The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 03, 1899, Image 4

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    Floral crcsUtt
For Chapped Hands.
For Rough Skin.
20 cts Per Bottle.
i South Main Street, Shenandoah, I'a.
Telephone Connection.
Department Stores,
Nos. 119-121. 123 North Haiti Street.
"X 7"ATCH our space for
special announcement.
It will interest you and save
you money.
Department Stores,
Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Men's Felt Boots with
leather tops, worth $2.25. We
are closing them out at $,60.
Boys' Fine Felt Boots worth
$1.90, are going at $.3Q.
300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes,
actually worth $1.25, can be
had for 85 CTS.
Men's $3 Winter Russets,
are selling at $2.15.
All our winter footwear is going
at 50 per cent, below regular prices.
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa.
Always Have
gains For You.
Philip Yarowsky,
Floor and Table 011 Cloths,
5 I Ci1n, a7. West
C D. ruiJp Centre St.
and you euro Us consequences. TIipso aro
some of the consequences of constipation :
Biliousness, lew of appetite, pimples, sour
stomach, depression, coated tongue, night
mare, palpitation, oold feet, debility, iliz
ainoss, weakness, backnche, vomiting,
jaundice, piles, pallor, stitch, irritability,
nervousness, headache, torpid hvor, heart
burn, foul breath, sleeplessness, drowsi
ness, hot skin, cramps, throbbing head.
Aro a Suro Cur a
for Constipation
Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills aro a specific for
all diseases of the liver, stomach, and
"I suffered from constipation which as
sumed such an obstinato form that I feared
it would cause a stoppago of the bowels.
After vainly trying various remedies, I be
gan to take Ayer's Pills. Two boxes effected
a complete cure."
D. BURKE, Saco, Me.
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which becamo so bad that the .
doctors could do no moro for me. Then I
began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the
bowels recovered their natural action."
V M. II. DeLAUCETT, Dorset, Oat
On of the Moat lteinarkalile Undertak
ings of Modern Times.
A search to find Adam's language will
shortly be begun by a professor of English.
He has a unique plan, by which lie oxpects
to una out whether Adam wroed tve in
stmnge tones or familiar utterances. Ilia
plsu will be first presented to the world in
The Great Philadelphia Sunday Press " next
Sunday, February S. It will interest every
body and, according to the originator, Is
backed by millions of dollars. Next Sunday's
I'ross will have a number of delightful
exclusive features. A celebrated broker tells
you how to make money in stocks; "Karl"
will tell about the noon hour back of the
mint; there will be something about the
lifting of plants that will amaze you; Frank
Q. Carpenter tells of a 1,300-mllo ride Into
the very heart ot South America, where ho
went for The Sunday Press; Anno Ritten-
houso will havo one of her delightful fashion
articles, which are bringing letters of in
quiry and praise from almost every state in
the union; the last of Andree's balloon shed
will be shown in photograph, and there will
be a dozen or more other features, including
that comic history of Spain and a very funny
page by the celebrated M. Quad. lie sure to
order next Sunday's Press to-day.
Wlmt Do You HelJeve the Greatest Itlesnlllg
Undoubtedly the gieatest blessing to man-
Kind is good health, ana whatever will pro
duce health must bo considered as no less a
blessing. The greatest blessing in the shape
of a medicine is certainly Dr. Greene's Ncr-
vura blood and nerve remedy, discovered by
the famous physician, Dr. Greene, of 35 West
lltb St., New ork City, who Is, beyond
doubt, the most successful specialist in the
world in curing all forms of nervous, chronic
or lingering diseases. And the great blessing
of this wonderful remedy is made all the
more sure and certain to tho peoplo by the
fact that Dr. Greene can be consulted and
his advice had in regard to any case of dis
ease absolutely free of charge, whether you
call or write. This means a great deal to
those wo have paid out large sums iu doc
torn' fee without benefit. If you havo failed
to be cured by your family doctor, by all
means consult this noted and eminent pbysl
clan at once about your caso. It will cost
you nothing to ret his opinion iu regard to
your case and his advice will undoubtedly
result in your cure. At least write him
description of your feelings and symptoms,
in order that he may write you what your
trouble is and how it can be speedily cured
Kemember that he has seen and cured many
cases like yours in his largo practice and wide
experience, and ho c&n give you information
about your case which probably no physician
has yet doue.
ltecruitlng lit I'ottsville.
