Floral Cream For Chapped 1 lands. For Rough Skin. 20 cts Per Bottle. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South MUn Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Tol phone Uuniiectltm. Sacrifice Sale Of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. Our store is overstocked as is also our storage place at the depots. For the next 30 days we will sacrifice them at almost your own price. 'Hie "True Fortune" heater, for many years sold by Wm. 1'ratt, of town, and who has furnished many a resident with the same, is included in our stock. Also the "New Broadway" range, the "Broadway Fortune," "Family Fortune" and "Liberty." FURNITURE. DO NOT FORGE'I US WHEN BUYING. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos. 1 19-121.123 North Main St. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, B'.own Stout, Half and Half, Beer and Porter. Also agent for the Famous LORENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively Ales. A full line of the finest brands of Liquors, Wines,. Cigars, &c. All orders left at Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. SHOE BARGAINS. Men's Felt Boots with leather tops, worth $2.25. We are closing them out at $1,60. Boys' Fine Felt Boots worth $1.90, are going at $1,30, 300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes, actually worth $1.25, can be had-fpr 85 CTS. Men's $3 Winter Russets, are selling at $2.15- All our winter footwear is going at 50 per cent, below regular prices BOSTON E 27 South Main Street. 'SheasdMh, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. REDUCED - PRICES PREVAIL AT OUR STORE. Groceries and Dry Goods. Philip Yarowsky, 313 WEST CENTRE ST.. SHENANDOAH. PA 13 BEST LINE OR GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY and BTKAVV. Floor and Table OU Cloths. E. B. Foley, aTWce;ntr.st. S or flic There tiro cough medicines tlmt itr taken as freely m a drink of water from a dipper. They are cheap medicines. Quantity does not make np for quality. It's the qual ity that cares. There's one medi cine that's dropped, not dipped Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. There's more jiower in drops of this remedy than in dippersftil of cheap cough syrups and elixirs. 11 cures Bron chitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all Colds, Coughs, and affections of the Throat and Lungs. Cherry Pectoral is now half price for tho half-size bottlea- ."0 rnts l'lTHY PUIim. iHpjtptita'ii Throughout tht Omit tr Chtontrl'Ml for llnnty Ierurtl. Itaaletun's underwear factory 1 working! overtime. The 1'. A It employe at St. Nicholas will be iuil to-morrow. Allentuwn's now city hospital i hiing rapidly pushed to completion. Forty-one mimes have hern enrolled for Centralla's new dramatic ami literary society. During the past sis mouths 120 males aud 111S females were born in Schuylkill county. The P. & E. collieries resumed to-day and will continue as long as the supply of cars last. September 20 to 20, inclusive, has beon tlxed as the time for the Cumberland county fair. They are holding tatTy parties in Ashland, and Editors Tiley aud James aro faithful atteudauts. In four loads Parmer Thomas Longehach, near Bethlehem, hauled SI7 busbcisnf wheat to market. The coal office at Delano has been aban doned, coal now being shipped direct from the collieries. Leltew testamentary were granted to Win. L. Davis on tho estate of Jane Davis, late of Malmuoy City, deceased. It is said in mining circles that the I.. V. Coal Co. will sink a new shaft at the old Con tinental colliery at Contralia. An increase of pension from jti to per mouth has been granted to Henry V. Keedy, of Orwin, Schuylkill County. P. J. Ferguson, of town, has settled the claims of several Sunhury people who were injured in the Dunelleu wreck. The records lit tho IlegUter's otllco show that there were 1,230 male aud 1,118 females born within tho six months ending Juno 31, 1S9S. Capitalists are offering as high us $200 per acre lur farm land along the new llethlehcm and Eastou trolley road for speculative purposes. Supt. Edward Ash, of the Schuylkill Trict- iou Company, is improving but still confined oo the house, suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. The Lutheran year loak just issued by the general synod shows that the Lutheran church in this country has 6,374 ministers. 