1 I'll 'Jill' aj,lia",tiia.'J"" aw What is Colory King? ItiKfin herb drink nnd Inn positive euro for constipation, licadnchc.nervoiisdlsorderii, rlieumatlsin, kidney diseases, nnd the vnri mis troubles arising from a disordered stom ach nnd torpid liver. It Is a most ngreenble medicine, nnd Is reconuneuded by physicians generally. Celery King in sold in 850. and 60c. acl:nges by drugglstH und dealers. 1 Thu llnliemltm. Who la' tlio Ideal Bolioiiiliuit' An nu thntlty on men's olntliltiK gives tho "liulm" to Mr.- Almn-Tnilomn, nltliotiKli Ms hair may occasionally bo a trllle too long nnd Ills collar too low. Mr, Orchard son Is prunnunueil Irropronehablo, whllo Sir Eilword l'oyntor Is pushed nsldo ns "too tiroolso" In favor of Sir .fohn Ultfby, whoso briKKy troiimrs, lmmongo boots and ooiitH that ovorlnp nrouse tho critic's oh tliiisinsiii. Among novollsts Mr. HUler HiiKKurd nnd Mr. Grant Alton do most honor to Bohemia. London Sketch. A Card. Wo, tho undersigned, do hereby agroo to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It fulls to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran tee a 25-ccnt bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasley, C. II. Hagcn bucb, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and P. W. Blcrstelu & Co. 11-14 33t-dw Cheap Kxctirslou to Washington, On Thursday, Feb. 23rd, tho Philadelphia & Heading Hallway will run a choapV excur sion to Washington, D. C, tickets good to return on uny regular train tnstdo of ten days. The train will composed of "Royal Bluo Vestllmled Coaches" and a Pullman Bullet car, running as second section of tho train leaviug Shenandoah at 0:35 a. m. Fare, single rato for rouud trip. As Congress is in session, no bettor time could bo selected for the trip. No man can euro consumption. You can provent It though. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat. Nevor falls. Thousands of Egyptians livo in old tombs, eating;, sleeping, wooing, loving, laughing, dancing, singing, doing nil tholr dcods of dally llfo and household work anxonff the mummies and sarcoph agi. There Never Was a Better Cure Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 23c. At Q rubier Bros., drug storo. POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary S--condary or Tertiary BLOOD POISON permanently CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS. You can be trwitetl at home for same prlco Under same guarantee. It you prefer to come hero we will contract to pay rnl road fare and hotel bills, and no charge. If we fall to cure. IF YOU HAVE taken mercury, Iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, Mucous Patches In mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It is this Secondary BLOOD POISON WE GUARANTEE TO CURE. We solicit tho most obstinate cases nnd challenge the world for a case we can not cure. T Is disease ban nlways baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. $500,000 capital behind our uncomlltluiiAl guarantee Absolute proofs sent sealed on application 100 page book sent free Address COOK REMEDY CO., 1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago. Tht's why they enjoy their OOFFR1U Any grocer can tell you why customars keep coming hack for SEBUC'S. Only la. a tttttit. a nillions of Dollars Go up tn smoko overyyoar. Take to rises but get your nouses, siocx, mi ni tu re, etc., insured In first-class re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, &"J& Mm TH and Am1i1I1 onMnUi FHUHCHEUr-STORE, o DEALER IN Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SD West Oontro Street DRINK- CLEARY'S EXTRA HNE QUALITY -GINGER ALE, Superior Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Champagne. A Jllud Itenfer'. Fee, Somo years ngo a young frlond of mine went to n mind henler for n lark There w nothing In tho world tho matter with him, but ho protended to bo tho victim of tcrrlblo hertditciiett Tho wonderful licalcr asked no questions as to tho caiuo of tho ailment. Ho did not care about tliat, fot ho had ono panacea which sufficed for ov ory 111. Said ho to tho young Investigator "(Jo homo, and wlienovcr tho headache comes on sit down quietly and put yout wholo mind on It, thinking with all your might that you havo not got a hoodocho. Then you will not liavo It and will bo cured. " "That's easy," said my young frlond liimb la yuur leaf "Flvodotlurs." "Well. nlr. vnn ntifc trnii, nlmln ,nin.i It J .. . ....u.u UIIUU Ull nnd think with nil vnn, ,ni,t i.n. ' J v. ... WIU, UU havo that 5, Then you will havo It and Will bo paid." Lesllo's Weekly. A Perverted Sentiment. Somo ono onco wroto a sentimental snnu about tho "light In tho window for mo." and over slnco that tlmo tho ''light In the window" luis figured In poetry and song to a greater extent and In a inoro senti mental manner than It Is entitled to. The cold truth is that when there Is o light In tho window It moans somo ono Is sitting up to givo tho last ono to como homo a scolding or advlco about tho good sense of going to bed oarllor A light In tho win dow Is something thnt a nngged person novcr inns to see, anu when his eves first sco it In turning a corner ho gets a cold chill and longs for a homo In a boarding nouso. -ino "iignt in tho window senti ment is badly overdone. Atchison Globe. The Doadly drip Is again abroad in tho land The air von breatho may he full of Its fatal gorms I Dou't negloct tho "Grip" or you will open tho door to Pneumonia and Consumption and Invite death. Its sum eigusaro chills with fever, headacho. dull heavy pains, mucous dis charges from tho nose, soro throat and never- et-go cough. Don't wasto precious time reHtlng this cough with troches, tablets, or poor, cheap svrus Curo it at onco with Dr King's Now Discovery, the Hi fallible- remedy for bronchial trouble. It kills tho disease serins, heals tho limes and nrovents tho dreaded after effects from tho malady. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 Money back If not cured A trial bottle free at A. Wajley's drug store. nc"t?nrerul lloir You sit. Recently an emtnont physician gavo ut teranco to tho opinion that appendicitis Is moro common In this country than in oth ers becauso of tho Yankee custom that men have and men aro mora frequently sufferers from tho disease than women of habitually sitting with ono leg thrown over tho other. This habit, the physician was quoted as saying, restricts the action of the digestive apparatus, and especially of the lower Intestine and causes stagna tion of the contents and tho stretching of tho opening of tho vermiform appendix, maKing it possible for obstructions to reach tho latter and thus giving rlso to ap pendicitis. There Is no other dlsooso. If wo may judge from tho attention given to It by current publications, in which tho general publlo takes so muoh interest as in this one, which is comparatively new to med ical practice. Probably much of the popu lar Interest is due to tho foot that only within a few years what may bo called thi literature of appendicitis has reached the reading community. Lesllo's Weekly. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an in flamed condition of tho mucous lining of trie Eustachian Tube. When this tubo gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed deafness a the rcsult,and unless tho Inflammation can be aken out and this tnbo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh. width Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that caq- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sesd for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Soid by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family l'ills are the best. Tlie Smart Verger, The church possessed a valuable Bible, which was only used on Sundays, says a writer In Tho Cornhlll Magazine, speak ing of an English country parish. During tho week It was kept in a box which rather curiously formed tho stand upon which the reader of the lessons stood. On one occasion, when this was being shown to a Visitor, tho remark was made that It did not seem very reverent for o en a clergy man to tread upon tho BIblo. "Pardon me," tho old verger replied. "In this church, sir, wo tnko our stand upon tho Scriptures. ' ' (lraln-0 Brings Relief to the collie drinker. Coffee drinking is a habit that is universally indulgod In and almost as universally injurious. Have you tried Qraln-O? It is almost like coffee but tho effects are just the opposite. Coffee upsets the stomach, ruins the digest'on, effects tho heart and disturbs the whole nervous system Clraiu-0 tones up the stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. There is nothing but nourishment In Grain-O. It can't be otherwise. 