The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 01, 1899, Image 3

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catahrh op stomach,
X Pleasant, simple, but Safe and Effectual
cure for It.
Catarrh of the stomach lias long liecn con
sidered the noxt thing to Inciiraulo. The
usual symptoms nro a full or lilontlfi'j? apnsa
Hon after catltiR, accompanied VVniiit!mes
with sour or watery risings, a formation of
gases, causing prmuro on the heart and
limns uuil (II 111 cult brrnthltig ; headaches,
llcklo appetite, uervousncM and a gpueral
played nut, lauutiid fer-lliijr
Then is often a fnul taste in tho mouth,
cnitt-d tonguo and If the intorlnr uf tlir
stmnicli could ho scon It would sliuw a slimy,
inflamed cnmlitimi
The cure of this c.iiiiiiijii and oWtttintu
trouble If found in a Iron incut which
the food to he leadllv. th rmigl ly (llrwtid
hefuru ll has tiino to lYriueiit and Irritate the
delicate mucins surfaces of the nlouuu'h To
Been rou prompt and healthy digmtloti l ihn
one necessary thing to do and wlieV notlrVtl
dlgeitlon in secured the catarrhal condlllon
will have disappiared.
According to Dr. Harlatison the safist and
hest treatment is to use alter each meal a
tablet, cotuiHKied of Dlst ae, Aseptic I'epsiu,
a tittle Nux, Uolden Seal and fruit acids.
These ttblets can now be f.itind at nil drug
stores under tho name ol Stuart's Dyspepsia
T.tblcts and not being a pat. nt niedlcino can
boused with perfict wifely and awurance
that healthy appetite and thorough digestion
will follow their regular use after meals.
Mr. N. J. Boohor of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, III., writes: "Catarrh Is a local
condltlou resulting from a neglected cold in
the head, whereby the lining membrane of
the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous
discharge therefrom passing backward into
the throat reaches tho stomach, thus produc
ing catarrh of tho stomach. Medical authori
ties prescribed for me for three years for
catarrh of stomach without cure, but to-day
I am tho happ'est of mcu after using only
one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
cannot find appropriate words to express my
good feellug. I have found flesh, appetite
and sound rest from their use."
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is tho safest
preparation as well at the simplest and most
convenient remedy for any form of Indiges
tion, catarrh of stomach, biliousuesa, sour
stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals.
Send for tittle book mailed free, on stomach
troubles, by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall,
Mlcb. The tablets can be found at all drug
TolJlect vtnnnriiir'A Successor.
Harrisburg, Fsb. 1. Speaker Farr Is
sued a writ last night for a special
election In Cumberland county, to be
held Feb. 21, to 1111 the vacancy In the
house of representatives created by the
death of Representative Harry Man
ning, of Newvllle.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Primary S condary or Tertiary BLOOD
fOISON permanently
CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS.
You can be treated at homo for same price
under same guarantee. If you prefer to
come here we will contract to pny rat road
fare ni.d hotel bills, and no charge, if we
fall to euro
taken mercury, iodide potash, and still
have oclien and pnlna. Mucous Patches In
mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples. Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It is this
We solicit the most obstinate cases and
cballengo the world for a caBe we can
not cure. T is d sense Inn always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
guarantee Aosolute proofB tu'iit eculed on
application 100 page boo)c sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
Those who once
lrpir rnmlnehaclc
for it. This ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grocera.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke evory year. Take 10
risks but got your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
rAVin FAUST insurance Agent
UAV1LI rAUOl, M South Jardlu SI
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco,
Wholesale and Retail
SO Wost Oontro Stroot.
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne.
8best bv
(adding a lit-1
tie of Seelic's
coffee. ic. a packge. I
Qonoral Miles Roitoratos Hiq State
ments Concerning It.
Ho Declare, Tlint Chomlcntn Were
Iffeil to I'resvvo thu Ment Sotit to
Itontt llHf Wni XntiHontliiK.
New York, Feb. 1. General Nelson A.
Miles gave out a statement last night
after having denied several published
Interviews attributed to him. He pre
faced Ida statement by saying;
"I huve been most freely quoted
without authority from me or without
any utterance on my part. It has been
a source of ureal annoyance to me."
ills statement Ib as follows:
"On the 20th of last September I Is
sued an order to regimental command
ers to report to me concerning the beef
which had been Issued to their men.
At the time that I went before the
war board Investigating committee t
had only received reports from 14 of
the commanders. Now t have 30 re
ports. They all tell the same story.
