The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 02, 1899, Image 4

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    r-i-n- t mfiTm i, r . ..... . i in n n iiiriimm -iMMiiftnmWfiW1
Floral Cream
For Chapped H.itlils.
For Rough Skin.
20 cts Per Bottle.
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Telephone Connection.
Department Stores,
Nos. 119-121.123 North Haln Street.
5555 SI
ATCH our space for
special announcement.
It will interest you and save
you money.
Department Stores,
Nos. 1 19.121-123 North Main St.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Men's Felt Boots with
leather tops, worth $2.25. We
are closing them out at $,60.
Boys' Fine Felt Boots worth
$1.90, are going at $,30.
300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes,
actually worth $1.25, can be
had for 85 CTS.
Men's $3 Winter Russets,
are selling at $2. 15.
All our winter footwear is going
at 50 percent, below regular prices.
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa
Groceries and Dry Goods.
Philip Yarowsky,
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
E. B. Foley, i7-wtre .
"Threo from two you can't,"
nays the schoolboy. Right ! Three
from two you can't, citlior in dol
lars or dividonds or sarsaparilla.
It takos tha boat sarsaparilla root
to mako tlio best sarsaparilla ex
tract. Tho best sarsaparilla comos
from Honduras, C. A., and tho Dr.
Ayer Co. practically controls tho
entire product. Yet others claim
to bo making "best" sarsapnrilla.
They must bo making it out of tho
remainder left after subtracting
three from two. But, " three from
two you can't." You can't make the
best sarsaparilla without best root.
You only get tho host when you
which is made wholly from the best
root imported from Honduras.
i ll; t l.A l
Ttio forecast for Friday: Partly cloudy
weather and slightly higher temperature,
with easterly winds, Increasing in forco nd
followed by snow with the advance of the
Gulf storms
lappenlnga Throughout the Conutry
Chronicled for Ifnsty Perusal.
Ground hog day.
The coal trade continues brisk.
Borough Council meets this evening.
M P. Brcnnan, of tho Prothonotary's
olllce, is confined to his borne with tho grip.
Unas. li. Aixlrus has been appointed road
foreman of englnos fur the Pcnnn. railroad,
on the Schuylkill divisiou
A social will bo held this evening in tho
Episcopal church. Refreshments will bo
served, and the public is invited.
Harry K. Foster, of Pottsvlllo, who bad
both legs hroken and received other injuries
in the Dunellen wreck, Is doing very well at
the l'ottsvillo hospital.
Tlire are only three applicants for initio
luspectpr of tho Pottsvlllo district : John
Mnguire, present incumbent, John J. Hren
nan, of Ueckscherville, and Charles J. Price,
of Llewellyn.
The many collieries in and about H.izle
tou are experiencing more activity this
winter than has been known in several years.
There are but six Shenandoah licenses
granted and not lifted. The calamity sheets
predicted that about half the number granted
would not be taken up, but that was to have
beeu expected.
Tho "Rosebud" colliery, at the northern
extremity of Tamaqua, of which Sweeney &
Christ aro tho owners, has been shutdown
fornn indefinite period.
John Buddy, of Palo Alto, joined tho
regular army on Tuesday to dodge trial for
assault aud battery.
The charter for St. Joseph's Po'ish Lithu
anian Roman Catholic Beneficial Society, of
Acw Philadelphia, was jeeorded at Potts
vllle. Sixteen recruits left Pottsvlllo yesterday to
join tho regular army.
Warren J. Portz, oueof Shenandoah's lead
ing musicians has accepted a position as leader
of the orchestra at Becker's theatro at Read
C. W. Clayberger, of Brandonville, has
sold his stock of merchandise to It. W. Faust,
of Ringtown. Mr. Clayberger will remove
to Bloomsburg.
J. J. Neifert, of Delano.has been appointed
division telegraph operator and will have
supervision of all the oilices on the coal
region branches.
Cards are out announcing tho wedding of
Miss Gertrude Merrick, of Shenandoah, and
Michael Hanlcy, formerly of St. Nicholas,
but now of town.
