floral Cream For Chapped I lands For Rough Skin. 20 cts Per Bottle. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, S South Main Street, Shenandoah, Fa, Telephone Connection. Sacrif i ce Sale Of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. Our store it overstocked t is alto our storage plwe at the depot. For the next 30 days we will sacrifice them at almot your own price. Tile "True- Fortune" heater, for many jears sold by Wm. Fratt, of town, and who has furnished many a resident with the same, is included in our stock. Also the "New Broadway" range, the "Broadway Fortune," "Family Fortune" and "Liberty." FURNITURE. DO NOT FOKOE'I US WHEN BUYING. DAVISON'S Department Stores, Nos 11 9-121 -123 North Alain St. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer and Porter. - -, - Also agent for the Famous LORENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively Ales. A full line of the finest brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, &c. All orders left at Solomon Haak's, 1 fl A 7 ..... 1. C . . 1 1 U JUUltl ilMllll OlICCL, , rfT ,. . .,rtntf rnerrjl' Will receive prorjyaiy -nt DUCED - PRICES PREVAIL AT OUR STORE. Groceries and Dry Goods. Philip -Yarowsky, 213 WEaT CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH, PA SHOE BARGAINS. Men's Felt Boots with leather tops, worth $2.25. We are closing them out at $1.60. Boys' Fine Felt Boots worth $1.90, are going at $,30, 300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes, actually worth $1.25, can be had for 85 CTS. Men's $3 Winter Russets, are selling at $2.15. All our winter lootwear is going at 50 percent, below regular prinegJ BOSTON i 1 27 South Main Street, Shenandoah, I. SPON1, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Pa. BEST L.INE OF" GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY and BTKAW. Floor and Table 011 Cloths. E. B. Foley, aT-WCee'ntr. St. i 1 PITHY POINTS. "ripening ThrotiKliout the Omililrjf OliuHllMml for Hum I'nniiml. falmiio.v City It imiipulim fur a hi .lemon siration on Waahlnutnn's Hlrtlidiiy. Tim V A K. employes at Mslmnoy City will be paid tn-mnrr.,w ami thorn at Hi. Nirhnlas 011 Tin liy l'ottsvlllr clti. im nimt tho n iu lit irlioohi reopeneri. After KilitiiiK nrii moods, 111 wlilch Iniiiors wre nearly-won, the mutest !H ween Joseph Edwards, of Kliainokin, 11 ml Ho VindllRor, of Wiinhury. was declared a draw atSutibury Monday niglit llurgtam ontered a house at Ntntirli riiunk after wedding presents, but were folhil. l'eter Ferry, rmlding at OrwiabnrK and employed on the main line of the Lehigh Valley mail between Maiieh Chunk and Jersey City, was instantly killed yesterday mom I ii at thi latter place llev. J. T. Swindells, pastor of the Metho dist Kplecoil church, will preaeh a sermon to the Sam of Veterans on Sunday even I g, Febmary U Pensions have been granted to Schuylkill count Inns as follows : .Andrew Smith, Putts fill, $0, and William Booth, Taniaqna, in crnase from $9 to $11. The new one dollar bills are in circulation. The Secretary of the Board of J'ualth.Julin Cnrtin, is praiwriHg his nntiuat report to bv paetentMl at an early meeting of the Hoard. (liiBluw Slrunk, agent for the Reading Brewing Co. at Ashland, died 011 Wednesday evening. . Theatrical companies are giving Shenan doah the marble heart. Ground hog day occurs on February 2nd. So far t!io ice harvest was a good one. Counterfeit silver coins are again In cir culation in this county, says an exchange. The new Home for the Friendless, in Lycoming county, was last night dedicate!. By the Imrstiug of a steam pipe at Williams port, Charles Schailc and Henry Furies wort frightfully scalded. Bluier I)rn, n llethlchsm Im-yider, beat off a negro fontp id who uttcmp'cd in sandbag blmon a 1 h I struct in that town. Tho Ilethleliem Hoard of TiuUo is consider ing seven propositions from backers of lien Industrie ileeiring to locate 111 that The Btlending doctors have ttnuer'that Silk Manufacturer Mux Wolff, of New Y. rk, shot at' Allentown by Morris C. Zluderstt in, may recover i burglar In the house of mllionalre W L Ccnyngham. at