The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 31, 1899, Image 2

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IHl' WILtSlIKU lsio
All the News That's Fit to Prim."
Published orery evening, rNTt Snnrtur. t
South Jardln stre-t, Shenandoah, l'a.
Tlio llcrnll Is ilollvt ml In "Mienatidoali and the
siirroiimltnK towns for "fx cents w ek, pay
able to the barrleri. Ily mall t Oil nr, or
45 cents a month iiyble In advance Ad
vertisements eliai-itcd aoeonllnir lo "iimee and
tmsttiort. TtiPptlblMists remve the rlRht
to change Iras i Kltlnn f ndvwttfoctmnita
whenevirthe iiuhllo.itlon of news demands
it. The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement u hether paid for or not, Hint
the publisher mm de m Improper Adver
tising r tes made known upon application.
Kilter, d at the pot office at Shenandoah, I'n , iw
recoml class mnll mutter.
OBxuuthtcj )ctaftt.
OUR COUNTRY: First. Last and Forevci,
A COUNTVseiU newMpuper says Sen
ator Quay "should nut olT" the Sena
torial contest. If ho is hoavy enough
he should crush it.
Pottsvillk's public buildliijr will
entail an expenditure of $00,000. Yet
the average county Heat resident look
upon it with nti) tliiiix but pride.
SAT8 John Wanainukor, tlio prince
of merchants : "1 owe my success to
the newspapers, and to them 1 freely
give a certain proiit of my yearly
TlIK business men of the town owe
it to themselves and those who pat
ronize them to give the Rescue boys
proper support. If this is done there
will be no necessity for the chemical
engine going out of service.
With a standing offer of 40,000 for
the detection and punishment of
bribery in connection with the Sena
torial election, and 25,000 reward for
the conviction of persons concerned
with corrupt legislation, the way of
the transgressor will be hard at II iir
risburg this winter. -
The order made by the court rela
tive to the slot machines and other
gambling devices in saloons and
hotels has met the approval of the
public generally. There were many
poor men who spent much of their
earnings in these slot machines.
Gambling becomes a passion and
some men can no more resist it than
they can any other passion to which
they have become addicted.
Spain has at last published official
statistics showing the losses sustained
oy lier army during tlie uuuuti war
for the suppression of tlie insurgents.
In round numbers the death roll will
aggregate 80,000 Spanish officers and
soldiers, and nearly all of them per
ished by disease. Only an inlltilte
siinal fraction of these awful losses
were casualties in buttle. There were
no important battles fought, and con
sequently the list of killed is very
Tiik gossips have it that Senator
Gorman's intense opposition to the
peace treaty means that the Eastern
Democrats who hope to prevent the
nomination of Iiryn.ii forPresident in
1000 will centre upon the Maryland
statesman as the man to knock out
the Nebraskan, even if they do not
succeed in placing the latter at the
head of the ticket. Dick Croker, the
boss of Tammany Hall, keeps having
himself interviewed on the subject of
silver at the ratio of 10 to 1 as a dead
issue. Host politicians of the Demo
cratic faith seem to think that Croker
is fayorable to Gorman, and that
Croker is vain enough to think that
he can command power enough to
nominate him.
For the past few days rumors have
been flying thick and fast that there
will soon be another change In the
President's Cabinet. The gossip is
that within six weeks Seoretary Alge
will step down. Some of his friends
state that he long since wearied of
the life at Washintrton but did not
propose to retire while he was unde
the fire of oharces to the effect that
upon his shoulders rested almost en
tirely the responsibility for whatever
mismanagement there was in th
conduct of the war with Spain, Prob
ably within the next flve.wee.k8 the
report of the War Investigating Com
mission will be made public. Accord'
ing to the best Information Seoretary
Alger will not be blamed, though h
may be slightly criticised, but saving
clauses will be inserted to show that
the law and the regulations are not
what they should bo ; and the under
standing is that the members .of th
commission will make a nuuiber of
Important recommendations, which
if carried out, will prove valuable I
the event of a future war with any of
the powers.
Was Always Troubled With Nervous
ness Now Cured.
MAHANOY CITY, PA. "I have been
troubled with nervousness and kidney
difficulty. Have taken Hood's Barsapa
rllla, and lam now feeling better in every
wav. I am stronger and have a good ap-
tMtllB. and I sleeo well at night. I have
so much confidence in Hood's Barsapa
rllla that I am ulad to recoromena u
Mrs. Eliza Hawkins, 1110 E. Centre St
, D.llo cure Liver Ills, easy to
HOOd S Pll!3 UKe, easy to operate. 25c
1 IWl
Robert P. Pdrter to Disburse tlio
Three Millions.
OiirOllloliilVlll 1M olmbl.v ItnvoTt ou
blo In lntltiitliiur the Cuban Comman
der to WUImnd Mix Trooiw (itmrt'iil
Ilrooku It ml tlio Customs lluci'lpts,
Havana, Jan. 81. President McKtn
ley Is understood to have empowpied
Hobert 1. I'orter to arraine for the
dlsbitrwtmvnt of (3,000.000 amoni? th.