Dr. A. C. Morgan, of Philadelphia, who has
beeu here during the past few weeks assisting
Dr. J. S. Callen, returned to the city to-day.
Peter and Henry Defrehn.of this place, will
dispose at public sale on Saturday, March
4th, at the lesidence of the late Joseph
Defrohn, in Union Township, all the personal
property of Joseph Defrehn, deceased.
A beer war is on between the wbolcsalo
dealers st Tamaqua, and a reduction in prico
has been made.
Yesterday Itev. Duenger, of Ashland, cele
brated his ninety-first anuiverwiry.
The National League base ball season opens
April 10.
Two old licensed places In Minersvillo will
be closed this year.
Six weeks more of cold weather.
The license of Michael Ifaizis, of the Stb
ward, Shenandoah, is transferred to George
Two new desk telephones wero placed in
the Lehigh Valley t'oal Co. offices at Lost
Creek, connecting with all tbelrcollleriesand
the Mahauoy City exchange.
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will cure
croup aud whooping-cough. No danger to
the child when this wonderful medicine is
used in time. Mothers, always keep a bottle
011 hand.
Alilnnil'n Trolley Troubles..
At a meeting of the Borough Council of
Ashland last evening tbo joint committee of
Council and the merchants submitted a prop
osition by the Schuylkill Traction Company
without comment, or recommendation. The
company propose to maintain a five-cent rate
of fare between Ashland and Girardvllle, but
that worklngraen will be entitled to a con
tinuous ride to nuy point along the line for
Ave cents. The company asks that
the Borough Council accept $100 a year
in lieu of all taxes, tbat the resolution against
the snow sweeper be wiped out, and that
the ordinance bearing on car and pole taxes
be rescinded. Tbe communication was signed
by General Manager Ash aud Director Marr.
The proposition was referred back for tho
signatures of tbe company's executive of
ficers, and also the oompauy's seal. At the
same meeting a petition signed by 178 mine
employes was presented, praying the Council
not to revousidor its past action. Tho peti
tion referred to tho threat of tbe company
to make Richards street. Oirard villo, a point
of transfer and replies that it will requite
but litile exertion to induce the P. & R and
L. V R R. companies to tuke tho mine em
ployes to aud from their places of employ
ment. Took Up the License,
It was stated yesterday that Timothy
Lynch bad not taken up his wholesale First
ward license. Tbe announcement was erron
eous through an omisslou to mark on tbe
records at PutUville a note of tbe Issue.
Uvlilrnrn In llrh.ilf of tho llnutliimrn Hull,
milled Ymlnrdiiy,
The examination of Tax Colle'lor M. J.
Seanlaii In the proceedings instituted by his
ISHI3 bondsmen to peii the Judgment entered
by the Borough wna resumed at the court
bouse In l'otlivllle yesterday afternoon, John
K. Whalon, Bun., tho solicitor for tho Tax
payers' Association, who is associated with
M. M. Burke, Kw , in looking after tho
borough's Interests, taking nn tho cron-ox-
amination of Hie witness
At the tnortilng examination Mr. Scaiilan
tesllfled that all the payments ho made from
Jan 15. 1S(iO, to Jim. 8, 180S, amounting In
the aggregate to fSl.Hgfl.fKI, wero mado as
pnytneiiMon the lStKi tax duplicate
Mr. Whaleu handed to Mr Scaulnii the Bor
ough Auditors report for the fiscal year ond-
iiir .March, 1BS, anil tho witnrss snid tho
report credited Mm with all the payments ho
referred to in his testimony. Mr. Wlialcn
untied force to this by taking item for Item
and the witness m.ld they wore all duly
cr emeu in 1110 report.
Mr. cnnlan admitted that the Auditors'
report credited him with $1,018.00, Mar. 1,
1807, nml $1,000. May 7, 1807, as payments on
the 18H0 duplicate, but said ho bad made tho
payments fur the 1805 duplicate. Ho was
asked when ho got bis 1805 duplicate) and
said it was in Janiiaiy, 1807 Ho denied
that he appeared lmfoie the Finance commit
tee of Council und talked about those
amounts, but admitted that ho was allowed
tho sixty-day commission on tho payments
credited to tho 1 S!0 duplicates. Ho said he
was not anare that the allowance had been 1
made until the Auditors' report was pub.
