3. HrmAmni,t'n lit .y.saWTJ'fiaTrM itf WVD1V0 "OOLD OUST.' "COLD DUBT. ToGalii Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know What Appetite and Good Digestion Mean. JUKI! A. TIliT OF STUAUT'S IiYSFKP. 3l TAIILI3TS. No trouble Is more common or more misun derstood tlmii nervous dyspepsia. People having it think their nerves tiro to blame anil nro surprised that they are not cured by nervo medicines. Tlio roal seat nf the nils chief Is lost Bight of. The tonueh Is the organ to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have aiiy pain whatovor In the stomach, nor perhaps auy of the Usual symptoms of stomach weak iiojss. Nervous dyspepsia shows Itself not in the stomach bo much ns in nearly overy orpin. In somo cases the heart pntpltutes and is Irregular; In others the kidnoys are affected; In others tho bowelsnre constipated, with headaches; still others are troubled with PBOP. HENRY W. UECKER, A', M. loss of flesh and appetite with accumulations of gas, sour risinra and heartburn. It 13 safe to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will euro any stomach weakness or disease except cancer of tho stomach. Tlioy cure sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and ap petite, Sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, constipation and headache. Send for valuable little book on stomach diseases by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Mar shall, Mich, All druggists sell full-sized packages at SO cents. Prof. Hcury W. Becker, A. M. tho well-known religious worker and writer of St. Louis. Secretary of tho Mission Board of the German Methodist church. Chief Clerk and Expert Accountant for the Harbor and Wharf Commission. Public Secretary for tho St. Louis'School Patrons' Association, and tho District Conference of Stewards of tho M. E. Church; also takes an active part in tho work of the Epworth League, and to write on re ligious nnd cuducational topics for several magazines. How ho found relief is best told in his own words : "Somo weeks ago my brother heard me say something about indigestion, and taking a box from his pocket said "Try Stuart's Tablets." I did, and was promptly relieved. Then I investigated tho naturo of tho tablets and became satisfied that they were rnado of just the right things and in just the right proportions to aid In the aSslliTltKion 01 loud, 1 heartily endorse them In all respects, and I keep them constantly on baud." BLOOD A SPECIALTY. Primary Secondary or -Tertiary BLOOD POISON permanently CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS. You can be trented at home for same price under same guarantee. It "you prefer to come bere we will contract to pay railroad fare and hotel bills, and no charge, if we fall to cure. IF YOU HAVE taken mercury, iodide potash, and still bave aches nnd pains. Mucous Patches In mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Col ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It Is this Secondary BLOOD POISON WE GUARANTEE TO CURE. We solicit the most Obstinate cases and challenge the world for a case we can not cure. T Is disease has always hauled the skill of the most eminent physicians, $500,000 capital behind our unconditional guarantee ADSOlute proofs sent sealed on application loo page book sent free Address COOK REMEDY CO., 1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago. W I Grocers can tell you why those wlinhltv QAAlfn'a Wtien keep coining back. used 1 as tin. lor it. strange IttiMirrlt Vi ftwf Inner admixture to it tnUbes peope to ordinary cof Wry a new thing. fefc makes a' i delicious drink rniLn.-cnfflr-OT, o DKALEll IN o Fruit, Confectionery Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. 