Lieut. Androw Hoses, United States Army,
has opened a recruiting oillco at 210 North
Centre street, Pottsrille, Where he is receiv
ing applications for enlistment in the regular
army. Recruits receive at present f 15.00
mouth with good pay, clothing and rations
and medlclno and medical attendance when
ill. The age limit is from 18 to 35 years,
weight not loss than 120 pounds and not less
than 5 ft. 4 iu. tall, The term of enlistment
is three years. Men are enlisted at present
for all branches of tho service. It is a fact
that many men in civil employmeut would
be better off in tho army. The duties, except
in time pf war, are not hard, and the colonies
recently acquired by the government gives a
man a chance to we something of foreign
countries. A soldier can save money if he
wishes, as his needs are fully supplied by the
government, and after serving thirty years
he can be retired with two-thirds pay and
ur. null's unugu pyrup cures sore
throat. Don't delay when you are bothored
with a soro throat. It may lead to brou
chitls. This remedy is a sure cure. Price
ouly 25c. ,
Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses were Issued to the follow
ing : Peter Ikronos and Rosey Slavlusky,
both of Mabanoy City; Petro Recheto and
Ureno Grozsick, both of Kelayres; Michael
Hanley and Gertrude Meyrick, both of Sbcn
andoab; Joseph Urygac and Ludwika Sabol
ewskl, both of Shenandoah; Joseph Siltzer
and Carrio A. Kostenbader, both of Lavelle.
Try Grain-0 1 Try Oraln-0 I
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you
package of GRAIN-O, the ntw food drink
that takes the place of coflee. The children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it, like it, GRAIN-0
has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java
but it is made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without distress,
X tne price ot cottee. 15c ami 35 ct. per
package. Sold by all grocers.
Devils Itecorded.
The following deeds were tiled for record :
From A F. Thompson et al., executors, to
Margaret E O'Neill, premises In Sheridan.
Jarius W. Zieglet and wife to Nathan U. Rex,
premises in West Penn township. American
Primi'ire Methodist church to Henry Endy,
premises in New England.
MrlF Flret rlrel
Insure your property from loss In the
oldest and strongest cash compaulos : Phila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
Westchester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins, Co. T. T Williams,
123 S, Jsrdin St., Shenandoah.
The ftrecast for Saturday: Cloudy weather
and allghlly higher temperature, with snow
or rain and brisk winds, possibly gales on tho
const, followed by clearing.
llnplinnliigK Throughout thn Country
Olimnlclxit for Unity rcrusnl.
Bisection dny on the 21st Inst.
Letters of administration woro granted to
Henry Oswald on tho estate of Sarah Ulrich,
late of Ht'glus township.
Thn slandor suit of Sophia Autozy vs,
Joseph I'alill, of St. Clair, was hoard beforo
arbitrators yesterday nt Pottsvlllo.
Ualrd Snydor, of Pottsvlllo, has been
granted n pension of $12 por mouth, dating
from May Mtli. 1808.
At a meeting of Lafayette Collego trustees
yestorday tho affairs of tho institution were
reported to he in a very satisfactory condi
tion. Tho now Knterprlso broaker at Shamokiu,
which will replace tho ono blown down in a
storm last December, will be in operation
March 1st.
Three hundred and eightoen tons of armor
plate for the battleship Alabama were sent
yosterday from tho Detlilelieui Iron Works to
Cramps' shipyard.
The Journal says the name of Pottsvlllo's
new postmaster will be announced next week.
During tho month of January there were
issued 133 marriage licenses fiom tho Regis
ter's office.
All tho Lehigh Valley Railroad crews
stntioncd at Woatherly have been transferred
to Hazluton, and 100 men will change their
place of residence.
Mauch Chunk people are agitating street
A Uying log on tho slido near Galeton
killed James Gilbert, who had hidden be
hind a stump, and fatally hurt Edwin Stone.
The Taxpayers Association is not in
sympathy with a proposed Act of the As
sembly to rogulate salaries of court criers
and tipstaves.
Edgar Sprout's saw mill boiler expUded
near Itenova, wrecking tho mill and fatally
injuring James Snyder and Philip C'rcightou,
A B. Lewis is about to open a typewriting
and Insurance oillco in town.
While enjoying a smoko at his homo in
I'ottsville, Frank West suddenly expired.
Argument in tho Slater will case will bo
heard to-morrow before Judge Dunn.
The Easton, Palmer & Bethlehem Street
Railway Company has placed a mortgage for
$200,000 with the United States Mortgage
and Trust Company, of Now York
All tho officers and clerks in the Court
Mouse have signed a petition to the Board of
Pardons praying for a pardon for ex-Poor
Director Neri Diotrlch, now in prison.
