The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 02, 1899, Image 2

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i:st' viii.hiiiik mo.
'All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Published every ovenlnir. eieept 9ntlr. t i
Boulli Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa. i
Tlio Herald Ii ilrllvi red In Shenandoah ami the
surrounding town for"lxeentf" w etef pay
able ti the onrrlers. Ity mnll 8 00 it y. or, or
M cents n month pnynlih- In advance Ad
vertisements charges! according to span nnd
poaltlnn. The pnlillslwr rewrve the right
tn I'lmiiRe the p' Kitten f sdrerHeement
whcnevir tlie publication of news demand
it The right l rrervcd In reject any
ndvcruenieiit whether paid fur or twit, that
the publishers uav dem Impmiwr. Adver
tising rate made known UMtiiapplleatlon.
Kntcrcil at the pot office at tliennndoali, I'a , as
second clan mail matter.
Thursday Fi;nm;r.Y 2. ihbo.
OUR COUNTRY: First. Last and Forever,
TiikNow Jersey Semite iiuHilucliiri'ri
Sampson tlie hero of Saiitfniro. We
may now oxpeot to hear from tlio
Marylanders In support of Schley.
Mil. CllOKKR says the revival of 10
to 1 meaus hard times n'niii. Of
course he means if the people take it
seriously, which is quite improbable.
TllKltK fs one similarity about
Hurrlsburg dispatches these days.
They tire all based upon rumors. If
these political chroniclers keep ever
lastingly at it, they will eventually
land on solid ground.
A NPMUKn of tho boys at the Penn
sylvania Military Academy, at
Chester, were taken violently ill after
partaking of a turkey dinner. And
now the charge is made that the
turkey was embalmed.
Any egotist can vote against a
treaty for 'small reasons based on his
vanity, but how long would it take
such a man to frame a treaty equal in
merit to that resulting from the pro
longed deliberations in Paris ?
Thk inhabitants of Rockaway
Beach have already tired of being in
cluded in the Greater New York. The
tax assessor seems to have caused the
trouble. That individual seems to be
the scape-goat for the average tax
doger. Those who take an interest in local
government neyer neglect to vote at
the February elections. There is a.
noticeable Inactivity among the
voters of both parties this year,
which has anything but a tendency to
secure good govetnment.
Thk Philadelphia North American
has improved in every department
under new management. Heretofore
the North American was a staunch
supporter of Senator Quay, but since
the retirement of the McMichaels it
is noticed that the paper has a lean
ing the other way.
A Boston publisher was fined $500
for putting a deceptive headline,
"Quilt is Evident," over an article re
ferring to a case on trial in court.
Sensational journalism, in this in
stance, at least, is receiving its just
rebuke. We fail to see, however, in
-what way the matter was within the
jurisdiction of the court.
The army bill as it passed the
House Wednesday provides for an
army of a maximum strength of 50,
000 In time of peace, just about
double what it was before our war
with Spain. It Is likely the govern
ment will experience much trouble In
keeping that quota filled with "loyal
and able-bodied American citizens."
Representative Haao, of this
county, has introduced a. bill in the
Legislature providing for tlie election
of Supervisors in boroughs by direct
vote of the people. This measure is
In the right direction, but might go
further and include other officers now
selected by Town Coun'oils. The
members of the latter body would
thus be relieved of an unpleasant
duty, and perhaps result, in a better
class of public servants.
Senator Hanna and Riohard
Croker met for the first time at the
dinner of the Gridiron Club in Wash
ington the other night. William E.
Curtis, in the Chioago Record, tells
about it. They shook bands eor
dially and expressed the pleasure of
meeting one another. "You're not a
bad-looking man I" exclaimed Mr.
rT 1 T ..1.1 -.,1-,.
nauuo., wuumu ,H..,
n a minute from the cartoons.' 'The
same to you," responded tlie New
York Tammany boss with a grim
rlble affliction of tlnHium.n race. Salt . :NatIona, TaBUef cover)ng 3i
rheum, soree, eruptions, bolls, all humors, Btateg a stronK enough to pay the pro
Bwelllngs, etc, originate in Us foul taint, prletora 0f the looal saloons revenue
and are cured by the great and only True : nough to keep them out of the busl-
Blood Purifier, Hood's Barsaparllla. The
advanced theory of today that tuber
culosis, or consumption, Is curable by
proper nutrition, care and purifying the
blood, finds confirmation In the expert- U
pnee of many who have been cured by
Hood's Sarsaparijla
Hood's Pills cure sick headache. 26c.