Wilkesbarre, drew a luvolver w lien surprised by the appearance of ti ier V11 ut girl, and heat a retreat will, little bo.ty. lU'V Solomon E. Oohseuford. of Seiiugs- Rrove, Has yesterday elected piofessor of English Laugungo and Litcrat ire and Mcutal and Social Sciences at Muhlenburg College, Allen town. Of thirteen bids for placing boating and ventilating apparatus in the new Federal Bulldiug at I'ottsville, that of Uaylord & Eitapcne, of Binghamptou, N. Y., of $2200 was the lowest. An open safety pin, forced into tho mouth of a 10-wccks-old child of Birnet Wertz, of Muncy, by the infant's little rNter, is likely to cause its death. Brakcurm William Kennell, of Mauch Chunk, fell from a freight traiu into the Lehigh ciinul, at Bethlehem, mid, though fished out, will probably die from his Injuries, teZTfor ot,. ci uio Glow for NEUHALGIA and elm, V 0. mpMnt QEBMAH MEDIOAf LAWS,, prescnoea try eminent pdyEtclansr. OR. RICHTER'S 1 1 EH WCirlU ronnwilPd I Ilninnrlfnlilv Rtir-PCHlni EaOnlr (;,.nuln lih Trade Mark " Anchor.' F. Ail. lllchter A Co., 215 1'earISt., Acw York 31 HIGHEST AlffARiDS. 13 Branch Honses. Own Glassworks. MiiSOcu. Ladoracd & rccouiucudca ti A. Wasley, 106 If. Main St..- C. H. Hagenbuch. 103 N. Main St. r.F.D.Klrlln, 6 S.Mai DR. RICHTCR'S "ANCHOR" STOiHACHAT, bent for poll'. iiVHpcnHlagMtoninrli Oomiiliilnm. Trio '.er'rrre sm're npeq .o...axfunwivix coupoN.a This cniinon Is uood Cut out this Coii- for one sheet of music by making a purchase, renrdles ot amount, pen and receive a sheet of music FREE OF CHARGE. at Brurara's Jewelry-Store. dibititbili(liuiili)LAU(0iUi)tiuyliUiu4iilitbuiuVUiil Home-bred Canaries For breeding purposes. All good singers. They are far better than the unacclaraated imported birds from Germany. JAPANESE GOLD FJSH and globei. AH kinds of pigeons. Vie also sell miners' supplies anil drilling machines. AVID HOPKINS, 105 East Centre street, Phenandoah, Pa. Coming Horse Sale ! Uur hrst carload will arrive next week. Our former repu tation in selling horses o merit and good value will be sustained. We will conduct sales regularly. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR DAY OF ARRIVAL AND DAY OF SALE. II 1 nesmstw 1 WM. NEISWENTER. Aprs cure' better known na Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, has made a record for its runmrkable euros of astlima. Casos that havo boon considered beyond hopo or help liavo been cured by this romody. We give two oxamples of such euros out of tho many on record: "My mother has boon a great snlTerer from asthma for the past ton years, and her recovery is almost withovt a parallel. On account of her advanced age over seventy we had but little hopes of over seeing her well again ; but we aro sincerely grateful to inform you that she has been entirely cured by the nse of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. INGLIS BANKS, Tar Brook, N.3. "I was a sufferer for a long time from asthma, vainly endeavoring to procure relief In the use of ordinary remedies. At length I was induced to try a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The first bottle afforded me so much benefit that I continued the use of the remedy until entirely cured." JOSEPU KLONZ, Charlotte, N.C. put up in half-size bottles, 60 cents. Full-size bottle. $1.00. DEPEWS $200100 FEE. Inside Tarts About lllo New Senator unit Many Other Oniut Things. While the Senatorial struggle H on at llarrlsburg it may bo interesting to take u look at our sister state's newly chosen representative in tho uppor houso of Con gress. Senator Chauncoy M. Depow is a man of surprises. Next Sunday's Press will toll you some extremely readable things about him. His biggest fee was $200,000. There will bo a dozen and oue things worth looking for in next Sunday's Press, Something about Mrs. Borer's latest experiment in cooking sbo is trying to keep a model Workingman's house on $18 a wcok; how to read character by the nose : all aliuiit a place where canary birds are taught to slug by machine j "Karl's" pcu picture of life as it looks to the mess enger boy ; Anno Klttenhouso's famous fash ion