The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 25, 1899, Image 4

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    Floral Cream
l7or Chapped Hands.
For Rough Skin.
20 cts Per Bottle.
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Telephone Connection.
Of Stoves, Ranges
and Heaters.
Our store is ov&rstocked as is also our
storage place at the depots. For the next 30
days we will sacrifice them at almost your own
price. The "True Fortune" heater, for
many years sold by Win. Pratt, of town, and
who has furnished many a resident with the
same, is included in our stock. Also the
"New Broadway" range, the 'Broadwy
Fortune," "Family Fortune" and "Liberty."
Department Stores,
Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Men's Felt Boots with
leather tops, worth $2.25. We
are closing them out at $,60.
Boys' Fine Felt Boots worth
$, are going at $f.3Q.
300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes,
actually worth $1.25, can be
had for 85 CTS.
Men's $3 Winter Russets,
are selling at $2.5. '
All our winter footwear is going
at 50 percent, below regular prices
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa.
Groceries and Dry Goods.
Philip Yarowsky,
Floor and Table 0U Cloths.
E. B. Foley, a7-wce.Bit . $
iw m
nro not distinguished by any mark
or sign from coughs Unit fail to bo
fatal. Any cough, uoglectud, may
sap tho strength and ttndonnino tho
honlth until recovery is impossible.
All coughs load to lung troublo, if
not stopped.
Aycr's Cherrij Pectoral
cures cosgtis
"My wife was snfferini? from a dreadful
cough. We did not expect that she would
long survive, but Mr. K. V. Iloyal, deputy
surveyor, happened to be stopping with us
over night, and having a bottle of Ayer"s
Cherry Pectoral witli him, induced my wife to
try this r.mody. The result was ho beneficial
that she, kept on taking it till hu was cured."
It. S. llUMPHKIKS, Saunsy, Gu.
"My little daughter was taken with a dis
tressing cough, which for three years defied
all the remedies I tried. At length, on the
urgent recommendation of a friend, I began
to givo her Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, .fter
using one bottle I found to my gieat sur
prise that she was improving. '1 Un-u buttles
completely cured her "
Trav. Salesman Wrought Iron Range Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
is put up in half-sizo bottles at half
price HO cents.
Fire I Fire! fire I
Insure your property from loss In the
oldiitaud strongest cash companies: Phila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of Noith
America and Tiro Association, Hartford
Kho Ins Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
WiwtChehtcr Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. .furdin St.. Shenandoah.
First ot All, Red Flag Oil, 25c.
What for? Aches, pains, bruises.
Oruhler Bros., drug store.
Is Still Doing
the Duty of
Our cut price shoe sale last week
was far above expectations. Many
who have missed tbe opportunity
of buying can still be accommo
dated. The goods on our counters
are tbe same grade as displayed last
week, to which we , have added
several new lots.
The balance of the Ladies' 1.98
shoes have been placed on the
51,60 counter, we still have 150
This makes room for a display of
Men's and Boy's shoes. We have
120 pair of Men's shoes, extra
good quality, wide and narrow toes
sold from S3 'to S5, our price is
Another Jot of Men's shoes,
worth S2.00 and 22.50, numerous
Styles in black and tan, our price is
Another bargain. A lot of Boy's
shoes, black and tan, sold at 1.50
and S2.00, are going at 98 Cents.
Still another lot ol Youth's
shoes, black and tan, good stock
They were Si. 25 to Si. 65 and we
are closing them out at 75 CCIltS.
Here is a winner for school
These goods were not
placed on our counters last
week because we did not
have the necessary dis
play space. They are posi
tively the same grade of
goods as sold last week.
Shoe Store,
14 S. Main St.
(berry Pectoral
50 c
M. J. O'Neill transacted business at 1'otts-
villc this morning.
W. M. llrcwei lias gone to New York on
business connecUyl with his local intoresls.
Harry lleutiiili, or Washington, u. U., is a
guostnf relntjves In town.
lolin V. 1 11 run returned last night from a
business trip to I'recland and White Haven.
Messrs. K. W. Shoemaker, Esq., Dr. D
.lolin 1'rlro and J. II. Hough woro visitors
to Tamnqua Inst evening.
Miss MnrgHret Levino tins returned homo
from a vlll to her sister, Mrs. Jacob l'er, of
tminiliis Winner was a business visitor to
Shepptoii to-day.