The evidence proves the truth of th
statements which I made. In addition
to the reports of the regimental com
manders I have a great mass of evi
dence, consisting of communications,
affidavits, etc., from oulcers, soldiers
and civilians. Every part of the
country has cdntrlliuted to the mass of
correspondence which I have received
In reference to the beef served to our
soldiers, and the evidence is all cor
roborative of what I have said.
"I have overwhelming evidence that
the embalmed beef was treated with
chemicals In order to preserve It. I
have affidavits from men who saw the
beef undergoing the treatment, or em
balming process.
"Now, as to the canned roast beef.
That was different from the embalmed
beef. The canned roast beef was the
beef after the extract had been boiled
out of It.' You have seen the adver
tisements, "Beef extract; one pound
contains the substance of from four
to five pounds of prime beef.' Well,
this Is the beef after the extract has
been taken from it. They put this
beef pulp up In cans and label it 'Can
ned roast beef.' The soldiers report
that the canned beef was nauseating.
If swallowed It could not be kept on
the stomach."
It was pointed out to General Miles
that he had been quoted as having
said that if the men who supplied the
beef would deposit $1,000 In such a way
that It could be made to pay the coat
of the proceedings he would furnish
absolute 'proof of his assertion. He
was asked what tribunal he had in
mind, or to whom he would furnish
this proof, and In reply said:
"1 made that statement In response
to the offer of the beef men to pay
$100,000 for evidence of the truth of my
allegations against their product. I
looked on their offer as a bluff, and
took that way of answering It. I have
no particular tribunal In mind. I have
the greatest abundance of evidence to
support the charges I made, and do
not think that any part of the thousand
dollars need be spent In more Investiga
General Miles has received a tele
gram from Colonel A. A. Pope, of Bos
ton, requesting General Miles to draw
on him for $1,000 to prove that chem
icals were used to embalm beef fur
nished to soldiers, but this offer will
not be accepted for the reasons already
TheDeadly Grip
Is again abroad in the land. Tbe air von
breathe may bo full of its fatal germs 1 Don't
neglect tho "Grip" or you will open the door
to Pneumonia and Cousumution and invite
death, Its sure signs are chills with foyer,
headacbo, dull heavy pains, mucous dis
charges from the nose, sore throat and uover-
lot-go courI). Don't waste precious time
treating this cough with troche, tablets, or
poor, cheap syrups Cure it at once with Dr
King's New Discovery, the infalltblo remedy
for bronchial troubles. It kills tbe disease
terms, heals the lungs and prevents the
dreaded after effects from the malady. Price
50 its. and fl.00 Money back if not cured
A trial bottle free at A. Wasley's drug store.
As ltollooted by DcnllnirH In Phtlndol
phlu and llnltlmore.
Philadelphia, Jan. 31. Flour quiet;
winter superfine, J2.G0fl'2.T3; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, J3.254J3.13 ; city mills, extra,
K.75WS. Itye Hour firm at J3.20fj3.20 per
barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat
wealt: No. 2 red, January, 'Sffii8V4c. Corn
weak: Nn. 2 mixed, old. January, 1V!
41?ic.; do. do., new, 40V4W40?ic. ; No, 2 yel
low, for local trade. 41HC. Oats quiet;
No, 2 white, s6c-; 2 white, clipped,
36iS37c. Hay steady; choice timothy, $11
for large bales. Beef steady: beef hams,
J1S.&0S19. Pork steady; family, J12312.50.
Lard weaker: western steamed, J5.90.
Butter steady; western" creamery, 14019c;
Imitation crenmery, 13016lic.; New York
dairy, lSl"c.; do. creamery, ll18Hc;
fancy Pennsylvania' prints Jobbing at 22
tf25c. ; do. wholesale, 20c. Cheese steady;
large, white and colored, lOVic; small
do., UfillUc.i light skims. 89c; part do.,
7Sc; full do., 8lc, Eggs Arm; New
York and Pennsylvania, 101,4'ff20c,; west
ern, fresh, lSVic.; southern, 1818Uc. Pqt
tatoes steady: New York. J1.251.62tt;
Long Island, J1.7&Q2; Jersey sweets, ll.ZS
02.50. Tallow firmer; city, IHc; coun
try, 4U4Vic. Cottonseed oil firm; prime
crude, UVic; do. yellow, 21325c. Rosin
steady, strained, common to good, J1.S2HO
1.35. Turpentine firm at 45345HC. Cab
bage dull at J234 per 100.
Baltimore, Jan. 31. Flour dull find U1
changed. Wheat weak and lpwer; spot
and month, 77077Hc; February, 7777Uc.