Tho Rosv Froshnoss
I And a velvet softness of the (kin li Inva
riably obtained by tbor who use PouoMi'a
Complexion "owaer.
tioiiito Quite Paris to Avoid Arrest
on Criminal. Okargo.
(5 in lid Itnblil Znclnk Kiilm Dimotiiicctl
ns "tlio licmlciMif tlio liiliiinon .low
tnli CuiiMplinu.v Ai;iiltit l'mnoo."
Ciiptiilii llrojTtiH on IIIm Dlunlty.
Pari, Feb. 2. Major Count Huter
hiy wbh oiriolally Informed Tuemlay
that lit teitlinony before the oourt of
caaaallon being concluded, the proceed
ing Hgalnat him would be rammed In
14 hours, ile thereupon left by the
Northern rnllroHd.
Comte Ksterliniy's llljtht, which was
to evade arret on the charges brought
nKalnnt him by bin cousin, Christian
Knterhaay, of obtaining money under
fraudulent pretenses, has been the sen
sation ot the day. On rending the
warning letter, which was brought to
him by a detective olllrer, Hsterluizy
swore and culled tlie letter a "canall
lerlo," a "trick worthy of the beasts
1 have had to deal with."
It Is understood that the hasty with
drawal of the RHfc conduct granted him
was the outcome of his cavalier treat
ment of M. Uertulus, the magistrate,
and of his refusal to give further tes
timony. The latest victim of the anti-Dreyfus
party Is the Grand ltabbl Zadok Khan,
who Is being denounced oh "the ring
leader of the infamous Jewish con
spiracy against France," on the
strength of the story Just published
to the effect that, after Dreyfus was
sentenced, the rabbi, at the request of
Majtthleu Dreyfus, tiled to get through
a friendly Jewish olflcer In BsterhazyN
regiment sorie paitlculars as to the
cemte's movements.
L,e Solr demands the resignation of
the rabbi. And as the latter Is vir
tually a state ofllcinl It Is not unlikely
tha' the agitation will become a serlo 'S
mailer for him. Curiously enough, the
edl'or of Le Soir, which Is one of the
moat violent of the antl-Dreyfusard or
gans, Is himself a Jew named Oaston
ccordlng to a dispatch to La Prove
from Cayenne, capital of French
Guiana, Dreyfus was so angry on
learning that Captain Lebrun Renaule
had asserted that he confessed at the
time of his trial and degradation that
he declined to answer any more of tho
question's put to him by the court of
cassation unless taken back to France.
The Echo De Paris this morning con
tains a communication from Quesnay
De Beaurepalre asserting that .the new
' Inquiry has revealed that the court
of cassation, before It had even ex
amined the dossier, had already dtcld
ed to declare Dreyfus Innocent by a
decree quashing the sentence, and that
the court has purposely Ignored pas
sages In the secret dossier Implicating
Sick Headaches,
The curso of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surly cured by Karl's Clover
Knot Tea, the great blood purllier and tissue
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts'. Sola by IVD. Klrlin
and a guarantee.
ileum of tho "IJokIo Man."
Chicago, Feb. 2. George Rogers, who
was known In the vicinity in which he
lived as the "Bogle man," died yester
day In the county hospital of a rare
disease, which the physicians have
called acromebaly, swelling of the
bones. His hands and feet were great
ly swollen, and his Jaw was over four
times the normal length. The distance
from the frontal bone to the chin In
the ordinary man Is eight to ten Inches,
and In Rogers this had grown to 20
Inches. A refined and educated man,
he was so sensitive over his apepar-
ance that he withdrew from his friends
and family and lived In a barn In an
obscure part of the city. He was taken
from the ham to the hospital In a
starving condition.
What do the Children Drink 7
Don't give them tea or CofTee. Have you tried
the uew food drink called GRAIN-O? It is
delicious and nourishing aud taVes the place
of coffee. The more Grain-0 you give ihe
rmlriren the more health you distribute
through their systems. Graiu-0 is made of
pure grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but
costs about 1-4 as much. All grocers sell it
15c. and 25c.
Disastrous Flro In Columbus, O.
