The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 09, 1899, Image 2

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ICSt Ull.HllUll 1HTO.
' Ml the Nrs Tbt's Fit to Prim."
Boiiil Tar-Hti utret, Hht'immlnnll, t. j
T'i H r.tld m li'llvtml in liertnmloAli tid th
8nri"Ui!intf town forixi.'4!i.tfi w k, py
rtiili t.. tlir- vnrrlcM. By mll 9 0 n yrnr, or
1 onti 11 month imynltlf- In nilvimon Ad
vertlvementfl rtianretl wt-ortllnjc ' afHteennri
position. Th iHlWWmw rWMrve the rlicht
to ohftiiKc tlin ftfttHmi ftdvertispwnt
whemr-vir tin tthltoittmi uf fwwn ileitmrHl
it Tln rljflit In rnnefvetl to reject Htiy
ittlvrr im invnt wlitMlter mltl Utr or not, that
t't liiMmlnTH niHV din lmiroMr. Adver
tising i u s humIp kumvn iiiNmnpplloHMoit.
T t' r ) hi tl i-t ortlcc Ht Hhctiandnfili, l'n , iw
srtonU clam nmll malter.
Qrvcnhtg gjevalb
fill USY. FBllUTARY It 1P0
O'JR HOUNiRV: First, Last and Porevet,
Aui ixai-Do lina placed Ills witr pro
cliiuiaiion on Hie, hihI now ok. a
ronterewe with General Otin. Well.
hit gut it.
That paper is the clienpBt whh;h
brings the best results in proportion
to its rate, no matter what that rate
limy be Printers' Ink.
Tiik Soi-ialixts were just one day
too late in Ming their nomination
papers. It is unfortunate, but the
law is no respecter of persons.
Congress has provided that an
other census lie taken next year.
This will create a number of desir
able plums for (,'ood liepubliuitns.
o month is so rioh in holidays ns
February Although it is the shortest
month in the year, having only
twenty-eight days, yet there are more
legal holidays in it than in any other
Advertising will enable a small
manufacturer or merchant to com
pete successfully with a big one whose
goods are known best to the trade
perhaps, but not so well to the gen
eral public.
The Pennsylvania boys at Manila
are making a splendid record, as they
always do in the hour of their coun
try's need. The loyal men of the old
Keystone state can be depended upon
in any emergency.
The "insurgent" papers say Sena
tor Quay should retire. That's a nice
how-to-do 1 With more than seven
times as many votes as any other Re
p null cuii candidate, his friends will
hardly look upon the proposition
with anydegreeof satisfaction, to say
the least.
Thk bill appropriating .fl'.'S.OOO for
the erection of a public building at
Wilkesbarre has passed the Senate.
It Is to be hoped that it will not be
erected upon the same plans of archi
tecture that Pottsville's "barn" is.
Even the dogs bark at the latter, as
they pass it.
Thk establishment of a silk mill in
Shenandoah is one of the tiings de
sired, and every encouragement
should be given the movement by our
monied men. Last week a represen
tative of the Patterson mills was in
town in consultation with some of
our leading citizens, and it is to be
hoped that his visit will result in the
establishment of the mill in our
midst. Shenandoah, with every
facility, is sadly In need of just such
Tkk old-fashioned winter brings
with it certain duties that cannot be
neglected without subjecting a multi
tude of persons togreat inconvenience
and discomfort. The Burgess has
authority to compel householders to
keep their sidewalks clear of snow
but this is a matter generally left to
the citizens themselves to a great ex
tent. Let every one sweep before his
own door and pedestrianisiu will not
be so unpleasant us it is otherwise.
Keep the sidewalks clean.
A bill of much importance to the
citizens of boroughs and townships
was introduced in the House at Har
risburg yesterday, by Representative
Jeffries, of Chester. The meusure
provides for the election of two tri
ennial assessors in "townships and
boroughs which are now or may here
after be divided into wards," and
gives the Court power to appoint in
cases of vaouuoy. The bill, In the
opinion of many, should become a
law. It would do away with ward
assessors, and Instead of Shenandoah
having five assessors, us now, under
the provisions of the bill there would
be but two, elected by the concurrent
votes of the people at large. There
is no question but that such a system
would result in a more equitable
assessment, and give greater satis
Tried Many Medicines
. Rallef Camo Only From Hood's
" I suffered with a naln in my stomach
and head, and had heart trouble. I tried
many metflolnss without much benefit.
Finally I thought I would five Hood's
Barsaparllla a trial, and it has completely
cured the pain In my stomach and bene
fited me In other ways." JonN M.
I'RITCliAKDa, Avocb, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the beat in tort the One True Blood Purifier
Hood's Pills "" i.: .tiou. J5t.-..t,
Cornish cave dwellers.
Kolnrn do tu Sli-di Stiitnltiiw on t1i
SlniitlliK Hook.