March, 78;,; May, 79SS0c.; steamer No.
2 red, 71ffi7,,ic; southern, by sample, 702
78c; do, pn grade, 7m77H. Corn
slfady; spot, month and February, 40V43
t.; March, 40HQ'401ic, Bt(imer mUed,
37Ti3Sc; touthern, white, SSfftOHct do,
yellow, 3740Uc Pats steady: No. 3
white. 35S35Hc; No, 2 mixed, 3333Hc;
ilye easier: No. 2 nearby. 61 ',4c; No. 2
western, Clo, Hay dull; No. 1 timothy,
Jllll.50. Grain freights dull and easier;
steam to Liverpool, per .bushel, iHA, Feb'
ruary; Cork for orders, per quarter, ta.i
8s. 4d. March. Eggs firm; fresh, 13c,
Live Stook Markets,
New York, Jan. 31. Beeves steady:
cableB lower; live cattle, HH12Hc; re.
frlgerntor beef, 8HjO?ic, per lb. Calves
steady; common to choice veals, J6g.50;
yearlings, J3.3O03.CO; half car of southern
sold late yesterday at J3.C0. Sheep firm)
lambs KHOc, higher; medium to choice
sheep, J3.E034.75; good to choice lambs,
J5.35Q5.C0. Hogs easier at Jl.1004.30.
Kast Liberty, Pa., Jan. 31. Cattle sup
ply light; extra, J5.50S5.70; prime, 35.259
5.40; common, J3.2503.9O, Hogs steady;
prime heavy hogs. JU0&U5; best medium
weights and heavy Yorkers, J4.O504.1O;
light Yorkers, J404.O5; best pigs, J3.8O0
8.90; roughs, J2.750 3.75. Sheep steady;
choice, J4.4O04.5O; common, J2.5O03.5O;
choice lambs, J5.1O05.2O; common to good,
J405; veal calves. JC.5j-a7.25.
To-Night and To-Morrow Night
And each day aud uigbt during this week
you can get at auy druggists Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
ho tbe most successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottle to-day and keep
it always in the bouse, so -you can check your
uuiu ai ouco. rrico mnt auu ovu. muiiio
bottle free.
All That's
No soao. no soda, no borax, no ammonia noth-
j mg but water is needed to
9 Dngnt aud beautiiully
g It cleans every tiling quickly,
K cheaply, thoroughly. Sold evcry
I where. Largest package greatest
5 Chleag-o. BULouU. NawYork. Boston. Philadelphia.
J WWW W W WWJaf W W W laf W Wlaf Wtf
Urn I- mnsf COUP1 V
Paid Purchases of 35 or morel
will be sent FREICHT PREPAID
to nny railroad station In MAINE,
r ! t -
1 1
ft ism 1 . sa-3Sv
BoukMom nee a Tollable , monthly, rcirnlatlng Keduioe. On r haralcM on
thO.ureitdrug$ihuldbnMKl. Ifyou wwtthehi,get
Or- PeaS's Pennroal Pills
Ther ar prompt, aate anl pertain in reaalt. The eenalno (Br. Kra) oeTBr duam
Bolul. Bout knrwhere. 11.00. liUmi Piil.UrBiMi'ir. V?
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Druu
! an International weekly
new periodical, which hat been recofuiied from its first number i a review
of the highest standing,
Thoughtful, thorough, and compreheutive raviews of all Important publica
tions In the civllixd world. French, German, Italian, Spanlih, at dl al
uglltb and American worki, are treated from week to week.
W. D. HowcUt
Special articles appear weekly in the paper, sometimes under the
' Among My Books," written by such Hell-known authors and critics
and from time to time original pieces of literary work, poems, fiction, and
essays are published, but in each case only from ibo pens of woi Id-famous
writers, such as
Each week a leadioe article In the nature of an editorial appears. These
leaders are prepared by the editor, and deal exclusively with literary subjects.
The Bi-weekly letter, written by William Dean Howelli, deals In that
author's original and keen way lth subjects of vital interest In tbt American
world of letters and art.
French, English, German, and Italian letters will be published, making this
periodical oi great value to readers interested lu the growth of llterstore.
Occasional work by Henry James, and men of like ability, will also appear.
will be published, devoted to descriptive articles on such subjects as rara and
curious books, book-plates, special editions of famous books, noteworthy
American editions, etc
pnpp A full act of LITERATURE'S drnoui portrait itrppltmcnti ol
A iViX-. distlnguiihed men of letters (30 in all) for one yen's subscription.
Trial Subscription, 4 Weeks, 35 Cts.
