The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 28, 1899, Image 2

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' All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Piiblmtinl every evenliiK, not-pt Sunday, at H
South Jardln street, Hhrimiulonh, rn.
The Hi raid Is it ell v. red In !lieiiiMHlimb and tin
siirrouiiillnic towns for txoentsaw ek, jwy
nble lo the curriers, lly mall B 00 n y nr. 'or
23 nu Ik month iiayable In ndvanr Ad-
v,.r(liiii.nt nhtinrfd aeonrriliiR lo spuceHiid
poutinti Tn Miblllirni nwtw Hie rlitlit
to i ImnRO the itirftlnn f lmMiiiil
whcni'Vi r the piiblloatlnn of news demands
It The right If rewrviMl to reject any
mument whether paid for or not, that
tin' publish- ma-, ile- m lmpromr. .luvei
tlm nu r .t.-s made known upon Application.
Kntcrnl at tlie pot oftlce at Hlu-iiaiiilimh, l'a , as
Bi'i'inilola mail mutter.
: First, Last and Forever.
A uiltL who WHtitH to marry a
Delaware legislator sent him the size
of her unUIu. Here's a tip for tile
Shoniuulouti maidens of questionable
A friknu at our elbow remarks
that the Senatorial deadlocks In
Peiiiisvlvania, Delaware and one or
two other'states is one of the direct
effects of Hrvanisni.
Carbon county is to have the larg
est and best equipped zinc manu
factory in the world. This informa
tion, of course, is not to be found in
the calamity-howling sheets.
AS filibusters the "antis" at Harris-
burg seem to be a howling success. It
is now reported the friends of tlie
McCarrell bill will withdraw that
measure to save it from defeat.
The Citizens Ticket
Those of our citizens who affiliate
flismimlvMivltli tho nitiip.nsnartv. on
mtj.. ..i,i ... ,-,,M -,. I
iuuiB.., ,.. uu,u
dictates for uorougn anu wara oiuces,
and the harmonious spirit 'evidenced
in the selection of tho various nom-
i i i ,i,-. ,i,,.,, i
inees, and the magnanimity displayed
ry tlie ueleateu canum ties, is a nar-
binger of success at the polls in leu-1
ruarv. The men who have secured
!..! !,., i, .!,! nn.i
1 OllUliillJllllUli JIU..C UGCl, IliCU (.... I
, .
not iouua warning, aim we ieei -
sured that the new men will prove
themselves faithful guardians of the
m. i. i i i
to be filled this year-that of High
nnCt..t.lnn,1 Hnmimli Auditor. Thfl
Citizens nominees for these positions
, ; .v nnm.hlA for the
v "j i
duties of the respective positions.
The High Constable lias too long
been looked upon as a mere pensioner,
drawing Ills pay and giving no equi
valent therefor. Mr. Hopkins is in
no way incapacitated for the duties
of the position, and will faithfully
perform them. Can as much be said
of his Democratic opponent ?
The people have come 10 iook upon
the position of Auditoras one of much
importance. We violate no conll-
dence in saying that the "young
man" who has been nominated iu op-
position to Mr. Wutkins will ilnd that
the people demand a person of ma-
i .. .!, l,,. .. lot c..,.
vcais, wiiu uac IXV IfJl.O oui,.
knowledge of the duties of the ofllce
to which he aspires, and thus avoid
the necessity, us in the past, of secur
ing some one other Mian the regularly
elected Auditors to do the work. Mr.
Watkins is fully conversant with tlie
duties and is capable of performing
The Citizens nominees for Council
and School Board, of whom we Will
iuli ot mnro no tllf. mmnnlnn
progre-ses, are cAtepnunuuy
candidates, and tliey Will 110 UOllbt
receive the undivided support Of their
party voters. Hundreds of 'Demo-
crats this Spring Will VOte lor tlie
Citizens candidates, as a rebuke to one
or two self-assumed lenders in their
i, i, inri i,Q,.,iIQi,.oa
H,, .v..c v..
upon the Demooracy in tne nope 01
pecuniary reward and whose support
of the party is actuated solely from
mercenary motives
mercenary motives.
Tlie uemooracy 01. mis town iiuve
any number or able ana, we mignt
nrtil hrllllnnt. Innilora. under whose
. . . Jiii
niRnnirpinnnt thfi imrr.v lias been in -
rInV,l ..,nnaf.l hut. pvor. these
,. . . .. . ,
mm. .cu .
lenopers reierreu to uuove, u.m, uB
a consequence, are luKewarm in tneir
support. Forthese and other reasons
the opposition to the Citizens noini-
nees is anything but a harmonious
family, and the success of the Clti-
zens ticket is practically assured.
t . .i,.. v,i .j Vaoitf.