Wm. Bassler, a former St. Clair boy, is on
the Charteston with tho troops under Gen.
Otis. Tho report that he was a sailor on the
Oregon Is untrue.
John D. Clews,, aged 102 years, and Mrs.
Sarah 11. Jennings, aged 100, woro married
iu Franklin, this state, on Monday.
Tho demand for anthracite has caused the
producer to feel able to advance rates at
Chicago and other westorn distributing
We are now in the shortest month of tho
Having increased the salary of the Court
House janitor $50 during his term of office,
the Cumberland County Commissioners were
surcharged that amount by the Auditors.
Never Falls for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pau-TIna is, 25c. At Gruhler
Bros., drug store.
A New Temperance Union.
The movement of organizing a new tem
perance union in tho coal regions has taken
bold in n new section anil tho prospects for
the same seem to bo bright. In portious of
Schuylkill and Northumberland counties tho
Catholic temperance societies are holding
meetings quarterly now. This is a new move
and the prime motive is the new coal region
union. They will conduct thoir next con
vention in Centralia on April 15, and dele
gates from the Philadelphia State Union will
ho in attendance at this meeting. The last
convention was woll attended and very in
tercstiug. The temperance movement has
grown in Interest, and much good has re.
suited from tho same.
Disrobed lu Church.
Yesterday morning a man disrobed himself
in St. Edward's church, Shamokin, during
tho services, aud the horrified women lied
uud soma fainted. The church was soon
empty, -and the man was taken to jail. He
gave his name as Hugh Murphy and his
residence as Glrardvltle. It Is believed his
mind is eflected.
Struck by a Drill.
Florenz Boner, an employe at tho Buck
Jluuntalu colliery, met with a singular acci
dent yesterday morning. When he reached
the top of the slope be found there was not
sufficient men to be lowerod into the mine
lie sought shelter in a car, A miner came
along and threw his drill into the car.
st'uck Boner 011 the chin and ripped tho flesh
open along the man's neck to a point back of
the let t ear. The wound was not a dangerous
A show window full of coal ornaments at
Brumm'a. tf
Itesponstbtllty For Vttllry Wreck.
The Eastou Free Press says: "It is stated
that the causo of tho accident on tho Lehigh
Valley road at West Duuncllcu has been
placed on Harry Butlaud, of South Eustcn
and James Mahafley, the two men who bad
charge of tho tower at South Plain held
They havo been suspended."
Tlio Ithynlnml'H InpntrerB Landed
Philadelphia, Feb. 3. The American
liner Tthynland Htlll lies helpless on.the
sands cf Cotton Patch shoal, but the
indications are that she will be floated
with comparatively Inconsiderable
damage before many more hours have
passed. The barge Lottie took off the
lthynland's cargo yesterday, and the
37 passengers were taken to Lewes by
the steam pilot boat Philadelphia.
There they were put aboard a special
train for this city, where they arrived
last night.
Annual Sales over6, 000,000 Boxes
such as Wind and Tain in the Btomnrh,
QIddlne33. Fulness after nioals. Head
ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings
ot Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costlveness.
lllotcbea on the Bkin. Cold Chills, Dia
turned Sleep. Frlshtful Dreams and nil
Nervous and Trembling; Sensations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES, Every sufferer
will acknowledge then to bo
Iinr.CIIAJr.s FILM, taken as direct
ed, w'lqulcklr restore Females to com
plete health. They promptly removo
obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys
tem and euro hide Ilcaduche. Fora
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham'o Pills aro
Without a Rival
And hiTi tb
Of any Patent Jlnllclno In the World.
250. at all Drue Stores.
for KiVr i
ortno oioborcr
auu similar uumpuQl8
prescriDOa by eminent physiclansrj
fa a Mrtnnn qv
0 1
World renowned I t!, tnnrlrAhlrfiltri'fMfiil!
BOntrgenolnowji'iTrode Mark" Anchor,'
. AU. ItlchtcrA'Co., Sir.PenrlSt,,. New York
13 Branch Hontes. Own Glassworks.
23 & CO cu. Endorsed A recommended kj
A. Wasley. 106 K. Main St..
. n. Hagenbtich, 10 N. Main St.,
. f.u.Klrlln, 6 8. Main St.,
onenancoan, .
1 nynpr pmgntnmnch Cnmplnlnln.
Miss Katio Carlin, of Rappahannock, is
the guest of Mrs. J, J. Gallagher, of Lost
Creek No. 8, tho past few days.