Ilshed, or that the payments had been applied
to the 1800 duplicate. Ho sold ho mado no
complaint or objection lu regard to it, nor
did ho appeal from tho Auditors' statement.
Mr. Wlialcn then switched to another
branch aud asked Mr. Scanlan if he did not
write n letter to Council under tho dato of
Feb. 1. 1807. lie replied that he did not.
"Didn't you write to this effect :
Guntlemkn : It has always been my un
derstanding that nil payments mado by me
into tho borough treasury since the settle
ment mado Nov'r. 7, 1S05, by the Finance
Committee, of my account of the duplicate
of borough taxes for 1801. (the balance then
found against me being $25,5-10 113), shall ho
applied on account of my indebtedness on
said 1801 duplicate, and I have repeatodly
directed the payments made by me from tlmo
to time to bo so credited; and tho surplus
thereof, after fully paying otr tho halauce
duo on my 1804 duplicate, to be credited on
account of my 1805 duplicate. I hereby
affirm in writing and reiterate tho verbal
requests and Instructions- thus horetoforo
made and given by mo, aud I fully approvo
ot the application by Council of all monies
paid In by mo since December, 1805, and
credited or to ho credited on the 1801 and
1895 duplicates respectively, aj herein above
Witness said be did not write the letter,
but be thought Mr. Straughn did. Witness
did not know it was written until Mr.
Straughn brought it to him aud asked him to
sign, and he did.
"Was not that letter that you admit sign
ing prepared because the $8,000 which you
had asked to have applied to the 180t dupli
cate was so applied, aud thoro was sonic
question about it afterwards?"
Mr.Scanlan said ho did not know whetbor
It was, or not.
"Don't you know that that the credit of
$8,000 of Jan. 10, 1800, was applied or ex
tended to tho ISOt duplicate?"
"Yes, sir; I know it since I saw it pub
lished." "Didn't you know it prior to that time?"
"Yes, sir."
"Didu't you ask to have it so applied ?"
"No, sir. I told them tho money was there
and they could apply it whero they liked."
Then there was an agreement between
you and Council, at least it was agreed l)y
you that that application of the $3,000 to the
1804 duplicate might be mado?"
' No, sir. There was no agreement at all."
"You knew they were going to do that?"
"Yes sir; I was thero when they did It."
"And they bad your consent to do It?"
"Yes, sir."
"Was not the same truo of the $9,000, the
$1,018 and the $1,000 that were credited to
you on tho 1800 duplicate, and the other
items referred to?"
Mr. Scanlan said bo did not know anything
about it and lie was not present whon it was
done. That he had no recollection of their
being any adjustment of his affairs by tbo
finauce committee, In which the $0,000 item
was taken into account. He recalled having
met Messrs. T. J. James, Gablo and McGuiro
and going over the items of the 1803 dupli
cate, but not the 1800 duplicate, und the
$0,000 item was on the latter duplicate. Mr.
Scanlan said he made bis collections on the
1805 duplicate before he received It, and
when asked if be had collected the bulk of
tho taxes for 1805 before h'o got tho duplicate,
replied "Yes, sir ; I guess I did."
This admission is an important one, in view
of tho fact that the bondsmen bet up, as one
of their reasons for having the judgment
opeucd, that the Borough Council did not
give Mr. Scanlan a warrant to make collec
tions on the 1805 duplicate.
In answer to questions on re-direct exami
nation by Mr. Wadtlnger, concerning the
letter of Feb. 4, 1897, Mr. Scanlan said : "It
was brought into the store. I was told about
it and understood such a letter was to ho
written. It was brought in by one of the
Councilmen, and be asked me if I understood
what It was. I said 'yes' and be said 'Will
you sign it?' and I said 'yes,' and I signed
the letter. The letter came from them
getting another letter from another party
They wanted to put themselves on the safe
side I suppose, aud I signed It. The letter
was brought to me by Mr, Straughn. Ho was
chairman of the finance committee, I think."