Harry Levy, of Tiimauua, ronewed ac
quaintances in town last evening.
Miss Millie Uebermiin, of I'ottsvillc, was
a visitor to town yesterday.
17. F. Sclmilt, of Allentown, a wholesalo
dealer In groeuiies, has secured tho services
of ,1 W. I'nrcoll as reprosentatlvo.
l J. Joyce, of Lost t'leek, has received an
lioiiomblo dlschargo from tho U. S. service.
He whs a member of llattery II, !th
Artillery, and was stationed at Fortress
Moiiruo, Va.
Michael McArgle, of rhlladclphla, and
Miss Marimrut Noliin. of Unrilon, were mar
ried in St, Joseph's church. AsMjnd, yester
day morning. They will lesldo in Philadel
phia. Miss Aunio Milliken, daughter of Allen C.
Mllliken, of I'ottsvillc, and James 11. Ciilliim,
a prominent busiuesa man of Moadville, were
Joined in wedlock at noon to-day at Potts
villo. A Cruel Hoax.
Groat excitement was occasioned in town
this moruiug by a report that Thomas
Keaton and his wife. Bridget, who rosldo
near Ulngtuwu, wero murdered at their homo
last night- The report was exploded in per
son by Mrs. Keaton, who was a visitor to
town to-day. It is not known who was re
sponsible for the cruel hoax.
nr. Hull's Uougli 03'rtiit prevents con
sumption. Ono-tifth of the deaths in cities
is from consumption, caused hy neglected
colds. Dr. Hull's Couuh Syrup always cuies
Pensions Granted.
Among the pcuslons granted yostorday
woro the following : D.iviil Herbiue, of Shell
andoah, increased from JO to fS: Jacob
Shroner, Shamokin, Ss to $12: Susanna
Rohrer, Plnegrovo, $8.
'Neglected colds make fat graveyards."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup helps men
and women to a happy, vigorous old age.
Hut Ori'iit llrltiiln, tlio f lilted States
nml .Iniuii Dolmrrcd ns l'lircliiist-rs
London, Jan. 25. The Madrid corre
spondent ot The Standard, telegraphing
with referenbe to the bill to autlmrlze
the sale of the Carolines and other Isl
ands. says: "The government. It Is
understood, will Blve the cortes an as
surance that the Islands will not be
ceded to the United States, Great Brit
aln or Japan. It Is expected that other
nations besides Germany will bid for
naval stations In the Marianne Islands,
and perhaps also In the Carolines.
"A report Is in circulation that a seri
ous anarchist plot has been frustrated,
two foreign nnarchlsts having been ar
rested, but the rigor of censorship pre
vents the giving of details.
"A distinguished general, who was
formerly governor of the Philippines,
has been dilating, In the course of an
Interview, upon the difficulties the
Americans must expect there. He ad
mltted that Spain would have required
an army of 100,000 men and the ex-
penultuif of to reconquer
the Philippines, but the American com
manders, he Insisted, had committed an
Irreparable mistake from the beginning
In humoring and parleying vlth the
rebels, thus seriously Mamaglng the
prestige of the whites by teaching the
natives that they could dlBpute and de
splse a supremacy which had never
heretofore been challenged."
Our Cavalrymen I'repnrod to Suppress
Any Disorderly Hands.
Havana, Jan. 25. Should Cuban sol
diers take to the woods and turn ban
dlts the United States military admin
istration will know' what to do. They
will be followed by a force' of cavalry
and persistently pursued. The same
general method will be observed as has
been followed In dealing with the In
dlans on the plains and mountains of
the west. The subject has been care
fully considered by old border fighters.
who are confident they could catch the
bandits, notwithstanding the climatic
The Seventh cavalry regiment Is sta
tloned In the province of Plnar del Hlo,
the Second cavalry In the province of
Santa Clara and Mntanzas and the
Eighth cavalry regiment In the prov
Ince of Puerto Principe. The depart
ment governors and the commanders
of the various garrisons have received
Instructions to keep on the alert and to
take the first opportunity which brl
gandage may afford to Bhow what the
United States soldiery can do to sup
press It.