' inplc In tin-hnliit of fitiiii'iiMnu: tho
i ro of W hltrnoml liny, between no mid
lmwmloirv. "ii fntrllW with tlK1 night
nf two wini 11 mm li n about iiinmiff tho
rocks ex, iii-iil at low thin. Thty ore
riii'llflnh Kilt hvri'i x who live In ft Miinll
unvo n lltthi to the wvM nf Sonton. Any
one who oxiinilntu the I'Ihc-o mutt wonder
how two hiiinnu lielniH mill exist thrrc.
AIoiik onu hhIu In a nt rip of mint I, mid
from tlint the floor Minimi upivnnl tit alt
HIIK In of Hlmiit HO dogreea, Wlwtlwr tiy
ywtrs of jn iirtlw tho women have hUhIiiikI
Mich perftatlmi In the trt of IwIiuioIuk
their IxhIIw that, thty o to nlncp on tho
nlnnUtif( rock without fuir of fiilllng, or
whether they rewt, rin tlio xnnil (wet wlion
I mw It from a litte turm), 1 wim not in
formed, but It Is evident that they know
no comfort t any time. When I onmo
Maidenly uimn tho cave one lunrnliiK in
October, the KtnohlerliiK nulie of a drift
wckmI Are, a kettle, n tmpnt and twooiim
were dotted nljont jiitt Iniiiilw. Fnrtlicr
up the floor their "cupboards" a eotiplo
of iron Iwllcrs worn ti)illnu, mid in a
nleho nenr the lire wiw a pipe, short, durk
antt odorous.
The women who have niiiilo this thulr
ilwellliiK place arti Irish widows, "bom In
Ireland mid mai'iled In Ireland," ni one
of tliem said. They are lietween fiO and
00 years old and for the loot 80 years
have lmunmnl to gHln a sustenance by
Withering limpets week lifter week and
taking them to Plymouth. When tho sen
is rough, they obtain few or no tlsh, but
under favorable cireuniitanceH the two
sometimes get 1 1 slillllnxs a week between
Uiom. In fine weather, when from Hume
liPRd to Iooe Island tlio sea lies calm and
glistening under a summer sky, this
smoke Mnckenod cave Is an uninviting
hovel, ami in tho winter, esiieclrdly when
there is a gale from tho southeast, tlio wo
men must lie blown almost out of the hol
low or frozen ti death. On some such oc
casion they . re forced to lrnvo the cave,
and then tin y ten to a disused pig sty near
In tulki'in with them while thoy dex
terously chipped limpets from tho weed
mantled rocks I mildly remarked that
workhouses wuro now made very comfoi t
ttble immediately tho younger woman
stoo I erect and with something akin to
pride and determination exclaimed in a
voice more than tinctured by tlio Irish
pmois, "Never, sir, will us go to tho
workhouse while us can gut as much as
one crust In 24 hours. " Hitherto I
seen her only in a stooping attitude, mid
I wns surprised now to see how tall a wo
man slio was and what strength of charac
ter was Indicated by her features. As sho
stood there among tlio seaweed, with feet
and legs bare and her hair confined by a
handkerchief, beating tho palm of one
hand with the knuckles of tho other to
emphasize her words, It dawned upon mo
that I had named the thing auainst which
those two women have fought grimly for
more than a quarter of a century. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
Women Should Know it.
Many women sutler untold agony and
misery because the nature of tlfeir disease is
not correctly understood. They have been
led to believe that womb trouble or female
weakness of some sort is responsible for die
mnnv ills that beset womankind.
Neuralgia, nervousness, Ijeadachc, puffy
or dark circles under the eyes, rheumatism, a
dragging pnin or dull ache in the baok, weak
ness or bearing-down sensation, profuse or
scanty supply of urine with strong odor,
frequent desire to pass it with scalding or
burning sensation, sediment in it sfter stand
ing in bottle, or common glass for twenty-four
hours, are signs of kidney and bladder trouble.
The above symptoms arc often attributed
by the patient herself or by her physician to
female weakness or womb trouble. 1 ience, so
mauy fail to ob'ain relief, because they ate
treating, not the disease' itself, but a reflection
of the primary cause, which is kidney trouble.
In fact, women as well as men are made
miserable with kidney and' bladder trouble
and both need the same remedy.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the great dis
covery of the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist, and is easy to get at any drug store
for fifty cents or one dollar.
To prove its wonderful merits you my
have a sample bottle and book telling all
alxut it, both sent absolutely free by mail.
Kindly mention Shenandoah Herald and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co
Binghamton, N. Y.
Northwestern Ventbor.
St. Paul, Feb. 8. For two weeks this
section has scarcely known what It
meant to have the mercury Bet above
zero. Monday night the mercury got
down to 21 below, only one colder day
having been reported this winter, and
no winter since 1888 belnc so cold.
Northwestern thermometers range
from 42 below at Minnesota and 46 at
Winnipeg up to. 10 below at Duluth.
Laxative Urnmo Quinine Tablets removes
the cause that produces La Grippe. The
genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. 25c.
now n It o m nn Artificer Stiirlleil Ti
nerlns and Lost Ills lleinl.