1,50,102 continued inembei. T- U B. Lyon. Ej , of Mahanoy City, has been engaged by shareholders to matte an examination of the accounts of the defunct Safe Deposit Association, of Reading. Papers and other valuables taken from the bouse of Mrs. Dyke at Central! several weeks ago, by burglars, who blew open the safe, were found on Saturday iu the old stone depot at Ashland. ,V (lueer Chinese Custom. In China the queer custom prevails among physicians of being paid monthly fees by families so long as they are in health, but the moment a member of the family gets sick the doctor's fee stops. The ductur, therefore, is paid for keeping people well. In America doctors are paid. fur advice when you are sick. There is, however, one conspicuous example of an eminent and distinguished physician giving consultation aud advice absolutely without charge to tboe who ere sick, su Ber ing and out of health, a physician of world wide celebrity, who lias the largest practice and makes the most cures of any physician in the world. Vie refer to Dr. Greene, .15 West Htli-St.. N. Y. City, discoverer of tlmt wonderful medicine whieh has cured and is daily curing so many of our people. Dr. Greene's Kervura blood remedy. Dr. Greene usee only barmlees vegetable remedies, and his cores are wonderful in the extreme. The marvelous medicines be has discovered for the cure of various disease offer the surest means of cure known at the present day, and when it is considered that you can consult tli is most famous of physicians ab solutely free of charge, whether you call at bis odiee or write to blm. It is no wonder that bis office is filled with articled people, and that seekers after health write him for advice sod counsel from all parts of the land. If yon are wise you will accept this golden opportunity to get well and write him at once about your case. Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Botes TOR BILIOUS AUD HERVOUS DIS0RDER8 such as Wind and Pain la th Stoinaeh. Giddiness, imiu-9 uft.'r ci.uls. Head note. Dizziness. Drowsiness, Flushines ot Heat. Loss uf Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the 8k, n. CWd Chills, DIs turbed Sleep. FrWbtful Dreams aud nil Nervous and Trembling; Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IH TWESTY MINUTES. Every sufferer Will acknowledge then: to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. II i:r. CHAM'S PILLS, taken asdireet ed. w'lquickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and euro hick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills aro Without a Rival And bav tb LARCEST SALE Ofacy Patent Medicine In the World. 25c. at ail Drue SUao. ppopper ? Auers KILLED HIS MOTHER. A Soil's Awlul Crhnn at Hum mini's l'atrli Yesterday. Dennis MtOirthy. a worthless nnd dig. sipiitcil i-harni'tvr, stud nod kltlril Ills mother, Ilnilgct Mt I nrlli) , Hgid M years, at their home in Ilonmsn's patrh,- near Mahanoy i ity. nt about 5:80 o'clock Inst evening. The primmer also shot himself without serious rlfrct McCarthy arrived at his homo nt about two o'clock in the nfteruoou, considerably under the Influence of liquor, anil wont to sleep. Shortly before five o'clock he awoke nnd his sister, June, who is employed as a domestic at Delano and was home on a visit, prepared n mcnl for him. McCarthy was sullen and morose He Anally struck his slater and threatened bis mother nnd brother, William. The sister and brother went to the otllco of Justice llreuuaii, and It was while they were swearing out a warrant that the tragedy oc curred at the liomeitc.nl. The first news of the horrible dsod was given by the murderer himself. John Keeee. of Mahanoy City, and Kdward, his brother, of Park Haro, passed the McCarthy house in u carriage find were hulled by Dennis, who shouted, "1 liave killed my mother and shot myself. She is inside the house." John Ileese went Into the hniiso nnd found Mrs. McCarthy lifeless. There was a bullet hole tbrongh her neck and another through her heart. Either wound wis sHlIlclent to cause death. The Messrs. Heese hurried to Justice llren nan'a office nnd nrrlvcd theieas Constable Rowley was about to start out with a war rant for Dennis McCarthy'sarreston n charge of assault and battery mado by tho sister. The occupants of tho olllce were astounded when told of the murder. - The murderer was taken into custody by Justice Ilrennan and Constablo Rowley. Ho was still crazed with drink and covered with blood from the wound in his head; Ho was arrested as he wss walking towards the officers, and was attired only in a pair of trousers, stockings and a shirt. Ho sub mitted quietly to arrest. When tho prisoner was locked up bis injury was examined nnd