A cold Is d on ser ous. Don't lit It Ret the start of roil. A few dni.es of my t'olil lute will urcak up any form of cold In a' few liotiri an.l prevent grippe, dlpliiliiTln and pnetinimila. It hnulil lie In errry borne nnd every iet pocket. It la hitler tlmn a- life Insur ance policy. MtJNTOtf. I tint, fJnlde to Ilroltb t!V1 t" ' At til drtjgitsts, 2Sc. ff Mertlcfll iwIti-i fr The "Clinrli, ilii . dour. I I1 Jllll ltT. Is It I 11ml you wivpi from ynur "Oh, writes mi- tr...n C dlo ?ltli n .. lit lu not thm h. could I I mil news i Hint! My Arthur lsl :ul llmt he would ,,...., I'.r mo were It l,iuc .. .ctionntciy nt my ploiurv nnti cuter it ri h n thousand klr-. .h uvcry iluy." V'iluvt 1 !y M-ry nli til I 'in. And. pmr Is ll you im cr) .itg Ior? 1 wo- .Iglvuiityil r to hr.vo M.ch n poetic aim tl. rlyln ' f n. il yoti hinpl "Ai.. yt-ia. i i Tx ry ..fill' Dm let uu i . il.i.t. jr to tiy t..ui, h! , in . i-'h i holo into Ins U-..V cl.i.i.- I ng li i of my own U'luro hi stai.-d ' iA.r.u.1 Til lilts. R m mV f iu Have a C.i u eh ur C. is I'lirrs, 3 c rilnnlic-ta nn the Outer Willi. Pr- l-n' !y In no otrer cilllwd city oi tho wcrlil ilo iieople nir their l.ulilli g nil' tamo linen out or uio tront winr.ows a: they do In Chicnpo Not so much Is thl barlinrous custom prnctlvrd In the res. denco nnrt of thu city as It Is down towt and tho nearer to the center of the city onu gets tho more heildlng ho sees hntiglnr from tho windows Along Wnbnsh nvenue beginning nt Harrison street, blnnkcts, sheets, bcdriiillte, pillows nnd oen the mnttrcssos nro hung out, held securely to tho window sill by having the rush pulled down hard on top of them. Chicago Chronicle. Nn mil wniilil in i r be ImthrMl it 1 en stfritin If i vi ry-ii f knew how iiHtur-l ami q'ld'l ly RiinliK'U IIIihhI Bitu rs n-KiiU In ftnmii'li nil navels. li-Vip l',x ,i, W il, u(,,ii OnTliiirilK V i S3rl. Hie t i . 1 & liiill . lUi iv.ii will rn h .In n- ix it (il'lll l.i W.IHhlll lull I) ' . tli-ki' m ' return in.v naiilii 'lulu in-Mi- i' t diya. Tu' tr-tiu will - emu" s H nf "It Jtlii" V.'-li'iiilnl Owi'lu ' 'd h I'lil ' HuilV'i i'jii. ro 1 1 ii I it u ri- her-'ii 1 Menu ,ii i ( ran h'.n ig hi'iiiiiiilniili ii Dsfl'iii in Pit sitiKl.-nti-f -r mini I trip A Uhubm'-nI riesio . in Si'irpr inni Hid lie t-i' t I' the t If. Nn niiiii cure tismii tl I Yhi pis-Vf t i t!i .iijtlt Dr. W i'- Ni.rw y l'i SyVnp C' l'i - i' "it ' thrnHl. Never falls. ..ill-, lii.iiieliilis r""i BLOOD POSON A SPECIALTY. Prlmnrv S cniidurr "r Tertiary BLOOD . OISOH permanently CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS You can he treated al linnio for mime prlie u dc r same guarantee If yu p cfi r io come here we will contract t pay ral road fare n dhiiel bills and no elmrnr. If we fall to .ure IF YOU HAVE taken mercury, iodide potash, ami still haveactin- nnd i .Ins. Mucous Put nes In mouth, nor- Throat. Pimpus Copper Cl or dBpotB, U'cersoii any art of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It l this Secondary BLOOD POI4 ON WE GUARANTEE TO CURE. We solicit the p.ost obstinate cas-s nnd challenge tne world for a caaewe can not cure T Ih U scaae ba al ays baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. $300,000 cnpltiil behind our ll ncoiidltlmin KWtrantee Arsolute proois sent sealed on application lOOptKO book sent fieo Address COOK REMEDY CO, 744 Mnsmiic Temple, Chicngo. liroccr can tell1 t yon ajrny Uiime whobuy SFEIIG' 'j ssvcil by nsinR Seel- keepconungtiac tor tt. You cau't keep on (riling a poor thing to tie same people. jg'S because you lean buy cheap Fcoflre and umke l delicious by a ilittla oi this admixture. millions of Dollar Go up in smoki ivory yeai . Taka . 1 . l .. . . L nn A, IB KB UUb KVb Jl uuiiw., ' oitnri. etc., lusuraxl in flrsi-clast n liahle iwmpanioii as representod david faiist'. ,'sc;,", rniLn.-cnmr- store a OKAI.RK IN - p Fruit. Confectionery, Cifars and Tobaccd Wholesale and Ratal'. SO Wast Qtantre. 3crQC DRIN K CLKARV EXTRA 'NF Q1AI.ITV -GINGER ALE, Superior Sarsaparllla.. MAN A NONCLIMBEft. Its Ilium n Slngnlnr ItepiiBnanoo to llccoinlnir "Arboreal.' Climbing runs In families, for steeple Jaks nro often tho sons of fathers who Wore in tho buslnoss, but It is somewhat oild that man, though ho learns to swim so well that nrmcd only with a knlfo ho can encounter a shark in Its nntlvo elo mont, nml judged by tho extent of his mining openitlous in comparison with tho size of his liody sui-paws by n thousand times all nnimnls that work underground, has never become n good climber or shown tho slightest tendency to becomo arbo real," as ho has become aquntlo nnd sub terrnilenn. South sen bablno that cannot walk will roll Into tho sen and