In "Xaturte Historiamm," where ref.
erence is made to nn Incident in Roman
history which up to the tlmo of Sainto-
Claire Dcvllle has been overlooked by
scientists for many centuries, says Aluml
num, it la related by Pliny (98 A. D. to
TO A. D.) that during the reign of tho
Kmperor Tluerlus (II U. C. to 87 A. D.)
a certain worker in metals (raber) ap.
pearetl at the palace and showeu a beauti
ful cup composed of a brilliant white
metal that shone like silver.
When the artificer was presenting it to
tho emperor, lie puniosely dropped It on
the floor of the clmmber. The goblet was
so bruited by the fail that it seemed to be
irretrievably Injured, but the workman
took his hammer and iu the preMince of
the court repaired tho damage without
delay. It was evident that this metal was
not silver, though it had almost tho same
brilliancy, besides being much more duo
tile and considerably lighter.
The emperor questioned the artificer
closely and learned from him that "lie had
extracted the metal from an argillaceous
earth, probably the clay known to mod
ern chemists as alumina. Tiberius then
asked if any one besides himself knew tho
process and received tho proud reply that
the secret was known only to himself and
Jupiter. This answer was sulTioient. Tho
emperor hod reflected tliat if it were pos
sible to obtain this metal from so oommon
a substance as clay the value of gold and
silver would be greatly reduced, so he de
termined to avert such a lamentablo
oatAstropho. Ho caused the workshops of
the discoverer tu bti wholly destroyed, and
the luckless artificer was seized and de
oupitnul, so tliat his secret might porish
with him.
JI. huinU-Clsire Deville had no doubt
that this metal was aluminium, and he
asserted that the wanton cruelty of
Tiberius hod deprived the world of this
valuable metal, which remained un
known for 18 centuries. The extracting
of aluminium, discovered by tho Roman
craftsman In the first century of the
Christian era, thus becume one of the lost
I do not bel'i've there
Is a cno of drsppp
sin, ltnli(.i 1 inn or
eny stomnrh trouble
that cnutK't he re
HeTcd at omo and
pertnnnpntly cured
by my DYt PF.PSIA
At nil dniKid'ts,
2.V. n vial, (liiidii
to Health mid tnedb
cal mlvir-p fre 1.ri(5
Arch street, l'hila.
1VltrliM mill Spnohn I'lnr n Priiml-
ii en t I'll r I In tin lilvrx nf the Suv
iiuch Tin- Clcilllllr Sunlit- AVlilcIl
Formt'il .MntfiM'ii I''iiI1h.
Fifty miles, to the southwest of Tucson.
A. T., is a dreary rogion of desert a rug
ged butte of roughly conical shape rises
abruptly from the plain and points like a
linger toward the sky. Hero and there its
sides nre pitted with caverns, and alto
gether Its appearance Is so weird that It Is
no wonder the 1'nnngo Indians of tho ro
gion regurd It with superstitious awe. It
is called Rattlesnake rock because the an
clent of all the rattlesnakes makes his
home inside of It. Tills fact Is known
positively, because ho has been seen many
times, lliebutto Is a sacml place, and
nobody ventures near it under ordinary
eiruuuiMiinces, but candidates for aborig
inal "diplomas'' as medicine men sleep
hy It overnight nftcr fasting for a long
time, and the big serpent comes out and
leads them into the rock, whero in an lm
inonso hollow chamber all sorts of potent
things, such as siinkcs' skins, birds' claws,
etc., are hung up. Tho uses of these for
magical and curative purposes ho tenches
to the novice, who is thereafter regarded
by ills people as graduated iu tho arts of
healing and sorcery.
On tho Held of tho fight of Wounded
Knee there was picked up an Indian baby
not more than 3 months old, a llttlo girl.
Sho was found st rapped to tho back of her
dead mother, who was shot In tho ninssa
ere. General Colby adopted tho child, to
whom the namo Zlntka Lanunl (Lost
Bird) was given and reared her as Ids
daughter. Although tlio llttlo girl neither
knows nor remembers any conditions
other than thoso of civilization, sho has
evinced ono very notablo Inherited trait
namely, n fear of shadows. Sho Is greatly
afraid even of her own shadow, and this
would seem very surprising wore It not
known (t hat Indiana, llko most other suv
ages, regard n shadow as the ghost of the
person or other object by whioh it Is
Tho rules of conduct by which a savage
must govern his llfo are vastly moro com
plex than those which control a civilized
man. This is becuuso of tlio multltudo
of ghosts which surround him on every
sido. Tho clvllizcd.mnn considers tliat ho
is doing what is required of him if ho
docs not disturb tho comfort of his neigh
bors, but tho Indian Is obliged to behave
himself In a satisfactory way In respect to
rocks, in respect to deer, in respect to the
sun and moon, and so on nd infinitum.
Ho has an Inunlto number of neighbors,
all of whom aro nono tho less real to htm
because they aro phantoms to us. For ex
ample, a certain lino of conduct must bo
fulfilled by him In respect to rabbits;
otherwise ho would not bo aide to catch
any rabbits. Tho great ancient of rabbits
permits some or his representatives to be
captured only on tlio condition that cer
tain forms shall bo oarefully observed by
the cuptors.
