The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 16, 1899, Image 2

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1ST Ult.lSltKll 1HTK.
'Ml the Ness That's Fit to Prim."
Published every evening, e xorpt Sunday, at
youth Jardln street, Shenandoah,
This Herald Is delivered In Hhcnamloati anil th
surrounding towns for six cents a w ek, pay-aili-
to the enrrtor. Ily mnll Wm year, r
25 cents n moatli ybt In advance Ad
vertisement sharKed aooordlnit in apace and
position. Th publishes reserve the rtsrht
to change tlie ix-slHou . advertisements
whenever tlie publication of mwi demand
it The right la reserved to reject any
advertisement whether imlil for or not, that
the publishers mav derm lnirnprr. Adver i st. a made known upon application
Knten d at the po-t oflire at Hhcnandoali, Pa , as
second elass mall matter
Till Us DAY. FEBkl'AUY 1U. 1WU
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
TlIK men who drnw the salaries as
a result of party success should of
necessity "payjhe tiddler. "
Mr Cauxkoik is a much better
Mti,en in the role of a ihilntitluoiti-t
than in the war paint of an miti-ex-pausiutiist.
Mr "WXnamakkr is so anxious to
keep out of politics in Pennsylvania
that he has purchased one of the
Philadelphia dally newspapers.
Ol n Democratic frionds, nnd es
pecially the candidates of that party,
are In a serious predicament when
even their own partisans admit that
the loeul government under their ad
ministration has been a failure in
every particular. Underthese circum
stances the taxpayers will hardly vote
to retain the same party in power.
Senator Allen, of Nebraska, is an
inveterate smoker of stogies. He
never lights a cigar, but always has
a waist-coat pocket full of long,
slender stogies and dispenses thorn to
his smoking clientele. The Senator is
very generous with his tobacco. Sen
ator Mason facetiously calls it prodi
gal generosity without extravagance
Thk Texas Legislator is considering
a bill which is of interest to liars
there and everywhere else. If this
become a law, proof that a man has
been called, a liar will become a full
defence in assault and battery. This
is to say, the man with the battered
nose blackened eye and liiatused
front teeth will learn in a court of
justice that it served hint right.
Thk conditions created by the big
storm are not easily overcome, but
the railways, the trolley system and
the other agencies of eommunicntion
absolutely necessary for tho comfort
and convenience of the people and
the prompt disputch of business are
being rapidly brought bnck to a state
of ellieieucy, and by to-morrow av
best there ought to be a return to
usual conditions.
If the Senators who aided Senator
Gorman in his fight against Mr.
Bryan's leadership of the Democratic
party, to the extent of voting with
him against the ratification of the
treaty of peace, could see themselves
as .others gee them, they would hang
their heads for shame. There neyer
was a more unnecessary introduction
of personal peanut politics in irmatter
iuvolving trie honor of the country
than the fight against the treaty.
Kansas, who suoceeds Jerry Simpson,
and who is in Washington, said
of his state : "Kansas is now baok in
the Republican column, and though
I am not an aspirant for prophetic
honors, I am free to state that it will
remain there. The people have hnd
their fill of populist heresy. In our
banks there is more money in pro
portion to population than in any
other state in the Union."
Jcdok Bkciitkl but recently de
cided, in an opinion hearing upon
nominations for Justice of the Peace
at Girardville, that the offlee was a
state office, and therefore nomination
papers must be filed twenty-eight
days before election. And now aoine
Judge Little, of Bloomsburg, with an
opinion holding just the opposite
view, taking the position that Justice
of the Peace is not a state officer
within the meaning of the Aet of 180
The layman might well ask, where
are we at t
In an interview Lyman J. Gage,
Secretary of the Treasury, saye that
financial reform is neither deud nor
sleeping. "The extraordinary pros
perity of the government finances
and of the business of the country,
continued the Secretary, "has com
bined with the glut of important
business in Congress to delay it But
the delay only adds to the sense of its
importance, aud makes it clearer
every day what legislation is needed.
I do not look for action at the present
BesEion of Congress, but I have no
doubt that the next bession will give
effect to the recommendations of the
President, and the Secretary of the
Treasury In regard to the retirement
of the greenbacks."
Only Those IVtia Know tlio Hopes
('Hit ftrt Any Comfort.