A number of Cuban generals and
prominent Cuban civilians, who have
been discussing the Cuban army ques
tlon during the last day or two with
the American commanders, Intimate
that the United States ought quickly
to arrange a settlement of the claims
of the Cuban soldiery for pay, "as
otherwise the privates will become un
controllable and commit acts of vio
The Secret of Napoleon's Success.
Napoleon once said : "Tho time to conquer
is now never wait, and ho always con
ouered because he always struck at once for
victory. The person who Is sick or out of
health should seek at once the right pbysi
ci&u and treatment for immediate cure. The
right physician to consult is an eminent
specialist of world-wido fatne and largest ex
perienro in curing nervous, chronic or linger
ing complaints, like Dr. Greeue, of 35 West
14th Ht., New York City, who In his vast ox
perience cures tbousauds of cases just like
yours. And the right treatment to take is
that which surely cures and at the same time
Is purely vegetable and perfectly harmless,
like Dr. Greene's wonderful treatment by
harmless vegetable remedies. One of his
great discoveries, known as Dr. Greene's Ner-
vura blood and nerve remedy, is known and
used all over the world, but he has discovered
equally valuable cures fur all phases of dis
ease. Notwithstanding the fact that Dr,
Greene has tbe largest practice and a greater
success In curing disease than any otder phy
sician, he can be consulted by tbe people lib
kolutely without chargo, whether you call or
write. If you want to be cured, If you want
to kuow what your trouble Is, do not wait
but write about your case at onto to this must
successsul of physiciaus and get his advice
and counsel free, follow the maxim ol
Napoleon and conquer your dlseaso now do
not wait uutll It may be too late.
Does Tills Strike Yon 1
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from fchronlo constipation. Karl
CIover.Koot Ten Is an absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by
P D. Klrlln aud a guarantee,
Tho forecast for Thursday; Clear, coldor
weather and fresh northwcstorly winds.
Ilnppfitiliif; TJiroiiKlumt lh. Country
OIii-ihiIcImI (or llnnty rrusal.
lliuieton's Industries are workiug full
Allentown Is to have a new city hospital.
Tho employe at St. Nicholas wero nald
yesterday,, .
I ho htitcrprlcn colliery is being remodeled.
since tho recent storm.
Tho leases from the City of Philadelphia,
trustees, to tho I.. V. Coal Co., for the Conti
nental and Pucki-rsNos. 1, a, Sand 4 collieries
In this valley and on land of the (llrard
estato, nro placed 011 record.
I.iconsu court Is being held at Sunbury.
Tho fair in St. Joseph's Catholic church.
Ginitdvlllo, will bo closed nftcr Saturday
evening. It lias so far been 11 grand success
rho fair will bu open Kridry and Saturday
night of this week.
Robert J. Mills and his bride have returned
to Pnttsvllle.
Tho last will and testament of William J.
Kdwards, late of Mlnorsvlllo. ducenscd was
probated and recorded.
Tho firemen mid Oouicllmcti of PottsvU'o
will confer over tho selection of a chief
The new agent at Ashland for the Columbia
Brewing Co., is "Jack',' StlvltU, the ball
1 ho Tumiiqua Manufacturing Co. is Deduc
ing a new rotary engine.
Tho clothing of thrco-y ear-old George
Hudock, of Shamokin, caught firo from a
cook stovo and ho was burned to death.
Willlamsport Prohibitionists yesterday
nominated John R. Otto for Mayor of that
Among other Improvements atTamaquaa
new oar8hop will be built by tho P. & R.
'IheMahanoy City School Board will tost
tho compulsory educational law In reference
to truancy.
With twenty furnaces in blast, the P. I.
Ivimbcrly Company mill, at Groenville,
fiercer county, went into oneratiou vester.
day after a suspension.
John Wnuamaker was awarded the con
tract to furnish 300 volumes for Mahanoy
Ulty s public scliool library, at a cot of 225.
mo railroads are all busy handllug freight,
and yet tho sllvorltes aro not satisfied.
Of 17 applications for divorce last filed in
tho Lancaster county court, all nro entered
by women.
The Ashland lodeo of Elks has a member
ship of 175, and is constantly growing.
Iho 1". 16 It. railroad employes at Mahanov
i-iano were paid yesterday.
Jack" Stivetts, who gained national fame
with the Boston team, expects to play with
the St. I.ouis-Clovcland "combination team
next season. He has several good DroDOsals
unuer constaeration.
lhe Irene Meyors Co. Is drawing good
nouses at Ashland this week.
