The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 02, 1899, Image 3

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1 sSoeeoo?
A Cure for Constipation.
I have been troubled with rontlpn(lon for
yenra. It wiw ruining my limit It, mv com
fort and my complexion, iiinl I nniKlndioniir
thnt Celery King 1ms uwtoroil nil three, nnd
this after trying many oilier medicines thnt
were supposed to ba Rood, but wlilcli were of
no value whatever. I would llko to tell every
BUITerlnij woinnn whnt Celery King Iiuh demo
for me, Nelllo Oould, Medina, Ohio.
Celery King oobbs dlneaiicflof thaNerve,
Htomneh, l.lverand Kidneys. Sold by drug'
gluts, 2T and GOc H
A Itollootcd Uy l.t. nm In I'httndoU
plilu and lliiltlmui-o.
Philadelphia. Feb. 1. Flour Weak: win
ter superfine, 2.r062.75; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, JS.2Mi3.45; elty mllK extra,
J2.7503. Itve Hour, firm at T3.i0fr3.30 per
barrel for choice Pennsylvania Wheat
weak; No. 2 red, spot. 7ffC'4c. Corn
dull: No. 2 mixed, snot, old, -41ttlU4o.;
do. do., new, 4014iMoyic. ; No. 2 yellow,
now, for local trade, 41f4Hic. Oats ijulet
and steady; No. 2 white, 3G&0.; No. 2
white, clipped, 26Slc. Hay steady;
choice timothy, $11.50 for lareo bales.
Beef steady; beef MamB. J13.5QJH9. Pork
steady; family, 1212.B0. I.ard quiet;
western steamed. J5.90. Dutter firm; west
ern creamery, 14ft 19c; do. factory, 12
14c! Elglns, 19c; Imitation creamery, 133
UHc.; New York dairy, 13017c; do.
creamery, 14U18',4c. ; fancy Pennsylvania
prints Jobhlnu at 21624c; do. wholesale,
20c, Cheese Hrm; large, white and col
ored, 10i4c; small do., HSllVic; light
skims, SS9c: part do.. 75?Sc; full do., 3
4c Eggs firm; Now York and' Pennsyl
vania, 19V4620c; western, fresh. 19V4c;
southern, 18319Vio. Potatoes steady; New
York, $1.2S1.62M: 1-ong Island, $1.752;
Jersey sweets, "il.25&2.r0.
Baltimore Fob. 1. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat dull and lower; spot
and month, Vfi 75ic ; March, 764
76c; May, 77?iS7Sc; steamer No. 2 red,
12lSTiQ.; southern, by sample, 70i376c;
do. on urude. THtftTOUc. Corn Arm; spot
and month, 39.40 ; March, 40a40Hc;
steamer mixed, 37W37?ic; southern,
white, S8V440Vtc; do. yellow. 37?iS40V4c
Oats Hrm; No. 2 white. 3o5?3Gy4a; No. 2
mixed, 330S3V4C Hye easier; No. 2 near
by, 61c; No. 2 western, C3?ic. Hay dull;
No. 1 timothy, 111011.60. Grain freights
easy; steam to Liverpool, per bushel,
2d. February; Cork, for orders, per
quarter, 3s.3s. 3d. February; 3s. March.
Live Stock Markets.
New York, Feb. 1. Steers dull and fully
10c lower, except for choice and extra
grades; bulls steady; cows active and
firm to 10c higher; steers, Inferior to
choice, $4.33j5.G5; two cars extra, $6; oxen
and stags, J35; bulls. $304.15; choice and
fat export do., $4.354.80; cows, $24.10.
Calves active; veals Hrm to 2Gc. higher;
other calves steady; veals, $568.50; barn
yard and fed calves, $3.6004.30; southern
calves, $3.853.90. Good sheep steady;
medium grades slow and easier; good
lambs firm to a shade higher; common
and medium barely steady; sheep, me
dium to prime, $3.50'S4.50; lambs, ordinary
to choice, $66.G5; mainly $5.5005.00. Hogs
easier at $404.25.
East Liberty, Pa.. Feb, 1. Cattle re
ceipts light; extra, $5.6005.70; prime, $3.23
5.40; common, $3.6001. Hogs slow and a
shade lower; prime heavy, $4.034.07!4;
assorted mediums, $1.05; heavy Yorkers.