Is the basis of good health,
steady nerves, mental,
RlnnH Ph'slcal nnd dISeBtlvo
B1UUU strength. If you are ner-
vous.enr Jan. and purify your blood with
Hood's Sarsanarllla. If you are weak,
wo nnanrjetite and desire to ba strong,
it l... onH irlcni-niin tike Hnnrl'H Har-
" "Z.. 'u ...... ,r ..h
saparuia, wmct ,.t
create an appetite ana Duiia you up,
1 J Sarsa-
Br !.
...t .M,.,i.f.nne Tm mood PiirtBer
.. rv.n cure na nea, Indigestion,
tlOOCl S tHIS bih'usnfss, 1'rluezM.
Kj Seat I'uuta Brnip. 'laMesOoal r f?J
P2 In time. S' M br flrutfguf. 11
Is due not only to the orUrinalily nnd
simplicity of tlio combination, but alwj
to the care and skill with which it Is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the CAi.ironniA Fio Svnup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the Califohnia Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
nssist one in avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tlie high staiulinir o'f the Cali-
fohnia Fin Svni'p Co. with the un-ilr
eal profession, and tflie satisfaction
whit h the genuine Kynm of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of Mio Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Its remedy. It Is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on tlie kidneys, liver and
bowels (Without irritating oi weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
.. KANCl'-UO. t'l.
Hoti.irt" or Lawless Aet IIuvo Uei-n
( really 12 mihuo rated.
S: ntlntro de Cuba, Jan. 28. After a
thorough Investigation, Including care
lut inquiries uiiiuhk int? piuuieiss mei-
ch:;nts and business men of all classes
In the entire district of Ouantanan-.o,
it Is safe to say that the repoits of in
cendlarism. brigandage, sugar cane
burning and other lawlessness In this
rcgion hnve been Kreatly "exaggerated.
probably the Guantanamo district is
as peaceful as any other portion of the
province of Santiago. There Is a large
Spanish element in Guantanamo city,
and these people seem to have endeav.
ored to give all unfavorable reports a
malicious llavor.
For instance, a single horse Is stolen.
Immediately the Guantanamo Span
Inrda represent that a body of bandits
Is at work. Such cases could easily be
multiplied. The Cubans believe that
the man who was arrested on the St.
CeceHa pIntnUon for ,nctnB the
vvorkmon to return to their camps was
really bribed by local Spanish raer
As a matter of fact, the entire route
overland from Guantanamo to Santt
aBO snows many Bsn9 ot returning
prosperity and Increasing confidence In
the present regime..
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp'.S BaUam fr tueTllroa'
uues- 1115 cunnS
Cou. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
M U Throat and Lung troubles, than auy
other medicine. Tlie proprietor has author-
,zcu u'v ,uss,sl '"s ''"" . J . . "
irCC lO IUIIV HUG J uu VJl llll. v t,' ---
remedy. Price 25c and 50c.
nan on tbc itockx and rive Drowned
South Norwalk, Conn., Jan. 2S. DIs
abled by an accident to her steering
gear duiing a trip up the sound Thurs
day night, the steam canal boat J. C.
AnBttn iif 3t'v Vnrlr fnrt tlio
ofC Norwalk yesterday and sank. Ac
companying her was the consort David
B- F'k, loaded with coal consigned
't ,""'
They were. captain Levine. of Jersey
city; Chief Engineer Thomas Young
deckhand and pilot, names unknown
..iiiiii, lUlk
Ilnn-'H Tbln
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh Hint can not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J.CHKNKY& CO, Props., Toledo, O.
AVe the undersigned, have known F. J.Cheney
or tlie lat 15 yearB, and believe hlra perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm'
West U Tkaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,
Waldino, Kinkan &Mauv:n, Wholesale Drug-
8ut" i'edo, OHIO.
I Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free,
Hall's Family I'liis are the best.
s,,sn llunlc niuiot Collect Taxes
Washington, Jan. 28. The war de.
partment's order of the 7th Inst., pro
vldlng that the Spanish bank of Ha-
,ana Hha c0ect th(l tQXeB ,n Cuha
, tne flflcal endlng June 30 next
was yesterday revoked by the secretary
of war. General Brooke was cabled to
establish a yatem for the collection ot
taxeg lntroduolng 8Uch machinery as
, , judKment may be neceBsary for
the purpose
Teoplo overlooked the Importance of per-
manontly beneficial effects and were satisfied
wIth transl0Dt actl0D. but now that lt i8 gon.
erBy known mt gyrop of pj((g w!), )er
manently overcome habitaal constipation.
Well-lnforme4 people will not buy other
laxatives, which act for a time, hut finally
injure the system. Buy the genuine, made
hy the California Fig Syrup Co.
Tho Sult'rt'K Annum PHurlinnge.
