, 9 20 a. m., 7 03 p. m. Leave Market Street Warf Express, (00 am, 200,400,300 p m. Sundays, 900, 1000 a m (accommodation 4 80 and 5 00 p m. For Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocen City, Avalon Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wlldw-odand Holly Beach Express, 900 a ui, 4 Vs, , m weekdays. Sundays. 9 00 a ni. For Somen Point Express, 9 00 a m., 1 00, 4 00, S CO, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and 1000 a. m The Cnlon Transfer Company will call for and check bsggsge from hotels and residences. Dining car. T. B. IIoTciiiasoir, J, K. Wood. Oen'l Manaaer, Oen'l P"''t Arl News and Opinions OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday ,by uiail,$8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape in the world. Price 5c a copy. Bj mall, $2 a yea Addrew THE SUN, New York. 'A&SSY PILLS! UjStrc ShO SURE, SiU4o.tUR-W0MM S &Aff tou' ' wrihres mpkcifio eotrnuv '01 at Povlnsky's dm, ttors, K Osaii lirast, COCOA 8 PURE ! HEALTHFUL !!