letter, the most authoritative and bright est published ; Frank G. Carpenter on chances of money-making 1u tho Argentino ; M. Quad's latest and best funny things, and another installment of that very funny History of Spain by Charles M. Snyder, which is the literary laugh of tho year. Bo sure to get next Sunday's Press. l'OI.ITICAr. POINTS. Candidates for borough oillccs may with draw beforo February 0th. Tho Dick Crocker of tho Fifth ward went up against tho real thing yesterday. Tho indications aro that l'eter ltellly will be nominated for High Cjnstable. Tho pres ent incumbent, Edward Dcvers, who was a candidate for rc-electiou, did not elect a single conferee. Councilman I'nglort's and Murphy's Demo cratic constituents aro evidently well pleased with their records. There's Just What You Want. . Pan-Tina (25c.) for coughs and colds. Gruhler Bros., drug store, At Marriages, Cards are out announcing tho wedding of Timothy Brosnahan, of Schuylkill Haven, and Miss Mary Cailey, a promiucnt milliner of Mahanoy City, on February 8th. The wedding of Itobert Filer, a woll kuown young man of Mahanoy City, ani Miss Annie E. Moyer, of Frackvlllc, is an nounced. The event will tako place on the 21th Inst. Lewis Myers and Mis3 Llzzlo Schlro were. married yesterday, Tho nuptial High'101-' p was ccJebmVd-iitB'-Eflirt- auufftiat mass "the ! -. -.. ut. idelius church by tho ov. Deltrich, at Mahanoy City. Miss Annie Milllkeu, of Pottsvillo, and J. 1. Cullcuiu, of Pittsburg, will be married next week. Lewis Iluntzlnger and Miss Ella May Snyder, both of Mahanoy City, were married last evening iu the iteforraeu church. August Escher and Miss Annie Greler, two popular young people of Pottsvillo, wcro mairicd last evening, at tho latter place. Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup will posi tively euro croup. Many a homo has been made desolate by the loss ot a dear child which could havo been saved by this great remedy. Deeds Recorded. Tho following deeds were filed for record : Herold P. Newlln, trustee, et al. to George Marchin, premises in St. Clair; Patrick Burke and wife to John Kulb, premises iu St. Clair j oxecutors of Charleraagno Tower to J. N. Kaufman, premises in Tower City; Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company to Johu G. Scbad, promises in Tamaqua. The Right Name In the Right Place. Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 25c. At Gruhler Bros., drug store. Letters Granted, Letters of administration were granted to Kato Krommes on the estate of Lawrence G, Krommes. late of Crossona, deceased. LetterB testamentary wero granted to Katharine Dougherty on the estate of Thomas Dougherty, late of Reilly township, deceased. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup Is unequalled for bronchitis, loss of voice, hoarseness, and other throat and lung affections. It cures more quickly than any other medicine. C'liuriiKeiiiis Aniiiinla. In North Ainrrioa one of tho largest of tho weuuel finally Is tho "fisher, n very large, lone furred polecat, living mainly by tho wntersldo, mid. like many others of the tribe, very pnrtinl to fish It weighs about 10 pounds, nnd its long, richly ool ored fur Is exported In great qunntitlos to different pur Wot Kurope, though uotolton used In this country A trapped "llshor1 will uttnok any one who comes within reach of tiio trim ahiiln, nnd when freo will bent oft any doe of twloo Its size. But perhupti the most striking exumplo of the courage of tho sinnllor species yet recorded la that Hhown by a small variety of jungle oat known ns the lulling oat, which though 110 relation to the Cunadlan "fish er," In qultu as courageous. One of these. whloh wrh kept In a menngurle, broke through Into tho next oago, and there at tasked nnd killed n leopard which wiu three times IU own size Tho Indian mongoose noss&uicg all tho courage of the iHilecat. together with ami ability and a "reuulauid" mind. It turns its pluck and prowess to good ends, and wo imagine It to stnml at tho head of the list of the siraller 1111I11 aU If quality us well as quantity if Iriimnilut t a mark of