Constantinople, Jan. 28. Sultan Ab
dul Hamid made his annual visit to
siamnnui oy water yesieruay 10 kiwi
I manUe of Th0 ugual
hnra, Pm,,i. nt,Urvi
Throughout the week the police have
,- taking extraordinary precautions
to secure his majesty's safety, and
many arrests have been made. On
Thurday they visited all the drug
nuu iieiiiioi.ii.aiij
stores and hermetically sealed all de
posits of chlorate of potash. This was
posits of chlorate of potash. This wae
done to alleviate the sulta
done to alleviate the sultan's fear of
being attacked by explosives. A plot
to assassinate thfe sultan has been de
nouncea oy a conspir
nounced by a conspirator, but the police.
by too 'precipitately arranging for the
plotters, enabled several omers 10 es
Tell Your Sister
A beautiful complexion is an impossibility
without good pure blood, the sort that only
exists lo connection with the good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels.' Karl's Clover
Hoot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping tbem in perfect bealtb
Prire 25 rU. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlm
and a guarantee.
Military C'tiliiinlltee MuUei a l.'onues- I
WMhingu.n. ja... 28,-Ti,e oppo.i.
Hon to the army reorganisation bill
on the Repuhllealn side of the house
has become so strong that yesterday
Chairman Hull, of the military affairs
committee, decided It would be wise I
to abandon the Idea of providing
directly for a regular army of 100,000
men. He announced that the commit
tee would offer amendments to reduce
the number of enlisted men to about
10.000, but lodge In the president's dis
cretion the authority to Increase the
army to n maximum of 100,000,
Mr. Johnson, of Indiana, who took
a prominent part In the light, after
the general debate closed declared that
the purpose of the bill was to have an
army of 100,000 either by direct author
ity or the exercise of the president's
discretion, and be declared his purpose
to fight to the bitter end the machin
ery which was being forged for a colon
ial systom.
Particular Interest was manifest in
the senate yesterday in the brief speech
delivered by Senator T. C. Piatt, of
New York, on the general subject of
expansion. He took strong ground for
the ratillcatlon of the pending treaty
of peace. A resolution was offered by
Mr. Sullivan, of Mississippi, declaring
that the ratillcatlon of the treaty
should not commit the government to a
colonial policy. The pension appro
priation bill was passed after some de
bate. The Ravages of Grip.
That modern scourge, tho Grip, poisons
tho air with its fatal germs, so that no home
is safe from its ravages, but multitudes have
found a suro protection against this danger
ous malady in Dr. King's Now Discovery.
When you feel a soreness, in your bones anil
muscles, have chills and fever, with sore
throat, pain in tho back of the bead, catar
rhal symptoms and a stubborn cough you
may know you have tho Grip, aud that you
need Dr. King's New Discovery. It will
nrouiDtlv euro tho worst cough, heal tho in
flamed membranes, kill tho disease germs and
prevent tbo dreaded after effects of tho
malady. Price 50cts. and f 1.00. Money back
ir not cured. A trial bottle treu at A
Wasloy's drug store.
AifoitollIoV (ioncral Denial.
Washington, Jan. 28. Agonclllo, the
representative of Agulnaldo, authorizes
the following statement concerning a
published report that the government
had intercepted dispatches from him
to1Agulnaldo In which he advised that
the Filipinos would have to tight for
their) Independence, nnd that now was
the time to act: "Tlie stntement is
absolutely false, and Is calculated to
excite feeling and animosity In this
country and to prejudice the Philippine
cause. No such telegram has ever been
sent by me, and for that reason no
such telegram could have been Inter
cepted." PARSNIP CP-10PLEXI0N.
It does not require an expert to detect the
sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow
cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puny
circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip
colored complexion indicates it.
A physician would ask if you had rheuma
tism, a dull pain or ache in the hack or over
the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate
often, or a burnfng or scalding in passing it
if after passing there is an unsatisfied feeling
as if it must be at once repeated, or if the
urine has a brick dust deposit or strong odor,
When these symptoms are present, no
time should be lost in removing the cause.
Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the
bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and
sometimes requiring the drawing of the
urine with instruments, or may run into
Bright's Disease, the most dangerous stage of
kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's SwampKoot, the great dis
covery of the eminent kidney and biaddei
specialist, is a positive remedy for such dis
eases. Its reputation is world-wide and it is
so easy to get at any drug store that 110 one
need suffer any length of time for want of it.
However, if you prefer to first test its
wonderful merits, mention Evi:ning Herald
and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. liinghamton,
N. V., for a sample bottle and book telling all
about it, both sent absolutely free by mall.