Kloh fotritfiii rH trun llti(( on tlm oontl
nnt suliji t t lii-'ti.'l ven to tunny niinoy
nws whl 11 atriUi' tlio Ainerlonn llrstclim
tmreler m cntln ly uniimsMuiry, lmt they
iilao tnke (ilUl coinfnrt In their own w.-iy
nnd noconllng to jirltiouly lights, llnrrlng
luxuries to which tbu grvnt rnllwny cor
poracloua here Imve norustomeil us, tho
Mode ot getting nhout In Kurapenli ooun
trloa nre not to tie despised. On tho other
olrle voynuers MM voyage with nil their
lUffKHKH In their laps or on tlioHeataof the
ooitipHrtinent, nml bocniiM ot this time
honored oiutom it rogtilttr class of thlovea
ply from one end of the steel thorough
fnreM to the other, ever on the nlnrt fur tho
sntabel of Jewels or tho unwary stranger
with valuables in a hand bng
The reason wealthy iiersona litirtlen
tbeintelveH with suo!i thlnga la there Is al
wnyn (tangor of the liirgcr baggRgt) lielng
robbed in transfer. No one lins over been
able to keop a strap on Ills or her trunks,
porters on the other aldo coolly removing
them umler the vory oyes of the owner.
Omnt thefts have beon committed in
France and Italy on tho different rnllwny
linen, either at the station where the lug
gage was put on bonnl tliu train or by
those officials In charge of it before it
reached ltd destination No tourist who
bm thus suffered has been able to get re
drew), and henue tho native, aware of the
weakness of these rmluny ofliolals, carries
tho tempting hand bag which in its thno
may also disappear.
Dut aside from thine eccentricities nnd
also the bother of paying for baggage by
weight, the wealthy man who has lived
abroad long enough to know the ropes
Mrtaluly travels en prince. Ills rugs and
his cushions are n study. His elaborate
dressing bag, bin books, his facilities for
taking something nourishing en route,
are marvels ot entertaining completeness
to the American who bounds from Now
York to San Francisco and is oared for
by u road ti nt mluistors to every want.
Boston Herald
Bncklen't Arntoa Salve.
Tho tout naive in the world for cats.
irrrtisea. sores, ulcer, salt rheum, (ever sora.
letter, chapped bunds, olillblaius, corns, a-.m
ill skin oruptinna, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to gi e
pern c.t ntismction or mouy remnaoa. i e
M onnt per box For sale bv A . W nslor
The Stnrttlns Incident Thnt Ended
Ilia Interest In the (.ame.
"I oan't tell any story of big sums
staked and lost, nor ot any grout hands
mado on freak draws, but I can toll you a
true story of why I haven't touched a card
in tho past 14 years, and why, if I should
llvo to bo as old bb Methusnleh, I will
never play ngaln, said Mr. Georgo O
Summers. "You often honr men say thoy
nro going to quit, b'itt they never do. 1
look no vow, made no proml60 to abstain,
but ever since n certain ovening in tho
year 1884 card playing has bad no charm
for me.
"A party of us hod gathered in o
friond's room, and tho expectation was
thnt it would bo a long session, for most
of us wero poker fiends and, win or loso.
would stay till tho gamo broke up. In tho
crowd was a delicato young follow, and it
bappouud that along about 0 o clock u. ni.
he was a couplo of hundred dollars win
ner. Wo had started in at (J the previous
ovening, and it was ovldent that nine
hours' of ploy hud tired him oomplotoly
out; but.'bclng dead gamo, ho didn't want
to quit, especially as he was ahead. Soo
lng ho was undergoing punishment, I
suggested that it was time to quit. A
vigorous protest at once canto from tho
" 'But our friend hero Is faggod out,' I
Bald, 'and as It Is almost day we can ad
Journ and resume another time'
"Thon tho others appealed to tho young
fellow, and with great cheerfulness bo an
swercd: 'Yes, I'm willing to play on as
long as I can sit In my chair. In fact, I'm
willing to agree to play till somebody
drops doad.'
"He meant it as a jest, but scarcely had
he uttered the words than I saw him turn
ghastly pale. His head foil forward, and
before any one could reach out to catch
him he had fallen to the floor insensible
Tho whole party was for a moment over
come with terror, and then wo set to work
to revlvo him. He hod only fainted from
weakness, and yet tho Incident was so
traglo in its nature that I could not havo
been more impressed by It if ho had actu
ally dropped doad. And that is why all
tho fnsolnatlan of poker completely left
mo." Washington Post.