swim, collier boys nt H will take pick and lamp nnd dc scend Into the mine nlmost as naturally its young moles, but wo bi licvo that In splfo oi tne uanger lmm Willi beasts in rorcst regions nnd tho fact that in such places there Is tell times more life on tho level of tho trco tops than on the ground thero U no slnglo lnstnncoof ntrlbo which, proper ly RjH'nklng, hns becomo "arboreal" and learned to climb like monkeys. Though not n fewmnkchutsln trees they approach tlicso by Inddrs, nnd except In tho huts which they use as n refuge nnd sleeping plnco they spend their tlmo on tho ground. Even In forests whero tho upper levels of tho trees nro so closely laced together that a comparatively slight adaptation would cnablo tho Indians to progress from treo to tree, and where nearly tho wholo of tho fruit, nnd tho greater part of tho birds nnd imuunls used for food nro found only In this 'upper story," man Is not, andnlwnys refuses to become, n 'climbing animal. ' Nnturnl repugnnnco to this form of entorpriso seems characteristic of savngo men. ami even of animals which run no risks v hntevcr. African natives who hnvo on:y lived in ono storied huts show tho greatest dislike to going up stnlrs and ha o been known to creep up on hands nnd knees, whllo largo dogs when required to nscnd stnlrs for tho first tlmo often refuso to do so except under strong persuasion nnd with evident reluctance. London Spectator. -M Deadly Qrlp i n .I'lriiinl in tne i:i nn ri.e air y- .tn nun !' full nl llsfat.il gi rmsl I) j Hi ' 0 I;." r vo'i iipa-n llio il I' II 'I IM'D'I ll r,IIIKIUI,llllll mil invli 111 ltiiit lgiisnri- chill with iiIhi'Ih', dull hiMvy paini. iiiuii ih ' I- rgi- fr in tlii- ii s ire thm t and m v i g'i cm 'Ii, D'li't wlo prn-ii'il" t -:iliiiu this ciiugli with triH'lie-. tihlrti r. r1 nip Hvrn s I'tira- it t ani- wilts IJ 'iiu' NVn l)icnvi"y, thx infllllili' ri'iiinl Ii niits'iial iniliMe.. It kd'Sllie dlsi-i- m. hi'iiN tin1 lung? ami pn-vi-nis ih ..li il itfu-r m-i-ia rr.mi the milady. I'm i i t-. Hid Jl.00 Mmi y Iwkil nut -is r. t,l.,.il. iricatA WHli.'ndiilg Mir Another Aiiclesst Mystery. .lohnnv 1'ft, Is there nnythlng more nlunblo than Uliimomlsf II is Fiither No, son. Whyf Jiihnnv Oh. I wns just wondering what Ihev itne Mcthusnluh on his live hum! . tiili weildlnir anniversary. Jewel ers' Weekly. Deafness Cannot be Cured IikmI utiiillentlniM, they cannot r nt'h the It- iiwd ii.tIIoii nt the ear. There Is only oin tin' ih at niia-a, nliil that Is by ctistitii r. imtlle I)e.ifnei IscniMcd by an lie l.iiiii il I'oiulltliiii nf the inncoiu lliilnj; uf tin I'.M-IHcliliui TuIm. When this tube gets Inflaniltl y..ii have a rumtilliiLf souiul or niperfect hear- Ihj;. and wneu tt is entirely closed deaf, rai ls "ic nKult..'iii l unless the Inflammation can lie a!: n "lit nn. t till tnlic restore I to Its normal ontbtloii, hi-nrlnir will be destroyed forever ul i ttnea lit of ten are caused by catarrh wlilvh Is nothliiK but on liiflniucd condition tit the intiL'oun Hiirfivces. We will kIv One Hundred Dnllars for an) ii-e of Deitfueaa (cauied lay catarrh) that can not lie cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Segd for irt-ulnrs, free F.J. O ENKY&CO.,ToIeao,0 Soul by Drugglets, TSc- IliiU'a Family Tills are the heat. A rlnnuctitl islinke. QockI inonilnif Mr. Toncy. On the sink list todayf" 'Yes, sir; got tho ague." Do you over shaker" Yes." When do you shako ncaluf " "Cnn'tsay when: shako overy day. Why uo you ask!" Oh, nothing In particular; only I thought If you shook bad I'd liko to stand by nnd seo If you couldn t shako the 15 shillings out of your pocket which you have owed me so longl" London stand ard. Qlv the Children a Drink called Ginin-O. It is a delicious, appetinnp;, nourishinu food drink to take tin- place of Coffee, -old by all grocers and liked by all who have used it because wnen propel ly pre pared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all it" injurious prepeities Grain-0 aids ligestion and sirengthens..tjie perves. It Is not a stimulant but a health builder, and clul- ren, as well as adults, can drink (twitli great benefit. Costs about L as much as coltee- 15 and 25c. An Old rnlh.ee. Iiatubeth palace, London, has been tho homo of tho primates of Canterbury for over seven centuries. This pluco can show specimens of almost every, stylo of arcUl tiwtiir,, ivhteb has nravnllDd Nlnce 1190. A rtmeny recommended for patients at flicied with thr Grippe is Kemp s Iialssm, which is especi Uy adapted to diseases oi the throat and lungs. Do not wait for the first syropiom w iu ...sCa--e, uu. K w .'V tayandwep it on nana loruseme moraem it is needed If neRleoled the' gnppc has a tendency to