;iirtliiiiakoH Iu (irfiieo Continue
Athens, Jan. 28. The seismic disturb
ances which began In the Poloponessus,
or" southern part of the kingdom of
Greece, last Sunday morning and
which have continued .Intermittently
In the southwestern departments of the
peninsula, were very violent again yes
terday. In the district of Kyparlssia,
on the Gulf of Arcadia, a number of
houses fell yesterday afternoon. The
inhabitants of the region are panic
Tqree is a Class of People
Wlio are injured by the use of coffee. Recently
there has been placed in all the grocery stores
a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of
pure grains, that takes the place of coffee
The most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it from
coffee. It does not cot over I -4 as much
Children may driuk it with great benefit.
15 cts. and 25 cts. per package. Try it. Ask
for GRAIN-O.
Coining Kveuts,
Feb. 1. Grand hall, Uohhin's opera house,
for tho benefit of the Slavish Congregation.
February 10 Grand hallby Patriotic Drum
Curl's, Iu Itobhius' opsra houe.
Can't be perfect health without pure Mood.
Burdock Blood Bitters makes pure blood.
Tones and invigorates the whole system.
Bay Keystone flour. Be sure that the name
LEKSIG) & IUer. Ashland. Pa., Is printed on
evury sack.
Mrs. Lewis' Daughter Was
Most Terribly Afflicted.
Parents Should Study This
Ciiso and Wonderful Cure.
Dr. Grceno's Nervura tho Romody Whioh
Mado This MarvolonB Ouro.
Mrs. Jacob V. Lewis, Lisbon Falls,
Me., says: " I feel it my duty to write of
the great benefit Dr. Greene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy has been to my
daughter, Amy. She was taken down with
that dreadful disease, St. Vitus Dance. It
affected one half of her body and her right
side, and she was so bad she could not
dress herself, nor comb her hair ; In fact,
she could not use her hand nor foot and
her feet were in constant motion all the
time. There was a drawing of the mouth
and half the tongue was affected. I sent
ind got a bottle of Dr Greene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy, and she began to
take It and in one week's time she was quite
101 Dcttcr, ana sue continued gaining
ind now she has just finished the fourth
bottle, and I am happy to say is so much
improved she can help mc about my
work, can wash the dishes as well as
before she had it, and her hand and foot
Is real tmict and she is almost entirely
If vour child is sick, try this grand
remedy, Dr. Greene's Nervura. the pre
scription of the famous Dr. Greene, 35
West 14th St., New York City, and re
member that he can be consulted with
out charge, personally or by writing.
Terrtblo Kxporlenco or Shipwrecked
Suitors In Now Guinea.
Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 28. After es
caping death by drowning 11 of the
crew of the ship Manbare were cap
tured and eaten by cannibals of New
Guinea. The Manbare was bound for
Sydney, Australia, when it was caught
In the terrible gale of December. Near
Cape Nelson It began to sink. The
crew, 18 altogether, left the vessel In
two boats and soon beenme separated.
One boat containing 12 men was
finally thrown ashore ten miles from
the cape. The sailors were seized by
natives from the Interior and hurried
off to the village of the chief. One
man, James Greene, escaped.
The sailors were stripped and bound
nnd killed, one each day. A wild orgle
'was participated In by at least a hun
dred savages, who had gathered for the
feast. In wveraLciigea the sailors were
tortured by the, old women and chil
dren of the tribe. The eyes of one
were gouged out. The, doomed men
stoically watched the elaborate prepa
rations for their death.
In most cases the men were beheaded,
their heads being stuck on poles and
paraded before the men who were to
suffer the same fate.
Greene wns rescued by a steamer
after tramping without food a day and
night to reach the coast. The scenes
of horror he had witnessed turned his
hair snowy white.
How Is Your Wife 7
Has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa.
tion, Indigestion, Sick Iloadache aro the
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has curod these ills for half a century. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts, Honey refunded If results
aro not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
aud a guarantee. .
711b 1 kul,ui; iilnv-.i-1 S
Ah Holloi'tcd by Dcnlln in Philadel
phia ami lialtlmnt'o.
. Philadelphia. Jnn. 27. Flour firmly
maintained: winter superlinp, $2.3T.j'2.G0;
Pennsylvania lolled, clnur, JS.2fiSi3.45; city
mills, extra. J2.0oS(,2.0. Itye Hour scarce
and llrm at per barrel for choice
Pennsylvania. Wheut llrm; No. 2 red,
January, 79:Hf.80c. Corn llrm; No. 1 red.
January. 79H;i80o.; do. do., old, 42MP
42Ko. ; No. 2 yellow, new, for local trade,
41V4fi42c. Oats quiet and steady; No. !
white, DSSic; No. 2 white, clipped, 30c,
Hay steady; choice timothy, $11 for largo
bales. Ilecf steady; beef hams, X18.5019.