Mr. Whalen then took up the subject of
the letter and asked, "Well, you understood
the points in that letter, aud what it meant.
didn't you?"
Mr. Scanlan replied, "I didn't read it, no
sir. I understood the Council got a letter.
got one myself from oua of the bondsmen of
1895. He objected to the money being trans
ferred to the 1801 duplicate, nnd I under
stood that the School Board got one, too; and
Mr Straughn brought that letter to my st re
and asked me to sign it, and I did so without
reading it or anything else. He gave me
Annual Sales over6,000,000 Boxes
such as Wind and Pain In the Btomftfli,
Giddiness, Fulucsi after rw-alfl. Head
ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings
of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costlveness,
Blotches on tbo Skin, Odd Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and nil
Nervous and Trembling; Sensations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer
will acknowledge then! to bo
MI'.nciMM'B PI 1X8, taken as direct
ed, Wl quickly resforo Females to com
plete health. They promptly removo
obstruotlons or Irregularities of the sys
tem and cure Melt llcadut-lie. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boechnm's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And utvs th
I bmiuEgi dmuc
WW.? s-aicnt jiemcine mine world.
250. at all Drue Stores.
NEURALGIA nnd i!!ar Complaint'
prescriDoa uy eminent ntysiolansr.
pain um 1 FR.l
Wnrt.l AnAnnS . .1.1-. .... . I
"'"TKi'nmnowiiii ratio mart Alienor
IW Ail 111... t ns. i. ana V
SSA&Kts. fcndoroea&rccomtiic'iJeaby
a- Wasley, 106 W. Main St.,
kO. H. najrcntmcb, 103 N. Main st
. r. r.u. Kiriin. a r. mo n at.
v ' '
tit RipUTrDn m-WJet-Kitm
ICoU il y i (ii pp wl u A f ' t n miirl i Cnw i Inlntw.
to understand what it meant, and I was satis
fied." Before leaving tho witness stand Mr. Sonii
Ian said lie bad nnothor claim of about $000
for additional exonerations for 1S93, nml that
tho claim was a legal and just one. He pie
son ted It to Council oVor a year and a half
ago nnd no doflnito action lms been taken on
it. This closed the caso of tho bondsmen.
Mr. Wlialcn Blatod that ho wished to intro
duce some new cvldenco, but was not pre
pared to proceed. It was agreed that nil
parties meet lu court noxt Monday nnd kave
the argument of tho caso postponed, aud at
the samo time fix a date for the borough to
Introduce its evidence.
Never Palls for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pan-Tina Is. 25c. At Oruhler
Ilros., drug store.
Mlelinel Hornu nud Ills Wife l)lo at Mt.
Mlnlmnl TTnron nna nf fhn nlilnc!- ati.l ,nn.t
highly respected residents of Mt. Carmel,
died nt that place on Tuosday night, from
punuinonia, and at 2:40 o'clock this morning
bis wife,, Marian, a highly csteomed lady,
oxpired. Mr. Horau was an uncle of the
McDormott family of town, He was born
in County Ualway, Ireland, in 1815. Coming
to America in 1833 he stopped in Philadelphia
several months and thon removed to Lan
caster county where be remained ono year.
I'rom tueuco ho moved to Maryland, where
ho was employed by tbe II. & O. Ey. Com
pany for four years. Subsequently ho was
engaged lu similar business in Indiana for a
tlmo, returning to Ireland and' remaining
there nine mouths. In 1838 he was married
to Maria, a daughter of Byran McDormott,
of County Ualway. Returning to America in
lojs ne sotiiea at rottsvuie, where he worked
in tile mines for a tltnn. Riiliapminntltr
engaging in tbo hotel business at Miners-
vine, .cioven years later he romovod to
Ashland where he built tho Union Ifnti-I uH
conducted it for ten years. In 18G4 ho was
eiecteu ouenu ot Schuylkill couuty and filled
that position with much distinction forthree
years. At tho end of bis trm ho resumed
tho hotel business for a period and then en
gaged in the coal trade which proved disas
trous, but be again showed the imdomitable
snirit which hail raM him t tlmi l,nnnr.
able position in rally to the eraorgency aud
nuiKiing up nisstiattcrcil fortunes lu business
in Mt. Carmel. His location was made there
in 1870. Part of tho timo was engaged in
P. & R. railroad contracting. Since 1883 he
has lived a retired life, managing his estates
and enjoying tbo fruits of a long career.