3 West Contra Street. L- it .'I toil FeiirO ifafiDdiurtsUU'-r UlH F with Tuny rn4 Pennyroyal ViWt ud i other UU foiLtment OntrtntoM iupetto: A. Crowded and Enthusiastic Mass Meeting in Now York. EX-AMBASSADOR EUSTIS SPEAKS, Our Forinor noiireientnllvo to Trance 8001 ii Mounr-o In tho Iiuporlntlntlo Itlcii-Snmiiol Oompors ANo Oppose? Kxpiiii.slaii In 11 Strong Speech. Now York, Jan. 23. A mass meetlnr- of citizens was held In the Academy of Mttalo last nlghrfor the purpose of protesting against the policy of "Im perialism nnd entangling alliances with Kuropean powers." The meeting was attended by a great crowd. Long be fore the doors were opened 3,000 people were clamoring for admission, and In a short while the police ordered the loors unlocked because of the crush. Ten minutes later there was not a va cant seat In the house. A list of vice presidents was rend, Including these names: Wheeler II. Feckliam, Abram S. Hewitt, Roger A. Pryor, Samuel Gompers and John M. Parsons. Communications were rend from ex- President Cleveland, Colonel William J. liryan and UJshop Henry C Potter regretting their Inability to be present. Resolutions were adopted declaring: "That the full discharge of our ob ligations to the Inhabitants of the Philippines requires that we should without delay help them to secure In their domestic affairs, first, order, and then liberty, and that we are absolutely and unqualifiedly opposed to .the an nexation of the Philippine Islands as a permanent portion of the national do main. "That we are unalterably opposed to the abandonment by this republic of the American Idea of national growth In favor of the European Idea of co lonial conquest; we unreservedly sub scribe to the theory that government derives all Its Just powers from the consent of the governed, and to the theory that there should be no taxa tion without representation, and we be lieve, moreover, that such theories are wholly applicable to the Inhabitants of all the places abandoned by Spain, as the result of the late war. That neither the government nor the people of the United States have In curred any responsibility or obligation as to the result of the recent war with Spain which requires any departure from or abandonment of the policies and principles laid down for the guid ance of the republic by Washington In his farewell address to the American people." The first speaker was James B. Eus- tls, former ambassador to Prance. Mr. Eustas said In part: I see before me an audience in which I recognize the type of true Americans banded together to protest against expansion and Imperialism. What a strange sight? A meeting of ln telllgent American citizens on Ameri can soil protesting against Imperial ism and Imperialistic policy of the American government. The representa tives of the people of this great country are combatting the idea, and I hardly feel as though I were living In the re public of the United States; I feel as though I were living Instead, In some continental country where Imperialism Is recognized, 'The sentiment of the American peo. pie Is against the rash Idea of expan slon; for to fight the Filipinos would mea"rrftfBsof-ilfe to American soldiers In the future In a sickly clime, If this wild theory Is carried out. There ara only two persons whose Ideas on the question of annexing the Philippines have given me cause of serious thought One of them thought that by annexa tion certain United States merchandise could be sold to the Filipinos. The other was a preacher who thought tha by expansion and annexation he could) sell some Protestant bibles tp the na tives. The president of the United States will on March 4 next adjourn congress, which will not meet again until December, during which time he will become military dictator of more than twelve and a half millions oj people In these conquered 'Islands. Tes, our constitutional president )s gnng ti; govern them by his personal will, and will you tell me that the act will not afford him a swelled head?' Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, was the next speaker. Mr. Gornpers severely criticized the Inconsistency of the Uni ted States government In going to wai to free the Cubans and of denying the same measure of freedom and liberty to the Filipinos, He declared that the flag of the nation should never be used to hide tyranny, He said that It Is not at all Improb able that the Filipinos will yet be pome part of the standing army of the United States and might yet be called upon to shoot down American wag' earners, He said it Is Impossible tc subdue a people by force of arms and at the same time rnAllHuin our free Institutions. W. Bourke Cockran, the next speaker, said: "This heresy of Imperialism sweeping over the country Is threaten lng the stability of our Institutions ani our measure of free government. II