found not dangerous. The bullet entered the scalp on the rieht side of the bead above tho ear and grazed along the skull to a point about two inches over tho eye, whero it pawed through the skin. McCarthy stated to a reporter last night that after his sisterund brother started from the houso to have him arrested his mother told him to go to bed. Ho rolused to do so. and his mother, becoming ouraged, stepped into an adjoining room, took a revolver Irom 4 cupboard, and tried to shoot him. Iu or der to protect himelf he took tho revolver from her, nnd in- the excitement following two shots were discharged. When asked if tho self-inflicted wound was made with suicidal Intent tho prisoner replied iu the negative and said he didn't know what he was doiug. He added, "My mother is my best friend and if she, know I was here she would soon come to me. They tell me she is dead, but I don't know whether alio is or not " When the sister heard the prisoner's story she said between convulsive sobs My p or tnottier was afraid to look at a revolver, let alouo to pick it up and sboot out of it." There were no new developments in the case to-day. McCarthy was kept prisoner In the Mahanoy City lockup until this morning. when he was taken to the Pottsvilte jail. He will probably ho tried at the March term of criminal court. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will rid 3011 of 11 cold more quickly thanuny other known remedy. Don't let a cold go as it comes So r you may endanger your lilo. Price 25 cts. RAPPAHANNOCK NOTES. Packer colliery No. 5 worked soveu hours on Saturday, making a total of five days aud three hours for the week. The fair in St. Joseph's Catholic church will bo closed after Saturday eveuing. It has so far been a grand success. The fair will be open Friday aud Saturday nights of this week. First-class entertainments are.given, Messrs. Martin Moran and Harry Mc- Ginnis, of Girardville, returned home after spending a pleasant week iu New "iork. Miss Annie Ginty tendered a party to her frieuds on Friday evening, iu celebration of her seventeenth birthday anniversary. The Lost Creek Dramatic Company will produce the comedy drama entitled "His Last Chance, or Tho Little Joker," in the Temperance hall fur the benefit of Division No. 14, A. O. II., oil Wednesday evening, February 22nd. Mrs. Johu Gaughan is confined to bed by a severe illness Patrick Monaghan spent yesterday with Mahanoy City frieuds. JIUs Kate Carroll, of Girardville, spent yesterday with Ashland frieuds. The Little Irene Myers Company, who have just closed a successful week's engage ment iu Mahanoy City, will open a week's engagement at Ashland to-night. Tho shootiug match between Patrick Toole, ol Wm. Penn, and Mart. Murphy, of Lost Creek, camo off on Saturday afternoon at the latter place. Each killed 5 birds out of 7 and left the stakes, which were $25 aside, up with $75 more for another match to take plnce iu the near future. iacb will shoot nt 11 birds. Packer colliery No. 5 put through and pre pared, during the 7 hours worked on Satur day, 383 cars of coal, an average of -10 cars an hour. Messrs. George Davis, Robert Parked aud E. Kachul, of Girardville., spent yesterday with Gllberton friends. Efforts ixa heiug made iu Homesvllle to organize a lady minstrel troupe. Messrs. Michael King, James Carey and Michael Mularkey were among, those who spent lost evening on the ice at Hemesville. Miss Ellen Duffy, of Girardville, will spend this week witb friends in Philadelphia. Miss Mollie 1'cDonald, of Homesvllle, was a Sbamokin visitor yesterday. Lincoln J. Garter's latest great success "Under the Dome,'la ntarvelous scenic pro duction, was presented at Ashland Saturday evening before a very large audience, and will be presented at the Palace theatre, Girardville, to-morrow (Tuesday) evening. What Is Shlloh 7 A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption ; used through the world for half a century, lifts oured Innumerable cases of incipient consumption and relieved many in advanced stages. If you sre not satisfied witb the results we will refund your money, Price 36 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D Kirlin and a guarantee, A Kwortt to Seliley. Rear Admiral WineAeld Soott Schley is a member of tlie Royal Arcanum, beiug Past Regent of Farragut Council, of Washington, D. C. Shortly after the destruction of Cervera's fleet members of the order in New York opeued a subscription to purchase a handsome sword to present to blm The presentation occurred