The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 01, 1899, Image 2

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Ml the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Published every evening, xocit Sunday, at a
Hontli Jiinlln (trett, HherwiinloHh, Pa.
The Herald is dellv. red In Shenandoah nnrl the
surrounding towns for ! rent a w rk , lmy
ablo to the unrrlers. Ily mall fin n nr, or
23 cents n month imynble In ndvimw Ad
vertise incuts ehargfil according 10 mvi- nml
position. Tlif puhllshfrs reserve the right
to change the p sltlnn f nilvertlsenients
whcnevi r the putilloslton nf news demand
It. Tho right Is reserve! In reject any
ftdvenlseini'iit whether liald for or nut, dint
tho publishers nm de-ni Improper AiUci
tising rt- inil known ition application.
Knten l at the po t office at rihenaniloah, l'n , ns
second clan mail in Iter.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forevct
If this cold weather continues the
antliniolte triulo should experience n
healthy boom. It cannot come too
TlIK Ashland Telegram denies the
minor that Representative Cotibtein
will vote for Quay, and sajs ''there
will be no betrayal."
TlIK appeal for assistance by the
Hook and Ladder Company should
not be met with silent contempt on the
part of business men and others.
A Hazlkton exchange says Hepre
eentative MoAndrews has been asked
to introduce a bill for the repeal of
the act creating the Taxpayers' Asso
ciation. It fails to give any good
reason therefor, however.
It is stated that Senators l'Miun and
Martin will at once begin a light
against Quay throughout the state for
control of the party organization.
Their first play will be for delegates
to the state convention this year.
These two statesmen will find that
they will have a bigger job on their
hands than the one they encountered
at Harrisburg.
According toa statement compiled
by Collector of the Port Thomas, the
total number of immigrants who ar
rived at Philadelphia during 1898 was
0532, of which number fij-MJ were males
and 3980 females. This is nearly 1000
less than the total for 1897. Great
Britain and Ireland headed the list
with 3207, Ireland leading with 1833
Russia came next, with 2444; then
Austria, with 1338. Portugal and
Spain each sent only one man.
Desirable Legislation.
It is very unfortunate that the pend
ing Senatorial contest at Harrisburg
nlinot completely blocks legislation,
and for an indefinite period, appar-
ently, as no one can tell when the
deadlock -will be broken, and a normal
condition of things restored. Mean
while, however, bills are being intro
duced and these may be discussed in
an informal wa and through the
press the public can be acquainted
with the measures proposed in thein-
terest of reform.
One of these is the bill for tho re
construction of the ballot law, which
has many good features und which,
when perfected, should be passed. It
is intended to make radical changes,
and one of the most important is the
doing away with the circle at the toj
of each column and the substitution
of a system for grouping candidates,
under which the voter will have no
excuse for getting muddled or nullify
ing his own work through voting for
two candidates for the same office.
This is a long needed step in the
right direction, and in other respect
the new bill commends Itself to the
trood citizenship of the state. But
there is one important matter left out
entirely and which should be pro
vided for as part of the new law, and
this Is personal registration.
The precautionary rule of the man
user of a colored function in the
South oh one occasion,that no gentle
man should be admitted "unless he
came himself," was a wise one, and
this is pre-eminently the idea which
needs to be applied to the registry
system in this state, as it long has
been in others. Under such a rule
impersonation and repeating at the
polls is practically impossible. Itim
poses no needless hardships upon
voters. In New York the registry
board sits three days and nights, so
that those engaged in ordinary occu
pation can attend to this matter with
out loss of time or Interference with
their daily duties.
In some parts of this state the
assessment of voters has been a long
Btandint; scandal, for which there
seemed to be no adequate remedy.
The lists have been fearfully padded
and through perjury and defiance of
decency, elections in some divisions
have been the veriest mockery. Some
thing must be done to put an end to
this iniquitous work, and personal
registration 1b the direct remedy.
It is to be hoped the Legislature
will not fall in Its duty In this respeot.
Such an amendment to the ballot re-
Cure alck headache, Una MESh B
taste la tlve mouth, coated IQf il I A
tongue, gas la ths stomach, I B Q 29)
dlitreii tod Indlgeitjon, Do m
not weaken, bat hare tonic effect. 21 centi.
Xts oal K1U te Uk with Hood's Bamjiarllla.
liCrT. Plnkham Bays a Careful Roijard. for Bodily Hoalth MnkoB Womon
Swoot and Atirnetlve to All.