Intrepidity. Th.ro Is 110 doubt that tho inongooio realizes tho deadly nnturo of tho oobra'g blta. Its intense uxolteuiont is strong ovtdsnco of this. But 11 mongoose has been known to light just as bravely against other foes. Ono was seen to at taok anddrlvooff a large greyhound which It fn noted was hostile to It. apoctutor, TUB 'WtCATItltil, The forecast for Saturday: Fair to partly c loudy weather, with slightly higher temper pcratnro and fresh southwusterl winds, fol lowed by light snow near the lakes. COURT HOUSE NEWS. .Jurors Discharged iiml Civil Court Ahont Hnileil Tho trial of cases ill civil court has closed. All Jurors, with tho exception of one panel to sit iu a caie to-day, were discharged yes terday aftcriiuou. In tho case of Wm. 1). Snyder vs. John Warner, both of town, the Jury rendered a verdict forthoplalntlir for$105.02. This was an action to recover on a dlfTcronro in pay ment for a license certificate. In 1897 Snyder loaned Paul Wowassls $100 to lift his license against which remonstranco was filed, but was granted and lifted by Wowassls. Tho latter then sold out to Wasscr, and ho refused to pay tho clslm. In the aso of Bridget t.lilihons by her next friend, John Gibbons, vs. the School District of Ca township, tho jury found for the plaintiff for f 1S.10. This was an action to recover for eight mouths' salary at $1)5 per month, the plaintiff having been engaged as a substitute teacher. The Jury allowed pay only for tho actual number of days taught. Tho cane of J. 8. IlcUf vs. ihe Columbia Brewing Company is being hotly contested with O. A. Snydor and Mr. Vou'ght, of Mt. Cnrmol, fur tho prosecution, and Messrs. Whalen and Ilurke for tho company. It was a feigned issue to detoiinlno tho ownership of a pair of fast trotting horses, which were levied upon as tho property of Gcorgo Itcifl' of Mt. Cnrmol, but whloh aro claimed by lib brother, the prosecutor. Tho caso of F. W. Hanold vs. the Auburu Brick Works, tried some time ago in tin. local courts, has been appealed to tho Superior Court. It was an action to recover for coal furnished, the plaintiff having been awarded 8 verdict for $213.30. Amotion tor a new trial was made, but was ovorrulod. The defendants havo now taken an appeal to the Superior Court. Tho prosont registration of voters shows a decrease of 132 over that of tho previous year. At present there are 40,015 registered voters in the county. District Attorney Bcchtol and ills deputies aro engaged in closing up tho records of criminal casos to the present lime. Soon They'll Marry. Marriage licenses were issued to tho follow ing : John Losdowsky and Mary Wychaluua, both of Shenandoah ; Wash Fish and Annie Katobsar, both of Buck Mountain ; Michael Mclefsky'and Mary Moluskes, both of Shcu audoah; Patrick McDovitt and Bridget A. O'Neill, both of Shenandoah ; Pawel Ty'.euda nnd Mariaua Tylonda, both of Shenandoah ; Patrick J. Birmingham and Mary A. Fallon, both of Shenandoah. JUIlton's Unrlvulleil Tribute to Woman. When Milton wrote those words which stand unrivalled as a tribute to woman i "Graco was in all liQr steps, heaven iu her eyes; 111 all her gestures dignity and love," ho did not have in mind a weak, nervous, sickly, nerve-exhausted and pain-racked woman suffering from female complaints, but one iu tho glow of perfect hoalth ami strength. To bo a perfect wifo or mother every woman should first of all see that she is iu good health. This is certainly not diffi cult at tho present day, when such an emi nent specialist iu the treatment of female diseases as Dr Grccuo, of 35 West 14th St., New York City, who undoubtedly has tho largest practico and tho greatest success in curing all forms of female weakness and dis eases, can bo consulted free" and his advice and counsel obtained by any woman abso lutely without charge, either by calling or writing about her caso. From his enormous experience he knows just how to cure your complaints, just how to adviso you, and he uses only harmless vegetable medicines which are wonderful In soothing, healing, strength ening and invi(;orating the female Bystem. One of his grand