15 and 23o per package. William lilnck's a'errouiiess. I am sure that tho characters of his sto ries were moro real to him than most of the men and women whom ho encounter ed In everyday llfo. Thoy were so real that their fate affected him as If It had been tho fate of his dearest friends. For months after ho finished "McLcod of Daro," with Its great tragedy of bafllcd love, ho was so shaken in nervo that he did not daro to rido In a hansom cab. Sir Wcmyss Held In Speaker. The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump tion. Price 25c and 50c. Whon wo "have pract'lood good actions awhile, thoy bocomo easy. When they ore easy, wo tako pleasure In thom. Whon they ploasu us, wo do them frequently, and then by frequency of act they grow into a habit. TUloUon. ' The statue of Qcargo Washington Is one of tho objooti of Interest at the capital of Venezuela. Yon Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the email price of 25 cts., B0 eta. and $1 00, does not cure take the bottle back and wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 00 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee. Jfeuluu. "Dorothy, you were flirting with th photographer when you hud this picture tasen." "No, Indeed, I wasn't" "Well, nothing I over say to you make's you wear such an anilablo expression. " umcago ucooru. Bemember If You Have a Cough or Cold, Pan-Tina always cures, 25o. At Qrubler liros., drug store, "QUfiD DOST. WHEN IN DOUBT. TRY STRONG AGAIN! M .1 V t S J. SVS ...in II 1 . .1 1 . . . -TTt'" perfect, and iimvirt a healthy vigor to the whole being. All dralni and loslel are cheeked ftrmaninllf. Unlets patients are Droperlv cured, their condition nf,n wAnl.,k.m 1M. .! fa.... -Zr.-.u Mailed tealed. Price i per boa: 6 boxes, money.J5.oo. Send for Iree book. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drue SCENE IN A PORTUGAL WINERY, In tho mountains, at the Quinto do Sexio, Portugal, a famous Port Wine district where the custom of treading the grapes for Port Wine is still in vogue. From ten to a dozen men or women for each gang in turn continue the treading, day and night, during the four or five weeks vintnge.. Some of the treading vats are large enough for threo separate rows of ten men each, who with their white breeches well tucked up, their arms on each other's shoulders, raise and tread their feet alternately, with song and shouts to keep the lazier ones up to the work, and a band with string instruments enlivens the hours. fcpeer, or icw Jersey, Uses it is irum ims uisr.net tne vines were imported over rorty years ago that now flU the vineyards of the Speer Wine Co., at Passaic. At Passaicthe same kind of grapes are crushed between large rol lers of rubber, revolved by steam. This is the only place in this country where the real genuine Port Wine is made from the Oporto grape and they are grown right in Speer's Vineyards. These vineyards extend over yi of a mile along one of the Main avenues of Passaic, and comprise fifty six acres. The soil being rich in iron makes the wine most valuable for Medical use. SPEER'S WINRS Are well known to be of the highest character, the oldest and most refined Wines in America, equal if not superior to anyhvines in the world. They consist of Port. Sherrv. Burrrundv. Claret Sn Wines, and Climax Brandv. cellars that he made over thirty eight years ago. All of Speer's Wines and Brandy are very old, rich; well rounded, soft and delicate. Every family should have a bottle or two of each variety of Speer's Wines and Brandy always in the home, for sickness or family use. Jfor bale by JJruggtsis and Grocers Who Sell High Class Wines. THE ONLY TRUE SCIENCE Bt WHICH YOUR FUTURE ZARAH, the worM-wnowned rUnet horoacoi delineation of your life, lie will gift jour pernl appearance, di. position, character, abiLtr, taate, probabla length cf life, possible accident, advice and uggstuuuiuu wit ujxb, B1GHE8 TO BE OB HOT A SINGLE ANSWER MAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, fi Send 10 centi and giro eiact date of tirth and 1 will Immediately return yon a tm thru 1 horoicor reading of yonr life, and prore it to be all trne by younelf, Z mX this offer aa a teat trial. AU commnnicationi atrictly confidential. Addrtat 1 ; ZARAHtho ASTROLOGER, Lock Wtt PRSSS Zarah the iirnoLeeia If certainly aiteniihlng bmd uaiiDiuDii ana ciFnuaa nanictaa. TIIK 1A CIVIC COAST LIJIITl'I) VIA "THE TBUE SOUTIIEBN EOUTE." I The "Pacific Coast Limited," the now Callforuia train will leave Chicago at 2:00 p. in., anil St. I.ouls 10:30 p. m., every Tuesday and Saturday arriving at Los Augelea third day at 4:00 p. m.. and Sau Francl-co fourth day noou, and willl run via Chicago & Alton, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas & Pacificvuuil Southern Pacific Hallways. This luxurious train consists of a composite car containing reading, writing, smoking room, buffet, barber-shop and bathroom j a compartment car containing seven privato compartments and double drawiuK-iooms; twelve section sleeping-cars with state and drawing-rooms, also, dlnlug-car in which all meals will bo served a la carte, and traverses a region of perpetual suushino, where snow blockades, blizzards or high altitudes aro un- known. In addition to our weekly tourist car line via tho sceuio route, we will operate a weekly Uurist car via "The True Southern Uoute," leaving Chicago every Tuesday and from St. Louis every Friday morning. For Illustrated and descriptive literature, time tables, very lowest rate of fare to all points west and southwest, address J. P. McCann, Travelling Passenger Agent, or V. E. Hopt, Oen'l Eastern Passenger Agent, 301 Broad way, yew York. tf Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu. ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t Coming Kvents, Feb 25. Grand eutertalninout in the school bouse atTurkey rvuu by the Hariuouic Mandolin and Guitar Club. Aprils. Grand coucert in tho P. M church, comer Jar-din and Oak streets, under auspices of the church choir. What Is Shllon 1 A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption used through the world fur half a century, has cured iunumerable oases of Incipient consumption and relieved many In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your-monoy. Price 25 cts., SO cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee, -HOOD'S PILliS euro Mver Ilia. Biliousness, Indtgestlou, Heariacbo. a Dlear'nt laxative. All Druggist OLD DUUf They have stood Ihe tett of yean. ana have cured tlioutands of -Cases of Nervous DlteaBet, such at Debility. DiMineit, Sleeplef ft ness and VaricocHe.AlroDhv.&e. They clear the brain, strengthen the Circulation, make clitfMtlAn with iron-clad legal guarantee tocure tirr-lundlaa Address, PCAL MEDICINE CO., Cleneland, 0.V Store, Shenandoah, Pa Rollers instead of Feet. Mr. Sneer has some Winp in hfc 71 fSmTlTEl STUTf Kb A REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AMD 1 "SOLAR BSGLQGY." CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD. Egyptian Astrologer, who hn been creating melt u warnsgv, iriewu, uemic, ipecuiauoa, tQJinfeW matter!, etc TO BE. Ton can inform ycnrself thorooghlj en 1 ihU and on any other queitionj of Tour i put, preient and future life. Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 theuaad. LUe voaderfal predletleu and tern re baje4 a Are You Going to Florida 7 If you aro, ask for tickets via tho Southern Railway. It is tho shortest, quickest and best route. Its scrrico this season will sur pass that of all preceding years. Write for further information to John M. Bcall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Young Mothers. CroiiD is tho terror of thousands of young mothers becauso its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like made in cases of croup. It has never ix-en Known Co tall. Hie worst eases relieved immediately. Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee. Will You Winter In Florida 7 This will be tho greatest season Florida has had for years. You ought to go and go via the Southern Railway. Its tho best routo. If you will writo John M. Heall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange all the details of your trip for you, A Ronmrknblo Cure. Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable busi ness man, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel phia. I'a., says: "I contracted A violent cold which settled all over me. The pain in my chest mid. side was excruci ating. The doctor gave me medicine and blistered my side, but I only grew worse. Then you gave me a bottle of Brazilian Balm. I had little or no faith in it, but decided to try it. I took 3 or 4 good doses before bed time, and rubbed it well over my blistered side. That night I slept like a top my first cood rest for over a week aud awoke in the morning cured. Brazilian Balm is sim ply luvaiuable." Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents. Yk This Is the trade Iff raark f 11,0 suor' r Hub to Florida the A T Southern Railway, Two daily trains are operated all the year, and during the winter season, a third, tho Florida Limited, Is added. If you are going to Florida or anywhere else in tho South, ask for a ticket via tho Southern Railway. Write to John M. Heall, District Passenger Agent, B28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Buaka eff Rnoumitlsm an! Neuralgia. Rub wU with R.d Flag 011,25c. At Qrubler Bros., diu atire. PUBLIC SENTIMENT . FAIRLY TINTED. Phikdolpliia Ropublioans Strongly Favor Senator Quay's Ee-eloctioni PK0ST FOR THE BOLTERS. Whllo tlio ltPKulnr Aro i:ntlitilnttt nlly litiiloi-xwl by (J rent Crowd, tho l'llnti-Miirtln Klokor rinfl Hmpty llonolioo nml Oct n Cold Itocuptlou. Philadelphia, Feb. 14. More strtklnn nnd iKnlficant evidence of the i-entl-ment of the people on the United States senatorial Issue