Three children survlvn Mm mtmtn rri,n,ob
J. Horau and Mrs. 11. Gallagher; of Mt.
warmci, aim uernard iloran, of Philadelphia.
There aro also two step-children, born to Mrs.
Horan by a first husband, Mrs. H. Burke, of
ilt. Carmel, and Mrs. Owen Collibau, of Ash-
lanu. mo lunerals ol the deceased will tako
place at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. Requiem
high mass will bo culebratpd In H. n ni,,,r,.i, ..r
Our Lady, Jit. Carmel, and tho funerals will
proceed ly train to the Beavcrdale cemetery.
Christian IIausmann, an aged resident of
this place, died at his home on East Coal
Btreet this morning, sutfering from pneu
monia. Tho deceased was well and favorably
known and leaves a widow and one son,
Charles He was a prominent member of the
D. O. IL, and the German order of Bed Men.
The funeral will take placoSunday afternoon
from the family residenco, 133 East Coal
street, aud Interment will bo mado In the
Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Mrs. Gustav Applestndt, of Fishbacb, near
Pottsville, died Tuesday night. Funeral on
Saturday. Tho deceased Is aunt of Mrs,
Henry Both, Mrs. J. M.Schaeflor and J. W.
Moyer, of town.
John McLaughlin, of Lansford, who was
admitted to the State Hospital at Hazletou
last November for treatment for a fractured
leg, died yesterday afternoon, tbe result of
kidney trouble
Arrested by Two Women on Charges of
Charles W. Nowbouser, tbo North Main
street grocer, is under bail for trial at court
on charges of assault and battery made by
Mrs. Catherine Joyce, an elderly woman.
and Mrs. Wiuifred Hbudrich, a younger
woman. Both the prosecutors are women of
It is alleged that the women were cus
tomers at Newhouser's store and after they
left it were followed by the grocer. stoDned
upon tho street, and charged with theft. It
Is further alleged tbat Newbousor paid no
attention to tho protestations of innocence
made by tbe women, but persisted in search
ing their clothing for the alleged missing
article. The missing article was not
found upon the person of oither woman
and Ncwhouser allowed both to denart
Tbe women went to Justice Shoemaker's
office aud entered the prosecutions.
Bobert Hagenbuch attended tbo fuueral of
a relative at llloomsburg to-day.
Mrs Mart. Maley has left for Sbatnokln to
join her husband, who is with tbo Myers &
Loyburne show.
Joseph Reynolds, of MoAdoo, is a guest of
Kobert Ldwards' family, on South West
Mrs. P. J. Gallagher, of Wilkerbarre, was
entertained at tbe residence of It. F, dill, on
North Main street, yesterday.
Win. J. Pllllnger. who suffered from tbe
grippe tho past week, Is able tu be about
Thomas McCauu aud Miss Mary Ami
Murphy, of .Mahauoy Plane, were married
at St. Mary's Cat bole cliurch yesterday morn
ing by Father Hoguu, Miss Annie Kceuan
acted as bridesmaid, while Jobu Murphy was
best man.
John l'u reel I und Miss Mary Casey, two
well known young people of Ulrardvlllo,
wero married yesterday lu St. Joseph's
Catholic church.
A Ituuawurj
A team of horse owned by Samuel Davis,
tbe grocer, aud In charge of Henry Ouise,
ran awsy on Rust Coal street this afternoon.
Guise was thrown from tbo wagon aud bad
his face slightly lacerated. Tho wagon was
badly damaged. The team was stopped on
Main street.
And then our big sacrifice sale will be at an end, and if you have not taken advant
age of it to buy yourself a good
it is you who is the loser. Just think ! A Suit or Overcoat,
during this sale only 3. SO. In a mammoth store
pleased, both in quality and prices.