Miss Ida Koch, of Lost Creek, Is suffering
from a seveie atUick of grippe.
Christ. Schmidt was a guest of friends at
Ashland Inst night.
Mrs. John Hulling and daughter, Ruth, of
Mlucrsvillc, are guests of friends in town.
Henry Eisenbart, of Brownsville, Is suffer
ing from a severe attack of inflammation of
tho lungs. Ho la a brother of Johu 11. Eisen
bart, who died last Tuesday.
Miss Sarah Gerber, of Mabanoy City, was
tho guest of friends iu town last ovcnlug.
Mr. and Mrs. William Small, of West
Cherry street, spent last evening at Lost
Creek, visiting fi lends.
Miss Lottie Beach, of I'ottsville. is visaing
friends in town,
William Webster attended asocial father
ing at Ashland last eveu'ng.
Dr. Paul Schultz has returned to town.
having recovered from his rocont attack of
pneumonia at Bloomsburg.
Miss Bertha Wilson, of Mt. Oaraiol. Is the
guest of Miss Annio SchaeiTcr.
Mrs. Emma Gibson, of Phlladelnhla. Miss
Kate Veith, of Pottsvlllo. and Mrs. Knaop.
of Yatesvillo, aro guests of Mrs. William
Oraeber, on North Market street.
John Johnson, of North Bowers street, who
sullen from reported improved.
Mrs. Ueorgo Moyer, of West Cherry street.
presented hor husband' with a son yesterday.
Allen Miller, a member f Battery B. 3rd
Artillery, who spent a flirtough of several
weeks at his homo here-, left for Fortress
Mouroe to-day.
rllin 1'la.m Uniiiu.
This afternoon a stiantrercntcred tho Polish
saloon noxtdoorto O'Neill's furniture Btoro
and, after some pailcyinu, asked the woman
iu chnrgo for a drink, at tho samo time calling
for a drink for another man iu the place.
The stranger otforod a flObill,''buttho woman
said sho could not change it. Tho stranBor
went across to Schmickor's saloon, on the on-
postto side of the street, and a few minutes
later returned with a lot of sllvor which ho is
supposed to have received in chango for the
hill. He again called for drinks and then
asked the other man in tho saloon to go
across the street to Schmickor's and ask his
butty" to come ovor. While the messenger
was absent the stranger asked the woman to
give him bills for the silver he had. The
woman complied with the request and after
tho stranger departed found sho had been
flim-flammed out of S3. The stranger is
described as a short, slight-built man, full-
faced aud well dressed. He wore a dark
overcoat and a blue four-in-hand necktie. He
represents himself as a buyer of second-hand
pool and billiard tables.
Grip's Ravages Doomed.
So much mifory and so many deaths havo
been caused by tho Grin, that every one
should know what a wonderful remedy for
this malady Is found in Dr. King's New
Discovery. That tllstresslnir stubborn couch.
that iullames your throat, robs you of sleep,
weakens your system auu paves the way tor
Consumption is" quickly stopped by this
matchless cure. If you have chills aud
fever, pain in the back of the head, .soreness
in bones aud muscles, sore throat and that
cough that grips your throat liko a vice, you
need Dr. King's New Discovery to cure your
Grip, aud prevent Pneumonia or Consump
tion, l'rice 50 cts. and $1.00. Itoney back if
nor cureu. a trial bottle tree at ,. wastey's
drug BtorO;
Immenso line of spectacles and eye glasses.
Orkln'B, 120 South Main strcot. tf
Fntnlly Injurra ly Dynamite Explosion
Scranton, Pa., Feb. 3. By an ex
plosion ot dynamite at Elmhurst, Pa
yesterday, three men were severely in
jured, perhaps fatally. Their names
are Llngle Scarlnt, Anthony Feressl
and Francesco Grippe. Peter Bose was
also seriously Injured. On Wednes
day a gang of men employed In con
structing a dam for the Scranton Water
company had prepared a blast ot dyna
mite, but it being quitting time did not
fire It. Yesterday one of the men, un
aware of the danger, struck a pick In
the hole, with the result that a power
ful explosion followed. Two of the men
are not expected to live.
Young Mothers.
Croun is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough aud
Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of
croup. It has never been knowu to fail. The
worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25
cts., SO cts. and fl.OO. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
and a guarantee.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that tho name
Lessiq & Baeb, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack
Tlie TeturntiS' Pons'Mii Trtfe.