now before the oUtzenn of Pennsylvania could not bo given than wag exhibited at two public meet Injrs held In this city on the same nli?ht last week. A meeting' of stalwart Ite publlcans In a single- legislative dis trict was attended by more people, who enthusiastically declared In favor of the nominee of the Republican caucus, Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay, than were present at what was advertised to be "a great popular demonstration of citi zens against the re-election of Senator Quay." One was a spirited and hearty expression of loyalty to party principle and candidates coming from a large and earnest body of Republicans; the other was a chilling frost, with more than half of the seats In the building vacant, and with no enthusiasm or J fervor manifested by the audience. STALWARTS DECLARE THEM SELVES. In ringing terms the voters of the First representative district at a meet ing at Relnstlne's hall, Seventh and Dickinson streets, pledged their al legiance to Senator Quay. There were present over 1,000 cltlzenB of the two wards which comprise this district, and the following resolution was passed unanimously amid the wildest enthu siasm: "The Republican voters of the First representative district, comprising the First and Thirty-ninth wards. In moss meeting assembled, herewith earnestly and emphatically protest ngalnst the course of those members of the legis lature of Pennsylvania who, although elected as Republicans, have thus far failed to abide by the decision of the Republican caucus and support the unanimous nominee of over two-thirds of the Republican members of the gen eral assembly of Pennsylvania for United States senator, Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay. , 'Party precedent has declared sines the organization of tho Republican party that the will of the majority shall rule. The Republican caucus nominee, the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay, by his masterly strategic ability, as chairman of the Republican national committee, led the party to victory. and as a member of the United States senate has zealously and successfully labored for the welfare of the great In dustrial and commercial Interests of the state. "We heartily approve and commend the action of our representatives, Hon. George A. Vare, in the senate, and Hon. Charles H. Selby and Hon. Joseph Mac- Iver, In the house of representatives, and all the other members of the legis lature who have loyally and consistent ly supported and voted for Hon, Mat thew Stanley Quay for United States senator, and we respectfully and ear nestly urge upon all Republicans In the general assembly of Pennsylvania who have the welfare of their party and country at heart to do likewise." The significance of this action lies In the fact that It was passed spontane ously and not as an aftermath of pro Quay speeches. No sooner did Chair man Vare read the title of the reso lution than every one In the large hall broke forth Into enthusiastic cheers, which were kept up until the measure was adopted. The meeting .was afterward ad dressed by Samuel H. Ashbrldge and John L. KInsey, the Republican can didates for mayor and city solicitor, re spectively. The Wanamaker political bureau managed the anti-Quay meeting. They had big advertisements In all the news papers subsidized by the Immense Wanamaker advertising patronage. Tickets of admission to the meeting were distributed from the business of fices of all these newspapers, and a special train was run down from Har- rlsburg to carry the speakers to ad dress the meeting. The principal speak er was William Fllnn, a state senator from Pittsburg, who Is also a highway contractor, who has made an Immense fortune by his control of councils and manipulation of contracts and oppor tunities to get "on the ground floor" In the operation of valuable franchises obtained from the city. He Is a typical politician of the practical school, such as thrive In New York under Tammany rule. This eminent gentleman, as tho star speaker at the "great reform" demonstration, was too much for the respectable people of Philadelphia. They declined to be a party to this sort of a political game, Fllnn, who Is lead ing the light against Senator Quay at Harrlsburg, has a personal grievance against , the senior senator, who on mure than one occasion exposed his ne farious schemes to the people of Al legheny. As has been stated, the meet ing was a complete failure. The lower part of the Academy of Music, where the meeting was held, was only partly filled and there was nobody In the up per tiers. Wanamaker, who had a seat In one