$3.9504; light Yorkers, $3.8503.90; pigs, $3.60
03.80; roughs, $2.5003.50. Sheep steady;
choice wethers, $4.4004.60; common, $2,509
2.50; choice lambs, $3.1005.20; common to
good, $105; veal calves, $6.6007.25.
Ask your grocer for tho "Eoyal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It is tho best
flnnr mad
Prlmnry S-condary or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
You can be treated at homo for same price
under same guarantee. If you prefer to
come here we will contract to pay raProad
fare and hotel bills, and no charge. If we
full to cure.
taken mercury, iodide potash, and still
have aches and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth, sore Throat, Pimples. Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It in this
We solicit the most Obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. This disease ban always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$900,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarantee ADSOlute proofs sent sealed on
application, loo page book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
Ttiose who once
keep coming Dacic
for it. Thi ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
AH Grocer.
nilllons of Dollars
Go np In amokb every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., fnaurod in first-class re.
uaDie companies aa represented by
FiAVTTj FAUST Insurance Apent
DAVID rAuai, 1M Boulb jdfnB(
Alan fAlm mnA AecMnftl oiwm'
o DEALKIt IN o "
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail. '
39 Wast Oantre Gtrt.
best bv
adding a ut-1
tie of Seellg's
a ..4 n ,, I
coffee. ic. a packge- 1
It Is Expooted That Fighting Will
Bo Rosuinod.
Ho Ordorrd tliei itplonso r 11 Oormnn
ltonlihtitt of Apia Who llnd lleon Sou
tt'iii'ed by G'lilol" .luttcu Ciintnliore to
Imprisonment' Tor lllotlnir.
Auckland, N. 7.., Feb. 2. The follow.
ItiB advices have just been received
here from Apia, Samoan Islands;
There bus been no further general
fight'lna; between the partisans of the
rival chieftains since the last advices
were forwarded, except that a party
of Mataafa's followers was routed In
the hush by Mnlletoans. It Is expected,
however, that lighting will be resumed,
as Mntaafa Is rearresting persons who
have been already fined nnd released.
The work of pillage continues, among
the houses looted being Vallama, the
house of the late Robert Louis Steven
son, the novelist.
The exiled Malletoan chiefs were
landed at Pago Pago, on the Island of
Tutulla, the schooner on which they
were being unable to proceed to the
Island of Manua, owing to adverse
winds. The Tutullnns gave them a.
hearty welcome and made an attempt
to seize Mataafa's son, who was on
board the sohooner, but the captain put
to sea.
There has been a collision of author
ity between Chief Justice William V.
Chambers, of the supreme court, and
Dr. Joannes naffel, the German presi
dent of the municipality of Apia. Herr
Grosmuhl, n German resident of Apia,
who was arrested for smashing win
dows of the supreme court chamber,
was sentenced by the chief Justice to
Imprisonment and to pay a fine. Dr.
RarTel Instructed the police authorities
to release Herr Grosmuhl, whose fine
was subsequently fixed at $1,000.
The German consul, Herr Rose,
thereupon wrote to the American con
sul, Lloyd W. Osbourne, and the British
consul, E. B. S. Maxse, protesting that
the action of the chief Justice In fining
Herr Grosmuhl was an Infringement
of German consular rights. MeBsrs.
Osbourne and Mnxse Jointly replied In
their offlclol capacity that, the proper
tribunal having dealt with the mat
ter, the consuls could not Interfere.
More than this, they declined to have
further Intercourse with the German
consul or the German municipal presi
dent, except In writing, or to attend
meetings, except to consider the acts
of the municipal council of Apia, unless
an apology, with full retraction, were
offered for the behavior toward Chief
Justice Chambers. At the same time
the supreme court summoned Dr. Raf
fel for contempt of .court in releas
ing Herr Grosmuhl.
TheDeadly Orlp
Is again abroad in tho land. The air you
breathe may be full of its fatal germs i Don't
neglect tho "Grip" or you will open the door
to Pneumonia and Consumption and invite
death. Its suro signs are chills with fever,
headache, dull heavy pains, mucous dis
charges from the nose, sore throat and never-let-go
cough. Don't waste precious time
treating this cough with troches, tablets, or
poor, cheap syrups Cure it at once with Dr.
Kine.'s New Discovery, tho infallible remedy
for bronchial troubles. It kills the disease
germs, heals the lungs and prevents the
dreaded after effects from the malady. Price
SO cts. and $1.00. Money back if not cured.