Tho world is filled with sweot women who ar held baclc from usefulness by
some trouble of tho fciunlo organs.
Vrotfuluoss and norvuusnoaa rapidly destroy mvee.t dispositions.
1.1 1 1 1 1 1 teg)
Is one from Mrs. W. P. Valentine, 506
" Dea.ii JIns. Pinkiiam: Before writing
sick headaches, no nppetlte, gnawing pain in stomach, pain in my back and right
side: was tired and nervous, and so weak I could scarcely stand. I was not
able to do anything, had sharp pains all through my body. Before I had taken
half a bottle of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I found myself im
proving. 1 continued Its use until I
thutl did not need to take any more. I
AsK Mrs. Pinkham's Advice A Woman Best understands a Woman's Ills
form bill should be unanimously
agreed to in the interest of all parties.
It will work no deprivation of any
just right and no harm to any good
Fill a bottle- or common glasss with your i
water and let it stand twenty-four hours :
sediment or settling indicates an unheal
thy condition of the kidueys ; if it stains
your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble ;
too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the
back is also convincing proof that the kldnejs
and bladder are out of order.
Theie is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, the great kidney remedy fullills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in tl'e back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the
urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold
water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant .necessity of
being compelled to go often during the day,
and to get up many times during the night.
The mild and the extraordinary cfTect of
Swamp-Uoot is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. At druggists fifty cents
or one dollar.
You may have a sample bottle and a book
that tells more about it, both sent abfolutely
free by mail, if you send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing be sure and mention that you read this
generous offer in the Shenandoah Hl RALn
Dentil oflluldnrluii J'rlncess.
Sofia. Bulgaria, Feb. 1. I'rlncess
Ferdinand of Bulgaria died yesterday
of pneumonia. She gave birth to a
dauchter Monday evening, sue was
Marie Louise, eldest daughter of Duke
Robert of Purma. She was married
on April 30, 18S3, to Prince Ferdinand,
the reigning prince of J3ulgarla. sne
leaves four children.
noiv'a Thin
We offer One Hundred Dollars Jfeward for
any ono of Catarrh that can not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P, J.CHKNKY & CO, Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
or the last 13 yearn, and believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm,
W'eut & Tbacx, Wliolesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
WAtnisa, Kinsian St Mabvut, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is talcfm Internally, netlng
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. I'rice 75o. per bottle. Hold uy ail
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Fills ore the best.
Iteco'Ipts and J2xpmil!tiiren.
Washington, Feb. 1, The report of
the government receipts and expendi
tures for January shows the receipts
to have been about $41,775,000 and the
expenditures about $51,207,000, leaving
a deficit for the month of about J9,.
600,000. Tlje customs receipts were
nearly $18,000,000, the largest for the
month of January since 1893, and an
Increase of about 1.2(0,O0Q over Decem
ber. The Internal revenue receipts for
January will be approximately $21,000.-
000, a slight decrease from December,
but an Increase over January. 1898, of
over $8,600,000. The wur and navy ex
penditures In January were about $23,
860,000, an Increase over December of
about $1,300,000.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by Its
action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 23 eU. and SO cU. Sold by P. D. Kirlia
and a guarantee.
Alitrjnlner JfJiws From Conco State.
Brussels, Feb. 1. The Independence
Beige says; "Most alarming reports
have been received from the Congo
state. It Is rumored that the troops
of Major Lothalro, the Belgian com
mander on the Upper Congo, have Join
ed the rebels, and that he himself Is
wounded and a prisoner. The Congo
state authorities here have received no
definite news."
Coughs and colds, down to the very border
land of eonsurartlon, yield to the soothing
healing Influences of Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup.
Tho "Sow Sonntor IV0111 WnlilUKton,
Olympla. Wash., Feb. 1. A. G. Fos
ter, of Tar-oma, Wash., was nominated
for United States senator by the Re
publican caucus last night. King
county and part of the Antony forces
outside of that county left the oaucue.
but 58 remained and made the caucus
nomination of Foster unanimous.
Fifty-st-ven votes are required to elect
In Joint session of the legislature, and
Foster was formally elected today.
blckly all-worn-out women cannot Hvo happy
lives. Nearly every womun may bo well and
happy If she will follow Mrs. Pinkham's advice.
