The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 18, 1899, Image 3

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and wife should know about the pre
paration that for half a century has
bcenlielping expectant mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and one
OnTSL a'scomioris ana distractions
AVKc!. :.:.i -lmj i.r.t. t.
is appnea externally, which
is the only way to get relief.
Medicines taken internally
Hvqjlty wi" not ne'P ana raa)'
fits and prepares every
organ, muscle and
part of the body foi
the critical hour. It
robs child-birth of its
tortures and pains.
Baby's coming is made
quick and easy. Its
action is doubly bene-
V ficial if used during the whole
of pregnancy.
SI per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by mail on receipt of price.
Books Free, containing valuable infor
mation to all women, will be tent to any
address upon application by
The Bradfield Regulator Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Cheap Kxcuraton to Washington.
On Thursday, Feb. 23rd, tie Philadelphia
& Reading Railway will run cheap excur
sion to Washington, D. C tickets cood to
return on nny regular train inside of ten
days. The train will le composed of ''Royal
Blue Vestlbuled Co.ichcs" and n Pullmau
Buffet car, running ni second section of the
train leaving Shenandoah at 0:55 n. m. Fare,
single rate for round trip. As Congress is in
session, no better tiino could bo selected for
tho trip.
Yon Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which Is sold for tho small price of 25 cts., 50
cts. and $1 00, does not Cure take tho bottle
back and wo will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee, Prico
25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and
a guarantee.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo snre that tho name
Leshio & Bake, Ashland, Pa., in printed on
ovnrv nuV
Primary Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
You can be treated at homo for some price
uniler same guarantee. If you prefer to
come here we will contract to pay ral road
faro and hotel bills, and no charge, if wo
fall to cure.
taken mercury, iodide potash, and still
have aches and palna, Mucous Patches In
mouth. Sore Throat, Plmplea Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of tho body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it is this
Wo solicit the moit obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T in disease has always bamed
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
Kiiarnnteu A 'Solute proofs sent scaled on
application 100 piko book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
Those who once
keen cominjj uac
best by
tor u. in is
mixture makes
adding a lit
the llavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grot.
l tie of Seellg's
to ordinary
;oflee sc. a packtze.
nUlionsof Dollars
Go up in stnokis every year. Take to
risks but got your houses, stock, fur
niture, eto Insured in first-class re.
liablo companies as represented by
TiAViri PAIIST Insurance Agent
uaviu rAuoi, 1M Sou,h B,
A.1" T.Ha end AeMd.wl.l mnpL
o DKALElt IN o
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
YJhaloaale and Retail.
SS West Oontro Str-oet.
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne.
dews mwm
Ho Must Seize Evory frland of tho
Philippines Group.
TJnlcs They 1'rovo HofYnotory nnd
OfTer Itonlfttnnue It In Not Antici
pated Tlioro Will Ilo nNecoiHlty For
Any Formtdnblo DotnoiiHtrntlon.
Washington, Feb. 18. The admin
istration has determined rapidly to en
tend the Jurisdiction of the United
States over the whole of the Philippine
croup, actlne on the theory that de
lay in this case Is dangerous, and that
anarchy and a general paralysis of
such Interests as tho Islands support
will be brought about through a fail
ure promptly to replace the Spanish
sovereignty over the islands by that
of the United States. This decision
Involves the necessity of a naval cam
paign, and this will be Instituted as
soon as Admiral Dewey receives the
reinforcements of gunboats now on' the
way to Manila,
It Is noUantlclpated that there will
be a necessity for any formidable dem
onstrations, but the very fact that the
united States covernsnent Is able to
exhibit a sufllcient force to accomplish
tne purpose of occupation Is expected
to deter the natives from profitless re
sistance. Owing to the vast number of
the Philippine Islands a large number
of gunboats would be required to visit
uiciu Himuuanenusiy, so mat tne pro
gram will be to have the vessels visit
In order the principal towns outside of
Manila, especially those where Spanish
garrisons were maintained on the Isl
and of Cebu, and at Zamboango, on the
Island of Mindanao, and some of the
cities on the Negros.
The naval vessels probably will be
accompanied by some troop transports,
and the soldiers wilt be landed where
necessary to hoist the United States
flag and take possession formally of
the ports. It is understood that there
wilt be no attempt made at this time
to displace any of the existing mu
nicipal governments, except where
they prove refractory and offer resist
ance. In fact, a policy of conciliation
will be followed at all points In the
treatment of the natives.
Franco to"K'liof a TTori'ospomlout.
London, Feb. 18. The Paris corre
spondent of The Morning Post says:
I learn that the government Is tired
of the ceaseless campaign of falsehoods
and calumnv In connection with the
Dreyfus case kept up by certain for
eign correspondents here, and that an
example Is about to be made of an
Austrian who has rendered himself
obnoxious. He will be expelled."