The Allentown and Bethlehem Traction
Compauy will spend $10,000 this spring in re
building its trolley road.
Dr. G. W. Noiman, a former resident of
town, is confined to his room in Mahanoy
City critically 111. Besidos tho kidney
troublo, an attack of pleurisy has set in and
1113 icit lung is so weak that ho is now
threatened with pneumonia.
Prof. McCann last evening entertained his
scholars witli phonograph selections after tho
regular night session had closed.
James M. Dougherty, who has been em
ployed at Shenandoah City colliery as a
hoisting engineer for the past twenty years,
reslgnea ins position on Monday.
J W. Geary,' the Pottsvillo mining engi
neer and surveyor, will remove to Cumbar-
land, Md.
In Willlamsport City Councils a bill pro
viding fur the expenditure of,$50,000 for a
municipal electric light plant met with
Profitable Home Dyeing:.
Diamond Dyes Make Handsome,
Unfading Colors.
A Few Dimes Will Save
Many Dollars.
In nearly every home there are faded and
unfashionable dresses and coats that can be
dyed with Diamond Dyes so they will look
as good as new. Suits for tbe boys can be
made from the father's partly worn clothes,
and then colored with Diamond Dyes to look
liko new, while dresses and jackets can be
made for the girls with little work or ex
pense. Many women dres3 their families in hand
some, fashionable clothing at a comparatively
small expense, thanks to Diamond Dyes.
Diamond Dyes are put up specially for
home uso, aud tho directions on each pack
age are so plain that oven the inexperienced
can get beautiful and unfading colors by
using these dyes. They color anything from
ribbons, feathers, and waists to the heaviest
coats aud dresses.
There ate some fifty colors iu the list of
Diamond Dyes, making all tho fashionable
shades. Ho sure to uso only tho Diamond,
as they are the ouly dyes that have stood the
test of years and that can be depended upon
for successful home dyeing.
Some men adopt peculiar methods of
Bhowlug their patriotism. There Is our
friend Daniel E. Breuuan, a hale fellow well
met, a candidate for Council iu the Third
ward. Dan, however, knows what ho has
got to go up against, and hence the drop will
not bo fatal after election. And there are
others In the borough,
A New York man stole a red hot stove,
auu iuu uiuuer vuui, was cooaiug on it as
well. We wonder what Tammany district
ne nulls iromr
mar, u. uowman, 01 jiiananoy uty, is
said to be a candidate for the Iiepubllcuu
nomination for County Commissioner.
D. r. Derr authorizes the withdrawal of
bis name as a candidate for the nomination
of School Director in the Fifth ward. Iu tho
Interest of ex-School Director John T. Lee,
who is again a candidate for the position. Mr.
Derr takes this course in tbe interest of the
party's success, and for no other motive.
The Democratic candidates in the "Second
ward will serve one good purpose bring out
tue utitens vote lor the borough ticket.
Their election is beyond the possibilities.
T. J. Mullahey, of town, tho popular
Democrat of tho Fourth wurd, is a candidate
lor County Itecorder.
Those having business with the County
Commissioners office speak very highly of
these officials, aud their obliging corps of
clerks. J lie present Hoard of Commissioners
is the most efficient and economical the
county has had for many years.
very utile is now nearu or tbe many
uewspifper schemes Inaugurated some time
ago at tho county seat. Talk is cheap, but It
takes money to conduct a legitlmato news
The Citizens primaries will be held to
morrow afteruoou, between the hours of 4
and 6 p. m.
Capital sport what tho legislators are en
joying at Harrisburg.
f actory inspector uimpueu uaa been re
appointed by Governor Stone.
Kditor Charles K. Steele, who publishes the
Democratic Free Press, at Mlnersville, Is
running as a Hepubllian caudldato for Coun
cil In that toon.
For ten days Klondike Cough Cuie, 15 rU.
City Drug Store, 107 B. Main St. 1-18-I0t
What Chief Boriner Offered For a Burning Build-ing-A
Man Whose Life was Not Worth a Dollar.
my futuro, that I would not have given a dollar for my chances In this world. Yet because of this medicine only, life is as sweet and
piecious to me as to any other man."