Heo what Mrs, Cralo; says;
"DiiAit Mits. Pinkiiam: Ihavo taken Lydla 13.
rintcliums Vogotable Compound and
think it Is tho host medicine for Women
In the world. I was so weak nml nerv
ous that 1 thought X could not llvo from
one day to the next. I had prolapsus
uteri and leucorrhcoa, and thought that
I would die. I had dragging
pains in my back, burning sen
sation down to my feet, and so
many miserable feelings, l'eo
plo said that I looked like a dead
woman. Doctors tried to euro
me, but failed. 1 had given up
when I hoard of tho Pinkhnm
mediclno. I got a bottle. I did
not have much faith in it, but
thought 1 would try it, and it
made a now woman of me. I
wish I could get every lady in
the land to try it, for it did for
xno what doctors could not do."
Mrs. SAT.LIR CnAlo, Halter's Landing, Pa.
That Lydla E. Plnltham's Vegetable Compound is a
snfeguurdof woman's health is clearly proven by tho
thousands of lottors constantly being received. Hero
Ferry Ave., Camden, N. J.:
to you I felt very bad, had terrible
had taken four bottles, and felt so well
am like anew person."
1899 FEBRUAEY. 1899
Su. Mo. Tu. We.lTh. Fr. Saf
567 J9 K 11
12 23 14 5 217 18
120 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28
o 0:24
O p.m.
J) Quarter 17
a. m.
a. m.
new i r
Moon 25
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund tho money on a 50-ccnt bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It fails
to euro your cough or cold. We also
teo a 23-ccnt bottlo to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Waslcy, C. H. Uagen
liucli, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W
Blerstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Vlotortfms CTt"ffieo Kobnls.
London, Feb. 1. The Shanghai corre
spondent of The Dally Mall says: "Ten
thousand rebe s are besieging Shu
?haUJ 1 ILTJl ,TP0Tr,tatCl'
falls all the northern and central por
tions of Anhoul will be at the mercy
of the rebels. An imperial general,
while trying to recapture Ku Yang,
was defeated on Jan. 23, losing 2,000
Sick Headaches,
The curse of overworked womankind, arc
quickly and sursly cured by Karl's Clover
ltoot Tea, tho great blood purifier and tjssuc
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirliu
and a guarantee,
Want aioro.'Mont,yirop l'lirlSUxposltlon
Washington, Feb. 1. The plans for
the United States exhibit at the Paris
f-xposlton were further explained yes
terday to ths house committee on ap
propriations by Ferdinand peck, the
United States commissioner, and mem
bers of his staff. Congress haB here
tofore appropriated $050,000 for this
purpose, but the president In his mes
sage recommended an jnorease, Tills
recommendation Is before the nppror
prluttons committee. The plans of Mr.
Peck and his associates contemplate
expenditures aggragatlniT about $1,500,
000. Dyspepsia banc of human existence. Bur
dock Blood Bitters cures it, promptly, per
manently. Rgulates and tones tho stomach.
Killed Hor Iluslinnd'a Youtur IIouo
kcoporWltlin llorrowud Itovolvei',
Rochester, N. Y Feb. l.-.Annle Cox,
18 years old, of Calais, Me., was shot
four times and killed yesterday by Mrs,
Lizzie Provenchta, for whose husband,
Henry Provenchla, the girl was keep
ing house. The Provenchlas separated
two yearB ago, The husband recently
engaged Miss Cox as hs housekeeper,
and Mrs. Provenchla, who had been
vainly seeking a reconciliation with her
husband, had threatened to kill the
girl. Mrs. Provenchla went to her hus
band's house yesterday afternoon with
a revolver borrowed from a policeman
in Somerworth, N. H. What occurred
Is known only from what Mrs. Fuse,
mother of Mrs, Provenchla, gave to the
police as the story told by her daugh
ter. Sirs. Fuse says that her daugh
ter said that she ordered Miss Cox to
leave the house and to stay out. Miss
Cox replied that she would not. Mrs.
Provenchla then drew out a revolver
and fired four shots, all taking effect
in Miss Cox's body. Mrs. Provenchla
then returned to her mothers' house
and told what had happened. Mrs.
Provenchla then left the house, going
down the railroad track and getting
into a stock car containing horses at
taohed to a freight train, which left
soon after. On the way to the train
Mrs. Provenchla met a young man
whom she knew, to whom she told what
she had done. He went to the house
and found Miss Cox lying dead In a
pool of blood.