JO Cnti a Copy Suherlption, ti 00 a Tiar
Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York, N. V.
llewy Jtmei
lludjrud Kipling
Edmund Gone
Tho "Paclflo Coast Limited," tho now
California train will leave Chicago at 2:00 p.
m., anil St. Louis 10:30 p. m., every Tuesday
and Saturday arriving at Los Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. m.. and San Francisco fourth
day noon, and willl run via Chicago & Alton,
St Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas
& Pacific, and Southern Pacific Railways.
This luxurious train consists of a composite
car containing reading, writing, smoking
room, buffet, barber-shop aud bathroom ; a
compartment car containing seven private
compartments and doublo drawlus-iooms;
twelve section sleeping-cars with state and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car in which all
meals will be served a la carte, and traverses
a rrgion of perpetual sunshine, where snow
blockades, blizzards or Iifgh altitudes are un
known. In addition to our weekly tourist
car line via the sconio route, we will operate
a weekly Uurist car via "Tho Truo Southern
Kouto," leaving Chicago every Tuesday aud
from St. Louis every Friday mqrning. For
illustrated and descriptive literature, time:
tables, very lowest rate of fare to all points
west and southwest, address J. 1', McCunn,
Travelling Passenger Agent, or W. K liopt,
Qeu'l Kistera Passenger Agent, 3U( Broad
way, New Yorfc. tf
Cntnrrli, liny Fever.
Kill the Catarrh microbe aud you cure
Catarrh. These parasltea nest deep iu
catarrh tlie tissues and folds of
jafcjO the olfactory membrane,
V and are difficult to reach
'AftiV aml kiU; lnlt Hraziliau
M"'Balm will utterly destroy
tetttliem If 11 led iiprslctpiitlv
microbe, as directed. It also des
troys the Hay l'ever jjerm in a few
days. Use full strength, or uearly so,
for Hay Fever. Cure permanent.
Shenandoah drug storo, wholesale agents,
Omulnir Kveuta.
Feb, 1. Grind bill, Robbln'ti opera house,
for the beueflt of tho Slavish Congregation,
Fobruary 10 Grand ball by Patriotic Drum
Corpj, In Itobblns' opera bouse.
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It is the best
flour iai4e.
make tumps wiiite and
clean with
fef W WW WW WW
v irt CmoVi
- 1
ild- Oft
SIXTH VC. BtJ Itth t. ItthlTB.
Ktrt rent.
store, Suenandoah, Pa.
lourml of lltaranr critldtm. It li a comDOritWiIv
11 tmr s-i
title o(
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you are, ask for tickets via the Southern
Railway. It is the shortest, quickest and
best route. Its service this season will Bur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John M. Iloall, District
Passenger Agent, 823 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
You Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which 3 sohl for (he s,mall price of 24 cts., SO
eta. and fl.OO, does not cure take the bottle
back and we will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirllu and
a guarantee.
Will You Winter In Florida 1
This will be tbe greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via the Southern Railway. IU tbe best
route. If you will write John M. Beall,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., bp will arrange all the
details of your trip for you.
What Is Shltoh 1
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption' 1 used through tbe world for
faaf a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money.
Price 85 oU., 50 ot. and jt .00. Sold by P. D.
Kirllu and a guarantee,
f4V This' Is the trado
"T lif N. nark f the short
"rtlK linetoFlorida-the
iS-r Southern Railway.
Two daily trains are operated all the year.
and during tbe winter season, a third, the
I Florida Limited, is added. If you are going
to Florida or anywhere elte lu tbe South, ask
for a ticket v'a tbe Southern Railway, Write
to John SI. Beall, District Passengor Agent,
829 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remarkable and
mysterious, it removes at ence Ihe cause
and the license immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by
suenandoah druj; tore, bhenandoah. t
Qoob Through tho House by a Vote
of 168 to 125.
Tho Hill InotwiMH tho Stntnlirm Army
to About 100,000 Moti, Hut tho Chief
MnKtMtrnto 'Mny, nt UN DlNoriitloii,
1 tod uce tho Number to ."0,000.