The Deadly Orip
Ta nirain abroad in the land. Tho air you
breathe may he full of its fatal germs 1 Don't
neglect the "Grip" or you will open the door
to Pneumonia and Consumption and invite
death. Its sure signs aro chills with fever,
headache, dull heavy1 palus, mucous dls
charees from tho nose, soro throat and uever-
lit..fin much. Don't waste precious urac
treating this cough with troches, tablets, or
poor, clioap syrups euro it at onco wun ur
King's New Discovery, the infallible remedy trnnhlea. It kills the disease
germs, heals tho lungs and prevents tho
dreaded after effects from tho malady. Price
50 cts. and $1.00. Money back If not curea,
A trial bottlo free at A. Wasley's drug store.
Ah Itefleotcd by Donllnss In Fhllndot'
plilu nnd italtlmofo.
Philadelphia, Feb. 17. Flour well main
tnined: winter superfine, $2.232.50; Penn
sylvania roller, clear. $3.1003.30: city mills,
extra, $2.7503. Rye flour quiet and steady
nt $3.30 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania,
Wheat steady; No. 2 red, February, 15M
75c; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, c.
Oats dull; No. 2 white, 30c; No. 2 white,
clipped, 33',4ffi40c. Hay steady; choice
timothy. $1G for large bales. Beef firm;
family, $10011; extra mess, 8iQ9c; packet,
$5.5010; city extra India mess, $15010;
beef hams, $18.60019. Pork steady; ram'
lly, $12012.50. Lard easy; western Bteam
cd, $5.85. Butter steady; western cream
ery, 100 22c. ; factory, lHjBllc.; Elgins,
22c; imitation creamery, 13018c; New
York dairy. 13021c; do. creamery, 16022c
fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing nt 23
032c; do. wholesale, 2Sc. Cheese steady;
large, white and colored, 10',4c; small do..
llliy4c; light skims, 809c; part do.. 701
Sc.; full do.. 304c. Eggs steady; New
York and Pennsylvania, 25c; western,
fresh. 21c: southern, 24c Potatoes Arm;
New York, $1.3702; Long Island, $1,500
2: Jersey sweets. $2.2503.50. Tallow about
steady; city. IVic,: country, 404y8c. Cot
tonseed oil steady: prime crude, 2O02Oc;
yellow. 25i2Cc Hosln steady; strained,
common to good, $1.3001.3214. Turpentine
firm nt 45V.01CC Cabbago steady at $303
tier 100.
Baltimore, Feb. 17, Flour Arm and un
changed. Wheat dull: No. 2 red, spot and
month. 75Vi075c: March, 760i6Vic; May,
77tic: steamer No. 2 red, 73734c; south
cm, by sample, 710760.; southern, on
grade, 73076c. Corn easy; mixed, spot,
38 V (ft3S'.,c. : the month, 3SVi u 3SV4c,
March, 3S 03S54C ; April. 39H
39c: steamer mixed. 37V4037Wc; south
em. white. 3703Sc: do. yellow. 37039UC
Oats nuiet: No. 2 white, western, S70
37t4c; No. 2 mixed, western, 3H4035c. Ityo
Steady; No. 2 nearby, 60061c; No. 2 west.
ern, 63c. Hay nrm; jno. 1 iimoiny, iiiw
11.50. Grain freights quiet; steam to
Liverpool, per bushel, 2ftd. February
Cork, for orders, per quarter, 3s. lV4d.j
3s. 3d. February; 3s. Jd. March. Eggs
firm at 22023c Lettuce at $1,25 per bushel
Live Stock Markets.
New York. Feb. 17. Beeves opened lOo,
lower on steers and steady to 15c. lower
on rough stuff; steers closed 15c lower!
cows 15025c, lower; steers, fair to choice,
$5.300 5,90; oxen and stags, $4.2504.65: bulls,
13 BO'!14.40: cows. $2.2504.15. Veals 25060c.
lower; other calves steady; veals, $59
8.60; choice, $8.75; tops, $9; fed calves, $3.50
4.50; no southern or western carves,
RheeD slow and 15025c. lower; lambs 40o,
lower; closed weak, with 21 cars unsoidj
sheen. $304.50: few selected export do,.
$5; lambs, $505.45; most of tho sales $3,250
5.35. Hogs slow at $1.1004.30.
East Liberty, Pa Feb. 17. Cattle about
Bteady; extra, $5.6006.75; prime, $5.2505.50
common. $3.6004. nogs slow; nest me.
dlums and heavies, J4.O504.O7V4: heavy
Yorkers. $3.9504: light Yorkers. $3.8503.90
pigs, $3.6503.75; roughs, $2.5003,40. Sheep
slow nt' unchanged prices; choice lambs,
$5.1005.20; common to good, io; veai
calves, $707.50.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot rfach tin
diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one
way to cure deafness, and that Is by consult
tlonal remedies. Deaf ness is caused tiy an 1
flamed condition of tho inuoous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It Is entirely closed deafness
Is the result.and unless tho Inflammation can be
nkrnout and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will he destroyed roreve:
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrl
width is nothing but an inflamed condition
the raucous surfaces.