Krle, Pa., Feb.- 3. The case of the
veterans against the Soldiers' Home
here was concluded yeBterday and the
Judge said he would decide the mat
ter next week. Messrs. Olds and Baker
contended that the statute creating the
home did not empower the trustees to
exact a portion of their pensions, that
In this home 96,000 has been taken and
IX never returned to any one, nor does
It go to the stote, but la held by Gen
eral Wagner for his sole use and
benefit. They asked for an Injunction
restraining tho trustees from any
longer enforcing the rule,
Tried Snloldn 'Uy Xnmlniium.
Philadelphia.'' Feb. 3, Mrs. ffarah E.
Hunt, aged 20 years, of WlUlamsport,
Pa., attempted to opmmlt suicide yes
terday In the waiting room of the
Heading Terminal by drinking laud
anum. She was taken to a hospital,
where she was revived, and persuaded
to tell the story of the troubles which
Induced her to end her life. She said
her home was In "WlUlamsport, where
her parents resided on "West Fourth
street. Her maiden name was Scribe.
She said she came to this city last
July to obtain employment, hut was
unsuccessful. Repeated failures to get
work discouraged her and she bought
the bottle of laudanum.
Is it a bum? Uss Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc
Oil A cut? Use Dr. Thomss' Eclectrlc Oil.
At your druggists.
SPECIAL invitation is extended to the people of Shenandoah and vicinity, to examine
L our mammoth display of stylish HATS for men and boys, now being shown in one of
our large show windows. The stock consists of the latest fashionable styles, and have
?n selling for $1.50 and $2.00. "der to give the people the benefit we
will for
Sell any HAT DISPLAYED FOR 75 Cents. Remember: they
but. fashionable up-to-date styles purchased this season.
Mammoth Clothing House,
Nos. 9 and 11 South Main Street.
Iiolclnu Consul at Manila Explains ths
Filipinos' Position.
San Francisco, Feb. 3. Edward A.
Andre, for the past 18. years Belgian
consul at Manila, Is In this city en
route to Washington on a secret mis
sion. It is understood that he Is to
offer the United States his good ser
vices as mediator between this coun
try and the Filipinos. His present
mission, he sayB, Is purely neutral.
Speaking cu! the prosent condition of
affairs in the Philippines Consul Andre
said that should the Americans and
Filipinos clash the loss to the Ameri
cans would be great not so much,
however, from bullets, but from the
slokness which would follow an active
campaign. The Filipinos had, he said,
modern rifles and could inflict much
damage before being subdued. He did
not look for any serious disagreement.
"The Filipinos," he said, "do not un
derstand their position. As soon as
they can be made to realize that the
United States will not make rash prom
ises then so soon will the Filipinos wel
come the protection of this country,
but until that time arrives there will
always be somo signs of discontent.
As soon as the natives realize that
they can make money and live com
fortably then they will cease fighting.
The recent proclamation of the presi
dent did much to relieve the anxiety
of the people, nnd the recent confer
ences between the American commis
sioners and Filipinos' representatives
will result In much good."
KISKNIIA11T. At Brownsville, To., on the
31st ult., John II, Klsenhart, nucd M years, 7
months nnd 9 days. Funeral will lenvu the
family resldenco on Saturday afternoon, t 1
o'clock, and proceed to the United Kvangellcal
church, o!i Korth Jardln Btreet, where ser
vices will bu held at 2 o'clock. Interment will
be mad" In the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Rela
tives a ,u friends respectfully Invited to at
tend. 2-3-lt
QAI.OOK FOll KENT. Corner Coal street and
O l'eur alley. Apply to J.J. Franey. tf
FOll HA I.E. Kobblns' opera house. Also
prlvato dwellings In the Third, Fourth and
Fifth wards ot Hhenundoah. Apply to I
JEobhins, No. 1C2 Academy street, Wllkeebarre,
Fu. 1-27 lm
lOIt UF.NT. Store room and dwelling, sulta
jj hie for butcher, barber, ete.: centrally
located and rent reasonable. Apply to K. V.
Brohst, grocer, cor. Jardln and Centre streets, tf
ABAIldAIN In Shenandoah, East Centre
real estate. Easy terms of payment,
monthly, quaitcrly or semi-annually. S1,000 In
cash down. Old hotel or restaurant stand,
small storo or dwelling. Secutlty Building and
Saving Union, Scranton, Pa 12-9-20t-eod
TTlOlt SALE, A square back driving sleigh,-!