A trial bottle free at A, Wasley's drug store.
MoKImon nCnndldii'to For Ilo-electton
Cleveland, Feb. 2. Mayor R. E. Mc
Klsson, who came Into national promi
nence as the candidate selected for
United States senator by the bolting
Republicans and the Democrats of the
Ohio legislature in opposition to Hon.
M. A. Hanna, announced formally to
day that he Is a candidate for re-election
for a third term. The campaign
will be fierce and exciting.
People overlooked tho importance of per
manently beneficial effects and were satisfied
with transient action; but now that it is gen
erally known that Syrup of Figs will per
manently overcome habitual constipation,
well-informed people will not bay other
laxatives, which act for a time, but finally
injure the system. Buy the genuine, made
by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Mui-iIci-chI For "Fifty Cents.
Dubois, Pa., Feb. 2. John Hughes, a
tramp printer, walked Into a store near
Punxsutawney Tuesday night and fell
to the floor, bleeding from a bullet
wound. He was taken to the Adrian
hospital, where he died yesterday.
Hughes said he had been robbed of 50'
cents and then shot. Officers are mak
ing an effort to capture the murderer.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, aa they cannot rrach the
diseased portion of the car. There Is only one
way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It la entirely closed deafness
Is the result,and unless the inflammation can be.
aken out and this, tnbe restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
whlsli Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of
tho mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sesd for
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The'lMibllo DeBt.
Washington, Feb. 2. The monthly
statement of the publlo debt shows
mat at tha close of business Jan. 31,
1899, the debt, less cash In the treasury,
amounted to J1,152,'C21,7B0, an Increase
for the month of 23,448,464. This In.
crease In principally accounted for In
the redemption of government bonds
issued In aid of the Central, Western
and Union Pacific railroads.
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust froni an otherwise
lovable girl with an offeniivs breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by Its
action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee,
Price 25 cts. and SO cts. Sold by P, I). Kirlln
and a guarantee.
To Ilnnsom'S'imnlHli Prisoners.
Madrid, Feb, 2. The government has
authorized General RIos to offer a
ransom for the liberation of Spanish
prisoners In the hands of the Philip
pine Insurgents.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a, SO-cent bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. We also guarau.
teeaS5-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded, A. Wasloy, C. II. Ilagen
bucb, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Blentein & Co. ll-H-S3t-dw
All That's
TvJr. enn n tir. cnrln tin linrfiv tin niiitimillfl tintll- &
t ing but water is needed to
fi bright and beautnully clean with
S"fi&5sT .
jj It cleans everything quickly,
j$ cheaply, thoroughly. Sold every
j where. Largest package greatest
K economy.
?- Chlearn. fit. T.niil- NawYnrlr. ItaAtnn. l'hi!,U1rhlft
, ""Sfc"" perfect, and imp tt a beilthy
Vizor to the whole belnff. All dralni and Iomm are ehWil rVriMdMoV lltitru itittt
are properly cured, their condition often
Mailed leafed. Price $i per boi; 6 boxes,
money,$s.oo. Send lor free book,
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drup
In the mountains, at the Quinto do Sexio, Portugal, a famous Port
Wine district where the custom of treadintr the crapes for Port Wine
is still in vogue. From ten to a dozen men or women for each gang
in turn continue the treading, day and night, during the four or five
weens vintage, borne ot tne treautng vats are large enough for threo
separate rows of ten men each, who with their white breeches well
tucked up, their arms on each other's shoulders, raise and tread their
feet alternately, with song and shouts to keep the lazier onos up to the
work, and a band with string instruments enlivens the hours.
bpcer, oi New Jersey, Uses Rollers instead of Feet.
It is from this district the vines were imported over forty years ago
that now fill the vineyards of the Speer Wine Co., at Passaic.
At Passaicthe same kind of grapes are crushed between large rol
lers of rubber, revolved by steam. This is the only place in
this country where the real genuine Port Wine is made from the
Oporto grape and they are grown right in Speer's Vineyards.
These vineyards extend over yi of a mile along one of the Main
avenues of Passaic, and comprise fifty six acres. The soil being
rich in iron makes the wine most valuable for Medical use.