bring on, pneumonia. The Balsam prevents this by keeping the cough loose. All drupgists sell the Balsam. A Iwy --trows up Btrnlgliter It he Is bent over his mother's l:nco judiciously overy now and then. Somorvlllo lournal. In Hungary there are thousands of vtl agoa und hundreds of small towns with- ut a doctor within ten miles. There Never Was a Better Cure Than Pan Tina for coughs, 25c. t Oruhler Urns., ill ug store The Lost. II. Sergeant Chnnncll, who was In the habit of dripping llla 1'si a,ul S'r Fredcrio T hdfdgir wu'o oiico trying a case ubout a thlp c.illnd tuo Helen. Every .tlmo tho foniier mentt'inod tho vessel ho called it thu Ellen. Eery tlmo tho other counsel moationcd her they called her tho Helen, At last the Juds'0i, with ti quaint gravity, Mill, "Stop V (a favorite worn of msj, "Stop. What was tho name of the ship? I hatolton my uotes tho Ellon and the Helen. Whleulsltf" Andthobargrinuoil. 'Oh. my ttid," said Theslger In his blandest and most fastidious manner, "tho shin -mm christened tho Helen, but situ lost her h in the chops of tho Chan- nou. Loudon Spectator. Do You Know Conaumptlnn Is preventable? Sc'ence has proven that, and also that neglect (s suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured, with Sulloh's Cough ud Consumption Cura. Sold on positive guarantee for ovar fifty ysasrs. ftWai V r. 9, iMU tt 0 WM. 'wuiiU uuaT.' IKiiniaimiaiMxiiniti S?ves Work and Worry Neglect sboutd never be laid at the door of n housewife. It may be she works harder than her neighbor, but doesn't go about it in just the right way. Her neighbor uses THE It; K. FllRBlHtt C0HPX.tr, CUafU WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRONG AGAIN! vigor te the whole being. , All drains are property cured, their coariitioa nllea Btoaay,t3.. Scad lot trte baek. Mailed teiieo. i'nre a. Mfbai ft rjnaa l-or ale ai KIRLIN'S nrur BE 3 TAh'D FiElvEdT- RICES RIGHT .TOO Pnid Purchn9c of 55 or more AH will sent FHEiUriT PRrAIQ I -n, ' (,!y . , to nny railroori .-tion l-i MAINE, . 'O'KW NtiW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, -"N ' "V MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE IS- ,,,, e f LAND, CONNECTICUT, "EW B RggpL S S YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, ond (pjataMaaaaH ftJCi53 BmVAH jruu iroerv sixth avc. vt iih lathers E" JEKotY, AVir York. The Philadelphia Don't Miss Inquirer FOR Some of the special daily features include A SI'OUTtN . PAGE, contributed to by - A STATE TAGE. in which the every happening of interest in every place in l'i lia, New Jersey, 1 elawareand' Maiyland is told by special dfsrucbes from 01 coriesponaeius. A WOMAN'S PAGE, where every morning the litest fashions and every feminine iu erest are cleverly dealt with in profusely i lustra! ed articles. A CABLE PAGE, where the domes of caoieaispaicnes. ALL THE NEWS, from everywhere, by uispatcnes. BEST OP ALL is THE SUNDAY INQUIRER. Included in The Sunday Inquirer each pictures by well-known artist in brilliant color lue sunda) inquirer is nut equaled by any other The Sunday Inquirer Magazine i contributed to bv the very best writers, such as Oonan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Barr. Anthony Hope and Ian MacLaren. Besides the brightest of short stories and serials, there are many articles by eminent authorities scieutiiic. 1 hen, too, there arc puzzles with want to make your wits profitable get the next If you want a position in Philadelphia, an THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER is enterprise nnd circulation. TUB I'ACII'IO COAST LIMITt'D VIA. 'TIIS TB0S BOtmiEBN EOUTE." The "Pacific Coast Limited." the new ralifornia train, will.lcave CbliMXO at 2:00 p. m , aud St Louis 10:30 p m., every Tuesday mid Ritunlay striving at Los Augelrs third iluy at 4:00 p m. and .San Frani ihco fourth day noon, and wllll run via Chicago fc Alton, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas & Pacific, and .Southern Pacific Rullnays. This luxurious traiu consists of a eomiosito car couUuuug rv&ding, writing, smoking- Iroom, nuuet. uaroer-snop aim uasuruutu ; a comprtment car contatuiug seven private I compartmeuts and double dranlinc-iooms; I twelve section sleeping-cars with state and I drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all m win ue servea a i carw. aun iraverec- ,,,,.bl,(,. 1ti...n,. r hiah altitudes are un. kn l Edition to our weekly tourist ear lino via the scenic route, we will operate 1 wtekly Uurist car via "The Truo Southern Route." leaving Chicago every Tuesday and from St. Louis every Friday morqing. For illu trated aud descriptive literature, time tables, very lowest rate of fare to' all points west ami southwest, address J. V McCann, Travelling Passenger Agent, or W E. Hnpt, Qea'l Kutern Passenger Ageut, 391 Broid way, New Yurie. tt EUeumatlsm Cured lu a Diy. 