Is a policy of Infamy. In this country of ours, the home of alien races, wi are now raising aloft our hands If. protest against a policy which. If suc cessful, will obscure the horizon of the whole human race. The question ot Imperialism nnd expansion, boiled down to Its true Import, Is a dangerous policy to either adopt or pursue," An Enterprising Drnggls There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than A. Wasley, who spares no fains to secure me uesi 01 evcryming in weir ine for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, couens ana Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over tlio country by !ty many startling cures. It absolutely aires Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affec- i cms of the 1 hroat. Chest and Lungs, call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free era regular sue lor 50 cents ana jl.co, Guaranteed to cure or price relunaea. Sick Soldlors From Porto Moo, Norfolk, Va., Jan, 23. The army transport Port victor arlved at Fort Monroe after nightfall last evening. Blfe comes from Portp Rico and has aboard 138 sick soldiers from the army hospitals In that Island. All attempt was made to land the sick troops, but owing to darkness as well as the BP sence of the quarantine doctor, the men were permitted to remain aboard the transport. Her arrival at this time was unexpected. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Khid You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature of GOL THE BE ? v n w5? u ei a a "ftiP a v EVERY WO.t.,.rt SomsMmes needs a reliable, Monthly, regulating medicine. Only barauleu and the purest drugs shsuld b used, ifyou want the best, get Dp. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills They are prompt, safe tod certain In reaslt. Tho genuine (Dr. rod's) never ilim oolnt. Boat anywhere, l,W, Addrtsa Pieai. Uicb U,, Cleveland, Q, For Sale at KIRLIN'S Druir "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSlv FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO ea?f I Tfi.J SIXTH AVE. U7lGth&10IhSTS. ' "6V" JJnw rong. THE ONLY TRUE SCIENCE Br WHICH )0UX FUTURE ViVllri, , fT,l W""150WI1 Km 1 HfSBaaSCB B "eek-' 'oioin,iii4, iicuu,uuucia ipccuifcuou, businau sutura, RICHES Tff BE OR KPT TO BE. ISStFsz ffSS';s n. 1 put, preaeat tad fatqn hi, A SINGLE ANSWER MAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Send 10 cent and rirt eict dtt of birth and I will imnedltUlj rcUra 70a a tmlbful bororjoop reading of joor life, tad rroT It to b til tm by jcnmlf. I malt ' nim BHir uw, jlu ZARAHtho ASTROLOGER, lock Vc JJljrjJ-"Zarih lk iToLOr li wnainJ tatculixUnf wiriio.iw.. wvEiittus luua.tivn. Are You Going to Florida 1 If you are, ask for tickets via the Southern Railway. It Is the shortest, quickest anil best route. Its service this season will sur pass that of all preceding years. Write for further information to John i. Goal), District Passenger Agent, S23 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sick Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and suroly cured by Karl's Clover Boot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue builder, .Money refunded if not satisfactory, Price 85 cts, and 50 cU. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee. Will You Winter In Florida 1 This will be tho greatest season Florida haB had for years. You ought to go and go via the, Southern Railway. Its the best route. If you will write Johu M. Beall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa,, bo will arrange all the details of your trip for you. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refuud the money on a 50-ccnt bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It falls to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran tee a 23-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded, A. Wasley, C. II. Hagon buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W. Bierstelu & Co. U-l4-33t-dw This Is the trado mark of the short line to Florida the Southern Railway. Two dally trains are operated all tho year, and during the winter season, a third, the Florida Limited, is added. If you are going to Florida or anywhere else in tho South, ask for a ticket via the Southern Railway, Write to John M. Beall, District