.livery tribe or Indians has its ghost
places or devil places, which aro haunted
localities. In tho country of tho Tulare
Indians In southern California is an
enormous granito bowlder which Is be
llevcd to bo Inhabited by witches. It is
known as witch rock, and nobody, least
of all children, ventures to approach it."
In tho lower part of it is a curious open
ing, which has tho shapo of a cavern, and
hero the witches aro supposed to dwell.
Not far distant is a pool which Is supposed
to bo occupied by tho devil. The waters
of the pool aro dark, being stained witli
some vegetable matter, and close by is a
mineral spring, which lends additional
mystery. That tho devil docs actually
live In tlio pool Is indisputable, because
practically every member of tho tribe has
6een him. Thoy go, a number of them
together, and hold cncli other's hands
while they watch for him, nud they never
fall to seo him In the water. Ho Is always
there, watching for somebody to conio
along to bo gobbled up.
To tho primeval savogo, ns to tho In
dlan of today, everything "had its phantas
mal essence, so to speak, and tho essence
was more important than tho external
properties of tho object. From this point
of view a thing has a tangible shell, but
within It Is contained a potency of spirit,
This latter is tho ghost, which Is nt liberty
to leave the object when it wishes. Of
course tho savage has a ghost of his own,
of which he is vaguely conscious.
Among tho most appalling spooks that
haunt the Iroquois is a carnivorous ghost
In tho shape of a skeleton. Particularly
malevolent spirits uro certain huge heads
without bodies that go flying about, their
long hair serving tluim in llou of wings.
The Indians generally beliovo In super
natural beings corresponding to our fairies
and goblins, which havo local abiding
plaoes well recognized ns such. They call
them tne "llttlo people.
Formerly there dwelt under Niagara
falls a gigantic snako, which now and
then would make Its way to an Indian vll
lage In tho neighborhood and coll itself
around the town. It swallowed tlio people
who tried to esoape and rendered Itself
further obnoxious by poisoning tho wells
with Its spittle. Finally tho serpent was
destroyed by a stratagem. It was so huge
that wliun the people laid Us body out in
death It stretched over more than SO arrow
flights. Indeed when thrown Into the
river It wits too large to pass tho rocks, so
that It became wedged In between thorn,
and the wuters roso over It, thus fashion
ing tlio horseshoe, which remains to this
The Cherokees are very much afraid of
certain mythical horned alligators which
are supposed to reside in several different
plaoes In deep holes In the rivers, There
is one locality In Oklahoma whero a crea
ture of this description has an under
ground tunnel from one river to another.
Iu the southern Alleghany region on the
dl,iuing ridge Is nn enchanted lake that
Is the haunt of several monstrous animals
posMMstil of magic powers. One of tiiese
is a great snake, which lins the power of
fascinating Its human victim, and it is so
poisonous that a single drop of Its spittle
falling upon a person Is death. Kqunlly
formidable is im. enormous leech which
lives in the HlYTOsee river in tlio same
country. Oocusiouuily a certain ledge of
rook Is exposed when the water is low,
and any ono who attempts to walk across
it Is Inevitably snaked down. In the In
dian mythology nearly every animal is
descended from an uncestral giant of fero
cious and dangerous attributes, which was
finally destroyed by some tribal hero.
Iioston Transcript.
ouu Mahogany disease.
tt II en Inn with n fhrsl nf llrnvrer
nnil Mnke Trouble Tor Families.
"A friend of mine who has been too
busy with tlio problem of ways and moans
to pay much attention to the adornment,
of ids house asked ine yesterday to select
for hint a good piece of colonial mahog
any, ns he wanted to have one suolt piece
In his house, and I declined to do so until
I li'' explained to lilm the cost," said n
scenic artist whoie lioue is ono of tho
show places in a town near New York.
"I knew that his furniture was oak and
upliolstenM stuff, and that Just so sure ns
he placiil wltli It a good exatnptu of old
mahogany Ids troubles would liegln. The
mahogany would kill his oak, and In
course of time It would mean the refur
pishing of Ids house.
"Ills was a ease of Ignorance being
bliss, and I did not propone to tippet ids
household. I have seen the old mahogany
disease work its way into many house
holds, and in many oases the results havo
been disastrous. Talk about having a
mortgage on your house, why, that is
nothing compared to tho annoyance of
finding that you havo a lot of modern oak
furniture on your hands too good to throw
away when you have once ix'gun to col
lect old pieces. It lias taken mo nearly
ten years to lho down a collection of oak
furniture which I made In St. bonis and
which has hung over me llko tho shadow
of a great sorrow. I was boarding in St.
Louis and doing work on a big produc
tion, when my wlfo and I decided that wo
didn't like boarding and that wo would
try housekeeping. I had no time to spend
In looking for a house, so we took the first
one that wo could find. Wo spent just
one afternoon In furnishing it completely
dishes, draperlos, rugs, carpets and an
outfit of very now oak furniture. Tho re
suit was just wdiat might havo been ox
jiectod. Our house looked llko a Grand
Ilnplds showroom. Wo moved to New
York, leaving behind as much of our oak
furniture as wo could, but when wo got
settled hero wo found around us a lot of
It which was too good to givo away and
which we could not sell.