MUnlno ItllllH AiiuufK-,
Newark, N. J., Feb. 1. Thomas
Reynolds, of Belleville, a small town
near here, became a raving maniac
yesterday and ran through the streets
with a knife In his hand, stilking at
every one he met. Two were seriously
injured, They are Mary Coyne, whose
skull was fractured and who will prob
ably die. and Miss Manning, a young
girl, who was badly Injured. Reynolds
smashed windows and ran Into house
and stores, driving out the occupants.
i He was captured by a crowd of cltl
I zen and taken to Jail,
Mlii(irlt) Hi-port on the Hmiun-Pnyim
Shipping lllll.
Washington, )ie. 1. The minority
reports on the iJanna-Payne shipping
bill was filed In the house of repre
sentatives yesterday. It wa prepared
by Tlepreserttatlv Handy, of Delaware,
mid Is a severe and somewhat po-
lltleal arraignment if the measure and
those who would rcelve bounties un- .
dcr It. The report r- ys: t
"This bill Is one that was prepared
and brought to congress by a voluntary
committee . of snip owner and snip.
builders, reprewntmr tne Bnueinen
who will roeelvfl the bounty which the
hill proposes to Blv from the public
treasury. The bill as It Is reported to
the house Is In almost the exact form
and grnnts to a peony life bounties de-
manded by the 'gfepllemen who are to
receive them. Tlie bill 1. therefoiv.
naturally ami entirely Satisfactory to
the 'Interests' who have Organized this
movement to secure t,hp V' sumB car-
rlcd In the bill as.' BTntdlty to be used
In carrying on their private business
and enlarging the profits thereof. I
"Tho .in T,wvi,i, not slmiilv for
bounties, but for bounties which, once
granted, can not thereafter be taken ,
away. If this bill passes the con
tracts will be quickly mWdei, and once
entered Into no future congress can In
honor break thorn or refuse to make
the necessary appropriations to pay
them. To do so would look like re
pudiating a national obllgatl&n.
"These bounties will probably soon
cost the government $100,000,000 annu
ally. Of this enormous bounty tho
lion's share will go to' Ihe Interna
tional Navigation company;- This com
pany will recolve In the aggregate more
than $57,000,000. In this .bllf'.lt Is pro
vided that a man who builds a great
and speedy ocean steamer shajl M paid
bounties In 20 years amounting to twice
the whole cost of the bow . ,
"This bill Is the oftsrftl'ng" of mere
bounty beggars, and shoUitlTbe repudi
ated by representative . pi - uoin po
litical parties. It Is vicious In prlnclplo
and wholly unjustifiable."
A ltllzznrd In the HOutli.
Holly Snrlnrrs. Miss.. Feb. 1. This
section was visited by a -severe bllai
zard Monday night, accompanied by
rain, sleet and snow,' which froze ns It
fell. The thermometer fell to flvg de
grees below zero. Yesterday a show
storm occurred, lasting several hours:
It Is the coldest weather since 1895.
Similar reports came from Oxford,
Miss., and Richmond, Va.
The Ravages of Ctrlp.
That modern scourge, tho drip, poisons
the air with its fatal germs, so that no home
is safe from its ravages, but multitudes bavo
found a sure protection against this danger
ous malady in Dr King's New Discovery.
When you (eel a soreness In your bones and
musclos, have ohllls und fever, with sore
throat. Dain in tho bacK of tuo head, catar
rhal symptoms aud a stubborn cough you
may know you have the flrlp, and that you
nerd Dr. Kine's New Discovery. It will
promptly cure the worst cough, heal the in
flamed nlcmlirancs, till tlionlsc-ase- germs and
prevent tho dreaded after etl'ecta of the
malady. Prico GOcts and $1.00. Money back
if not cured, A trial bottle free at A,
Wasley'a drug store.
Santiago de Cuba, Feb. 1. Yester
day some men belonging to the quar
termaster's department discovered,
about seven miles from the cltv, 4
large quantity of Mauser cartridges.