Pork steady; family. $124J12.W. Lard
steady; western steamed, $6. nutter
steudy; western creamery, H5fl9c. ; do,
factory. 12HHi; Rights, 19c; imitation
creamery, 13?lCV4c. ; New York dairy, 13
&17c; do. creamery, 14fclSV6c; fancy
Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 2l524c
do. wholesale, 20c. Cheese llrm; white
and colored. lOHe.; small do., lllHlc. ;
light skimB, 8f(9c; part do., 7jSc.; full
do., Mi 4c. Kstkb Bteady; New York and
Pennsylvania, 19c; western, fresh, 18Vic;
southern, 17'4il8V4c Potatoes steady; Jer
sey, Jl.12VMIl.50; New York, J1.20I1.C2V4
Long Island, J1.75Q2; Jersey sweets, J1.3&0
2.W. Tallow steady; city, 4 1-NMji'ic;
country, 4VM49i,c. Hosin steady; strained.
common to good, $1."5. Turpentine steady
at 43M.l4lo. Cubbage dull at J2ff4 per
lOO. Cottonseed oil strong; prime crude,
19ftl9V4c; prime summer yellow, 24g21V4c;
off summer ytllow, 22Vtc
Baltimore, Jan. 27. Flour firmer; west
vrn superfine, $2,4042.76; do. oxtra, $2.S0Sj
8.30; do. family, $8.503.75; winter wheat,
patent, J3.85t44.10; spring do., $434.25
spring wheat, straight, $3.7503.95. Wheat
unsettled and higher; spot and month
S0V46 8041c.', February, 80j80c; May,
8Hteiffic.; steamer No. 2 red, 77tt77c;
southern wheat, by immple, 75hlVtc.: do.
on grade, 7SMlo. Corn easier; spot and
month, 40VWic.; March, 4H441?sa.;
steamer mlxtd, SSVWeSWic ; southern,
white, 3(Wi41V4. do. yellow, 3jfflVic.
Oats firm; No, 2 white, western, J6s5J4c;
No. 2 mixed 4o., 32'jt(33c Hye firmer;
No. 2 nearby, 2V4c; No. 2 western, C4Kc
Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, $11611,50. Bggs
firm; fresh, 17a,
Live Stook Markets.
New York, Jan. 27. Beeves moderately
active and steady; cows firm and all sold;
steers, common to choice, $1.606.80; fair
to rood oxen. JJ.85to4.85; bulls, J3.60S3.86;
cows,; choice fat do., JI.1S&4.30.
Calves Mt.-.iily; y toils, $58.26. 'Shsep slow;
choice handy, lambs Arm; others steady
to a shade lower; shsep, fair to choice,
JI.104l4.liS'-. lutnbs. good to choloe, Jfi.lOi
1.36. I loss Ktsaily at $4f4.25.
Uast Liberty, Pa., Jan. 27. Cattle about
Steady, extra, Jn.5CKix&.7u; prime, JS.25&5.40;
common. j:i.25tf ..9u. Hogs steady; prime
mediums and 'heavy bogs, JK.SKM; best
Yorkers, $3.K3,9t; -light Yorkers, $3.xo4
3.K5; plus, JJ.75&8.80; roughs, J8.50fe3.4U.
Sheep steady: choice wethers, $4.3504.40;
common, JJ.504f8.60; choice lambs, $505.10;
tommon to good, $1.5094.90; val calves,
Never, Falls for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pan-Tina is, 85c. At Qruliler
Bros., drug store.
t'l'eilJcnt Witt Send Them to tho Son
nte Next Week.
Washington, Jan. 28, Tho senate
continued the consideration ot the
peace treaty In executive session yes
terday, the doors being closed for al
most three hours. Senator Frye, a
member of the Paris peace commis
sion, and naturally a strong friend ot
tlie treaty, held the attention of the
senate during tlie greater part of this
time. Constructively he occupied the
floor during the entire session, but he
was frequently Interrupted by other
senators. Most ot these Interruptions
came in tlie Wny of questions, but
some of them look the. form of speech
es. This was notnbly the caBe with
Senator Heiry's Interruptions. He
spoke for some time, and In doing so
denounced tlie treaty in severe terms.
Senators Mason and Caftrey asked
many question.
Senator Fry devoted himself largely
to an explanation of the proceedings ot
the commission, reading liberally from
the record as already printed, but stop
ping as he proceeded to explain the
quotations which lie made. He had
not proceeded far when he was asked
If the president had not originally In-,
itriicted tin- commission to only Insist
ui 1 securing a cimlliig stntlon In the
Pl i'Tnlne group. To this Mr. Frye re
pl ed that lie did not feel at liberty to
gl, i his Interpretation of the presi
dent's instructions, but It wus not nec
essary that he should do so, as the
president had. he said, determined to
comply partially at least with the sen
ate's request for tlie documents on
file bearing upon the negotiation of the
treaty, and Mr. Frye said he felt Jus
tified In assuring the senate that the
papers would be received not later than
One senator reminded him of the
representations of Agulnaldo's Ameri
can agent, Agonclllo, and asked if he
meant to force the Philippine people to
actual hostilities, to which Mr. Frye re
torted that It was the opposition which
wus forcing a continuance of the state
o war and which would be responsible
for hostilities If they shoritf occur.