Washington, Feb. 1. The bill to re
organize and Increase the atundlng
army to about 100.000 men. hut giving
the president authority to reduce the
size of Infantry companies and cavalry
troops to 60 men each, thus fixing a
minimum or about 50,000 enllnteU men,
passed the house yesterday by a vote
of 163 to 126. This was the result of a
week of hard and often picturesque
fighting on the floor, during the pro
gress of which the opposition compelled
those In charge of the measure to give
this discretionary authority to the
president and to make other modifica
tions, among which were a reduction of
331 in the number of staff ofllcors. In
consequence of these modifications the
Republican opposition was practically
vanquished, and on the final vote but
six Republicans voted against the bill
Messrs. Barber (Sid.), Connelly (IIIsJ,
Loud (Cal.), Johnson (Ind.), AfcEwen
(N. J.) and Wadsworth (N. Y.). This
Republican defection was, however, al
most offset by five members of the po
litical opposition who voted In favor of
the bill. They were Messrs. Berry
(Ky), McClellan (N. Y.). McAleer
(Pa.) and Taylor (Ala.), Democrats,
and Skinner (N. C), Populist.
The galleries were crowded through
out the day, and every member who
could possibly be here was on the
floor to record his vote on the final roll
call. The day's program Included pro
vision for two hours of general debate,
which was to be occupied by Messrs.
Dalzell of Pennsylvania and Hopkins
of Illinois In closing for the majority,
and Messrs. Bailey of Texas and Set
tle of Kentucky for the opposition.
But this program was smashed, owing
to the failure to complete the bill un
der the five minute rule before 3 o'clock,
the hour set for the vote.
Among the Important amendments
adopted before the vote was taken was
one to exclude civilians to positions In
the engineer corps, one to abolish can
teens and the sale of liquor In camps,
and one to strike out the provision for
additional pay for commanders serv
ing In the West Indies, the Philippines
and Alaska. The amendment of Mr.
Cummtngs, of Now York, to prohibit
the use of troops In the several states
to suppress riots, etc., except upon the
application of the states, was defeated
by a large majority. The motion to re
commit, with Instructions to report
back the minority substitute, only com
manded two Republican votes, and
was lost, 117 to 170.
The bill as passed provides, In addi
tion to the general olllcers and staff
departments, for 12 regiments of cav
alry of 12 troops each, 141 coast bat
teries, 24 field batteries, 30 regiments
of infantry of 12 companies each, a
corps of engineers and one regiment
of engineers, an ordnance department
and a signal corps, the latter with 625
enlisted men. It also gives the presi
dent discretion to recruit the organ
izations serving In Cuba, Porto Rico
and the Islands of the Pacific In whole
or In part from the Inhabitants thereof.
During almost the entire morning
hour yesterday the senate had under
discussion the policy of this country
to be pursued In the Philippine Islands.
Mr. Berry, of Kentucky, In a speech
upon the resolution offered by Mr. Vest,
discussed the policy of expansion with
out reference to the constitutional
point Involved In the Vest resolution.
He spoke from notes, stating with
force and emphasis his objections to
the pending treaty of peace. He de
clared that he would never vote to
place upon any people n policy against
which Lee fought and against which
Jackson gave up his life. An attempt
by Mr. Bacon, of Georgia, to secure a
vote upon his resolution, which In brief
declared that the United States gov
ernment will not make war upon a peo
ple seeking for their freedom, precip
itated a lively debate. Np acton on
the resolutions was taken,
The'Solnoo's Odd turno.
New York, Feb. 1. The work of load
ing the stores on the former hospital
ship Solace for her trip with supplier)
to the United States garrison at Man
ila Is not yet completed. The Solace
will carry the oddest cargo ever placed
In an American naval vessel. It will
be valued at $300,000, and will Include
1,000 pounds of powder, a large quan
tity of dynamite, shotted shells, 25
rapid Are rifles, two cases of torpedo
heads, four pianos, two upright or
gans, two ten Inch rifles, E00 head of
live sheep, four milch cows, household
furniture, 200 barrels or flour and sev
eral refrigerating and condensing
Bucklen's Arnica fjalvij.
The beat salve In the world for cats.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
.V. 1 I. - -1. M.l I J
all skin eruptious, and positively cures piles,
or ao pay required. It Is gnaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
35 cents per box. For sale by A. Waaler.
AUetted Eloper nelcnted.
Jersey City, Feb. 1. Horace M. Cor
nell, the Philadelphia electrician, who
Was taken into custody Saturday night
pending an Investigation Into hg al
leged elopement with 19?a!rod Mabel
Hewltson, also of Philadelphia, was
discharged from custody yesterday.
?Jo one appeared against him. Cornel)
s a niarrled man.
Begin Right With Coughs and Colds.
Take the sure cure, Pan-Tina, 85c At
Grnhler Bros., drug store.
Cripple Credit's TiBld TroOuotlon,
Cripple Creek, Colo., Feb. 1. The
Cripple Creek district gold production
for January Is the heaviest In the his.
lory of the camp, having a total valuu
If $1,512,000.