Wewlllglvo One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bead for
circulars, free,
F. J. OlIENEY ic CO., Toledo,
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Kuinlly Pills ore the best.
Ask your grocer for the "Boyal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It It the best
flour made.
Then Use Dr. Greene's Nervura It
Gave Me Health and Strength.
Reality is the dower
and the gift Is priceless
benuty lies In having a clear
ecs nnd vivacity otexpres
viho are lit good health,
who are gradual! y but sure-
of beauty? Their health
parting a full, round contour to face nnd
fit JT-
78SSk W
Above all it banishes melancholy and restores the lively spirits, vlvacltv, light,
lastic step and exuberant life, energy nnd enjoyment which constitute happiness to
women. Dr. Greene s Nervura does all
and sick women well, and thus prevents
it makes them look young nnd feel voting,
in the world can. Trv Dr. Greene's Nervura
for you certainly need a spring remedy, and Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve
remedy is the best of all spring medicines.
In taking Dr. Greene's Nervura you are using the wonderful prescription and
discovery of a famous physician, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St., New York City,
who is the most successful physician In curine all forms of nervous and chronic dis
eases, nnd who can be consulted without
or Dy tetter.
vigor to the whole belnp. Alt dralas and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients
are properly cured, their condition often worries them Into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed Price il Derbox! 6 boxes, with Iron-clad Ul guarantee In cure nrrrfunritka
mouey.lyoo. Seed for free book.
For Sale at KIRHN'S Drug
ZARAH. the world-renowned
toniihment thorougbout Europe for the (act fire years, will gin a truthful, accurate,
rUoet horoscope delineation of your life. lie will rut your t-ereoaal arnearance. dli. t
position, character, ability,
uggeiuoni on wie aaaira, marriage, irien u, enemies, speculation, c uaiaeaa matter, eto.
UIPUF-Q Tfl PC AD HUT TA nC Yoa tan Inform yoawelf tboroojthlj en
nlUJlLu lU UL UD nil I 1U LJL thla and on any other queationj of jrnr
past, preent and future life.
Send 10 cent and tire eiact daU of birth and I will Immediately retain yoo a .
truthful horoeoope reading of
thja offer ai ft tut trial. AU
iVr rRMSS .Mlrli ue imouxu ie eeruiaiy uioaiaLuc
open Udlrpiuble aM eeieoUae Uflaioeea,"
Tho "I'acUlc Coast Limited," the now
California train will leave Chicago at 2:00 p.
m., and St. Louis 10:30 p. m., every Tuesday
and Saturday arriviug at Los Anseles third
day at 4:00 p. m. and Sau Francisco fourth
day noou, and willl mn via Chicago & Alton,
St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas
Pacific, and Southern Pacific Railways.
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, writing, smoking-
room, buffet, barber-shop and bathroom ; a
compartment car containing seven private
compartments and double drawlns-ioems;
twelve section sleeping-cars with state and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all
meals will ho served a la carte, and traverses
a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un
known. In addition to our weekly tourist
car lino via the scenic route, wo will oporato
a weekly Uurist car via "Tho Truo Southern
Route," leaving Chicago every Tuesday anil
from St. Louis every Friday morning. For
illustrated and descriptivo literature, time
tables, very lowest rate of faro to all points
west aud southwest, address J. P. McCann,
Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. E. Hopt,
den'1 Eistern Passenger Agent, 301 Broad
way. New York. tf
Rheumatism Cured lu a Day. I
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu.
ralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
Coming Kventa,
Feb. 22 Social aud cutertalnmcnt under
auspices of tho Ladies' Aid Society of M L
church, la lecturo room of church.
Feb 25. Grand entertainment in too
school house atTurkey Run by the ILirmouic
Mandolin and (luitar Club,
Mar. 10. Sehuppe Bros. Minstrels at Fer
guson's theatre. Annual porformauco.
April 3. Graud concert in the P. M church,
corner Jhrdhi and Oak streets, under auspices
of the church cholr
What Is Shlloh T
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption aud relieved many
lu advanced stages. If you aro imt satisfied
with the results we will refund your mmifv
Price 25 cU., 80 eta. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlin and a guarantee,
which nature bestows upon woman,
Most women can be beautiful, for
complexion, velvety skin, brilliant
slon.attrlbutescommon to nil women
How many women there are today
h losing their priceless poe sion
h is become poor, they are run don 11,
they feel weak and nervous, have
hend.tchc, poor nppctite. Indi
gestion, blloumcs, constipa
tion. kidnv nr liver trnut,l
batk-arhe, female weakness, or
ho tne other difficulty,
r which is surely sapping
tueir nenitii and stiungth
and ruining their beauty.