January 31st, 18U3. (Signed) J. O. COLLINS, Karmvlllo. Va
Header, do not give yourself up fur drowned until there is no spar to cling to. If in tho big Now York firo. Chief Bonner had been
nblo to buy the threatened block for ten cents, he would now bo tho luckiest roal estate holder In the country. If Mr, Collins had sold
himself for m dollar at tho tlmo of his dospalr, ho would have boon a very foolish man. Take no counsol with -doubt and despair. The
greatest conflagrations are put out with perseverance and water, and dangerous diseases yield to Warner's Safe Cure.
Are You Taking
Of our 30-day sale? If not, you should do so
at once. Suits and Overcoats are going fast.
We are selling them at considerably less
than cost.
Pick them out a suit of Clothing worth $3.50
to'$5.00, and take it home for only 1-5Q- Or let the
men pick out a suit or Overcoat that .has been selling
for $10 and $12. They can now be bought for 3-5Q-
Mammoth Clothing House,
GOLD I IN, Proprietor.
Remember These Bargains are Offered
Letters Grantml.
Lettcrti testamentary wero granted to M.
W. Loy. on the estato of ltcbecca Hummel,
late of tho Township of I'lnegrovc, deceased;
Also to T. S. Balliett on the estate of Barbara
Shellhammer, late of tho Township ot West
Fenn, deceased.
Letters of administration were granted to
Union Sate Deposit Bank on tho estate Of
Mary Burko, Iato of the Borough of Port
Carbon, deceased ; also to John Gehring and
Joseph Caul, on tho estato of Susanna Noltc,
late of the BorouWi of Ashland, deceased.
Letters of administration were granted to
W. A. Whitney on the C3tate of W. L.
Whitney, late of tho Uorough of Pottaylllo,
Choice selection of 10, 14 and 18 karat
wedding rings. Orkln's. 129 S. Main St. tf
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued to Anthony
Yodzis aud Miss Annie Oezus, both of Shen
andoah, and to Wlakyslow Olszewski and
Josephine Slwiniski, both of Mahanoy City.
Sent to thu Asylum.
Mrs. Harriet Schartlo has been taken to
the statu asylum at Harrisburg by the County
Commissioners. Sho was an iumate of that
institution several years ago.
DUHK1N. On tho 23rd Inst., at Mahanoy City,
l"a., Sliiry. wife uf John J Durkin. aired 87
yeaN. Funeral will take place on Thursday,
.uui nisi., ut ju a. m., jroni me lamuyi reiiu.
i-iiie, Kalcr House, Mahanoy City, High
' mas at the St. Canicus church. Interment
Hheuandoali, by carriages. Helatives ami
friends respectfully Invited to attend. l-21-2t
Livery and
Nn. 13 North Jardin St.
This coupon Is good
for one sheet of muslo
by maktiiKapurcliRse,
regardless of amount,
Cut out this Cou
pon and receive a
sheet of music FREE
Jewelry Store.
til ill lb uV it di u Ui 0i iL ik it uV u7 UV Ui Ui uV UV uV Ui uV di il vli uV
Home-Bred Canaries
For breeding purposes. All
good singers. They are far better than the
unacdamated imported birds from Germany.
niiclglubun. All kinds of pigeons. We also
ell ilnera' supplies and drilling fnuchlnes.
103 Hunt Centre street, . rhenandoab, l'a.
Or I'mi.MiEi.iMiu.
Temiiornrltynsslktliiglir .1.8 South
Jartlln street, will liuve office hours dally,
except bunday. from b to V a. in. and a to t i in.
Dr- Collen office uours being from 13U t 3:X
I. in and fl-ai) to 8.00 p. in. dully, eicept Thui.
Uuy cveulim uud &undu).
I would not give ten cents for that block."
So Raid Chief Itonucr of tho Nuw York Fire Department during
the great conllagratlon In that city on Sunday night, Decomber -Uh,
In tho midst of tho howllug gale aud falling ralu the men fought
liko the Old Guard at Waterloo and In Jhe end with far bettor suo
cosa Yet there wero moments of Intenso doubt and Anxiety. Hut
beloro daylliilit broke on the wild scene, tho Cotntnandor of the llttlo
army of rescue drew a deep broath of relief ho had tile situation In
the palm uf his hand,
So far as wo know, men have always been flglitiuz disease
which Is a worso allllctlmi than firo have been trying" to understand
It and suppress It. What have wo loarned? We have not learned
everything, bill, wo have learned much. We ran help all ailments;
some wo can euro. SnlPereM from dlsoaso want help, no matter what
it is or where It uoines from.