Cuban soldiers. Mr. Porter wilt prob
ably no with Senor Qonaales Dp CJuo
smla to Iteinedlo to meet Ucni'tnl
Maximo Gomt'Z to iersuad the Cuban
commander-in-chief to disband his
forcespnd to lend his Influence to the
United States military artminlntrutl"ii.
Ir Castillo, who returned irom
Retnsdlos yesterday after a two days'
visit with General dome, snys the lat
ter Is much hurt by what he regards as
American neglect at his authority and
rights, and is determined not to advise
his soldiers to go home penniless
Gomez purposes coming Into, the neigh
borhood soon, and will review the Cu
ban troops at Marlanao. though the
date has not yet been fixed.
There is some doubt whether he and
the other military chiefs will accept
the J3,000,000, no matter what other
favorable conditions mav be ottered.
Mr. Porter, who It Is understood will
act as the personal representative of
President McKlnley In the negotiations,
has been directed to learn the best
terms that can be made, and Is em
powered to propose what It Is hoped
will be agreenble terms. Much Is ex
pected -of the assistance he will re
ceive, when approaching General Go
mez, from Fenor Jose Miguel Gomez
and Senor De Quesada.
Major "Wiley has arrived from SanctI
Splrltus. While there ho heard that, 1J
bandits, led bv a Spanish former of'
fleer, had been watching for an op.
portunlty to rob him. He had $5C 000,
with an escort of six. Fortunately he
was not molested. He reports that 1,100
destitute persons are fed dally at
SiinctI Splrltus by the United States
Advices from Trinidad say that last
Friday a private of- the Fourth Tennes
see regiment, while In liquor, asked a
Cuban sergeant for his machete, and
when the weapon was surrendered put
the muzzle of his rifle against the Cu
ban's body and kilted him instantly.
The quartermaster's department Is
about to adopt Panama hats as head
gear for the troops, the 18 dozen pur
chased as samples by Major Robert
son having proved "very acceptable.
Governor General 'Brooke has cabled
the customs authorities at Santiago to
pay over $60,000 for the city of Santiago
and for each of. the other principal
ports of entry In Santiago province $20,-
000, This will leave for the general
government about .J20.000 an arrange
ment which the Santiago officials con
sider not unfair.
Antonio Varrles, a postal courier,
who left Mayarl for San Luis on Jan.
20 with a mall pouch containing mall,
Intending to cover the Intervening dls
tance of 70 miles, has not been heard
from. Colonel Valiente, chief of gen
darme3 of Santiago province, has de
tailed a squad to search the woods
for him. He had many enemies, and It
s feared he has fallen a victim to foul
It does not require an expert to detect the
sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow
cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puffy
circles under die eyes, the sallow parsnip
colored complexion indicates" it.
A physician would ask if you had rheuma
tism, a dull pain or ache in the back or over
the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate
often, or a burning or scalding in passing it ;
if after passing there is an unsatisfied feeling
as if it must be at once repeated, or if the
urine has a brick dust deposit or strong odor.
When these symptoms are present, no
time should be lost in removing the cause.
Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the
bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and
sometimes requiring the drawing of the
urine with instruments, oi may run into
Blight's Disease, the most dangerous stage of
kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, the griiU dis
covery ot the eminent kidney ana oiaanei
specialist, is a positive remedy for such dis
eases, Its reputation is world-wide and it is
so easy to get at any drug store that no one
need suffer any length of time for want of it.
However, if you prefer to first test its
wonderful merits, mention Kvbning Herald
and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Uinghamton,
N. V., for a sample bottle and book telling all
about it, hoth sent absolutely free by mail.
Colorado'ifMnrvolo'uH Oold Strlko.
Denver, Jan. 31. A News special from
Cripple Creek says of the recent strike
in Isabella ground: "Your correspond
ent saw chunks of sylvanlte that were
three Inches thick and solid metal, and
chunks of the Oxydlzed ore of the same
width that he whittled with his pocket
knife. Pieces of the free gold ore, If
ore it can be called at all, run over
$600,000 per ton. The Mollle Gibson
never produced any ore that carried
more ounces In silver per ton than this
Isabella ore does In gold. Joining this
metallic body there Is six feet of quartz
that will run from $1,000 to $2,000 per
Huw'a Tills
We otter OiielIunUreU Dollars llward for
any case of Oatarrl. that can not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHUNKY St CO, Prop., Toledo, O,
We the undersigned, hove known F. J. Cheney
or the last 15 years, and believe lilm perfectly
honorable In all business transactions nml tin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their Arm,
Wbbt & TBAUX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldiko, Kin.van & Mabvim, Wholesale Drug
iriite, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is token internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Prloa75c. per bottle. Hold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Fills are the best
Paymaster Genera! Stanton Itotlred
Washington, Jan. 31. General Tliad
deus II. Stanton, paymaster general of
the army, was retired yesterday In con
formlty with the age requirements of
the servlee. The occasion was taken
advantage of by the olllcers of the pay
master's department In Washington to
present the retiring chief with a silver
loving cup us a mark of their personal
regard and appreciation of hla public
service. The ceremony occurred In
General Stanton's offloe.. General Stan
ton responded briefly to the presenta
tion speech f Major Balrd, and ended
by presenting Colonel Carey, bis suc
cessor In office.