Are well known to be of the highest character, the oldest and most
refined Wines in America, equal if not superior to any wines in the
world. They consist of Port, Sherry, Burgundy, Claret, Sautcrne
Wines, and Climax Brandy. Mr. Speer has some Wine in his
cellars that he made over thirty eight years ago. All of Speer's
Wines and Brandy are very old, rich, well rounded, soft and delicate.
Every family should have a bottle or two of each variety of Speer's
Wines and Brandy always in the home, for sickness or family use.
For Sale by Druggists arid Grocers Who Sell High Class Wines.
ZAKAH, tbe world-renowned Egyptian Altrologer, who hu been creating inch M
tonUnment thorooghout nropa for tho put fire rein, will giro a, trutbful, aoeorite,
planet horoscope delineation of vonr life. 11 will giro jour penonat appearance, die.
position, character, aMht. taste, probatle length of hfe, pomble accldentj, adrloe and
suggestion! on love affairs, marriage, friends, enemies, speculation, business matters, tie.
Send 10 cenU and giro exact date of birth and 1 will immediately return yea a
truthful horoscope reading of your life, and proTO it to be alt true by yourself. I seal,
this offer as a test trial. AU oommsaieatiou strictly confidential. Addreaa
jfm rMMSS wztrfch m Airmouxaa ruuij iwaUuai
VIA "tue true boutuekn eoute."
The "Pacifio Coast Limited." tlio now
California train will leave Chicago at 2:00 p.
m,, ami St. Louis 10:30 p, m., every Tuesday
and Saturday arriviug at Los Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m.. and Sau Francisco fourth
day noon, and willl run via Chicago & Alton,
St. Louis, Irou Mountain & Southern, Texas
& Pacific, and Southern Pacific Railways.
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, writing, smoking
room, buffet, barber-shop and bathroom ; a
compartment car containing seven private
compartments and double druwIuK-ioomsi
twelve section sleeping-cars "with state and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car In which all
meals will be served a la carte, and traverses
a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes are un
known. In addition to our weekly tourist
car lino via the scenic route, we will operate
a weekly tourist car via "Tho Truo Southern
Eoute," leaving Chicago every Tuesday and
from St. Louis every Friday morning. For
Illustrated and descriptive literature, time
tables,' very lowest rate of fare to all points
west and southwest, address J. P. McCaun,
Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. K. llopt,
Geu'l Eastern Passenger Agent, 501 Broad
way, New York. tf
Cntnrrh, Hay Fevor.
Kill the Catarrh microbe ami yon cure
Catarrh. These parasites nest deep iu
catarrh the tissues and folds of
4Bgb the olfactory membrane,
V "and are difficult to reach
jagbl) and kill; but Brazilian
eLM'Balm will utterly destroy
Sthem if used persistently
microbe, as directed. It also des
troys the Hay Fever germ in a few
days. Use full strength, or nearly so,
for Hay Fever. Cure permanent.
Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents.
Cuming Kveiits,
February 10 Grand ball by Patrlptic Drum
Corps, In Bobbins' oper. bouso.
Coughs and colds, down to the very border
land of consumption, yield to the MKitlilnc
healing influences of Dr. Wood's Kornuy ,
..u,.uV. I
make things white and 8
rh-ylia'c f
au.f fa.i'-e
i if i can,
' i in if of
1 . s. . such
11 Uebiiiij , l'i
aeftiand Vai
They clear trie brati.. uengtheo
me circulation, m. ke dtgettlc-a
worrlet them Into Insanity, Comumptionor Depth,
with Iron-cUd legal guarantee toenre or reTund tat
Addxeit, PEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, 0.T'
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ton can inform Tonnelf thoronehlr am
this and on any other question of tou I
cut, present and future life.
Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa.
mutant, r" -i pr" 11 int UnU n luil I
Are You Going to Florida 1
If you are, ask for tickets via the Southern
Railway. It is tho shortest, quickest and
best route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John M. Iicall, District
Passenger Agent, 82S Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Yon Try It.
If Shlloli's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which Is sold for the small price of S3 cts., 50
cU. and $1.00, does not cure take the bottle
back and we will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee Price
25 cts. and iJO cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and
a guarantee
Wilt You Winter In Florida 1
This will be tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via the Southern Railway. Its tho best
route. If you will write John M, Beall,
District Passenger Agent, 628 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., ho will arrange all the
details of'your trip for you.