Pussongor Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t Coming Kventu. Feb. 1. Orand ball, Robbin's opera house, for the benefit of the Slavish Congregation. February 10 Grand ball by Patriotic Drum Corps, In Itobbhi8' opera bouse, A Iieimu'lutblo Cure. Mr. Alexander Moore, ti reliable bust ness mail, of 1230 S, J3tli gt Plilladel. phia. Pa., Pays! "I contracted i violent colli which settled all over me. The paiu in my chest and side was excruci ating. The doctor gave me medicine nnd blistered my side, but I only crew worse. Then you gave me a bottle of Brazilian Balm. I had little or no faith in it, but decided to try it. I took 3 or 4 good doses before beil time, aud rubbed it well over my blistered side. That night I slept like a top my first good rest for over a week and awoke in the morning cured, Brazilian Balm is sim ply invaluable." Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents. 9 J ? fs KM Store, Shenandoah, Pa- WmtitittrDffs drmih'GA GOOD M fwnehefferat -Hw prices we charge mwhere inwenca. -ZJ I'jid Purchnr.es of f35 or more will bo sent FREIGHT PREPAID to nnv railroad station In MAIPJF NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE IS LAND, CONNECTICUT. NEW YORK. PFHMRVI V&MIA o.rf NEW JERSEY. A BIOLOGY." CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD. EsrptUn Aitrologir. who hu Lctn croting roch - comma nio4 hod imcur eoaaaaniiau Aodnta Box 403, Phltadolohla. Pa. I tti4i. Hit woodtrftl pndlttlona a&d Xmt an lu4 ' ,IU-il. Wlilto nml lllm Mull VTnuonf, Terre Haute. Incl.. Jun. 23. Uncle Sam har decided to have Red, White and Blue mall wairons for use In th.e cities of the country. A carriage nnd Imgffy company here 1ms been awarded tt contract for 150 wagons to be de livered by July 1, These wagons are for 3llles In Ohio, Indiana. Michigan, Wis consin, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Mssourl. The running sear Is to be red, the main body blue, belt and panels white, as also the roof, and the screens red. Don.t let the little ones suffer from eczema, or other torturing skin diseases. No need for it. Doan's Ointment cures. Can't harm" the most delicate skin. At any drug store, 50 cents. Lauer's-g Pilsner Beer. Needs no recommendation. Put up in bottles for family use and delivered at your home. Lauer's Pilsner Draught Beer Is drank by the majority ot beer drinkers. They are good authority on which is best. Christ Schmidt, Agent and Dottier, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH - PA PROFESSIONAL CARDS JJ- M.I1UKKB, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Ofllco Eprun bulldlug, corner of Kfaln an Centre at recta, Shenandoah. pnOP. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, ' 'Lock Box U, Mariano? City, P. ITuvtnit atudled under some of the btt masters U' London and Paris, will giro leasoni on the vlolln.mandolln, guitar and vocal culture. rime rouiuuih Auureas in care os mroua inn inwBier rtnenaniinan. I A Handcoma Corrmlnvlnn J I In one of the greatest charms a woman can i,.)4SWB t'OZZOMl'a UOJIFLEIIOX I'OWDKB I tfveslt. Woful Laok of Educational Facili ties on tho Island. THE WORK OF RECONSTRUCTION, Doolnro Cnptitln (inrilnor, In nn Intor csttiiK Hi-port, MiihL Ho Ddiici ly Mem of l)Miitcrtrd Motives Jinny lllu Country l)l-tilut Without School. Wanhlneton, Jan. JJ. "If Porto Woo In to bcome a credit to the United States," says Captain Augustus P. Gardner, uwlstant adjutant general ot volunteers. In an Interesting report to Assistant Secretary of War Melkeljohn upon the educational and other affairs of the Island of Porto IUco. "and not a continual thorn In her side, It is as certain ns the rising of the sun that the work of teeonst ruction must be done by men of disinterested motives." In considering, says Captain Gardner. the various elements which go to make up the social system ot Porto Klco. the most worthy of a detailed examination Is the method of education. It Is on this branch that the fruits which It Is hoped may be gathered In the future must all ripen. uhnt purports to be a census of the Island Is taken every ten years, llut the only one ever published, appar ently, was that of 1S87. In this the population was given nt 806,803, of whom 111.S80, or 16 per cent, could neither Vead nor write. A