"I had picked up by this time a few old
pieces of mahogany, and tho moro I
studied them the more I dospNed my oak.
Tliun I built my house, und I was forced
to move somo of those pieces Into It. I
havo been crowding theni out by dogrccs
over since, however, and now I haven't got
one modern oak pleco left. In tho mean
time I havo watched friends struggle with
their modern furnlturo after they had
picked up tin old pleco or two, and their
troubles luve boon llko nilno. When my
friend asked nio yesterday to select un old
picco for him, I told hlni wlmt I havo told
you, and I said that if after thinking It
over for a week ho still wanted to mako
tho plunge I would help him. Ho will
probably want to begin on an old chest of
drawers, for that is usually the opening
wedge, and then old andirons, tables with
claw feet and corner cabinets will follow,
concluding with chairs, and tho latter
will keep him poor for the rest of his llfo.
It's llko tho opium habit, and you can't
shako It off." New York Sun.
A Remedy For the Grippe.
A remedy recommended for patients af
flicted with the Grippe is Kemp's lialsam,
which is especidly adapted to diseases ol the
throat and lungs. Do not wait for the first
symptoms of the disease, but get a bottle to
day and keep it on hand for use the moment
it is needed. If neglected the grippe lias a
tendency to bring on pneumonia. The lialsam
prevents this by keeping the cough loose. All
druggists sell the Balsam.
Wlinl She Wnntcil Snj-.
It Is related that tho llttlo daughter of
a governor amazed and amused her hostess
and shocked and scandalized her mother
during a call at a Paciflo uvenuo residence
Tho juvenllo visitor had received a sltco
of delicious cako, which she nto with
much relish.
"What do you say to tho ladyf" asked
her mamma, who is proud of her darling's
graceful manners.
There was no reply from tho darling.
"You wnnt to say something to tho
lady. Now, what is itf" continued the
mother conxlngly
Looking up shyly and slyly Into tho
smiling fnco of her hostess, tho tcrriblo
infant asked, with adiulrablo directness,
Have you any moro cako? Sau Fran
cisco News letter.
Home Lovers First Choice,
Swiss malt' ns havo wldo and deep
courtship license, but iu many of tlio can
tons they nro allowed but a narrow choice
of bridegrooms, it being a rigorously en
forced, if unwritten, law that thoy must
marry n youtli of their own neighborhood.
In many villages ovcry marriageable
youth belongs to a society whoso solo ob
ject is to prevent any and ovcry youth
from outside from coming n-courtlng tho
maidens of tlio society's village.
An IZyc to IlnslneNs.
"Blgsbco Is n terribly melodramatic fel
low, isn't he? Ho said he'd drain his
heart's blood for the woman he loved. Do
you think ho meant itf"
"Why, I guess so. Blgsbco Is agent for
a drain and sower phm concern." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Every expectant mother haa
a trying ordeal to ace. If she does not
get ready for It,
there is no telling
what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Mature Is not given proper assistance
Mother's Friend
is the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several months before baby comes.
it makes tho advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevents " morning
sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to reliove motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar pur bottle at Ml drug nores, or
seat by eiprens on receipt ot price.
Fiiee Books, containing valuable Informa
tion for women, will be sent to any addreM
upon application 10
Atlanta, Oa.
I Was Nervous, Sleepless, Run
Down, Faint and Trembling.
Wns so Wcnk Tlmtl Could Hardly
Climb Up n I'nir of Stairs.
Dr. Greene's Horvura la the Wonderful
Remedy Whlob. Made Me Well.
Mrs. Jos. Fields, Lebanon, N. H., says I
" I have been suffering for several years
with nervousness, heart trouble and Indi
gestion, and, in fact I was so weak that 1
could hardly climb tip a pair of stairs,
could not sleep nights, wns all run down,
had faint spells and trembling feelings
nnd had very little appetite. I had no de
sire for anything. I had been under the
doctors' care for almost five years and
none of them did me any good. I heard
of Dr. Greene's Ncrvura blood nnd ncrvt
remedy through friends and I thought i'
would do no harm to give it a trial. Sc
t did and must truly sny It has done foi
me a world of good. I cannot say too
much in praise for Dr. Greene's Ncrvura,
for nobody but God knows how much
good it has done for me."
People may well have confidence In Dr.
Greene's Ncrvura, for It is the prescrip
tion of the famous Dr. Greene, 35 West
14th St., New YorkClty, who can be con
sulted without charge at any time, either
personally or' by letter. Consult him
freely, hut be sure and use this wonderful
Full AiniieitVof- TT.i-Con federate'..
Washington, Feb. 8. Dy unanimous
vote the Judiciary committee of the
house yesterday decided to recommend
the reDeal of what Is said to be the
remnant of disqualification against
those serving In the Confederacy. The
proposed amendment provides that
"hereafter no person shall be disquali
fied for any service In any court or in
any branch or department of the gov
ernment of the United States for par
ticipation in the civil war of 1861 and
No ono would ever he bothered with con-
stipatiou if evcryono knew how naturally
and quickly Burdock Blood Blttors regulates
the stomach and bowels.