of the proscenium boxes, went home disgusted before the meeting was half over. Notwithstanding the slim attend ance, all the newspapers controlled by Wanamaker Influence came out the next morning with four nnd five col umns of speeches assailing Senator Quay, and eadlng the readers of the newspapers to believe there had been a great popular uprising. Republicans and Democrats alike who have discussed the calling of this fathering agree that the purpose of the demonstration was not only to Inflame the public mind against Senator Quay, but mainly to Influence the men on the panel of the Jury before which the Quay case may be brought. It has been an Insidious and covert scheme to fill, the Wanamaker newspapers of Phila delphia with speeches attacking Sena tor Quay so as to prejudice his case In the courts. No one believes there Is any possibility of a conviction In this case, but If a single Juror Influenced by these publications should hold out against acquittal the possible political results of this would be all that Senator Quay's enemies could hope for. The fact Is ap parent that there Is no election to be held. In this city thA -result of. which. could be affeote dby such speech's, and It Is reasonable to assume that those responsible for the meeting. If not the speakers themselves, were animated by an object which Is plain. No one would erer be bothered with con stipation if everyone knew how nti rally and quickly Iluntoek Blood Bitter recnlate he stomach and bonel. Whnt Slit AVnntril In fr. It Is related that the' little daughter of d governor ainated and amused ImrbostoM and Allocked and sonmlnllsed ixr mother during n 011 atn PaciAoaremie resldttnce. The Juvenile visitor had received a slice of delicious ouke, whkh Bho ate with muoh relish. "What do you say to the lndyf" naked her mamma, who Is proud of her darling's graceful manners. Titers wm no reply from the darling. "You want to say something to tho lady. Now, what Is Itf" continued the mother ooaxlugly- Louklng up shyly and slyly Into the smiling face of her IkmIwm, tho terrible Infant naked, with admirable directness, "Have you any more cakef" San Fran- olsoo News Lttr. Home l.oi rr 1'lrnt Clintcr. SwIhh mnli'.. ri have wide and deep courtship 1 Iron m, but In many of the can tons they are allowed but a narrow choice of bridegrooms, it being a rigorously en forced, If unwritten, law tltat they must marry n youth of their own neighborhood. In many villages every marriageable youth belongs to n wwiety whoso sole ob ject U to provent any and every youth from outside from coming a-courtlng the maidens of the society 's village. An IS) fo Illialticaa. "Blgslico Is a twrlbly melodramatic fel low, iuft he? Ho will lit' il ilmln his heart's blood for the woman he loved. Do you think he nuiint It?" ' v Iiy, I guewi so. nigsbco Is agent for a drill n and sewer pipe concern." Cleve- lind Plain Dealer. A Deadly Danger. Many a man who has the seeds of disease planted in his blood dreams away his time in fancied security with a deadly dan ger coil ed upon him its fangs into his very vitals. " Should a man think he has consump tion," you ask, " just because his appe tite is poor and he is losing flesh ana he has a little cough and a general feeling of weakness and incapacity?" No: that doesn't necessarily mean con sumption, but it means that the system is being steadily undermined ; it is losing force and vitality; it is being tainted with bilious poisons that the liver hasn't power to throw off and any day that whicli is now only a probability may suddenly develop into a certainty. " My wife had he morrhage of the lungs. She had ten hemorrhages, and the people all around here said she would never be well again." said Mr. W. A. Sanders, of Hern, Mason Co.. W. VS., In a very instructive letter written to Dr. R V. Pierce of Buffalo. N. Y. " But she began to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and she soon began to gain strength and flesh. After taking ten botties she was entittly well. Should you think this will do you any good to publish, just use it, and If any one disputes the merits of this almost omnipotent medicine they may enclose self - addressed envelope with stamp, and I will answer the same as written in this letter." But the time to use this medicine is now while the little weaknesses are slowly breaking you down. Awaken in time and throw off the deadly danger before it strikes you in a vital spot. This glorious "Discovery" will give you appetite and digestive power, pure blood and solid sub stantial strength. Write to Dr. Pierce about your condition. He will send you good, professional ad vice, free of charge Dr.THEEL604Horthsixthst. 