Columbus, O., Feb. 2. The most seri
ous conflagration which has visited Co
lumbus since the million dollar Chit
tenden hotel fire of 1893 visited the city
last night. Half a block of fine build
ings In the heart of the business portion
of the town have been destroyed, and
the loss is $750,000. Eight firemen were
injured by falling walls and Miss Car
rie Johnson was run over by a hose
reel. Her leg was broken and she
received Internal Injuries which may
prove fatal.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
To CIoho Akron's Rnrrooms by Way
of Kxperlmont.
Akron, O., Feb, 2. A representative
of the National Liquor League was in
! the city last week, and local men were
' very reticent on vo wie uujcu. ui o
vJslt Now tnat he haB iert a strange
Btory lB tola oi the movement which
he Is said to be at he head of. It Is
no more than the closing up of every
saloon in the city for a period of two
' years. Members of the Akron Liquor
League made this statement toaay in
all seriousness and claim that the pro
ject Is entirely feasible. The manner
. .it. 1 . . x fnllnmlnv
; ness, and will do so In order to give
the neode of Akron, and of all other
cities, a lesson on the sufferings whloh
will be entailed on municipalities by
the dosing of those places. The Dow
tax. nald by the saloons, amounts In
Akron to a very large sum, the most
of which goes ta the police and poor
funds, and the loss of this, the liquor
dealers figure, will seriously embarrass
the finances of the city. Akron has
been selected as the city for this object
lfsslon because of the recent agitation
here against th,- saloons ronducted by
the ministers of the city.
A cold In danger
ous, Don t let It
get the eiart of you.
A few tin i a of my
Cold fin,. will
hii'uk up nny form
of cold In feiv
hours and prevent
Kilnpe, tllphllierlit
anil pneutiiuiilii. It
should be In every
home nud every vest
pocket. It Is better
than n life lusur
nncu policy,
At all drturKlat. -fie. lat. Guide to Ilealtti
mp,t' m iMlJ,'n frpi inn, An 1, t i",''
Wont Am-oiiiiit on a slioal, Hut Is Not
In Duuircr.
Philadelphia. Feb. 2. The Transat
lantic liner Hhynland, Captain Hannah,
from Liverpool for this port, went
ashore on Cotton Patch shoali about
four miles north of Fen wick's Island
life saving station, during Tuesday
night's storm. At midnight she was
still stranded, but lay In an easy posi
tion, and It Is hoped to get her off with
the next high tide. Tho tug North
America went to her assistance yes
terday and succeeded In moving her a
short distance. Part of the steamer's
cargo will be taken off, and there Is
little doubt that she will be safely
floated. The llhynland's propeller is
broken, and It Is thought that he rud
der has been carried away. There are
42 passengers and a crew of "9 men on
board, and all are well.
Fenwlck's Island light Is about 25
miles below the Breakwater, which
would Indicate that the Rhynland was
a few miles out of her course when she
grounded. This Is easily accounted for
by the condition of'the weather at the
time. A dense snow storm was pre
vailing and the Island light could not
be seen
Fill a bottle or common glasss with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours :
a sediment or settling indicates an unheal
thy condition of the kidneys ; if it stains
your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble f
too frequent dbsire to pass it or in in tlie
back is also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
Theie is Comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the
urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold
water and scalding pain in, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to go often during the day,
and to get up many times during the night.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. At druggists fifty cents
or one dollar.
You may have a sample bottle and a book
that tells more about it, both sent absolutely
free by mail, if you send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, N. Y. When
writing be sure and mention that you read this
generous oficr in the Shenandoah Herald
Sate, Swift, Superb Traveling to New York
hy riilliMlelphta find Rending Route..
Tho Philadelphia and Reading Routo to
Mow York has boen noted since its inception
for tho special attention given by the man
agement to insure tho comfort and safety of
Us patrons and while sacrificing neither of
tbeso important points to speed, at the same
time managing to keep iu tho front with
swift traveling trains.
It Is but a Bhort timo since a trip to New
York was considered qulto a journey, and
on Account of the timo consumed aud dis
comforts of traveling never attempted unless
entirely necessary, but under tho changed
conditions, caused by modern improvements,
it is but a short, pleasant trip and on no lino
are these improvements more, iu use than op
the Philadelphia anil Heading Route, neither
timo or money being spared iu the effort to
secure everything that will conduce to tlio
comf irt, safety and convenience of travelers.
The fast trains for New York leave Read
ing Terminal, Philadelphia, at convenient
hours, connecting at Columbia avenue, and
other stations with express trains from I'otU
vllle, Wllliamsportand other points in tho
coal and lumber regions.