"Honesty is the
Best Policy."
clever was a more pointed
saying put into print, and
yet to Be honest only be
cause it is policy is a poor
kind of honesty. Better
change 44 policy " to 44 prin
ciple" and the world will
like you better. In the medi
cal world there is one medi
cine honest for principle's
sake and that is Hood's
It is the specific of the age for all
blood troubles. The liver, kidneys and
bowels are all toned up by its action aa
a cleanser and thus good health ensues.
It nerer disetypoints.
Scrofula-" After 20 years of sufferlne
with a cancerous sore on her noee and liav
Ing It removed by physicians, my mother
Is happy for being completely cured by
Hood's Hirsanarllla. It took 11 bottles to
accomplliih It. Her face la smooth, no
acar. miss k. a. htokks, Kpplng, -N, it.
"The statement of ray daughter is exact;"
Joseph Stokes, Bpplng, N. II.
Malaria-" I was very low with malaria.
My doctor did not help me and scolded
because I would not stop work. -Took
Hood's Hursaparllla and got sound and
.well. Can eat, sleep and work well." SIbs.
Julia Silh klno, Bath, N. Y.
Eczema -"My mother's face was
covered vWth eczema, face, hands and feet
were swollen. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured
her. We keep It on band and recommend
It ldghly." ItKV. K. B. Jkkkiks, 407 Govern
or oireei, jsvanavm. iliu.
Sick Headache "lam now22. Since
I was 8 years old I buffered constantly with
Impure blood, biliousness and sick head-
a;nea until J took Hood's Sarsaparilla by
doctor's advice. I ow ray life to It." Etvu
A. ItiiMHii.i., Claremont, N. II.
Stomuch TrOUbie-"Two years suffer
ing with stomach t:ouhle made me weak,
run down, with severe headaches. Life
was a burden to me until I took Hood's
Sarsupurilla which cured me. It makes my
children strong and healthy." Mas. it.
Bacu, 'ill 2d St., K. ., Minneapolis, Minn.
IftVHTa VUltcnrti nwr ma h n-.i. irrh,.t nu ind
1 J 'J'111 ' ikamth ii . i Sti-MpanilaT
is duo not only to tho originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to tho caro nnd skill with which it is
manufactured by sclontlQc processes
known to tho California Fia Svnui
Co. only, nnd wo wish to impress upon
all tho importance of purchasing tho
truo and original remedy. As tho
genuine ftyrup of Pigs is manufactured
by the Califoknia Piq Syrup Co.
only, a Unowlcdgo of that fact will
nssist ono in avoiding tho worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tho high standing of tho Cali
fornia Piq Svitup Co. with the medi
cal profession, aud the satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs litis
given to millions of families, makes
tho name of Uio Company a guaranty
of tlio excellence of its remedy. It Is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on tlio kidneys, liver and
bowels wlthouj, Irritating oi weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nnuseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, pleasu rememiwr the name of
me iompany
Thirty-six vohloles pass t he Iondon Man
sion House In u uiltiuto at noon, tho busi
est time of tho day. A rciwrter counted
1,1)12 passing east and west in n single
hour. Of thro 048 wero buses, caiKiblo
if carrying 10,818 persons, and 604 were
lruys, capable of hauling 1,000 tons.
What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the hack,
rheumadsm, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
llow of urine being copious or scant with
slrong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
pasoing, small quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel has
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected.
The Third sta?c is Iiright's Disease.
There Is comfort in knowing that Dr.
Kilmer,' the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered a Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases aud known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
and book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in the Shenandoah Hf.rald.
BxperlinentN Will. Thl Snbstnnoe
That Will Surprise Every One.
One of the most apt Illustrations ever
mado by Iord Kelvin was ids likening the
luminlferous ether to a mass of shoemak
ers' wax. What Lord Kelvin said of shoe
makers' war may bo tested by any boy in
a manner that will astonish his playmates.