'Mystic t ure" for Rheumatism and Neu. ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterioui. It removes , at once the cause and the -iisease tmmediatrly disapars. ITie I nrst dose greatly bi nelits. 75 cents. Sold by -henandoah druu store, Shenandoah. t Coming Events, Feb 25 Grand entertainment In the school house alTurkey Run by the Harmuule Mamlo'lb and Oultar Club. 0a Every Bottle Of Skiloh's Conaumptlon Cure is this guar antee: "All we ask of you Is to use two- thirds of the contents of this bottW faith fully, then 11 you can say you are uot benefited return the buttle to your druggist and he may refund the price paid." Prlrr 25 cts., 50 cts. and f 1 00. Sold by P. D Klrlln and a guarantee. Ask your grocer for the xt' Royal Patsnt flour, and taka a riser Vsui, It is tie Vest bwr SlOalO) oobU DUar. ' Washing PoytdES and keeps her house twice 9 clean with half Q the effort. Gold Dust Washing Powder has given many a woman the reputation of being a queen of housekeepers. Do you uic it a? ( Largest package greatest economy. S It. UtU. Tut. tuUt. rfclWilitli. 13 Therheitood their.tof yer, and havt cur'd thuuaanui oi eaars of Nervous Doeaiea. lucb Uebllity, lliiflncia.bleeples- nea ana varicoceie.Alropny.oc, They cleat tne brain, strengthen the circulation, mace aicestioo frfeet. and Imnart a heahhv andlostei ate checked ftrmantmllr. Unless patient worries them Into Insanity, consumption or ueatru Addwa, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleislaad, 0.T' - uri ironian lerai vuaraniee in cure or rriunnaaa Store. Shenandoah. Pa ( rTWfi '"i r!r 1899 a start" of the best sporting authorities i . . , 1 .. 'ennyl. our own our foreien cousins are reproduced in special the full Associated Press service and special week is a colored section, with the best of and sotest half-tone. The colored section of paper. on subjects religions, mechanical, literary and cash prizes amounting to 50000. 11 you Sunday Inquirer. INQUIRER WANT AD will fix It for yon Pennsylvania's leading newspaper in influence, Are You Going to Florida T If you are, ask for tickets via tho Southern Railway. It is the shortest, quickest and best route, Its service this season will sur pass that of all preceding years. Write for further Information to John If. Beail, District Passenger Agent, 823 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa. Tell Your Sisttr A beautiful complexion is an Impossibility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists (n connection with the good digestion; a healthy liver and tioweH. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, llyer and kidneys keeplug them in perfect health. Price 23 cts. and SO t U. Sold by P. D. Kirllu and a guarantee. Will You Winter In FlcrlUt This will bo the greatest season Florida has had for years. You ought to go ar-d g via the Southern Railway. .Its (he licet route. If you will write John M Bcall. niA,l, t.. Bcnnnnr Ac,,, ft'lft I'll Aatn , fit r..,.t Philadelphia. Pa., he will arrange all the ueuaita 01 anur srip rur you. A licmarlcalilo Cure. . Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable busi ness mati, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel phia Pa., says: "I contracted a violent cold which settled all over tne, .The rjain iu mv chest aud side was excruci- atinir. The doctor trave nie medicine and mistered my side, but I only grew worse. Then you gave me n bottle of Brazilian uaini. 1 uau utile or no iauu in it, but decided to try it. I took 3 or 4 cood doses before bed time, aud rubbed it well over my nlistered side. That nk'ht I slent like a ton my first cood rest-forovera week and awoke in the tnorniuR furt-rf. Brazilian Halm is sim ply invaluable." Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agent. This Is the trade mark of the short Hue In Florida the Southern Railway. Two daily trains are operated all the year, and during tha winter season, a third, the Florida Limited, Is added, If you aro going to Florida or.any where else lu the South, ask for a ticket v'a the Southern Railway. Write to John M. Beall, DUtrict Passenger Ageut, 823 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. hak ff-&hauAitlsmiia KesrUftai Sub well with Qed FU OIL S4, At r..