Tho VpIinlMir Court "Martinis.
Madrid, Jan. 2S. The developments In
the court martial of General Jaudenes,
who surrendered the Spanish forces at
Manila, and similar court martlals, are
arousing intense Interest and heated
controversies here. The publication of
the proceedings In regard to the de
struction of the Spanish lleet Is ex
pected to cnust' a sensation, owing to
fresh particulars which are alleged to
l)e forthcoming. Not only the Spanish
ofllcers, but all the sailors will be cited
as witnesses.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Miss Sadie Wertheim, ace 14, of Tole
do, O, was the winner of theri prize for
execution cn the violin at the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
say she is a won
derful player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any
thing. For this
literature, atu
letics, science
'women put forth
their gr?a .;st efforts. Washington was
said to b 1 ' first in war, first in peace and
firstiuV o hearts of his countrymen." It
isagre:a thingto be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind and brings great
er happiness than a good remedy. Many
things will relieve but the one that will
ar?isbest. Brazilian Balm lssucharem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
11 is w oniy uuug inai wouiu cure .a-
:arrli and Asthma. I'orla yrs. it has nev
er failed iu a single case to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful in
Caturrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped upor where
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
Ktomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rep
orxl, unknown to any other remedy, just
'v entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
lace in the regard of the American peo--,ic.
There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
t ud countless Asthma sufferers in this
country, aii of whom can he cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains n mouth's treatment
lor catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
ve will wrap with each 1.00 bottle a
mouth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
nnd strength builder known to science,
This is the greatest offer ever made. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute. B,
J?. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India
lupolis, Ind,
Wholesale Agents
Some of the special dally features include
A SPOUTING PACK, cpntributed to by a staff of the best sporting authorities.
A STATE PAGE, in which tlie every happening of interest in every place in Pennsyl
vania, Jiew Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
A WOMAN'S PAGE, where every morning the latest fashions and every feminine
interest are cleverly dealt with in profusely illustrated articles.
A CABLE PAGE, where the doings of our foreign cousins are reproduced in special
cnble dispatches.
ALL THE NEWS, from everywhere, by the full Associated Press service and special
Included in The Sunday Inquirer each wei:k is a colored section, with the best of
pictures by well-known artists la brilliant color and softest half-tone. The colored section of
The Sunday Inquirer is not equaled by any other paper.
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
Is contributed to by the very best writers, sueh as Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Robert
llarr, Anthony Hope and lan MacLaren. Besides the brightest of short stories and serials,
there are many articles by eminent authorities on subjects religions, mechanical, literary and
scientific. Then, too, there are puzzles with casi, irizej amounting to $500.00. If you
want to inuke your wits profitable get the next Sunday Inquirer.
If you want a position in NiitailelphU, an INQUIRER WANT AD will fix it for you.
THE PHILADFI.PHIA INQUIRER is Pennsylvania'! leading newspaper in influence,
enteiprise and cinukliuu.
How WrlKlitHffiirod the speakership.
(Jl-iMit'M.CMHlr Hxpwiillluri'i.
8nern'.?K-r!to. C'al.. Jan. 28. The spe
clnl committee appolnti'd to Investigate
the scandal connected with the elec
tion of a t'njted States senator IllPd its
report yesieiday. The committee llnds
that Howard K. Wright, speaker of the
assembly, received from V. S. Grant.
Jr., throunh his political managei, Mil
ton J. Green, $M00 as a gift and $7150 n
a loan; that Wright, prior to his elec
tion, deceived John D. Spreckles and W
S. Leake to secure their support for
the speakership, stating thnt he was
unpledged to nny senatorial candidate;
that by promising to vote for Hobert
N. Hulla for United States senator he
secured Hulla'n support for the speaker
ship; that by the acceptance of Grant's
money and by the solicitation of Dan
iel M. Hums' Influence to secure his
election a speaker-. Wright led each of
those candidates for United States sen
ator to expect his vote.
The report fiiither stutes that Milton
J. Green, the duly appointed and ac
credited agent of U. S. Grant, Jr., ex
pended Inrge sums of money, exceeding
In the aggregate $20,000, but the exact
amount of which Is to the committee
dnknown, to secure the election of a
Republican legislature.
The committee finds that D. M.
Burns, ltnbort Hulla, W. H, Barnes
and the other senatorial candidates,
except Grant, expended nfl money and
promised no patronage to promote their
respective candidacies.
'Tlsu't safe to lie a day without Dr. Thomas'
Kclectric Oil Iu tho hoiito Nover can toll
what moment an accident is going to happen.
Soutonced for M Ncerronntlon.