discoveries, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood nnd nervo remedy, is known and Used all over tho world, and he has dis covered many other medicines no less mar velous In tlielr curative effects. No woman afflicted with female troubles or who is out of health in any way, should hesitate to write about her caso to Dr. Greene, and she will get, free of charge, information and ad vice which ia almost sure to lead to her com plete restoration to health. Jr .... UUiaicd UIB IP : 1 i6 ij cut 'grocer' for tho "Royal Patent flour, and take uo other brand. It is tho best rtonr made . PERSONAL MENTION. Christ. Foltz was tho guost of his friend at Mahanoy City last evening. lady Misses Whalen returned to their.home in Pottsvillo to-day, after a pleasant visit hero among friends, Miss Mary Roberts, of North Whlto street, is sufiering from la grippe. Mrs. John Spence and son, Frank, of Allentown, aro visiting relatives In town. Ex-Doputy Sheriff Edward Roberts, of Philadelphia, was a visitor to town to-day. G. W. Kcltcr, of Bloomsburg, was In town yesterday In tho Interests of his grocery aud feed buslnoss. Tlieodoro Carl was a spectator at tho Irene Meyers Company performance at Mahanoy City lasteveniug. Mrs. Clark and her daughter, Mrs. William J. Carter, and two children, all of Pottsvillo, were tho guests of Mrs, J. J. Conry, on East Lloyd street. Miss Maud Womer, daughter or William Womer, of town, has returned to tho I'otts ville hospital for treatment of,a throat atlllc tlon. John Rulllng, of Mluersville, visited friends in town to-day. Rev. H. W. Koehler has returned home from a few day's visit at Princeton, N J Annual Sales overs, OOO, O0O Boxes FOE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DIEOKDEES such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Glddlne33. Fulness after meals, Head ache, Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings of Ueat, Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on tho Skin, Odd Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful DroamB and nil Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST D03E WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer Will acknowlodgo them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IIKF.CIIAM'H PILLS, taken as direct ed, w'lqulokly restoro Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys tem nnd euro hick Henduclio. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills are Without a Rival And hfcve the LAFICEST SALE Of acy Patent Jlcillclno In the World, 25c. at all Drue Stores. Jjlt. A O. MOUOAN, Oir rmiAPELPiilA. Temporarily assisting I)r J.S Callen.31 South Jardiu street, will havo office hours daily, oxecptHundjy, from 8 to On, in. and a to 1 p. in. Dr. Cullun's olllce hour being from 1:30 to d-M p.m. and 6:30 to 8.00 p. in. dally, except Thurs- uay evening and aunuaya. "STARTED WITH A C0LD.M Bo lays One of the Greatest of American Physicians and he Proves what he says. "It is surprising what mistakes even somo of the best people in tho world make." Tho speaker was ono of the greatest doctors the world has ever known, and ho reside In New York. "Tako for example ono of tho most com mon things In tho world, namely, a cold. People speak of 'taking cold,' there Is really no such thing. "A cold is a symptom an effect, not a oauso. Did you over k'now an absolutely well nnd healthy person who look coldf I nover have, even under tho greatest ex. positre. Yes, indeed, a cold is a symptom, not a eauso," The gentlemen and ladies to whom tho doctor was speaking exchanged looks of astoujshment hut they did not dispute the words of the learucd doctor. "You may bo surprlsod," lie continued, "when I tell you that nlnp-tcnths of all colds occur because those groat organs of tho body, tho kidneys, aro out of order. "Moro men and women nre troubled with imporfect kidnoys than with any other known form of dlscaso. Tho unfortimato thing about it is that they do not know that this is their trouble. "Why? Because all difficulties, deiangc meats and diseases of the kidneys which come to both men and women nre usually without any