People overlooked the Importance of per
manently beneficial effects and were satisfied
with transient action; but now that it is gen
erally known that Syrup of Figs will per
manently overcome habitual constipation.
wclMufortned peoplo will not buy other
laxatives, which act for a time, but finally
injure tbe system lluy tbe genuine, made
by the Cahforui i Fig Syrup Co.
Kenntm-A ,y Tllroct Vote.
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 1. The house
yesterday adopted a resolution favor
ing the election of United States sena
tors bv the direct vote of the people.
Missouri's senators and representatives
In congress were requested to favor a
measure to that end.
- -
Is it a burnT Usi Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio
Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomis' Eclectrio Oil.
At your druggist.
It 1 Sow Snlil Tlint Our flovprnment
Miy Ailvnnon Flftooii Million".
Havana, Feb. 1. Th mission of Rob
ert I'. Porter to CJetMrnl lomx Is of a
twofold character to discuss with him
fully the position of the Cuban army
ami to Invite him to Havana. The
Washington administration desires an
Immediate ami friendly settlement of
the Cuban army question. As the mili
tary chiefs derisively refuse to accept
1 1, 000.000 in complete satisfaction of the
claims of the soldiery. Washington has
determined, It Is understood, to offer
a much larger sum, even as high a
sum an It5.000,o9. If lew will not be ac
cepted. Whatever Is agreed upon is
to be a charge upon the revenues of
the Island until It Is paid.
The Cubans, civilians and military,
are aware that an engagement of this
sort may prolong the Amerloan occupa
tion, but, as It seems to be their earnest
wish that the army be paid a great
sum, the administration at Washing
ton, will yield, It Is understood, and
open, negotiations with this ultimate
Mr. Porter Is said to carry letters
from President MeKlnley and Governor
General Brooke. The scope of his In
structions Is not disclosed, except that
It Is known that he has rather full pre
liminary powers.
The Cubans are In a stale of expecta
tion and excitement. The business
classes nre pleased at the prospect of a
settlement. ShAres on the local bourse
rose from one to three points yester
day, which Is generally attributed to
the probability that the Cuban soldiery
will be disbanded and wilt return to
Captains Who Clinrued C'owimlleo Aro
SotitonriKl by Court Martini.
Albany, Feb. 1. As a result of th
court martial In the cases of Captain
A. J. Bleekcr. of the Seventy-first New
York regiment, charged with a viola
tion of the regulations In discussing
publicly the action of other officers and
of conduct prejudicial to military dis
cipline, and of Captain W. F. Sleeks,
of the same regiment, on the some
charges, the men were found guilty
and sentenced each of them to be repri
manded In general orders and fined 5100
each. Major General Roe remitted the
fines. The governor fully concurs In
the opinion of the court as to the grav
ity of the offense and the conduct of
the accused. The publication of this
order Is deemed sufficient reprimand.
Captains Blecker and Meeks charged
Lieutenant Colonel Wallace A. Downs,
Major C. H. Smith and Captain J. H.
Whittle with cowardice at the battle
of San Juan.
I.onkN Hnil For Dro.vfus.
Paris. Feb. 1. The Llberte. which is
usually well Informed, says: "The de
cision of the court of cassation In the
Dreyfus affair will be that the evi
dence proves the existence of a traitor,
but that neither Comte Esterhazy nor
Lieutenant Colonel Henry could answer
to the culpability revealed by the se
cret dossier." This statement Is all
the more significant In that It Is made
by a pro-Dreyfus paper. The Llberte
adds: "Tho despondency of the Drey
fus party seems to show that the so
lution of the problem Is as distant as
The Death Sentence. The wretched
1 prisoner who liitens
to me reaaing ot
his death warrant it
not more surely
doomed than the
man who is threat
ened with dread
consumption and
fails to take the
right method to re
pulse its attack.
The child that is
bora with a shallow,
narrow chest ; the
youth who daily
crouches over an
office desk; the me
chanic who toils in
an ntmnsnriprr nf
dust, and the woman whose household
duties constantly restrict her to the close,
heated atmosphere of her home, all live
under the blighting shadow of consump
tion. There is but one sure protection
against this wholesale murderer of men a
sound healthy body; pure, rich, red blood,
and clean, clear breathing organs. Dr
nerce s i.oiaen
Medical Discovery
makes a man hun
gry, and really hun
gry men are usually
healthy. But that
isn't the whole bat.
tie you may fill a
stove with fuel, and
if the grate is clog,
ged with clinkers
and the chimney
with soot, you will
have, no fire. The
"Golden Medical
Discovery " sees
that fuel burns
that the life-giving
elements of Ha; food
are absorbed into the blood, and that new,
healthy tissues are built up in the 1h-iUi.
ing organs. It prevents consumption by
curing all the abnormal conditions which,
If nrglccted lead up to consumption.