comparison ot these figures with those of a so oallfd rectification of the census for 1888 reveals a cross blunder some where, as according to the returns for that year 2S8.20I, or over twice as many people as four years later, could neither read nor write. For the city of Ponce there Is an ex cellent census for the year 1897, welt compiled and to all appearances ac curate. According to that the city Jurisdiction covers a population of 49, 000. The uercentage who Could read nnd write was 29.37-100. Captain Gard ner believes this percentage Is very much too high. Captain Gnrdncr says It Is safe to estimate the number of schools In the island at GOO at the outside, of which less than 40 are private or religious schools. In the larger townships there Is one school to about every 1,000 In habitants. But education Is laid on a great deal thinner In many parts of the island, large country districts be ing without schools entirely, notwith standing a cumpulsory school attend ance law. As each township pays for Its own schools It Is Impossible to es timate the amount spent on educa tion annually In the Island. But the state's contribution amounts to about C.000 pesos per year, out of which Is supported certain Institutions. Summarizing the situation as a whole there exists on the Island a fairly good skeleton on which to con struct a school system. The difficulty arises from the scarcity of competent and reliable teachers. In the nature of things, for the present, but little progress can be made by American teachers sent to the Island. Their sphere of usefulness will not Includ- Porto IUco until such time as a knowl edge of the English language has be gun to permeate all classes. With regard to the religious ques tion Captain Gardner says It does not appear that the Inhabitants of the Island have ever taken their religion with any degree of seriousness, prob ably owing to the fact that the church Is regarded as one of the means by which Spain undertook to maintain her sovereignty over the Island and to pro vide for the maintenance of such of her clergy as could not be supported at home. Altogether the clerical es tablishment maintains about 210 priests and assistants, the sum total of whose salaries amounts to about 150,000 pesos annually. The salaries of all these priests, which have heretofore been paid by the state, have now been cut off, a state of affairs which seems to ha viewed with perfect equanimity by all except the priesthood itself. That the population of Porto Klco as a whole has serious grounds of com plaint on account of excessive taxation is not proved. But that this taxation was so distributed and administered as to seriously Interfere with the small. and especially with the native merch ants or planters, cannot be doubted. The total amount raised by national taxation has been of late years rather more than 4,500,000 pesos, a sum equal to a little over four and a half pesos per Inhabitants. To Americans, who are accustomed to a national taxation of some $7 per capita, the Porto Rlcan figures seem exceedingly small. Con trary to the belief which has been strenuously engendered the fact Is that out of this 4,500,000 pesos but 350.000 go directly to Spain In the form of pen sions. As In all governments, the ex penses ure largely for salaries, and the Indignation of the Porto Itlcans Is vast that these salaries are for the most part paid to citizens of Spanish birth. Concluding the report says: "The re organization of all these various ele-r pients In. the Porto rtlcan social sys tern Is an undertaking of enormous difficulty. If the best men are not put to this understanding, but the Island U allowed to become a political play thing, the Porto mean will be worse off than he was under Spain," Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, Tho best salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever sores, tAtt- ..,,! nl.tll.ltn. 1 .11 .1, n i.n,nHnn. Dn,l nn.1tlv.ln , 1 or 40 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price as cents per box. For salo by A. Wasley. M urdi't oils Mnv- 111 I'lltnton. Wllkesbarre, Pa Jan. 23. A number of Slavs were raising a disturbance In front of the residence of Peter Connell, In Plttston, last night, when he remon strated with them. A man In the