-.,w S""r. DAYS GONE 6Y. Oh, the dsyi tone by I Ob, the days gone by I Tha imIi In tin oraluard aaU the pttinray throtuh that rye, The eblrrop of the robin, imX tt. whittle at tha qaall Asba piped 'TO tM lJw iwwat any nlznllnga!; When the blcxim waa on tha akter aad blue waa In lb sky, And my happy heart brlnmed amr la tfaa days bom by. In the days Ron by, wttea tay Baked ft wajra trlppeal By the honeysnokle tanlea where the watr HUM dipped, And the rlppla of the rlter HptM the tawi along tho brink Where thu tilarld eyed asd lazy footed cattle came t' drink. And the tilling snipe stood fearless of the tm ant j wayward cry, And the splashing of the swimmer in the days Kimo by. Oh, the days i;one by I Oh, the days gone by t Tho moste of tho laughing lip, the loitor o the rye. The chibliah faith la falrtaa aad AVaiUla'. inaalo ring. The simple, aoul ropoilng, glad belief In er erytntng. When life waa tltm a atory, holding neither so Vi nor sigh In the eolden, olden glory of the days gone by. James niilteotnu tiney. A HEALTHY MAN. Here Are the Pnlntia Thnt Gia tu Mask si Centenarian. Here nro the iioints of a healthy man. It you havo them all you may, barrlnsr accidents, count on bolng n oentenarlan. If you have most of them, you 11 reach n rlpa old ngo, but even If you have only a few don't lie nlnnned, for many apparent ly crazy humnn machines last a surpris ingly long tlmo. First, your body and limbs should be plump, but tho plumpness should bo of tho firm nnd muscular, not the lleshy typo. 1 Your figure ought to bo erect, nnd.whether j you nro tall or short, well proportioned. Length without breadth Is a very bad thing In a man, for there Is no room for vital organs largo enough to thoroughly perform their dutlos. Your step should bo springy and elastic. your gait Ann and easy. Those things in dlcato muscles of good quality and nerve of good tone. 1 our eye should be bright and neither prominent nor hollow. Bright cyos show that tho circulation of blood in too brain Is good. Your comploxlon should bo clear and fresh. It Is usually not well with you when your faco Is pale, sallow, florid or subject to sudden flushings. IJut In this matter your occupation has great Influ ence, anil you might havo tho worst possl- blo comploxlon ond bo In perfect health. But that, of course, Is the exception, not tho rulo. Your head should not be very large, or at least If It Is large your neck, shoulders and chest ought to correspond In size. Ii you feel your pulse, It should be regular; u It drops a beat now and ngaln or beats very fast and excitedly nfter the least ex ertion or emotion then the heart Is weak. Your breathing should be tranquil and In audible. Any sounds mean that tho pas sages aro more or loss clogged. You should not know you have a stom ach thnt Is to say, as a rulo. Of course thero are times wbnn that organ gets out of order In tho healthiest Individual, and then it Is always sure to make Its owner aware of Its existence. You should al ways, except when tho weather Is bitterly cold, feel comfortably warm through your whole body, oven to tno tips 01 tho lingers and toes. Othcrwlso something Is wrong with tho circulation or tho bent producing apparatus. You should havo sound sleep, without dreams or nightmares, and it should not lust too long or too snort say, eight to eight and a half hours every night. Your volco should not 00 hoarse, and you should bo a stranger to soro throats. Your nppctlto should not bo too great or too small, while you should not bo a suf fcrcr from headaches, giddiness or neu ralgia, and, of course, you should not have palpitations or falntingsor varicose veins. If you answer to the above description, you havo nolther dlseaso of the brain, spinal cord, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, muscles or nerves, nnd you aro in as per fect health as It la possible for numan be lugs to bo. liut at the some tlmo many a round shouldered, narrow chested, thin and sul- low man Is as tough as steel, works hard and lives till ho Is almost tired of the world, and, of course, even tho healthiest of us must go through a course of colds, coughs, headaches, dyspepsia attacks and the like. Still, If your chest is small In proportion to tho rest of your body you oro likely to have less stamina, and you should not overdo such things as football, cycling or even brain work. New York World. Grip's Bavages Doomed. So much nibery and ro many dtaths have been caused by the Orip, thnt every one should know what a wonderful reineily for tlti-a malady Is found in Dr. King's New l)icoviry. mat uisiressum siuooorn cmit.11 tdut inflames vi.ur throat, robs you or sleep ueakpus vour tvslem nn uavoa tne way ior Consumption Is quickly stopped by this matchless cure. If sou have chills and fever, piin in the back of the heart, soreues. in hones and muscles, sore throat and that cough that grip- your throat like a vice, ynu need Dr. King's new Discovery 10 cure ynu flriia. and liferent Pneumonia or Consump tion. Price 60 cts and $100 Money back if nor cured A trial bottle freo at A. Wasley 1 drugstore. Tortolae Shell." What Is called tortoise shell U not the bony covering or shlold of the turtle, but only the scales which cover It. Theso aro 13 in number, S of them liut and 6 a little curved. A large turtle affords about eight pounds of them, tho plates varying from an Inch to u quarter of an Inch In thick' noss. Tor Infanta nnd Children. JJjQ Kllld YOU HaVB AlWajfS BOUgil Bears tha Signature The Pool anal III" Stone)-. Optimism,' wild the sorry fool, seeing the irreen tiie of n 25 bill." 