1'rlrato r ni ranee Clrr en St., Phtladf lphta. rCUHE GUARANTEED to tne rlcb and poor alike no have been deceived, robbed and awlnrllpd hr aplf. tTpayjl styled ramont. vne and old spec atlita. " "LOST VipdR, Nervous bebllltr. auun-aiujr.uTNc. tikuuu ruioun, aricu- eele and Stricture NocutUog-. Lost Manhood and. Shrunken Orpins restored. Book, m7tu(V' free, exposing qnacka and blfctrlc Belt frauds. IYtii cattt cured in i to 10 aavt. Treatment IT tnaU. IS EFFECT FEBItl AItY 5, 1K9. Passencer trains leave Shenandoah for Pent, Ilnveti Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lehighton, Sliitlnuton. White Hall, ("ata.iaimu.i. Allentown. Bethlehem, Knstou New York and Philadelphia at 3 23, 7 19 n. in.. 12 !M nnd Slip. m. i or i iikt-Himrrc, line unven anu rittston, S 2. 10 13 a m . 12 51 nnd S 1 1 p. in. For Laceyvillo, Townnda, Snyrc, Vt'nverly, Eluilru, ltochester, Diitliilo, Mauara Fulls, Auburn, Syracuse, 1 Union, Geneva and the west, lu 13 n. m., 12 M anil 3 It p. in. For Helvldero, Delaware Water Oap and Stroudsburg, 5 2S a. in,, 5 1 ( p. in. For Lainbertvllle and Trenton, 7 -19 a. m. For Ji-um-avllli-, Levistonaud Braver Mfwlow, 5 2S a, in., 12 Sri p. m. For McAdoo, Audpnrlnl, Haaleton, Stockton and Lumber Yard. 5 2S. 7 49. 10 13 a. in.. 12 H ami 0 1 1 n ni Forjeddo, Drlfton nnd Frei-lnnd, 3 28, 1013 It. Ill , u It IJ, 111, 1 .' . . L' ... K 13 Iftlfl. ... . I I . i u, t-rv,n ...,, rfo. tv, to n. ,11., tj tt . Ill, For l.ot I'reek, GlranlvUlc.niul Ashland, i 00, Ull,' , 1. Ill, For Itaven Run, Cvntrnlln, Mount Carmol and Sliainnkin, 1058 o. in. , 1 42, 0 07, 9 38 p.m. For Maliamiv City. Park Place ami D.-l.-inn 3,7 49, 10 18 n. III., mill 12 3H, & 14 p. in. .'I ,.ic,lllv,utn, lu inn ,11. Trains will leave Shaniokln nt 700. 9 20 a. m., 12 ID and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah at 7 49, 10 ma. in., 12. W, 3 II p. in. I.i-uvc Shenandoah for Putlavlllo, bt. Clair. Newcastle, Moras and New Boston, 7 49 and 10 13 a, in , and 12 34 p. in. Iamivb Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 943a m., 12 33, SOB. s 13 p. m Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a. m., 12 Is, 8 09, 6 8 32 p. m. SUNDAY TUAIN8. Trains leave for Ilnvon Itun, Centralla, Mt. Ciirim-l and Shuinnklu, 9 48 a. nu, 7 21 p. in.. Trains leave Sliainokiu for BhtuiaiHloah at 8 30 . tu., and 3 33 p. in. I., live Shenandoah for Yatesvtllc, Malmnoy City Park Plaon, Delano, MoAdoo, Audenrled, limit-tun, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Wcathtirly and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 6 34" i. m- For Lehishtou. SlatlnKton, Catasauqua White Hall, Coplay, Allenlowu, Huston and Phlllips buri;, 9 47 a m , nnd li 32 n in. For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a, m. Ive Haxleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. nu, and 6 27 p. in. M. B. CUTTKK, Hupt. Transportation, Smith Bethlehem, Pa. BOLI.IN It. WILllUlt, Henl. Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa. CHAItLES S. LKK,Oenl. Pass. Act New York. N. Y. A. W. NONNKMACHKIt, I)lv. P. A., bouth Bethlehem, Pa. iThMUN'SUiW PILLS H It's! drur Mum. ot not dlitel IMsltdl. rrtM L HSHriimiAtiG Co Bottoa. Utu OtrWa.it. For sale at Klrlln'a drug store and Bnonando imt ator CtueLl-ttocl ITotuJlt l'owtlera novcr fan. luJLAt) lAdiet tlteltTslhua a&feand lure (after fkllln ' with Tansy il Pcanyioral IlUa sad nh lit? ra.vir,. ttiaj uv ttV1 V Lnd avoid diMb. lr ?,ttlJl .' tS.t.9 ,.,mnl I.utrantMd till iperlor to all otJj iX ranlptlirt, nc Lvit la tht mat kit, A Nu. L iZ.tU KW, Bote. LtkC. ready to Wl Wfi ti :t f TEN Y'LYiPiS AGONY FROMEQZEMA CURED BY CUTICURA For tu years Iinrrre1nnUld agon les from rVzema, my lower Inula being so swollen and broken out that I roul,l hardly go about. My brother, ph; li Ian of thirtj eam' prart we, ami other ph slrlans f splendid anility tried In rain to effect a rare and alirnally failed I became absolutely disheartened, and h.id 1 all hope, when a fnnd Imliccd rue to o CiTHfB-- Rrisrir a trial. 1 u"l twj cakes of Ci-rtn ra eViAt- and two botes of CtTii i K.t (ointment), and it resulted In aa abtolmtt and ptrmnnrnt cure. DAVID K. 8APP, Plymouth, PL SftSBT CrUB TBtiTkS'T rot ILL St I Affi, HlO-'O tlritwat. wirn I "St or litis Waraa hatha villi i i ti crator grn annianaaa vtat Ccnevat. aa4 mud dMMC ikiumin.ii Sold thronth-wt ths w .-'d I'-TTilOlwifi ram. Ouar StM l-rwi , llottiw "ll9wtol,ltrlMmA.ire, Sm I MrHHr YS VETERINARY SPECIFICS i.'.-Lirr.VKUrl. Lun I'eter, Slllk Fever. Jj.