First let it be said that the ether pone
tratos all space. It is as rigid as steel and
yet so flexible thnt it docs not retard the
passage of planets through space- in the
least. . It Is an lnvislblo substance which
travels in waves through all things. Now,
to illustrate tlio nature of such a paradox
ical material Lord Kelvin searched every
where, and at last concluded that shoe
makers' wax represented It best. Ha
mado tests and this is what he found:
Ho melted somo wax In a common glass
tumbler. After It liad hardened ho tried
to thrust a lead pencil through It It
would not go. Thon ho placed a coin on
the surface of tho wax and left It there for
soveral days. When lie again visited it,
the coin had sunk to the bottom of the
glass. The wax had closed over It and by
lifting up the glass and looking through
tho bottom he could see tho coin lying
there. Had tho wax been as deep as a well
tho coin would have gone on sinking un
til it reached the bottom. This provi;
that tho wax would conform only to vei
slow movements. If ho had tried to pu
It too last, It would havo resisted him.
An idea struck tho scientist. If tho wi
acted like this toward the coin, how wo u
it trout an object which floated? Ho a
cordlngly placed a cork in a tumbler ai
poured hot shoemakers wax upon It. T.
wax hardened with tho cork at the bot
tom. Vet when Lord Kelvin looked at the
bottom of the glass in a day or two ha
found the cork had disappeared. It was
somewhere in tho mass of wax and proba
bly rising very slowly, but surely, toward
tho top. Suro enough, after a given period
of time tho cork pooped above the surface
of tho hard wax and finally It rose to a
point where it remained half imbedded
In tho wax, just as it would have done In a
glass of water. It rose no higher than this,
however, and a corkscrew probably would
not liavo pulled it from the wax. Vet its
own buoyanoy had raised it up from tha
bottom, through what seemed an Impene
trable mass of wax.
This, in fact, Is the peculiarity of shoe
makers' wax, that it resists all sudden o:
quick movements, but is highly susceptible
to very slow and prolonged pressure. If
you pressed a Uatlron bard down on a
lump of wax on a table it is probable you
would make no impression on it, but If
you loft that iron resting on tho wax for a
day or two, you would find tlio lump flat
tened out under the iron So curious la
this property of tho wax that tuning forks
have Ixjon cast from pieces of it These
forks wero callable of vibration, giving a
musical note and being sot going by vibra
tion for another tuning fork, yet whon one
of thorn was laid across the open mouth of
a jar It slowly collapsed and fell into the
jar in a shaiieless, sticky mass. Any boy
may perfqrm thoso experiments, and the
lesson in physics to bo got therefrom is no
loss valuable than tho amusoniont which
tho performance affords. Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune.
Serious Condition of Affairs in tho
Goneraljigsoinbly at
Tlio Democrat Aro Tlrod of Tioldp;
Ilunnood by tlio WnnnninknrltOT and
Demand That Thoy Kloot Jonlfs Sen
ator or Tako tlio Colineiiucneea.
Harrisburg, Felf! 14. While the sit
uation In the United States senatorial
deadlock remains practically unchang
ed, the friends of Senator Quay are as
conlldent as ever that he will be his
own successor. 15ven the bolting Re
publicans admit that they cannot name
a senator, and the only thing they can
possibly do Is to prevent the election of
anyone by keeping up ino deadlock.
They declare ther will never go to a
Democrat. It Is this declaration that
has made the Independent element
among the Democrats Indignant, and
many of them have publicly proclaim
ed that they will bave nothing to do
with the bolting Republicans. These
Democrats say they would rather vote
for Senator Quay, who has always
treated Democrats with respect, though
fighting them manfully to the bitter
end, and that In so doing they would
have the support of their Democratic
A conference of supporters of Sen
ator Quay among the members of the
senate aud house was held a few nights
ago In the room of the committee on
Judiciary general for the purpose of ex
changing views on the situation and
listening to an address bv John P.
Blkln, chairman of the Republican
state committee. It was an Informal
gathering, but nearly every member of
the general assembly who had been
voting for Senator Quay was present.
Chairman lilkln's remarks were re
ceived with much enthusiasm. He said
that he was pleased to address the men
who had been standing so loyally and
nobly by the nominee of the Republi
can party for United States senator.
They had, by weeks of association, be
come better acquainted, and he com
plimented them upon the compact and
thorough organization. Since the Re
publican caucus had made him the
nominee of the Republican party, for
United States senator the personality of
Senator Quay became a secondary con
sideration to the men who believed In
Republican principles and the main
tenance of a party organization to sus
tain and defend them. He said he had
absolute confidence In the re-election
of Senator Quay, and that he was sat
isfied that opinion was held by every
man present.