'And what is pessimlsmr asked his friend "Seeing nelthci Mdoof a5 bllL" New cork Commercial Advertiser. Does TjIs Etrlke Yon 1 Muddy complexions. Nsuseatlng breath come from ciironte oonsupaiioii. rari Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has Keen sold for fifty years on an ahsolut guarantee. Price 25 cts. and M cts. Sold by P I). Klrlln and a guarantee. At a certain church near Ledbury, Eur land, nn annual sermon Is still preached aualnst tho vice of dueling. This Is done In accordance with tho will und testament ot a damsel whose rival lovers died fight ing for her hand. How Is Your Wlfet Mas she lost her bcautyT If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache aro the principal causes. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea jias cured these Ills for balfa century. Trice S3 cts. and SO cts. Money remndea if results are not satisfactory. Bold by P. D. Klrlln uif n . CHESS AND MATHEMATICS. Tilt) Oisaur nnd the Science titan on I'nrnllel l.lnri. It wm Ixrtbnltt (born 1640), the famous Qeminn philosopher and mathematician, who made that oft quoteal phrase, " Chens la loo much of a game fur A sotetHM and too much of a science for a game," which unfortunately aeema to remain thai popular Idea of chem even In this day. After a prolan veil devotion to the pstatlme It la al lotted that tha smt Teuton renounced It completaly for solitaire, which la not amy to explain, since all card gnmm, aavlng perhaps whist, are generally distasteful to tho confirmed chtwatat, John OIIer Hobbea aaya, "Artlatte chaws U beyond tho wtty rrsrtrlctlon of a w-lenc," and thin rtngn mueh truer than Ilbnltz's narrow dictum, which peritaps she luad In mind when she wrote. It luva beam remarked that cheaw and mathematics have much in oimiuon, that they run on parallel Una, that they have a similar dlrvrtlon of thought. Lelbnltc waa not the only great mathatnattctnn who matto thai game a study. Euler and Jaeulsh were both fine players and cheea analyst. Ktchanl Proctor, the astron omer, who waa abao mated for hU mathe matical attainment, waa devoted to the game. And to turn to the othwr side of tlve shield most first rate cheawliats have been excellent mental calculators. Andemen, who next to HtelnlU waa undoubtedly the moat warriorlike of chess players, waa a really great mathematician. linker U a profpsaaor of higher matha-matlM. Hut, of course, there are elements In chess which are wanting In mathematics, the chief bolng the combative element. The two Intellects which contend for Uie mastery must powaesn the qualities of gen erals in the field nf linttlo, an Important distinction Walter I'ulltrer In American CheM Magazine Phvsiclans as a claas are ODDoaed to-wht they call "patent medicines." It is not often they openly endorse them. Now and men. However, some doctor, who has been tne eye witness ot a remarkable cure by the ue of Dr Pierce's rein- dies, feels It a dutv to tell what he knows. Dr. losenh Fike. f Lot Springs, Marion Co., Kan- is such a man. He writes: I am using a good many of 'ur mraicinei my practice. Ten years ago a nan a paiteni wno was badlv affected with scrofula. Her mouth and inroat were in an awful condition, and mere were lumps uu the outside tielow the jaws the ute of nensegsr otner actors said It was fatal case. I fell confident that none or mv remedies would benefit her It came to my mind hat Dr. Plerce'a Golden Medical Discovery was rec ommended for such cases, so 1 went to the drug store and bought one bottle and gave It to her to use as directed" Five bottles cured her, and she is well today." For more than thirty vear Dr R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., has enjoyed a far larger practice than many phs'sicians who charge large fees for advice. Dr Pierce's uoiden medical Discovery Is made without alcohol, and is a preparation based upon his extended experience with disease. It is a temperance medicine, pure and simple, and without alcohol, whiskey, mcar or syrup 10 preserve its properties, Keep-, per- tcciiy in any climate for any length of time. Others may imitate the