What Is Shiloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through the world for
haf a century, has cured Innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with tho results we will refund your money,
Price 25 eta., 50 cts. and f ) .00. Sold by P. D
Kirlin aud a guarantee,
This Is the trade
mark of the short
lino to Florida the
Southern Railway
Two daily trains are operated all the year,
and during the winter season, a third, tho
Florida Limited, Is added. If you are goiug
to Florida or anywhere else iu the South, ask
for a ticket via the Southern Railway. Write
to John M. Beall, District Passenger Agent,
828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day,
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgfa radically cures in X to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the Mi ease immediately disappears. Tbe
(irt do gieatly btnefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drugstore, Shenandoah. t
a&E a
J V - j f
Ex-Ministor Taylor Discusses tho
Affhira of tho Islands
Our niivurnmuiit Should Aitvnnco
Money to Pny tlio Ctlbnn SolttlurH nnd
Trninfljrm Iilln Mnn ordoniPZ'H Army
Into I'vaocTul Wwiltli PrciUuoor.
Mobile. Ala., Feb. . Itannln Taylor,
ex-mlnlater to Spain, who returned on
Tuesday from a two week' visit to
Cuba, Man Riven the press the follow
ing Interview on the Cuban situation:
"While In Cuban Uon purely private
bunlness I came In contact with the
leaders ot every faction Into which
the imputation Is now divided. Th9
extremes of opinion are represented on
one hand by Cuban military chiefs de
manding Immediate and absolute Inde
pendence; on the other by the purely
Spanish element seeking protection
under our tlatr. Hetween the two ex
tremes are ranged the main body of
the people standing In un expectant at
titude, ready to give their approval to
any plan that will re-establish law.
order and material prosperity upon a
permanent basis.
'Upon one point nil aerec American
ofllcers and Cubans and that Is, out
side of tha cities the country, is In a
condition of want and misery that can
naruiy oe explained. As an aggra
vation of that condition stands the Cu
ban army, composed of at least 30,000
Idle men, waltinc with arms In their
hands for such a settlement of their
duties as will enable them to resume
life again.
"When I asked those who had a right
to speak for the army what sum would
sulllce for a satisfactory settlement
they said $10,000,000 or Jll.000.000 at
least, a sum that would give about $300
to each man. With that, they said, the
small farmers could procure stock and
live until they could make a crop. The
Cubans neither ask nor desire us to
contribute a penny for the payment of
their army. All they ask Is that a
loan should be made for the purpose,
charged upon their custom houses, now
yielding from J12.O00.00O to J15.000.000 a
year, the proceeds to be paid to their
soldiers through the military authori
ties, tlvery class there Is demanding
that a settlement be made at once, so
that a menacing and idle body of men
may be converted Into peaceful pro
ducers. In that way the Industries of
the country could be revived, and a
force dissolved like the armv of Go
mez, which Is not only a military party,
but the predominant party ot the Isl
and, "I cannot doubt If the Just claims of
the Cuban armv are treated with In
justice and contempt and the present
military Regime continued Indefinitely
In a short while we would be hated by
the Cubans Just as the Spaniards were,
and a change of things brought about
that will force us either to withdraw
from the Islands or to govern there Just
as Russia does In Poland. Wise and
humane as our military governors are,
the fact remains that they govern by
the sword. In defiance of the civil
power, and the result Is that patience
and discontent are already clearly
manifested on every hand. The urgent
need in Cuba now Is a prompt and
satisfactory settlement with the army
of the revolution, and establishment oj
soon as possible of a provincial civil
regime In which Cubans themselves
can have a voice.
"The president should labor unceas
ingly to attain both ends, and In the
effort to do so he should have the cor
dial co-operation and support of all
patriotic and liberty loving men, re
gardless of party.
"We should learn from the Kngllsh
how suicidal It Is to carry our party
difficulties into our foreign affairs. The
patriotic instinct ot Mr. Bryan hit the
mark when he urged the Immediate
ratification of the pending treaty and
the settlement of -all difficulties after
wards. "The senate should end at once the
present situation, so detrimental to all
our foreign Interests, while congress
as a whole should give to the presi
dent every facility necessary to en
able him to settle every foreign ques
tion now demanding Immediate solu
tion." . nobility.