In resoonse to a number of letters
sent to Republicans In different coun
ties of the state requesting them to
urge their representatives for the nomi
nee of tho Republican caucus, Chair
man Elkln said he had received the
most cordial and enthusiastic letters
sustaining the action of those who have
stood by the party nominee, and com
mending the party services and the
public record of the senior senator.
"A compilation of these letters," said
Chairman Elkln. "would make a testi
monial of which any man mlcht be
The presence of Congressman-elect
Joseph C. Sibley, who, with cyclonic
force, has carried two congressional
districts in this stato on different oc
casions, has been an Inspiration to the
Democratic members of the legislature.
Sibley does not propose that the De
mocracy shall be a tall to the Fllnn-Slartin-Wanamaker
kite. He wants,
the Republican bolters to get down to
business and give the Democrats an
ultimatum. He says John Wana
maker has been preaching reform from
Lake Erie to the Delaware. If Sena
tor Quay Is such a bad man as Wana
maker weuld have him appear he has
an opportunity to demonstrate tho sin
cerity of his professions and elect
George A. Jenks or some other clean
Democrat. Sibley says the 52 bolt
ing Republicans can do nothing but
elect a Democrat. He demands that
they act promptly or take tho conse
quences. The Guffey Democrats have
been playing Into the hands of Martin
and Fllnn, but Sibley says he wants
nothing to do with them If thev will
not support a Democrat.
Legislation continues to be blocked
by the filibustering tactics of the Re
publican bolters and the Guffey Demo-'
crats against the passage of the Uc
Carrell Jury bill. Until this bill Is
either passed or defeated every other
measure back of It on the calendar
i must be blocked. This Is a bold and
reckless waste of the public time and
money. The state has already lost
thousands of dollars, throupjr these dlla
sufferincr and
i danger of the ordeal make
, its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy ; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided, the system ib
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother's
i-ricna. ts a bltmng to woman.
81.00 PEItBOTTLE at all Drugstores,
or sent by express on receipt of price.
300KS Containing Invaluable Information of
IntdFAIIt t ii -II vnmAn. will I .a
to any iddreti, upon application, by
Baby Kline!
Every mother
. ,
rfe&Sj4 Becoming a
IWffrri mother should be
' n source of joy
I TltFiH to all, but the
i i 1 1
tort fflovmshln, "Tho fatik flat? ei
the Marttn-Fllnn combine has been
raised and tho people must suffer ac
Sentiment Is growing stronger every
day. not only nmonn the members, hut
with the people, that the McCarrell bill
Is a Just and proper measure and ought
to become a law. While a majority
ot the bolting Republicans In the house
can bi counted to vote against the bill
In th hope thnt Its defeat might In
somp way be to the prejudice of Sena
tor Quay In the proceedings In the
Philadelphia courts, they are becom
ing dully Impressed with the fact that
the Democratic side of the houso can
not be lined up to help them In their
personal crusade ot spite and hatred
against the senior senator in a mat
ter ot this character.
With few exceptions, the most in
fluential Democrats In the state have
followed the load of former United
States Senator Wallace, ex-Covernor
Pattlson and othets who have stood
for successful and progressive Democ
racy, and ringing declarations from
former Attorney General W. U. Hensel,
Congressman Joseph C. Sibley and for
mer Democratic State Chairman Rob
ert E. Wright In favor of the passage
of the MoCarrell bill meet with ex
pressions of approval' from Democrats
In the legislature.
Shortly after his arrival here, Con
gressman Sibley, when asked his views
on the MeCarrell bill, said:
"I believe the MCCarrell bill should
pass. I am not a lawyer. I do not pro
fess to have a knowledge -of the sub
ject from a legal standpoint, but from
what I understand It was the Infamous
Jeffries who misinterpreted the pres
ent law under which we are governed,
with a view to Insure the certain con
viction of all enemies of tho king. If I
am correctly Informed there is but one
other state in the Union that still has a
similar law upon its statute books. My
personal opinion Is that the measure Is
a Just one, that It will be beneficial In
Its tendencies, and If so, the Demo
crats should support It without re
spect to who may be the beneficiary. It
Is not in keeping with tho dignity or
standing of a great party to assume the
position that a proposed law Is Just and
needed and then antagonize its pas
sage because possibly one man to
whom they are opposed politically may
become a beneficiary of the law. To do
that would be to drag a big party from
a high plane down to a pretty fw level.