For time of trains, rate of fare, aud other
Information, apply to any Philadelphia and
Reading ticket r.Eent, or address Kdsdn J.
Weeks, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Philadelphia,
Eighth Suroldnl Attempt "Suc'oosstul.
Chicago, Feb. 2. During the last
three years Mrs. Amelia Lutz, of this
city, hns repeatedly attempted to com
mit suicide by hanging herself. Each
lime her husband has cut the rope and
rescued her, but yesterday she made
the eighth attempt and succeeded In
ending her life, Lutz Is a contractor,
and at one time was wealthy. During
the World's fair, however, he lost his
fortune, and brooding over this fact
unbalanced the woman's mind.
Speedy Mull Service From Alaska.
Washington, Feb. 2. A report to
Second Assistant Postmaster General
Shallenberger from the railway mall
division headquarters at New York an
nounces the transmission of a mall
package from Juneau, Alaska, to Its
destination In New Jersey In 11 days.
This Is the quickest transit on record.
Governor of South AtiHtrallr.
London, Feb. 2. Lord Hallam Tenny
son, son of the late Lord Alfred Tenny
son, the poet laureate, has been ap
pointed governor of South Australia.
Enstorn Potteries Consolidated.
New York, Feb. 2. The consolidation
of all the large potteries In the east
was consummated here yesterday. This
was brought about chiefly through the
Maddocks company of Trenton, N. J.,
making favorable arrangements with
the leading Interests In the newly
formed American PotterleB company.
That oompany will now have a- capi
talization of $1,000,000. The output of
the plant In 1858 which composed the
combination, was $8,600,000 with profits
computed at Jl.&OO.OOO.
Predicted Ills Own Dentil.
New York, Feb. 2. Rev. George H.
Slmona, of Brooklyn, predicted his own
death, which occurred Tuesday mid
night, of pneumonia. He was not ap
parently In Immediate danger. To his
wife, however, who was sitting In the
same room, he said, for no- apparent
reason: "My dear, I do not bsllve that
I will live after midnight."
Fugitive MurdoroHH ArrostPd.
Portland, Me.. Feb. 2. Mrs. Lizzie
Provenchla, who shot and killed Miss
Annie Cox, her husband's housekeeper,
In Rochester. N. H.. Tuesday, was ar
rtstcd In this ity yesterday.
Mf llopbui-n'is iTHiml Flaht Airatnit
tlio River nml Ilnrbor Hill,
Washington, Feb. 2. The house en
tered upon the consideration of the,
river and harbor bill yesterday, and
made rapid progress. Fifty of the SG
pages of the bill had been completed
when tho house adjourned. The bill
appropriates directly about $12,000,000
and authorizes contracts to the extent
of $18,000,000 additional. The general
debate was unusually brief. Us feat
ure was a speech In opposition lo tha
bill by Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, whfi hat
fought every river and harbor bill for
the last six vears. He said he knew
his opposition would avail nothing, as
the votes for Its passage had been ar
ranged for by the appropilatlons In
the bill. He attacked particularly the
Mississippi river Improvement, which
was ably defended by Mr. Catchlngs,
of Mississippi.
For a few minutes In the senate yes
terday afternoon It seemed likely, that
a vote might be taken on one or more
of tho resolutions relating to expan
sion that are pending before that body.
An unusually large attendance of Re
publican senators was present, all of
them having been notified to be pres
ent In the event of a critical vote on
the pending question. Mr. Ibioon (Ga.)
had called up his resolutions and Mr.
Chandler (N. H.) had withdrawn his
motion to refer them to the commit
tee on foreign relations. Mr. Sullivan
(Miss.) had entered a motion to sub
stitute his resolutions for those of Mr.
Bacon, while Mr. Davis, chairman of
the foreign relations committee, an
nounced that he was willing that a vote
should bo taken Immediately. As It
was evident, however, that a vote on
the resolutions and amendments could
not be taken before 2 o'clock the hour
fixed bv unanimous consent for the
senate to go Into executive session Mr.
Bacon asked for unanimous consent
mat a vote ue tauen touay. 10 m.
request Mr. Carter (Mont.) objected,
and the whole question was left sus
t ... ,na loft OIIU.
pended In the air.
Imporfnnt lyinWifptcy DeoMon.