I word 10 full
1 of meaning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mother " he who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tcttering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and ail et-
r . , i i , . i
ion snomu Da tnaao to nvoiu it.
n il io assists nature
Mothers xs-ssstz
the Expectant
Mother is ena
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in hort, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
"My wife suffered moro In ten mln
ntes with either of her other two chil
dren than she did Altogether with her
last, having previously used lour not
ties of 'Mother's Friend.' It Is a.
blessing to any one expeoting to be
come a MOTHER ," says a oustomer.
Hendkkson Dale, Carini, Illinois.
Ot rmrirtti st (1.00, orient bretpnaa on receipt
of price. Write tor book oontalnlna teatimODlMi
d4 valuable Information, for all llotbori. free
TU BradQold ltegu ator Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
Du'ko or Orlrntm' Speech With Intent
to ArotiHo tlio Army.
Paris, Jan. 31. The cha ber of dep
uties yesterday, by a vote of 34S. to 189,
adopted the government's proposal to
submit to the committee entrusted with
such matters the bill providing that
cases of trial revision shall be brought
before the united sections of the court
of cassation.
AIM, Polncalre and Bourgeois are or
ganizing the opposition to the govern
ment's bill. It appears that MM. Loew,
Bard and Manau refused to appear be
fore M. Mazau's committee, and they
will probably be summoned before the
committee of the chamber, If asked to
Justify their conduct they may be
compelled to produce the secret evi
dence they received. In that event thi
whole truth will come out In the
chamber of deputies.
The Duke of Orleans received a dep
utation of French artisans at Brussels
on Sunday, and In replying to a sym
pathetic speech said the royalists felt
painfully the Insult's cast upon the
army by a "nameless coalition," and
concluded with this declaration: "I
wish before you, my friends, to make
a very patriotic appeal to the good
will and healthy energies ot all who
are flrmly resolved on reconstituting
the French fatherland, promising on
my own part to do my duty, and my
whole duty, In order to hasten the hour
of God and the word of France."
What Is Shlloh 1
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured intinraoralilo ensos
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
in ndviMiced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money.
Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P, D.
ICirlin and a guarantee,
Chinese Enipbrnr'H Tribulations.
Pekln, Jan. 31. The Chinese here say
the dowager empress has decided upon
a policy regarding the successor to the
throne. It Is detailed, that at a meets
lng of her relatives, recently held, she
selected the successor of the present
emperor. The Identity of the person so
selected Is not divulged. All reports,
however, agree that a change at the.
palace Is Impending. The emperor is
still strictly guarded In the southwest
corner of the Island palace. The draw
bridge connecting the island with the
shore Is drawn up at night, and every
morning the ice around the island Is
broken, In order to prevent unauthor
ized persons from approaching It.
Bheumatlsm Cured In a Day.
'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action opon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and he disease immediately disapars. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 .cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
Students I'olMoned by Turkey.
Chester, Pa., Jan. 31. Sixty-seven
cadetB of the Pennsylvania Military
academy were poisoned yesterday, pre
sumably from eating turkey. In rapid
succession one after another was
stricken, and several of the children of
Colonel Hyatt, the academy's principal,
were also taken 111. Physicians were
called In, and the condition of the
sick gradually Improved until all were
out of danger. The doctors made an
investigation of the food, and decided
that the turkeys had caused the trouble,
Tiey are believed to have been cold
storage birds.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs. It is curinu more cases of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other medicine. The proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give" you a sample bottle
free to convince you of the merit of this great
remedy. Trice 25c and 50c.
Itoyn.1 "Mnirnzlno Writers.
London, Jan. 31. The Paris corre
spondent of The Dally Mall says:
"Lady Randolph Churchill (formerly
Miss Jerome, of New York,) Is about
to start a magazine on new lines. It
will be sumptuously bound, ami sold
at a guinea per copy. Her son, Hon.
Winston Churqhlll, will assist her In
conducting It, and the list of contrib
utors will Include Kmepror William
and other royal personages."
Never Falls for Coughs and Colds,
That's what Pan-Tina is, o. At Gruliler
Bros., drug store.
TlrooUo Sot to'lto Ifeciillcri,
Washington. Jan. 31. Careful In
quiry at the war dwnartment discloses
the fact that the president has taken
no action towards supplanting General
Brooke by General Wood as gqveyior
general of Cuba, and there is also good
ground for the statement that he has
no su:h Intention.
Who Said They Have a Cough 1
Advice Take Pan-Tina, 25c. At Qruhler
Bros., drugstore.
The- llrltlMi Statetmnn Doolaros Oul
Friendship Cnlitiot He Slmkvn.