Our entire stock of hats is included in this sale, and we
worth 1.50 to $2 for only 75C.
Stylish reefer and. junior.
ammoth Clothing House,
Nos. 9 and
MnrriHee Licenses.
Marilago licenses wero issiiod to tbo follow
ing : George Sokerak, of Kelayros, and Miss
Josephine Ticbataof McAdoo; John Korbor
and Miss Ustcnia Buby, both of McAdoo;
Peter Ilulzyk and MissKostanciaMarcyunus
klartc, both of Shenandoah; Wm. Klser and
Miss Annie Yurkams, both of Shenandoah;
John Sackalouckas aud Miss Mary Boksza,
both of Shcsandoali.
Orlp's Ravages Doomed.
So much misery and so many deaths have
been caused by the Grip, that every one
should know what wonderful remedy for
this malady is found In Dr. King's Now
Discovery. Tbat distressing stubborn cough,
that Inflames your throat, robs you of sleep,
weakens your system and paves the way for
Consumption is quickly stopped by this
matchless euro. If you have chills and
fever, pain in tho back of tbe bead, soreness
In bouos aud muscles.' sore throat and that
cough that grips your throat like a vice, you
ueeu Dr. King's Now Discovery to cure your
Grip, and prevont Pneumonia or Consump
tion. Price 50 cts. and $ 1.00. Money back if
nor cured. A trial bottle ireo at A.Wasley s
drug storej
Virel IM ret clret
Insure your property from loss In tho
oldest and strongest cash companies : Pblla,
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America aud Firo Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
West Chester Flro Ins. Co., Unltod Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah.
Young Mothers.
Croun is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shlloh's Cough and
Consumption Curo acts liko magic In eases of
croup. It has never been known to fail. The
worst cases relieved immediately. Price 23
cts., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
and a guarantee
Buy Keystono flour. Be sure that tho name
Lemiq & Paek, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on
vnrv w-V
HAUflSMAX.-At Shenandoah, I'o., on the 2nd
list,, Christian llaussmnnn, aped 52 years.
Funernl will tnke place on Sunday, the 5th
Inst., nt 200 p in., services at the family resi
dence, 138 Knst Coal street. Interment In the
Odd Fellows' cemetery. Friends and relatives
respectfully Invited to nttend. 2-2 It
New Groceries.
Flour, pood brand?, from SI W a
hundred upwrtrd. Fresh butter nt 20 cents per
pound. Fresh eggs nlwas on hond.
Canned Goods.
SIMOih'lBVIN, ?an&rc St.
ltoliblns' Building.
Op Philadelphia,
Temporarily assisting Dr J.S Cnllen,3l South
Jardln street, will have ofllco hours daily,
except Sunday, from 8 to 0 a in. and 3 to 4 p. in.
Dr. C'allen8 olllce hours heinjr from 1:30 to 3.00
p. m. nud 6:30 to 8.0U p. m. dally, except Thurs
day evening ami Sundays,
Brewers of the Finest
and Purest
Our products are seldom equalled and
riever surpassed. Private families supplied at
short notice by our own special delivery.
S19 X. Centre St., Pottsville, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Olns and Wines, at the bar,
A choice line of Cigars and Temper
ance Drinks. .
Accommodations for travelers.
Meals at all hour
Are what we are looking for. It
is to be regretted that there are so
many of that sort in this day and
age, but they must be cared for,
and if we cannot correct them
when a glass will do the work,
nobody can. No matter what you
think the trouble is, don't do a
thing until you see us. That will
cost you nothing and may save you
Thos. Buchanan,
118 S. Mair Street.
Children's suits, worth
11 South Main Street.
GOLDIN, Proprietor.
102 N. Main St.,
Earthen Pie Dishes, were 8 cents, now 4 cents.
Large Glass dishes, were 10 cents, now 7 cents
10 qt. Granite dish pans, were 25 cents, now 18 cents.
Large Decorated Plates, were 10 cents, now 7 cents.
One gallon glass oil can, were 35 cents, now 20 cents.
Large Tin Wash basins, were 10 cents, now 5 cents.
Towel Racks, were 10 cents, now 4 cents.