Senator Quay Is entitled to a fair and
Impartial trial. If acquitted he should
be respected accordingly, and if con
victed he should be properly punished.
No honorable man who has taken the
oath as a member of the legislature,
In my opinion, would be. Justified In op
posing a measure, even If an enemy
should be benefited by It, if he be
lieved its provisions to be Just and
proper. He should support it loyally as
a man if he thought it to be right. If
he believed It to be wrong he should op
pose It. No one is Justified In making a
political Issue out of a moral question."
The Ravages of drip.
That modem scourge, tho Grip, poisons
tho ulr with its fatal norms, so that no home
is safe from its ravages, but multitudes bave
fouud a sure prntectlnh against this danger
ous malady iu Dr King's Now Discovery
When you feel a soreness in your bones aud
muscles, have chills and fever, with sore
throat, pain in the back of the head, catar
rhal symptoms anu a stuuuoru cout;ii you
mav know you have the Grin, and thnt you
need Dr. King's Now Discovery. It will
nromDtlv cure the worst couch, heal the in-
llamed membranes, kill the disease germs and
urovent tho dreaded ntter cuects ot the
nalady. Price 50cts. and (1.00. Money back
f not cured. A trial bottle free at A
Wasloy'8 drug store.
'rilen tMolneHH.
Callor What is tlio matter with Fido
that you aio watching him so closelyf
jtiariloiniuma said your hat was
enough tu mako n dog laugh, and I want
ed to sen bim do it. London Fun.
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
"Kid" is merely a jocoso substitution
for "lamb," used for a young child, nnd
is very old. Charles licade and Dickens
used "kid" in this senso, and Virgil's
phrnso, "ite capclho," has been freely
translated, "Uo It, my kiddles.
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Kurl's
Clover Koot Tea purifies the breath by ib
action on the bou els, etc , as nothing clso
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
aud a guarantee.
Miss Sadie Wertheim. ace 14. of Tole.
do, O, was the winner of the first prize fot
execution on me vioim at tne Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
say she is a won
derful player. It
is the greatest
distinction to be
first in any-
tning. Fortnis
in statemenship
literature, ath
letics, science
and art, men aud
women mit forth
their greatest efforts. Washington was
saidtobe"firstin war, first iu peace and
first iu the hearts of his countrymen." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is oi
more value to mankind and brings great
er happiness than a good remedy. Many
tilings will relieve hut the one that will
cure is best. Brazilian Balm is such a rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. For IS yrs. it has nev
er failed in a single case to cure Asthma,
and Its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run iqto Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped upor where
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an iuch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-ladeu matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, uuknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and- countless Asthma sufferers iu this
cocntry, all of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Halm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each $1.00 bottle a
mouth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
tree. Toxicola Is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is th e greatest offer ever made. Ask.
vour druggist and take no substitute. B.
r Jackson & Co., Mfjj, ChemitU, ludia
japolls, Ind.
Wholesale Ageuts
Tho Kind Yon Havo Alwnys Bought, nml which has been
In tiso for over 30 years, has horno tho slgnafiiro of
yf ami has been mado under his per-
P' y t'-J1-' sonal Kupcrvlsion slnco its infancy.
'Vr7' Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes nro hub-Experiments
that trlllo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ngo is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Ecvcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea ad "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho Signaturo of
The KM You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The sudden Epidemic ol
Grip has startled the country.
The doctors confess they have
no sure Cure for it, and this
is seen to'be true in the sud
den death of Garcia and Ex
Senator Brice and the alarm
ing increase in the death rate.
But no one need be alarmed.
There is a sure cure a
perfect antidote. It has had
15 years test in thousands of
cases and never failed. That
remedy is
No fatal case of Grip was
ever known where Brazilian
Balm was promptly and faith
fully used. It kills the germs,
arrests the progress of the
disease at once, and takes all
the evil effects out of the
system. For
Old Coughs
it is a perfect remedy.
International :
ltlunl Authority
.1. l.rt t.-r,
.'ma Court,
'i3is.iovt rnntinif t
.nee, ibe V. , HuprfinA
uurt. all itifl KLmia Hit. .
pieme Court!, arniol near )
J 1U1 IUO btllOOlDOOK.
br StMa Rinrtntnlnu
ajutoac vmuot'i nuinier
In Ilia hoiuehrilil. anil i
the tfiichei,, pro-,
fculoiifll inmi, nucl twli-;
It It easy to find the word wanted.