remedy; they can not imitate us cure-. Let no one talk you into using an imitation medicine as a sub stitute for Dr. Pierce's. Sick people who cannot visit Buffalo may consult Dr Pierce by mall. He give3 free, fatherly advice for treating and curing diseases of a chronic, obstinate and lingcimg nature Nu charge is made lor sucn con-ultaitun UUAKANIfcta lUUUHKDUtr IDC localled urratpet, molt celebrated and wtieit adTcrtlslne doc tort fU, no matter whattberrUtm, LOST MANHOOD Aun uinnn. neniLiTV. Sana Abuses, Blood Ttofom, Stricture, Shrunken or Un dettloptd organs, ltitirtlv tteonty one In tha worll txpoilnKeverradTertlitnfe fraud, Klectrlclieltiwln (ASUWdart. Treatment by mau. Instmt relief IN KI'FKCT FKDKUAUY 5, IWi. Passencer trains leAs-e. Shenandoah for Penn Haven Junctfi.n. Mauch Chunk. Lehlahton. Slutlngton, White Hall, CntAsautitin, Allentown. Deiuii'iieiii, uiiaiuii nuw iuik mm a aiiuui.'i(iiia nt 5 2S, 7 19 . m.. 12 58 and 5 II p. n. ror itkeauarre, avuiie iiaven anu i-uision, 2S, 10 13 a. in.. 12 Ba) and 5 14 p. in. For Laceyvllle. TowBtuln. Havre. Waverly. Kltnlra, ltochekter; HutTalo, Maara Falls, nburn, Syracuse. Hbaou, Geneva and the it, 10 13 a. lit., 12 W iiimI 5 11 p. in. For Helviderc. Delaware Water Gap and Stroudsburg, 5 2h n. tu.. 5 14 p. m. ror iiamueriviiie nnu ireuion, sjiv a. m. For Jraneavillo. lviston and lleuver Meadow, 1 28 a. in.. 1W I), in. For McAdoo. Audenrled. Hazleton. Stockton and Lumber Yard, 0 28, 7 4V, 10 10 a, in , 12 38 and aim ni I'orjdcio, litlllon ami rreeutnu, dxs, iid nt , a 14 p. m. t aw inn. m : 1 1 .. ... ForI9tCret!k. olninlvllle.ntid Ashland. 4 00. and 7 27 n. m. For Itiaven lluu, Camtrnlia, Mount Oartnel and .-jiumnk-iu, m a. in., i u, o ui, v si p.m. For Maltanoy City, Park Pluce aiid Delano, .1 28, 7 49, 10 18 n. III., nnd 12 88, 5 14 p. 111. Kor Yateaviiio, 3 38, iu 13 ra in. Trains will leave Slmmokln at 7 00. 9 20 a. ni. 12 10 and 4 20 n. in., and arrive at Shenandoah HI 7 4'J, iu la a. in., 12 o, a 1 1 p. 111. bwvQ aiiuimiiuijuu aur a utmviiit;, oi. v.iu'r Newcastle, Morea and Kew ISoatou, 7 11) and 10 18 a. m , and 1258 p in. Leave l'ottavllle for Shenandoah. 9Wa m 12 35. 5 IS. H 15 n. m. !Aave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 1000a.m., 12 IS, 8 00, 6 3ft, 8 82 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run. Oeiitntlla, Mt. Cnrmel nnd Sliamnkln, 8 46 a. m., 7 11 p. in.. Trains leave Sluainokln for Sheuandoah at 8 50 a. in., and 5 35 p. m. iave MiietianuoAti ior laieaviue, jnauanoy City Park Place, i 'elano, McAdoo, Audenrled, liazietox, p-im Kinn, i.uiuuer ism, weaaaaeriy and Manch Chunk. 9 47 a m., Mid Ii.lu. For 1-hiuhton. Slatliigtou, Cataaauqua White Hall, Coplay, Alleiiiown, lCftntuu and Phlllliia- inirir, 0 47 a m , nnd H 32 p in For New York and Phlliulelphla, 0 47 R. m. Iave Uailetou for Shenandoah, 8 SO, a. m., nnd 6 27 p. m. M. U. CUTTRIt.Hupt. Traawportatton, South Ilelhlehem, J'a. ROLL1N H. WlLHUR.Genl.Supt.. South ltetblhiH, 1'ia. CHAItLliS S. l.Itn, Oenl. Pataw. Airt.. New York, N. Y. A. W. NONNRMACIIKR, IMv. I. A., South llethleliani. Pa. CIAIOM IANSY PILLS ISisn. Taci llru sat VaOMah 3 RCLIEF Alwara .ran at aa ntUbls -lil haaSaSaau .Oai CaoVTSTril!.saaal aijaaaoaata ratilruaaV9a.Mai.adtialiaa;a4a.pna. 41 Citos Srao. Ca Uaatix. Uu. Uairatk 'or aale al Ktrlln'e drug aiore and Raeaaadoa A rue- .aor a . "U Jfrf-a IbWUNVWlUl Rlt Mid fUTVOtWr faUitM artlti 'faaay Kl I'saaaTWal I Mia aaa a fuiallii"' Aim ban' lis Uit uad laraowrf aur aUjrj. J i our un toid dMr at 1 ti . Ill al. atVV a i v r hit o't. 'lanii Nui r M ok Kipot.tMJ 11 ' IT ' , ' h JB)S sfraVIDft BY THE CHASE 'It T 1 Hll-l MI ll. IO l . 1 i. Lav 1 rinaaQsTOt S-U. m -' T i b'luti 'it it iil y I tm t AcMrftaU MURSERIES l3L 1 1, wm WIFE'S AWFUL ECZEMA M v w 1 fa was In the most horrible condition of.. yli-uianbclop.fromEcMma, Bhq could nr.. tier alt down nor He down, her torture wm aaiJtamae. I trlod all the doctors that 1 oooM reach, bat site got so that I firmly believe she vaonlil have dtad vrtlliln twelve hours It 1 had tint I een advised of Cnicou IIkxkdiei and pot them. My wife tevnt to tlttp (n fans htmrt afrr Jlrtl application, although she had vol tUplar term J-iy, and with two boxes of Cinrtnv (ointment) and one cake of Ci Tu t ba Soar a4 snu altteluttly camf, and la well and hearty to-day. air.r Ctrae TitiaiT roa TeiTrari,TfTiM rat1- 1 Hi aaaa,wit teaser llata Warm baUu vita a ai -a fcnar.asaaaMlttrswHh Csrrrcraa.pap f. tr4.lnnlalila fw a4 mt'A dawa at a?r-rirt-a4 lira- iTgi,intrtlll pairtftOT aa4 aaaaoa-wta. M thmwtioM tw wiwM. mmi tv lirr, c Co sr.. Ma Vnrt-. ateaau. IhvuCaniao WanlKarjie.sa Dr. Humphreys5 Specifics act directly upon, the disease, without