Mrs. Joie U Clark, of MutrrprikC. Shelby Co.
Mo., writes, had despaired of ever getting
well. I hod been In bad health for twelve years
Had achea all through me. numb hands, cold
feet, and everything I ate distressed me. lwel
coustipated, was very nervom. depress! and
despondent. I have taken six bottlea of Dr
rierce'a Golden Medical Disco wry, and iny
health la now good "
Constipation disappears while you sleep
when you take Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
A Medicine Chest In Ult
Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for
25 and 00 cont Bottlos.
lAiaicira wjqunionun.ate lUHcnag rrom
111 nnn omcnu "
orinirrt ed life, (Stricture and Vtrlcoccl
I AbuteatnilDKlo
ire.tstnctnre ana varicocele,
after helntf
WIUM CnHom(copatblc,AUopathIo
lecTrifl HiMt Awtndlen. anrl with nn ti Atiaat
fuaranteed care uiid willing1 to jf for It
hfnconiuUjvenoaillvor UY AI.VIX uld
MR. THttL 604 Morltl sixth St.
l'hllad.lhl, lVnJru l"rll Itr tin SU
ai Sworn Teatlmonlftta prove. Do matter wbat
others or faUrly clatm. Fra.h Caiaa
Cured la 4 to 1 0 dtya. i.oi t Maoktwd A am all,
hrankenoretntreitoredTltouri: IK1, er'js.U-Oi
Ban. Q-ia. Treatment br malL Bend for hl
took. 1 1 eipoara ererr t randanddectlt In miilielne,
lu value to secret sufierera It beronit detcrlpUos.
alvaripromrUaataUaUa. iiW hntatumi.
ATOa't TMT tHllaaaa iitb aaaBBTa.
a ttoru. oi Ltat dlrt fMAldi. eric. II.
CtTOI Uia Ce Bottoa. Maw. Oar aaaa. 44.
For tale al Klrlln'i drag a tor and aheuandoa
nn jnem
m-f.'rc tumeCi ti nu ft'ir, mr face and
hanaa wi rv j-ist as ruKh a Could be and my
fare was all 1 tc red with pimples. I was un.
fit to look at. hut after using Crri' ruA Boar
thrw wwka, tny fare was rnal l elret
Feb. , im. At'L Wl'llE, CTialer, La.
I MfTerrd with btarhbetdt and pimples for
two of Ikree years until It became chronic
trtd everything imaginable, bat It did mo 00
rood. CrrrtrrRA Soat cared me.
!.,. I..V OU.UAM,Oakr.O.,Va,
I was troubled for eitrht years with pimples
on the face. I ronimem-ed titling CTTITKA
SoAr. In s very short time the pimples ill
dlttpprared and mv skin M now In a healthy
condition. JAMKS ItiSTBIt,
IVb i:,! iJlxmont, Allegheny Co., I'm.
S..MlBTtSRth- w.-H IM. Me PtTTtaDtr4
l?!i 1 a IV M . HfWfeMt-
S" How i rnitnl ttt4 lata nmptaa." racUM Ote.
m an w m Mim
ranis iFI:VEI,H' Lu" Mllk Persr.
njtsrilAI.'VH, Lamene...,
ratal EPIZOOTIC. Illalemper.
cxtthvol,,ls' ,,0" (1"b
:,E;jcOL'HIIS. CoM. influent.
,(01.10, llellyaehr. Diarrhea.
n.H. frrvrnlt MlfCAIlltl.Vtii:.
iiv'tsl KID.nV k IlLADOIIlt DlbOllDEIlB.
JjjMAMSi:, PLIn Dl.ea.ea.
retail I,AD WM'ITIOY, Harln Coat,
OJc. each: Wtable Caw. tm BpwtCea, Pook, tew IZ.
At drutntUla or aenl prelMtld on receipt of price.
llatoMirori' VtnllclDe Co., Cor. William t John
fiu.. Mew York. Vmujiar Mutual Bui ran.
and Prostration from Over
work 01 other causes.
Humphrey"' Hnmeormthlrj Spocirta
No. SB, lit use over -to years, tho only
suooosefut remedy.
$1 per vial, or 5 vtala and ltrgt vltl powdtr,for $3
field tr prnitu, or eat pnf tld vm rtotl, I t.r prir.