Milwaukee, Feb. 2. A decNlon of the
greatest Importance In bankruptcy
proceedings throughout the country
was handed down by Judge Seaman, In
the United States circuit court, In
which the court holds that when a man
files a petition In bankruptcy he waives
his constitutional privilege of refusing
to give tentlrnotiy under the plea that
It may tend to criminate himself and
give rise to criminal proceedings. The
decision Is rendered In the contempt
proceedings Instituted against Louis
Saplre, a Waupun bankrupt merchant,
for falling to produce his books of ac
count. The Ravages of drip.
That modern scourge, the Grip, poisons
tho air with iU fatal germs, bo that no home
is safe from its ravages, but multitudes have
found a suro protection against this danger
ous malaiiy to ur. Ktug s now uiscovory.
When you leol a soreness in your bones and
muscles, have chills and fover, with sore
throat, pain in tho back of the head, catar
rhal symptoms and a stubborn cough you
may know you have tlio Grip, and that you
need Dr. King's Now Discovery. It will
promptly cure the worst rough, heal tho in
llamed membranes, kill tliodiseaso germs anil
prevent the dreaded nflor cll'ccts of tlio
malady. Price BOcts. and $1.00. Monoy back
If not cured. A trial bottle freo at A.
Wanley's drug store.
Speedy Work Jf War Omolala.
Washington, Feb. 2. The officials of
the war department are proud of the
splendid record made by them In han
dling and mustering out of the Slxty
ntnth New York regiment. A pay of
fleer boarded tho train at Huntsvllle
with the soldiers and made up the rolls
cn route, and within 24 hours after the
arrival of the organization In New York
every man had been paid In full, $75,
000 being required for the purpose,
and the regiment had been mustered
out. This Is something that has never
before been achieved with so clean a
record as In this case.
Unrest In Liberia.
London, Feb. 2. An American mis
sionary, Rev. W. M. Beck, has arrived
here on his way to the United States,
after spending two years In Liberia.
He says there Is considerable unrest
and dissatisfaction with President
Coleman, and that the neighboring
tribes are encroaching and inciting to
rebellion. It Is reported the French
liave encroached over the frontier from
Hinterland, and that the Germans are
continually lending money to the Ll
berlan government In return for con
cessions. American Capital In China.
Pekln, Feb. 2. T)ie final contract of
the mining concession of Mr. William
Prltchard Morgan, M. P., In the prov
ince of Szechuan, has been signed. It
Is understood that the contract secures
for Mr. Morgan, In partnership with
an American syndicate and the Chi
nese authorities, control of all the
mines and oil fields In the province.
Mr. Morgan Intends to start with a
capital of 1,000,000, and proposes to
administrate Szechuan on the same
plan followed by Cecil Rhodes In South
Every mother
feels an I n d e -scribable
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy ; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to tlie critical Hour are
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. is a blessing to woman,
$1.00 PKR BOTTLE at all Drugstores,
or lent by express on receipt of prioe.
300KS Containing Invaluable Information of
rare interest to U women, will be tent
trite to any address, upon application, bj
Rim Down, Could Not Sleep,
Everything: Worried Me.
My Hcntl Ached, Had No Appo
ti(o, and I Could Not Work.
Dr. Greene's Nervura Oared Me and I
Feel Liko a Now Man.
Mr. Wellington Ilynes, Elizahc?htown,
N. Y., says ; " I feel It my duty to tell
how much good Dr. Greene's Ncrvura
blood nnd nerve remedy has done for me.
When I first began Its use, I was so run
down Hint I could not sleen at nitrht, nnd
everything worried inc. I hnd no appe t
tlte, cquld not worK, ana tnc doctors toiu
me I must give up as there was no help
for me. My head ncliccl all the time day
and night, nnd there wns nn all gone feel
ing In my stomach and 1 was always look
ing on the dark side of everVthlne;. A
friend recommended Dr. Greene's Ncrvura
... . mpHv. t w.nn tn tnlce
. , . . . ? ,.T ...
" w.v
a new man. I can now do as much work
as Is expected of a man of my age. I ad
vise anyone who is troubled, to take Dr.
Greene s Nervurn. Don't go to a doctor,
but get a bottle of Dr. Greene's Nervura,
It is cheaper than a doctor's bill and will
help you more than any other medicine,
it will do you good as It has done me."
What gives everybody confidence in Dr.
Greene's Nervura is the fact that it is a
physician's prescription, the discovery of
Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., New York
City, and this successful physician in
curing diseases can be consulted without
charge at any time, personally or by letter.
Got n Rnb'bt'HTf)IvofCo.