-Jjspn.Vl.NS, Lameness, Ilheumattam. Jjnrr.OOTIC. Illstemrr. "iiLiWon.Ms, not, omka. ctmas ) J'JjcOUOIIS, ColJa. influrntiu, J'jcDLIC. Ilellvache, Diarrhea. .. IVrtenls MlfCAIUtlACi:. j KIIIMIV A IlLADIHirt DlhOltOnitS. cvM!nAI' CO.M11TIOV, Slarlnt CoU n-, each i Stable Case. Ti Spertlot, Book, e., VU At druastlftta fr sent preMld oa receipt of trriije. llumTtira' tellrln Co.. CVir. WlllUm 4 Joha Bta.. Netv York. VrrtRHsaT Mascsu Sett fats. XEltYOTJS DEBILITY, VITAIa AVnAICXi:5S And Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homoopnthla Spoclflo No. 8, in uo over40 yer, tho only Bucoeeefut remedy. $1 per vlal.or a rials and lane rial powder,for $3 Holiltr Drnrg1.lt, OTfrMtlwtl pmd wt rMll f I l a. lH.srimtVB'tl). CO., Csr.nuaua I, J.sa lu., Jt lark COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL, !! Pennsylvania RAILROAD. PCHin'KlLL DIVISION. January 14, 189. Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne aoove date for WIkkh. Ollberton, Froakvllle Dark Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. HamburK, lleadlnr, Pottstown, Pboenlxvllle. Norrlstown a d PhiU aaelphla (BrAd street station) at li and 8 15 a. m.,2 10, 0 1 p m. on week days. Sundays, 8 IS a. m., 4 80 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at 7 84 11 48 a. m. and S 48, 7 38 p. m. Sundar 11 01 a. m. and 5 48 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah (via Frack vtlle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., S SO, 7 10 p. m. Sunday 10 S3 a. in., 3 20 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad atreet station), for Shewandoah at 8 S3 a, m.. 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 8 50 and 9 23 a. m. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOIt NEW YOUK. Exprem. week-days, 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 SO 8 03,3 13,8 SO, 7 83, 8 20,9 50. "10 21 11 00 a. m 12 00 noon, 12 83 (Limited ! 00 and M22 p. cj .) 1 40, i 80, 8 20, i SO, 4 02, 5 00, 3 58 8 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. m., 12 01, nlRlit Sundays, 8 20, 4 03. ISO 8 03, 3 15, 8 20, 9 50. S10 2I, 10 43 a. m., 12 03. 12 S3, 130, 102 (Limited 4 22,1 S20,3 58, 6 83, 702, 7 60, 10 0(1 p. m., 12 01 nUht Express for Boeton without chanse, 11 00 a ns. weekdays, and 7 SO p. m.. dally. For Sea flirt, Aabury Park, Ocean Qrove, LonKlirancO 8 20, 11 li a m, 8 SO, 4 02 p m weekdays. For Lamber'vllle, Kaston and Scranton, 6 60, 9 no a tn, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 5 00 tLambertvllle and Easton only i, weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally Buffalo, 9 Oil a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 0J p in dallv. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 720,8 82, 10 20. II 23, a. m., 12 09. I2 31 ! li, 3 12, 4 41, (3 23 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 353,7S1 p. m.. and 12 0 nlcht week days. Sundava. 3 50. 7 20,912, 1123. a. in., 1209, M 12. 312, 4 41, uinKreasionai uniiteuj "o isi p, m. and t2 03nlEbt. For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 11 a m. 1 51 and 4 01 p tn week days. 5 OH and 11 18 p m dally. Atlantic coast uine, norma special, 2 25 p m, week days. Expreaa 12 09 p ru, anu 12 03 night, dally. Southern Railway, Florida Limited, 3 28 p m, weekdays Kxprena 6 53 p m, dally, Chesapeake & Ohio Hallway, 7 31 p to, dally. For Old Point Comfort aud Norfolk, 10 20 a in weekdays, 1110 p in dally. Leave Market street wharf aa follows! Ex press for New York, 9 00am, 4 30pm week days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 SO a m weekd -ya. For Island Heights, 830 a m and 100 p m weekdays. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge Express, 9 40 a tn,, 7 03 p. m. Sundays, 9 SO a. m., 7 03 p tn. Leave Market Street Wait Express, 9 00 a m, 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m (accommodation 4 80 and 3 00 p in. For Cape May, Sea Iale City. Ocean City, Avalon Stone Harbor, Angleitea, Wild w3d and Hollj Beach Express, 900a m, lUv, p nt weekdays. Snndaa 9 00am. For Somen Point Express, 9 00 a m.. 1 00, 4 00, 8 CO, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 ana 10 00 a. m The Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels arid residence. Dining car. 1. B HcTCHissorf, J. B. Wood. Oen'l Manaaer. Oen'l -i Ktn't'r , Art News and Opinions OF National Importance THE - SU ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, $6 a year Daily and Sunday ,by niail,$8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape in the world. Price 5c a copy. Bj di!!, $2 a jej Address THE BUM. Hew York. " H SftFEAItO BOHE.iiU4al0a-HOaW3&FI 'CSmastiv" Wikraa- Sptcirio Ca,Paut.' at rovlnsky's dros store, S Oanln ilrMt. 0 II. I llv r