London, Jan. 31. tiisrht Hon. Arthur
.Tames Ilalfotir, first lord of the treas
ury and lender of the Ministerialists
In the house of commons, delivered his
annual address Inst pvenlnfr to his con
stltupnts at Munehester. After speak
ing; of the "Intrinsic dlfllculty which
continental nations find In understand
ing Great Britain's alms," he contin
ued as follows:
"Hut there Is surely one great coun
try which, by community of laiiRUftBa,
religions, blood, origin and even Insti
tutions, Is well fitted to understand us,
and a country which we should be well
fitted to understand. Need I say that
the country to which t refer Is the
United States? Some foreign critics,
cynical by profession and training,
hold the view that the friendship now
happily existing between the Kngllsh
speaking peoples on both sides of the
Atlantic Is but the growth of trtoment.
and depends upon a transitory com
munity of Interests. They affect to
believe that when this disappears
friendship also will disappear. They
hold that It Drlttsh trade should' feel
Injured by some inconvenient tariff
Immediately the sentiments so gener
ally felt at this moment In Great
Britain towards America would vanish
like the leaves In autumn.
"According to my observations," said
Mr Balfour, "the world of cynics Is al
ways wrong I ' believe the cynics
wrong In this 'case If our good rela
tions really depended upon these for
tuitous circumstances, while the lat
ter might be the foundation of an al
liance, they could not bo the founda
tion of what Is Infinitely more Import
ant ot that species of friendship
which, In season and out of season,
through good report or 111, Is not to ba
shaken by mere personal circumstances,"
Spnnlih Monnrohy Firmly IJstnbllshed
and Cnrlos 11ns 'o Show.
London, Jan. 31. The Madrid corre
spondent of The Times, In a letter re
viewing the situation in Spain, says:
"The prospects of Carllsm Is waning.
The farllsts themselves complain that
Don Carlos allowed a great opportunity
to slip when, six weeks ago, the coun
try was lllled with dismay and Indig
nation at the price of defeat. He might
have had a hope of success then, but
now the enthusiasm of even his ardent
admirers Is chilly, and the general
opinion Is that he has little chance, the
subject Is being dropped, the people
realizing that salvation Is not to be
had that way. This result Is not due
to the suppression of Carllst propa
ganda. On the contrary, the govern
ment displays the greatest tolerance.
"The monarchy Is firmly established,
and the Carllsts themselves are too
strongly Interested In the Industries
and welfare of the country to risk Its
ruin through revolution. The clergy,
owing to the pope's influence, are much
less Irreconclllable than formerly.
''The only danger lies In the Basque
provinces, but even there the people
would not fight unless they were well
paid. No doubt the pretender might
succeed If he could win over the army,
but there Is no sign that the army Is
so Inclined."
The Ravages of Grip.
That modern scourge, tlio Grip, poisons
the air with its fatal germs, so that no home
is safo from its ravages, but multitudes have
found a sure protection against this uanger
una maladv In Dr. Kiuu's Now Discovery,
When you fiel u sorcuess in your bones and
muscles, have chills and fover, with sore
throat. Dain iu the back of the hi'ad. catar
rhal symptoms and a stubborn cough you
may know you have the Grip, and that you
need Dr. King's Now Discovery. It will
tiromutlv euro tho worst cough, heal tho in
Uamed membranes, kill the disease germs anil
prevent the dreaded after olfecU of tho
malady. Price 50cts. and $1.00. Money back
If not cured. A trial bottle fieo at A.
Wasley's drug store.
As Ttellected by Dentines In Phllndol
nhtn and Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Jan. SO. Flour firmly
maintained: winter superfine, $2.6032.75
Pennsylvania roller, clear, J3.2CQ3.45; city
mills, extra. $2.7503. Itye flour firm at
$3.20 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania,
Wheat slow; No. 2 rod, January, 79Vb
79?ic. Corn dull: No. 2 red, old, January,
41UC?41tec.; do. do., new, 4GW'40M,c. Oats
oulet. but steady: No. 2 white, 35Hc; No,
2 white, clipped. 3011c. Hay steady
choice timothy. $11 for large bales. Beef
steady: beef hams. $1SJW19. Pork steady;
family. $12sil2.50. Lara easy; western
steamed. $6. Butter firm: western cream
erv. HfllOc.: do. factory. 1214c; Elglns,
19c; Imitation creamery, 1316c.; New
York dairy, 13W17C.; do. creamery, 14SJ
lSUc: fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing
at 21624c ; do. wholesale, 20c. Uheese nrm
large, white, lOfec: small, white, 110
HUc: large, colored, 10',4c.: small col
ored, llCUUc; light skims, 8Q9c.i part
skims, 78c: full skims, 34o. Eggs
steady: Now York and Pennsylvania.
1914c: western, fresh, 18c; southern, 17H
184c. Potatoes steady: Jersey, $1.12HiS
!.: New York. $1.251.62'A; Long Island
$1.7302: Jersey sweets, $1.25(32.50. Tallow
firm: city. 4!ic: country, 44c. Tur
pentlne firm at 4143c. Cabbage dull at
$24 per 100.