party fired a shot from a revolver, which struck Connell near the heart. He died shortly after. No arrests have been made. How's ThUT We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any caae of Catarrh that can not be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J.C1IKNEY& CO., Props., Toledo, O. Wo the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney or the lost 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable la all business transactions and fin. anclally able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West Ic Tbaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Q, Waldinq, Kin.nan ii Mauvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Oho. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Price 73c per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. Throe' nrowni'il In WcmTvolp. Albany, N. Y.. Jan. 23. Three chil dren ot John and Susie Sliear were drowned In the reservlor at Ravenna yesterday. They had been playing on the Ice and broke through. Don't Trifle With Coughs and Colds, Take Pan-Tina (25c.) and be cured. At Qruhler Ilroa., drug store. TRSTJN0 CANN'fcO MGATS. ChomNt VVtl- lli-rlnri"! Thpy Contfllil No ( lii-mlonl I'tfwrvattviM. Washington. Jn. 13.--Chomlst Wiley, of the dt'partiiu nt of aarrir-uttursj. ha reported tn i 'i.iary Wilson that an examination f samrlffa of canned meats awcured both In the open market and from th war department to de termine the prwnrv of any ehemlrnl pretwrvatlves failed to disclose any traces of borax, boric aoM. sulphites, sulphurous Hdil. salicylic r bentolc achli. The presence of altptr ws confirmed In all the samples of carried bef. and o called luncheon beef, but no trace of It was duroverwd In the roaat beef. tlioiisTh common salt was present to a coniriilerable extent. Th teet whs made under an order of Sec retary Wilson, and U ram pi en were In spected. 11 purchased In the open mar ket and two obtained from Ui war de partment. The report nays: "The contents of the cans were In excellent preservation, and the surfaces of all tho cans were markedly concave, showing that no decomposition had benun. This also was Indicated hy the fart that when the cans were opened there was an ap preciable Influx ot air, while In the presence of even Incipient decomposi tion th surfaces of the cans are usu ally slightly convex, and, on opening, an outflow of air may always be no ticed. "Only a preliminary examlnatlon-has been made for lead and tin In the con tents of the cans). Th method em ployed was not sUlflclently delicate to reveal mere traces, but If these metal were present In a sufficient quantity for their exact estimation It would In dicate that fact. So far as can be de termined by chemical analysis the sam ples of meat examined were entirely appropriate for use as food." Proposed Moiiiiini'iir to Lnnufollon-. Washington. Jan. 23. The executive committee of the Longfellow National Memorial association, formed for the purpose of erecting a statue of the poet In Washington, has Issued an ap peal to the public for subscriptions to accomplish this purpose. The com mittee estimates that $38,000 will be needed to procure a statue worthy of the poet and the site. The smallest contributions will be welcomed. The Riggs National bank, of Washington, has consented to act as financial agent of the memorial association, and checki may be made payable to It. KlcnrncimCnnnl Illlt PiimocI tho Senate Warthlngton, Jan. 23. The senate on Saturdny. after weeks of weary debate and dilatory maneuvers on the part ol a few senators, passed the bill author izing the construction of the Nicaragua canal by the overwhelming vote of 45 to G. This vote Is regarded as Indi cative of the tremendous sentiment In the country In favor of the canalt A CHARnUD LIPC. In a railroad accident the other day a man sustained ten complete fractures of the bones of the limbs, three fractures of the pelvis, and a score of bruises, gashes and sprains, and yet lie is recovering. Men ana women sometimes withstand great physi cal violence, but suc cumb to the invisible germs of consumption so small that they can be seen only under a powerful microscope. The starting point of consumption is in the stomach, which, when deranged, makes bad blood because diges tion is not perfect, and in bad blood the mi crobes multiply and flourish. Sooner or later the lungs are at tacked, and in the weak spots the germs begin their deadly work of tearing down the tis sues. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery stops the encroachments of con sumption microbes. It builds up and fortifies the whole system by aiding the stomach in its many functions. It assists in the proper assimilation of food. This scientific remedy cures lingering coughs, bronchitis, bleeding at the lungs, and every other symptom that eventually leads to consumption. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. v., who makes this won derful medicine, gives free, fatherly ad vice to all who write him. M Last spring I was taken with severe pains In my chest, and was so weak I could hardlv walk about the house," says Mrs. G. K. Kerr, of Fort Dodge, Webster Co.. Iowa. "'I tried several physicians and they told me I had consumption, but that I might ' brush it over ' and perhaps live a good many years, I heard of Dr. Pierce's (lolden Medical Discovery and I thought I would trysomeof it Before I had taken the first buttle I was very much better: I took five bottles or it and have not yet had any return of the trouble. I have also taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion and Tleasant Pellets' with good results." When the bowels are obstinate, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They don't gripe. ) ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND 'Jain-Hik, THERE IS NO Mm n nc Dim no i ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN. KILLER WILL NOT RE LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE 1 BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. Dr.THEEL604KorthSixtbSt. GUARANTEES TO CURE after tha so-called crcateit, most celebrated and whattber claim. friifKBUTenisiDgaooors i&u. no mailer awn vinriB. nmn itv. B,rS .via Urtlopt(t oraam. utttrily tin ml y one la t h world ta care VARICOCELE without catting. Hook free Medical Initttutei, etc. VfsAueicur4 aiivuur. irtniacni uy maiL iaitaat reller., AWN'S TANSY PILLS A TfillD. TtCl AS ft iaTs WOMAN'S RELIEF. Alwavva rrnantind rttUbJav AimA lmu.btttami Oct Catos'iTibit 1'iixitnrl iavi iiqiiti.' At dmr atorfa. or not dlrtct (KtUdl. cries. 1L C4TO8ri9.Co BMttt.Uui. Uwlvek,4. For bIb ft! Klrlln'a drag ilornd dhoutmdo 4ru itoi riillions of Dollars Go up in irnoku' overy year. Taie no risks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, otc., insured In flret-claM re liable, companion as represented by DAVID FAUST, ' 120 Bouth JardlnSI Atao Life and Acwtdantal omrua&lss Tho Rosy Froshnoss Ai"i Telvety softness of the skin Is Inva riably obtained br there who use PozzoNt'a Complexion Powder. Mi III H FACE LOOKED LIKE RAW MEAT. Our lotiv's fare and nek wan all raw meat, and aonipilnna! awful t hok at. Tho way that i hi;, I miffrretl, mother aud rhlld never hi I ant rent day or nlpht at It constantly itchi il, ami tho Mood used to flowdvwn her cbwka. We had it" ixrf and the dispensary with no reaiitt. l u.niir Ci ri' i ba Itnofc VFAT, t'l th rat (intnM-nti, and CCTI'IBA fvr, the chilli mvi rntirtly htfthd. Mrs UAKNJ08S, IU Nassau Ave)., IJrookl'n. XotNtaa, t imw thai a wirm bca wttfc CffTlcvsA 9oir, aiKi aiBi. ia4ni!fte with Cincea. will tffjrd rn.Ufil rvttcfta the im-Mt dWfili of tstariar, bvralar. and tlr ittf.ttlit humors of the aha and erato, vita leu bl 'ulr. sad Bet ! thefts, tola fan Hi rear aalf eVd-lthrouftKMrtthewe'id P"TT!i fiuea inCn ik. ( r . 1'r.fM., hVMua- UewlaCateSHa7HeBwra.tr. Dr. Humphreys' Spcclllcs act directly upon the disease, without exciting dbsorder in other part of the ayatem. They Cure tho Sick, no. ct-ac. raints. I Petere, OongeaMloDe, InfUmntatloos. ,'2i U Worms. Worm fever. Worm Cotlc. .'25 3-Terllilnit.Cotfc.Crylng,vrakefnliiet .'23 JJ 4-Dlarrhra, of Children or Adults -13 7-Coiith. CoMs, Braocbllhi .33 H .Neuralgia, Toothacfae, Faweaacfee.. .. ,'2& -lleadRrlic.Sfcklleeuiarrie.Vettlo . ,'iS 1 1 Di'apctMla, Imtltnellou.WeakMotnach.'J 1 1 hupnreeaed or Painful I'rrloJe 23 lV!