Savannah, Oa., Jan. 28. Jennie
Moore, a white womnn. aged 19, who
says her home Is In Jersey City. N. J.,
and Trlnnell Kills, a negro, were yes
terday sentenced by Judge Norwood,
of the city rrurt, to the chain gang
for miscegenation. Later the sentence
ns rognrds ihe woman was suspended,
and she was given 24 hours to leave
the state. The woman says she Is an
nrmy nurce, but was left behind when
the troops went to Cuba.
The New Moxlcnn Ambnuaiidor.
Mexico City, Jan. 28. President Diaz
yesterday appointed Manuel Asplraz,
aBlstant secretary of foreign relations,
lo be ambassador at Washington. He
Is. a native of Pueblo, is 55 years of age,
and was prominent In the Liberal party
during Juarez's administration.
To Ouro u Colli Iu One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All
druggists rotund the money if it fails to cure.
25c. Tlie genuiue has L. B, Q. on each
tablet. tf
Passenger trains leave Hhonaniloah for Penn
Haven Junction. Maucb Chunk. Lelilghton,
Hlntlnirtoii. White llnll. Cntnanuallll. Allcntown.
Bethlehem, ICnston New York and Philadelphia
ut 5 2.1, 7 49 a. 111., 1 00 and 5 14 p.
For Wllkesbarre, White Haven and Pittuton,
5 28, 10 18 a. 111., 1 00 nnd Slip. m.
vov mceyvine, 'l owanua, nnyre, 11 nvcriy,
Elniirn, Rochester, liuffnlo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 13 a. m., 1 00 nnd 5 14 p. in.
For Ilclvlilcre, Delaware W'ntcr Clnu and
BtruudaburgA 'J nr iiu.B 14 i. ti.
For Jennesvllle, Leviston and Heaver Meadow, utttmiTLViiiH mm i rf.iiLuii. , iu . ill.
R n. ni.. 1 00 u. in.
For McAilou, Audenrlcd, Hazlcton, Stockton
nnu r,umijcr yarn, a 9, vj, 10 is n. in,, i uu nnu
ft 1 1 ii. m
ForJeildo, Drlfton and Kreclnnu, ass, 10 18
a, m., s 14 p. in.
For Sornntoli. ,1 28. 10 18 n. ill.. 5 1 1 n. 111.
For Lout Creek, Olrnrdvlllc, and Ashland, I 00,
unil 7 28 n. m.
For Haven Itun, Ccntrnlla, Mount Carincl and
Slinmnkln, 10 OS a. m., 1 40, b w, ai p. m.
ForMahanoy City, l'ark Place and Delano,
o as, 7 4lJ, iu in a. in., nnu i o ii p, in.
For Yntcsvllle. 5 28. 10 18 a. in.
Trnlns will leave Slinmokln at 7 00, 9 20 a. m
12 10 nnd 4 20 p. in., ami arrive nt Shenandoah
at 7 19, 10 18 a. m., l w, a H p. in.
Ll'IIVIl fMllMliilluuim lr i uiiaviut;, (31,. ji,i,i,
Newcastle, Morea and New Boston, 7 19 mid
10 18 a. in . nnd 1 00 l. in.
Lcnvu Pottsvlllo for Shcnnndonli, 9 45 a m.,
12 35, 505, S 15 p. Ill,
Lenve Ilnzlcton for Khcnandoali, 10 00 a. m.,
12 48, 5 09, 0 20, 8 32 p. m.
Trains leave for Haven Itun, Centrnlln, Mt.
Cnrmcl and Shamokln, 9 40 a. m 7 21 p. in..
Trains lenve Sliamokin for Shenandoah nt
8 50 n. m., and 5 35 p. ni.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatcsville, Mahanoy
City. Park Place, Delano, MeAdoo, Audenrlcd,
Hnzleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatlicrly
und Mauch Chunk, 9 47 n in., and 6 82 p. in.
For Lclilghtoii, Slntlngton, Catasauqua. White
Hall, Coulay, Allentown, lCaston and Phillips
burg, 9 4i n in., nnd u 32 p. m.
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Lenve Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, n. in.,
and 0 27 p. m.
M. B. CUTTIIIt, Supt. Transportation,
South Betlileliem, Pa.
ROI.LIN It. WILBUR, Ocnl. Supt.,
Soutli Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gonl. Pass. Agt..
New York, N. Y.
A. W. NONNEMACHER, Dlv. 1". A.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by thocj who use Pozzom's
Complexion powder.
is told by special dispa dies from our owi
What is Celery King?
It Is nn herb drink, nnd is a po'iitie cure
for constipation, headache, nervous it' mirdent,
rheumatism, kidney dlsensefli and the vari
ous troubles arising from ft disordered stom
ach and torpid liver. It Is n niont. agreeable
medicine, and Is recommended by ph.vHlrlnnn
Celery King Is sold In 25e. and Wie, packages
by druggists and dealers. 1
Philadelphia &
Reading R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
IN KFFKtrr NOVK.MI1EU 20, ttm.