Baltimore, Jan. 30. Flour dull: western
superfine, $2.40f?2.75: do, extra, $2.6003.30;
do. family. $3.50ffl3.75: winter wheat, pat
ent, $3.5504.10: Bpring do., $104.23; spring
wheat, straight. $3.753.93. Wheat un
settled and lower: spot and month, 79Vs0
79c; February, 79WTOc; March, 80
801ic: May, 81U(8til!c: steamer No.
red, 7Ki077c; southern, by sample, 750
80c; do. on grade, 761407914c. Corn dull
and easy; spot and month, 401404054c.
February. 4O04O5ic.: March, 42c; Bteam
er mixed, 381103814c.: southern, white,
35140400.: do. yellow, 36039c, Oats firm
No. 2-white, S5035Hc: No. 2 mixed, 33c.
Itye easier; No. 2 nearby, 62c. : No. 2 west'
em, 6414c Hay quiet; No. 1 timothy, $11
011.50. Grain freights dull; steam
Liverpool, per bushel, 2d. February
Cork for orders, per quarter, 3s. 6d.03s,
714d. January; 3s. 3d. February. Sugar
strong; granulated, 5.08. Butter steady
fancy creamery, 20021c; do. Imitation, 17
018c; do. ladle, ltc; good ladle, 13c; store
racked. 11012c: rolls, 12013c Eggs firm
fresh, 18c. Cheese steady; fancy New
York, large, HCllMc; do. medium, Hli0
1114c; do. small, llHllc. lettuce
$1.2501.50 ner bushel basket. Whisky
$1.3001.31 per gallon for finished goods In
carloads; $1.3201. for jobbing lots.
Live' Stooh Markets.
New York, Jan. 30. Steers slow; oxen
lower; bulls steady to 10c lower: cows
steady to 10c. higher: steers, $4.409.60
oxen. J8.504f5.10; extra fat do., $5.40; bulls,
$3.10g4.3O; cows, $2.2003.60. Calves steady
to firm; 43 southern calves unsold; veala
$468.26; tops, $3.50; barnyard and fed
calves. $3.5004.50; southern do., $3.75.
Good sheep firm; common to medium
slow; lambs lOtfltc. higher; sheep, $9
4.16; lambs, $526.60. Hogs firm and
higher at $4.1MJ4.K); state pigs, $4.3504.40,
Bast Lllx-rty. Pa.. Jun. 30. Cattle ao
tlve and firm; extra, $5.5006.70; prime, $6.25
66.40, common. $t.2S.90. Hogs active
and higher; prime heavy hogs, $4.1004.16
best m. ilium weights and heavy Yorkers,
U.uHH.Vi; light Yorkers. $101.(0; best pigs,
13.8003.90, roughs. $2.76413.76. Bheep steady
choice wethers, $1.3504.40; Common, $2.50
J.60: choice lambs, $505,15; common to
good, fl.5004.90; veal calves, $6,6097.25,
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup alnuys cures
rouglu ami colds. It is poor economy to
neglect a cold when a bottlo of this rellabl
remedy will relieve and cure it at once
Price only SSc.
la duo not only to the orltritmlltv and
simplicity of tlie combination, but also
to tho care and sitill with which It is
manufactured by sciantiQc processes
known to the Camfmima. Via Svnur
Co. only, and we wish to ImprCRS upon
all tho Importances of purchiisiiif; the
true nml oriirinnl remedy. As tho
genuine Sfrnip of Figs is manufactured
by tlio CULti'oit.NiA. Fto Svmtf Co.
only, 11 knowledge of that fact will
assjt 011a in avoiding tho worthless
Imitations manufactured bv other nnr-
iW Tho high Rtnm'inir of tho Cam-
fobma Fid Srittn Co. with the medi
cal profession, and tin satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the rinmc of Hiu Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatlvos,
as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating ot weaken
ing them,' and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to geVlts beneficial
Ifects, please remember the name of
tho Company
rtostrtctecl Diet Is the Main Cur of
All the Honlth Ilesorta.
"Of the many cures in vogue and recog
nized ' from their records as worthy tho
namo nlno-tcnths of them depend upon re
ducing tho diet for their effectiveness," is
tlio position taken by Ella Morris Krotsch-
mar writing on "Tho Subject 01 Diet" in
The Woman's Homo Companion.
"A widespread fad during tho last few
years has been tlio 'no breakfast cure, 'and
thousands of dyspeptics have gained
health, tho stout liavo grown thin and tho
thin liavo grown stont, all through lifting
tho burden from overtaxed digestions. An
equally jiopular cure preceding this was
tho leaving oil of tho evening mem equal
ly effcetlvo, of course, just 09 u 'no mid
day meal euro' would be If it should be
O110 of tho aiost splendid cures for all
ills In Europe is tho grape cure, practiced
in Germany, and it Is said that nny one
taking tlie treatment drops off the wear
and tear of flvo years actually ronows
himself by so much. Tho sanitariums
where this treatment is given are beauti
fully and healthfully situated and com
fortably appointed Tho patient is given
nothing but unfennented grnpo juice for a 1
period of four weeks beginning with a '
generous amount, decreased to n minimum 1
allownnco (as little as tlio system will
bear without great weakening) and grad-1
ually increased to tho first amount
At all European spas and American
springs, where pooplo are so benefited, I
what is tho courso? A restricted dlot and
a flooding of the system with pure water
resting and washing the system, in oth
er words
"Animals, thoo not dominated by the
namts nrn tnouguc atmospnero 01 man, ao '
. ... ... ... . . - .1
nut ove Ait, aim even uoiuesuo auunais
stop short tholr nourishment when in any
wlso 111 A dog will bury the food not
Immediately required. Other animals
leave oil before or at replotlon. Man alone
will cat without hunger solely to tickle
his palate, being Indeed tho only gorging
animal savo (truth is merciless') tho occu
pant of the sty."