Atthissenson, Spring
.Debility Is woman's
1 1' I - worst enemy.
ifogjU A woman's first
iimy is to regutn and
maintain her health
and beauty. If she
gets back her health.
Ilr Gi'enft'NeMtir
Mm Hack My
til. itwnirme
llnultli and
beauty will surely fol
low, for beauty de-
Strength If ) oil Us It
ponds entirely on good health. The great
licalth-gtverand beatititier lor women Is
Dr. urecne fcrvura blood and nerve
remedy, for nothing In the world so
turrly and quickly restores lost
health, gives strength and vigor
to the nerves, purifies and enriches
the blood, nnd makes women
strong and well as Dr. Greene's
Nervura. It clears the complexion
of that dark, sallow, pale look,
removes eruptions, black-heads
and humors, makes the skin vel
vety and glowing with rosy color,
the eyes brilliant, the Hps red, im
this because it makes weak women strong
them from growing old before their time.
for It braces women up as nothing else
: vou will never reeret It. Use It now.
charge, in regard to any case, penonll
Thtv have stood the tctt of years,
and hate cured thousands of
cases of Nervous Diseases, such
as Debilitv. DUxmetiS. Sleepless
ness and Varicocele. AtroDhv.&c.
They clear the brain, strengthen
tne circulation, make digestion
ner Oct. ml imnarr a hilth
Address PEAL MEDICINE CO. Cleveland, Q.?'
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
ErrDtikn AstrolocBr. who his teen crentlnr nch
taste, probable length of life, possible aceidenta, adf iee and y
your life, and prove ik to bo all true by yourself. X maXa
oommgntcauont itrietly eoofldeutUL Addreai
Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa.
ueueaoa. tui wonaermi j-re-iMuou tMieeu n mm
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you are, nsk for tickets via tho Southern
Railway. It is tho shortest, quickest aud
best route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John M. Ileal, District
Passenger Agent, 838 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Young Mothers.
Croun is the terror of thousands of young
mothers becauso its outbreak is so agouizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like magic iu cases of
croup, it uus never uceu Known to rail. Ihe
worst cases relieved immediately. Pro 25
cts., SO cts, and JI.0O. Sold by p. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
Will You, Winter In Florida ?
This will be tho greatest season Florida
has bad for years. You ought to go and go
via tho Southern Railway. Its the best
route. If you will write Johu M. Bcall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange all the
details of your trip for you.
A llcmnrknlilo Cure.
Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable bus!
ness man. of 1230 S. 13th St.. Phlladel
phia. Pa., suvs: "I contracted a violent
cold which settled all over me. The
nam 111 mv chest and side was excruci
atiug. The doctor gave me medicine
and blistered my side, out I only crew
worse, men you cave ltie a Dome ot
Brazilian Balm. I had little or no faith
in it. but decided to try it. I took 3 or
4 cood doses before bea time, and rubbed
11 ..... ,1 wt 'IM..
ik wen uvci my uupictwi eiuw. iiiai
niirht I slent like a toi mv first cood
rest for over a week and awoke iu the
morning an cel. Braziliau Balm is gim
ply invaluable."
Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents.
This Is the trad
mark of tho short
line to Florida tb
Southern Railway,
Two daily trains aro operated all the year,
and during tho winter season, a third, the
Florida Limited, is added. If you aro going
to Florida or any whore else i'n the South, ask
for a ticket via the Southern Railway. Write
to Johu M. Beau, District Passenger Agent,
828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
It H'ts the Spot That's Right.
What I Pan Tina for coughs aud colds.
Grubler Bros , drug oiure.
Ilnrry Cornish I'romlei Important
DovolopmentH on Momlny.
New York, Feb. 18. Without mak-
ng very great progress toward the so
lution of the mysterious Adams pois
oning case, the coroner's inquest yes
terday afternoon adjourned over until
Monday. The most important develop
ments connected with yesterday's ses
sion were the testimony of John D.
Adams, the secretary of the Knicker
bocker Athletic club, who went upon
the witness stand ami told how he hap
pened to mention Roland II. Mollneux
In connection with the sending of the
bromo seltser to Cornish, the request
of Cornish to again go upon the stand.
nd the statement of Dr. Hitchcock
that If he were again put upon the
stand he could clear up the mystery of
the two glasses.
Shortly after the noon recess Harry
Cornish sent a friend to Coroner Hart
asking for a private conference. The
coroner sent back word to the physical
director that he saw no need of a pri
vate conference, and thnt he could tell
publicly all he knew by resuming th
witness stand.
Cornish announced his Immediate
readiness to testify again. "What I
shall disclose will help measurably in
solving this mystery," he said. It Is
ery probable he will give his evidence
on Monday.
A report emanated yesterday from
the district attorney's ofllce to the ef
fect that the persons who had mur
dered Mrs. Adams and Henry C. Uar-
net were known, and that the state
ad sufllcient evidence to convict them.