-Vhltre. Too Profuse lYrtols 23 13-Croiin, l.art nclllf. Uoarse&eM ..... .23 1 1-Holl ltlieum.Eryelprlas.Eniptlooi . .23 1ft tlliruniatlsrn. llhesimatto Patae .33 ln-.Matarla, Chltra, Fever and Ague .... ,23 lO-Catarrli, Influeuaa. Ootd In the Head .33 'JO Wliooplnj.loiigli 23 27-Hldnev IHaenara .23 U8-Nervona llrblllty 1.00 a-L'rl!iilry Weaknrea, Welting Bed... .23 77-Orlp. Hay Fever .25 Dr. Humphreys' SI anual of all Diseases at your Druagists or Mailed Free. Sold bydruffRiAia. or sent on receipt of price. Ilumphreye' Med. Co Cor. William & John 81a KewVoTk. COCOA PURE ! HEALTHFUL !! jjQennsylvania ll RAILROAD. 8UI1 UY KILL DIVISION. .Unitary 10, 18W. Trains will leave Hhetiandoah after tna imu date for WlRirau, Otlbertuu, Fraokville, Dark Water. HI. Ulalr, l'oltsvllle. Hamburg, Headlne, Pottstown, Phoeulivflle. rturrlatown and Phil ae'elphla (Ur'Jid street station) at S IS and S 15 a. m., 2 10, 6 la p m. ou week days. Hundaya, 8 la a. m., a 80 p. m. Trains leave Frackvtlle for Bhenandoah as 7 36, 11 46 a. m. And 5 43, 7 M p. m. Sunday 11 01 a. m. and 5 46 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah (via Frack vllle) 7 10, 11 33 a. ra., S SO, 7 10 p. m. Sunday 10 S3 a. m.. S3) p. in. Iave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), lot Shestandoah at S&la. ru.. 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 SO and 9 3 a.m. Leave Ilroad Street Station. Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. Express. week-da ya. 8 20, 4 Co, 4 50 6 05,8 15,8 50. 733, 8 20,9 50, '10 21 11 00 a. m. 12C0 noon, 1183 (Limited ! 03 and l 22 p.m.) 140,80,820, 350,402,500, '5M S 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p.m., 1201, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 OS. 1 50. 5 OS, S 15, 8 20,9 59. 10 21. 10 43 a. m., '12 03, 12 83, 1 80, 102. (Limited "t 22,) 5 20 ,S5, 6 35, 7 02. 7 80, 1000 p. ru., 1201 night Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a n., week-days, and 7 50 p. ra., dally. For Sea Girt. Aabury Park, Ocean C'rur. Long Branch, 8 20, 11 11 a tu, 8 80, 4 02 p n weekdays. For Lamberivllle, Kaston and Scranton, 6 60. 9 CO a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 5 00 ( Lambert vllle and Kaston only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally. Buffalo, 9 00 a ra, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 Ol p in dally. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTIT For Baltimore and Washington. 8 50,730,883, 1020. 11 23, a. m., 1209, 1231 ! K, 3 12 I , (525 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 655, t 8 p. m., and 12 05 night week days. .Sunday, 8 50, 7 20,912, 1123, a. m., 1209, ! 12. 312, 4 41. (520 Congressional Limited,) 6 55 731 P. na. and 1205 night. For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 11 a ra, 1 81 and 4 01pm week days. 5 OH and 11 16 p m dally Atlantlo Coast Line, Plorld.1 Special, 2 20prr weekdays. Express 12 09 p in, and 1205 nlgti daily. Southern Railway, Florida Limited, 3 26 p tc , weekdays. Express 6 55 p m, daily. Chesapeake Si Ohio Hallway, 731 pro, dally For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 2 a ra weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leave Market street wharf as follows i Ex press for New York, 900am, 4 30pm week days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 80 a m weekdays. For Island Heights, 8 30 a m and 4 00 p m weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 05 p. fa. Sundays, 9 20 a. m., 7 05 p. m. ' Leave Market Street Warf Express, 900am, 2 00,4 00,5 00 p in. Sundays, 900, 1000 A m (accommodation 4 SO and 5 00pm, For Cape May, Sea Isle City, Oosaq City, Avalon Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wlldwrod and Holly Beach Express, too a m, 41m, f to weekdays. Sundays. 9 00 a m. For Somers Point Express, 9 00 a. nt., 300, 4 00. 5 00. D. m. week dava. BundAYA. Q 00 and 1000 a. m. The Union Transfer Comnanr will call far and check baggage from hotels and residences. iiining car. I. B. Hdtcuiksox, J, R. Wood Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Paaa'f Art News and Opinions OP National Importance THE - SU ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday ,by mail,$8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Suuday newspape in the world. Price 5c a copy. Bj mall, $2 a yea Address THE 8DN, Hew Yorkt Iftucv mv i ev ail fl A-massiaaj y-1 Utiaaaw. Wikca Spccirio CoHttauiv Fox ti Povlnsky's ing gtorc, Osnlxs atr4.