UCtrilRIlVKiD. CO., Car. WU J.kau.,. lark
Januaby 18, 1899.
Trains will leave Hhenaudoab after toe anoi
date for WlRcan, Ullberton. Kraokville, Dark
Water. St. Clair, Potlavllle. llamburK, Keadlnir,
Pottatown. l'hoenlxvflle. Jf orrlatown and Phil
tdelphla (llrAd street station) at S IS and 8 15
a. m., 1 10, 8 It p m. on week days. Sundays,
8 13 a. m., 4 IMp. m.
Trains leave Prackvllle for Shenandoah at
7 33, II 44 a, m. and 6 48, 7 88 p. m. Hundav.
11 0l a. m. and 5 48 p. m.
LeAve I'ottavtlle for Shenandoah (via FracW
illle, 7 10, II 20 a. m., 8 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
10 a. m.. 5 20 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad atreet aUtlon), lor
Sheaandoah at 8&1 a. m 4 10 p. mweek days.
Sundays leave at 8 SO and 9 3 a.m.
Leave I road Street Station. Philadelphia,
ISzpraM.week-dajra, 8 30, 4 (At, 4 50 & Q3,S 13,9 50.
7 83, 8 20,9 60, M0 31 II 00 a. m, 12 CO noon, HS3
(Limited 00 and 22 p. ct .) 1 40, ! 80, 8 20,
350,402,500, iS8 8 00, 7 02,7 50, 10 00 p.m.,
1201. nlllht. Sundays, 8 SO, 4 05. 150 8 03, 5 IS,
830.9 50, 1021. 1043 a. m., 1203, 1285, aiSO.
4 04, (Limited 4 22,) 5 20, 5 58, 8 85, 7 02, KV),
10 00 p. m.. 12 01 night
Express for lioaton without change, 11 00 a tm.,
week-days, and 7 SO p. m., dally.
For Sea Qlrt, Aabury Park, Ocean Orove,
Lonic Drancb, 8 20, 11 14 m, 8 80, 4 03 p m
For Lamherivllle, Eoaton and Scranton, 8 SO,
0 CO a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 5 00 (Lambertvllle and
Kaoton only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally,
liudalo, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 Ct!
p m dallr.
For Baltimore and Waahlngton. 8 50, 7 20, 8 82,
1020, II 23, a. m., 1209, IJ3l 1 IS, 8 12, 4 41.
(J 23 CoriKrenaloiial Limited,) 8 17. '855, 7 81
p. m., and 12 03 nixht week da-a. Sundaja,
3 50. 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. in., 1209, 1 12. S 12, 4 41,
(320 ConKrtealonal Limited,) 'JU 7S1 p. m.
aud 12 05 nlsbt.
For llalttmore, accommodation, 9 13 a m, 1 53
and 4 01pm week daya. 3 OH and 1118 pm dally.
Atlantic Coast Line, Florida Special, 2 28 p m,
weckdaya. Kipreaa 12 09 p m, and 12 05 night,
Southern Railway, Florida Limited, 3 28 pm,
weekdayt Expreaa 53 p m, daily.
Chesapeake & Ohio Hallway, 7 81 p m, dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 30
a m weekdays, 11 10 p in dally.
Leave Market atreet wharf as follows: Ex.
press for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 30 p m, week
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 30
a ra weckdaya.
For Island Heights, 8 30 a m and 4 00 p m
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Expreat, 9 40 a m 7 05 p. m. Sundays,
9 20 a. m., 7 03 p.m.
I-eave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00 a m,
200,4 00,5 00 p in. Sundaya, 9 00, 10 00 a ra
(accommodation 4 80 and 3 00 p nu
For Cape May, Sea -Isle City. Ooa City.
A valon Btone Harbor, Angleeea, Wlldwrsd and
llollj Ileacb Express, SCOam, 40v,m
weekdays. Sundays. 9 00a m.
For Somen Feint Eipreoa, 9 00 a. m., 103,
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week daya Sundaya, 9 00 ana
10 00 a. m
Tbe Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residence.
inning car.
T. 11. HCTcniNtos, J, E. Wood,
Oen'l Manager. (len'l Pan'i'r
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by tnail,$S a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
iu tbe world.
Files 5c a cop. Bj mall, $2 a yea
Addreis THE BUN, New York.
lAuev on i ci
u m misM una amaasiai
till iks SlTWAS?KHnsMRsTn2rf!jjtVrii
CCSUPsUAt',t XiLr UpacinoCo.PtmAt;
al Povinaky't drat itort, X
Otnlr tUML
ilttiiiiiiiii in i i ' i "'i i