This evidence has not yet been sub
mitted to the grand Jury, nor will any
the lawyers at the district attor
ney's ofllce or Colonel Gardiner him
self explain the delay.
'rucllots flood ItemiltH From the C'znr'H
Disarmament Conference
New York, Feb. 18. Ethan Allen
Hitchcock, the retiring American am
bassador to Hussla. recently appoint
ed by President McKlniey seoretary of
the Interior, arrived here yesterday on
the steamship Teutonic.
"My appointment was as much a sur
prise to me as It could have been to the
public," he said, "but I will endeavor
to do my best. I have left my family
behind me, but they will return In the
Asked for some Information concern
ing the czar's peace proposition he
"He Is perfectly sincere, and In the
calling for the conference has taken the
first step towards the abolishment of
militarism. He of course does not
make any requests for disarmament
at present, but when the oonference
meets It Is the most likely thing In the
orld that the one who called the meet-
ng will be asked what he proposes to
do. Then suggestions will be In order,
and of course the plan will be thorough
ly discussed, and perhaps counter sug
gestions will be made. In this way a
scheme will be devised, and I have con
fidence that much good In the direction
of a permanent peace between the na
tions will be reached. The calling of
the conference Is the first move In
that direction."
Compromise to Avert Kxtrn Session.
Washington, Feb. 18. There Is a
pronounced movement In the senate
looking to a compromise on the army
reorganization bill. The movement
originated with several Republican
senators, who advanced the opinion
that a compromise was preferable to
an extra session of congress. The
Cockreil bill was accepted by them as
the first advance on the part of the
Democrats towards an understanding,
and many felt that they would go far
ther in that direction In case 'the Re
publicans should indicate a willingness
to meet them half way. Democratic
senators generally assume an appear
ance of indifference, but the Indications
are that they will make some conces
sions. Gr'.. Ravages Doomed.
So much mi'eiV snd fo many deaths hv
been ransed by tho Oiip, that cvi ry .me
Mould know what a wonderlui rrniei.v lur
ti is malady is found in Dr. Ki g' N'i'vv
Discovery That distressing stulih.irn mugri
t1 at Iniuinei mir tnroai, roiw ym 01 ifi c
neakens your system and pales the iy fm
nsumution is quickly stupuui hy tins
mutch ess cure. If mjii Iiuvo chills and
"ever, pain in the liack nt the head, sorcnost-
11 bones and muscles, corn turiMt and in it
niigh that grip- ynur throat like 11 vice, you
red Dr. Kings. New Discovery to cure ymr
irin. and tiri'vent Puetinionl or Consumu-
tinn Price SO cts md $1 0) Money lm - k if
or cured. A trial bottlo me at A Vt alleys
I rug store.
Cluiinplon M'illi'i' In tho'I.c'ml.
San Francisco, Feb. 18. Although
over 'J0 nours on tnetr journey, tne
riders In the International six day race
at the Mechanics' Pavilion show won
derful freshness. Averages yesterday
of 18 to 19 miles an hour for lone pe
riods were nothing strange. Miller, the
champion, now leads In the contest.
The score at the end of the 34th hour
was: Miller, 1.572.7: Glmm, 1,503.3;
Aaronson, 1,510.5; Hale, 1,461.1; Alberts,
1,453.3; Tierce, 1,423.7; Fredericks, 1,
414.4; Nawn. 1,402.4; Pilklngton, 1,364.6;
Barnaby, 1,359.1; Lawson, 1,293.1; Ash-
Inger, 1,152.2; Julius, 1,035.5.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 50-ccnt bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It falls
to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-ceut bottle to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, C. II. Ilagen
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W,
Bierstcin & Co. ll-ll-33t-dw
For a SulisMlziMi'l'iiclllo Cable.
Washington, Feb. 18. Senator Frye
yesterday introduced an amendment to
the Bundry civil appropriation bill for
the encouragement of a Pacific cable.
It provides for the payment of a sub
sidy not exceeding $100,000 a year for
20 years for a cable from some point In
the united States on the Pacific coast
to Hawaii, Guam and the Philippine
Islands, Japan and China. The con
tract Is to be let to an American com
pany and to the lowest responsible bid
der. The contractor Is to be required
to have his cable laid to Honolulu by
July l, 1900, and to Manila by June 1,
No one would ever bo bothered with con
stipation If everyone knew how naturally
and quickly Burdock Blood Bitters regulates
he stomach and bowels.
Nororom 'vVnlvod n Itciirlnc.
Unlontown, Pa Feh, 18, Karl Nor
cross, charged with attempting to pro
cure the murder of his little brother,
for the alleged purpose of Inheriting his
estate, waived hearing yesterday before
Justice Miller, and the case goes over
to the March term of court. Effort is
being made to secure ball for Norcross.
The required amount Is $1,000 in each
of the two charges. Norcross Is under
strict survellance to prevent another
attempt at self destruction.
No roan can cure consumption. You can
prevent it though. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore
throat. Never falls.