Major Knleht cent a sergeant with a
small force to secure them, While the
cartridges were being taken up a num
ber of armed Cubans sprang out of the
thicket nearby, said they were guarding
order from Cuban
officers, and declared that they would
prevent Its removal. The sergeant re
plied that the Cubans would have, to
kill all his men to succeed, as his orders
were to take, the cartridges, and he In
tended to obey, The Cubans tljen re-,
tired, protesting,
A Common Sanger,
If you have ever had a cold whloh you
permitted to "wear away" It may interest
you to know It was a dangerous proceeding,
Every cold and cough which is neglected
paves tho way for consumption, bronchitis.
asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, tho famous
German throat and lung remedy, will euro
any cough or cold and save you from con
sumption. Sold by all druggists.. Prices 25c
aud 50c per bottle.
Five Froze to Dentil In St.l.fiulit
St. Louis, Feb. 1. Four deaths from
freezing occurred In this city yesterday
and one denth In Kast St. Louis. Vhe
fatalities are: George A. Clark, aged
45 years, a candy maker; Charles Far
ler, aged 30 years, laborer; Mrs. Mary
Ryan; -August Benson, aged 35 years,
colored laborer; Mrs. M. ijanklns, tjasj
St. Louis, colored. Mrs, Ryan slipped
on the fee In her dooryard and was
stunned by the fall, Half an hour
lator she was fount) almost dead from
exposure and flled soon after. Farler
and Benson were both consumptives,
and succumbed while searching for
work. Clark was overcome by the cold
while going to his place of employ
ment. The
Cruel Knife!
It is absolutely useless to expect a
surgical operation to euro cancer, or
any other blood disease. The cruelty
of such treatment is illustrated in the
alarming number of deaths which re
sult from it. Tho disease is in the
blood, and henco can not be cut out.
Kino times out of ten tho surgeon's
knife only hastens death.
My son had a most malignant Oancer. foi
which the doctors said an operation was th
oniy nope, xueoper
atlon was a severe
one, as ttwas neces
sary to cut down to
the jawbone and
scrape It. Before a
great while the Can
cer returned, and be
gan to grow rapidly.
We gave him many
remedies without re
flet, and finally
unon the advlee of f.
friend, deelded to
try 8. 8. 8. (Swift's
Speolflei, and with!
the second bottle he
began to Improve. After twenty bottles had
been taken, ihe Oancer disappeared entirely,
and he was cured. The cure was a permanent
one. for ho Is now seventeen years old, and has
never bad a sign of the dreadful disease to to-
IMIU, J, ft, JUUUlJUUlf,
279 Snodgrass St., Dallas, Texas.
Absolutely the only hope for Cancel
is dwiii s opecmc,
for Olral
as it Is tho only remedy which goes
10 mo very bottom 01 tne dioou aim
lorces out every trace or tne disease
; S. 8. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable,
and contains no potush, mercury, or
other mineral
, Books on Oancer will be mailed free
I to any address by the Swift Speclila
j uo Atlanta, ua,
I Do Think Dr. Greene's Ner
yura Does Wonderful Cures.
J "yag CoilflllCll To My Bctl With
NOrVOUS .L'rOStraUOll.
I Had Kidnoy and Heart Trouble, but Dr.
Greono's Nervum Cured Me.
Mrs. Elmtra J. Hasklns, Essex, N. Y.,
savs: "I do think Dr. Greenes Nervura
blood and nerve remedy does wonderful
cures, and the simple truth about Jt is
sufficient to recommend It to all. I was
sntlrely prostrated and confined to my
bed by nervous prostration. I was not
hle to sit up or to do anything for about
ur week- 1 "lso hnd inflammation of
the kidneys and some heart trouble, all
brought on by overwork. My daughter
had been taking Dr. Greene's Nervura and I
urged me to try it. I procured a bottle 1
and took It, and received 60 much benefit
trotn It that I got more, until 1 had used j
6lx bottles. I can truly 6ay that It has
done me great good, so that I am now
able to do my usual work, and that, too,
without pain or sintering. Miie Kianey
trouble has been entirely cured, the ncr
vousnessjias left me."
Another-ereat advantage In using Dr.
Greene's NerVura Is the fact that you can
consult about your case without charge
with the iamous Dr. ureene, 35 west 14m
St., New York City, either by calling at
the office or writing to mm.
Military Governor Henry Sternly Re
bukes OHlctnl Corruption.
Ban Juan De Porto Rico, Feb. 1.
Major General Guy V. Henry, military
governor of. Porto Rico, has deposed
the mayors and councllmen of Aguadll-
la and Moca, In the province of Agua
dllla, and has temporarily suspended
the civil authority In both towns, owing
to the Incessant political quarrels and
the gross official .corruption.