Bnron nnd lSnroucss Do Ilnrra Trlod
to lisenpo to Mexico.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 2. Baron and
Baroness De Barra, who were arrested
on Jan. 3 at St. Augustine, charged
with using the United States malls
through the Chicago postofflce to pro
mote a scheme to defraud, and who
were held under bonds of J7.G0O to ap
pear at the March term ot the United
States court at Chicago for trial, havt
been surrendered by their bondsmen,
and have been held In the custody of
the marshal In this city. The motion
ot District Attorney Stripling for the
removal of the prisoners to Chicago
was granted here yesterday by Judge
Locke in the United States court. Six
days were asked and granted their at
torney In which to prepare new bonds,
and the execution of the removal war
rant will be suspended during that
time. In the meantime the prisoners
are kept under special guard at the
Windsor hotel here. The expectation
Is quite general that they will not he
able to give bonds, as they left St.
Augustine ten days go, going to Pensa
cola, followed by a Plnkerton detective,
who asserts the strong belief that they
intended going to Mexico, from which
country they could not be returned on
the charge pending against them.
Buckien's Arnica Salve,
The best salvo in the world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
as cents per dox. or sale by A. w&sley.
T.opers fn tlio United States.
Battle Creek. Mich., Feb. 2. Dr. Hltt,
a physician from India, at present vis
iting In this city, stated today that
there are 532 cases of leprosy in the
United States, 10 ot which are In Chi
lago. The doctor has made a life study
f leprosy.
Begin Right With Coughs and Colds.
Take tho sure cure, Pan-Tina, 25c. At
U rubier Bros., drug store.
Gave IflsT.liVl'bf III- Hoy.
Searsh, Mich., Feb. 2. Fire at mid
night destroyed the home ot Thomas
Lowden, seven miles north ot here.
After rescuing his wife and four chil
dren Mr. Lowden re-entered the dwell
ing for his 5-year-old boy, and both
perished in the Humes. Mrs. Lowden
walked barefooted In her nlghtrobe,
with her buby In her arms, to the
nearest neighbors, half a mile distant.
Is It a burn? Us Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric
Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomu' Ecleotrlc Oil,
At your druggists.
Experiment 'With Till flnlnlsim
Tlit Wilt Snrnrtae Hrnry One.
One of the most apt lllustrntloni ever
made by lml Kelvin was his likening the
lumlnlferous ether to a mass of ahocinnk
ers' wax. What Lord Kelvin said of shoe
makers' wax may ixi tested by any boy In
n iimiiiHT that will nnW.iiUh his, playmates.
First let It bo sold thnt the ether pene
trate all giHtct) It Is as rigid as steel and
yet so flexible that It does not retard the
IMMmKe of plnlieUe throufth spooo In the
lenst It Is nn Invisible tubstAnce which
travels In waves through all things. Now,
to llliutmtn the nature of such a paradox
Icnl material l4rd Kelvin searched every
wlrero, and at but concluded that shoo
makers' wax represented It best lit
made testta and this Is what he found)
He melted some wax In a common glass
tumbler. After It liad hardened ho tried
to thrust n lead pencil through It. It
would nut fro. Then he placed a coin on
the surface of the wax and left It there for
heveral days When he again visited It,
the coin had sunk to the bottom of the
rIam The wax had closed over It and by
lifting tip tho glHM and looking through
the bottom lie could see the coin lying
there Had the wax been as deep as a well
the coin would liavo irone on sinking un
til It reached the bottom. This proved
thnt the wax would conform only to very
slow movement. If ho had tried to push
It too fast, It would have resisted him.
An 1dm struck the scientist. If tho wax
ncted llko tills toward the coin, how would
It treat an object which lloatedf Ho ac
cordingly placed n cork In a tumbler and
Hured I tot shoemakers' wax upon It. The
win hardened with the cork at tho bot
tom Yet when Ixinl Kelvin looked at the
bottom of the glass In a day or two ht
found tho cork had disappeared. It was
somewhere In the mass of wax and proba
bly rising very slowly, but surely, toward
the top. Sure enough, after a given period
of time the cork peeped above the surface
of the hard wax and Anally It rose to a
point where It remained halt lmtiedded
In tho wax, just its It would have done In a
rIhsi of water It rose no higher than this,
however, and a corkscrow probably would
not Imvo pulled It from tho wax. Yet Its
own buoyancy had rnlsed It up from the
bottom, through what scorned an Impene
trable ninss of wax.