Our8oldli-ri nt Mnrlnnnn MnknnCrod'
Itnlilo SlinWlnif.
Havana. Feb. 11. Oownor Genera'
Ilrooke reviewed th Seventh army
rorpn yptrday afternoon nt Marlanao.
The weather u fine and the troopf
made a good ahowlnR. GnrI Hrookt
nd hi ntaff arrived from Id Vedado a
S .10 and were met by Major General
Lee, who accompanied them In a rid'
around the parade ground. About If
000 troopa marched paat. The Boventn
cavalry retlmenl wre the only rea-u-larn
present. Many Cuban and Amer
ican vlnltors were upectatoni of the
rtvlew, which laated two hours.
A committee of cltlaena waited upon
Captain McCullagh to request a dis
charge from the police force of certain
policemen who. they averred, are bad
character. He replied that his pres
ents efforts were devoted to preparing
the force for service, and that unde
sirable men would be dismissed later
Dr. Capole has iua;esteri to Gen
eral Ilrooke. who approve the Idea,
that Cubans residing In forelsjn lands
be plvl under the protection of Uni
ted Statefc consuls.
A dispatch from Clenfuegoa says that
Major General John C. Hates, military
governor of the department of Santa
Clara, and Inspector General Dreckln
rldge yesterday paid a visit to Gen
eral Gomes, who was expecting to
leave for Cardenas.
1'otir ClilldiCiritifrilHl to Death.
Dubois, Ia., Feb. 18. Four children
named Carlson were burned to death
early In the mornlnir at their home,
near Medlx Hun, Blk county. The
father was away from home at the
time. Mrs. Carlson was aroused by the
smoke, and taking; her babe in her
arms she Jumped from a second story
window, leaving the other four chil
dren In their beds. Three boys, aged
12. 5 and 2 years, respectively, and a
girl, aged 7, perished In the flames.
Outside cleanliness is less than half
the battle. A man mav scrub himself a
dozen times a day, and
still be unciean. Gooil
health means cleanliness
not only outside, but in
side. It means a clean
stomach, clean bowels,
clean blood, a clean
liver, and new, clean,
healthy tissues and fi
bers in ever- orgnn of
the body. The man
whd is dean in this
way will look it and net
it. lie will work with
energy and think clean, clear, healthy
lie will never oc troubled wun liver.
lung, stomach or blood disorders Dys
pepsia and indigestion originate in
unclean stomachs. Blood diseases are
found where there is unclean blood.
Consumption and bronchitis
mean unclean lungs. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery prevents these
diseases. It makes a man's
iusides clean and healthy.
It cleans the digestive or
gans, makes pure, clean
blood, and clean, healthy
flesh. It doesn't make the
0 flabbv fat of corpulency,
but the firm flesh of health.
It restores tone to the nervous system.
and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol
to inebriate or create craving for injuri
ous stimulants.
Mr. John L. Couehenour. of (?1en Kava?e.
Somerset Co.. P . writes "My appetite was
unusually poor, and I was as weak aud nerv
ous as though I had been starved for months.
Mv heart keot throhblntr contlnualh' and 1 was
short of breath. Finally I wrote to you for ad
vice aud you lurorraed me that I had indigestion
and a totpid liver. I did not think your diag-
uu:,i n iipiu, oui 1 orncrcu six uome 01
' Golden Medical Diicoverv ' from vou and beiran
its use. After using three bottle I began to im
prove slowly and soon went to work, and 1 have
been working ever since "
Constipation is the most unclean 1111-
cleauliness. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets cure it. They never gripe.
Horth Sixth St:
lit Entrance on Gum St
Philadelphia l'a.a cures after
aavertiaing doctors, Medical insti
tutes. family phystclanfl,ipec1alets.
Hospital ana army surgeons rait, as
WAKUtbefateot thousands who
are robbed and ruined by unskillful
Doctors and Oaaeks,wlth their well
worded and alluring advertisements.
nnd by thousands In Poorhonaes or
lnit.nn AiflamiL Consult Dr.Theiel
B!i ae wno la snowu as mo ouir pomhi
-Soj 1 skillful and srenuln Specialist
?4a.rri tnthlscoantrywlthSycaiVfuropean
f5f S S. m Hospital and 81 years' pracUcal ex
lasa cq perl r nee. Send S two-cent sumps
for book Troth," the only true medical book
advertised siting valuable lnformaUon to young
and old, suffering from Seir-Abnse, Private
Xllseases. lout llanhcolVartcocelQiStricture,
sad electricity. UoujiifrS, eves,6-S,Bandj,rlli
Passcntrcr trains leave Shenandoah for Pcnn
Unveil Junction. Mauch Chunk. Lehhrhtoti.
Shitliigton, White Hall, Catasnuqua, Allentowii.
Bethlehem. Ku&ton New York and Philadelphia
at a i u a. m.. i. vt nnu ti p, in.