Captain Mansfield, Eleventh United
States Infantry, who Is now In charge
of the aistrlct, has been Instructed to
appoint new officials, chosen from the
Radical party. The offendera belong
to the Libera party. General Henry
Intends his summary action to serve aa
an object lesson to other towns In
Porto Rlco, and a warning against a
similar failure of self government
from similar causes.
An Important Question,
If your frlepds or neighbors arc- suflVripg
from coughs, colds, suro (brunt, or any throat
or lung disease (including consumption), ask
them If they have ovrr used Otto's Cure,
This famous Herman remedy is having n
largo sale hero and is performing some won
derful cures of throat aud lung diseases. No
matter what other medicines hayo failed to
do, try Otto'a Curo. Largo sizes 83c and 80c.
Sold by all druggists..
Some of the special daily features include
A SPORTING PAGE, contributed to by a staff of the best sporting authorities.
A STATE PAGK, in which the every happenini; of interest in every olace in l'ennsvl
vania, New Jer6cy, Delaware and Maryland is told by tpecial dUpa ches from our own
correspondents. ' . , ; ' .
A WOMAN'S PAGE, where every morning the latest fashions and every feminine
interest are cleverly dealt with in profusely
A CAHLII PAGE, where the doings of
cauiu uipaicnt.
ALL THE NEWS, from everywhere, by
Included in The Sunday Inquirer each
juciures ny well-known artists In brilliant color and sohest half-tone. The colored sectioii
The Sunday Inquirer is not equaled by any other paper.
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed to by the very best writers, such as Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Robert
llarr. Anthony Hope and Ian MacLaren. Besides the brightest of short stories and serials,
there are uny article by eminent authorities on subjects religions, mechanical, literary and
scieutihe. Tbn, too, lht e arc puzzle with cash prizes amounting to $500.00. If you
want to muke )our wils profitable get the ue.t Sunday Inquirer.
If you want a position in Philadelphia
enterprise and circulation,
r-nr CommNKloiierHxptiilnBAVh.v Ho
Sighed tint Diii'iinicnt.
Washington, Pel). 1. Peffators Oray
and Money occupied the entire execu
tive session of the senate yesterday In
speet he on the pcure treaty, Senator
Gray favoring ratlllcatlon and Senator
Money opposing It.
Senator Oral- was the third of th?
Paris cnminlmloners to speak. He ad
mitted that In the beginning of the
negotiations he had been opposed to
the acciulsllton of the Philippine archi
pelago, and said that he had freely and
frnnlfly advised the president and his
fellow commissioners of his belief that
It would be unwise to attempt to shape
Its destiny. He had at last reached
the conclusion that he would either
have to Join with the majority or see
the treaty fall and the war continue.
In the meantime he had been 'largely
won over by the arguments of .his col
leagues and by the logic of the situa
tion, and he hnd at last concluded to
sign the convention.
Having taken his position he wus
here now to defend the freutv as .1
wise conclusion of a most delicate dfp-
lomatlc undertaking. Many compllca
t)ona hHd ex. the commissioners In
their work, and while he would not re-
tract what he had heretofore said as
to the undoslrablllty of acquiring dis
tant terltory, as a matter of principle,
still there were times when a nation
as an individual might have to choose
between evils. Senator amy did not
advocate permanent occupancy of the
eastern iBlands, but said that the
duration of our exercise of sovereignty
there should be settled in the future.
Tlio Itlpr VThlsIty CTunlilno.
Louisville, Feb. 1. Word has been re
ceived here that the deal combining all
the Important distilleries In Kentucky
Into one great corporation had been
about successfully concluded In New
York city. The company Is to be cap
italized at $32,000,000, of which $12,000,
000 Is to be preferred stock and $20,000,
000 common stock. The combination
Includes some CO distilleries in the vari
ous portions of the" state.
More Vessels For Downy' Fleet.
Fortress Monroe, Feb. 1. The Bad
ger has sailed to Join Dewey, clearing
yesterday for Bahla, Brazil. She . Is
going by way of Ihe Straits of Magel
lan and carries a full supply of naval
stores. The Castlne, bound for Manila,
also out by the eastern route, is re
ported sailing from Punta del Gorda.
The Helena, another of our gunboats,
bound out for Manila, arrived yester
day at Colombia, Ceylon.