on Friday night last at Carnegie Music Hall, New York, la Ihi prefceuce of 3,000 members of the artier and their frisnda. Tbe presentation was made by Supreme Regent Kdsou M. Sehry ver, of Baltimore, and accepted by tbe Admiral in a short speech expressive at bis gratification at the kindly feeliug of his fellow members u beautifully illustrated in tbe luudsoine weapou bestowed upon him. A Good Thing for a Bad cough What? Pan-Tina, 2Sc. At Uruhler Bros., drug store. Marriage Llcenana. E. A. FlUpatrfck and Sarah Laveugood, both of Auburn; Geoige Roberisuu, of Kel ayres, and Katie Mareinkowekl, of McAdoo; Thomas SIcAvoy aud Tillie Deckweller, both uf PlittaVllIr. T THIS WKAXlf Pit. The form ast for Tuosday: Cloudy, Mlghdv warmer weather and fresh to husk south westerly nnd westerly winds, with snow or rain, tho winds possibly becoming high ou ino coasts, foII"Wed liy clearing. PERSONAL MEN HOW. M. J. O'Neill spent a part of to-dav at Pottsvllle. Edward Roberts spent a part of to-day itt Pottsvllle. visiting friends. Thomas Tracy and Patrick Ormshy made nj trip to the county seat tins morning. ... . .... . Mine Itisii-ctnr William Stein transacted official business nt tho county sent to-day. Couuellman Roll returned to town last night aftor a visit of several day to Phila delphia., He spent to-day nt Pottsvllle. Richard Taylor ami Crirhrt. Folts visited friends nt Mahanoy City last eveiitug. George L. Hnftier visited friends at St. N'loholas Saturday evening. Mrs. J. T. Swindells Is homo from a visit tn Philadelphia. Mrs. Paul Quick has returned to her homo In Philadelphia, after" vl.itlng her daughter, Mrs. William Pratt, on South Jardln street. Miss Msry Pomeroy, of Sunbury, is being greeted by her numerous acquaintances here. Miss Eva Powell, of East Coal street, lias gono to t'ottsvillo, where she expects to spend several Weeks visiting relatives. Miss Ida Lewis, of South White street, left to-day for Philadelphia, where slio has secured a position. Mrs. Harney Dougherty, of East Coal street, is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Prof. John Jones, tho popular musical in structor of Mahanoy City, was a town visitor to-day. Miss Millie Zimmerman, one of his town pupils, will take part in a high standard concert at Ferguson's theatre on .Feb. 3rd, next. Mrs. William Clark, of Mlnersvlllc, lias returned to her home after spending a tew days visiting friends in town. Rev. D. I. Evans, pastor of tho First Bap tist church of town, officiated at tho obse quies of .Mrs. Mary I. Williams, at St. Clair, ou Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B, Brumm aro visitors to Philadelphia. John Flynn and Miss McLaren, of Mt. Oitmel, were in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Glynu to day. Mrs, Thomas Cummlngs, of Philadelphia, Is tho guest of the Flynn family on South Emorick street. Misses Siglried, of Mt. Carmel, were visi tors to town yesterday. Monroe H. Kehlr, of town, is doing civil court jury duty at Pottsvllle to-day. William Aeiinnn, formerly of town, is suf fering from an attack of pleurisy at the Mansion House, Mabauoy City. First of All, Red Flag Oil, 25c. What for? Aches, pains, bruises. At Gruhler Bros., drug store. Deeds Itecordeil. From Catharine Dengler to Heury F. Denglcr, premises in Barry township ; from Israel Stamm to Wm. Gwinucr, picmiscs in New Ringgold j from Miners' and Laborers' Saving Fund Association ' to Mary Kraft, premises iu Ashland ; from Catharine lieber to Alice K. Kcber etal, premises in Scbuyl' kill Haven : from Jacob F. Kull, adminis trator, to John Kull, premises iu PottvilIe; from Sheriff of Schuylkill county to Miners M. L. B. & L. A., premises In Shenandoah. Dr. Hull's Cougli Syrup cures mensle and whooping-cough. This wonderful rem. edy will 6ave the children from many a dis tressing coughing spell and soon effect a cure. Buy Keystone dour. Bo sure that tho name Lessiq & IIaeii, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on ME EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality nnd simplicity of tho combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by bciontific processes known to the California Fig Svnup Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing1 the true an'l original remedy. As the genuine Styrup of Figs is manufactured by the Camfoksia Fid Svritf Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will nssist one in avoiding tho worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tho high standing of the Cali fornia Fiq Svnur