Albany, N. Y., Feb. 2. Louis Nacht
man, a clothier, who has stores In At
lanta and Savannah, Is under arrest
In this city on the charge of bigamy.
Hlnda Rachel Nachtman, the com
plainant, alleges that she was the first
wife of Louis, and that 'he left her In
Russia 14 years ago. While she re
mained there he sent her money. She
came to America eight years ago, and
he met her In New York and lived with
her up to four years ago, when he left
her. Recently her husband was mar
ried to an Albany woman by a New
York rabbi. Nachtman admitted that
he was married to wife No. 2, but de
clared he had obtained a rabbi's di
vorce from his first wife and paid her
To-Nlght and To-Morrow Ulght
And each day and night during this week
you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam
for tho Throat nnd Lungs, acknowledged to
bo tho most successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption, Got a b-ittlo to-day and keep
it always in tho house, so you can check your
cold at once. Price 25o aud 50c. Sample
bottle fn .
A Frutrlcldo's ConfoHsIon.
Chicago. Feb. 2. Thomas Malone
surrendered to the police yesterday af
ternoon "and admitted that he mur
dered his brother, Michael Malone, on
Tuesday night. His story, which 13
corroborated by clrcumstanclal evi
dence, Is that Michael came home
drunk and demanded that Thomas go
after beer. Thomas refused, and
Michael threw a stove lid at him, and
as Thomas said In his confession:
"That settled the whole business. He
was of no account anyhow, always
drunk and fighting everybody. It was
no use trying to live with him any
longer. I hit him over the head with
a hammer, and after he fell carried him
to the bed and finished him with a
razor. That's all there Is to lt. I'm
sorry I was the one to kill him, but
he was no good. He had a right to be
dead." The murderer's opinion of the
dead man Is generally held by" his
To Cure a (.old In One Day
Take Tjixatlvo llrouio Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho monoy If It falls to core.
25c. The genuine, has L. B. Q. on each
tablet. tf
Some of the special daily features include
A SPORTING PAGE, contributed to by a staiT of the best sporting authorities.
A STATE PAGE, in which tlie every happening of interest in every place, in Pennsyl
vania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland is told by special dispa dies from our own
A WOMAN'S PAGE, where every morning the latest fashions and every feminine
interest are cleverly dealt with in profusely illustratedarticles.
A CAULK PAGE, where the doings of our foreign coulins are reproduced in speciul
cable dispatches.
ALL THE NEWS, from everywhere, by the full Associated Press service and ipecial
Included in The Sunday Inquirer each week is a colored section, with tlie bos! of
pictures by well-known artists iu brilliant color and softest half-tone. Tlie colored section of
Ihe Sunday Inquirer is nut equaled by any other paper.
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed to by die very best writers, sueh as Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Robert
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there are many articlos by eminent authorities on subjects religions, mechanical, literary and
scientific. Then, too, there arc puzzles with cash prizes amounting to $500.00. If you
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If you want a position in Philadelphia n INQUIRER WANT AD will fix It for you.
THE PHII.ADI I PIU IN'oiHRER is Pennsylvania1! leading newspaper in influence,
enterprise and emulation..
l'flvfito shot H c iiorali
Hat) Francisco. Pel), .Just heforo
the departure of the transport steamer
Senator for the Philippines, with tho
Tv i-nty-second Infantry on board, yei
tertlny, a mysterious shooting, which
may result In the death of Corporal
Paine, of Company H, took place. Th
shooting was done by A private sup
posed to he Cleorgo Burton. Company
B, who hnd been ordered to do certain
work distasteful to him. After the
shooting Burton wns knocked senseless 1
by the butt of a gun In the hnnds of
one of the guards. He protests his In
nocence of any Intention to kill and
says the shooting whs accidental. Bur
ton will be tried at sea or after the
steamer arrives at Manila.
I'rlxonor'M IIoi'i'llilo Mulcldo,
Snn Francisco, Feb, 2. A horrible
suicide occurred yesterday In the Snn
Frnnelsco Jail, and two prisoners nar
rowly escaped death. Authority Burgle,
a seven year man, secuied some coal
oil from tho stove which, was used to
heat the cell and poured It over his
clothes while the other prisoners were
asleep. He then Ignited the oil, and In
a few seconds .his body was enveloped
In Haines. Tlie cell caught fire, and
the sleeping cellmates were barely sav
ed by the guards. Burgle lived but a
short time.
Alger to Visit Porto Itlco.