Miss Sadie Wcrtheim, age 14, of Tole
do. O. tenq tho wltiti,r nf jrf ri-wtx tn
execution on the violin at the Brussels
conservatory oi music. German critics
derlulrdaver. It
is the greatest
uisuucuon 10 ue
first in anv-
thillf. For this
in stfltemenntilTi
- .r
-v meraiure, atu-
N letirs. Rcipnri.
.' .Jandart,menand
their grj
-PSr PtinriO Wa.h iinlnH nr..
said to be "first in war, first in peace and
iirstintl "hearts of his cmintrvmpti ' It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind and brings great-
ci iiuppiuess inun a goou remeay. many
thilll'S will ?.? but tliB rn tliat ,tlt
wisbest. Brazilian Balm is Buch a rem
edy, x ens ot thousands have found that
it is tne only thing that would cure Ca-
Mm. TVir 1 K ..-t if lino m...
er failed in a single case to cure Asthma,
ami its recoru nas oeen as wonderlul in
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run ltltr,Pr,HQi,mr,ftr,n r ivlmi-. tt,.
atostrils were entirely stopped upor where
mc puisuuuus pus uau eaten notes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a jec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just-
lv entitles tllnHrnrifiatl Jlnlm 1 tl,o fl,ct
place in the regard of the American peo-
I '1-1 in . . .
juc. 1 uere are u,uuu,mju t-atarrn victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in this
country, all of whom pan bp iMirprl willi
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for patarrli nr 'icllimn nnd fnf f ... n .. . 1 . "
....... w. ....... ...1, , UUL. 1 VJ . W UlU.lLliS
we will wran .(.til, pool, 41 nn v.n.iA
month's treatment of Toxicola Tabjets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
aim sirengtu uuituer Known to science.
This is the greatest off er ever made. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute. B,
r. jakkson to., flijg.uetmsts, India
napolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents
Tliln mnKazlne for lioys nnd clrla is without
a rival In Its Held. Tlio features (or the coming
lenr will Rain for it a host of new friends. A
few leading nttrac'lons are 1
A New Henty Story,
By 0. A. Henty.
This Ian tale of early American history, by
the favorite story-teller ol American and Eng
lish boys.
By Amelia E. Barr.
A delightful historical romance for girts, deal
ing with life In Old New York, and written by
one of the most spirited mid conscientious
American authors
By Laura E. Richards.
No writer j, moro ooyng folk
of to-daj tjan the author of "Captain Jonii
ary," andti,g Is one of lier best efforts.
By E. II. House.
A series of amusing epUodes of history,
ancient and modern, told In an entertaining
way. It will awaken a new Interest In this Im
portant branch of study.
Mrs. 0. D. Slgsbee, the wife of the captain of
the battle-snip Maine, will write about "Pets
Also contributions from Mrs. Burton Harri
son, Clara Morris, Oelett Burgus, Lloyd
Onbourne, Lt. Endlcott, Foultney Bigelow,
Lt. Peary, etc., etc
Every household with children should
have St. Nicholas,
$3.00 n Year. 25 cents a number.
SfXknUiiMi tnaa wiV. iftCyt
bftGAMEfl THfi IBEAr
The Heir 1 11 it' Mnclilnp .Voeille Wnm In
voliiril In Sleep.
V own the invention of tho sowlnir
machine tn Kilns Ilown, an American tnn
clinnlc, as yon all knuw. Ha had a largo
fninlly to euro for and could clvo only his
odd moments to tho construction of his
machine. Hut whlln laboring for dally
bread .for bliusulf nnd his family ho was
constantly thinking out his Invention.
Ho sot on nulte well until he enmo to
tho making of n needle.; then ho was at a
standstill, for ho could not discover where
tho eyo of tho nocdlo should m placed. At
first ho thought that a needle fashioned
nftcr tho ordinary uccdto for hand suwltig
might lxi nil right, but after much experi
menting ho found that It would not do.
IIo-wos greatly perplexed. The nocdlo
question absorbed his thoughts by day,
and at night he dreamed nbotit needles.
Ono night ho dreamed that lid was In n
far distant country that was ruled over
by a sange king. Tho king ordered him
to construct a sowing machine, mid, not
daring to disobey orders, ho at ouco Set to
work. All went well until ho enmo to
tho location of tho needlo's eye; then his
troubles liegan.
Tlio king grew impatient and finally
gavo the inventor just 21 hours in which
to complete tho machine nnd told him ho
must forfeit his llfo if ho failed to finish
tho task. He worked harder than over,
you may be sure, but found that ho could
not invent a pnipar nocdlo nnd had to
givo It up,
Just ns tho king's warriors wore about
to tako him away to execute him ho
noticed that the spears they carried were
pierced near tho head. Like nn Inspira
tion the solution of tho needle problem
camo to hlni, and while Imploring tho
savngo king for a llttlo moro tlmo ho
Although It was but 4 o'clock In tho
morning, Mr. Howo arose nt once and
went to his workshop, and by 8 o'clock ho
had modeled a needle for ids sewing ma-
chlno with an oyo at the point. Thus was
tho perplexing problem solved. New
York Telegram.