To Cure a Cold In Ouo Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the inonoy If it fails to cure.
23c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each
tablet. tf
Passenger trains leave Bhenandoah for Pcnn
Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Lehiifhton.
Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Alientown,
ueiuienem, iiasiou incw iom anu rniiaueipniu
at 5 28, 7 49 n. m., 1 (0 anil 5 14 i. 111.
For Wllkesbarre, White Haven and Pittston,
3 28, 10 1H a. m., 1 00 and 5 1 1 p. in.
For Laceyviile, Townnda, Havre, Waverly,
Elmlra, Rochester; IIulTalo, Niagarn Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva aud thu
West, 10 IK a. m., 1 00 and 0 11 p. m.
For Ilelvldere, Delaware Water Gap aud
Stroudsburg, 6 28 a. in., 3 14 p. m.
For Lambertvlllo and Trenton, 7 10 a. in.
For Jcanesvllle, Loviston and Beaver Meadow,
0 23 n, m., 1 00 p. m.
For McAdno, Audenried, Hasjeton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard. 3 88. 7 4'J. 10 18 a. 111.. 1 00 and
5 14 p m
ForJeddo, Ihlfton nnd Freeland, 5 28, 1018
a. m., 5 il p. in
r or Bcrnnion, nzs. iu is o. in., 0 11 p. m. -
For Lost Creek, Ulrardville, nnd Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For llnvcn ttun, Centrnlla, Mount Carmcl and
Bhamokln, 10 58 n. 111., 1 43, 0 07, 0 21 p. m.
ForMahanoy City, Park Place anil Delano,
8 28, 7 49, 10 18 a.m.. and 1 '0, 511 p m.
For Yntesvlllo, 5 28, 10 18 a.'ip.
Trains will leave Shainnktu at 7 00. 9 20 o. in.,
12 10 and 4 20 p. m., nnd arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 49, 10 18 o. m.. 1 00, 5 14 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for 1'ottsvlllo, Ht, Clnr,
New Castle, Moron and New 1'pston, 7 -l'J ami
10 18 a. m , and 1 00 p in.
Leave 1'otlsvlHp (or Shenandoah, 9 45 a in.,
12 as. 505. 8 15 d. m.
Leave Hasdeton for Hhenandonh, 10 00 a. 111.,
iu -is, o w, u -0, a p. in.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia, Jit.
uarmei anu Sliamokln, 9 4u 11. 111., 7 21 p. in.,
Trains leave Shamokln for Shena.ild.uah n!
8 50 n. in., irnd 5 as p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy
City, Park Waoe, Delano, MoAdoo, Audonrled,
Hnileton, Stockton. Lumber Ynrd, Wcatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a in-, and G 83 p. in .
For Leliightnn. Slatlngton., Cntasauqun Wldte
Hall, Coplay, Allentnwn, ltastou aud I'hllllns
burg, 9 17 a in., nnd 0 32 p. 111.
Vop New York nnd Philadelphia, 9 17 a. in.
Leave Hnzleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a, m
and 0 27 p.m.
M. 11. CUTTER, Sunt. TraiiMiortntlon,
South netlilehcm, Pa.
KUiiMiN It. W11.UUU, uenl. supt.,
South Ilcthlehem, Pa.
CHAIU.US 8. LEE, Oeni. Pass. AKt..
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
illustrated articles.
our foreign cousins arc reproduced in special
the full Associated Press service and .special
week is a colored section, with the best of
au INQUIRER WANT AD will fix it for you.
is Pennsylvania's leading newspaper In influence,
Miss Sadie Wcrthcim, aj-e 14, of Tole
do, O, was the winner of ihcfirslprliclot
execution nil the violin at the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
dcrlul player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any
thing. For this
literature, alli
es, science
nil art, men and
uotneu put forth .
their gr.-uti'-t efforts. Washington was
n .id to he "f.v t in war, first iu peace aud
fus.t in the hc.irls of his countrymen." It
is a groat thing to be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind ami brings great
er happiness than a good remedy. Many
.hluga will irlieve but the one that will
lgbest. Brazilian Balm is such a rem
edy, lens of thousands have found that
it Is the only thing that would cure Ca
;arrh ami Asthma. For 15 yrs. It has nev
er failed inn single case to cure Asthma,
pml its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases thai had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils wereeutirely stopped uporwliere
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where he
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers In this
country, all of whom can be cuicd with
Brazilian Balm. A1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for cat.irrh or unburn, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each 1.00 bottle a
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is thejjreatestofferevermade. Ask
your'druggistand take no substitute. B.