Washington, Feb. 2. Secretary Alger
Is arranging to make a visit of Inspec
tion of Cuba nnd I'orto Rico, starting
from New York on March B next on
the transport Berlin. The military
committee of the senate and the houso
of representatives will be of the party,
besides Mrs. Alger, Private Secretary
nnd Mrs. Victor Mason and a few per
sonal friends, of the secretary. Tho
trip will consume a month.
North Dnkutii'M Now DIvorco Law."
Bismarck, N. D Feb. 2. The house
yesterday afternoon passed the bill
requiring a residence of one year be
fore a divorce can be secured. It had
previously passed the senate and was
today approved by the governor.
To Iti-liur Uncle flirro!o Dead.
New York, Feb. 2. The government
transport Roumanian palled today for
San Junn. Porto Rico, Santiago and
Guantnnnmo. The vessel has been se
lected by the war department to visit
each of these places nnd bring back
the soldiers who are burled there. The
trip Is expected to take six weeks. A
majority of the 75 passengers aboard
the Roumanian are relatives, friends
or representatives of the dead soldiers.
The expedition Is In charge of D. H.
Rhodes, who Is accompanied by 30
relatives of the dead. The expenses of
the expedition are borne by the war
department. The cost of relnterrlng
the bodies here will be met by the rela
tlvs. IN IEFFKCT NOVEMBER 15. 1893.
Passenger trains leave Hhenondoah for lenn
Unveil Junction. Mnueh Chunk. Leliiurlitou.
Slatiligton, White Hall, Catnsauqua, Allentown,
uetiueiicm, uaatoit sew lorsnnu riiuaucipiua
at 5 23, 7 49 n. in.. 1 CO nnd 5 14 p. in.
For Wllkesbarre, White Haven and l'Htston,
5 28, 10 H o. 111.'. 1 00 nnd 5 11 p. 111.
For Laceyville, Towanda, Havre, Waverly,
Elmlra, ltocliebter; ltuffnlo, Klngum Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithncn, Geneva anil the
West, 10 18 u. m., 1 00 and S 14 p. m.
For llelviilcre, Delaware Water Gap und
Stromlslmrg, S 28 n. in., 5 It p. in.
For Ijunbertvlllo anil Trenton, 7 49 a. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston ami Ueuvcr Meiwlow,
5 28 a. in., 1 CO p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Ifazlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 2S, 7 49, 10 18 n. m., 1 00 nnd
5 14 i) m
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Frcclnml, S28, 1018
n, m , 5 14 p. m.
For Sernnton, 5 28. 10 IS a. m., Blip. m.
For Lost Creek. Glriirdvlllc. nnd Ashland, 4 00,
And 7 28 p. in.
eor Kavcn uun, ucmrana, jmiunc warmei ami
Slinmnkln, 10 58 a. in., 1 45, 0 07, 9 23 . in.
For Jlahanoy City, 1'nrk Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 49, 10 18 a. in., mid 1 r0, 5 14 p. m.
For Yatcsvllle, 5 28, 10 18 a. m.
Trains will leave Sliainokln at 7 00. 9 20 o. in.,
12 10 and 1 20 p. in., and nrrlvo at Shenandoah
at 7 49, 10 18 u. 111.. 1 00, 5 14 p. 111.
Leave Hlieuandonli for Pottsvlllc, St. Clnlr,
New Castle, Morca and New Uoston, 7 19 and
10 18 a. in , and 1 CO p in.
Leave I'ottsvHle for Shenandoah, 9 45n m.,
12 a., 593, 8 15 p. m.
Leave Hazlcton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a. in.,
12 48, S 09, 0 20, 8 32 p. in.
Trains leave for ltaven Uun, Centralla, Alt.
n I i tet n ... n n, ...
murine iiiiu ,3iitiiiuitii,, v m 111., a. j. .,
Trains leave Sliainokln for Shenandoah at
8 50 a. in., and 5 35 p. m.
Leave Hlienandoab for ntcsvllle, Mnlianoy
City. Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled,
llnzkton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Wcatlicrly
and Mauch Chunk. 9 47 a m.. nnd G 32 n. in.
For Lehigliton, Slatlngton, Catasaiiqun. White
flail, uojuay, Aiientown, iuiston aim rnuupi
burg, 9 47 a in., nnd 0 32 p. in.
For New York nnd Plillndclnhia. 9 47 a. in.
Lenve Hazlcton for Slienaudonli, 8 50, u. m.,
nna u n p. in.