.i: carnage, roau wagon, irucic wagon. Har
ness, robes aud blankets A good opportunity
for any buyer. Apply to Jesse Davis 31 South
White street. 1.13-tf
T VANTED A bright nnd active young man
IT of gentlemanly appearance and manners
to do local canvassing. $00 a week can be
mode. Address letter to U, Hbbald o 111 Co. 1-7-tf
rOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap
1 ply to S. U. M. llollopeter, attorney,
Shenandoah. 8-01-tf
Pealed proposals will be received by the un
dersigned until February 7th, 1899, nt 7 o'clock
S, in,, for the hauling of coal to Shenandoah
as Lliiht Company plant and Shenandoah
Heat and Power Conipuny plant for onq year.
Also proposals to haul out ashes at Shenandoah
Heat and Power Company plant for one year.
Bids to be seperato u. coal and ashes. Right
reserved to reject any or all bids.
Envelopes to
he marked bids for coal or ashes.
By order of
1-27-30-1-3-6-7 Attest : It M. Denqleu, Sec'y
BELL'S. 19 1 1 Mill
819 N. Centre St., Pottsvllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Clin, nnd Wines, nt the bar.
A choice line of Clears aud Temper
mice Drinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
'Meals nt nil hour
fiOOO'S PILLh cure tit tec
Jllloiisuess, Iudlpr-stto.i 1("nrtnrhe
DleM'Ut laxutlvD. Aii DrutcKlst
102 N. Main St.,
This is your chance to buy goods for less than manufacturers'
Goods marked at prices that will astonish you and startle the
Earthen Pie Dishes, were 8 cents, now 4 cents.
Large Glass disljes, were 10 cents, now 7 cents.
10 qt. Granite dish pans, were 25 cents, now 18 cents.
Large Decorated Plates, were 10 cents, now 7 cents.
One gallon glass oil can, were 35 cents, 110W20 cents.
Large Tin Wash basins, were 10 cents, now 5 cents.
Towel Racks, were 10 cents, now 4 cents,
Granite coffee pots, were 23 cents, now 15 cents.
Large Galvauized buckets, were 15 cents, now id cents.
Large Coal hods, were 15 cents, now 10 cents.
Large Tin Dish Pan, were 15 cents, now 10 cents.
And many other articles equally cheap".
The regular $3 .50 boot.
long as they last. This is
in gum boots iu this region
No. 7 South Main. St.
We once knew a man who was so economi
cal he picked up all the stray pins ho found. It
saved him at least thirty-seven cents a year for
pins, and It didn't take more than fifteen dollars
worth of his time. This man was a false econo
mist; same ns the one who pays ten cents forn
pair of spectacles. Worn eyes are ruined by
cheap decentered lenses than In any other way.
Perfect glasses can be secured at
118 S. Mail? Street.
Brewers of the Finest
and Purest
Our products are seldom equalled aud
never surpassed. 1'rivale families supplied, at
short notice by our own special delivery.
New Groceries.
l'lour, good brand., froru $1 "jo a
hundred upwnrd. Kresb butter nt 20 cents per
pound. Fresh eggs alwu son bond.
Canned Goods.
Kobblns' Ilulldlng,
Temporarily assisting Dr. J. H fallen, 81 South
Jardln street, will have office hours dallv
except Sunday, from 8 to a. m. nnd 8 to 4 n, m'
Dr. fallen's oillce hours being from 1:80 to 8 00
p, m. nnd ,6:80 to 8.00 p. m. dally, except Thurs
day evening and Sundays,
n6t bid
N, Proprietor.
Shenandoah, Pa.
0 ,mmy nz. duck
They will sell at that price as
the biggest bargain yet offered
will sell 1 SO pairs at
Button or lace.
A too Lcvlnc, Prop.
Livery and
No. ,3 North Jardln St.
Lakeside Hotel 1'
B. J. YOST, Prop.
This popular hostelry Is now open lor the
entertainment of sleighing and skating i orties.
Dancing pavillion always heated. Excellent
skating on the lakes,- and supper served! to
parties on short notice.
We do Shampooing at
Your Homo. Special Attention
Given to Ladles.
A Postal Card Will Bring Us.
W.. G. Dusto's
Tonsorial Parlors,
Ferguson House Block.
Home-Bred Canaries
I'"or breeding puroses. All
good singers. They are far better than the
nnacclamated imported birds from Germany.
and glole. All kinds of pigeons. We also
sell liters' supplies and drilling machines.
103 Enst Centre street, . Phenandoab, I'n-
j A Handsome Complexion V'
I Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
I possess PozzoHt'a Couruurio VowdbI
I gives it. I