pain : in fact, without any systems whatever, and this proves just what I said at first, namely, that "a cold is a symptom'." There was a look of amazement upon the faros of his hearers. "Indeed," continued the doctor, most deliberately and earnestly, "I assert that the grip, which lias been so disastrous, which has brought so much trouble into tho world. Would never havo had Its run If the kidneys of thoso who had suffered from It had been in perfect condition. These great organs, if iinclngiicd, would have thrown tho disease from the system so that tho grip would have been unknown.." "Now there is but ono great discovery for the prevention and cure of all kidney diffi culties that grand remedy, Warner's Safe Ciire. No class of people know or realize this belter than tho medical profession, and no class is moro ready to acknowledge it." "Now theru Is but ouo great discovery for the prevention and cure of all kidney diffi cultiesthat grand romedy, Warner's Safe Cure. No class of people kuow or realize this better than the medical profession, and uo class is more ready to acknowledge it " "Tako my word, anyone who is careful upon tho first approach of a cold or grip and goes right to the seat of all colds the kid neys will not suffer long from a cold; will not be oppressed by the grip and need havo no fear f pneumonia, because tho kidneys, uncloggcd,wlll open up tho system and throw tbogenns of disease out of the body. You can depend upon this." New Groceries. Flour, (food brand, from 81 90 a hundred upward. Fresh butter at SO cents per pound. Fresh eggs ohvftja on bond. Canned Goods. SIMON LEVIN, CraTcentreSts. Iiohblns' Building, MISCELLANEOUS. POU SALE OH RENT. On account of re moval, I have for sale a brick building, centrally located, heated by steam, gas through out nnd up-to-date in every respect. 2,000 down and halanco on time. No reasonable offer refused, For full particulars apply on premises or to W. Cyzewsk y, 23 East Centre St. 1-20-tf FOIt SALU.-Oheopi good howling alley. W- O. Clifford, 118 Mahnnt.ngo street, I'ottsville, Pa. 1-20-21 POU KENT. Store room and dwelling, suita ble for butcher, barber, etc.! centrally located and rent reasonable. Apply to E. O. Brobst, grocer, cor. Jardiu and Centre streets, tf A BARGAIN in Shenandoah, East Centre real cstute. Easy terms of payment, monthly, qumtcrly or semiannually, $1,000 in cash down. Old hotol or restaurant stand, Bmall stnu- or dwelling. Secuilty Building and Saving U .lion, Sctnnton, Pa 12-9-20t-eod IjlOU S.M.K. A square back driving' sleigh, ? curriago, road wagon, truck wagon, har ness, robes and hlnnkets. A gootl opportunity for any buyer. Apply to Jesse Davis 31 South White htreet. 1-13-tt TOOK IEFA'T. toreroomnnd dwelling. No. IB JJ South Muin street, now occupied by Mraf obsession riven iimuuuinTely. ,c.,-TUvTnodern co conveniences. Apply to Frnnfc Schmidt, 110 North Main St. Ml-2w-eow WANTED A bright and ncttve, young mnn of gentlemanly appearance and manners to do local canvassing. $50 a week can bo mado. Address letter to It, Herald oluce. 1-7-tf JOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap- lily to S. Q. M. Uolloneter. attorney. Shenandoah. 8-31 tt Our Meats TEflPTINfl FRESH, . Are piticns TENDER, The PREVAIL. JUICY. Best. BELL'S, 19 1 1 STREET DID YOU HEAR About the Big Sacrifice Sale at Goldin's Maminotli Clothing House ? Well, if You Didn't You Are the One Who is a Loser. Crowds of customers ev-ery day and everybody pleased, and why? Because we are almost giving away our Suits and Overcoats. Just consider, we are giving during our 30-day sale $10.00 and $12.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats at the ridiculously low price of $3.50. Don't forget they have been sold before for three times what we now charge, Children's syits, did you ever hear of such bargains. Suits worth $3.50 and $5.00 for Qnly $1,50. Look in our windows. One window contains nothing but Children's Suits and the other Men's Suits and Overcoats. 