I'. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India
napolis, Iud.
Wholesale Agents
hiiadelphia &
Reading R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week dAys,
210,588, 7 80, 9 55 a. m., 12 20. S 19 and 6 C9 p. m.
For New York via Mauch Cbun&, week uays
7 80 a. in., 12 20 and 8 C9 u. m.
For Heading nnd Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 0 M, 7 80. 9 55 a. in., 12 20, 8 19 and 6 09 p. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 780, 0 53 a. m.
12 28, 8 09, 8 09 and 7 30 p. m.
For and Mahanoy Cliy, week days
7 80, 9 55 a. m., 12 26. 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsturg,
week days. 11 82 a. m.. 12 28, 7 30 p. m
For Mnhano Plane, weekdays. 2 10. 3 27. 5 38.
7 80, 9 55, II t2 a.m., 12 28, 8C9, 4 09, 73 , 9 MS
p. m.
For Ashland and Shnrookln. week days, 7 80,
1182 a. m., 12 26, 8 09,6 07, 725 nnd 1 55 p. ni.
For Baltimore, Washington and the Wert via
I, 1. n TJ n 1 V. . 1 .. . . i ..
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. &R,D R.) at 320.
7 55, 11 26 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. I-. Sundays.
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. in., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains irom Twenly-rourtli ana 1 nest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
12 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85. 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, neek
Jays, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m and I 43, 4 80,
'J 00 p. n,
Leave New Vork via Mauch Chunk, eek
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m.. 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, eek
days, 3 40, 8 86, 10 21 a. m. and 186, 4 00, 6 30.
11 36 p. in
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 7 00, 10 OH.
a, m., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, wees: days, 7 17, 7 40 . dx.
12 80, 1 20, 4 30, G 10 and 6 50 p. m.
Leave Tamoqua, week days, 3 18, 8 86, 1121
a. in.. I 49, 3 66, 7 20, 9 41 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Clly, week days, 8 45, 905,
II 51 a. m., 2 22, 5 23, 6 21, 7 41, 10 08 p. n
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40,4 00
180, 922 1023,12 03. a. m 239, 586, 6 42 7IR
10 21 )i ni.
Leave Wllllamsport. week days, 7 42, 10 00 a
u.. 1231 and 4 00. 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut strjet waif nnd
South street what! for Atlantic City. '
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. in., 2 00, 4'00,
3 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 am., 680pm
Sundays Eiprcss, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a I.., 4 45 p. in
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, con er
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00, a m.. 8 80, 8 SO
p in Accommodation. 8 15 a. n. 4 03 p. in.
Sundays Ejprcss. 4 00, 7 80 p m, Aecommoda.
tlou, 7 15 a. m., 4 13 p. in
For Cane Mnv. Sen ImIq (Htv and Ocean Cltv
Weekdays 900 a in, additional lor Cape May,
113 I) in., for Sen Isle Cltt. B DO n m . fur
Ocean City, 4 13, &03 p m. Sundays, Chestuut
Btrcct 9 13 n in , South street. 9 00 a. in.
warlor Cr- on all exnrenn trains.
vor further Information, aunlv to nearest
?l.iladell)hia aud Readinc Raiiwav ticket aeeni
or nddress
I. A. hWKIOAUU, Kuson J. Wbbks
uen'i sunt., ucn'l 1'asi'r Agt.,
l.;. TorTnlr.i.1 Philadelphia.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer,
Is drank by the majority ot
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
OfflceEgan building, correr ol Main an
Centre streets, Rhenaudoah.
Look Boi M, Mahanoy Oily, Pa,
Having studied under some ot the heal
masters In London and Paris, will give lesaont
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture,
Ihe lewnler Hlienandnali.
Old mtfld reu.4.
puw.iera nevor lah,
'UtJji LiulletVltul&r liiia
fi&fe and lure (tner ftlltof
will) Tsdit rid I'cnnyrojll lllli end other I1M
KmedlMl. AIwsti buvthe bet tad avuld dlM.
urcmeni. uutrtuieea lupcnor ui ckbo
NiL I'uUeiiuMM.'
A LiS SK' 'S3 leti
r.,-,M rra :. v
'.' iu , i