Co. with the medi cal profession, and tho satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to gef its benqfloial effects, please remember the namo of the Company ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FltA.NCIHCO, CU LorjisviLi.K. kt. new vmtK, N.y. Consumption Cured. BROUGHT BACK FROM THR GRAVE. Last November Mr. Joseph James, painter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo lis, Ind., was at death's door with quick consumption. Wasted to a skeleton; his lungs a mass of ulceration; his death was hourly awaited by his doctor and family. lie was kept in a constant stupor with opium. A friend, thinking to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing its wonderful effect, the doctor advised its continued use. Mr. James soon after dismissed bis doctor, aud depended on the Balm alone. His recovery was rapid and complete, and iu February he returned to work. Hi lungs are sound, and hi "igbt greater than at any time in his life. His recovery is regarded as almost a miracle. COMMA BACILLI'S. In consnuiptiou beware of cough mix tures and prescriptions that contain opium. Opium paralizes the nerves, and gives the comma bacillus a good chance to destroy the lungs. It is always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu lates the nerves with new life and power, destroys the microbe, and restores all that is left of the diseased lungs to a sound and bealthy state which no other remedy has ever been known to accom- pusn. SHENANDOAH DRUfl STORE, Wholesale Agents DID YOU HEAR About the Big Sacrifice Sale at Goldin's Mammoth Clothing House? Well, if You Didn't You Are the One Who is a Coser. r t Anxr nnri . fvprvhodv oleascd. ami why? Because we arc almost giving away our Suits sale $10.00 and $12.06 Men's Don't forcet they have been suits, did you ever hear ot sucli t :,ir,,o rw LUUK 111 Ulll nuiuuiiJ. w.. .... c Men's Suits and Overcoats. We have $6,000 or $7,000 worth left, so buy now and save money. - Marr-irrioth Clothing House, -sl. GOLDIN, Proprietor. i C2 Remember this have selected and we must get them off our hands. Don't be fooled by humbug sales, but look over our stock and convince yourself that we mean business. Klre! Klrot Hrel Insure vour property from loss in tho oldest and strongest cash companies: Phila. Underwriters Insnranco Co. of North America nnd Fire Association, Uartrord Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co., West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins, Co. " T. T. Williams, 123 S. Jardln St.. Shenandoah. Is Still Doing the Duty of Our cut price shoe sale last week was far above expectations. Many who have missed the opportunity orbuying can still be accommo dated. The g'dodsoii our counters are the same' grade as displa)'d last week, to whiclf we have added severaTnew lots. The balance of the Ladies' $1.98 shoes have been placed on the SI.60 counter. We still have 150 pairs. This makes room for a display of Men's aud Boy's shoes. We have 120 pair of Men's shoes, extra good quality, wide and narrow toes sold from $3 to $5, our price is $1.98. Another lot of Men's shoes, worth $2.00 and $2.50, numerous styles iu black and tan, our price is $1.25". Another bargain. A lot, of Boy's shoes, black and tan, sold at $1.50 and $2.00, are going at 98 Cents. Still another lot of Youth's shoes, black and tan, good stock. They were $1.25 to $1.65 and we are closing them out at 75 Cents. Here is a winnerJfirr jgchool chil dren. ;w- These goods were not placed on our counters last week because we did not have the necessary dis play space. They are posi tively the same grade of goods as sold last week. BALL'S Shoe Store, 14 S. Main St. iitKHiiumtiiviiinnitiiiifinifinKpinirinvumnin (iN CO U PO N . "Ni ThlscoiMxii! Isgooil for one luet of iiiuile by makinv a purchase, regardless uf v mount, at Bruram's Jewelry Store. Cut out this Cou pon and receive a sheet of music FREE OF CH.R6E. i, Mi uV uV uV k is uV vii iV UV k W to u uV i u, 4 uV UV kb u ifc s;i.oo and Overcoats. Just consider, we are giving during our 30-day Suits and Overcoats at the ridiculously low price of $3.50. sold before for three times what we now charge. Children's bargains, ouics worm mo" ti.i'nrtmv fntit.