M. B. OUTTEU, Supt.-Transportation,
South Retlilehem, Pa.
ItOLLIN II. WILBUR, Genl. Supt.,
South Ilctlilcliein, Pa.
CHARLES 9. LEE, Gcnl. Pass. Agt..
New York, N. Y.
South Iletblchem, Pa.
' f Mi l X U
Is duo not only to tho originality nnd
simplicity of the combination, wit also
to the care nnd skill with which It is
manufactured by sclontiflc processes
known to tho Cai.ifonia Fio Svnup
Co. only, and we wish to Impress upon
all the hnportanco of purcliaslnff tho
truo anil original remedy. As tho
genuine ftyrup of Figs is manufactured
by tho California Fio Svnur Co.
only, a lcnowledgo of that fact will
nssist one In avoiding tho worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tho high standing of tho Cali
fornia Fia Svnup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias
given to millions of families, makes
tho name of Wio Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Us remedy. It is
far in advance of all other luxativos,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and It does not gripo nor
nauseate. In order togeHts beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
1.TTV"fv "r. Viv TOUI. N V
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y-
Engines Eorn Hard Coal No Smoke,
1'rainH leavoBlienandoati an follows i
lor New York via Philadelphia, weeli layfv
2 10, 5 38, 7 80, 9 65 H. ni., 12 20. 19 and 6 CO p. in.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week uuya
7 80 a. m 12 20 and 3 C9 p. ru.
For Rending nnd Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 88, 7 80. 9 55, 12 20, 8 C9 and R 09 p. m.
For PottHvllle, week days, 7 80, 9 65 . ro.
12 20, 8 09. 8 09 and T 30 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
7 80, 9 65 a. m 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and LewUburg,
week days. 1182 a. in.. 12 28, 7 30 p. m
ForMnlmno) Plane, weekdays, 210,8 27,5 38,
7 30,9 65,1182 a.m., 12 26, 3 09, 6 09, 73v, 9 60
p. m.
For Ashland and Shnrookln, week days, 780,
1132 . m., 12 26, 8 09,6 07, 725 and 65 p. ru.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
II. AO. R. R., through trains les"t Reaolng
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R, H S.) at 8 20,
7 65,11 20 a. in., 8 10 nud 7.27 p. . Sundays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. ni., 8 46 and 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets stattou, week days, 10 30 a. mv 12 20
12 16 8 40 Sundays, 1 85, 8,23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 45, 4 80,
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1.80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 8 40, 8 86, 10 21 a. m. and 186, 4 06, 6 30,
11 36 p. ra
Leavo Reading, week days, 137, 700, 10 08,
a, iu., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Puttgvllle, weeic days. 7 17, 7 40 a. ui.
12 80, 1 20, 4 30, 6 10 anil 0 GO p. m.
Leave Tamaqua. week days, 3 18, 8 86, 1123
a. in., 1 49, 5 56, 7 20, 9 41 p. in.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 05,
11 51 a. in., 2 22, 6 25, 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40,4 00
680. 922 10 23, 1200, a. m., 239, 586, 642 718
10 21 p m.
Leave Wllllamsport. week days, 7 42, 10 00 a
m.. 1284 and 4 00. 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 CO, a. m., 2 00, 4 00,
3 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 am., 6 80 pm
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 CO a u, 4 45 p. in.
Returning leave AtlAiitlo City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 35, 9 00, a m 8 80, 5 30
p m Accommodation, 8 15 a. in. 4 05 p. ra.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accommoda
tlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m
For Capo May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 n m, additional for Cape May,
4 15 p m., for Sen Isle Cltv, 5 00 p in., for
Occaii City, 4 15, 5 00 pra. Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 15 n in., South street, 9 00 a. m.
Varlor Cars on all exnrurta trains.
vur further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Rending Railway ticket agent
or address
I. A. Swf.ioabu, Edsok J. Weeks
Qen'l Sunt., Uen'l Pass'r Agt..
Meadinc Terminal Philadelphia.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for . family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority ot
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
filce Egan building, corner of Main
Centre streets, Shenandoah, , "
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy Oily, Pa.
Having studied under some ot the best
masters In London and Paris, will give lessor
on tbe violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care l Hlroii"
Ihe 1wlr Hlmnandosh.
Uclel rted IV, .
l'owflcra never fuu
aft sod curs (after failing
royal llUa and other liar
J --iaW wHh 'ranav fnd VenDT
rtmedlw). AlwA7 buy th but ind cutu-