exciting disorder in othor parta of the aysjem. Tltcy Curo the Sick. no. cents, raicxs- 1-Feaera. OOBgtHllc.es, loflammaltons. J-Vorms, Worm Ferer, Worm Ootlc. .93 3- Teelliln.Collo,Cr7ln-.WakefulDTS .33 4- t)larrhea. ot ChlMrea or AdulU... ,'J3 T-Couchs, OoMs, BroeebltU .13 H .Neuralsla, Toothache, Faeeaehe..... .'13 0-llradarhe.8lck Headache. Verltto. . .33 1 0- t)i aprpala, tDdleMtloa,WekBotnai:h.23 1 1 huppreaaed or Painful Periods. .., 33 112-Whllea. Too Prof ttae Period .IS 13-Croiip, Lartnillls.Uoaneoeaa... .33 lt-Hall Ilheum.EfTHrlaa.ErupUoas.. .33 15-Hlietimallam, Ilbeu ma tie Tains. J3 10 .Malaria, Chttls, rever aed Ague ...a .33 19-C'atarrli,tnnuenta.Coldln the Head .S3 'JO-Wlinoplng.i:oiiati .33 37-Khlney Illsensea .33 3H-ervoua DcMlltr 1.08 30-trlnnrv Weakness. Wetting Ded... .33 77-Orlp. Hay Fever - 33 Dr. tlumpbrxrs' Manual ot all Dteeauea at roar Druntats or Hailed Frt. Sold ny Oruaalsta. or M on receipt of pel cts. nunintorera' Med. Oa Cor. William lotxu at. Mew Vork COCOA PURE ! HEALTHFUL !! ennsylvania RAILROAD. BCI1UYKII.L DIVISION. JHCHT IS, WV. Trains will leave Hhenandoah alter lue aooa dale for WltTgau, Gtlbertou, Fraokvtlls Dark Water, St. Clair, Pottjivllle. Hamburg, Keadlna, I'ottntown, Phoenlxvllle. Korriasosrn a d Phil aaelphta (flrAd street station) at Sit and 8 IS a. m., 2 10, e 11 p m, on week daya. Hundaya, 4 13 a. m., t 80 p. in. Trains leave Krackvllle lor Shenandoah al 7 34, 11 19 a.m. and 6 48, 7 84 p. ai. Huudar 11 01 a. m. and 5 44 p. m. Leave 1'otUvlllo for Shenandoah (via FraoW rllle 7 10, 41 20 a. m., S 39, 7 10 p. ni. Hunday 10 a3 a. Ul.. 5 30 p. m, lave Philadelphia, (liro&d street station), foi Sheaandoah at 8 85 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 30 and 9 23 a. in. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOIl NEW VOllK. Express.week-daya, 8 30, 4 Oo, i 50 S 05,5 15,A 50 7 33, 8 30,9 90, MO 21 11 00a. m 1200noon, IJSS i Limited ! 00 and l 13 p. rj .) 1 40, 2 80, 8 SO, I M, 4 02, 5 00, 5 54 4 00, 7 02, 7 50. 10 V p. m., 1201, nlKht. Sundaya. 820,403. ISO 8 05. 8 15, S20, 9S0. 10 2l. 10 43 a. m., 12 03". 12 85, 'ISO, 102 (Limited '122,1 8 20, 3 99, 83, 7 03, 7 80, 10 CO p. m , 12 01 ulnllt Kxpreas for Itonton without chansje, 11 00 a tt. week-days, and 7 50 p m., daily. For Sea Girt, Aabury Park, Ocean Grove, Lonz Ilrancb. 8 30. 11 14 a mi 8 80, 4 02 P na weekdays. ror LomDerivilie, rsasaon an ocranaon, ow. 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 3 00 I Lamb Kjuitnn ool v i. weekdays, and 7 03 I Lambert vine ana p m dally. UuCTalo, 9 00 a m, 13 00 noon weekday, and p m dally. WASHINGTON AND THK SOUTH. For IUlllmore and WahlnRVn. 8 SO. 7 20, 8 82, 10 SO. 11 33, a, m., 12W. I28I "1 li, 8 13, 4 4L (3 23 CootrrestfUBl Limited,) 8 17. 455, "7 81 p. ra., and 12 oi nigni weeic aaya. nunuaja, 3M. 720,912,1133 a. in., 1209, ! 12. 8 U, 4 41, 520 ConRreaalonal Limited,) a oo a al p. m. and 12 05nlcht. For Ilaltimore, aecominodatlon. 9 12 a m, 1 51 and 4 01 p m week daya. 5 08 and 11 14 p m dally. Atiantlo coass L.ine, r tonua special, lapu, weekdays. Ilxprees 12 09 p m, and 1203 ufgul, ... , .. oouinern liauway, rionua i,iioiiou,4)iiu, weekday Uipreaa-0 55 p m, dally. Chesapeake ii Ohio Railway, 7 31 p m, dally. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20 a in weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leave Market etreet wharf aa follows! Ex presa for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 30 p m week, daya. For Long Branch, via Seaaldo Park, 8 80 a m weekd ya. For Island Height, 880 a ra and 4 00 p ra weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Rroad street station via Delaware river hrldgt Kiprras, 9 40 a m 7 03 p. m. Sunday, 9 30 a in., 7 03 p m. Leave Market Kireel Warf Bipreaa, tCOaoa, 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p m. Sunday. 9 00, 10 00 a m i accommodation 480and5 00pm. For Cat- May, Sea Isle City, Ocn Clly. valon Stone Harbor, Ansrleaea, Wlldwndand Hollj Reach Express, 9 00 a m, 4 Iw, t a weekdays. Sundays 9 00 a m. For Homers Point Express, 9 00 a m., 2 CO. 4 00, S CO, p. m. week days Sunday, 9 00 and WW a m , Th TTnlnn Transfer Comnanv will call for and check baggage from hotel and residences. Dnlnecar. I H llirrciitseioir, J. R. Wood. Oen'l Manaaer. tlni i v"'rt Aa News and Opinions OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday ,by mail,8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape in the world. Price 5c i copy. Bj mill, 52 i yet address THX B0H, Hew York. a Sars 1T.0 cuHCTatia, aa. f oa-woauir W( 1 HuV"" VMitras Ppceino OsKaSLa-C rt at PotI risky' s drn slot. S Oaatn rtrvH aa ataisa laiai-fralsra-sraaraasaanrara MS, HUTS1