Granite coffee pots, were 23 cents, now 15 cents.
Large Galvanized buckets, were 15 cents, now 10 cents.
Large Coal hods, were 15 cents, now 10 cents.
Large Tin Dish Pan, were 15 cents, now 10 cents."
And many other articles equally as cheap.
This is your chance to buy goods for less than manufacturers'
Goods marked at prices that will astonish you and startle the
Great Anniversary Sale !
To successfully celebrate the first anniversary of our business in
town, we will offer all of our goods for the next 25 days at cost. We
do this to increase our number of friends and customers. Here are
some of our bargains :
Hen's Winter Russets, leather lined, trlppled sole, worth
$4.00 ; will be sold at $2. 00. Hen's $1,25 shoes for 99
cents; Ladies' shoes, 80 cents and upward. 1,500
lints, worth from $1.25 to $3, 00 ; ean be bought from 75
cents to $1.25.
These prices will prevail at this sale only. Come and convince
No. 7 South Main St.
AI.OON FOK HF.NT -Corner Coal street and
Pear alley. Apply to J. J. Franey. tf
OU BALK, Ilohhlns opera house. Also
Drivatedwellincs in the Third. Fourth and
Mini wants 01 uiienanuoati. Apply to 1
Robhins. No. 1G2 Academy street, Wllkcsharre,
Pa. 1.271m
Oil SALE OR RENT. On account or re
moval. I have for sale a brick bulldlncr.
centrally located, heated by Bteam, gas through,
out and up-to-date in every respect. " $2,000
down and balance on time. No reasonable offer
refused. For full particulars apply on premises
or to W. Czyzewsky, 02 East Centre St. 1-20-tf
OR RENT, Store rooiA and dwelling, sulta-
(.In In. l.litnhA. I,A.I, n . non n 1 1 ..
locjueu ana rem. reasonable. Appiy 10 u, u.
Rrobst, grocer, cor. Jardln and Centre streets, tf
t BARGAIN in Shenandoah, East Centre
xl real estate. Kaey terms of payment,
monthly, qua terly or semi annually. ! 1.000 In
cash down. Old hotel or restaurant stand,
small store or dwelling, Secuilty building and
Bavins Union, Serauton, l'a 12-9-20t-eqd
IilOR SALK. A square boctr driving sleigh,
? carriage, road wagon, truck wagon, har
ness, robes and blankets. A good opportunity
for any buyer. Apply U Jesse Davis Ul South
White street. 1-lJ-tf
ITOIt KENT. Storeroom and dwelling, No. 18
South Main street, now occupied by Jlrs.
J. J. Duffy. Possession given immediately.
All modern conveniences. Apply to Frank
Schmidt, 115 North Main St. Ml-2w-eow
WANTED A bright and uctlvo young man
of gentlemanly appearance and manners
to do local canvassing. $50 a week can be
made. Address letter to 11, IIkbald ofllco. 1-7-tf
NOTlCE.-Deslrable properties for sale. Ap
ply to H. U. M. Hollopeter, attorney.
worth heretofore 10 and $12,
like ours you are bound to be
are selling latest style hats
$3.56. to $5, for this- sale only '
Shenandoah, Pa.
Afcc Levlnc, Prop.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
Lakeside Hotel !
B. J. YOST, Prop.
This popular hostelry is now open for the
entertainment of sleighing and skating t arties.
Daucing pavillion always heated. Excellent
skating on the lakes, and supper served to
parties on short notice.
I We do Shampooing, at
$ Your Dome
Special Attention
Given to Ladles.
K Postal Card Will Bring Us.
tr W. G. Dusto's
Tonsorial Parlors,
Ferguson House Block.
Home-Bred Canaries
For breeding purposes. All
good singers. They are far belter than the
unacclainated !niorteil birds from Germany.
and globes. All kinds of pigeons. We also
sell .doers' supplies and drilling machines.
105 Kast Centre street, . Phenandoah, l'a.
A Ha
Is one of
Handsomo Complexion
rue greatest cnarmi a woman can I
Pouoifi'a Couruuiox FowsbbI