For Wilkeabnrre, White Haven and Pittston,
5 28, 10 13 a. in., 12 38 and Slip. in.
ror i.aceyviiie, loivniuia, 5.avre, waverly,
Elmlrn, lloohcslcr. BulTalo. Mairnra Falls.
Auburn, Syraouac. Ithaon, Geneva nnd the
West, 10 la a. m., 12 on auu oil p. ni.
l7or Itelvlderp. Delliwnrn Wnl.r rlntk nml
Slroud-hnrK, 3 28 a, m.. Slip. m.
ror uMiiiicriviue nnu 'i renton, 7 iy a. m.
For Jeanee'lllo. Levlston and Beaver Meadow.
5 28 a. in., 12 38 p. 111.
ror aicAiioo, AtidenriMi, iinzieton, ntocuton
and Lumber Ynnl, 5 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. m ; 12 58 und
5 14 p m
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 5 28, 1018
a, in , 5 II p. m.
i- or rtT.immi, a a, iu ia a. in., o 1 1 p. m.
For Loot Creek. Ulrunlvllle.aiid Ashland. 4 00.
and 7 27 p. m.
For Haven Hun, Centrnlla, Mount Carmel nnd
Shnmoktn, 10 34 a. m , 1 42, B 07,9 2 p. m.
For Mahanoy City, i'nrk Place ami Delano,
3 28, 7 49, 10 18 a. 111., nnd 12 58,'5 1 1 p. m.
ror laieMvuie, .i si, uiiih in.
Trains will leave Sliamokin nt 7 00. 0 20 a in..
12 10 nnd 4 20 p. in., nnd arrive nt Shenandoah
at 7 49, 1013 a. in.. 12 38, 5 11 p. m.
iiave niieiianaoan ior iottaviiie, &i. uiair,
New Custle, Morea and New Boston, 7 49 and
10 13 a. in , and 12 38 p. m.
I eni e Pottaville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a in.,
12 33, 3, R 15 p. 111.
Leave iinzieton tor nnenanuoAU, luuua. m.,
12 18, 3 09, 6 8ft, 8 32 p. in,
Trains leave for Haven Hun, Centrnlla, Mt.
Carmel and Shnmokin, 9 40 a. m., 7 21 1- in-,
Trains leave Sliamokin for bhenandoah at
8 50 a. in., and 3 3!i . m.
Leavo Slieuandoah for Yatmville, Mahanoy
City, Park Place, liolnno, MoAiloo, AndenriMl,
llasletoii, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weathcrly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m, and 6 32 p. in
For lihliihtoii, Slatlngtnn, ("ataaauiinn White
Hall, t'oplny, Allentowii, l'juilon and Phillips
bure. 47 a m.aminiKP ni
For New York nnd Philadelphia. 9 47 a. m.
Leave Huzlctoii for Shenandoah, 850, a. m,,
and o 27 p. m.
M. 11. CUTTEH, Supt. Transportation,
tMiutii uetnieuem, t'n.
ROLLIN 11. WILBUR, (Jenl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CliAULI-S S, LEE,Oenl. Pass. Agt.,
Now York, N Y.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
M , A TSUtf, ttos AID sirs WOMAN'S RF.LIEF,
M Alvsyi prompt sndrtllsblt. Awi ImUatKms,
3 arOsl Catos sTiiST PlIAS sad sstbssossts,
JAIrira, itorM. or Mat dtncl (ms11. pries, tL.
"TCstiia BrsaOo Bastoa, Uiu. Oat M. t.
For sals at KUlln's drug stors ssd Bhecaxdoa
Headacho for Forty Years.
For forH a un I ifli 'i -1 from i-
ache. A -nr il" 1 1., uaii m.n.- 1 1 1 1
The reoult win rati r urn am! mirpr -
liesxlA' lit'H I' hi I sr at uno' Tiio h- i"
umhI to return mirv wienth day, oiit r.
toOlerv King, I haie bad but one lifn.l 1
In the Itiol vlevrn months. I know tlii.l v '
eured me will help others. Mrs. John 1'
Keuren, Sangertles, N. V.
Celery King ci'BES rilatwesof th- N
HtoniB. (1, 1.11 fraud Kidneys. Sold Ly -gists,
V and GOV. -
VaajFnvnilH. Luni Fever, Milk Feter.
IL 'illsi'HAIH, Lameness, 11 be urn at Ism.
JJjJJjjjBIMXOOTIC, Distemper.
JLJUlju'OIl.Mrt. Hots, Rruba.
j COIOIIS, Colds, induema.
' Ilellvache, Diarrhea.
(1.(1. Preirntt MICAItlllA(;K.
" Ji ! Klti.VllV Al llI.AIIUUIl DISOllDUnS.
cJ-JJijMAIVfiB, PUIn Diseases.
wsslllAI COM1ITIO.V. Starliu Coat,
n. ewhi Blablfl CW, "Cm "pfciit. Book. o., .