Wfldtti of Anlmiil Life In Afrlcn.
Although In some particulars oxou show
undoubted intelligence, In many ways
they nro great fools Thus they seem to
havo no knowledgo of what Is or Is not
good for them to cat. In Natal thcro
grows an herb called "tulip," which la
almost certain death to cattle, a fact with
ntl,ll, flim, miiat. lintrn lionn nnlmfnfjri
for generations. Yet thoy seem to eat it
"in .i .1 "... a.. i
grceiuiy wiieuovcr wiev Bov uw oimuoo
uiicui iusl ui.uli luiwiutu nun ujiwu
from this causo alone This und tho talo of
,i 1 i.
" KM wjyu,.. !! u. .
wuinwl nf ft , .1 nrmnei mill slim,, ft, a ! r,
IUIU III llimbtW.I ,T , DIIU,, ... IUIUV1
that farming in Africa is not without lta
risks Indeed 1 know no country where
tho waste of animal life is so tremendous,
although doubtless as tho laud becomes
inclosed and proper buildings and winter
food lire provided it will greatly lessen.
Longman's Magazine..
Some of the special dally features include
A SPQRTINQ PAGE, contributed to by
A STATU PAGH. in which tlie every
vania, New Jersey, Delaware aid Maryland
A wualrtW'a rAUlv, where every morning the test fashions and every feminine
interest are cleverly dealt with in profusely
A CAIII.H PACK, where the doings of
cuuie uitpaicnes.
ALL THE NEWS, from everywhere,
Included in 'Hie Sunday Inquirer each week is a colored section; with the best of
pictures by well-known artists iu brilliant color and softest half-tone. Tlie colored section of
1 he Sunday Inquirer m not equaled by any other paper.
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed lo by tlie very best writers, sueh as Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Robert
Uarr, Anthony Hope, and Ian MacLaren. Besides the brightest of short stories and serials,
there are many articles by eminent authorities on subjects religions, mechanical, literary and
scieiiimc. men, 100, meroare puzzles wun
want to make JteHr w its profitable get tlie tie
If you wartt a position in Philadelphia,
, euicrjijiic anu circulation,
1'hd aixty-ulutlt'n Wolcahio ltdmo.
New York, Jan. Sl.The Sixty-ninth
regiment arrived in this city last even
ing and paraded to the regiment's ar
mory. The entire line of march was
thronged with people and the en
thusiasm was unbounded. Grand
Army posts, militiamen and Irish so
cieties nreceded the regiment In the pa
rade. At the city hall the regiment
passed In tfvlow Before Mnyor Van
Wyck and other city olllclals. nmld the
' plaudits of tens of thousands of people,
I many 0 whom had waited all day In
the cold to welcome the returning
1 heroes. The crowds along Broadway
ond Park How were so dense that It
was utmost Impossible for the soldlero
to pass,
t'lillloriMa's speaker ltnxliriiv.
Sncramento, Col., Jan. 31. Speaker
Wright yesterday tendered his resigna
tion as speaker of the house. In his
resignation he set forth that he had
been guilty of no crime, and thai he
regarded the findings of the special
committee as not warranted by the
evidence, but that as the report show
ed that n'number of the body thought
his conduct censurable he had con
cluded to take the course he had taken
In resigning. The resignation was ac
cepted, and Alden Anderson was elect
ed to Wright's place. The vote for
United States senator showed the dead
lock to he unbrokfn.
Colorado Snowbound,
Denver, Colo., Jan. Sl.The snow
storm has continued all day over the
greater part of Colorado. Nearlv all
the mountain railroads are blockaded,
and In most cases the companies have
given up the hope of operating them
until after the storm subsldesr Snow
Blldes are reported at many places, but
the only loss of life so far Was at Apex,
Jirevlously reported.
Our Trndo With Siberia.
Berlin, Jan. 31. It Is announced here
from St, Petersnurg that the greater
part of the trade of North Siberia Is
falling Into the hands of the Ameri
cans. The whole of the Tsschu Kschl
peninsula Is already In """complete
economical dependence on the Ameri
cans, who own the neighboring Island
of St. Lawrence, In the Bering sea.
Cuuirht by a Docoy Letter.
New Tork, Jan. 31. Godfrey F. Bon
ey, a clerk In the general postoftlee,
was arrested yesterday charged with
stealing letters from the malts. On his
person was found marked money taken
from a decoy letter. He was held for
trial In 12,000 ball.