Colloiiseiil OH.
Thero appenrs to be no limitation to
tho industrial uses of cottonseed nil, nud
these of courso nro multiplied by tho con
stantly developing improvements made in
tho rcllnlng proce.os.os. A marked advanco
In this last rcipoct Is that tlio yellow oil
resulting from tho first rcllnlng procoss,
through treatment with nlkaliuo solu
tions, is now further purified by heating
and filtration; then tho whlto oil of com
merce is obtnlned.liy shaking tho yellow
oil with 3 to !! per cent of fuller's earth.
In pilrlfylng tho yellow oil about SG per
cent of It Is separated In tho form of
stearin, and tho latter is employed In
making caudles, etc.
From tho soap stock that comes from
cottonseed oil there Is likcwlso mndo a
pccullur kind of wash powder. Tho soap
itself made from tho oil Is used extensively
by tlio woolen mills of this und other
countries, and it has boon found to bo of
special valuo In washing woolen goods,
which does not injuro them nor causo
them to shrink. After all, howover, not
much more than one-third of tho cotton
seed supply Is at prosont used for manu
facturing oil and similar products.
The Ravages of Grip.
That modern scourge, the Grip, poisons
tho air with its fatal germs, so that no home
is safe from its ravages, but multitudes havo
found a suro protection against this danger
ous malady In Dr. King's Now Discovery.
When you feel a soreness In your bones and
muscles, have chills snd fovcr, with sore
throat, pain iu the hack of tho bead, catar
rhal symptoms and a stubborn cough you
may know y&u havo the Grip, and that you
need Dr. King's New Discovery. It will
promptly euro tho worst cough, heal tho in
flamed membranes, kill tho disease germs and
prevent tho dreaded after effects of tho
malady, rrice nocls. and fl.vo. Money back
If not cured. A trial bottle free at A.
Wasley's drug More.
Tho AtoKnoi-y Itesolntion Dolhycd.
Washington, Feb. 8. Inquiry about
the senate regarding the McEnery reso
lution as to the government of the
Philippines develops the fact that any
resolution Is not likely to pass Just now,
though there may be no objection later.
It Is understood the administration be
lieves It would be Inexpedient to pass
resolutions while the strained relations
exist between the United states and
the Insurgents at Manila.
Does Tals strike Yon ?
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea is au absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 35 cts. and SO cts. Sold by
P. D. Kirllu and a guarantee.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for l'enn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, LolilgMon,
Slatingtou. White Hall. Catasaunua. Allcntnu-n.
Itethlehem, Kaston New York and Plilladelphta
ni u AO, , iv u. 111., li, in mm n p. in.
For Wllkcsbane, White Haven and Pittston,
5 28, 10 13 n. m.. 12 88 and a 1 1 p. in.
For Loceyville, Towanda, Sayre, Wuverly,
Elmlra. itochcsten Uuftalo. Nlaimra Fnlla.
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
irAn 1 n 1 .. ,(iko 1.1...
w iu ... .,., oa uuu tj 1 ,. ill.
For Ilelvldcro, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 8 28 a. m., a 14 p. m.
For Lambcrtville and Trenton, 7 19 a. m.
For Jcaucsville.Levlstiiii and Beaver Meadow,
5 23 a. 111., 12 58 p. in.
For McAdoo, Audenrlcd, Hazleton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 8 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. ui., 12 68 and
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Frecland, 528, 1013
a, m., 5 U p. in.
For Scranton, 5 28. 10 13 . m., 8 1 1 p. in.
For Lost CreeK, Glrardvjlle, und Ashland, i 00,
and 7 27 p. m.
For Haven Uuu, Centriiliii, Mount Carincl and
Shiimokln, 10 88 a. iu., 1 12, 0 07, 9 23 p. m.
ForMalmnoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 49, 10 13 a. in., and 12 88, 5 1 1 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, 8 28, 10 13 a. in.
Trains will leave Sliamokln at 7 00. 9 20 n. m
12 10 and 4 20 p, m., and arrive at Shenandoah
ut 7 49, 10 13 u. in., 12 58, S 1 1 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for I'ottsvllle, St. Clair,
New Castle, Morea and New Iloston, 7 49 and
10 13 a. m , and 12 88 p. in.
Leave I'ottsvllle for Shenandoah, 9 45 a in.,
12 35, 805, 8 15 p. m.
Leave-Hazleton for Shenandoah, 1000a.m.,
12 48, 5 09, 6 20, 8 82 p 111.
Trains leave for Itaven Hun, Centralla, Mt.
Cnrmel and Sliamokln, V 18 a, in., 7 21 p. in.,
Trains leave Sliamokln for Shenandoah at
8 50 a. in., and S 35 p. in.
Leave Shenandoah for Yutesvlllo, Mahanoy
City. Pork Place, Delano, McAdoo. Audeurled,
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Wcathcrly
and Maucli Chunk, 9 47 a in., and 032 p, in.