That Is why people nro continually writing such letters as these :
Dour Sir "You will, remember my describing In a former letter how
terribly I siillered from chronic kidney troublo nnd how hopeless my
condltiou was at that limu. I hud consulted doctor after doctor, from
general prartlctiuners to eminent specialists, with' ono uniform re
sult. They looked wise and talked welt, but they did not help me.
Hut I wanted what all sull'erers want relief, not reasons."
"In my other letter 1 said I would uot take one hundred thous
and dollars for what your great discovery had done for me. To-day
I say I would not hike a million dollars for what Warner's Safe Cure
did for me. 'When I took the first dose, I was so full of despair of
For Thirty Days Only.-
Great Anniversary Sale !
To successfully celebrate the first anniversary of our business in
town, we will offer all of our goods for the next 25 days at cost. We
do this to increase our number of friends and customers. Here are
some of our bargains :
lien's Winter Russets, leather lined, trlppled sole, worth
$4,00 ; will'be sold at $2. 00. Hen's $1.25 shoes for 99
cents. Ladles' shoes, 80 cents and upward. 1,500
hats, worth from $i.2s to $3. 00 ; ean be bought from 75
cents to $1.25.
These prices will prevail at this, sale only. Come and convince
No. 7 South Main St.
XT ANTED, Lady and gentleman as local
V representative. Guaranteed salary 850 u
month. Address "W," this office. It
JTlOIl SALE OR KENT. On account of re
? movnl, I have for sale a brick building,
centrally located, heated by steiim, gas through
out and up-to-date In every respect. $2,000
down and balance on time. No reasonable otter
refused. Kor full particulars amily on premises
or to W. Czyzewsky, 32 East Centre at. 1-20-tf
FOU KENT, Store room and dwelling, sulta.
ble for butcher, barber, eto. ; centrally
locuted and rent reasonable. Apply to E. 0.
llrobst, grocer, cor. Jardin and Centre streets, tf
AUAKOAIN In Shenandoah, East Centre
real estate. Easy terms of payment,
monthly, qua terly or Beinl-aniiuallv. 11,000 In
casb down. Old hotel or restaurant stand,
small store or dwelling, Seeuilty Building and
Saving Union, Sciunton, l'a 12-'J-20t-eod
IjOK SALE. A square back driving sleigh,
; carriage, road wagon, truck wagon, har
ness, robe, and blankets. A good opportunity
for any buyer. Apply to Jesse Davis 31 South
White street. 1-13-tf
FOR KENT. toreroom and dwelling, No. 10
South Main street, now occupied by Mrs.
J. J. Duffy. I'oggrHgiou given Immediately.
All modern conveniences. Apjily to Frank
Schmidt, 111 North Main St. Ml-2w-eow
T7ANTKD A bright and rittlvo young roan
11 of gentlemanly appearance and manners
to do local canvassing. $50 a week can bo
made. Address letter to 11, Herald office. 1-7-tf
"VTOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap
1 ply to S. a. M. llollopeter, attorney,
Shenandoah, K-31-tf
A Hnndsomo Comploxion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. I'oziONi'a Couiluxiok 1'owdsb
gives It.
Abe Levlne, Prop.
Are what we are looking for. It
is to be regretted that there are so
many of that sort in this day and
age, but they must be cared for,
and if we cannot correct them
when a glass will do the work,
nobody can. No matter what you
think the trouble is, don't do a
thing until you see us. That will
cost you nothing and may save you
Thos. Buchanans
118 S. Mail? Street.
11 11111 It liflililiHTIiTHilililt WW'
We do Shampooing at
E- Your Home.
f- Given to Ladles, -i
t A Postal Card Will Bring Us. 1
I W. G. Dusto's
Tonsorial Parlors, I
f. Ferguson House Block. -j
819 N, Centre St., I'ottsvllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, dins and Wines, at the bor.
A choice line of Cigars anil Temper
ance Drinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Meals at nil hour
New Groceries.
Flour, good brand", from II W
hundred upward. Kresh butter at 20 cents y"
pound. Fresh eggs ahvnj s on bond.
Canned Goods.
Robbies' Building.