This, In fact, Is tho peculiarity of shoe
makers' wax, thnt It resists all suddon ot
quick movements, but la highly susceptible
to very slow nnd prolonged pressure. II
you pressed a ilatlron hard down on a
lump ot wnx on a tnblo It Is probable you
would mnko no Impression on It, but If
you left thnt Iron resting on tho wax for a
tiny or two, you would 2nd the lump flat
tened out under the Iron. 80 curious bj
this property of tho wax that tuning forks
havo liecn cast from pieces of It These
forks were cupnble of vibration, giving a
musical noto nnd being set golngby vibra
tion for another tuning fork, yet when one
of thorn was laid across tho open mouth of
n Jar it slowly collapsed and fell Into the
Jar In n shapeless, sticky moss. Any boy
may perform theso experiments, and the
lesson In physics to bo got therefrom is no
less valuable than tho amusement which
tho performance affords. Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune.
A weak and nunv child is
-J almost as much abandoned
to 113 laic as 11 11 was
left alone on a chim
ney-top. It is isolated
from the healthy enjoyments
of its little fellow-beings. It
cannot partake either oi their
piav or uieir sturdy work
and progress in the world ;
its whole life is embittered by
incapacuyana weaicness.
Any woman who expects
to become a mother ought to
know what Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription will do
both for her own health and
safety during her time of trial
and also to insure her in be
queathing a fair measure of
health and strength to the
prospective little one.
"Some months before my baby
SiJ came I found myself in rapidly
Kri failing health," writes Mrs. W. f
P I Kidder, of Hill Dale Farm ll'nos-
burg Center), Enosburg, vt.. In a grateful letter
to Hr R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N Y. " I nuflered
dreadfully from bloating and urinary dtfUculty
I was growing perceptibly weaker every day and
suffered much sharp pain at times. I felt that
something must be done. I sought your advice
and received a prompt reply. I followed your
directions and took twelve bottles of Dr Pierce's
Favorite Prescription,
and also followed your
instructions. I began
to improve immedi
ately, my health be
came excellent.
and I could do
1 1 ... 1 .
(we live on
srood sized farm)
1 walked and
rode all I could.
and enjoyed it
1 nan a snon A.yyfc f"
and liavea healthy
babv bov "
There never has been a remedy in the
history of medicine that has done what this
marvelous "favorite Prescription" has
accomplished for weak, ailing women
It's an insult to your intelligence for a
dealer to attempt to palm off upon you a
substitute for this world-famed medicine
You know what you want. It's hii business
to meet that want. When he urges some
substitute he's thinking of the larger profit
he'll make not of your welfare
A Medicine Chest In Itself.
Simple), Safe and Quick Cure for
23 and 50 com Bottlos.
1'rlTftto cm ranee Orren St..
to tbe rich And txur i
rlfitawbbhT beta
deceived, robbed and iwlndlfd br self
tylPa famous, wlae and old p
luo 1 viuuk, Hrryquo yepinir,
APnsei na bxcetsei, uluuu fuib
ce)e and Stricture. Kocutticp. Lott 1
Loat Manhood and
Eh run it en Orrana restored. Hook, "TrutA," free,
exposlDfr quack and Electric Iteli fraud. IretX
1 Truth;
cast curtd in 4 to to Cayu
Treatment br mail.
K TBittn. ttem iid uti WOMAN'S RELIEF
AlvtriDromntand rtibl. Avemi Inabiliai
Oct ClTOl'l XABIT Plt-Uftnri lifl to KTB.
CiToa Brio. Co. UmIoe, Mim. Oarfc.4a
For ale at Klrlln'a drug aor and Hoenandoa
4 rue lnr
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne.
1 1 1
EL !
ft nTOvW US
iT) Sfl&
m m
I iVv tutor u 1 a nth. causing her In
toii.u tin.- V. o L.. i a a its, ami tr.cit
ei'Tiih i,.'. mih'jitai 'e. It w. jld scab
ot r. ' 1 "! . f " -i" rw.u Jooio
out : 1 1 1 1 i ' V j t lab- S
of i hi i .. it in ,. a, it. 'A C f Tt'Tiuk,
n vi- i , i ti. mil 'lu - r.arlshawM
tl r. y -. ( ," 'lint irt'futVI
i Iin U f lfSE, Itnatol, Vt.
v, . t ipf i hi Wsmlntif,SWHtltc-
l f.Vl M ITI A ! Ktl
ai w i ' i i ..., ... , ts Hft"i.Tlii
1 rrDlins1ltsb
O- , Jt tf I urkTtr lluoHMim.