At druaalMa i.r sent prepaid on receipt ot pries.
Ilumtinravf' Medwlne Co., Cor. William John
BlaTNevr York. VrrmussET lUKCAJ. Serf fan.
nnd Prostration from Ovci
work or- other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopsthlo Speeifla
No. 8. in ueeovorAO years, U10 ority
suceewful n-medy,
$1 per vial, or S rials and lara e via! powder.for $3
S-1 J I'T PtvssM., or Mat poal rl retwli.1 1.1 n
UlsruailS'SID. (O., Csr. WUaus Jssa Bu.,. lark
Jaxcarv 16, 18M.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne aoovs
date for WlKcan, Qllberton, FrackTllIe. Datk
Water, Ht. Clair, I'oUsvlUe. Hamburg, HeadlnK,
Fottstown, Fhoentxvllle. Sorristown and Phil
aaelpbla (Und ilreet sUtlon) at 915 and 813
a. m.,2 10, ft IS p tn. on week daya. Bundaya,
S 13 a. nt., 4 S3 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoab at
780, 1140 a.m. and 5 46, 7 33 p. m. Sundav
II 01 a, m. and 5 46 p. m.
Leave Fottavllle for Hhenandoab (via FracV.
rllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 5 20, 7 10 p. m. Hunday
10 33 a. m.. 3 20 p. m.
Iare Philadelphia, (Broad street station), foi
Sheaandoah at 8 33 a. m., 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at 50 and 9 23 a. m.
Leave Broad Street SUtlon. Philadelphia,
KipreM.week-dnya, 8 30, 4 to, 4 50 3 03,5 13,6 SO
733, 420,9 30, '.021 11 00 a. m 12 00 noon, .2 8.5
(Limited ( 00 and l 2J n. u .) 1 40, 'ISO, 8 20,
150,4 02,5 00, 15 6 00, 7 02.50, 1000 p. m..
1201. night Sundays. 8 X. I OS. I50 3 0' 515,
120 9 50. 10 21 10 41 a in '12 03. 12 33 i3o
102 'Limited l 22,) 5 20. VV, 6 35, 7 02, 7 30.
100" p ro , 12 01 iiIkIH
Ksprei. for Ihmtotl wltliout change II 0)a ni
week dav. anrt 7 00 p. ni., ually
For Sea (tlrt, Aabtiry Park, Ocsan Grove.
, Look Uruncli. 8 20, 11 14
a in, 3 30, 4 02 pro
rur lliiliftT vii, D, iw,-iii mm fvrniituit,
9O0n m, 1M noon, 352, 5 00 (l-arab-rtvillo and
L.iiiton only weekdays, nnd 702 p m daily
I Buffalo, 9 0" a ni 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 0
i p m dail i
, . . . . . , . a Kr,
For Baltimore and Washington. 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20. II 23, a. in . I20l I2 HI 1 1'., 8 12, 4 41,
325 ConKretslona: Limited.) 6 17 n3i,731
p. m , and 12 00 night week days Sundays,
3 50.7 20,9 12,1128 a.m.. 1209. ! 1? 3 12,4 41,
i52C CoiifsreMiloiial Limited,) 6 53 7 81 p. m.
and 12 03 nUht.
Fur Baltimore, accommoilatlon. 9 12 a m, 1 S3
and 4 01 p m week day. 3 08 and 11 16 p ra dally
Atlantic Coast Line, Florida Special, 3 26 p to,
week days. Express 12 09 p m, and 12 03 night,
Southern Hallway, Florida Limited, 2 23 p m,
weekdays Express 8 53 p m, dally.
Chesapeake Jt Ohio Hallway, 7 31 pm, dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
a ra weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf as follows I Ex
press for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 30 p in week,
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 80
a m weekd.ya.
For Island Heights, 8 30 a in and 4 00 p ra
Leave Broad street sUtlon via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 03 p. m. Sundays,
9 20 a. m.. 7 05 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 900a m,
200,4 00,5 00 p tn. Sundays, 900, 1000 m
(accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 p m.
For Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City,
Avalon Stone Harbor, Anirleaea, Wild w-id and
Hc.ll Beach Express, 9 00 a ni, 4 0 p m
weekdays. Sundays. 9 00 a m.
For Somen Point Express, 9 00 a m., 1 00.
4 00, 3 CO, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00 a. tn
The Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage irom novels ana reuaences.
'Liming car.
T, B llcTcnissoif, J, B. Wood.
(ten'l Alanaa-er. wen'l ra'rT Arl
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6'a year
Daily and Sunday ,by niail,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Pries Sc a copy. Bj mail, $2 a yea
Address TUB BUN, New York.
SaFt W0CUHE.6i;Kl.o,HlH-WQMBa&H
iar-r wucoa wpcciru sa,rwu
t I'ovlnaky'i druf stors, 8
Osnirs itittt
knis ts