Train lenve BlienandoaU an follows :
Kor New York via Pbllailelpiiln, week ilavs,
10, 5 as, 7 50, 9 55 n, lu., 12 20. 1(1 'J nnd 019 p. in
Kor New York via Maucb Uliunlc. week uava
V 80 a. ui., 12 20 and II C'J p. in.
For Kramng anu mu.iueipnm, nee nays,
2 10,6 38, 7 SO. 9 55 a.m., la 20. 8 C9 ami B C9 p. m.
For I'otisviue. wwk uays, , uu, voo h iu.
12 26, a 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. m.
Kor Tamaqua nnu niatiiinoy uity, week unys
30, 9 55 a. m., 12 25. 09 nnd fi 09 . lu.
For Wllllanisnort, Sutiliiirt and Lewlslmrg,
week days. 11 82 a. m.. 12 25, 7 30 n. in
KnrAiannnov f'lnno, weenuays, :ni,iin,i)xi,
7 80.9 55, 11 32 a. ui 12 20, 8 09, 6 09, 73 , 9 56
li. m.
For Asmana nnu snarooicin, wcec uays, ; ou,
1132 a. m., 12 20, 8 09,507, 725 nnd 5Sp. in.
For Baltimore, Washington nnd the Wetvta
i , ,. it ,, i . . i. ,(,.. . D ..I....
Termlunl, Plilladclphla, (P. & It. V 3C) at 3 20,
'7 55, 11 20 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. i. Suiidaya,
I'ju, 7 ou, it an a. in., S4n ami v 'it p. iu. auui-
-iionai trains irom I'weniy-iouriu anu i nesi
.iut streets station, week days, 10 SO a. m. 12 20
11 Ilk 8 40 n in. Sundays, Iftnap. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days. 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. in., and 1 45, 4 B0,
Ii 00 p.m
Iavo new xorK via Ainucu uiiunk, woeK
nays, 4 80, 9 10 n. m 1 80 p. m,
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. Ktrlc
days, 8 40, 8 80, 10 21 a. m. aud 136, 4 06, 6 30.
11 36 p. m
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 7 00, 10 08,
n. oi., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllte. weeK days, 7 17, 7 40 a. in
1230,120. 4 30, 6 10 and 650 p.m.
Leave Taiunqua. week days, 3 18, 8 86, 11 23
a. ui 1 49,5 60, 7 20.9 41 p.m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 45, 905,
11 51 a. m., 2 22, 5 23, 6 24, 7 44, 10 03 p. in
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
530. 9 22 10 23,12 00, a. m 2 39, 5 86, 6 42 7 18
10 2tptn.
Leave Wllliamsport, week days, 7 42, 1000 a
ii., 12 34 and 4 00, 1 1 30 n. ui.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street watt and
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express. 9 00, a. m 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p.m. Acoorumoilatlon, 8 00 am., 6 80pm
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a in Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a ii., 4 45 p. ni.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00, a. m.. 8 80, 5 80
m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. m. 4 05 p. m.
undays Express. 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
For Capo May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 900 n in, additional for Cape May,
1 15, p in., for Sea Isln Cltv, 6 00 p ni., for
Ocean City, 4 15, 5 00 p nt. Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 15 n m., South street, 9 00 arm.
Parlor Cam on all nxrircflH traliiH.
vor further Information, npply to nearest
Philadelphia and Rending Hnllway ticket agont
or address
I. A. SwKioABb, Epson J. Webkb
Gen'l Supt, Oen'l Pasa'r Agt.,
RpAdlne Terminal Philadelphia.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority ot
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
nice Egan bulIilhiK, corner of Main an
Centre streets, Hbenandnah.
tack Box 69, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Bavin? studied under some ol tbe best
masters IP London and Paris, will give lessons
on the violin, mandolin, Kuttar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address in earn of Rtrnti
tho lawnlftr Hhriandnah
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Oranse Champajme.
riilHonsof Dollars
Go up In smoki. overy year. Take 0
risks but get your houses, slock, fa"
nlture, etc., Insured In flrst-class re
liable companies as represented by
nAVlTi FAUST Insurance Agei't
rAU3l 120 Boutn JardlnHt
Aim Mm ndAfw)1i1nll nmv"
i..M:itiJirm mn v
n jILm rtlt r fur oia liardr
Nut ry 8 tack. lz(eitM!t
u.! Htnry toUioef leavlog
lioiif, cr uuiriuiMlOD to lo
cnl HcuutR. IVrmtDeDt el,
ulnimttit. Ttit bmlDae
illr leirn-jd. Aoaros