CPlloa or Hemorrhoids
Flssuroa & Flstulaa.
Burns ft Scalds.
I I Wounds & Bruise.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Erupttona.
Salt Rhoum 4 Totters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stlnas & Blteo of Insects.
Three Siiet, 25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sokl L dnjggWU, or en t jicrtl-psJJ on recel of prtot
iicxruiitts'aiD.ra., in in msUaM.,inTi.
January IS, 1A89.
Trains will leave 8h nandoah after tna DOl
date lor WlRgnn, Ullberton, FnukTllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, 1'ottnTllle. Hamburg, Iteadlni,
PottMown, 1'hoenlxvlllo. JYorrlstown and PhiU
aelphla(Hrwl street station) at li and 8 IS
a. in., 2 10, ft It p m. on week days. Bundavs,
g 19 a. m., 4 80 p. tn.
Trains leave Frackvllle (or Shenandoah at
786, 1145 a. m. and B 487 34 p. m. Bundav-
11 01 a. m. and & 46 p. m.
Leave PotUvllle for Bbenandoah (via Prack
vtllej 7 10, 11 30 a. m., S 30, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
10 35 a. In.. 6 30 p. in.
Ix-ave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), fox
Bbewandoah at 8 35 a. m., 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at 6 50 and 9 33 a. m.
I.eave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Express.week-days, 8 20, 4 (to, 4 50 ft 05,5 13,9 GO.
7 83 , 8 20, 9 50, 10 21 11 00 a. m, 12 00 noon, 12 85
(Limited ! 00 and ! 22 p. ju ,) 1 40. 2 80, 8 20.
3 50, 4 02,5 00, "5 55 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. m.,
12 01, nlxht. Sundays. 3 30, 4 05. 150. 8 05, S 13,
3 20. 9 50, 10 21, 10 43 a. tn., 12 03, 12 35, 'ISO,
402, (Limited 4 22,1 5 20, 5 58, 6 35, 7 02, 7 50.
10 00 p. m., 12 01 night
Express for Boston witboht change, 11 00 a r.,
week-days, and 7 50 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Oroya,
Long Branch, 8 20, 11 li a m, 8 30, 4 03 p tn
For Lamberivllle, Kaston and Scranton, 850.
9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 3 CO (Lamberivllle and
Etinton only!, weekdays, and 702 p m daily.
Buffalo, 9 00 a in, 12 00 noon weekday, and 7 OJ
p in dally.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 60, 720,832,
1020, II 23, a. m., 120J, '1231 ! It, 8 12, 4 41.
(3 23 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 555, 7 8l
p. in., and 12 0 night week days. Sunday,
8 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23. a. in.. 120), 1 12, 8 12, 4 41.
(520 Congressional Limited,) 653 "781 p. m.
aud 12 05 night.
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a m, 1 62
and 4 01 p m week days. 5 OS and 11 16 p m datly.
Atlantic Coast Line, Florida Special, 2 26 p m,
weekdays. Express 1209 p m, and 12 OS night,
Southern Hallway, Florida Limited, 2 26 pm,
weekdays Express 0 55 p m, dally,
Chesapeake .t Ohio Knilway, 7 31 p m, dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf aa follows I Ex
preas for New York, 9 00am, 430pm week
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 30
a m weekdays.
For Island Heights, 8 30 a m and 4 00 p m
weekdays. ,
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 03 p. m. Sundays,
9 30 a. m., 7 05 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 00 am,
2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
(accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 p m.
For Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ooean City,
Avalon Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wlldirml and
Hollj Beach Express, 900 a m, 4th, P m
weekdays. Sundays, 9 00a m.
For Somen Point Express, 900 a. m., 100.
4 00, S 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00 a. m
The Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and retldenoea.
Dining car.
J. U. lln-rcnirisos, J, B. Wood,
Oen'l Manager,
Oen'l VaVr Ar4
News Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a'year
Daily and Sunday ,by mail,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
iu the world.
Price 5c a copy. Bj mall, $2 a yea
Address THE BUN, Mew York.
iamqv ran i
am. fiiWMi Bm maq j
at Povinjsky's drug itort,
OtBtr. IttHt