It Is easy to ascertain the pronunclaon
It Is easy, to trace the growth nla word.
It Is easy to learn what a word means,
Tm Kevr York Tr'bnne Snvm-
1 lie 1 iU-t edition (Mi. s irom thu prist wtlli a
minijli-tnirss Unit (1 inmt tuuronpbMlI- !
htrl il mill tvitnurnnh ..f iinwnl.L,, t R '
I mti.tillill iiufiiltn rur.rl,.f. im .
. ......
i lFSpe. j naen sent on iPDnnHnn in
9, XH iv
9 The One
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal-No .Smoke.
Tralna leuve Shenandoah as follows 1
For New York Tla Philadelphia, week days,
10, 8 38,7 30, 9 55 . m., 12 20. 8 1 9 nml 6 CO p. m.
For New York via Mauch Chuaic. week uavs
7 80 a. m., 12 2(3 and 8 (HI t. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 38, 7 80. 9 65 a.m., 12 20, 3 C9 and 6 09 p. m.
for fouavuie, week uays, 7uu, voa a. in.
12 20, 8 09. 0 09 and 7 80 p. m.
For Tatuaaua nnd Mahanoy City, week days
730,9 55 a. m., 12 20, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
or wuuainHport, ttunoury anu Lewiaour;,
week days. 11 82 a. m.. 12 20, 7 30 . m
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27, 5 33,
7 80. 9 55, 11 2 a. m., 12 20, 8 09, 6 09, 7 3 , 9 30
p. m.
ror Aanianaanu anarooKin, weec aays, mu,
1182 a. m., i2 20, 8 09, 07, 725 and SSI p. m.
For Ilaltlmorc, Washington and the Wct via
B. & O. 11. R.. through tralna lea" i Keaclng
Terminal. Phi adelnhla. (I. & It. B S.1 at 8 20.
7 55,1126 a. m 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 28 u. in., 3 40 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Cheat-
uui airecia station, week days, 10 MJ a. m. 12 20
13 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 23 p. m,
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 43, 4 SO,
9 00 p. m
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, veek
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. in., 1 80 p. m.
Leave Phlladcluhla. lteadlue Terminal, week
days, 3 40,886. 10 21 a. m. and 180, 4 OS, 0 80.
11 on p. m
Leave Rxadlng, week days, 137, 7 00, 1008,
a. m., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, wees days, 717, 740 a.m..
12 80, 1 20, 4 30, 6 10 and 8 60 p. m.
Leave Turuaiiua, week days, 3 18, 8 SO, 11 23
a. in.. 1 49, S 66, 7 20, 9 41 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 05,
I 51 a. m., 2 22, 5 23? 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40,4 00
1150. 9 22 10 23,12 00, a. 111., 239, 580, 6 42 7(8
10 21 pm.
Leave Wllllatnsport. week days, 7 42, 10 00 a
u., 12 31 and 4 CO. II 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street watf and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays lixpress, 9 00, o. m., 2 00, 4 00,
3 00 p.m. Acoaimodatlon, 8 00 a m., 6 SO ji tu
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 CO a In, 4 45 p. in
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, comer
Atlantioand Arkansas aveuup.
Weekdays Express, 7 & 9 00, a m.. 8 80, 8 80
p" m Accommodation, 8 15 a. is. 4 05 p. m.
Sundays Exp:cBs. 4 00, 7 30 p m. At ommoda
tlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
For Capo Slay, Sea Isle City and Otean City
Weekdays-9 00 a in, additional (or Cape May,
115 p in., for Sea Isle Cltv, 6 00 p in., for
Ocean City, 4 15, 8 00 p m. Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 15 a m.. South street, 9 00 a. m.
Parlor Caw on all express trains.
Fur further Information, apply to neanst
Pnilatlelphla and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
Qen'l Supt, Gen'l Poss'r Al-i.,
Reading Terminal. Philadelphia.
Pilsner Beer.'
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority ot
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Office Egan bulldlue, corner ol Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy Oily, Pa.
llavlns studied under some of the beat
masters li London and Paris, will give lessons
OnthfiVlnHn.tnariilnlln ...,(,,. u 1 1.
I Term, reasonable. Address Iu tare ol blrouie,'
1 the teweler ftlinnitftAit.