To Care a Cold In One Uy
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists rofund the money if it falls to euro
25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. ou each
tablet tf
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Pcnn
Ilnvcn Junction. Mniich Chunk. Lehlirhtou.
Hlatinirton. White Hall. Catnaunua. Allentown.
Ilethlehcm, Easton Now York and Philadelphia
at n Ztt, T 1'J a. ni., 1 ou nml 0 14 p. in.
For wllkcsbnrre, White Haven und l'lttiton,
S 28. 10 IS n. iu.. 1 00 and 5 11 11. in.
For Laceyvllle, Towanda, -Sayre, Wavcrly,
Elniira. Itoclieater: IlulTulo. Nlairara Falls.
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithacu, (Jeneva and tlie
West. 10 IS a. m. 1 00 and S 14 11. 111
1 For llclvldere, Uelawaro Wntcr (lap and
Strnuushurg, o 2S a. ui.. 14 p. nt.
1 For Lambertville and Trenton. 7 49 u. 111.
' For Jeanesvllle, Lcvistouantl Beaver Meadow,
8 28 a. m.. ICO11. 111.
1 For McAdoo, Audenried, Hnzlcton, Stockton
I and Lumber Yard, 6 28, 7 49, 10 IB a. m., 1 00 and
15 14 11 m
ForJcddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 3 28, 1018
a, ni , a 1 1 p. in.
1' or Kcranton, o iu i a. in., o 1
For i,l)(,tcreek, alrardville.aml Ashland, 1 00,
j' or ncrai ion. 0 iu in n. 111.. o 11 11. in
ami t p. in.
For ltavcn Itun. Centralla. Mount Carinel and
HiiamnKin, luni n. in., 1 , 007, aj p. 111.
For Mahanny City, Park Dace and Delano,
5 28, 7 19, 10 18 a. m.. and 1 eo, a 14 p. nf.
For Yatcsville.5 2S, 10 18u 111.
Trains will leave Slinmokin at 7 00. 9 20 a. 111
12 10 und 4 20 p. 111., and arrivo at Shenandoah
at 7 49. 10 18 a. ill.. 1 00. 5 11 11. 111.
Leave Shenandoah for l'ottnvllle, St. Cla'r,
ewi;a8iie, .lorea ami wcw Moaton, 7 iu am
10 18 a. 111 , and 1 CO p in
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 9 45 a 111.
12 35. BOJ, 8 15 p. m. .
Leavo Hazleton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a. in.
1 48, o VJ, o o, B U2 p. m.
Trains leavo for Haven Itun, Centralla, Mi
larinei anu suamoKin, v 4t a. ni., i 21 p. 111.,
Trains leave biiamobin lor ftncnanuoaii
8 50 11. 111.. and 5 35 D. 111.
I r,l... I.-v Mnl.lnn l.wl.n.t..
L.cave anenanuoau lor laienviue, Aiauano'
i Haiieton, Stockton, Lumber Yoni, Weatherly
and Mauch Chunk. 9 47a m.. and 082 11. m.
For Lchighton, StatlnBton. Catasauqua White
nan, copiay, Allentown, uasion nna i'liiiupi
burg, 0 47 a in., and 6 32 p m.
i For New ork and Philadelphia. 9 47 a. m.
, Hazleton for Shenandoah, 850, a. m.
I , '
OIHI O P. 111.
M. II. CUTTEIt, 8upt Transportation,
South Bethlehem, l'a.
ItOLLIN II. WILBUR, Qcnl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, l'a.
CHAULES S. LEE.Genl. l'osa. Agt..
New York, N. Y".
A. W. NONNEMACHElt, Dlv. P. A.,
South Bethlehem, l'a.
a staff of the best sporting authorities.
hanneninir of interest in everv ulace in 1'ennt.vl
is told by special dtpa dies from our own
illustrated articles.
our foreign cgusins are reproduced in sjiecial
by'ihe full Associated Press service and special
casn pnzes amounting to $500.00,
t Sunday Inquirer,
If you
an INQUIRER WANT AD will fix it for you
is Pennsylvania's leadine newsnaner in Influenre
Mi99 Sadie Wcrlhclm, age 14, of Tole
do, O, was the winner of thc7rjf prize for
execution oil the violin at the Urussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
frrrojk saysnetsttwoti.
't?'-4!3t3B ,9 the greatest
'r M distinction tohe
3$ fint 1,1 ftl,v"
&?Nss&m thinS' 1?or 11,19
VSM. wtf'lXX iiistatemenshin
XVMWj-v literature, ath
kmi letics science
Hi 1 7 rf women nut forth
their greatest efforts. Washington w9
said to he "first in war, first lit peace and
first In the hearts of his countrymen." It
is a great thing to he first. Nothing is of
more vnlue to mankind and brings great
er Happiness titan n good remedy. Many
tlilnga will relieve but the one that will
cure ishcst. Urnzilinu Balm is such n rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it 13 the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. l?or!5yrs. Ithasnev'
cr tailed luaslugle case to cure AStuuia,
and its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cuscs that had, to all appearau
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped upor wliere
the poisonous pus had' eaten holes into
the throat an iuch deep, or wliere the
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers In this
country, atl of whom can be cuted with
Brazilian Halm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asihma, and for 6 mouths
we will wrap with each 1.00 bottle a
month's treatment of-Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola Is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is thegrcatest offer ever made. Ask
.1 Y . 1 .. 1 ...
yuur uruggisianu uikc no suosuiuie. u.
P. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India
napolis, Iud.
Wholesale A Rents
Philadelphia &
Reading R y.
Engines Burn Hard Goal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week tiays,
2 10, 5 88, 7 80, 9 65 a. ni., 13 26, 819 Hnd 6 09 p. m.
For New York vln Mauch Chunk, weok UHyu
7 80 a. in., 12 26 and 8 CO d. m.
For Rending and PhllAdclDhlA. week days.
2 10,588.780. 9 55 B.m., 12 26, 8 19 and 8 09 p. lo.
For rottaville, week uaya, 7 so, una a. in.
12 26, 8 09. 6 09 and 7 SO p. in.
For Tainaqua anu Alananoy iuy, week aays
30, 9 55 a. in., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p, m.
For Wllllampcort. Sunburv and Lewlsburir.
week days. II k2 a. m.. 12 26, 7 30 'tv. m
For Mahatw Plane, weekdays. 210.8 27.5 83,
'30.9 55, Ub2 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 73 , 9 56
p. ru.
For Aahland and Sharookln, week days, 7 30,
1182 a. m., 12 26, 3 09,607, 7 25 and 55 p. ni.
For Baltimore. Wnslitrieton and the Wett via
B. &0. It. It., through trains lea-.i Hearing
rermlnal. Philadelphia. (P. Alt. D X.1 at 8 20.
7 55,1126 a. ui., 810 and 7.27 j. u... Buinay,
1 iw, 7 ou, 11 zo a. m a 411 and 7 p, m. Audi
tlonal trolnB from Twenty.fourth and Cheat
nutfiirecia station, neeK aaya, luuoa. ra. tzzu
'2 IS 8 40 p ru. Huodayn, 1 115. H 23 p. m.
Leave New York rla Philadelphia, neek
lays, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. in., and 1 45, I 80,
100 p.u.
Luve wow York via Maucu Uuunk. v-eetc
Jays, 4 80, 9 10 a. m 1 3U p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Headline Terminal. eek
lavs. 8 40. 8 80. 10 21 a. m. and 1 36. 4 ( 6. 036.
11 36 p. iu
jjtiive Heading, week days, 187, 7 00, 10 08,
m. , 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. ra. .'
Leave Pottsvllle. weeic davs. 7 17. 7 40 a. m
12 80, 1 20, 4 30, 6 10 and 6 50 p. 01.
ieave -1 uraaqua, week aays. a is, 8 80, 11 a
. in. 1 49,5 55,7 20.9 41 p.m.
Leave Mahanoy Cltv. week nays. 3 45. 9 05.
it 51 a. m., 2 22, 5 25, 6 21, 7 44, 10 08 p. 11,
i.eave Aiauunoy riano, neon uays, j-iu, iw
180. 922 1013.1200. a. m.. 239. 5 86. 6 42 1 ttS
0 21pm.
Leave Wllilaissport weekdays, 7 42, 1000 a
.. 12 84 and 4 00. 11 30 o. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut Mreet wart and
-South Btrtet wlmtf for Atlantic City,
w eeitdays express. ou, a. .m uou, 4 ou,
100 11. m. Accommodation. 8 00 a in.. 6 80 um
SundayiEipress, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a 1.,, 4 45 p. m.
KetL'rnlng leave Atlantic City depot,
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Wcekdoys Express, 7 35, 9 00, a m. 8 80,5 80
p 111 Accommodation. 8 15 a. ra. 4 OS p. m.
rlundiya RxpreHS. 4 00, 7 80 p m. Atcommoda
tlnti, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m
For Capo May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weetdays 9 00 a in, additional for Cape May,
115 p m., for Sea Isle Citi, 5 00 p ni., for
Ocean City, 4 15, 5 0J p m Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 15 n m , South street, 9 00 a. m.
Varln Oft-F on all exnrestt trains.
vot further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia aud Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
aen'l Hunt., Oeu'l Pass'r Agt.,
KoAdlne Terminal Philadelphia.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority ot
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ, Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
efllce Egan building, corner of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah,
pitOF. JOHN J0NE8,
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy Clly, Pa.
Having studied under some of the hen)
masters w London and Paris, will give lessons
on the vloltp, mandolin, guitar aud vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care nf ptrxi'"'
the inwnlar HltAnamtnah.
Celebrated Vtiu
Powders never full.
uf.kml .nr. I&fttr filling
' with Ttniy fid I'ennyrojtl Mils sad other, Iiw
rauedlei). AJwsyi buy the bit and atold iSfn
nt. OuusutsH luir to,irotMUIil
a lac mirkct, a fio. j iriwuan, s ss sca