-iins nothinfr but is not an assignee or humbug out the balance of our fall and MISCELLANEOUS. rpOK SALE OU IIKKT. On nccomit of re- movftl, I have for utile a brick butlritnK, centrally located, heated by steam, fjaa through out and tip-to-dato in every respect !2,000 down and balance on time. No reasonable offer refused. For full particulars apply on premises or to W. Czyzeweky, 32 East Centre St. l20-tf F OU RUNT Store room and dwelling, suita ble for butcher, barber, etc. : centrally located and tent reasonable. Apply to K C. Brobat, grocer, cor. Jardln and Centre streei 4. tf t II A ltd A IX In .Shenandoah, Kast Centro 11 t ..... t.- . ....., . nUni.,i monthly, qua tcrly or semi-annually. Jl.OOOIn cash down. Old hotel or restaurant stand, small store or dwelling. Sociuity Uulldlng and Saving Union, Scianton, Pa 12-9-20t-eod I7IOU SALK. A square back driving sleigh, ; carriage, road wagon, truck wagon, har ness, robes nmi blnnkcts. A goou opportunity for any buyer. Apply to Jesse Davis 31 South White street. M3-tf TTlOIt KENT. toreroom and dwelling, Iso. 10 ' OUUVM .liltlll MlCCh IIU.V UWUUICU tIJ ...ID. J. J. Duffy. Possession glveu Immediately. All modern conveniences. Apply to Frank Schmidt, 1W North Main St. l-ll-2jv-cow TVANTED A bright nnd octlvo young man of gentlemanly appearance nod uinniicrs to do local canvassing. So0 a week can be made. Address letter to 11, IIeualii otllco. 1-7-tf "VfOTICE. Deslrablo properties for sale. Ap 1 ply to 8. Q. M. llollopetcr, attorney, Shenandoah. 8-31-tf Our Meats TEflPTINQ FRESH, Are PRICES TENDER, The PREVAIL. JUICY. -Best. BELL'S, 19 1 1 STREET. Political Cards. port WARD CONSTABLE, THOMAS TOSH, Op the Tninn Waro. Subject to Citizens rules. pOK COUNCIL, Second WAitn, JOHN P. BOEHM, Subject to Cltlicns party rules. pOIt SCHOOL DlHKCTOIt, Second Ward, HARRY KEIPER, Subject to C'tUcns party rules. JWIl man CONSTAULK, MORGAN HOPKINS, Op Tue Kouhtu Wahu. Subject to Republican rules. poit CONSTABLE, 1 SfCOND WAUn, HARVEY L. JACOBY, Subject to Citizens rules. pOH HIOH CONSTAULK, JOHN D. HUGHES, OP THE SECOND WAUD. Subject to Citizens party rules. f WPH WPtm nipivpttitinfnfn ip ipipai tv!cj We do Shampooing at I 5 v... tj.. e- Tour Home Special Attention nt . , . ii a f uiveu io sanies, a t A Postal Card Will Urinfl Us. I W. G. hnstnVs I Tonsorial Parlors, g. Ferguson House Hlork. 1 6- .uvikviiviauvaiajAauiiiijiiviiniiiuVituiiuiiLi PRABOWSKY HOTEL, M. GKABOWSKY, Prop. 819 N. Centre St., I'otUvltle, Po. Fine old Whiskeys, 01 in and Wines, at tbe bar A choice line ot Clears and Temper ance Drinks. Accommodations for travelers. Meals at all Imiir Shenandoah Ice Company, Wholesale and Itctnll Dealers In Pure Spring Water lee. Contracts for summer and winter fillings. Call on or addros HART, DADDOW & CO., 25 N. Jardln St p 1 .ou. Children's Suits and the other t of these Stilts and Ovorcoats sale. We must have room and winter Suits and Overcoats Color Blind. Color blindness isn't a serious at. fliction, but Is one that never can be remedied. Many more serious eye defects can be corrected by the appll cation of proper glasses somjtimes they have to be worn continually but many abnormal conditions of f lift nv'A. ' may be obviated by wearing glasses for a short time only if taken in tlnit?. -5 Thos. Buchanan, 118 S. Mairr Street. Renovated, Refurnished, Re-established. Lakeside Hotel ! B. J. YOST, Prop. This popular hostelry js now open lor the entertainment of sleighingand skating i arties. Dancing pavillion always heated. Excellent skating on tbe lakes, and supper served to panics on short notice. EVAN J. DAVIES. 4 Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardln St COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY Brewers of the Finest and Purest BEER, PORTER, ALE, WEISS BEER. Our products are seldom equalled and never .surpassed. Private families supplied at short notice by our own special delivery. HDI IV! tr unun $ CL,KARY'S EXTRA UNI?. QUALITY -GINGER ALE,- Superior. Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Champagne. Home-Bred Canaries For breeding purposes. AH good singers. They are far better than lhe unacclamated imported birds from Germany. JAPANESE GOLD FISH and k1o1. All kinds of plgpons. We 1 sell miners' supplies and drilllnit machines. DAVID HOPKINS, 105 Kast Centre street, Shenandoah, !' j New Groceries. Flour, koihI brand", from ti W hundred upward. 1'rwth butler at 20 cents i" pound. Fresh egm ulwo s on hond. Conned Goods. SIMON LEVIN, Cor. Mime, ..,1 itobblnt' Building. JJlt. A O. MORGAN, Or Philadelphia. Temporarily assisting Vr ,1-H llrn,81 S""1'1 Juroin iiireet, will have otllco hours uj except Sunday, from 8 to 9 a. m. and 8 to 4 P-"lm lir i i.i !... ,.ii, i,n,lr. tu.in.. f, van to P. iu. and &30 to fU&p. ra. dally, except Tliurf day evening aud Sundays.