'We have $6,oooor $7,000. worth of these Suits and Ovorcoats left, so buy now and save money. Mammoth Clothing House, esL. GOLDIN, Proprietor. P. S " Remember this is not an ass'g"ee f humbug sale. We must have room and " have selected out the balance of our fall and winter guits and Overcoats and we must get them off our hands. Don't be fooled by humbug .sales, but look over our stock and convince yourself that we mean business. CONWAY'S FAflOUS 5 and 10 102 N. Main St., GREAT GUT SALE I This is the time to buy. one-hnlf its regular price Large Tin Cuspidors, worth ioc, our price Ge. Large Tin Buckets, worth 15c, our price foe. Large Tin Wash Basins, worth 10c, our price 5c. Large Glass Dishes, were ioc, now 7c each. Lemon Graters, were 5c, now 3c. Large Earthen Pie Plates, were 10c, now 6c. Pudding Pans, were 5c, now 3c Spooial For Friday On1y--i7 qt IJish Pa' worth 25 w our price 10 cents. SDOcial For Saturday Only Galvanized Buckets, worth cents, our price 10 cents. Table Oil Cloth, worth 10c per yard, our price rc. COME ONE! COME ALL! This Is the trade mark of tho short lino to Florida the Southern Hallway. Two daily trains aro operated all tho year, and during tho winter season, a third, the Florida Limited, is added. If you are going to Florida or anywhere olso in the South, ask for a ticket via tho Southern Railway. Write to John M. Beall, District Passengor Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A Remarkable Cure. Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable busi ness man, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel phia, Pa., says: "I contracted a violent cold which settled nll over me. The pain ill my chest nnd side was excruci ating. The doctor gave me medicine and blistered my side, but I only grew worse. Then you gave me n bottle of Brazilian Balm. I had little or uo faith iu it, but decided to try it. I took 3 or 4 good doses before bed time, and rubbed it well over my blistered side. That night I slept like a top my first good rest for over a week and awoke in the morning cured. Brazilian Balm is sim ply invaluable." Shenandoah drug store, wholcsalo agents. Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that tho name Lessio & Baeb, Ashland, Pa., is printed on nverr sack. Political Cards. port WAKD CONSTABLE, THOMAS TOSH, Ok the Third Waro. Subject to Citizens rules. ;OR COUNCIL. Beconp Ward JOHN P. B0EHM, Subject to Citizens party rules. FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR, ' S: rtiwn WAnn, .r'" -------- -- -, Subject to Citizens party rules. Tjiort man constable, MORGAN HOPKINS, Of Tuk Fourth Ward. Subject to Itepub'lcau rules. pOK llOnOUOU AUD1TOK, M. G. WORM, Op the Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic rules. port man constable, MICHAEL CUFF, Of the FouRTn Warii Subject to Democratic rules. port man constable, JOHN M'GUIRE, Of the Fourth Warii. Subject to Detnociatlo rules. port wait CONSTABLE. FENTEN C00NEY, - Cv the Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic rules. CENT STORE, Shenandoah, Pa. GREAT GUT SAIiEl Everything ut to Color Blind. Color blindness isn't a serious af. flictlon, but is one that never can be remedied. Many more serious ejt defects can be corrected by the appli cation of proper glasses som jtlmei they have to be worn continually but many abnormal conditions of the eyes may he obviated by wearing glas-e: for a short time only if taken in timi Thos. Buchanan, 118 S. Mairr Street EVAN J. DAVIES! Livery and Undertaking, Nn1,lNnrth Jardiu St Renovated, Refurnished, Re-established. Lakeside Hotel ! B. J. YOST, Prop. This popular hostelry is now open ior the entertainment of sleighing nnd skating attics. Dancing pavillion always heated. Excellent skating on the lakes, aud supper served to parties on short notice. e- We do Shampooing at Jonr Homo. Special Attention Given to Ladies. A Postal Card Will Bring Us. W. G". Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors, Ferguson House Ulork. ivluniivlvliuidiitvlilvliitvlunlivliliuVuanlidnliil Shenandoah Ice Company, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Pure Spring Water loo. Contracts for Bummer and winter fillings. Call on or address HART, DADD0 iV & CO., 25 K. Jardln SI