For Lelilghton, SlatlnKton, Whlto
Hall, Conlay, Allentown, liistou and Phillips
burg, 9 47 tt m., and 0 32 p. m.
For New York nnd Phfladelphla, 9 47 a. in.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 80, a. in.,
and 0 27 p. in.
M. II. OUTTEIt, Supt. Transportation,
South lleuilehem, Pa.
ItOLLIN It. WIL1IUK, Clenl. Supt.,
South llethlehem, Pa.
CHAHLES S. LUIS, Clenl. Pass. Act..
New York, N. Y.
South llethlehem, Pa.
Oelebr-ited '
l'owders never fall
i ufiuidiimf After f&llin
1 with Ttnrr rid Vammyt IIUj sod othr llu
SHOW RmedlM). Ahrsji buy tlit best sndatold dlut.
potntment Oujinteod mperloj to .all ethen. .wiltlA
A Handsome Complexion I
la one of the greatest charms a woman can j
possess rozzoni'B Couruuciox Powcbb)
Kit salt.
is duu not only to tho originality and
simplicity of tho combination, but also
to tho care and sit 111 with which it Is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to tho Oalipohnia Fio Svnup
Co. only, nnd wo wish to Impress upon
all tho importance of purchasing tho
truo and original remedy. As the
genuine ftyrup of Figs is mnnufacturcd
by tlio Califoiinia Fio Svnnr Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
nssist one in avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tlio high standing of the Cai.i
fobnia Fia Syhup Co. with tlio medi
cal profession, and tlio satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of Mio Company a guaranty
of the excellcnjo of Its remedy. It Is
for in advance of all other laxatives,
as It acts on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to gefc Its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
tho Company
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y
Engines Burn Hard Goal No Smoke,
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows 1
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 588, 7 30,9 85 a. m 12 20, 3 19 and 6 C9 p. m.
For New York via Maucu Chunk, week uays,
7 30 a. m 12 26 and 8 09 p. iu.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
210,5 38, 780. 9 85 ft.m., 12 20, 8 C9 and 6 09 p. in.
For PottHvlUe, week days, 7 30, 9 85 n, tu.
12 20, 8 09, A 09 and 1 30 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
7 80, 9 55 a. m., 12 20, B 09 and CCD p. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
iveek days. II '2 a.m.. 12 20, 7 80 m
For Maliano) Plfillo, weekiUjn, 2 if, 3 27, 53S,
7 80,9 65,1112 a.m., 12 20, 8 C9, GOT. 73J, 986
p. ra.
For Ashland and Sliamokln, week dAya, 7 80,
1182 a. m., 12 20, 8 09,607, 725 and 1 85 p. m.
For Baltimore. Washington and tho Weit via
B.&O. It. It., ihrough trains les'-i Roai'lng
Terminnl, Philadelphia. (P. & U. H K.) at 8 20,
7 65,11 26 a. m 810 and 7.27 p. i.. Sundays,
3 20,7 00,1120 a.m.. 3 40 and 7 27p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chett
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 ?0
12 16 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, ,-ak
Jay, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. tu., and 1 45, 4 30,
9 00 p.u.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, ueek
days, 3 40. 8 80, 10 21 a. m. and 186, 4 00,- 6 30.
11 36 p. iu
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 700, 1008,
a, tu., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle. weeK days, 7 17, 7 40 a. to.
12 80, 1 20, 4 80, S 10 and 0 60 p. m.
Leavo Tamaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 86, 11 23
a. ill., 1 49, 5 56, 7 20, 9 44 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 05,
II 81 a. m., 2 22, 8 35, 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
SCO, 9 22 10 23.12 00, a. tn., 289, 6 86, 6 42 7(8
10 21 p III.
Leave Wllllamsport. week days, 7 42, 1000 a
ja 12 31 and 4 00, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and
douth street wlinrf for Atlantic City..
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. m 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. tu. Accommodation, 8 00 am., 6 80 pm
Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a iu, 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, coiner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00, a. m., 8 80, 5 SO
p in Accommodation, 8 15 a. m. 4 05 p. m.
8undays-;Exprees. 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accommoda
tlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. ra.
For Cape MBy, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 a ra, additional for Cape May,
4 15 p in., for Sea Isle City, 5 00 p in., for
Ocean City, 4 15, 8 00 p m. Sundays, Chestnut
street 915 a m., South street, 9 00 a.m.
Parlor Car nn all nsurens trains.
Vor further Information, apply to nearest
Pbiladelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
Ocn'l Hunt., Qen'I Fasa'r Act.,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia,
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority ot
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Office Egan building;, corner of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 89, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Ilavlng studied under some of the best
masters In London and Paris, will give lessons
on tlie violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Htroti
Ihe tnli Hhonanrinah.
I I'.Nl.llllHll, .,
i .licit ir.Ti for on, bmaj
I Nur. ry Stock. KspeuHes
I "ull.fl ' '.hosa leaving
PfJ ft t? Kiats. 1 j-ruiDent eu
.um , U, CUII-HHBljlOIl io 0
B W tt. I uitiTiueiii. ini oQstadsp
UimAvtn,i.A I f Jitllr lrnjd. Addrens